
What are these?
pedo thread

anyone have the first pic
it's really fucking weird and creepy how some people will actually get off to an 11 year old. I just like the concept of blueberry inflation, not the actual scene
Shut the fuck up you fat faggot
whatever mental gymnastic to act holier than tho i guess
It's really fucking weird and creepy how some people will actually get off to blueberry inflation. I just like the concept of fullness, not the actual transformation

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder anon
Keep projecting you overweight pussy. You will never touch a real woman.
trying to shame people liking something that has no material impact on the world is just faggotry bro
Same I'm fine with remade interpretations like ridiculous cakes etc. But if it's straight up designed as direct fanart no age up it's cursed
Why are you so concerned with a fictional characters age? If you're implying that people are pedos because the og scene is with an 11 yo then the genre is also pedophilic since its all based on the orginal scene.
Annasophia Robb was twelve when that movie came out, all this art is of an Actual Real Life Twelve Year Old
Don’t go down that slope there’s already assholes in this community advocating banning blueberry anything period because of what you just said. They really don’t have enough brain cells to realize the idiocy in the idea and have ran with it
bump to get back on track
No retard, the basic concept itself isn't pedophilic if you just applied it to adult women like most people do. When it starts getting weird is making sexualized fanart of a 12 year old girl
So jerking off to something based on what happened to an 11 year old girl isn't pedophillic to you ?
We all wank to women turning into balloons here, just because some of us like them to turn blue and fill with liquid doesn’t make us pedophiles you shitbrained wingnut
"11 year olds wear clothes, therefore if you think clothes are sexy you are a paedophile"

"11 year old girls are female, therefore if you think females are sexy you are a paedophile"

Shall I go on?
I will admit though, OkayOkayOkOK does a lot of age regression art, so I wouldn't be surprised if his artwork of Violet is secretly paedophillic.
Pretty sure it's Azumaonfire.
uploading this so ppl can have it. tried uploading last night but neither bbwchan nor this site allow files above like 10MB lmao. r9k won't let me post this so i'll add this little bit. ironic for me to upload this here last lol
been wanting to make this for a while. regret the countless times i'd jack off to the 05 scene as a kid, and don't wanna crank my hog to a kid anymore. so being the super autist i am, i chipped away at this for a while. lots of simple editing like cropping, syncing audio and video, brightness adjustments, blah blah blah.
huge thanks to the anon that dropped the MEGA link containing rosie's clip as well as lots of other shit. you can find that in the berry ssbbw thread on bbwchan.
don't think there's much left to say, besides that i hope you enjoy. here's my MEGA link, as well as a base64 code (idk which to drop and which not to drop idk the laws of this land)
ok so turns out r9k doesn't like it when i try to upload my timeline file so if you actually want to see it go find it in one of the other berry threads i spammed lol
>>53875 (Cross-thread)
Go fuck off and suck an infected cock B r o s . W a r n no one with self respect wants to see this fat whale hog piece of shit.

05 is perfectly fine as is

The moment you fucks got purchased by the Watch Animals Fuck Each Other Channel all of our spaces have been invaded with these kinds of posts.

It’s obvious as shit and I’ll keep saying this so the thought plants into people’s head slowly but surely because it’s true.
What is this aids?
(116 KB, 286x420, 9B96D03B-EA4D-4177-9CDA-CFB6233CC40E.jpeg)
“I think too hard about the things I enjoy so instead of accepting who I am to myself I wasted hours of my life turning this fat down Syndrome Oompa Loompa looking ass bitch into a berry so my little peepee can feel less ashamed about imagined misgivings no one’s going to know about anyway except now because I just said and posted it on various forums. I swear I have a life and am morally superior to you uwu”

This nigga crazy nigga.
man i was gonna defend you a bit, but that shit sucks dude im sorry
also man, look. you, and every other person who can't stop obessing over the 05 scene has GOT to get over that scene. i get it might be the shit that gave you the kink, but bro, there are a fuckin myriad of art, animations, stories, fuckin GAMES, that don't have to do with the 05 shit. please get over that shit
being aware of your autistic tendencies doesn't make them any less autistic. this is horrible
Loving the 05 scene is perfectly fine. Don’t let your autism stop you from enjoying what you love and stop letting puritanical fucks brainwash you. Just don’t do some weird out of pocket shit and you’re fine. Warner Bros has a vested monies interest in killing our community don’t let anyone tell you the blueberry scene is an invalid thing to enjoy.
Whats the key?
>Warner Bros has a vested monies interest in killing our community
(398 KB, 780x438, intro-1641313634.png)
Don't you know, anon? They've tracked all our IPs, put listening bugs in our kleenex boxes and are slipping drugs into our gum.
i can’t get mad at you for copying and pasting this same shit cuz i did the same thing in like four threads lol
ok dude i’m sorry. i was just so ashamed. i desperately wanted to feel like i belonged somewhere. i didn’t expect this kind of response. i wanted to just act like i was attracted to blueberries, i didn’t want people to know i also got off to down syndrome oompa loompas
you may have a point. however, nothing else makes my little peepee feel as good

You are such a slut. Don't you have something better to do like spying on civilians and reportinv back to your shadow government? Filthy nigger
w-woah! hey, wait a second! i-i’m white too! we’re on the same side man!
while we’re both here do you wanna talk about something lol
You're a nigger. Your heart is an abyss. You are nothing like me. You are repugnant; like a large black booty bouncing around to the beat of the drum while somebody yells "booty", your vulgarity seeps out of the booty and into whatever world you inhabit. Hey, don't tell nobody but personally, I hope whatever is going on in the shadows does end in a war. A burial for you and your buddies is the least we could do.
We’ll uhhh I’m the DWB astroturfing comment guy but not THAT guy holy shit just wanted to clarify lmao
sad, i was actually looking forward to talking with him lol
Do y'all ever wonder if the 2005 actress for Violet is aware of this weird fetish?
hey i know this is a bad time to ask but where can i get a tracksuit like violet's, ive been getting some tracksuits recently and i wanna get one that looks like her's
Knowing the internet, since smooth brain already has. If she doesn't, she doesn't need to. Doesn't need a bunch of tists telling her they jerk it to a scene she filmed when she was 11.
I'd just look up "blue velour tracksuit" online, that's the closest you can get to the type of one that violet wore in the movie. I was lucky enough to find one at a thrift store which looks really similar, it's by "charter club" but i'm pretty sure they don't make them anymore. You might be able to get a used one somewhere, though.
Given the Cards Against Humanity post she made on IG a couple of years ago joking about her role in the film, she likely knows about it but wisely doesn't give it any attention.
>it's "puritanical" to hate pedophilia


At least she's fictional and with the actress no longer being a kid! Be offended and SEETHE more NORMIE!
Shut the fuck up. No one fucking cares. Go bully a different thread
Is this one of those weeb things where they jack off to a toddler if they say shes a 3000 year old demon bitch?
Stay salty AO JF
pretty much. i was introduced to this fetish through the 05 scene but you won’t catch me getting off to it now. she’s a kid, and there’s plenty of adult berries to find online. i get it if there’s some sort of attachment to this scene for some ppl, but they can easily find recreations with adults
Wtf are you doing on here hope off our board and stop moralizing you fucking faggot
Just because a berry lover is stealing your girl doesn’t mean you gotta go on a speed rant about 05. Stfu and just accept the berry fun no one is gonna be alive in a few decades and none of our dieties or karma cycle give a shit about this it’s square. Just stfu and let the berries happen
child sexualisation, "let the berries happen" hmmmmm okay bud
Yeah what's the source for this?
It’s really funny when a 17 year old piece of media holds up that hard because my goodness it does
Honestly, I think a part of the reason why myself and so many others can't stop watching the scene is because literally nobody has been able to surpass it in terms of quality. Some people have gotten close, but none have gotten far enough.

A shot-for-shot re-make of the scene with an adult actress, overt sexual overtones, and VFX on par with the original would be a blessing, but it'd require a lot of time and money that the creators couldn't possibly get back in order to be at the same level as the original. I still have hope that maybe one day enough people could team up and make that happen, though. It'd just have to be the passion project of a lifetime.
Sure maybe just nowadays I can a bit of floaty head editing in the first few shots, but that’s the only thing even slightly off with it on a technical level (and the shoddy editing of which *direction* she’s supposed to be being rolled, but I’ll chalk that up to a directoral choice).
The quality of her stretching clothes, the solidness of that being a believably real swelling body, the deepness of the colors, I’m not great with expressing myself in words but you get my points.
I agree we need men on the inside of professional vfx teams to do it spectacularly again
too bad the internet has shown hollywood that they should never recreate a scene like this again for obvious reasons, so yeah. guess it's up to smaller artists to collaborate to some smaller scale yet equally impressive VFX berry.

even from a sheer technological perspective the scene holds up remarkably well especially considering the VFX artists were likely working with state of the art computers from circa 2003-2004. the stretch marks on the tracksuit, the effect of the tightness caused by the swelling as the oompas jumped on her, even down to a minute detail such as subtle hand flap. they truly thought of it all
I know what you mean completely yet I also know it’s Hollywood so we’ll probably get one final hurrah soon but like you said nowhere near as state of the art for it’s time (2025?) as what 05 was for it’s time. Probably not another actress that young either.. they’ll probably use a proper teen one last time around Denise’s age then that will be that

I think what they do with the touring musical in the UK will indicate more what corporate is leaning towards for the eventual remake
(47 KB, 600x639, 626.jpg)
seriously that make it much worse, if you seriously want to fap to violet I suggest age her up, create your own version
In all fairness it’s not her that we really care about, it’s just the high quality inflation. What do you think this thread is for anyways
If it’s the inflation fine, but if it’s just her then eww, it’s just disgusting. People on this thread have already called others “faggots” for saying this isn’t pedophilic.
anon you’re scaring the hoes away
Yeah let’s not taint the scene on purpose when the idea is perfectly fine as is. Also yeah the bts shot 👌
(90 KB, 1036x592, Immagine 2022-08-08 223054.jpg)
damn this is a mistery I have since i saw that video of the behind the scenes of the violet blueberry

in the scene when they show this photo up on the right there is another photo but i know that trying to find the original one is just impossible

for me it look like a other inflatable blue ball suit that maybe they used for the various prototypes

i always wanted to see what is in that photo, maybe is really a huge inflatable suit or maybe somenthing other who know?

i hope some day i will know
(87 KB, 493x752, 2005 suit 3.jpg)
and yeah i wish we got to see more of this behind the scenes stuff with adults. for some of the shots in the movie that are zoomed way out it's easy to imagine it's someone older, but all the early shots are a no-go.
She is kinda like the behind the scenes version of Jasmine from alien ant farm movies video, shes properly in her early 40s now
Valid, where’s her fanfics?
Lol y’all gotta stop harping on Violet and stfu I see you bot heads it’s all gonna be okay
>literally nobody has been able to surpass it in terms of quality
In terms of technical quality, but not in terms of choreography.

I agree that a remake with that kind of technical skill with an adult actress would be astounding, but I don't think shot-for-shot would be the way to go, I think that side of things could be improved on.

Obviously the original's intent wasn't to produce fetish fuel (at least I presume it wasn't - the arse wobble sometimes leaves me wondering...). The same skill applied to something that was intended to be fetish fuel would be mind-blowing.

That said, you're 100% right that this is why people still obsess over it. There's some top-tier art out there, but generally neither the real-life inflations nor the 3D animations out there even come close to the level of quality the '05 clip has.

>the behind the scenes woman
I've got suspicions that might also be a child.

>rosiemariefeedee 05 violet recreation
I don't think it's fair to call that a 'recreation'. Those scenes were so poorly edited together they made TMC look competant.
your may be right, she looks older then anna Sophia though and they could of hired a petite woman who's roughly Anna's height.

without defiant age confirmation don't fap to her,
Everyone 05 is good fap away
i don't think so. looks like a small woman. she probably worked at the effects shop. maybe an intern.
Could also be jailbait though.
The textures are decent and the animation is getting there. The navels need work though. I take a few points away for the left-hand one being in some awful phone-like aspect ratio instead of proper widescreen.

Does anyone happen to have the NSFW version of that, or should I ask at the beg thread?
I think they were thinking of collaborating with Candii Kayn at some point
(6.2 MB, 2160x2160, blue_berry__by_qualtro_df39ud4.png)
>blueberries that are wider than they are tall
>midriff puffing out between their clothes
My dick is diamond hard.
(36 KB, 600x400, Violet_Face_Prosthetic.jpg) (79 KB, 540x675, tumblr_babded913d2eb08bbc5e121256a2b059_82dd193f_540.jpg)
Qualtro's getting there for sure, but I think the next step in recreating/surpassing the original would involve combining 3GCG with practical effects, like the original. One of my favorite parts of the original scene was the big, swollen cheeks, and it seems like they pulled that off with a combination of silicone prosthetics applied to the actress' face, and a fully animatronic head used in some shots [here's a link, but, fair warning, it's kinda creepy lol: https://www.deviantart.com/thebluebritblur/art/Robb-s-Animatronic-Blueberry-Face-723752135 ]

I don't think the animatronic head would be necessary, but some decent quality prosthetics/paint would be miles better than the cheap blue paint that you see TMC smearing on their actresses.
i thought the micheal jackson pic was the one of the gripes people had with this artist
I understand the cheeks but the animatronic face they used was nightmare fuel
>michael jackson pic
Qualtro inflated Michael Jackson?
I tought how long it would take to get here XD
It probably wouldn't look as bad with a wig on.

Seems like a lot of effort to construct a whole animatronic head just to use it for a few shots lasting only a couple of seconds, but i'll take it considering all that we got in the final product.
Has SB99 ever drawn Violet before?
(155 KB, 1250x653, ___1.jpeg) (56 KB, 1248x656, ___2.jpeg)
I also no longer "enjoy" the scene from '05 for reasons already discussed in the thread. But there are situational aspects I still like a lot, some before the scene.
>what's so funny?
When the boat arrives, all the oompa loompas start laughing at Violet. They know what's going to happen to her.
>the size of the door
You can see the size of the Inventing Room door when they arrive. She'll be so big she gets stuck in it later.
>"stop, please stop!"
Pretty dark I guess but I love how she begs them to stop when they're rolling her around.
That door is wide, distended, has a violet ‘bellybutton’, just announcing “there’s gonna be some big bloated antics in here….”
She says "help, please help" instead of "stop, please stop" but eh, potato, potahto.

Yeah, they do a good job with foreshadowing the whole scene, if you notice in the sequence where they're going max speed down the chocolate river, every time the camera pans to Violet there is a blue/purple light shining on her, foreshadowing her fate. Super subtle details about this film that make even a standard rewatch worth doing.
(63 KB, 1254x659, ___3.jpg)
Oh yeah, also, when the scene opens you see a wheelbarrow dump a bunch of food into the gum machine. You can prominently see the blueberry pie, the very same one which will sel her fate.

>"help, please help" instead of "stop, please stop"
I guess I was just hearing what I wanted to hear
I always thought that was a piece from a broken tennis racket of sorts. Getting dumped w/ those other stuff into the machine cause I thought it was like how Doc Brown used recycled garbage for Mr Fusion on the Delorean from Back to the Future Part 2. I didn’t question it’s usage as such because 1) It’s Willy Wonka and 2) the 70s one had a similar detail w/ Wonka tossing in the shoe, clock and towel into the mixing pots in the Inventing Room.
(851 KB, 1500x1080, door.mp4)
Underrated or not talked about enough, the moment she gets squeezed through the door
(32 KB, 330x495, bbpi.jpg)
It's a blueberry pie with a lattice top, the very one that did her in
I know that now, I’m referring to when I was younger. The moment went by so quick, it didn’t really register until it got pointed out.
I didn’t notice until now but there’s a loud sloshing noise from Violet when she gets pushed by her mother. What a huge turn on.
do you have slowed down version of that ?
Always loved that part too. And the "Mother, help me! Please!" right before.
My favorite line too it’s like where has she been this whole time? xD
I guess dance routines can be a bit hypnotizing at times
Where did you find the source for this? I was gonna post that and ask if anyone knew where it came from, or better yet, if there's a HQ version
(260 KB, 800x450, i-think-she-says-stop.mp4)
>She says "help, please help"
She definitely says that later but there's this shot where they roll her on her head. I'm pretty sure she says, "Stop, stop!"
Hard to hear, though.
Would love to see something like this for the 05 Violet
(7.5 MB, 2732x2048, FAD84309-CDD1-4027-9256-EA028A9926E4.png)
Found this on a report my post and it said it was a commission.
I would pay double what ever they asked for for a color version and as few more angles of this.

Anyone know how to get in contact with the artist?
Sorry report=report my post
Wouldn’t fit out the door
Is she moaning because she’s dizzy from being rolled or all the juice inside her being sloshed around?
Probably both, gotta be disorienting having all that juice sloshing around, hearing it so loudly, and being rolled every which way by the Loompas.
Where are these HQ videos? Saw one of the inflation on YT, but not the song or anything after
GNG is supposedly notoriously hard to commission. As far as I know, they don't really have any real contact info anywhere, but rather they ping out to various people that show interest. Your best option might be to create an account and make a few posts over on Chounyuu asking around.
Pretentious douche

Good art though.
(564 KB, 1536x1536, adult_violet_1.jpg) (629 KB, 1536x1536, adult_violet_2.jpg) (518 KB, 1536x1536, adult_violet_3.jpeg)
Maybe these are more suited to the "blueberry faces" thread but I like taking the opportunity to shift depictions of '05 Violet to the adult side.
Uhhhhh this is actually amazing
Question: Did Violet's cheeks really fill up with juice? I see everyone claiming that, but how would she be able to scream or talk (asking Mother for help) if her mouth was filled with juice?

I think her cheeks just filled in the way they would fill with fat, so the juice isn't in her mouth
Goodness gracious this is terribly high quality and I’m here for it
ripped it from the youtube link above and good god in heaven it’s one of the higher quality rips i’ve seen. gg anon
gg if you say so. Welcome to my dimension
I just wanted an excuse to post non-inflated Samus. Actual Samus is the best
fair enough. samus is the perfect candidate for blueberrification ngl especially considering the color palette is near identical to 05 violet
nice close up in the second one of Violet's belly button
Anymore or anyone? You’re right though where’s her belly button? Would be great to see a bratty adult Violet in this scene ✨
Wow, I never picked up on her expression during the musical number before, the quality was too low. I can see it now and it actually adds a whole lot to everything. Its really cute.
The concept of it is pretty nice. In the context of say an alternate adult bratty Violet it drives home the point that the brat is learning and taking in her punishment but potentially also bopping to the bass going down atm lol
do you have a longer version from when she says "mother help me please"
Not that I'm complaining because the color is brilliant (literally) but I feel this is cropped in too tight on the sides.
while its a nice clip i think it got clipped a bit to early since the full line didnt get included
The video on YouTube itself is sadly trimmed to cut off the first part of her dialogue, which is why it sounds cut off
That extra bit of cutoff dialogue is slightly before this shot when the mom runs past Wonka.
can we get that ?
even subtle details like that is why this scene holds up so phenomenally even almost 18 years later. the muffin top aspect of it is such an underrated element
They also just had very fantastic looking real divots for the face and hands and made sure they keep moving as she expands to make it look like she's extra helpless. The whole scene is masterclass.
(34 KB, 600x400, CE39334C-FCE7-41E8-A723-3B6DCB4CB514.jpeg)
Piggybacking off of the images in this post, as uncanny as it looks, this BTS shot of the rolling sequence is one of the better ones we’ve dug up from the archives because it shows how they were able to combine practical effects with the SFX to seamlessly integrate with each other. Guarantee you that if they were to incorporate the inflation sequence in whatever reboot is coming up in the near future, it’ll be all SFX and SFX only and won’t hold up nearly as well. Guess we can thank Tim Burton’s meticulousness for that.
I.F. if you’re reading all of this all of these posts are literally them typing out everything pretending to be me. You know I would never talk like this on here. You know that. They’re literally typing out everything copying my writing style everything. Literally pretending to be me you know I would never ever act like this on here. I know you know that.
Can someone download this just in case yt takes it down?
This is easily the best quality version I've ever seen.
(715 KB, 368x400, loopingframesvi.mp4) (376 KB, 2160x1080, scene1.jpg) (308 KB, 2160x1080, non-violet.jpg)
Some interesting things to note from the MPC VFX reel made for the film if no one's seen it yet:

The CGI shots of the first stage of inflation have much vibrant colour grading, something I wish was present in the final film. Also seen is a before and after of when the leaking juice was applied, which makes me wonder how a non-violet version of this scene could have looked.

Also to note is that there are a few extra frames in the rear end sequence, which includes more stretching of clothes fabric and expansion. Highly recommend you go on YouTube and see it for yourself, I used to have the original mp4 from the MPC website but it has since been taken down.
could you do some more looping clips ?
Any more stuff from the "archives" or other rare behind the scenes stuff in general?
(409 KB, 627x355, violet animatronic 4.png) (309 KB, 584x355, violet before sfx.png) (23 KB, 600x400, violet prosthetics.jpg) (108 KB, 1183x676, violet animatronic 2.jpg) (33 KB, 600x400, violet animatronic 3.jpg)
Guess there was more out there than initially thought. Modern Hollywood wouldn't dare go to these lengths for a believable berry girl for a 2022 film. Some of these images feel otherworldly especially considering what we got in the final film but you asked and I shall deliver
Kinda wish we saw that version, secondarily other than the kink aspect of course, cause I’m a special effects movie buff see the technical advancements sine the original 70’s one.
Who knows, given all the lost media that’s been getting discovered so far this year, who knows? Maybe we’ll see the test footage of it?
why would you want to, you really gonna jerk off to that ugly plastic head?

Is it possible that anyone has the alternate versions of those two?
God no. Did you not read what I said?
Here's hoping that we get some sort of special edition release for the films 20th anniversary with more cutting room floor stuff

Also I can't believe that we've still never managed to totally mute the background music from that scene.
You can sort of do this if you edit the 5.1 surround mix. All of the sound effects and dialog are on the center channel. The music still isn't totally gone.
I'd say the better option would be to recreate the SFX if that's what's wanted, it will be a lot cleaner.
May post some examples later if anyone wants.
Couldn't you use some AI tech to mute the background music?

Or, since the raw background music exists on a CD somewhere, couldn't you line it up with the original scene and invert the polarity so it cancels out? Or am I talking out of my ass?
(5.3 MB, 884x882, Violet Music Removed.mp4)
Funny you say this. I actually found this on Instagram a while back. It’s not perfect but I guess it…does the job? I’m not sure. What do you think?
Alexandra Vesna Filiplic
I tried the inversion of the soundtrack method a while back. Either I'm a retard or the tracks are slightly different cause it didn't do shit.
looks good just wished they included her being rolled
Honestly, whatever your viewpoint is on the film itself, you gotta give props to Tim for how much of the film was practically done for 2005.
You putting it this way has made me realize a man named Tim made this film.
>Couldn't you use some AI tech to mute the background music
Probably, but at this point anything like that is beyond my understanding and would take way longer than I'm willing to spend on it.
Honestly, Danny Elfman gave us a rather awesome track that really plays up the horror of what's happening. I feel no desire to mute it.
Just realized that she has cloth sim and some squish as she's just blowing up from her hands pushing down on herself... Seriously someone was super duper committed to nailing this VFX shot for reasons I won't understand.
I agree with you wholeheartedly on both points 🌊✨
It was the year 2005. Realistic cgi was only ubiquitous for maybe two years at that point so I guess even a blueberry scene got the top notch treatment. Gotta love technological innovation timing lol 🍻
I agree with you on both points in these two posts 🌊
(467 KB, 1695x922, 46734786-3204-48DC-8973-0BD119F7AA18.jpeg) (555 KB, 1648x1328, 09E26325-9B13-46B9-8F51-DACC65586E24.jpeg) (77 KB, 386x492, F5F4A397-49F2-41C2-AA27-24B5B6D98C31.jpeg)
Here’s a possible topic of conversation interest: Violet’s hairstyle. Being the movie buff I am, I like browsing whatever I can on any behind the scenes content from concept art to test footage. As you can see, early on the girl’s hair was originally a pair of ponytails before getting switched out to the hairstyle we see in the film (don’t know the correct term for said style). Most like done so for more convince when she is later turned into the blueberry and is rolled. As you know from the original when Violet was rolled the hair repeatedly got in her face. Because of the ‘05 film the hairstyle of Vi is heavily associated w/ the character and transformation. Now my question for you today is: Would you have preferred that the initial hairstyle choice (the ponytails) to have gained that place for blueberry art, or do you prefer how things went in reality?
Is there one with only stomach sounds?
Was 2005 Violet going to be Asian?

That would've been pretty neat.
I do believe so.

There was a piece of concept drawn by Tim of the Beauregardes, but I couldn’t find it.
That would’ve been a dream.

And yes the Tim drawing was very reminiscent of what we got on film so I imagine it was done later in the process than the original 05 Asian Violet concepts
This is a question that I’ve always thought about and I guess the mentions of the Asian Violet in the concept art made me think of today but what appearances do you like best on a berry girl? Not necessarily violet but just like a girl who turns into a berry in general. I’ve personally always liked seeing redhead ones but what about everyone else?
How the heck did you even have these?
is there any more?
Redheads are underrepresented IMO. I like the woman to be a bit on the heavier side as well
Long hair is nice I guess.
Tbh, I think pretty much every kind of girl other than blondes and brunettes are underrepresented. Which is kind of sad. I wish there was more art and morphs of all kinds of girls other than just blonde chicks who look like older versions of 05 VB.
Is there one where they are all separated?
One where they are all separated… please. 🥹
I didn’t make the edit so I don’t know how to do that lol. Just sharing the edit I found online that’s all
Fair enough 👌
(94 KB, 1483x832, C9524A58-66D6-4CA1-B4B1-0C50127CC45D.jpeg)
Qualtro just released their preview for their upcoming animation! It looks so good gonna be great to see this Violet blow up lab room style!!!
is it almost done? cause that is hot!
This Violet is about to teach us what a good time looks like 🎓 🍎
Violet should’ve just left it alone! But impulse got the best of her and now she sees she bit off more than she can chew!
(526 KB, 1280x1185, 30daf48fdffa87a6b0cacb660badec7b20221f1bc8f8c82b032b3ba4176f881b.png)
Does anyone else think Violet didn't get it bad enough? Like, sure, being permanently blue sucks, but what would suck even more is coming out weighing 300lbs more than when you entered. It'd definitely make it way harder to get back in the competition and win trophies like the prize champion she is. It's not like anything is less champion like that a belly too big to see you feet, or your legs. Now THAT would've been the ending she deserved
She was all bendy and flexible too don’t forget.

Basically a swap of body shape between Augustus and Violet.
That flexibility worked to her benefit though. With hundreds of pounds of juice permanently stuck in her, she wouldn't be too happy then. I mean, none of the kids left the factory happy, why should she? Plus, I imagine after being partially juiced, she'd be at least one or two hundred pounds heavier than Augustus
>Boy inspired version of ‘05 Violet
looks female enough
Nonetheless, they’re a dude.
I like to imagine that with her new flexibility, anything she eats will cause her to expand ever so slightly to the point where she'll grow to being 400 or 500 pounds. Hopefully she's gained an appetite for her lifetime supply of chocolate, she'll be back to a blimp being bullied for her size in no time
wait is that the Annasophia who playes as the Violet!
how can you be this dense lmao
God you’re retarded
(114 KB, 322x233, F4BA2755-0307-4B3B-8905-DC641986C3A4.png) (469 KB, 1920x1080, 8DBA88E7-6AD4-49FA-B2D3-6793653EC580.jpeg)
When you’ve learned your lesson way too little the way too late and haven’t properly atoned so you’ve chosen the gum and being a blueberry for all time 🫐
Qualtro piece looking real fire gonna Teach us all a good time. The first of its kind this is going to potentially be the BerryGirl of our generation
then that was my mistake. sorry. i never consitrate the credits when i was young back in 2005. can you guys go ahead and delete it? i can't delete it myself cause of the passward
it's not letting me use google drive could you use something else?
This women could be the same actor in Charlie and The chocolte Factory! Looks very similar.
FUCK WITH ME GET WHAT YOU DESERVE TEACH MHMMMMMM!!!!! ILL TEACH YOU BABE MHMMM!!! You can teach me any time baby girl mhmmm!!!
That child has d i a b e e t u s
I guess that's what she should expect when going into a chocolate factory, she's fatter than that August boy
(1.6 MB, 300x300, 2s.mp4)
This part alone does it for me
I really love how you can see her feet twitching in this shot. Wish there were more close-ups of her hands flapping
Always loved those puffed-up cheeks in the first image. Wish she left the factory with them still fattened up, would've made bragging about her trophies a lot harder
She should have left the factory still partially swollen. I think that right when she turns to face the group after looking at her butt is a good size for that.
That would have been a great ending, just a fat, blue loser from then on out would have been deserving for her
(59 KB, 1192x670, what_we_all_wished_for_by_gmodviolet_gv_dfedr9b-pre.jpg) (79 KB, 894x894, july_2022_spiked_violet_beauregarde_by_secretgoombaman12345_df9wgob-pre.jpg)
Found these two pieces that may interest you. That first one may be a bit shitty, but it was based off of an even shittier edit where someone just photoshopped Violet where she's backing away and partially inflated onto the scene where she exits the factory.

Kinda thought about writing a self-indulgent pic though where Violet only gets partially juiced. Not sure what I would do with it, but who knows

Old art of this idea made years back.
I just wish there was more art/literature of her being only partially deflated, there's so much potential for stuff like that. Perhaps being forced to become an eating champion and gain more weight, or just becoming a couch for Veruca, who knows! I don't even know why I like the idea so much. Do I just like big women who happen to be blue?
(704 KB, 1920x1080, Hand Flap Full.mp4) (121 KB, 542x562, Right Hand Flap.mp4) (125 KB, 520x618, Left Hand Flap.mp4) (4.6 MB, 1920x1080, Listen Close.mp4) (1.6 MB, 668x1080, Right Hand Flap 2.mp4)
Not sure the order they’ll actually upload in but this is the best I could muster up. Love how both of her hands move very slightly when the Oompas jump off of her, almost like it’s an involuntary reaction to the sudden weight change, much like when they bounce on her swollen belly. Also if you squint and look close (listen close, ha), you can see a very faint hand as the camera pans upwards.
When I first watched 2005 Violet inflating I thought it was because she was turning into a blow up bubble gum and not because she was turning into a blueberry
We really do need more bottom-heavy Beauregarde, maybe that'll be her new nickname after leaving the factory
God, this is lovely. Shame that most violet art is uncredited/lacks a source, presumably because of the fit that might be thrown if someone posted it publicly. At least we have this thread to collect them
Anyone good blueberry inflation to read about Violet?
I just finished writing up a really meaty one that I originally had as a blurb titled "Still I Rise".
It's a about a fat extra huge redhead brat that turns into a Juicy! 2013 musical inspired berry including getting "screwed" by having a giant mechanical screw screwed up her pussy to turn her into the infamous 'blueberry disco ball' for all to see as a song humiliated her on front of the tour group
I’ll paste the link to the completed 6 page story in this post
Shit sorry I forgot to share the link here you go!!
https://tiny url com/te42rp7k
Add the dot where appropriate
Am interested in reading it
I’m interested.
Its a little off topic, as its not regarding the 05 film, but I remember an illustrated version of CaTCF from a long while back. In this particular version, some of the loompas were on break while Violet was blowing up, and Wonka had to ask them to roll her away before they would do anything helpful. The image for the page was a drawing of violet round and swelling, while two loompas sat on top of her and had tea. I always thought that was an interesting version of the scene, with how nonchalant the loompahs were with violet swelling up to near bursting.

I have tried to look around for it, but just can't find the image anywhere. Would anyone happen to have it by chance? If it helps, the loompas looked a little bit like leprechauns in this version, if I remember correctly.
Was this an official book illustration?
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4 is great, but I love 6 as well, the idea of her being really bottom heavy but with limited (and dwindling) control over her arms is very exciting to me.
I've always liked the idea of Violet's inflation occuring incrementally, in phases - with about 5-10 minutes between each stage, each time making her think that "this is the biggest i'll get, right? I can't get anymore bigger than this, can I?" Even though the speed that she grows in the original is fine, giving her more time to react/express how she's feeling (as well as giving more opportunity for teasing) is something that ought to be explored in violet fics, or berry fics in general
Probably 4 but 6 and 7 are also super underrated. The little bit of arm functionality is great, but the tear drop shape and added verticality are what really make it for me.
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Here’s a guide to figuring out which scenes of Violet’s face are real and which are fake:

In the first few stages of the scene, they took AnnaSophia’s head and simply recolored it to blue. The head was then placed on a CGI model of her swelling body.
(382 KB, 2080x1170, 0DB4AB2B-D02A-4713-B6CD-3CCF47C782C1.jpeg) (347 KB, 2080x1170, 1554E768-010F-440D-BBA1-126A37DD7F07.jpeg) (274 KB, 2080x1170, B9A686D7-71D4-4593-89AB-7CA221273FB1.jpeg) (237 KB, 2080x1170, E65746C8-EE56-4DB7-A483-F132C91DD089.jpeg)
The shot where her cheeks fill up with juice was a combination of AnnaSophia’s real face, along with some CGI enhancements. Her hair and the upper half of her face are all real, but her mouth and clothes are fake. Some of Violet’s hair also had to be rendered digitally to show it getting pushed aside by her cheeks.
What would you change or add to the scene?
A mix of tearing clothes, and just seeing it from all angles. Its a shame we cant see her side profile, really at all during the inflation.
(53 KB, 1200x1200, 20221210_043745.jpg)
Getting more of non-loompa characters interacting with violet, or more dialogue from her during or after her swelling would be incredible. Especially any interaction between her mother and her.
Definitely some dialogue from all parties, preferably as the swelling happens over the course of several minutes instead of 45 seconds/instantly.
(139 KB, 800x450, 58DEFCEA-DF78-431A-B516-C0E623BCFE2F.jpeg)
Catching things that were up for literally only 30 seconds screams desperation on your end.
Your comms game has been cracked for weeks. You comm here so that your normal channels have no trail. Wasn’t hard to figure out.
Get in touch with your desperation and obsession because you two specifically have fucking lost it and the other two are smart and have realized it by now.
(139 KB, 800x450, D560909A-5817-4240-B753-871BD10EC6D5.jpeg)
Catching things that were up for literally only 30 seconds screams desperation on your end.
Your comms game has been cracked for weeks. You comm here so that your normal channels have no trail. Wasn’t hard to figure out.
Get in touch with your desperation and obsession because you two specifically have fucking lost it and the other two are smart and have realized it by now.
like Mike poking her
(72 KB, 1841x1043, acdf41f1cc56d2947ac3616e4bc0d9e6b1abf84cc4b40128d90943cf7a13c84c.jpg)
I've always thought the idea of the inflation happening in phases spaced out by varying periods of time would be incredible. Imagine she'd be waddling around at pear size, lamenting how fat she's gotten, just to get bigger only minutes later, each time wondering if this is as big as she's going to get. Once she's big enough to have her feet lifted off the ground, she kicks around helplessly, all of a sudden feeling that surge of juice within that tells her: this isn't over yet, you're going to get bigger...
This was so well done though wtf no complaints here 😂
something I would add would be her hands and feet swelling up, her feet bursting out of her shoes as they swell up, her fingers swelling like oversuff sauages and I would just have her cheeks swell up but i'd give her double chin or triple chin and have her belly button pop from an innie to an outie
another thing I would add would be that her clothes have been stretched to oblivion her body squeezes out through the numerous holes and burst seams
hey anon are the story finish yet
I am a big fan of 4 just a big blue fat violet waddling around sloshing with juice must be a sight to see
Thanks for linking to my blog
Has anyone ever drawn Veruca in Violet’s tracksuit?
sorry I didn't realize
I do not believe so
I can think of a middle child iron ring lady I know irl that fits this Violet perfectly lol
This is my favorite adaption of Violet and her mom in all media other than arguably the new treatment they’re doing in Leeds since I don’t know all the details with that one
The whole MENSA high IQ thing answers why Violet would be so headstrong and confident. Empowering her via arrogant legitimate intelligence instead of making her “airhead movie blonde #7368”. I feel like the mother character is very hollow and Charlotte from Rugrats part 2 but with a good rewrite it would be a great character.
I’ve dealt with this type of woman/mother in real life and the attitude is surprisingly accurate
The Violet in this screenplay is also very interesting since for all intents and purposes she does nothing generally wrong even in the context of the story.
That pimple shit thought what the fuck. Interesting script nonetheless
I can think of a middle child lady I know irl that fits this Violet perfectly lol
This is my favorite adaption of Violet and her mom in all media other than arguably the new treatment they’re doing in Leeds since I don’t know all the details with that one
The whole MENSA high IQ thing answers why Violet would be so headstrong and confident. Empowering her via arrogant legitimate intelligence instead of making her “airhead movie blonde #7368”. I feel like the mother character is very hollow and Charlotte from Rugrats part 2 but with a good rewrite it would be a great character.
I’ve dealt with this type of woman/mother in real life and the attitude is surprisingly accurate
The Violet in this screenplay is also very interesting since for all intents and purposes she does nothing generally wrong even in the context of the story.
That pimple shit thought what the fuck. Interesting script nonetheless
English translation?
おでぶさんになっちゃった "I turned all fat..."
はずかしい"S-so embarassing..."
ひゃっ!おしりが太って…こんなおっきいの嫌あ…!"Ah! My ass is fat! I don't want it this big!"
(Lit. This big is disagreeable)
Where did you find this pic?
I love morphs like this. Got any more?

Do you have any more from this? I think there were multliple versions posted with other actresses
Hey isn't that the guy who did the Nancy Pelosi inflation sequence?
god that’s just as weird reading that out of context as it is seeing it too

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