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So, this is a spin off from the TMC clips thread.

For those who don't know the context, the handwavy abridged version is that some people started talking about feeling a bit guilty about their fetish, then one person came in with some pseudo-psychological babble, which I argued against, and then things derailed a bit, so now in an attempt to divert the chaos I'm making this thread.

Essentially the goal of the thread is merely to ponder and discuss the following two questions:
1. What do you think caused you to develop your fetish?
2. What are your theories on the origins of fetishes in general?

- Bonus points* for discussing your progression into the fetish.
- This is technically /inf/, so ideally you should focus on inflation, blueberry, or the three Bs: breast expansion, belly expansion, buttocks expansion. (The latter includes hips for argument's sake.)
- Other fetishes are fine too if they are in addition to the above fetishes.

* Fake internet points are in fact worthless and cannot be redeemed for anything of value. Terms and conditions apply.
One cartoon and a girl I had a crush looong ago on re enacting said cartoon.
Exposition that gets stuck in the brain so it'll resurface.
I don't watch porn, and I have never watched WW&tCF and I don't intend to.
Breast expansion is close nonwithstanding the fact that it's meat.
Image boards are perfect for speaking your mind precisely thanks to the absence of browny points.
Explain.. what was the scene. What's the context or reason why she did it. ( Like was she fucking with you)
>>44940 (OP)
Aight, so I was hit with a combo of the '05 wonka movie, that one spy kids 2 scene, and the ben 10 underwraps scene, as a kid. So I think those 3 gave me the inflation kink, and later down the line i got into wg and ss/bbw. I think that most fetishes are basically boiled down to the sub/dom relationship: someone taking and someone giving.
You didn't even state what your actual fetish is.

>One cartoon and a girl I had a crush looong ago on re enacting said cartoon.
I am also intrigued to hear the full tale...

>I don't watch porn
Then how did you end up on this board?

>I have never watched WW&tCF and I don't intend to.
Now I am wondering why...

>Image boards are perfect for speaking your mind precisely thanks to the absence of browny points.
I concur. "An elegant medium for a more civilised age."

Thank you for your participation by the way, though your comment provides more questions than answers...
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>>44940 (OP)
Your curiosity is admirable; however, I have the suspicion your time and effort are squandered on this thread as I do not see much discussion to be had.

Speaking from my personal experience across numerous servers/boards/sites, the overwhelming majority of individuals afflicted with this fetish are, for lack of a better term, simple minded. (See attached.) I am no psychologist but I have surmised in my time that the fetish is not very complex and that its origins can usually be traced back to one's developmental years.

Seeing as how you seem like a nice person and are fairly well spoken in addition, I feel as though its my moral obligation to suggest that intellectual discourse on this subject in particular is most likely better attempted elsewhere. Cheers.
>that one spy kids 2 scene, and the ben 10 underwraps scene
I had completely forgotten about these.

>I think that most fetishes are basically boiled down to the sub/dom relationship: someone taking and someone giving.
I'm inclined to disagree, so I'm interested to know why you believe this to be the case.

>I have the suspicion your time and effort are squandered on this thread as I do not see much discussion to be had.
Well that's one way to kill the mood...

>most likely better attempted elsewhere
Well, certainly not on Twitter or any of those cess pits.
I wonder if 4chan has a suitable board...

Nay. I shall take the gamble. If this board is capable of civilised conversation then it shall be had!
Initially I was just into really big tits, but while searching for more content I discovered breast expansion, which showed even bigger than what I could normally find by typing "Girls with big boobs" on google images or whatever crap I used to do. From there I got into the other types of expansion, but I think breast expansion is my favorite still.
I remember the first scene to get a reaction out of me as a kid was when Alice outgrew the cottage after eating a cookie; even if I don’t really like giantess stuff now, it probably helped to expand my fascination with characters getting big in some way.

I grew up with Chocolate Factory 2005 and the blueberry scene always made me feel funny. (Laugh.) Miscellaneous inflation scenes in cartoons and being exposed to the internet at an early age later and here I am now.

I think a lot of why I personally enjoy the inflation fetish can be found with the blueberry scene, whichever adaptation you choose. Humiliation, helplessness and punishment. And also getting really big. And round. I don’t need every inflation scenario to have elements of bondage but humiliation is definitely a big part of it for me aside from characters getting ridiculously huge.

I’ve always preferred air inflation but recently I’ve been enjoying a lot more blueberry art, maybe it’s nostalgia or something, idk. I’m pretty sure most fetishes form during your developmental years and I just happened to be one of many people to watch a girl turn into a blueberry. Probably a mix of childhood “trauma” or nostalgia that always sticks with you and guides your sexual interests.
>>44940 (OP) When I was pretty early in puberty I somehow was directed to some of Bambi Blaze's videos which had been re upped on YouTube. It was the first sexual content I had found up to that point so I dug for more. Found some TMC re-ups and the usual art of established characters. After that I just typed in bing a characters name andthen inflation to see where that lead me. Only after all that did I find Rule 34 and other stuff deemed as normal.
Interesting stories so far.
If this thread doesn't die off within a day then I'll add my own story to the collection.
(Sharing it too early and then the thread dying would look really lame.)

>childhood “trauma”
Just to set this one straight before a third person mentions trauma:
'Trauma' means pain. Originally it was only for physical pain, and later it gained the metaphorical meaning of emotional pain.

Don't say 'trauma' if you just mean an event that had future reprecussions, that would just be 'childhood influences' or 'childhood experiences. It's only trauma if it's painful and 'emotionally scarring'.

>when Alice outgrew the cottage
This is a new one on me. (Not the scene itself, but the scene being identified as a trigger point.)

>humiliation is definitely a big part of it for me
Got to be honest, I've never really understood the appeal of the humiliation/punishment angle. For me it's all about mutual enjoyment.

I'd say maybe I've just had "respect wamen" hammered into me more than others, but it doesn't feel that way. Maybe it's more about personality?

Youtube used to be really good for inflation reups, before they got all "porn is harming our children". If they want to see harm, wait until their children discover 4chan's /pol/ board...
Perhaps this may come off as a different flavor of pseudo-psychology than what was in the TMC thread, but I'm pretty sure I had a predisposition to this fetish. I mentioned this in the general discussion thread on here already, but I'll say it here again as that thread is likely buried a bit.

I was about kindergarten age when I saw the movie Babe: Pig in the City. That scene towards the end in the ballroom where the clown suit balloons at the pull of a tag really sparked something in me. Now, I was a kid, so not only was I not able to make any sense of this feeling I had, but I had no idea about masturbation yet, so I was pretty much stuck, unable to really explore my fetish.

As the years passed, other movie scenes would spark something similar in me: Willy Wonka, as many have mentioned, as well as Aunt Marge from Harry Potter. And then I gradually began to discover TMCs on YouTube (back when their content was super vanilla...but still randy enough to be flagged) and the occasional Bambi Blaze clip (when I could tolerate her accent), and then I found loads of other stuff on DeviantArt.

It wasn't some big revelation for me though. I was comfortable with being strange. Hell, I was one of those kids who was strange for the sake of being strange. It was fun for my twisted little mind of chaos to get a rise out of people by just being weird. I honestly see this fetish as an extension of that. In fact, come mid-way through high school for me, I started telling a few friends my different expansion fetishes. It was mostly BE and stuff like that...something that was easy to describe. And then when I mentioned I had a Futa fetish...holy shit, did people lose their marbles over that. It was fascinating how people couldn't wrap their minds around the idea of a person, looking female in every way, also possessed an extra set of genitalia. I didn't get made fun of, per say, but I did have random friends of friends coming up to me and going, "Dude, you like chicks with dicks?" I didn't live in a particularly judgmental area, so I wasn't immediately crucified for putting all this out there, though I do suspect some people tried to avoid me after that. Meh, works as a great litmus test as to who to cut out of your life.

But back to my original point...given how it came to me at such an early age where anything sexual was beyond the comprehension of my child-brain, I think there is some evidence to suggest that people are predisposed to a fetish. At the risk of equating a fetish to one's sexual orientation, we also hear stories of people knowing they are gay or transgender at a young age too. I honestly think the difference between a sexual preference and a fetish comes down to specifics and intensity. I also theorize that some fetishes are actually born out of an ordinary biological desire that gets ramped up in orders of magnitude for one reason or another.

Take Breast Expansion for instance: there's guys out there that like big boobs and nothing but, yet for someone into expansion, perhaps that preference gets a little twisted to the point where it's not so much the size that turns them on, it's the growth. Ass Expansion? Same thing; it is a mutated preference for big butts and wide hips. Plus, I think having the subject react to the expansion in whatever media one is consuming, be it a video, a drawing, or a story, also makes it enjoyable for those who like a good Coming of Age experience.

Overall though, I think trying to figure out the true biological origins of a fetish is about as insightful as trying to figure out why some guys like giant tits and others don't.
>>I think that most fetishes are basically boiled down to the sub/dom relationship: someone taking and someone giving.
I'm inclined to disagree, so I'm interested to know why you believe this to be the case.

alright, so, i see inflation as a very fantastical form of bondage. im not too much into normal bondage shit (although inflatable latex stuff is hot as shit), but i noticed a good amount of overlap. the main thing i think causes that overlap, is the fact that inflation has to do with Loss of Control. In bondage, or sub/dom relationships in general, someone has more control than the other. in the case of inflation, thatd be the inflator and the inflatee. the person being inflated loses things (depending on what type of inflation, for this example, im gonna use spherical) like the ablitiy to walk normally, if at all, the ability to use their arms, i(in some cases the ability to use their hands, if they inflate too), to see over their body, and in extreme cases, the ability to speak. theres also the potential for popping, if youre into that. to sum it up, the inflatee has lost a good amount of independence, which, in most cases where one has less independence, would make someone Submissive. this is where the inflator comes in. they arent inflated, in most cases they are the ones who administered the air, or juice, or water, or whatever, inflated the inflatee. they have control over their body still, they control the rate of which the inflatee is inflating, they control it all. that means if the inflatee wants something, like to be rolled, deflated, or even fucked, they have to ask the inflatee. they have to be submissive, to the dominant person who has all the power in that relationship. most inflation fics, comics, scenarios in general, have these two, they have an inflator and inflatee. a dom and a sub. and that goes for a lot of kinks. For giantess, theres the giant and the micro, for vore, the pred and the prey, for femdom, the mistress and the slave, and for feederism, the feeder and the feedee. kinks have power balances, more often than not. it may not always be the case, but in almost all of these kinks, hell in life, there is someone WITH control, and someone who doesnt, and the person who doesnt, usually has to listen to the one who does.
least, thats how i see it
>when I could tolerate her accent
Odd, I've always prefered the southern American accents to quite a lot of the others.

>I didn't live in a particularly judgmental area, so I wasn't immediately crucified for putting all this out there
Where I lived as a child, that would probably have been more than enough to be persona non grata.

>At the risk of equating a fetish to one's sexual orientation
At the risk of being disembowled for blaspheming, I for one don't think they're all that different. I think the only real difference is that homosexuality has historically been hated and punished so people are a lot touchier about it, whereas fetishes have gone largely unnoticed. (Ironically by hating homosexuality they ended up giving it more status.)

In contrast sexual thoughts that weren't so detested have ended up being very low key throughout history. The closest fetishes have come to the surface are probably through historical art that glorifies large women - the original WG fetishists if you will.

>I also theorize that some fetishes are actually born out of an ordinary biological desire that gets ramped up in orders of magnitude for one reason or another.
I completely concur with this.

Two of my theories about the underlying cause of the inflation fetish are:
1. A subconcious urge to impregnate. Inflation involves growth in a rounded form, and the typical natural means by which a female grows larger and more rounded is impregnation. (Note that this doesn't necessarily imply a concious want to have children, merely subconcious programming designed to make one fulfil one's function - to continue the species.)
2. A subconcious association with erection. Erection is the process by which erectile tissue swells (in males it's in the penis, in women it's in the vagina, in certain fowls it's in the wattle - I really need to cut back on those Wikipedia binges), and the swelling in inflation

Weight gain fetish is a lot easier to tie a biological origin to - large fat deposits imply better access to food and thus a more suitable mate. I wouldn't be surprised if liking fat chicks is actually the natural order and humanity has been kidding itself with a socially constructed thin obsession for the last few decades.

>why some guys like giant tits and others don't.
I'd say that's just natural randomisation. The same reason we have different appearances and personalities.
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>although inflatable latex stuff is hot as shit

>i see inflation as a very fantastical form of bondage
On the level of being spherically-inflated, perhaps, but I disagree that it is inherantly a form of bondage. Especially at more manageable sizes.

I don't disagree that it can be a form of bondage or that there can be a kind of power dynamic, what I disagree with is the 'most' part. I think what we're seeing here is a definite split in styles and appeal.

For me, the more appealing kind of inflation is non-spherical, where the female form is naturally exaggerated, or where the inflation is tending towards spherical but stops short, before the girl loses dexterity. (I've attached some example images for comparison. They're all by the same artist because I grabbed them all from the same folder for quickness.)

Likewise, I have no want or need of any power dynamics, I prefer mutual enjoyment (both parties get equal enjoyment from the scenario), or autonomous enjoyment (one girl on her own enjoying the inflation by herself).

So now you must be wondering "without that dynamic, what is there?".
Firstly, the growth itself - the (imagined) increasing sense of fullness or pressure. (To borrow a comparison I used earlier: in a way, inflation is much like erection.)
Secondly there's the shapes - curves are inherantly very sexy, so accentuating female curves increases their attractiveness.
Thirdly, and at the risk of begging the question, with the assumption that the girl being inflated enjoys it, that in itself is enjoyable. If she didn't enjoy it, and especially if she disliked it, then I'd feel morally reprehensible, and that really kills the mood.

I suppose in a way you could sum the differences up as being psychological versus (imagined) physical.

>the inflator and the inflatee
What of the scenario whereby the inflatee is the one in control of the inflation? Or in which neither party is in control? The power dynamic does not always exist. It can be autonomous, it can be mutual, it can be chaotic.

>kinks have power balances, more often than not
Pregnancy and animal TF are other examples of fetishes that don't have an inherant power dynamic.

Granted you could argue that anything where one subject reveres another (or an aspect of another, e.g. foot fetishism) has an inherant power dynamic, but that balances out if the subject being revered has a want to be revered, because then both parties need each other.

(I was going to comment about the nature of power and authority, but I feel that's going too far off piste.)
For me its definitely about control, usually subconsciously, and not necessarily about me having control but the inflatee having a lack of control I think. For me at least it definitely stems from the embarrasment (for want of a better word) of the person growing or inflating, the 'oh no whats happening', 'oh no I can't do this thing I used to be able to, you'll have to do it for me', and the 'people are going to stare and I won't be able to hide' scenarios.
At least some of this comes from when I was in secondary school (highshool) and girls in my year were developing, its the unintentional growth, the inevitability of it nd the inability to stop it. As I grew up that morphed into breast expansion, belly expansion, bdsm, and probably a load of other fetishes that I don't even know I have. I'm not sure if being into bbws stemmed from the same root or if it was a simultaneous development, most likely from my peers developing curves etc, then just progressing from that to even bigger curves after puberty I guess. Its all linked but for me I reckon it all came from the same root - seeing contemporaries' breasts develop during puberty.

I must stress that this has ENTIRELY moved on to expansion, etc., and away from puberty just to be clear and avoid misunderstanding.

as an aside its pretty refreshing to be able to explore this and write it down with like minded people, thanks OP
Definitely the space jam inflation scene and roger rabbit scene. Not to mention an early inflation dream
ok, yeah, i get what you mean. i was just thinking about the sub/dom dynamics i noticed in inflation and stuff
>I prefer mutual enjoyment (both parties get equal enjoyment from the scenario), or autonomous enjoyment (one girl on her own enjoying the inflation by herself).
yeah, i agree, that is pretty good, and its honestly what I prefer too.
Honestly, it's a weird timeline. I've had a fetish for big bellies since I was little, I even masturbated as early as 4 years old (not knowing it was masturbation at the time just a weird funny feeling that felt nice) and maybe I can chalk that up to some sexual trauma that's repressed because I can't remember anything happening to me or anyone having done anything to me (again, my brain might be repressing that to protect me psychologically). It started as playing with my brother's dolls and stuffing round objects under their dresses, then when I got my first phone I got into vore imagery where their belly is full and they talk to the prey inside. Then randomly I stumbled upon a tmc clip on youtube, beula's accelerated pregnancy, and it awoke a new interest. From there I always consumed belly stuff via inflation because something about it fulfilled me probably like seeing the change in stature and seeing a full belly sit heavy on a person's lap. That pipelined into discovering the tmc site and going through all the tags and watching the previews and I found i liked most fluid inflation (tits, ass, belly, and futa) for the sensory fulfillment of hearing squelching or sloshing or growth noises. I can't really tie it to a specific origin, like I said maybe some shit happened that my head isn't letting me know, or maybe I just liked it all along. Weirdly enough it helped me find my sexuality, I find I love belly, tits, and ass inflation with men too, and futa with girls so kinda I like it all. Except like spherical shit or the huge boob props where they become giant balls of fat or just giant spheres that don't even look like tits anymore. I think mostly because my pleasure comes from the inflatee experiencing their growth and they get to feel it and get off to their changes in some way that when it's a full body inflation or giant boob props or the belly props just become the whole body it kinda disconnects the very human part of inflation where it's a person with growing assets rather than a blob of air or milk or whatever they're filled with. I don't know what psychology you can make out of that though.
How many people do you guys think have an inflation/expansion fetish?
An how is the distribution per country?

We need statistics about inflation.
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Firstly, thank you to everyone who is contributing. I'm amazed the thread is still alive just over one day later.

>How many people do you guys think have an inflation/expansion fetish?
How long is a piece of string?

I'd really hard to say when we're confined to the underground, even more so than the furries and larpers. I've seen furries open up "how to make a fursuit" workshops at gaming conventions, could you imagine inflationsists or WGers doing the same?

Granted, size-con finally became a thing recently, but that covered a lot of different fetishes, and it's still quite a tiny step.

>the space jam inflation scene and roger rabbit scene
I had never seen either of these before now.

Cartoons often had inflation just because it was something you could do with a cartoon that you couldn't with real actors.

>seeing contemporaries' breasts develop during puberty.
To be honest, I never really noticed.
I don't know if it was just too slow for me to perceive or whether I wasn't really looking.

>as an aside its pretty refreshing to be able to explore this and write it down with like minded people
If nothing else, it's certainly interesting to see the varying responses.

>secondary school
It would seem that you have exposed your commonwealth origins.

>the embarrasment (for want of a better word) of the person growing or inflating
You may find the attached video interesting. It's actually from a children's programme.
(And now I'm exposing my commonwealth origins...)

>I even masturbated as early as 4 years old
Is that even possible?

>sexual trauma that's repressed
"The notion that people repress traumatic memories that can be recovered in therapy has been discredited. There is ample evidence that people remember traumatic experiences—even if they wish they could forget them—and that memory is more malleable than previously believed."

>maybe some shit happened that my head isn't letting me know
If there ever was some kind of origin event, it's more likely that you've simply forgotten it than your brain is actively stopping you remembering it.

And if you've forgotten it, it's more likely that it was a mundane event than a traumatic one.

Basically, memory is generally a mixture of attention and rehersal. To retain a memory it must first have your focus, and then it must have some degree of rehersal (i.e. your brain replays the event multiple times to create a stronger 'imprint' so to speak). Traumatic events are full of stimulus, and are often likely to be rehersed many times afterwards as they plague your mind, so they tend to be remembered.

It's the mundane events that don't hold your attention that are the ones that end up being forgotten. All those half-awake breakfasts and half-hour work breaks. Conversations about things you don't really care about.

If anything, there was probably a woman with a big belly who you liked because she was nice to you (probably a caregiver of some description, like a teacher or child minder), and you ended up associating having a big belly with being a nice person or something like that.

>playing with my brother's dolls and stuffing round objects under their dresses
I find it stranger that your brother had dolls than the fact you were stuffing their dresses.

>vore imagery where their belly is full and they talk to the prey inside
If I had to posit an explanation for that, I'd say it's likely a distorted image of how pregnant women talk to their unborn children. Not very scientific, but it makes sense at least.
Edit: I had always wondered what it would feel like growing up.
4 years old is really just a guess, I can't imagine remembering exactly how old I was and it wasn't hard masturbation to the point of getting off, I would just grind against like my blankets and it felt nice as a kid, with no sexual undertones or feelings waaaay until I was older. But the brain is very interesting and does have history of being capable of blocking out certain memories since I'm a very psych familiar guy (haha mental illness, okay let's stop pretending that's soo uncommon). My brother is a transman so being in a cisnormative household growing up he was raised playing with dolls. Even if he wasn't trans, it's not really weird for a boy to play with dolls, unless you're a con-pub scumbag .
Should clarify con-pub stands for conservative republican.
But I agree with you on everything else. Not necessarily that the brain can't block shit out to protect you, but that it didn't necessarily happen in the context of this topic because it's proven that it can sort of function that way to confuse or distort memories to at least doubt something ever happened. In this case, I think you're right, that maybe I was just familiar with a pregnant woman who was kind and I associated big bellies with a positive feeling.
i just found big and round appealing…
I keep forgetting to clarify shit, when I said repressed trauma it was directed at the idea of being sexually active with myself at such a young age that I wondered if anyone had ever abused me in that way where I thought that behavior was normal, not trauma that resulted in fetishes. Not that getting off should be taboo, but that engaging in self pleasure before even entering or completing elementary is peculiar to say the least. I highly DOUBT anything like that happened to me, but it does cross my mind when I think about the hypersexuality of myself back then.
>I would just grind against like my blankets and it felt nice as a kid
That is plausible. The primary sexual organs respond to physical stimulus without necessarily implying sexual arousal - i.e. stimulation and arousal are distinct things.

>it's not really weird for a boy to play with dolls
In the time I was born in, a mere few decades ago, it was still considered odd for a boy to own dolls. In some countries it still is.

>I'm a very psych familiar guy
I actually studied it for a year at college before giving it up to focus on my main subject instead. We covered a large number of core topics in that time. (The large workload was one of the reasons I decided to drop it.) That's why I'm very protective over distinguishing between uninformed misconceptions and what the general consensus of actual psychologists is.

>conservative republican.
For the record: in my country, 'republican' means 'anti-monarchy', and usually implies a left wing political stance. (Just in case you want to further clarify that you actually meant the US Republican party and not conservative republicans in the general sense of politically conservative anti-monarchists.)

>Not necessarily that the brain can't block shit out
The idea that the brain can repress traumatic memories has been largely scientifically discredited.

Don't just take my word for it though, read for yourself:
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Repressed_memory
- https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/basics/repression
- https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/women-who-stray/201910/forget-me-not-the-persistent-myth-repressed-memories
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sigmund_Freud#Seduction_theory
- https://archive.org/details/mythofrepressedm00loft_0

If you're still not convinced then there's not much I can do, I'm just the messenger.

Repressed memories were one of Freud's ideas, and a lot of his ideas were pretty sketchy and unsound (and quite possibly the result of doing too much cocaine). Freud also had a habit of trying to make his observations fit his theories rather than deriving theories from observations - he was the kind of man who would brush something under the rug if it weakened his theory. (See 'Little Hans' for one notable example).

Unfortunately because he was so popular for so long, a lot of Freud's ideas have stuck around long after they were identified as being dubious. No other psychologist has ever been so glamourous or so famous.

In contrast, 'false memories' - memories of things that didn't happen, are a well established thing, and it's been more or less proven that it's possible to create false memories. (The so-called 'Mandela Effect' is quite a well known example.)

>and I associated big bellies with a positive feeling
See also: 'Classical Conditioning' and 'Igor Pavlov'.

>but that engaging in self pleasure before even entering or completing elementary is peculiar to say the least.
It's one of those unsettling things people don't like to think about, but it's probably not that unusual...
(Mostly uncited, but seems legit.)
Oh I ain't arguing with you on that, and the sources were appreciated anyway, I totally agree with you that it's been discredited. Also I also grew up in the era of old conservative values growing up so I would have agreed with you on it being weird back then, but not anymore. Hell, I used to be homophobic AND transphobic because nobody taught be to know better. And yes, I meant US context republican. My bad. But thanks for all that, you're very well read.
Also hell yeah Freud was a shmuck full of bs lmao
For me, I don’t think it was Violet like it seems to be for a lot of people. My reason for saying this is because I watched Charlie and the Chocolate Factory shortly after it came out when I was around 5 years old and I distinctly remember already being very aroused by that scene (I’m not turned on by it anymore because that would be weird at my age) so I probably already had that fetish. This means that whatever caused my kink must have happened VERY early on.

For the record, I have 3 other fetishes. Those being belly stuffing, pregnancy, and hiccups. Those first two are relevant, as they are kinda the same concept as inflation. I remember reading once that older siblings are more likely to have pregnancy fetishes because seeing their mothers pregnant is very impactful on them because pregnancy and reproduction are beyond their comprehension at that point.

So toddler-age me seeing my mother expand inexplicably and everyone being so fixated on it combined with the traumatic circumstances surrounding my little brother’s birth probably caused my brain to misinterpret it as something sexually arousing (and no, I’m not sexually attracted to my mother just to be clear) thus creating my pregnancy fetish while the other two just kinda spun off from that due to their similarity. Watching a lot of old cartoons like Looney Tunes and Tom and Jerry probably contributed as well.
>Speaking from my personal experience across numerous servers/boards/sites, the overwhelming majority of individuals afflicted with this fetish are, for lack of a better term, simple minded.
You are correct in that there are undoubtedly a myriad of strange and almost Lovecraftian people in this community, but I think to classify nearly everyone with the fetish as simple minded is a bit counterproductive. From my own personal experience I can say I don't really enjoy interacting with others in the community on various websites, as I'm more comfortable simply lurking, and I think it's a safe assumption that I'm not the only one in this position. the dumbest people are naturally going to be the loudest and draw the most attention to themselves, and therefore seem as if they take up the majority
I think it mainly comes from the people who are super open/proud of their fetish. To me it’s like the people who have hentai PFPs and hoodies and shit and always talk about jerking off, I guess they just like the rise they get out of people. They don’t think about it too much. I also mainly lurk bc I see this as an extreme mark of shame, and perhaps that’s not a good thing either but I’d rather keep it to myself.

This guys a fuckin tool tho I “surmise” you should go back to Reddit
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I've been a little... tied up these last few days.

>I think it mainly comes from the people who are super open/proud of their fetish.
For some, the internet is the only place they can talk openly about it with like-minded people. If they want to shout it from the rooftops while they're here, I for one won't begrudge them that.

>but not anymore
It depends where you live and what kind of people you talk to.

There are plenty who still believe in the traditional way of doing things, they just learn where and when they can talk about their views without backlash.

>And yes, I meant US context republican. My bad.
Kudos for accepting my point gracefully.

>you're very well read
Thank you. I certainly try at least.

>hell yeah Freud was a shmuck full of bs

>This means that whatever caused my kink must have happened VERY early on.
I sometimes wonder if fetishes are already inbuilt rather than learned.

In the same way one either does or does not like certain flavours.
(Though taste has a physical component, so taste does change over time.)

>I remember reading once that older siblings are more likely to have pregnancy fetishes because seeing their mothers pregnant is very impactful on them because pregnancy and reproduction are beyond their comprehension at that point.
I can see the logic behind it, but I'm not entirely convinced on that last point.

Primarily because it doesn't explain how something goes from 'experience beyond one's comprehension' to 'circumstance that stimulates a sexual reaction. If it were that simple, we'd develop sexual reactions to anything beyond our comprehension.

>probably caused my brain to misinterpret it as something sexually arousing
Seems too much of a hand-wave to me.
It doesn't explain why would the brain misinterpret it in a sexual way.

>no, I’m not sexually attracted to my mother just to be clear
I wouldn't have presumed it to be the case, but Freud would (see: Oedipus Complex).

That said, there's something to be said for the argument that humans learn what to look for in a mate by observing their parents, and potentially seek to emulate the parent of the same sex as themselves and look for a mate with the traits of the opposite-sex parent. Of course, there's got to be more to it than just that, but that kind of dynamic could play a role.

>and hiccups
That's a new one on me. Consider the attached file a gift.
I imagine for me it was caused by me stumbling upon shitty inflation videos when i was too young to browse the internet on my own. Then i imagine it kinda grew on me morphing by puberty into something sexual and becoming mostly hourglass expansion. The bigger question i have is why im into giant woman.
For me I think it would've been a mathematical improbability that I wouldn't have developed a blueberry inflation fetish. A key moment in my life for various reasons is the one that also started this obsession. When I was very young the first movie I ever saw in a theater was Charlie and the Chocolate Factory when it came out in 2005. Not only that but when it came out on dvd my parents got it for me and I genuinely think I watched it over 100 times until I was probably six or seven. I also would constantly go to the chapters section just to watch the blueberry scene when in the car for even the shortest of car rides.

Seeing something so bizarre happen to a person in what looked like real life must’ve captivated my mind. Constant exposure to it in my early developmental years of my brain I think cemented itself into my internal wiring. My main theory is that in that time frame I was developing the areas that control attraction or likes and dislikes so I could’ve associated finding Anna Sophia Robb cute with her also turning into a blueberry. I’m literally just now realizing my first school crush looked exactly like Violet so that kind of explains a lot.
>Speaking from my personal experience across numerous servers/boards/sites, the overwhelming majority of individuals afflicted with this fetish are, for lack of a better term, simple minded.

There are two ways I interpret what you mean here. Simple minded in terms of the reasoning for the kink isn't complicated in origin. Built into the brain are thoughts that are from evolution like bigger the better, so wanting a more fertile looking mate would carry over through time

But, if you mean that many people may be mentally challenged, I think I know what you’re saying. On the TMC thread so many people show a lack of social queues. Many constantly beg for what they want and don't take time to do anything else like say please or thank you. They don’t contribute, some just come in and beg over and over for the newest thing they want even when it's been made directly clear that either nobody has it yet, or nobody will share because the person isn’t contributing back. They can’t understand decoding things like base64 or they won’t even just google the code (I’ve searched on google using the code and was shown results for base64 encoder sites). I can’t even count how many people just couldn’t grasp the understanding that a pastebin of requests or video titles is literally just text, not actual videos.

However, I think the population of people with inflation kink might be like the overall population in a society where only a small percent of the population is challenged. The people in these forms are usually in the horny mindset where they are in a frantic rush to get pleasure. They chase to get what they want in the most direct way and won’t put in extra effort to get what they are looking for. So they may be in a pre-nut haste where they aren’t the smartest which may explain their actions.
But odd brains leading to odd interests would also make sense; many of the autistic people I’ve known have been huge fans of fnaf, more so than ‘regular’ people so the same thing could be happening here. It sounds mean but that's what I’ve theorized
>>45558 (Cross-thread)
Yep. This site needs another reset.

I will never understand why the >>>/bbwdraw/ board is not the home to actual bbw artists from deviantart or whatever else there is. Instead bbwdraw is filled with amateurs who all day post the worst pics from their favorite artists and make threads their own personal doodle spaces where they make copies or rule34 from crappy cartoons. This is about as bad as I could have imagined it being done. You would think that the bbwdraw board would have actual artist in there! But that would make too much sense, I guess.

I want to make it clear that I am in no way opposed to rule34 art, especially if its from that decrepid place the cartoon network. They are laughable and the artists' thievery puts those Disney copycats to shame. I want that to be known. They are jackasses. But a thread doesn't need 10 variations of the same image and a whole thread for a single character? Now that is the wrong way to do it. I will be going off now friends. To a different board. Art is great, but above all remember to stay inspired in your own real life.
As a teen I had a love for bigger women and would search bbws on youtube and thus finding body inflation videos..now the rest is history.

I make sure to backlog artists and youtube videos that I enjoy cause you never know when it will disappear just like pornhub
LlamaWithAhat you're one of those that you always have something to say or add, and it's always worth reading. I don't know why I keep reading it. See you around bud. Later
I definitely know for sure there are women out there that love inflation. Meet a girl who love blueberry once. And on top of that theirs snuffy too. Alexa the balloon girl too.

But outside of those in possible full body inflation examples most girls I've met mostly love or fall in love with the particular concept of breast expansion. I don't know what it is but alot of girls flock to it. I've had my theories from everything down to maybe self esteem issues due to having a smaller chest size then what they'd like. And like 50% also love the concept of growing bigger non stop or til they pop!.

But breast expansion definitely has its own audience outside of the inflation community. I mean this isn't coming from a girls perspective but just figured something interesting to note and add to the conversation

Seen quite a few girls who don't even really like inflation particularly full body inflation still adore breast expansion. I know because I've floated the idea or two to them before and they either had meh vibe or on rare occasions vibes of disgust!..

It seams in my opinion belly and breast are go tos while full body is a rare like or find in the female community of this kink
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>breast expansion
>"I don't know what it is but alot of girls flock to it."
Power fantasy.
Woman here about to give her woman-brained perspective.
I'm into full-body mostly but still very much into body part expansion (BE, AE, etc)
>>47767 does nail it when it comes to why girls I know, including me, love breast expansion. The idea of having gigantic boobs that can melt peoples minds just by looking at them is unironically empowering from a kink set-up. You can sometimes tell if it's a guy or a girl making BE content based on how the girl reacts. If a woman enjoys the expansion or sees some practical uses to being a Z cup monster, it tends to be a woman's fantasy. If a woman is bitching and moaning TMC style, there's a large chance it's a guy. This seems to be the consensus from other girls I know with bodypart expansion fetishes. Realism goes out the door when you enjoy the concept of having fantastical boobs and we respect each other for that. No one cares about back pain or stretch marks. But I'd argue full body and even blueberry is as popular if not more than BE (maybe because I've surrounded myself in other girls with it, who knows) for literally one reason. There's less power.

Most girls I know who are into full-body love it purely for submissive reasons. They either want to be the brat, want to be punished or want to panic. My theory is that finding girls into full body inflation is "rarer" because the actual act of inflating is completely secondary to the punishment and humiliation and panic they want to feel. Though from my own perspective I disprove that all women are into it because of humiliation because I'm more into mutual expansion or even consenting expansion. I just get no joy from being a "brat". However I am MORE into becoming a blueberry because I'm a brat who demanded to become a blueberry. Knowing I'm the object of peoples affections despite being a massive blue ball. 'cause y'all are weirdos and while I am one too, I can be Queen Weirdo if I can be rolled about and stuffed into juicing rooms at my own request even if I am "helpless".

tl;dr When women like power, boobs give power and also it's fun to imagine your B-Cups ballooning up. When women like to be controlled, there's better ways to be controlled than inflating but sometimes it hits the spot.
Porn in the strict sense means regular shit you find on PornHub.

Sure. I'm a lesbian who's into huge women.

As far as inflation goes it's strange, because outside of smut I'm horrified to the point of nausea over inflation, swelling, and any adjacent odd body horror. The harry potter scene with the aunt blowing up, for example, nearly made me faint in the theater and it's still uncomfortable to look at today. But a switch flips when I'm turned on that makes situations like that erotic.

I think for me it's important that the switch is there. I spend most of the day tense, busy and always prepping for the next hurdle; you can't be that sort of person when you're having sex or whacking one out. I need to be miles away from my everyday self to get in the mood, and I think a kink that would normally horrify me is the line I cross that helps me be someone else in the moment. My brain can't justify being 'me' and also finding these things sexy, so it shuts the rest of me off and I'm free to do my business.

But I could go all day if you want to know Why This Specific Fetish. Fat women are hot and I like having something to grab. I'm a sadist with a humiliation kink. I love the idea of having someone in my life I could spoil and provide for to an extreme. Something something pregnancy and breeding. Many wires being crossed in there.
>>44940 (OP)
As far as my knowledge, I've always been the way I am, liking fat chicks, development there was a pretty long story, so I'll just focus on my bursting fetish

I remember being about 3 and drawing this massive, several page comic of how the dinosaurs went extinct, basically this "Queen" T-Rex just went around eating every single one until she popped. I remember making sure to draw her arms getting smaller and smaller as they sank into her, and I distinctly remember having a hard-on when I finally drew her popping, the scraps of her figure raining to the ground

It hardly mattered the method, but it used to be a rarer feeling. Like, there were way more chicks I'd be reluctant to imagine or think about popping. For me, it used to be a sort of playful revenge fantasy. There was this one really bitchy teacher I had in elementary school who was pregnant with triplets, and she'd always go out of her way to single people out, make em' look stupid in front of the class
But I'm being long-winded, point is, I would draw her popping pretty often. Not without her putting the idea in my head first, funnily enough. She'd always talk about it, how full she felt, how she felt like she was "gonna explode" after lunch, so one time I drew a really petty comic where she filled up on kids lunches she stole (actual thing she did from a fridge once) and popped after finishing it all off. Was like, 10

It was always an odd feeling that I didn't really understand until puberty. I remember one moment in particular involved an old promo for My Name Is Earl. Basically, our local TV Station would do these shitty bumpers with an annoying voice-over and they had one for an episode when Joy was pregnant or whatever, it's irrelevant, the point is

For whatever reason, they added SFX of a balloon's rubbery straining and groaning over footage of her walking down a hallway looking fatigued, as the announcer exclaimed

"...she's ready to POP!"

It was one of those pieces of "poor man's porn" that would live rent free in my head for weeks, mainly cuz that promo would air non-stop.

As for why I became so attached to the idea of gals bursting, Wikipedia or some shit actually offered me an explanation that seems to line up with how I view it. It's too damn long--winded to explain here, and honestly not something I care about discussing rn. Only had some stories I wanted to share.

Might come back later with more
Too be fair aunt Marge inflation isn't for everyone. I'm not a fan. Try looking into more cutesy based inflation stuff. Things like cutiepopblue or feastings2 maybe imbapovi seam more like things you might be physically attracted too. I do think you're into the inflation aspect but like me your very particular in tastes. You want things more cute and puffy based than 50 different double chins in a human shaped mountain.

Best advice I could say and give is don't give up just keep looking maybe you'll find something that really ends up attaching to you or intriguing you.
Definitely agree 💯 on the helpless side of it. I've always thought a sub would be more down for stuff like that. But I'm glad at least some girls out there like it. Makes me hopefully someday I'll find a gf that's into that stuff as I too am a fan of full body, I just love the whole helpless ball girlfriend with her nude body rolling around, tiny hands and bare feet wobbling as best as possible to stay balanced.

A fun afternoon in my opinion

Also the whole being the object of people's affection and dom berry thing making partners beg for it sounds fantastic I bet your a hella fun roleplay bedroom partner to be with op.
Didn’t think a lesbian would be into pregnancy or breeding. Idk, just seems weird since it’s pretty necessary to have a guy for those
I was a child really, and my father an early adopter of home technology, and we got a computer modem. I soon found myself with precious, temporary access to the internet, an incredible storage place of information. Initially, I concerned myself with proper topics like strategy guides for arcade games or things about marvel comics, and when I had unmonitored access, I thought I'd type in breasts. It seemed that super women always had a good pair of shiny, round breasts that impressed their male counterparts, and I knew enough that it was taboo for me to see them. So I would find some on the internet, for sure.

I didn't properly understand usenet at the time, but one of the pages that turned up was a website storing items from alt.alt.sex.breast, where breast expansion was a topic of discussion. The stories loaded much faster than pictures at 14.4, so I tried one of those. A story by Dr. Enlarge about a woman overfilling her breast implants during a hospital earth quake destroyed my prepubescent mind. Ideas like sexual pleasure and filling and more described a feeling I wouldn't even know how to act on for years yet. I loved it. Not long after, aasb was gone, and most of the content reorganized to the bearchive. I followed, and watched as morphers and pictures of scores girls were posted. Stories and picture morphs were gaining popularity. As technology advanced, I found inflate123's video archive. I began hunting cable and Cinemax for anything that might give me more. It was a private mission, though. I knew I couldn't really share with others. Who else was going to understand why I wanted to watch Reposessed, Leprechaun 3, Critters 2, or 50 Foot Centerfold? I barely understood it myself.

I was a devoted fan of breast expansion for years, but as I got older, my tastes matured, too. I enjoyed the story of expansion and the drama of it. But stories were more interesting with risk attached. And a culminating risk to the growth, naturally, became an explosion. For me, inflation and popping became a core metaphor for sexual excitement and climax. To inflate someone was to dominate them, to control their feelings and form and usher them towards ecstacy, and the purest expression of that would be something so sexy that the consequences, whether impossible breasts, becoming stuck, floating away, or even death would be not just acceptable, but desired.

I've spent a lot of time thinking about it since. When I was younger I was very shy, and inflation was a kind of control in a situation gave me confidence, both that I was wanted and my wants were reciprocated. I think the strangeness of it helped me differentiate myself, too. The blossoming internet gave lots of opportunities to try this out with others, and see what drew them to it.

Some enjoy the feeling of power or perceived beauty larger breasts would give. Others enjoy the power transferred, essentially being bound by their own body, and turned into a sexual object. Others want to be shamed, as the changes in their body reveal weakness, or that this is something they deserve in punishment.
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>infl is seen as a female paraphilia elsewhere (outside of the USA)
Can anybody expand on that?
I've met more chicks into inflation than men. Also popping, most chicks into inflation wanna be "popped" as far as I've seen
Depends on if they’re dudes
Not sure whether I should feel ashamed, or no shame, to ask where and how
Damn where are all my poppers hiding lol that be the dream date of my life.

Sml I'd be lucky to even find a girl just into inflation let alone wanting to be burst
I'd just be lucky to find a girl.
My wife got me into the fetish. She’s always been kind of a deviant but during her first pregnancy it really started showing. We’d shower together and she’d make me hold her belly and go on for minutes without pause talking about how big and tight she was, how much bigger she could be. Few months after she gave birth and she was well enough to fuck again, I came into our room expecting her to be laying down her hips out like normal, instead she handed me a hose and a pump and told me to inflate her. I refused to then because it was so out of the blue and I was worried for her health. I winded up researching it and figuring out the safest to go about it and inflated her. Even just putting the hose in her ass was thrilling. It cemented there a belly inflation fetish, though it didn’t stop. The week after she painted her nose and belly blue, etcetera, etcetera. I asked where the fetish started for her, she said a music video called Caviar she watched while we were teenagers kick started it, I looked it up and can see why, deals with breast inflation and even bursting at one point. As for the second question, I think this fetish comes from a couple of roots. Primarily it’s an over exaggeration of things we naturally find attractive. A woman with a big ass, big hips, and big tits is hot. A woman with that times 10 is even hotter. We’re wired to find pregnant bellies “attractive”, so seeing a woman who has the features of a soon to be mother but her gut is the size of a room is hot. The other aspect like some anons mentioned is the balance between domination and control. When you’re pumping your woman up like a balloon, you hold power over her very life. You “decide” how big she’ll be and when you stop (anons you better fuck stop if she even looks nervous, don’t kill your balloon wife). And for the inflatee, they’re “powerless” in the ultimate sense. They’re being filled with a gas or liquid and expanding because of it. There’s no bodily autonomy to it. They’re at the will of the one inflating them and whatever is now in their body. Lastly, human brains are just weird. We pick up on things out of nowhere and not everyone picks up the same thing. Before I got into inflation I had a foot fetish, that was it. Now maybe it’s because I’m a lot later than most, but it seems a lot of people were thrusted in because of some piece of media, hell even my example of my wife getting into it while we were teenagers because of a music video. The countless mentions of the chocolate factory, so on so forth. I don’t think there’s any real shame or guilt to be had. So if those anons in the op are reading this, don’t feel bad. Enjoy it how you enjoy it, if you have someone you enjoy it with even better. If you’re scared of telling them, don’t be a retard, be forward with it, have a genuine conversation where you don’t sperg out. Again not everyone is the same, but maybe they’ll grow to love it just as much as you. Or maybe not, maybe it will still be saved for a special occasion, but you won’t be lynched in the town square for loving your lover being your balloon. To end off this fucking novel, don’t be a tard and scream to the world you want to be a blimp or want to fuck a blimp, don’t feel guilty when telling your wife or husband, boyfriend or girlfriend what you’re into, and be safe. I’ll try to follow this up with sites on how to do irl inflation, but always remember safety is key. Communication, paying attention, and knowing limits will keep it safe and enjoyable
you definitely won't with that attitude
there's an enter key on your keyboard you degenerate
For me,.Gloria from Madagascar. I was always a bit of a chubby chaser, but Madagascar in particular awakened something inside me
Not sure what it was, but ever since I was young and had first saw the movie, I had a reoccurring fantasy of being a small animal, taken into her arms, and then taking her by surprise as I start to inflate her through her tits

It didn't help that the animators really liked showing off her ass. A love of seeing her bigger just sort of led into a love of her in all sorts of scenarios

Would pay a ridiculous amount of money to see an animated bursting sequence featuring her
Blowkiss would probably be better like how'd you inflate someone via tit



My thanks anon. Will definitely be worth it
(405 KB, 1600x1133, zJu3JycmGmUBsH-tcYE43Dk1QI5BcKs83X-bfPUpglBT3DXvnH_4sBVmBJf-YbXlRzwAn3j70IN1eb4fpWlXzcbH.jpg) (197 KB, 1280x840, smWAzrd4_uc6mbYrQWW35rAEWkFMBN_gVblSUaXjNbbMmEA9ZtBzXU8zfHKA-gwnP9xIpW3ybM42A9Ht9L8ruK-s.jpg) (262 KB, 658x845, x2h4FFQgnGcoWDAZHsgnNON94C0f4m-Oe90hp-5E6gS05ReEgqxd8snC4sC61VugGKVG-oyEUbsVzabEN9C5skXk.jpg) (198 KB, 616x800, cQclub-HND_8P4sI3XmaOroOhKXoTr_l_64ZzBtEZoNbUExnI0JmS9de43rtAUtfUONrZTSAs5dROazDYA3iajxM.jpg) (144 KB, 822x611, kUMbuNc26LxkhVskDwJLzJ48xMivePtSjZGrhykJdDPc55nZwEf1icez-BP2qo8gH5Tg2F9oKxvDc_8GplBj5DE4.jpg)
Power fantasy.
Update us if you can on the results and censored blurred face photos of what happens or what not if you wish of the end results.

Always curious to here people's experiences with these suits
I wonder if they're worth a buy personally myself
I find that I hear several accounts of people [urchasing them for opposite sex partners but mostly find men in them almost exclusively.
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It was definitely the 71 Wonka first, and then right around or right after the 05 Wonka, I found Johnny Swell's "Adventures of Berrygirl" online and the rest was history. Even though I first saw them over 15 years ago, the panels I linked still do it for me sometimes.
The origin of my fetish is really simple but I'd still like to say it. As a little kid I watched a cartoon with a lot of head inflation. That developed into a fascination, which developed into a fetish, which branched out to other forms of inflation.

This seems to be a pretty standard thing to happen. I wonder about the psychology behind it.
How sheepish does that word make you?
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I'm interested in friendships that have included pumping (preferably, female-female), and the prospect of competition.

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