
>>44807 (OP)
Oh right she did put inflation in SSS tier
link to a clip?
search "Snuffy Tier Lists Her Kink Opinions" on youtubes. time stamp is 24:40
It's number 4 or 5 I believe she clicks both cumflation and inflation also pregnancy
its in there at least lol
Ya know with now knowing that snuffy is into inflation, it kinda makes sense as to why her new model has wayyy bigger boobs
When did she say that?
During a Kink Tier List stream, she put pregnancy, cumflation, inflation, and slimes in her S tier.

Then, she said she wanted Muk to inflate her.
>she wanted Muk to inflate her
>cumflation in S tier
I mean, whaddya get when you spell Muk backwards?
You know what some rando on reddy body inflation dropped a smut inflation story between them and muk and got laughed off . Wonder if it was her?
(3.0 MB, 480x270, rFj6BijMvRRj4HH2.mp4)
oh god, now gawr's talking about being water inflated
stream link/timestamp?
Speaking of, did anyone manage to salvage the Gura pic Sharkbubble made recently?

He had to delete it cause people kept mentioning Gura about it...
You mean low res
What fucking assholes.

"yeah hi you momentarily appealed to my fetish so now me and 1000 of my friends are going to spam you about it"

This is how we get vtubers who run and hide from fetishes, like juniper does the instant you mention inflation.
Bruh. People joke deal with it. And who's spamming YouTubers weird shit?.. ohh.. someone sends them a fanart or 2 someone made. Big deal. It's literally shit people do on a daily. But just because now it's fetish based y'all have a problem with it..

I mean like first off I'm tad confused with what your problem is.. is it people sending her fanart? Is it people making inflation fanart since. The vtuber openly comes out as a fan of it with an attraction to it.

I mean if you mean people spamming them weird shit or 1000 requests like some stalker we all with ya their on any scenario but what exactly are to impling before I even say anymore please clarify
> I mean like first off I'm tad confused with what your problem is..
100,000 people @-ing gura over fetish shit. WTF do people think is going to happen? That gura will be like "oh yeah I totally love this inflation shite nice job! LOLOLOLOLOL"
It was a downright saving-fucking-grace that the guy had the good sense to delete it once people started spamming her
This is why our fetish is never going to be accepted as tolerable. The downright freaks in our circles just can't help themselves but force this fetish on to unconsenting bystanders just because it happens to come up, whether it's an accident or not. They aren't satisfied staying in their lane and have to make an ass out of all of us.

This is also why I don't do any fetish art myself and don't even engage in the community, just lurk. It's bad enough to feel ashamed I have this fetish in the first place. Guilt by association to these sex pests who also have it with no sense of tact only makes it worse.

(People like >>45524 don't help either.)
> these sex pests who also have it with no sense of tact
and of course the most in-your-face ones are always also into scat/gorebursting for maximum shock
I mean I'm fine with the jokes and memes and the sharing of fan art and everything etc I do get your sediment and yes to an extent I agree if a thousand people are messaging them about how they want to fuck them til they pop then 100% I'm with you on that that's batshit insanity but at the same time let's just remove fetish from the equation you act as if they don't probably get stuff normally like that on the day-to-day basis anyways you know how many insane crazy people or stalkers probably just drop dick pics or stuff at them. Yeah I'd agree it would probably be a little bit more craziness but believe me for the most part they just probably handle everything by a case-by-case basis and move on I mean when you start talking about stuff like hentai and stuff like that as a personality or if your entire YouTube based personality is based around edgy stuff like that you're probably going to see your fair share of f* up stuff and adding something as my new as a fetish isn't going to do much but spice it up a little.

But you're right I do agree and I will say this to everyone else don't be an idiot don't be an ass if you want to message nice and kind things that's fine but don't be weird. Think before you post.

That's all I'm going to say on the matter
But that's the thing it doesn't matter the fandom fetish or subject matter you're going to get that anywhere you go especially with the more Fame you find yourself in. Like I said everything is just handle it by a case-by-case and just learn to become more emotionally adept with things like that you know I mean what else can you do?

But like I said before I think at the end of the day case in point even if you just excluded this one fetish it wouldn't matter they would still probably be getting thousands of different weird hentai stuff etc. Without kink. I think case in point is if you're a internet personality of any kind with edgy content you're not going to bring something like that up without at least knowing that you're both going to get whole some respect as well as a bag of batshit crazy coming from it!..

My best advice to any personality on the internet it just know the difference between those who genuinely care and those who are having trolling fun and those who are just batshit insane.

Shift through the noise you know what I mean
I may not be a therapist and maybe some of my advice is not the best but at least I'm trying to make sense of it all you know just like you are.

I do agree with you there are a lot of crazy people here in this community (but like I said they're in every community)

But I think at the honest end of the day the reason why people don't like inflation is either less knowledge or most likely find it gross I don't think you can just 100% blame toxic people for the reason people don't like it. Some find it weird. So for a vtuber to have the balls and come out like that props! Makes people feel less ashamed of it.

I don't know I'm too tired to argue back and forth think whatever you like at the end of the day I'm just saying nothing's black and white there's many variables to many scenarios and situations you have to look into every last one of them I'm not disproving any of your theories I'm just not saying they're cold answers either.

It's a answer and definitely a problem that needs to be dealt with but not the main answer or only to the big picture
Wait what's this about juniper and inflation now?? I haven't heard anything about this??
(276 KB, 980x747, juniper_actias_stockpile_by_omnidraconic_del7wys.png)
Same.. I googled it.. all I found was this. But when I googled fetish I found weird gore fanart similar to the fly.. like fused together screaming kill me. That's.. probably what there talking about which I agree is disturbing.. but kinda trippy in a meatcanyon way
(56 KB, 940x850, juniper_s_round_bloat_by_omnidraconic_del7w3q-pre.jpg) (96 KB, 965x828, del7w4w-24fc1b9d-9395-44cc-9676-080ae05eadbe.png) (45 KB, 894x894, juniper_the_giant_gassy_moth_blimp_by_omnidraconic_del7w3x-pre.jpg) (141 KB, 1025x780, del7w4m-346f0edd-9d6b-4e24-965e-c0f6798897da.png)
Ok so bonus.. dude had a stash.. maybe this was what their talking about?.. but it's so obscure and hidden like literally a single zip file link sta.sh /2crf4hb8t9s

Anyways this is All I found on her
During subnautica juniper has making creepy jokes about how someone could wear her shed (insect biology har har) and someone commented "lol adding #skinsuit to juniper's hentai tags"

That quickly created chaos, but then all of a sudden someone commented "I've seen inflation art" and that freaked her out. She stammeringly work out a "ok, if that's what floats your boat" kinda thing to try and smooth it over and promptly shut down the topic.

I have clips somewhere but I'd need to go find them. This was several months ago.
yeah, the inflation someone mentioned might have been gassy/scatty
side note: skinsuit/TF can be a real mixed bag. Some of it veers into inflatable suits, a lot of it features deflation, and some is straight-up bug shit applied to humans.

Lots of helpless forced "wearing" abounds. :/
maybe somewhere else I'll post some of the inflation bits.
But I seriously don't know what this person means.. like legit at least in personal perspective if I've ever shared a fanart like this to a vtuber I'd do it in like an image pin in a joke or comment they made..

"I feel bloated today"

Pin a photo of a belly expansion for lols.

Because they made that bed without any restrictions asked expect the jokes to lie in it with you

But I've never personally went out my way simp wise or anything like that or DM this weird shit like " inflate for me" or something idk.

Only time I've asked for things like that is onlyfans models to see if they'd be down for some morphs or something. Because why not your probably paying inflation art commission price just for the photos. (if anyone is probably most comfortable paying for stuff from a model it would be an inflationist) But outside of that no I haven't or tried to be as least weird about it or chill as possible dming whatever onlystars respectfully on the matter not like a horny toad.. ok maybe a little horny. But not in my words to freak them out.

End of the day only reasons I see you dming vtubers is for jokes that's it unless they ask otherwise..

And onlyfans models.. we'll be respectful and try to explain as best as possible but their the ones charging 20 a month.. you should be able to ask them such questions

Like legit inflation tame as heck in comparison to baby diapers shit.. literal scat!.. gore and stuff..

Don't get why people loop us into that shit.. I get at least gore cuz some of us I've seen like inflation bloody. But not EVERYONE!..

HELL I'm ashamed to say I absolutely LOVE cartoons popping but 50 percent of all imbapovi requests are.. no pop please. 🙄

Case in point probably the last I'll say on the matter unless something interesting comes up cuz I'm done with the drama here

You know what..

Gonna create a rant Thread. Watch out for it. Post any complaining their
People are acting like vtubers haven't been tagged in worse shit countless times before. Twitter is just home to lunatics with zero social skills, and it's definitely not localized to our little circle.
Try being less schizo.

If you know any of Gura's history/roommate, you'd know she's been around the block a few times. If anything, she knew exactly what she was doing.

Rosedoodle is underrated, her avatar literally has the ability to inflate lol
(1.4 MB, 986x1103, 1648574102737.png)
Seems like she may have just disliked inflation to me more that she was pushed into hating it.. like legit theirs a difference from silence of the lambs skinsuit to wanting a puffy balloon gf all soft and fat..

Like how tf you look at that like
This guy gets it lol
What do you mean she's been around the block before? This is news to me! What's this about a roommate too?
"Roommate" being her previous internet persona. Go check out some youtube videos by someone named senzawa.

Like I get it, "gotta protect the seiso idols," but these big time vtubers are usually pretty understanding and get how the internet is a messy series of tubes.
I'm not equating the two at all. She was ok(-ish) when the skinsuit tags came up, but the first mention of inflation had her going "WHAT!?"
Vtubers might get tagged in all kinds of shit, but showing up and being a pest doesn't help how people think of inflation.

Even BDSM has a better reputation then our dumb love of balloons ffs. It's an easygoing meme to ask whether someone's dom/sub/switch at this point.
Not that I condone sending people unsolicited fetish pics, but there are creeps for every fetish. Inflation isn't looked on favorably because, in the grand scheme of things, it's just not a very common fetish. Hell, look at how slow this board tends to be. Meanwhile there's a shitload of people into BDSM, and personally I think being into a more extreme power dynamic is a bit less strange than getting off to balloon people.
Plus this probably barely phased Gura. Isn't she the most popular member of HoloEN? She's probably already dealt with all kinds of creeps already. Hell, someone compiled 45 minutes of footage of her mentioning feet, and footfags have a bit of a reputation for being disturbingly vocal about their fetish.
Again, I really don't agree with pestering her about it because she just so happened to appeal to what we're into, but this really doesn't have any bearing on how people are going to view inflation. It's always been a very love-it-or-hate-it kink and it probably always will be.
I tend to agree.. making jokes that gura and the community to laugh at 👍

Sending DMs to her asking her to fart water in your face. 👎
Funny enough I hear alot of people into BDSM also low-key inflation fans. Like lot of inflation lovers irl into dom or sub in some form

It's funny I look at looner too loving to ride balloons. Blow them up til they pop. And I can't help to think 99% of that feels like an Inflation scenario
Heck that's worse!

Being wore by someone is ok but becoming a cute squishy balloon is nightmare fuel. It's this crap that low-key ticks me off lol

How is my kink worse that the guy from silence of the lambs!.. I'm worser than Leatherface and Ed gein!..

Bruh low key depressed by that thought
it's still on his deviantart
He only deleted it til things calmed down. Plus it's a fantastic drawing took time. It's difficult to just erase something that took life energy to create
Bear in mind, most people associate inflation with particular random crap within it, like farty-gassy-food inflation, or blueberries, or gorebursting. It's the stuff with shock value that gains the most attention. They're typically not thinking of some flat-chested person inflating herself just a bit to gain some curves, or really any "fun" scenario.
I have half a mind sometimes to commission some "safer" inflation content to dump on /vt/ when this comes up. They already have a fats thread, so why not a couple of cute bear-shaped vtubers filling themselves from a tank?
(68 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg)
Dominatrix. Have some free advice.

Being horny turns off the part of the brain that makes people feel fear or disgust. If you're into blueberry inflation, the attraction was to Veruca Salt and the inflation part (which was supposed to be a punishment) became sexual by association. Once you outgrow Veruca Salt, what you're left with is an inflation fetish.

If you go the other way around though (starting with fear, pain, shame, disgust and so on), you're unable to get horny, and the more you force the fetish on someone the less able they'll be to connect that fetish with sexual feelings in the future.

I'm in the camp that you shouldn't push your fetishes onto other people, but if you want someone to start accepting your kinks you have to start from a place of comfort rather than discomfort.

Don't forget, there was a time when Snuffy ""didn't want"" a big booba model.
I kinda get it from a perspective I do believe fetishes start from a love of something the vurulica salt parts throwing me off a bit.

But let's look at it from a looner aspect most looner probably fancy something when they were younger from a childhood innocence and as they got older turned them on.

I'm a reverse case I use to fear said balloons particularly popping but some advice lead me into the catagory of somehow using sexual feelings to overwhelm and dominate my fears. Now I don't mind said fear as long as I'm horny it doesn't bother me as much anymore for some reason.

Our brains cope and rewire themselves in weird ways and majority of the time it's what leads to a fetish
True I do agree on that too I also feel you shouldn't tell someone unless you feel comfortable enough with it especially a celebrity like snuffy. Her telling people at least means to some degree she's comfortable about opening up on the subject matter.
(1.6 MB, 1283x788, NyannersReactstoMOREFan-MadeShrines.png)
surprised at the lack of nyanners content, she's very supportive of fetish art, or at least she seems to have fun looking at it for jokes and jiggles
Silryan on Deviantart
Probably because nanners focuses too much on a Loli persona
Boob growth cult?
Ayee fellas, this art looks really black. Like back people's art. Like black culture. I don't mean that in a good way. It's not a compliment.
>>49947 It's a masterpiece! For an American you're not as stupid and evil as the most of them are
thanks i guess?
Care to elaborate?
r you okay? wtf are you talking about?
(1.3 MB, 1280x720, Untitled (2).webm)
Ame did this before as well and later in the same stream asked what would happen if she swallowed it which prompted the chat to say something about her inflating. And she ended up saying "I'm not going to inflate".
Isn't that more weight gain or is it water?
Unlike most people, I actually want to thank you. You reminded me to delete all my folders again and try to quit, I hope this time for good.
? Why? Kinda a waste of all the art you made. Even I feel like quitting but I'd still archive my stuff. At the end of the day I just feel if your gonna pour hours into deleting something why do it at all?
(1.1 MB, 1000x1205, GpsYE7L.png)
zen's new latex bodysuit giving me ideas...

anyone remember what kigluka did a year ago, doing full-body inflation in her red latex suit?
Who made the Moona image?

lmfao! You young men are a trip. A trip to hell.

How do you quit art? You can't quit a skill. artistic works are only forms of expression, and yes speech can be considered an art form, depending how skilled you are with words.
Hey sorry that happened to you but you gotta know the saying "Once its up on the internet, its there forever". If one person downloaded it especially these days, consider it redistributed at infinitum and itll never truely go away until it fades out of relevency.

Yo homo! Thanks for that, my homo. Your concern means a lot to me
Out of the gura inflation art we got because of that stream, this one's my favorite mainly because it uses her 2nd outfit which is my favorite of her outfits
I kinda wish the 'gura inflation train' as I'll call it went on a little longer but oh well
I pray for her mental sanctity with what is about to happen
(328 KB, 1100x825, hmm.jpg) (82 KB, 1100x825, E6c7EvzXsAcHRRX.jpeg)
I attempted to Un-berry this Nyanners pic, Nothing against the original I just wanted a non berry version. Not sure where the OG is from, it was in my stash
LMK if theres something I missed
OG artist of Berry Nyanners is @ BluuberryBloats on twitter. Beware, they retween Social Justice shit
Good job, that's a great edit
A personal favorite inflatee of mine
I'm super surprised there is no fanart of the Hololive En members who played Kirby's Dream Buffet in the style of that game since it's about getting as big and round as possible. Even Kiara during the stream was fantasizing over the girls being fat and round.
the world needs more voodoo-loons
I second this notion.
I've heard about it but man.
What about Shylily, the one that's famous for her cute "womp womp" sound? Or Hakos Baelz, the rat girl?
Would be nice if the resolution wasn't shit
(5 KB, 240x180, 240px-Three-caballeros-disneyscreencaps.com-4427.jpg) (6 KB, 240x180, 240px-Three-caballeros-disneyscreencaps.com-4422.jpg) (1.7 MB, 480x360, videoplayback.mp4)
Ya know what anyone remember when she was adjusting her settings in that model to make weird faces with a gun thing ya know that would
Make a great Donald duck black magic inflation thing where she contorts into different inflations like butt belly tip heavy bottom heavy maybe a flattening like a pancake followed by a full body inflation which leads into Uber before boom confetti and a dizzy snuffy on the floor

Or for the ending have it kinda be similar to muscle arms where she pushes her luck and spazs out of control into multiple repeating forms til she's finally back to normal until she rapidly Ubers to her max then cue confetti?

There's many a means of going about it but some black magic fuckery on account of some vr model settings sliding gone wrong turned weird inflation jumble til she pops sounds fun doesn't it?

Just a idea feel free to run with it people
As a bonus not when she pops and lands on the ground in a daze you could make some not of the settings going back to default as in well now she's back to normal but with how wacky custom character sliders are it would make a fun ironic black magic inflation setting to those who'd Even concider drawing or even animating such a daunting task? I mean we have no snuffy inflation animations yet right? So a good Idea for a funny one. Who knows maybe it will catch her eye and she'll get a chuckle on stream or something I say it's free real estate for any artist who does make vtuber inflation animations expecially ones of those who have some admiration of the art form but again just a idea do or don't what you will with it.
(1.9 MB, 7650x6300, snuffy bite size short stack cakes pt1.jpg) (1.8 MB, 7650x6300, snuffy bite size short stack cakes pt2.jpg) (1.8 MB, 7650x6300, snuffy bite size short stack cakes pt3.jpg) (2.0 MB, 7650x6300, snuffy bite size short stack cakes pt4.jpg) (2.2 MB, 7650x6300, snuffy bite size short stack cakes pt5.jpg)
Here the same sequence but with better quality, yeh it would be cool to see more animations in general related with vtubers models and inflation.
I really want to try drawing later this girls inflated in different ways
am i the only one who the artist who drew gwra (probably misspelled) is a bit weird theres just something about it that looks off
(13 KB, 399x399, O5o2j-80_400x400.jpg)
Guy on photo's a t3rr0r15t.

Complejo de la Moncloa, Avda. Puerta de Hierro, s/n. 28071 Madrid.
I guess Jaden animations is a vtuber now.
Unleash hell and let the great balloon party of the end of 2022 commence
(115 KB, 468x736, Red_Scout.png)
Or here me out.. wholesome poppable balloon fun? I mean we are in a inflation fetish server after all so let the crime fit the punishment

Trial by inflation with ari as executioner Sharp nose and all!
(157 KB, 1200x963, imrs.jpeg)
Welp suit yourself bozo honk,cum, and all!
(5.1 MB, 384x420, cfe.gif) (202 KB, 1920x1080, EAsBjEawzUOwdprC.jpeg)
Lewd or not I personally don't give a fuck as long as we see some fun inflation of the new avatar
(5.1 MB, 384x420, cfe.gif) (1.3 MB, 1920x1080, EAsBjEawzUOwdprC.png)
Lewd or not I personally don't give a fuck as long as we see some fun inflation of the new avatar
(18 KB, 250x425, Shylily_full_body.jpg)
Any artfully balloons of shylily out there or can we create some?
>> Like she's literally a whale yet no balloons?
Fantastic curiosity question you think if she was to inflate like stuffy up here >>73625
>>44807 (OP) like full body inflation wise would her tail become some t shaped balloon thing? Personally I just think tail inflation is kinda hot particularly mixed with full orb status.
we need more shylily
We need more ironmouse
Be careful what you wish for Palutena.
I don't get the appeal of the new design but I do think she moved away from the old one simply because its "infamous status".
Still sad nobody's ballooned it yet
Need more juniper actias inflation.
holy shit ask and you shall receive. so what if i ask for shylily inflation will my wishes come true?
Maybe, I will try to find some
You're a blasphemous nonbeliever. What do you think? Do you think you deserve anything but the worse there is?
>>76551 well >>76420 asked for juniper actias and got it, id say the inflation gods are kind. maybe they will bless me too
Juniper sounds familiar. What is it?
juniper actias a vtuber, the inflation art on >>76545 is her
Anyone have any of marshmewofox’s stuff from fansly?
god yes the cow bikini!
That's really good. Source?
Bae did straight up make a comment in her sandwich review video with Kronii that having one can of whipped cream would inflate her for the next 5 months. Ollie inflation would be fucking awesome, though.
I require more juniper actias inflation.

Botan blimp <3!!!!
(1.3 MB, 4800x3900, 4dd0abfeaea3c63c38721b86ff207fe72fb1db6de2c56f70b6e38e436b1071f4.jpg) (764 KB, 4800x3900, c3d6832e4bc8e3d7baa2094595250c8288ca86dfef519a0c2711ee7402e6b585.jpg) (702 KB, 4800x3900, 075f7c4f1b3767dd74ccbfa6730fd365c56549571981ec3729bbd8352ffc0f56.jpg) (1.0 MB, 4800x3900, 07c6c39ac258f9c6bab206a7017796f7e750810e06a610bc6d0ce829fe789c4d.jpg) (692 KB, 4800x3900, 65311226ebbbb15e4f9046474a4f2203ef0c7191cbf16a4fb9bd36687909b261.jpg) (1.1 MB, 4800x3900, 1da407a7ef7b07682b853e8380d6135e334fccb942d50b29c6dec8b4634bb6ac.jpg)
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Not sure why it won't let me post the last pic to the previous sequence, also I would like to apologize if anything I've posted was out of order
i don't even care if it's out of order, this is such an amazing find!!!!

Thanks. That means a lot coming from anon nerd.
Blueberry burgers or wg burgers?
When Will someone bless us with a taut shylily blimp I'm dying to have a beach sized whale blimp floating in the ocean like a pool toy like hell she's based of a orca yet still just belly stuff! No blimps? I need me that funny beached whale joke. Or maybe exploding whale joke 😉

If you've haven't skinny dipping with a huge fat whale, I recommend it. I heard fucking 1 is even better, but I haven't had the time.
(292 KB, 960x1440, p14893_p_v8_af.jpg)
I wanna skinny dip with shylily as my big fat full pool toy as I ride on her back like a horse! Plugging a tank in on full blast as she expands under my thighs and right as the last puff from the airpump fills that last bit of space and shatters rubber bits of her pool toy butt everywhere causing me to cream everywhere where my rubbery blimp once floated.

Or in reverse stick a helium tank in her and watch her float away, holding my hands up in a free willy pose trying to touch her belly as she floats away from my grasp and into the sky!

Thinking she's one with the spy balloons now!

Why would you need helium underwater in a pool? Don't you mean oxygen and nitrogen oxide?
it's two different prompts anon, one in the pool and the other inflating her with helium so she floats away.
isnt she technically pregnant in this?

Technically yes but it's still a good image.
Nice we needed more balloon doggo
>>Make them a reality!
Sauce on the sequence?
Artist: kittenboogers
Inflate her with helium.
One hell of a fucking username
Can we just get a compilation on Holos bringing up inflation? (Using the word inflate in a context that isn't about money)
I love Henya as my girlfriend and she has boing boing
>>86414 who's the artist?
I hope I'm in the right category for this but here's everything I could find related to ShyLily! It's a mix of belly, breast, and preg with a little bit of bbw in the mix. 38 files total, expires in 3 days. I'll try and reupload from time to time but other than that, have fun folks! Womp womp!


We need more shylily istg
(1.6 MB, 1211x1713, 5.png) (1.3 MB, 1211x1713, 6.png) (1.1 MB, 1211x1713, 7.png) (1.1 MB, 1364x1520, 8.png) (1.0 MB, 1360x1524, 9.png)
This sequence is so sexy holy shit
Has anyone done inflation art of yakirisuu? Both the vtuber model and the woman behind the model would look great as big balloons and/or rubber scraps on the floor
I totally see what you mean, she got hella nice tiddy
(465 KB, 858x714, saavtubercatgirl.png)
SaaVTuber anyone? Would love to see her thighs expanded to a massive size.
i can't fucking believe the bao fats i requested was seen by all of them, what the actual fuck
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shylily dump
(627 KB, 750x1125, image_2023-07-31_191111183.png)
Someone on twitter is making a gawr gura animation. They posted a preview a couple days ago.
this person is fucking trash they're just blatantly copying imbapovi
Well then, buckle up because I'm gonna break the news to ya...the author is none other than Aphodity, a girl famous for these shitty animations. I personally hate them, and she is way too popular for her own right
everyone knows who this person is all they do is beg for attention and make the worst mmd shit
Does Shylily go "Pump Pump!" instead of "Womp Womp!"?
Great to know your opinions, now fuck off to begging for monthly bonuses in imba thread, we talk here about artists that actually are willing to do chuubas, and no, that one Polka doesn't mean shit after he banned vtuber scenarios altogether.
theBBBroom on Patreon

I know some people who are going to throw a hissy fit at this post LOL
What is the green haired characters name and is there more of them?
Why did Imba ban vtuber vids?
cause they suck
Cuz both him and his inner circle were bitchy about the entire "hurr durr real people" thing
Not so. Hate that faggot filled shithole of a server, but I’m in his top tiers for the content and I can say with certainty that there hasn’t been any discussion there that swayed him. He’s always just had an aversion to doing anything connected to real people and will veto it if people make the suggestion.
so he will basically just say no the moment he doesn't want to do a animation of a specific character of a group of characters? im just asking for clarification is all
He very rarely does, but on his list of no-nos (which he reminds everyone of regularly) is any character that can be perceived of as too young, he reserves the right to judge this, anyone who is an IRL figure, unless he gets their explicit consent so there might be a slight chance if someone like snuffy herself approached him, and anything furry or non human. Monster girls push the envelope on this as he has done a one off with centaurea yet i've seen him cockblock a brony.
ah ok i see. now that i think about it i wonder what kind of inflation snuffy would even ask for of her self if she did get in contact with imbapovi or well a better 3d animator then him (just in case so we dont get something that kinda just looks copy pasted)
@MooseTracks8008 on twitter, hope that he draw more of the girls in the future, they look so good in his style
Ya know, with how many commissions of snuffy they put out alot, it makes me wonder if she's the one who's actually commissioning them
Been speculation for some time. She's defiantly aware of inflation stuff, not quite if she's into it though. Could be a mix of her comming stuff and others comming stuff of her.
She had a kink stream once where she put it into S-Tier, so she might actually be
She also said she would fuck Muk from pokemon, because she wants it to "inflate [her] and fill [her] up."
Snuffy just got upgraded to one of my fave Vtubers now
That's not a Vtuber
(514 KB, 655x973, Filian_Portrait.png)
Can we get so fillian I mean she has inflatable boobs for crap sake
Does she even use em that often tho?
I mean a handful of times at least it's a running gag because flat chested trope. Plus the pun filling up fillian would be funny for someone to want to do.
Dumb question, are there any male Vtuberers that said they have some sort of expansion fetish at all?
We should make her have a inflated model as well like bao the whale
theres theycallhimcake, bluebuntristan, etc
>Fyi she's into farts big time ;)
there is not enough zen inflation/stuffing art
I agree , there is suprisingly very little of zentreya expansion art, so if anyone knows where can we find more , please share.
i dont think anyone cares about the person behind the character
I missed the videos apparently and can't seem to find them online anyone still have them?
(160 KB, 1600x1142, WIP_CounciIrys balloons.jpeg)
I liked a lot the concept of this image so i wanted to make a redraw of it, it's also my first time making inflation of any kind so, what better that do it with hologals
I hope to being able to finish it anytime soon-ish
What the hell is the source on the first Melody pic and where can I find it in higher quality? Reverse image search couldn't find shit
I think its time we make a new thread Boys this one is just about at its limit
would be intrigued how a inlfated vexoria would look like
(119 KB, 1024x1253, projekt_melody_blueberry_by_feastings2_df1sgie-fullview.jpg) (120 KB, 1024x1309, ych___melody_s_cake_pt_3_by_lushaani_dg1hwfc-fullview.jpg) (116 KB, 1024x1159, ych___melody_s_cake_pt_4__by_lushaani_dg1la8n-fullview.jpg) (89 KB, 1024x964, ych___melody_s_cake_pt_5__by_lushaani_dg1p7bc-fullview.jpg) (177 KB, 1280x904, projekt_melody_huge_exe_by_derrotebaum_df00kbr-fullview.jpg) (214 KB, 1024x2289, ych___melody_s_cake_pt_2_by_lushaani_dg1a4xn-fullview.jpg)
(135 KB, 1280x1213, kiara_body_modeling_expansion_by_mmdaphrodity_deqlxnp-fullview.jpg) (78 KB, 828x1063, stuffed_takanashi_kiara_by_zeroballoony_dgdev2m-414w-2x.jpg) (318 KB, 1280x1811, takanashi_kiara_by_john2989027_derze7x-fullview.jpg) (176 KB, 1280x1792, mori_calliope_by_aka0530_dfa26r8-fullview.jpg) (80 KB, 768x768, stuffed_mori_calliope_by_cakeislol_dfr7c4q-fullview.jpg) (211 KB, 1280x1811, pregnant_mori_calliope_by_jueg_detwpyz-fullview.jpg)
Cake, Princess Jomes, Vorestria.
There's a lot of vtubers comming art of themselves to post in their tweets. Some are unhindged and just use fetish art though those vtubers are less known. Internets wild these days.

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