
(84 KB, 496x276, Screenshot_20220311-134231.png)
Ok so the old thread supposedly got locked.

That said we can always rebuild bigger and
fatter than before! So I'm starting a fresh one

How it works:

Post an image or screenshot from a cartoon you think would make a good inflation.

And then anyone can edit it either by reference image you give them or however they please.

Only rule..

Only 1 to 2 requests at a time until they are fulfilled. (As to give the artists who work on these amazing pieces time to breathe)

You can offer screenshots of good ideas if you really come across something that you think would look amazing if you llike?

but as always there's no guarantee that an artist will tackle your idea or the requests you give them..

Anyways always have fun. Keep it friendly. (But dank if you please)

And let's bloat some lovely ladies! (Or men, catgirls. Whatever if it suits your pleasure personally I don't care who you request)
(18 KB, 650x367, ojxbyawdxr.jpg) (27 KB, 640x367, wss8xr7q3m051.jpg) (513 KB, 1280x720, c02b9b94703d_tumblr_pizwxwgNdt1xat2d3o3_1280.png) (17 KB, 640x360, CHfoBIXrYfqS55XzJLjVlSzf_640x360.jpg)
As always I'll break the champagne bottle open with the first request.

We've done a handful of shera girls so far so I figure what's wrong with a few more. I've seen nobody do catra yet. So here's some reference pictures. Make her big,puffy, and ready to burst!
(102 KB, 496x276, Screenshot_20220311-140013.png) (85 KB, 496x275, Screenshot_20220311-135918.png)
I personally like the second image where she's hissing and angry you could really make it look like she's feeling full and aggravated from it

Again remember room filling but I wouldn't mind features similar to boobs or visible arms or hands. Whatever floats the boat. Something kinda like below
RK9 bs won't let me post the images directly, so I'm directly linking my request from the previous thread here:

>>37078 (Cross-thread)
Yeah I'm trying to get in the old thread deleted because of this
The more catgirl the merrier
(640 KB, 1566x881, Snivy.png) (5 KB, 300x168, ooh.jpg)
I'm just gonna throw this. Since we're seeing potential non-humans, Snivy inflated.
(786 KB, 1391x782, 1647032762484.png) (543 KB, 1281x849, 1647031778612.png)
Ok so I'm not the best at editing. ( I'm kinda ok at drawing but it takes a long time.)

I might attempt more stuff in future who knows we'll see.. but I do have some minor morph knowledge so I cut and edited the balloon suit on Top of the girl. It might be kind of crude but it's the best I could do. I figured if nobody else attempts it at least you have something.
(79 KB, 981x471, запрос1.jpg) (78 KB, 972x388, запрос2.jpg) (170 KB, 990x777, запрос3.jpg)
I have a small request to move these requests here from the third topic-that's why I'm writing about it, it's important for many-thank you very much. I marked mine immediately in the form of separate pictures.
Requester here. I appreciate your attempt
So, I've been lurking for quite some time, but I figured why not throw my hat into the ring. I know someone suggested Stevonnie, but I don't think they've been worked on. For both of the image, I was thinking of Stevonnie inflating like a hot air balloon. I would like to mention...try to go big, and I mean BIG. XD

Here's the picture I want to use. https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/steven-universe/images/c/cb/Alone_Together_079.png

(Note: I tried the files thing, just won't work for me. I tried time and time again and it just said a file isn't compatible, when both are supposed to be compatible)
Re-requesting Maron to be inflated similar to the Izzy image here (with topless nudity and with her extremely horny).

Sadly RK9 is being stupid again, so I'm going to link my old request: >>38853 (Cross-thread)
You got it reference image to what shape you'd want them inflates in
I don't think there's any way to deliberately edit the image and if I attempted to draw it I don't know if my style would be to Tony for you. It would definitely not have that hellresident style wash to it ya know.

But maybe if I have time at some point maybe I'll try it if nobody else does.

I know I already got Samus blowkiss by Ripley on my want to inflate list so what's a peach to the mix
Calm down people this early on and we're already lumpin! Someone will probably get to your request eventually and if they don't then sadly they don't. Let's just give this thread at least 2 mounts before we start lumpin
I can't keep creating threads this fast or I'll get hit with spam lol
Hey y’all, the Anonymous Artist from the last several threads here. I will make a return (probably) by the end of the month or so. Requests will be filled (ha) by then.... again, probably. No guarantees.
>>43507 (Cross-thread)
Linking my request from the previous thread here cuz of R9K. Will try to repost if the old thread ends up getting deleted.

I would mainly like for this already-inflated Peach's puffy cheeks to be smaller/"toned down", closer to some of the other edits from these threads. Details like boobs aren't needed but might be nice as well.
I will let people know I think the artist who has been doing a lot of the stuff in these threads does take images and archive them in a file folder once requested so I figured I'd just remind people that unless they deliberately ask for just because It deleted accidentally or say otherwise you pretty much set once you post your request
That's fine take your time I didn't know you were here for a hot second man yeah I ended up creating a new thread just make sure to save the images like you've been doing in a folder or something on your computer Im trying to request the deletion of the old thread so that way it can just be out of here I've already archived I think most of the images there you can go through them again and check yourself if you want but yeah this is the new thread for stuff.

But take your time and we'll see you when you get back man
Maybe her mom.. or Libby's mom could always get the treatment again 😼
>>40297 (Cross-thread)
Quick question, are these requests still gonna be filled someday? I'm still willing to wait, I just want to know if there's anything to wait for.
Thanks for that, if it was you, for archiving it all on e-hentai. Saved me the trouble of reposting all the work on the edit archive thread.
Yes, I’ll be working on those and dump them all in one go.
Could you inflate Sarah in the image linked in the same way as Dawn in the other linked image (small amount of air, rounded body, slightly inflated hands, etc.)? She is 23, as confirmed by her character sheet.

Sarah ref. image - https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/f/a00a7229-d50e-4210-9bbf-c4842ad55926/deynz3d-582e5caf-9897-40ed-8d03-d6ce7ee77e16.png/v1/fill/w_1280,h_960,q_80,strp/oops_by_j3d1d1ah97_deynz3d-fullview.jpg?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOjdlMGQxODg5ODIyNjQzNzNhNWYwZDQxNWVhMGQyNmUwIiwiaXNzIjoidXJuOmFwcDo3ZTBkMTg4OTgyMjY0MzczYTVmMGQ0MTVlYTBkMjZlMCIsIm9iaiI6W1t7ImhlaWdodCI6Ijw9OTYwIiwicGF0aCI6IlwvZlwvYTAwYTcyMjktZDUwZS00MjEwLTliYmYtYzQ4NDJhZDU1OTI2XC9kZXluejNkLTU4MmU1Y2FmLTk4OTctNDBlZC04ZDAzLWQ2Y2U3ZWU3N2UxNi5wbmciLCJ3aWR0aCI6Ijw9MTI4MCJ9XV0sImF1ZCI6WyJ1cm46c2VydmljZTppbWFnZS5vcGVyYXRpb25zIl19.5TNNl6E6WydHxaEmxgyznGnbmyQgUVJmPwaahHA_HwE

Ref. image for how she should be inflated - https://bbw-chan.nl/.media/cab3ce308be401818496dc029cc50b37389f20b66bd7a96125a5d031a5b487f9.jpg

Age confirmation - https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/f/a00a7229-d50e-4210-9bbf-c4842ad55926/dewwge1-e39ecefa-40e8-4c67-a63c-4892383bdad6.png/v1/fill/w_1280,h_960,q_80,strp/sarah_april_reference_sheet_by_j3d1d1ah97_dewwge1-fullview.jpg?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOjdlMGQxODg5ODIyNjQzNzNhNWYwZDQxNWVhMGQyNmUwIiwiaXNzIjoidXJuOmFwcDo3ZTBkMTg4OTgyMjY0MzczYTVmMGQ0MTVlYTBkMjZlMCIsIm9iaiI6W1t7ImhlaWdodCI6Ijw9OTYwIiwicGF0aCI6IlwvZlwvYTAwYTcyMjktZDUwZS00MjEwLTliYmYtYzQ4NDJhZDU1OTI2XC9kZXd3Z2UxLWUzOWVjZWZhLTQwZTgtNGM2Ny1hNjNjLTQ4OTIzODNiZGFkNi5wbmciLCJ3aWR0aCI6Ijw9MTI4MCJ9XV0sImF1ZCI6WyJ1cm46c2VydmljZTppbWFnZS5vcGVyYXRpb25zIl19.AJDjpJC75jKBxzJ9EBf7IrpQk-Lgk69l3mACr3RPwFo
Additional info: This could either be from a sting or from an air pump, and slightly inflated feet (with her boots slightly torn in the process) would also be preferred.
>>44011 This is the wrong place to request that, bud.
No problem I'm having a problem getting back to the thread though so currently the link I posted here is the only way you can access it so you might want to write down this info or save it otherwise the archive is completely lost in a jumbling massive different archives


Just write down the link name somewhere and if anybody ever asks for a link to the archive throw them this
Ok NVM I guess all you have to do is go to the filter bar and type BBWCHAN all caps and it comes up
Pulled this from the old thread not really requesting it but just saying that another good opportunity to inflate eda here for whoever wants to take the task up
I linked the images. R9W caused a problem and prevented me from posting the images directly.

Fuck off fag, she's 38 lmao

The character is canonically an adult in the series/comics... Besides, it's not like anon is requesting someone to draw inflation art of a real child
(196 KB, 305x492, he-who-must-not-be-named-returns_1754.png)
As a reminder guys if you're just going to drop something from the other thread go ahead and drop it do not mention the dreaded word as that's what locked us out the last thread.
To get back on topic, what I want are more blueberry edits. Normally, people would answer with what characters they want, but right now, I'm drawing (heh) a blank on who I want. I kind of want more male berries than females, but I'm open to both.

Gotcha. I'm gonna delete my reply and start over. Sorry for any inconvenience.
(3.9 MB, 3760x2024, hinapool.png)
Requesting if someone could edit left to look like Hina from Blue Archive
>>37745 (Cross-thread)

Here is my request that never got fulfilled on the last thread. Had to re reply since the last time I posted this here, I didn't know the rules here until now, so here it is once again. If that is ok that is, cause I know it's not gonna be done right away and it needs to take time.
That's fine I'm just saying try to avoid that word because the bot autoflags it and doing it too many times will lock the threat again

Ok then. I understand now.
(1.6 MB, 1920x1080, 2469676__safe_screencap_indigo+zap_lemon+zest_sci-dash-twi_sour+sweet_sugarcoat_sunny+flare_twilight+sparkle_equestria+girls_friendship+games_chalkboard_clothes.png) (1.8 MB, 5904x2500, 929399__safe_artist-colon-xebck_indigo+zap_lemon+zest_sour+sweet_sugarcoat_sunny+flare_equestria+girls_friendship+games_absurd+resolution_clothes_crystal+prep+.png)
Thanks again and one more time for the great delivery! Would you mind if I requested alt's of your fantastic work?
Requesting the supercharged nerd girl (on the left) getting her revenge on one of her bullies, a senior and classmate (other than the yellow girl)
(417 KB, 2414x1356, 50648CF1-47F5-4EBF-87C0-3EA632DF4827.jpeg)
A good screenshot that I found, one perfectly ripe for the picking for an edit... One which I’ve placed on my current list of requests for the thread.
No guarantees but I definitely wanna try something with the 3rd image the expression gives me mad "oh God what's happening to me vibes!"

I kinda wanna go spherical with arms and feet sink in though like she's rip to pop into confetti
>>44444 Go ahead and go for it. You can do whatever works for you or whatever your comfortable with doing.
Well I'll try my best at some point I just got through doing something right now though and it's kind of tired me out
(1.8 MB, 1920x1080, image%3A58445)
I'll at least try to prep a few poses or shapes before I put it away for the day. I think I'm liking the arm position
(457 KB, 1920x1080, JumboJohanna1.png)
Didn't do the exact inflation you wanted, just used the screencap.
>>44546 That’s ok. This inflation edit of Johanna that you did is really cool. Thank you. I just hope that you or somebody else will consider doing more inflation edits of her but with the screenshots of her that I’ve shared. If not, I understand and will settled for this one.
Most definitely some good screenshots
(225 KB, 496x592, Screenshot_20220318-175002.png) (242 KB, 1043x1043, 1647643718607.png)
Ok so I'm gonna try and share wips as I do this.

I cut out Joanna's head and elevated it a little because as much as I look at it she gonna look like an smushed Inflated pancake giving her head position. So this will be her new head (Plus the reason I'm doing this is I figure keeping as much of the original as possible would be fun.)

Fyi template at the bottom in case you guys want to use it for whatever
Still haven't done Joanna yet apologize I do things at random and drop things at random

I was tempted to try it today but instead I got distracted and doing a Uber Mrs boonchuy instead. It.. was calling to me!
>>44728 (Cross-thread)
>>44730 are you gonna do the Jolyne pic? It's okay if you don't want to just curious
(197 KB, 1920x1080, Shirley Rogers Screenshot 1.jpg) (273 KB, 632x480, Shirley Rogers Screenshot 2.png) (735 KB, 1912x1072, Nani Edit 9.png)
How about also some inflation edits of Shirley Rogers (both in her normal and fat forms) from the famous "Totally Spies" episode "Passion Patties" via make her as inflated as Nani from "Lilo and Stitch: The Series" in this inflation edit of her shown here please? Thank you.
You don’t thank the guy who just did an entire edit for you and then you immediately post another request?
What is wrong with some people on this site?
Can't we just commission one to edit art or something?
Bruh. Let others request stuff first before you whore for more.
It's fine probably can't get to the next one anytime soonn or maybe at all. But At least he likes it that's all that matters
If you can figure out a way how yeah if the artist is willing to accept cash you can offer cash too to get what you want don but this is majority for requests but no rule against commissions either.
(781 KB, 697x1221, sketch1648479312869.png)
Not sure if I'm gonna do this yet. Just in case I don't here's a bonus quick belly edit on the og picture
Need I have to remind people to only post ONE request at a time and take a break after you get it? We aren't your slaves. Do it yourself if you want it so badly.
Where did you found this pic from?
I've kinda set the limit to two at a time that way you can throw out two choices and no more until those are done.
Thank you looks pretty good
No problem had some time to kill
>>43838 (OP)
Would it violate the "only 1 to 2 requests" rule to ask for an edit of an image, of a franchise that's already represented in one or two posts?
Also, reposting images from the last thread seems to trigger a system response.
Not sure I mean as long as you keep it tame I have no big reason to enforce these rules. Like personally I throw up any interesting screen grabs I find from series.

Just don't be a dick about it I guess and worse case artists get to pick and choose what they wish to do so don't expect they'll get to it
(125 KB, 1920x1080, Lois Lane Screenshot 16.jpg) (129 KB, 1920x1080, Lois Lane Screenshot 8.jpg) (151 KB, 1920x1080, Lois Lane Screenshot 13.jpg) (132 KB, 1920x1080, Lois Lane Screenshot 17.jpg)
Can I get some more inflation edits of Lois Lane from "Superman: The Animated Series" via inflate her the same way she was inflated the first time please? Thank you. I found these interesting screenshots that I thought would be perfect for some more inflation edits of Lois Lane. I hope that you guys will agree as well.
>>46578 Now just in case you all don't know what I mean by or know what I'm talking about when I say "the way she was inflated the first time" please refer to the first inflation edits of Lois Lane which can be found here at >>45940 (Cross-thread).
Hey one dude you still on hiatus or are you ok? This threads kinda been silent for quite a long time with no update.
Still alive.

I just haven’t gotten back into the groove of it yet. Might be a while. Sorry folks.
That's fine just making sure you're alright.

God any old archived or unseen stuff you can drop. Kinda worried the threads gonna get locked again with all the requests lol
(643 KB, 2450x2315, 5D11EFDB-98DD-4DA5-9724-0D2BC4B931C3.jpeg)
Uh... let me double check them.

Welp, there was this one. I think this one was even requested back in the first thread. Must’ve gotten lost in the mix.

P.s. the ID thing changed again, I’m the same artist under the ID of 95aa32 for this thread and who’s fulfilled a bunch of the requests of these last several threads.
As a reminder, we’ve made a rule here that rather use that particular word, we simply link the request.
Ever finish this?
Sadly no been so busy with like 5 other projects but if I do tackle it I will drop it below for sure
(6.5 MB, 3240x2020, 55BA1DEE-03AF-411F-BFDE-2E7887B23D2A.png)
Hello everyone! I am yesyepsurething( check me out on deviantart),
And I would be willing to complete some morphs on this thread if anyone wants any done.
Here are one of my works I have done previously but you can see my whole gallery on deviantart if you wish.
I am willing to do breasts,belly,ass and body inflation, however I will not do any bursting or scat.
Since it's been all night and nobody's thrown you a request I guess I can throw you some busy works.

Had this one photo laying around I was gonna try doing a belly/ full body inflation in a more starfish shape with at some point of this girl with puff cheeks who's just dying for some kind of inflation

but I don't have the proper tools at the moment.

So if you wanna try to do something with be my guest.

I also have this image of just Chloe Moretz face with a lip bitty horny expression in case you wanted to morph out a body template for her and cut out the head with a PNG cutter and throw it on something.

Anyways that's all I got at the moment lol
(172 KB, 1396x572, velma_s_tip_to_refill_your_oxygen_by_bubblestarmuru_df2dkse-pre.jpg)
Side note no one has to do this but figured I'd throw it out there for lols but just found this cute as hell Velma particularly the middle one would be cute to throw up in the background of a blank canvas and edit as a balloon

Might attempt someday myself but as I said I'll always drop interesting things below for fun of things that might make a fun edit for some of you artists in case you ever get bored
(44 KB, 682x774, Sharran Alexander Picture 3.jpg) (266 KB, 1024x1026, Sharran Alexander Picture 1.jpg) (118 KB, 1264x948, Jessamyn Stanley Picture 2.jpg) (67 KB, 750x937, Jessamyn Stanley Picture 3.jpg)
>>47432 Good morning yesyepsurething. I've decided that I would like to take you up on your offer for morph requests and make some of my own morph requests if that's OK with you. I would like to request some body inflation and/or belly morphs of the female sumo wrestler and world record holder for heaviest sportswoman Sharron Alexander and the female yoga instructor and author Jessamyn Stanley. Here are two pictures of Sharron Alexander and two pictures of Jessamyn Stanley for my requests.
Literal fucking carrot lol! I love it. Sure maybe I'll try and make it work later
This by far my least favorite chan ever in history. Is that a coincidence?
(1.5 MB, 1988x2696, 1339951.png) (3.6 MB, 5500x19326, 1606176.png)
I will fix the lack of content one request at a time.
Are you doing my request?>>47780
What happened to all the editors?
I’ll do the girl in the dress
(226 KB, 1920x1080, Velma and Gigi Hadid Screenshot 1.jpg) (239 KB, 1920x1080, Velma and Gigi Hadid Screenshot 2.jpg) (246 KB, 1920x1080, Velma and Gigi Hadid Screenshot 3.jpg) (418 KB, 3083x1750, Pam and Jessica Edit 1.jpg)
Can someone do one or some group inflation edits of Velma and famous model Gigi Hadid in these screenshots of them from the episode of "Scooby-Doo and Guess Who" which Gigi Hadid guest stars in via inflate them both until they're both as round and inflated as Pam and Jessica from "DC Superhero Girls" in this group inflation edit of them shown here please? Thank you.
>>47776 are you done doing my request?
(183 KB, 2048x1310, FGPa6cEWQAEZ6zw.jpg)
Requesting belly inflation with a water hose.
(227 KB, 1920x1080, Animated Lizzo Swimsuit Shot 1.jpg) (1.6 MB, 2800x1670, Poison Ivy Edit 4.png)
Can someone inflate Lizzo as she appears in this screenshot of her guest starring in an episode of "The Proud Family: Louder and Prouder" via make her as big and inflated as Poison Ivy in the inflation edit of her shown here please? Thank you.
You guys get that?
...Maybe just stick to just the one...
>made the first explicit request
>got the first explicit delivery
Thanks, friend.
Only the girl on the left or so help me my temper.
I’ll give this one a shot, but only the girl on the left because the other ones look too much like children
It’s considered a request.
That's alright, thanks in advance!
Nobody wants to inflate a carrot lol
It’s not to inflate a carrot, it’s to fatten a carrot.
I’m not gonna make carrot inflation stop fuckin asking
Just when you think inflating or fattening up girls is weird, this guy wants to fatten up vegetables lol
Genuinely like what the fuck
Oh right. These edits would’ve been better.
Enough with the carrots! What about this?

If somebody else doesn't tackle it it's still a maybe it hit me up right during my decision to take a long hiatus. Might Never happen but believe me I do like the idea of making her round with little tiny hands and feet absorbed into her body. Heck I'm sitting on both that and a shizuku suc o lux inflation. Because it's criminal one doesn't exist. Those are two sitting on my list but drawings more of a pain in the a** For me so I get taken out of it pretty easy when my drawing app malfunctions
Why don’t you try editing it yourself instead of being a sook online lol
(550 KB, 1366x768, static-assets-upload16074391654352454087.png) (5 KB, 300x168, images (2).jpeg)
Ok so I know everyone's more on a belly high but if anyone has time and is willing I would really love to see this Miku edited into an entrapta (blueberry or non berry don't matter)

God can't believe how much these image looks like her! (Image to edit link: >>50578 (Cross-thread))

It's in another thread.

But figured since you guys were in a cartoon high awhile back for shera characters someone might be down to recolor edit little details like outfits parts in.

Also P.S. I’m the same artist that’s been making these since the 1st thread. The ID number just switches for some reason.
You're a keeper.
(1.4 MB, 1170x2532, 6AE182B7-4523-488F-8491-C90B02BEFB84.png)
I like it, but I was kinda thinking of the back being the same but just her belly in the front more bigger and round like, kinda like this if it’s not trouble

Helps that Uber Mass is a thing.

Larger screenshots, over 1000 x 1000 is greatly preferable if you don’t want it to look like it was made w/ a calculator.
Or close enough anyways.
Why is it that I seem to be having trouble of uploading pictures properly? Is there something I'm doing wrong?

Nice work king here's some more screenshots you don't have to do them but if you get bored and you just want some practice here you go!

P.s. Appreciate if you'd at least do the arms out crying one with maybe an about to burst kinda thing. >>50724 ( Kinda went through an auto ban whirlwind hellnightmare of technical glitches all yesterday just to post these stupid screenshots so...)

Like you wouldn't believe how many f ups and glitches! It was beyond mildly infuriating!
(637 KB, 871x1249, bigger konosuba barmaid.png)
Im not sure on how to go about on the others but I was definitely feeling the barmaid needed a boost so here ya go!
Had that issue too yesterday and got me an auto ban too that just lifted. To be honest I thought it was just my wifi but since your having issues too it's probably got something to do with the yearly updates thing
OR here, this is amazing! As for the other 2, well im perfectly ok with you extending the canvas size, but if you just wanna leave it at this one picture and let someone else handle the others, that’s completely understandable!
Maybe we'll see later on kinda just something i rushed before I have to leave somewhere won't be back for hours
That seams less like an edit and more like a redraw request probably out my alley at least
I didn’t mean it like that i mean the size of the belly in 2nd pic, like make the size the same as the 2nd if you can do that tho
Dang! She Blimpin!
Op back with more hot damn!

Thanks for the new additions for my entrapta collection
Still curious to see what these two look like but save em for later you deserve a break king come back to them in future if you like

such amazing work shera girls make such fun balloons!
Yeah but it wasn’t that good you know, not like being a jerk just not what I wanted really
(313 KB, 1185x1080, voodoo inflation.png) (490 KB, 1320x1080, you are what you chew.png)
Tried my best but I'm not good with faces. Plus small details tend to fuzz on my end.

That said I did what I could. Had to add the voodoo doll and tracer for extra differences as r9k may not pick up that small of detail
Ok that's all for tonight folks the least I feel I can do as a thank you for the entraptas is try and get some of these more little edits out of the way so you artists can focus on the more harder ones
(2.2 MB, 3111x1750, sassy and bloated entrapta.png)
Late night bonus (because I'm having insomnia.

I was playing around with the entraptas out of boredom for steadyness practice

Anyways by adding/layering one hand version on top of the other I did give her this funny little sassy thing going

Anyways think I'm going to try to head back to bed but just something interesting I figured I'd drop
(2.2 MB, 3111x1750, sassy bloated entrapta.png)
Late night bonus (because I'm having insomnia.

I was playing around with the entraptas out of boredom for steadyness practice

Anyways by adding/layering one hand version on top of the other I did give her this funny little sassy thing going

Anyways think I'm going to try to head back to bed but just something interesting I figured I'd drop

(Fixed an error I made in the background)
When I think abomination makers my mind instantly goes to goo or slime inflation
Fantastic is there anyway with the last one we could go half head absorption maybe fingers bloated and wiggling

Again you don't need to do it all at once pace yourself if need be lol
Pouty lips maybe puffy cheeks. I have no clue sky's the limit pick your own favorite images too if you ever find anything
Well doesn't have to be fear could be anger sadness as long as it's pouty it feels like it would inflate the best

Most important almost canvas filling but doesn't have to consume it just something that gives the picture the balloons bigger than a human in scale

Heck your shapes are so good I'm usually more of a boob person but I find them unnecessarily because the orbs turn out so cute
Also a catra fan I see. did you happen to get a glimpse at this persons request above they requested some interesting looking shots! >>43840
Personally I wish I could draw like you but my hands are shitty on top of that I need better tools hopefully gonna try to get a laptop or something in future to get some better draw over apps.

Any recommendations on tools or personal drawing tricks?
We should get some Perfuma edits ngl
Mermista too hasn't gotten treatment
My favorite inf edits are always where you can see a visible height change between the original image and the sphere edit
Exactly like if a persons standing next to them they look like a weather balloon
That too, especially when the person next to them is being slightly or entirely engulfed. Stuff like that is one of the reasons I will have eternal gratitude for these editors
Yeah but the face still being visible to some degree, hands all stubby and wiggling but definitely the head being consumed to an extent.
I agree on the head too, stuff like that is really why I dislike some huge inflations if they don't have a closeup or anything. At that point it's just kind of a colored sphere.
(451 KB, 1920x1080, Kale power up.png)
Could someone make Kale a big round balloon please?
Well doesn't have to be a screen filling close up can just be something like this >>50944 as long as it gives you the vibe

Oh definitely, I'm talking about "too huge" as in the point where the image is just a multicolored sphere with divots and no depth.
(1.2 MB, 2048x1151, image%3A36948)
I'm attempting something and I'm not sure where it will go
(1.4 MB, 2048x1152, era - Copy.png) (2.1 MB, 2388x1343, perma.png)
Found other screenshots that could be either canvas sized, or her slightly engulfing the others
Lol I was mostly shitposting here but enjoy either way
Second one of definitely first one would loose some people sadly
(1.1 MB, 2048x1151, sketch1653442462712.png)
Really don't know where to go from here finding the body shape and hand placement is always such a bitch for me lol
(1.1 MB, 2048x1151, sketch1653443348501.png)
Im Trying but I am not good at this lol I'm getting somewhere with the cheek and neck lines but ehh
I think I'm going to stop here for now pick it up later but if anyone else wants to attempt to continue from where I'm at feel free be my guest.
(2.0 MB, 1920x1080, 4pb0u8.png) (2.0 MB, 1920x1080, q1w28x.png) (2.0 MB, 1920x1080, wx74ba.png) (36 KB, 240x135, 240px-Vlcsnap-2014-03-27-17h40m03s117.png) (71 KB, 240x135, 240px-Vlcsnap-2014-03-27-18h17m54s79.png) (522 KB, 1024x1024, 1024px-Vlcsnap-2014-03-27-21h13m15s39.png)
One of these images of Nora Rita Norita and Cora from the Animaniacs reboot. and their both rolypoly like in that iconic anime! But no big boobs on either Please! just the round body and limbs are normal.
(2.1 MB, 1920x1080, r5bnud.png) (2.1 MB, 1920x1080, 617aa8.png) (2.1 MB, 1920x1080, nqrtcw.png)
some more Noria and Cora pics to make rolypoly!
(364 KB, 640x480, BBF6847E-E819-4C8F-BDF9-04B16616B0F7.png) (506 KB, 640x480, 6EF86073-70B5-4D5B-92BE-C79E6F475789.png) (635 KB, 3150x1772, 8971C771-127B-4D89-94D8-DAE1B345664E.jpeg) (604 KB, 3733x2096, F907E3A2-1BAF-4766-891B-D62EEDEC600D.jpeg)
Wanna request full body inflation edits of these screenshots of Trudy Proud from the Proud Family, as well as Sunset Boulevardez, similar to these previous edits. Wanna add if you could make the arms and hands, as well as legs if able too, puffy.
Oh wow thanks! While I wanted Cora rolypoly too this is still fantastic! And while I was worried for big boobs, but you know what, their done pretty good here. Not to big, and that shape and pose on Norma is great!
(204 KB, 1920x1080, Blue Diamond Screenshot 4.jpg) (170 KB, 1920x1080, Blue Diamond Screenshot 6.jpg) (180 KB, 1920x1080, Blue Diamond Screenshot 5.jpg) (463 KB, 3081x2100, Yellow Diamond Inflation Edit 1.jpg)
Seeing as now it's now becoming a trend again to request edits of "Steven Universe" characters I would like to request some inflation edits of Blue Diamond via inflate her until she is as big and inflated as Yellow Diamond in the inflation edit of her shown here please? Thank you. Also, I would like to have her look excited and happy to be inflated if that's ok.
Are you the legendary editor from last thread?
Yes. I’m back.

Practically all you’ve seen thus far was by me.
>>51085 Glad to have you back!

Everything under these ID numbers was by me:

...of this thread.
The guy with the 5721 at the end of his name?

Uh... I’m referring to the colour box that is next to the “Id:”
The cat covens official abomination blimp >>51100
(156 KB, 1920x1080, Scorpia Screenshot 6.jpg) (68 KB, 1280x720, Scorpia Screenshot 3.jpg) (56 KB, 1280x720, Scorpia Screenshot 2.jpg) (834 KB, 3746x2100, Perfuma Inflation Edit 1.jpg)
I've noticed here that it's becoming a trend again to request edits of She-Ra characters. Therefore, I would like to request some inflation edits of Scorpia via inflate her until she is as inflated as Perfuma in the inflation edit of her shown here please. Thank you.
Heh, kinda looks like Catra is sitting on Scorpia’s lap.
So, anyone of the chadlington variety wanna take a crack at the first two pics? I would massively appreciate it :D
I might just kinda sitting on it
Scorpia: And what do you want for Christmas
On the one hand, I want to see some edits of some Genshin Impact males (Yes, I'm trash) but on the other hand, I'm not sure how to find screenshots that are good to morph.

(For reference, the characters I was thinking of are Kazuha, Aether/Male Traveler, Bennett, Xingqiu, and Tartaglia/Childe/Ajax)
(136 KB, 2000x1125, https___redshirtsalwaysdie.com_files_2020_01_04_TENDI.jpg) (882 KB, 426x240, Star Trek Lower Decks 016 - Sam Weight Gain.mp4)
Here's an idea Im absolutely surprised nobody has done Beckett (girl in red) from star trek lower decks inflated in place of ruthford (in yellow) maybe with replacing Beckett who's on top of him with tendi (in blue)

Side note Kinda sad it wasn't the girls in general who got inflated or maybe even both ruthford and one of the girls seams like that gas should have infected everyone!
Screenshots of moments you want are better than a full video clip.
(135 KB, 1920x1080, LD-S2E6-85.jpg) (395 KB, 1820x1024, secondcontact.jpg) (32 KB, 740x370, Lower-Decks-Mariner-stabs-Boimler.jpg)
Oh I figured artist choice there's no definitive good pictures I can pull exception for maybe this one

Pick your poison an mix your own creation if you want even from scratch it's up to you.

Bonus face shots as well for fun or to help you for whatever you need
Sweet, someone else did it. : )
>>51371 How about use screenshots instead of that?
Something missing?
>>51384 No, it was meant to be a bump. I thought that rule was still being applied.
Eh there's no real good ones it was like a 40 second clip. But if you can find something feel free to drop it.

Personally I just like this image and think it might make an interesting lewd piece.

Heck do something like this if you wish >>51121
Don't matter to me.

But good luck finding in show screenshots that aren't just static standing shots
Oh damn, these are great edits in general but these hit particularly hard. I certainly wouldn't mind more with these two.
(685 KB, 943x980, 42.jpg)
Make her boobs even bigger until she pop!
Queen Alexis Rhodes
(450 KB, 2048x2048, FTL_KauVUAAcv7K.jpg)
Other kinds of edits and combinations? Maids, cow print and bunny suits are pretty popular out there.
Does anyone have the original second image without the werid blue hue? It's actually an amazing edit.
It was an unrelated question to the request, and I had a laugh. Good on you.
Holy Cow! I didn’t expect to see one of my old request get done! Thank you!
(90 KB, 400x300, Rita 1.jpg) (254 KB, 1920x1080, Rita 4.jpg) (2.0 MB, 1920x1088, Rita 3.png) (2.4 MB, 1920x1080, Rita 2.png)
Could someone turn Rita Loud from TLH into a big round balloon please? Thanks.
(1.1 MB, 1920x1080, seasonschange.jpg)
I got no size ref for this, but could anyone blimp up Enid from OK KO?
I like how the lines are there to signal her growth. It's like she's so thrilled about this. In a evil kinda way.
Reminds me of cell
Looks ripe to blow
(2.4 MB, 1920x1080, 96yr6p.png) (2.4 MB, 1920x1080, vfrns1.png)
can someone please inflate Jane in these pictures to Violet size?
Correction, there have been three edits I’ve made of Jane Porter.
forgot to link request, can't wait for velma
(1.7 MB, 1903x1072, 3b8qrq.png) (2.0 MB, 1903x1072, d5fjkm.png)
Can someone inflate Jezebel Jade please? I found these poses and they looked too good to pass up
No more Loud House please that’s c u r s e d
I think people forget most of the characters are kids. And they even act like kids. It's kinda messed
You two do realize there are adults as well. There are no show restrictions. Even if there were, this show isn't one of them. Besides, there are only 2 Loud siblings allowed for expansion: Lori and Leni.
Did you do the Alice breast expansion edits?
Is anyone willing to do these?

These are just *chef kiss* excellent. 👌

Also good, another artist here to aid in the workload. 👍
Oh I meant breast inflation like the Jane pictures above this one
You gotta specify these things people.
(1.6 MB, 1920x1080, Jasmine.png) (1.0 MB, 1920x1080, Jasmine 2.png) (202 KB, 982x873, Untitled.png)
Can someone make Princess Jasmine inflated like a balloon with sunken limbs and navel please?
Fuck that reminds me someone should try some Loona and Millie edits
(1.9 MB, 4160x3120, Regan zoomed out shot.jpg) (2.0 MB, 4160x3120, Regan Ripley inflation request.jpg)
Also here's some bonuses I found with her hands out from an episode I'm currently got running. If anyone's got better suggestions be my guest and drop them but these are the best I could currently find of her
Ya know cut out the parts you like. Then draw in the rest. Whatever floats the boat ( that is if you're even interested in them at all)
Up to you
>>48990 Maybe next time you should try something better with my request.
Hey man it's a free request, you're not commissioning anyone. It's best you take it or leave it
someone should inflate that fairy
(5 KB, 275x183, download (3).jpeg) (1.9 MB, 498x370, youknow-you.gif)
True at the same time I think we should enable a new rule try to at least say thank you in some way after each fulfilled request. These artists work they're butts off and we at least owe them that!
Did they seriously goof that lol? Ah it's no big deal probably overworked by Warner Bros or something else
I think it would be cool if someone also gave her a bare midriff as if her belt snapped off or something.
Actually surprised they canonically did that lol but I'm not mad s*** I'm actually glad!

She wanted to be apart of the parade shes also rubber so she was practically asking for it
The image except with the fairy inflated would be a pretty great reusable meme for this forum.
Violet and verulica nice homages
(1.2 MB, 1920x1080, accurate color edit.png)
Also for giggles I edited the pants from white to pink because I know someone probably just gonna re request or possibly complain for accurate colors or something so here ya go.
If you feel better from getting down soon, could you also expose her belly?
Anyone willing to do my request?
Ok. I'll take a look when I have free time. Have a commission piece to work on.
Go head mate where always here get yourself those dollars

A reminder for the newbies to the thread...

Like in Beetlejuice, we don’t say the “b” word ‘round here. Either exclude the first letter (“-ump”) or tag/link your request.
although I am not a customer now, but just an observer-but it looks cool))
Damn interesting to see the process!
My shits much more difficult lol
(368 KB, 1500x1555, 2770101.png)
Requesting the girl in the gray leotard. Ignore the huge dick.
Birthday boy bout to get a birthday blowjob little did she know she wasn't the only thing getting blown!
Can someone make her even bigger please? It must be better than the previous edit.
>>52489 How about suggest something else?
Nobody here wants to inflate a carrot, let it die
It's a carrot. No one's gonna do it if you're gonna act entitled and shit on a free request only to ask for another. Take it or leave it.
Hello, I want to address you on two occasions. The first one is that I requested some images a long time ago and have been waiting patiently ever since. I just want to remind you about them. I'm not rushing anyone.
I just want to say that as an honest person, I've been waiting all this time and that's why I didn't ask for anything more. And so the question is-I want to order another image, is that OK? Am I being too brazen?
(115 KB, 1123x685, фото0.jpg) (286 KB, 1280x1154, фото2.jpg) (126 KB, 1280x719, фото4.jpg) (254 KB, 1920x1080, фото5.jpg)
And now the second point-I would like to ask you to make one image. Can anyone inflate Poison Ivy to the size of one of the examples? I would be very grateful)
I look forward to seeing the Jasmine and Rita one.
I must say it turned out very, very cool). Thank you very much). Perhaps later I will ask for something else in this wonderful branch, but I will give others something to ask for, so that it is fair. And thank you again).
(848 KB, 2450x2573, idea.png)
This looks interesting surprised someone else took this dudes request (actually lol kinda felt inspired once I saw this and been working on something because of this dude myself) anyways do be looking a little weird without nipples or boobs though.
(536 KB, 498x314, angry-cat-noises-shout.gif)
Also thanks for spoiling the season 3 ending for me asshat! Ah who cares I'm finally caught up now at least and I was bound to be spoiled at some point so can't be too mad about it lol
(206 KB, 1920x1080, Gigi Hadid Screenshot 1.jpg) (231 KB, 1920x1080, Gigi Hadid Screenshot 4.jpg) (282 KB, 1920x1080, Gigi Hadid Screenshot 2.jpg) (628 KB, 3111x1750, Gigi Hadid Inflation Edit 1.jpg)
First off, I would like to say thank you for the inflation edits of Velma and Gigi Hadid from "Scooby-Doo and Guess Who". Whoever did these edits did an amazing job on them. They did such an amazing job on them I would like to request some inflation edits of Gigi Hadid if that's OK. Can someone inflate Gigi Hadid in these screenshots from the same episode of "Scooby-Doo and Guess Who" via make her as inflated as she appears in this first inflation edit of her shown here please? Thank you.
requesting what?
You gotta specify what dude. We can’t read your damn mind.
Any other vague non-hints, or can we just safely ignore this one now?
We've reached the bump limit. Time to start a new one.
And put all finished edits into the edit archive thread.
Is this archive updated as edits are made?
Yesss, that’s exactly the stuff I’m looking for on here, I saw three similar images but can’t find them here, must be archived?
Last chance to save everything

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