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Official new inflation art thread for fate stay/night and all it's affiliates

And when I mean plus Neco art inflation I mean I better see some bloated cat or else!!!

Buru nyuu (translates to please don't pop me horny human)
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Regardless on your opinion on male inflation I feel alstolfo is a special exception for this thread so post whatever inflations you find of him
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Ribimi28 does some fantastic work I've actually been looking for this alstolfo they did so here's some about to burst alstolfo if that's your thing
Ok so this damn full body inflation image ended up being a Autoban nightmare for me over in the colorization thread. (Also if you're from that thread this is the image I'm talking about)

I tried to post the reference image there one time it didn't work I tried to post the Twitter link for the original post there it didn't work both times ended up in Autoban.. so I just gave up on the subject matter altogether and recommended the person come here see the image for themselves, and then do what they will! It's alstolfo in there semi iconic purple outfit probably one of my favorite images from ribimi28 and I can't believe it led to as much trouble as it did

I know I said I dropped the subject matter and the other thread but I'm just posting an update here as well just because it's a nut story that I figured maybe this threat might want to know as well..

I don't know if it was the images I don't know if it was the link to Twitter I couldn't tell you what it was that set off the bot but something did and it wasn't happy!..

Hopefully the scenario is behind me now and I can just call all this one big mess that's hopefully finally cleaned up..

Anyways carry on with the fate balloons guys
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Here's quick drawing I did for the hell of it.
Nice glad to see I'm not the only one wanting to see this pussy inflate
Also guys remember this is the fate stay night thread post Neco Arc if you like but saber and the entire cast are welcome too

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