
Treed lightly, the last time one of these Mitsi threads made the rounds the actual Mitsi found out and was REEEEEEEing in the replies!
Ya and mitsi is here now lol dude just buy em like everyone else.. it helps support me in my work. Took a few years to make these.. Dont be a thief
Besides you could have just asked me on my report my post Mitsi#3115 than going behind my back hoping someone would post em for ya.
No idea what happened on that last message but could have just asked me on my report my post. Lol but please.. it hurts me more than u all realize. Goes for thousands of other artists. Besides if you follow me on twitter im remastering the 05 and im on part 4 now.
You getting the same issue trying to say d I sc or d
I'm thinking some smart-ass on here decided to change it so that way anytime you say the word it says report my post.. don't know who the troll is but whoever it is congrats I don't know what you have against report my post but good troll lol
Damn I forgot to abrivate dis corn

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