
Well it's too late now if anyone finds it for them post it in the chat below as well as link it in lost media
Pretty obvious it is especially in their recent pictures on Instagram.
Isn’t Alexa trans?
Yes. Male to female. I must say she fooled me for a long while. Only when she commented about it was that I noticed.
It's weird to me that it seems like so many people in this community call trans people by their original sex, while a lot of others in it are into tg. Transphobia's a bit hypocritical if you ask me.
>Transphobia's a bit hypocritical if you ask me.
Not if you value the truth, women, and children. Nobody but coomers wants this shit
transphobia is for retards lmao
Despite the fact that straight non-trans dudes are far more dangerous to all three of those, but we'll just ignore literally every bit of data ever gathered to make you feel good.
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>the data
Here's a small sampling of "the data"
You will never be a woman
How about you go value some bitches, trans or not because you get no bitches
Hoe’s is exceptionally mad lol
Why should we pretend they’re women?
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You shouldnt, it just plays into their delusions that they are something they're not

I was exceptionally mad when I read a news article recently about an athlete woman who transitioned to a man and then dominated their respective sport, but I cant seem to find the article anymore. Weird
Wtf is happening??
I’m here for porn bruh, not your personal grievances.
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Tell it to these faggots that cant help themselves but to inject their tranny bullshit nonsense everywhere. If youre going to fuck up my porn, youre going to look at the truth, like the majestic feminine penis that was probably made of forearm flesh carved off someone brave and stunning

Quit talking like a nigger, bruh
Guys, do we really need this sort of bullshit here? I mean, seriously?
I agree. There is a whole echo chamber app called report my post they can fuck off back to, where they can sit around validating one another, compare axe wounds, and groom children
Kek, see what I mean? Even the jannies know how fucked up that place is, so they filter "disc0rd" as "report my post", and they DO IT FOR FREE

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