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My gf is into bellies too and I would like to know methods of making her belly grow without affecting her health. So no weight gain or potential for internal tearing. Does anyone know any methods that fit the bill?
Talk to your doctor.
Take it slow with inflation. Only do as she feels comfortable with. Stuffing is a matter of balancing stuffing yourself and being able to workout the extra calories. Then her stomach will have a larger capacity and be in shape.
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"So I want to blow my partner up like a balloon and get off to it-"

In all seriousness though, your hesitance to rush in and willingness to actually think it through is good to see. Too many people act stupid and make reckless decisions about this.
I'm pretty sure that's a troll post. From what I've researched most people that actually inflate advice against baking soda mixed because the stomach doesn't have much capacity for air and you will exhale most of the gasses, plus whatever does go trough will be very painful.
Shit. I was gonna say "do your research, this is just hearsay", but it looks like it was I who needed to do the research. Why does this kink have to be so hard
>>44037 (OP)
Check or ask on r/bellyexpansion . Technically everything can be dangerous if you don't do it right, but air inflation is pretty safe.
Your doctor has seen and heard it all before. They are unlikely to judge you, they are bound by confidentiality and they could possibly provide more effective methods with less risk.

Theres nothing to lose, you might as well try and I'm sure your woman would prefer advice from a professional than strangers on a fetish site.

Don't think about it, just do it

Tldr: just ask your feckin doctor
>>44037 (OP)
First up, Inflation is NEVER safe, there is no "Safe" method of inflation, but there are lower risk methods.
Doing a massive Enema, runs risk of flushing out the important micro-organisms in your digestive system, however, that only really applies if done too frequent.

Air inflation runs the risk of strong cramps and even tho I haven't heard of a case of it actually happening, it could potentially rupture something inside.

Drinking too much can cause Water poisoning, tho isotonic drinks might be an option, however still not riskfree.

And inserting a Needle through the skin of the tummy and filling Saline or Glucose under the Abdominal tissue has a ton of risks as well.

Every Inflation method has risks, the Key is, stop when you feel insecure, don't overdo it, stop when you feel pain or strong discomfort, be there for your Partner, listen to them closely, pay attention to them, and guide them trough.
Also BE READY if things go south to call for help, don't be too shy to explain anything to a doctor.

I've tried almost all inflation methods in the book, and am still alive, but that doesn't mean that what I did was safe.
Needle inflation is a big nope for me.

A thing a lot of people neglect is fasting. Doing a fast of 6-8 hours before inflation is the best thing EVER. Having your digestive system clean limit the risk of cramps and help you deflate faster and more clean.

I inflated myself many times with an aquarium pumps after a 8 hour fast. I was so much bloated that i was belching and, trust me, if it's done perfectly the feeling is incredible. I was litteraly moaning and belching at the same time. Edging your inflation limits feel so relaxing it's weird. You feel like your vulnerable and in control at the same time. The only downside is that you get so big that you can't masturbate. Too thight to move. So do her a favor and roll her marble if she start belching with a beachball belly.
>>44037 (OP)
>aquarium pump
where was it pumping the air?
It's an air enema.
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>>44037 (OP)
I am not a doctor but I've been doing belly stuff for years and here's what worked for me.

Feeling full happens when your stomach has no more room for food. Hunger is a thing your brain does when you don't have enough calories. Eating when you aren't hungry is what makes bags of potato chips disappear. Eating when you're full because your cells need it is what makes bellies able to stretch further than usual.

If you want to increase your gf's stomach capacity (for feederism/enemas/air inflation/whatever), she needs to eat over 2 pounds of food (the most a normal stomach can hold) before she eats as 2000 calories (the energy the average woman burns by existing). You still want her to eat 2000 calories, but she needs to feel full before she stops feeling hungry. So fruit, yogurt, pudding, jello, things like that. Healthy snacks.

For me, I started by adding 2 pounds of pudding/yogurt/jello to every meal. For the rest I ate 4-5 pounds of pizza, burgers, junk food. Counting for drinks and candy, I went from eating 5 pounds a day to 10 pounds a day.

Once I got used to that I started adding other stuff like pints of strawberries, drinking more water, a watermelon or two when we can get them. On average I eat 30-40 lbs. a day, but since a lot of it holds little nutritional value I don't gain a lot of weight.

(That's 30-40 lbs. coming out the other end though, so... something to consider).

That all being said, my doctor doesn't care that I want a huge belly. My doctor cares about me being healthy, my partner cares about me being healthy, and 9 out of 10 doctors recommend being healthy.

So talk to with your partner and more importantly talk to a doctor, ya dingus.
In general this fetish can’t be exactly safe, but like others have said there are ways to make it safer. I’ve been inflating my wife for about 6 years now. Neither of us into weight gain and both of us healthy. We’ve always gone about it that if she feels the slightest discomfort, we stop then and there and the hose comes out. She feels the slightest bit nervous, same thing. One of the best things you can do is go about it slowly. Keep a slow but steady pace so her body has time to know what the fuck is happening and if she’s in any pain or any danger it can be called early. We’ve increased the speed and volume a bit over the years but it’s been a several year process to even find her limit. Ultimately anon, your gf’s safety is the priority. If both of you or even one of you is unsure, find an alternate method like a balloon under her shirt with a hose that looks like it’s in her ass. It’s not the same as her being the balloon, I get that, but if it’s the best for you and especially her, it’s for the best
My partner has been inflating for a little over a decade using different methods. It takes time and practice to stretch and get a good shape, and it's something they have to keep up to maintain, so it requires a certain amount of support and dedication.

The absolute first time, we were playing around in bed, I knew she had a pregnancy/belly fetish, and I blew her up mouth to ass. It was difficult and uncontrolled ("too fast"), so she fashioned a hand pump and air hose and inflated herself with it later to surprise me.

She gradually shifted away from air enemas to carbonated water to be more discrete, not that it eliminates the raucous farting, which has worked well since she can do it over a few hours pretty much every day if she feels like it with no after effects. She also pretty much consumes all of her meals for the day in one sitting, so for how petite she is, she's carrying a pretty wildly distended belly more often than not. It wasn't until recently though that she decided she would be okay with herself being curvier and gained a few pounds. She's not sold on the weight, but I don't mind either way. She's got a bigger belly that stretches the skin tight now, but it's really striking when she's thin, disappears for an hour, and comes back halfway through her third trimester.

She jokes about buying an aquarium pump whenever we're picking up pet food, but I doubt she'll ever go back to inflating that way. I do enjoy the process, but there's plenty else I like.

Encouragement and support, not control. If you like things, talk about it. It's way hotter when it's something she's into and wants to do herself, and when she knows it's what turns you on. I get most of my pleasure from knowing it's what's making her happy.
Painful? I heard it's nausea and only the most masochistic reach that depth.
needle inflation? never heard of it. sounds fun to watch but painful to perform

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