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Since they don't seem to post their content anywhere else, I recently made an Instagram account to follow chubby_tubby_3000 (definitely worth it - their work is awesome).

I've had a quick look round, but haven't really stumbled upon any others worth following yet. There's a lot just doing reposts of old stuff or RP-ing, which I'm not really into.

So... anyone got any decent recommendations for other inflation artists or morphers that post their work exclusively on IG?
It’s genuinely difficult to recommend anybody that’s on Instagram because most of what’s on there is just reposts and like you said, people trying to roleplay.

Instagram as a whole is a lot more cesspool-y than other platforms like dA and report my post because of the blatant reposts without credit as well as the fetishization of 05 Violet. At this point, good luck trying to find accounts with actual substance
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Yeah it's pretty weird to post your fetish content on Instagram and not on any other image posting website where it is easy to download the art. I'm thinking that this is not the guy's actual art on here.
I make art on insta but I recently got burnt out, I always ask people how I can improve and stuff but most people don't reply back. If you want my @ just lemme know or something
This is just fetish art from an alternate account. I’ve spoke with the person and seen their actual account, their art style is 50x better when they really try. I think they are purposely trying a new style/ trying to not be recognizable so they aren’t linked with this fetish/community.
I'm in the exact same boat. I haven't drawn anything that indulges my kinks since I graduated high school and if I was to make more and post it online, I'd do the exact same thing and change my style so nobody knows it's me.

(And for those I know are going to ask, yes I still have the drawings and NO I'm not posting them.)
good NEW inflation artists feel like a dying breed. I would love to see anything if you’d want to give it a shot. Rn I feel like only a handful of people produce anything with quality
>>40127 (OP)
I think one 3DPD thread would be enough for every camgirl and porn studio.
Is there some way to view content without a login?
Unless there’s some backdoor access I don’t know about regarding Instagram, no.

But what do you lose by making a throwaway account; just use a throwaway email & you can lurk to your heart’s content
Might as well drop the @ to kinda keep the thread alive
i really do hope this person gets the good sense to post things elsewhere, where there isn't as much of a risk of their account being banned
Apparently this isn’t even their art which is the worst part? I might be wrong on that
Never use Insta-slam as it is affiliated with fb. As you've pointed out, you need an account. Screw that!

i know this is oldskool of me but I still use Dev art for my naughty activities! I kinda like literature? Coz for us girls, its very physiological? (Is it the same with you bad balloon/berry boys? lol) And I love the detail in kinky stories lol! And d.a is still the best place for all these years of stories. A wonderful archive! =D x

[Elaboration: Like this one ppl may have missed!
whose is it then
never got the appeal of stories tbh
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