
(512 KB, 1280x720, DNP1.png)
Anybody fans of this scene? Has alot of potential for Edits & Other Ladies wearing the suit
>>41697 (OP)
This scene is pretty much what made me realize my fetish. To this day, I still enjoy this part of the movie.
As for edits and other ladies, may I refer anyone interested to PinkInflatingAss?
They guy has a bunch of OCs as a series of "Esme Girls", and they're pretty good. The dude has been fairly inactive recently, but what he has is decent.
I remember seeing this and feeling nothing even though my shit was triggered by the wonka scene. Must have been cause the babe lady was like 65.
Who was the artist? This is fantastic.
I have always loved this scene, I think it's really too bad that there is not more content on this inflation
I swear this literally only came to life because of one heavily autistic guy spamming it everywhere.

Scene was around for literal years and then all of a sudden it's viral. Like the weird guy that keeps commissioning the same boring Lilly Satou in the Violet suit art.
Does anyone have any other drawings related to this scene?

which guy are you talking about ?

I do remember one person who was a diehard fan of this kink and even drew some sketches for them. But the way they described it was almost exactly the same as the first few drawings on this thread.
I don't understand why it's not as popular, it's a very nice inflation though
I remember being a fan of this as well and it was pretty obscure my memory for a long time till I found it again when it comes to Inflation at least the scenes very fun. I think the appeal comes from two aspects

1. The expressions made particularly the ones of doom once the pins pulled that's a very distinct expression you see as she first notices the hissing (which is an ideal scenario for any inflation particularly doom endings or overinflation popping ones.)

2. The inflation itself from the hissing to the smoothness of the pink rubber expanding to even her pants ripping apart.( If the inflation didn't stop and she filled the room til she burst like Squidward. I could easily see it being the top inflation of all time) but she only inflates just enough to use herself as a weapon. That's it.

But the build up and inflation is so well choreographed as well as the music very suspenseful! Like legit the music gives off popping vibes
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You must be that person that accidentally posted these in the inflation games thread then I assume

If so fantastic work
(20 KB, 400x300, D3X5JtqU8AAyx6E.jpg)
Actually now that I think about it isn't the rubber suit tech they use in the movie vastly similar to tmc and how their suits work/inflate lol if so small world
I totally agree with you! And then I think that in itself is great, it highlights extremely the woman in the costume in a grotesque way, and it works a lot! Too bad we don't have quality inflation scenes like this one
Yeah that was me, i accidentally clicked on another thread before posting. wanted to upload to this thread but it kept declining. those were some of the sketches i did back then.
I wonder if one day there will be a quality network to talk about this style of inflation, because either the networks are not adapted at all or the members are quite cringe...
Well chats, rp, and artwork. I don't think it would be too hard
There are not so many people who like this content to be able to talk about it or even roleplay
Where did you find those?
That really nice! Do you have any others?

a personal collection, they arent posted anywhere online...

Well until now lol
Amazing! I wish it was there and see so much more content on this inflation!
Wow! Where do these drawings come from?
Oh my God! Where did you find them? Who made them? I want to see all his work!
Oops sorry! I didn't see the message just above, is it possible to see all your work? They are fantastic and hot!

I just make these as i go or have time. While i know about the inflation for ages, it never really was a big thing for me (because the inflatee was just not that interesting) But being able to draw your own character experiencing it made it a lot better.

Do people that like this always want the same scenario? or do they grow bigger too at times?
I totally agree with you! Putting a completely different and especially younger character in this style of inflation, makes the inflation better

The basic scenario is great, the fact that it is a bit silly and unpredictable makes the scene unique, but I wouldn't mind seeing this style of inflation in other scenarios!

I hope to see your drawings again soon or even the ones you have already done, they are really amazing! Is it possible to contact you other than here?
I can see that! How many drawings do you have in total regarding this type of inflation?

Is the girl you use your main model? Or do you have others?

odd, the last part of my sentence is edited. it said i have D I S C O R D, but it turned into "report"

Guess that's a no no.

As for the drawings, everything you see is what i have, the girl i just a model i used for this board.
Oh you have report my post? It is possible to ask you as a friend?
I always love the general premise of this scene, but every time I've seen it, it seems to often be the same scenario every time, but I always love to see different situations with the same suit. These pieces are definitely also refreshing to get the transparent view of her within, love them!
I understand you, I really like the original scene, but it's true that I would like to see the costume in action or see it in certain circumstances, just like the inflation of the costume!
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that's a fun one. I wouldnt know how her legs would be able to stretch that much in her suit, but thats the fantasy of inflation i guess!
. Yeah it's fun! Even if I understand your point of view about her legs
. Very good drawings! Do you have a drawing inspired by the moment when her pants are tearing?
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Amazing! Where did you find it?
It looks like Puffylover's style of drawing
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I'd like to share my personal re-interpretation of the scene, from a movie made in a parallel universe called "Babe: Nicki in the City" or something along those lines

NOW things get interesting!
Wow! Impressive!
Weird question, but if you happen to still have the project file on hand, can you upload a png of the clothes? That would make it easier for people to do more of this in the future.

Sometimes I think about a girl's butt getting so big and round it basically absorbs her body. Like body inflation... but her body is the butt.

This art kind of hits that note for me.
TheBootyProject on DA

Who drew this?

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