
I have so many saved. It would take a week just to sort through them, though I know there are some out there I haven’t seen yet. I’ll take a look and see what I’ve got.
How many you have?
Here you go mateys: https://mab.to/APSRnVekf

not all of it is not lost media but I do not exactly have a catalog of everything ever made. for those who have a collection of this stuff compare everything I included. also I believe there are 2-3 unviewable files since they give me a error message upon watching them not sure if there's a way to restore them as everything was from another dump from another anon. I've tried my best to try and find some way to preserve most of her stuff, like using the way back machine but there's just somethings I cant find or are just broken. feel free to look as well, try areas like old message boards or place similar to it. since there could be a few vids/photosets missing. for all we know this stuff could be on a old hard drive or burn cd's lying in a goodwill or basement somewhere. thanks in advance for any new leads or new stuff uncovered. the link will be active for 2 days and will be live in about 2 hours of the time of posting.
take care peace.
Does someone have all the photos of Bambi Blaze? Not just the videos, but the photosets of her videos as well. Like Mirror Mirror, Boobs of Steel, The Preggo ring, those kind of the photo sets
wait for the link to go live i've included everything i have which are the videos and photosets
you truly are the king of kings
Since that has all the photos and videos Bambi Blaze did in her life (before she stopped doing for unknown reasons) and before her website got taken down, we got to make sure this thread stays alive and to make sure these videos be remember
Archive this shiz
What's a good, safe place to drop a bunch of videos for archival purposes? Preferably multiple, actually, so they're all but guaranteed not to get deleted.
Porn sites mostly I would say YouTube but they've been getting a bit pissy with that but you could always try that too I know there's some good ones for images and stuff like ehentai

But as far as videos go I don't really know of much?.. I know though whatever you use it's probably best to use something that's more permanent for something in this case I said it's not like patreon content or something it's actual lost media..

The best vibe I could actually probably get you is Google drive use up whatever storage that you're not going to use for stuff I wouldn't buy the extra storage if I were you I just use up what you have unless you're using it for something already

Keep in mind you could also probably create a new email account and that will have empty storage for it too you'll get a whole new set of Google storage you can use for that specific new account..

But I hope that info helps to the best of the ability
Never mind, I can't do it anymore, because after a couple days of downloading all 10 gb of files at mab.to's garbage speed, my browser decided to crash itself. Can someone else do these instead?
Apparently the reason why Bambi stopped making content was because she got raided by the police because some dumbass thought she was making underage content. I'm not if this is true though
My Firefox crashed as well (keps content in RAM), but Opera stores it to disk, so use Opera for download.
Yeah I think that's true that she got swatted (not necessarily swat but poop) by some prankster and that's what lead to the shutdown

I also heard that a few years back her props were sold off and someone owns them now but I couldn't tell you who that was
Like I said I would just keep trying to find a good alternative and I'd take your time with it because it's not going to be an easy task not with that much storage.. unless you decide to sell bootleg DVDs to people there's no way you're going to get that storage out your door fast lol

Again there's always probably some sort of archival site that works similar to YouTube what about yiff party? I know it's for patreon stuff but can it be for other stuff as well like archival?

It wasn't just the cops but her websites were going down without her knowing nor why. She even talked to her friends in the community and they didn't know.

There's also the major health issues she with her breast implants which caused her to remove them.
Did anyone save the videos/pics? I didn't download in time and used to love her stuff
TMC or her earlier company bought some of her props and displayed them like hunting trophies on the wall in some of their vids on location.

Bambi was living in one of the part of the South where everyone subscribes to National Review and Christian Today and Pizzagate, Wayfair, and QAnon are non-fiction. Queue the riad.
>>38763 (OP)
>>38763 (OP)
I was wondering if there is another video on Bambi with the full body inflation suit. I think there are just one I sow. I wanned to know if there are more.
Can you please pass the link again?
She truly did have amazing stuff
a warning for you. NEVER EVER shares drive link and mega link. they will be disabled in a short while
Yes, I screwed up. Correcting myself
I have a bunch of videos about 68 of them (obvs actual video count is lower with some part1/part 2s) but mostly belly orientated ones. My favorites were jelly belly and blow me
Yeah this website is very laggy and hard to work with I don't doubt that's a good archive site but yeah it's a pain in the ass to deal with and we're talking about like five or six attempts where it's like trying to crash my phone again it's a good archive side but just very laggy and aggravating to deal with
Shame you should be trying to reproduce that technology for everyone else to have instead of hanging up on the wall like a unused condom
Anyone has Geek Babe Part 2 & any old videos of Bambi Blaze? What about the Mega Link that contains all her old videos?
Ok, there's few more Bambi Blaze video missing. BE Hotline 1 & 2. I found 2 I think, but I can't find BE Hotline 1. Does anybody have it?
Does she have a website or anything? Why isn't she re-uploading these herself? It looks like everything is gonna be stuck in 240p forever.
it baffles me that there are coomers here that probably werent even around when she had her website up lol
I don't think anyone who remembers stormrszone or what she did to fracture the expansion community would ask for her clips.
she's been gone for atleast a decade or so now. they're stuck in low quality because that's how they were filmed, they're old
>>43570 what did she do?

Not the person you replied to, but she purchased an established inflation hub called Stormrszone that was having issues staying online and rebranded it as the Expansion Mansion. Site maintained largely the same, but some of the existing content was put behind a paywall and all new content was put behind a paywall as well. It was branded as a "Get paid for your morphs and content" kind of thing where people would contribute content and get a cut of the paywall profits. The forums were pretty active for awhile, even brought a few new girls out of the wood work to join the community, but largely died off.

I never had a problem with that personally. What I did have issue with is that if you wanted all of her content, you had to subscribe for a monthly fee to three different sites, some of which would go months without updating. Unsubscribing from these was pure hell and often time you'd still end up getting charged for months after putting in the unsubscribe request. On top of that, she also banned Inflate123 from all of her sites because he contributed sound effects to TMC (even though he's always willingly gave them to any content creator that's ever asked). They managed to work that out before she went permanently dark, but it still left an awful taste in people's mouths.
Thanks for the brief history lesson.

It really is a shame how this community would tear itself apart for greed.
loving the bambi blaze lore
To be fair, a lot of the issues with making Expansion Mansion paid was that most of the pictures behind the paywall were... unedited pictures.

Just public photos that were compiled in StormR's gallery for years of pregnancy, big chests and people pretending to be pregnant.

Charging for that stuff is gross
(37 KB, 596x364, wut.png)
*cough* April fools *cough*
If any of you are interested here's the link to my Bambi Blaze subreddit.
What link? I think you didn't put it on there
>>46302 the mods probably won't let them send the link an artist taking requests got banned not too long ago just for sharing their report my post name
>>46305 D I S C O R D
Anyone have any pictures of her suits and props from when they went for auction on eBay?

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