
(322 KB, 600x741, F1F7675B-1E38-4986-9E00-AE63ABBE4679.jpeg)
I know I’m playing a very dangerous game here but there legit isn’t an easy way to find all of Dobson’s inflation art in one place. So here it is I guess.
(493 KB, 984x500, deleye.png)
Website was a bit sketchy but it worked fine for me.
Can somebody just air bridge the damn file because this thing's giving me too many damn pop-up ads I don't know what the f*** God to your ad blocker you have but it's not working for me
kek. use brave.
I'll try at some point but I'm just not in the mood to funnel with things right now. If somebody ever drops another link let me know
(27 KB, 400x323, 121531313613.jpg) (148 KB, 910x812, 121650496961.jpg) (362 KB, 800x618, DigDug.jpg)
Imagine the alternate reality where Dobson didn't become a total sperg and just kept to his own little corner, making fetish content.
>>43395 To be honest I just remember their art from when I first got into this fetish, I have no Idea what the drama was and to be honest I'm kinda scared to be asking with the way I've seen some people talk about them
>>43395 what happened?
You're making it sound like this happened recently, heh.

A quick rundown:
Something like 10-15 years ago now, Andrew Dobson was a mid-tier "female" inflation artist going by the name CattyN.
At some point, it was "revealed" that CattyN was *actually* a guy named Tom Preston, but that was just another alias.
So Dobson as Preston as CattyN made inflation stuff, but at some point (I don't remember if anyone ever figured out why it happened), Dobson decided to quit the inflation scene and throw a tantrum that everyone should delete everything he ever made as CattyN. Most people obliged.
After "retiring" from the inflation community, he went on to become an egotistical artist who had a lot of really bad opinions about things and eventually taught people to draw, despite being a fairly low-tier artist loaded with bad artist habits.
The guy threw tantrums about just about everything constantly, ranging from Link's hair color to feminism and political stuff, and blocking half the internet because they were meany-bo-beanies to him, all while continuing to give awful art advice.
He disappeared from the internet like a year ago or so, and everyone's got all kinds of theories about what happened.
So, if memory serves, he got a job doing something related to his art and that's why he asked for people to remove his CattyN stuff. He figured the CattyN art could be traced back to him based on his drawing style and lose him the job.
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Ah Dobbo. Dobbo Dobbo Dobbo... Truly one of the more epic lolcows.

>>43417 gives a pretty good rundown of how his career went, but the juicy parts are the details like...

-How he went DFE on his inflation art career in order to build a "real" art career after college in the worst way possible. Didn't help that he was linking his crappy Alex Ze Pirate comic that he considered one of the works to get him big in the biz to most people looking at his inflation art.

-His LOLworthy posts on DA highlighting how much of a social fuck-up he was. (Poop Radio Incident at the airport job, being a lazy ass with his job as an apartment manager, how his Mom and Aunt ended up buying most of his comics out of pity at a con since nobody wanted them, etc)

- Flying multiple eyebrows

- Him getting sprayed by a ween with a spray bottle at a con in London, which ended up giving him PTSD.

-How he had a history of fucking up commissions for people, as highlighted by the ED guys who commissioned him Samus and Ripley from Metroid and how lazy and half-assed it turned out.

-Turned his comic persona into a blue care bear with a fedora out of spite due to his critics pointing out how unrealistic he drew himself in his comics.

-Finally rage-quit forever at late May/early June of 2020 when that vampire lesbian comic styled after Twitter posts was leaked. Spoiler alert: It was steaming dog crap.

Even though his assholish behavior was grating, his long history of fuckups and dumpster fire of a career was way more memorable than his inflation art ever could hope to be.
It was fascinating to observe the whole thing from start to finish. One of the first places he cropped up was in the old Yahoo Groups and people were pretty excited since he was a pretty good artist in an era when there were a lot fewer.

He was clearly a bit of an oddball in the way he interacted with other inflation artists, but you could brush that off given that he was, you know, an inflation artist. He was cordial enough and did some trades with people. He talked about having gone to art school and wanting to get into animation even back them.

Most of his own personal weirdness was shielded behind the kind of sterile CattyN persona. There were a lot of people taking him at his word and referring to him as a girl based on that, though this was also in the tail end of the 'there are no girls on the internet' age, and even fewer girls were probably drawing popping wank art. If you figured he was a straight guy larping, which wasn't a thing most artists did, the whole CattyN thing was kind of a red flag.

His departure was very sudden and very nasty, I've never seen anyone else do it quite that way. Most of us just disappear, maybe nuke the gallery or even warn people that we're going to do so. He kept reappearing up for months as his new, public-facing self, to screech at people who were sharing his art and basically Streisand Effected' his entire gallery hard enough to make sure it would follow him forever. A precursor to the rest of his lolcow career.

If nothing else, rest assured he's still lurking around, it's not like the fetish goes away. There's probably a folder on his PC with hundreds of pictures of that little blue bear taking a bike pump to the cast of the Marvel movies.
Didn't he f'ed up a chance to work with Disney? While one of his collage friends got in working for the mouse
Imagine how many inflated Disney characters we'd have today in an alternate future where things didn't go to shit and dobs was more of a better person
I wonder if #2 is a rip off of balloon warriors, or the other way around?
tfw of the like, five breast popping artists I really like, one disappeared from the face of the earth and another is fucking Dobson. Thanks for the rar friends
(164 KB, 700x488, andrew_dobson_comics_01.jpg)
Dobson becoming an unironic Social Justice Warrior was wild. Not "someone left wing who I disagree with", I mean full on desperate for attention. He's just a famous celebrity dumbass.

Wonderful examples of dumbassery I enjoy:
He drew a comic of a Powergirl cosplayer being harassed at a convention for how she looked. This was based on a real life event at a convention he went to. A photo of the girl the comic was based on came out and showed the woman in the picture consenting to the lewd photo, AND exposed Dobson in the background seeing the whole event take place. tl;dr Dobson faked a woman's harassment so he could make a comic about how he's a saviour of women.

He thought the Super Mario Super Show's version of Mario was the actual canon version of Mario, and thinks Nintendo changed it to make it more like an Italian stereotype as if two old men talking about spaghetti sauce wasn't already.

The guy used to think because he drew cartoons he could talk to others about drawing cartoons, despite the fact he wasn't exactly the best at drawing cartoons.

Thought Manga would fail because it would alienate audiences purely because it's read from right to left. Ended up having a massive rageboner for anime to the point he drew his OC's beating up anime characters as an anti-Anime statement (despite inflating many anime characters)

Thought Donald Trump feeding athletes fast food was something to shame black people, despite the fact he's an addict for McDonalds.

"STOP DOING SEXIST CRAP" because a woman was in a bikini before drawing many lesbian fetish comic.

Tracing. A lot. Then selling the traced art. Some examples weren't even subtle.

He once called a Jewish woman a Nazi for disagreeing with a bad political comic he made right off the bat.

And my personal favourite. He unironically made the pic I've posted. As a former inflation artist who used to literally love drawing big boobs. Let that sick in.
(14 KB, 425x234, images (4).jpeg)

His roomate, whom he always drew as a stereotypical wacky Asian sidekick in his comics, ended up working professionally. In fact he worked on that one Adventure Time episode where Jake and Finn get inside BMO and turn into 3-D video game characters.

Apparently Andrew Chesworth was in the same class Dobson was at MCAD and he went on to a career at Disney.

Dobson always whined about how his education sucked and left him with no opportunities. Yet, the success Chesworth and his roomie managed to attain after college by working hard and making connections highlight how Dobson was a lazy dipshit who didn't apply himself and just got on the bad side of everyone with his shitty 'tude.

Golden rule for all artists: Don't be a Dobson. And if you like doing pervy inflation art, keep it under wraps with another alter-ego that 100% cannot be traced back to you. Hell, back in the old days even the guys working for Uncle Walt and in Termite Terrace drew weird pervy shit in their off-time, but they had the good sense to keep it locked in the bottom drawer of their desk.
I've heard that back in the early days in the 30s or 40s, two employees made an hentai of Mickey and Minnie for Walt's birthday, he enjoyed the short but fired them after the showing
>Finally rage-quit forever at late May/early June of 2020 when that vampire lesbian comic styled after Twitter posts was leaked. Spoiler alert: It was steaming dog crap.

Also managed to get his ass permabanned off twitter for constantly making death threats at Trump. Terminal TDS.

Now he's relegated to fucking Facebook where he, SOMEHOW, has a handful of faithful fans.
And not even that is active
Is it?
Other way around. Balloon Warriors is based off a guy named ServerMoore who saw that pic, tried to commission an animation based on it, failed, then went on to write the Balloon Warriors series.


The animation is lost media unfortunately. Balloon Warriors has a weirdly deep backstory to its creation.
The good ending

"death threats at Trump" Never thought I'd have anything in common with that ass, but here we are...

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