
>>43673 (OP)
I wasn't aware of her until now. Did she ever post actual videos? There are (currently) very few posts on her Tumblr, and they seem to be teasers.
Found a few things. Going to try breaking them up into smaller messages, because BBW-chan keeps auto banning me when I try to post the whole thing for some reason.
>>43673 (OP)
I have never heard of this before, and after looking into it more and getting intrigued, I thought I would break out my old investigating skills and see what I could find.
One of the comments on this thread mentioned that there was a Tumblr page and a Twitter page. I located both of those. For reference, the Tumblr page can be found here (I think it's the links that are autobanning me, so I will edit them a little. Just delete the X's):
And the Twitter page can be found here (there's nothing on here anymore, but this is just to show it existed at some point. No backups from the Wayback machine could be found):
And yes, considering some of the thirsty comments I saw on the now deleted twitter posts, I have reason to believe these were the same person.

Originally my theory was that this girl was pregnant, decided to do this as a gag in her final months, gave birth some time in late January of 2020, and then physically couldn't do this content anymore (since she had lost the body for it). I made this theory off of two assumptions:

1: No one can get that big. I looked into multiple threads from body inflation .org and other websites to confirm this. For example, one of the posts on the Tumblr page mentioned a "seltzer and banana" inflation, but people who have tried this said that this makes you puke rather than bloat.

2: All of the posts on the Tumblr page were posted in the span of a month, from late December to late January. Being months 8 - 9 of a pregnancy, your belly is bound to be the biggest then.

However, as I looked into this further, I found a few things that disproved this theory. The biggest discovery was a video associated with Ray William Johnson of all people, which contained higher quality video of one of the most recent posts. I eventually tracked down the original video, which was called "Her Special Talent". It can be found here:
At this point I was convinced that this girl WAS NOT ObjectSwallow. ObjectSwallow was likely someone else who used her likeness (or the likeness of others who looked similar) and then edited that to make it look like she was inflating herself. Perhaps the actual person found out about this, and that's why the Twitter page was taken down. If that is the case, I imagine the Tumblr page evaded suspicion.

With all of this evidence considered, I have NO REASON to believe there were other videos. The reason why should be self-explainatory: This girl wasn't actually inflating herself. Someone just matched her likeness with videos of pregnant bellies to make it look like she did.

So who actually is this person? Well I found out that her name is "Rachel", and she has an instagram page. I cannot 100% guarantee that this is the person, but considering that this was linked to an account referenced by RWJ himself, and her face seems to match up, I'm confident this is the person. Her page can be found here:
I don't think this needs to be said, but PLEASE DO NOT CONTACT OR BOTHER THIS PERSON. She has NOTHING to do with the ObjectSwallow account.

So that's basically my conclusion, sad to say. But it was interesting to look into this.
Yeah I feel like the t word must be getting autobanned or any links from that website in particular because I've had that issue too.

It might either be a side effect of bbwchan or it could be a side effect of rock 4chan. I mean just think about how controversial that website is and how much it's probably gone after that particular community and the reason why it's probably gotten Auto banned is justified but still it causes problems for the rest of us who are just trying to post a link to an image that happens to be on that website.

But yeah blue bird website = Autoban just fyi
Rock I meant r9k
Any news? Amazing sizes are amazing.
>No one can get that big.
PumpMeUp can too.
Queenbellycom needs to be on Coomer Kemono.
What about Robot 9000?
Bruh I literally made thirteen posts explaining this.
Yeah I'm well aware but people won't let this thread die.
I remember being retardedly autistic when this account was around despite knowing it wasn't real in the slightest. I've uploaded the screenshots I took of the twitter account and other shit.


The twitter account didn't delete itself, it just renamed to @AlexiBarnell (warning: male), I know this cause I set up notifications for objectswallow and a couple years later this new one started pinging me.
3DPD is always interesting.
I just saw this and I have to say there is something inherently creepy about some of the stuff here. Maybe it's the face swap on the thread photo, or maybe I'm just making too much out of this.
So is she real ?
>inflation is realistic irl
>slow permanent breast expansion is realistic irl
To the illiterate brain damaged donkey shits that keep bumping this crap, I curse you and your families for a thousand years.
Bold of you bump-head.
Anyone got her vids?
Dear God, are you fucking retarded? Read through the thread, the bitch doesn't exist.
She does in a weird extent though this thread and image that op posted back in .March has another person’s face swapped on..
Okay let me get this straight the women in the video is not the actual object swallow person. Instead, its just someone using her in its edits, claiming to be her and when the cat got out of the bag when people began questioning her to do stuff. The actual person was upset that they were using her likeness for smut and the original creator the edits hit the road changed his username, email and began somewhat anew while still using the girls likeness.
That’s not what happened. It’s a lot simpler than that but you sure did attempt to write a fear monger tale

Wtf are you even talking about, loser? You're a filthy liar and deciet loving piece of shit. Care to explain? No. Didn't think so. Then shut up.

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