
never heard of this creator before now, and tbh i'd like to see more content too
>>42790 (OP)
The subscribestar importer on kemono has been broken for a few months now, so that ain't possible until kemono fixes it. You'd have to wait for someone to leak stuff the old-fashioned way.
Where do you find this content? Want to see the rest of it. Past part 6
I uploaded the special delivery 2 at sad panda, only got it because of kemono, the sad thing is, or do you download it jut after kemono's update or the mega link goes off after a couple of days.
>>42790 (OP)
Now this is very hot, buddy, don't take me wrong.
Especially the legal document contained in the first folder.
Shit gets me going.
I had just some folders from his patreon account, but he stopped it.

Everything after his last patreon post was from kemono, because i sadly can't subscribe his Subscribestar.
Kemono? What's that
What catergory is this art under?
(51 KB, 670x512, A231_1.jpg)
His newest Laura Water series just came out. Looks beyond incredible.
shareable in anyway? upload to kenomo or something? seems like really good content
I bet this is icarus himself just fucking teasing us
not even subtle, that it's him self-advertising there
Me thinking that they're self advertising makes me want to leak it
I would get the newest Laura Water myself but subscribestar just wont take my card.
Actually this is a problem also for me. I would buy this myself but the card gets rejected. Like WTF, never ever have I had any problems buying online and this site rejected three credit cards from different banks

No, but I am a subscriber. Mainly for the Laura stuff because she looks a little like my Ex and it's like crack cocaine to me.
>>43517 share it please

Nope. He seems like a decent human. Until he slips up, as other artists do, I won't share.

TMC content though... I've got terabytes!
>>43529 fine I'll do it myself
>>43535 if it wasn't for you I probably wouldn't have found out there was a part 3

Here's the comic with all 3 endings I won't be reupping

>>43529 if it wasn't for your advertising I probably wouldn't have found out about this

Here's the comic with all 3 endings I will not be reupping:

end 1: hyper
end 2: birth
end 3: burst no gore
Thank you kind sir!
And FU everyone who has stuff and not share it!
To be honest, why would I share it if no one else is gonna contribute anything.

So friggin entitled.
>>43597 most of icaruss stuff has already been leaked tbh the laura and water series is the only thing I care about
Thank you so much for this.
Fuck, i missed it. Any chance of a re upload?
You Sir, are a gentleman and a scholar.
Please take this thread down. Icarus's content is already very affordable as is, and they are going through a rough time right now. You should really consider just supporting them as a creator instead of just "leaking" stuff.
Seems like this might be Icarus himself but also feels bad things aren't great for him right now and he does make great stuff. Also he has that free gallery
Then fix the darn site! Tried 3 different credit cards already - all rejected! First time in 5 years of buying stuff I had this problem!
(420 KB, 1920x1080, G14.jpg)
Pretty sure thats not Icarus

And I agree about the problems with banks, I really appreciate there are people who'd support me if they could - it's why I make a point of sharing my art after a couple of months in a big free archive. I dont want you to miss out because your bank doesn't like being associated with uncsenored porn.

onlyfans isnt the first site that paypals blacklisted, Patreon bent the knee and you'll get banned for even showing hypnotism there.

I choose subscribestar because they let me draw tentacles all day without fear of my account vanishign one day. And I'll share it with you, just please be patient and allow a little respect for an artist artist going out of their way to share.

Have a steady day. I don't hate you for loving everything I make.
Anyone got the newest posts and Special Delivery II: 9C?
you guys can easily wait in a few months to see it.
Dude STFU and let this thread die. trying protect Icarus is what caused Laura & Water 3 to get leaked >>43539
I'd like to see the 7-9C as a whole tbh

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