
(16 KB, 1024x1024, Orange-Pencil-on-Paper-1024x1024.jpg)
Post the final versions of art you recently made, or the progress of art you are currently making, just to show off, try to get new artists up on the ground, ask for critique, etc. This thread will allow art of both male & female, full body, belly, breast, butt, etc.
(8.6 MB, 1000x1000, LolaLotaPumps.mp4)
Hot off the presses.

I don't have a sound editor.

any good one to use?(apart from Audacity)
Wavepad is good, so is FL Studio but only if you're already proficient.

Nice video, by the way. (But between you and me, I feel she could be a whole lot bigger~)
(21 KB, 850x800, arleblimpforward.png)
Did this art of an inflated Arle Nadja about a week ago. It's not that great but I was trying out a new angle. Not enough art of her inflated lol.
Take the hint and leave. You can't exactly be anonymous if you stick out like a sore thumb.
(107 KB, 1000x1000, colorguide.jpg) (171 KB, 500x500, colorguide2.jpg)
I do agree. Arle, especially Compile Arle doesn't get much expansion art. Puyo as a whole doesn't have that much expansion as one might think. So many opportunities for expansion art to be done, considering the nature of Puyos.

As for criticism, the perceptive is a bit unclear, is Arle on her side or is she a Jigglypuff seen from above? The circle tool is indeed a useful tool, but don't let it be the only tool that you use. Now while the arms look great; (Fingers are hard for every artist) they look out of place without something to connect them to the body. Last but not least, NEVER use pure black and white for shadows and shading. Use this chart to help you consider what colors to use for lighting and whatnot.
Yo, thank you for the critique! I appreciate it, and handy to have some charts! As for the perspective, I intended for her stomach to be facing the ground (think of it like she was laying on her stomach till she ballooned up). Hope this clears it up.
(1.6 MB, 1800x1800, Gala.png)
While she's not currently in the act of inflating/being inflated, here's a gift pic I did of Carmessi's Gala a couple months ago :)
where's that FA anon?
(890 KB, 639x785, Ming_Lee.png) (179 KB, 1200x1200, 30157x.jpg)
Think this is agresto but kinda looks like the panda from turning red lol.. also fyi momma milf is also a panda lol
(230 KB, 1500x1300, dorothy.png) (548 KB, 2619x1200, sam.png) (243 KB, 1576x1269, ThanksKarir.png) (259 KB, 1548x1200, blue barrrets.png) (414 KB, 1648x1200, blimpsons.png)
I've recently been struggling with a focus problem, and find myself constantly jumping between multiple projects, rarely ever finishing anything. So I just have a perpetual stack of wips at all times, which is actually really annoying. Not sure what's been causing it, but I'll get it right in the end.
This is just circle tool bruh
(7.6 MB, 8000x6000, 20220318_220227.jpg)
any criticism is welcome (its ranni from elden ring btw)
(7.9 MB, 8000x6000, 20220316_201913.jpg)
and a schoolgirl fwoomp, i dont like this one as much
It's supposed to be a shitty meme
(328 KB, 1202x905, sketch1647840562300.png)
Well decided fuck it.. Uber Mrs. Boonchuy sounds like the perfect way to waste your entire day!
(149 KB, 1100x900, Witch_blackmagicbutt.png)
I did this like a month ago but it's the most recent inflation thing I've done. Witch from Puyo Puyo with an inflated butt (think The Three Caballeros black magic scene, it was my inspiration lol). Linework is a bit rough but I hope at least someone enjoys it, god knows the world needs more Puyo inflation art.
super nice! anywhere i could see more of your art?
Yeah, my twitter is @Balloony_Tune
(2.2 MB, 4096x2965, 20220413_142532.jpg)
Spooky fell in to the slime pit and is being filled by its contents, she looks quite full...
definitely nice sketches you done
Doing this again since Draw Thread 3 has no response on my reply and is left out.
I request a third part of my favorite full body inflation picture by Tell-mate (on the left). After the ladies done pumping, Shantae is tied as an air balloon ride by all the Smash girls (Bayonetta and Palutena) including Pyra as a guest. She would be in a tan inflated sphere shape and ripped pants, stretched clothing like the two other pictures giving the inflated round busty shape (ignore the Samus part).
The request is based on the joke of “good boys and girls” since these girls in Smash Bros are waifus in the game.
Please See the details on Draw thread 3. Thanks
(489 KB, 1500x1500, Celise.png)
I still have some fine tuning on a few things like a final outfit and such, but I started making a new OC last week. Crazy goth/punk elf named Celise, and she can grow parts or all of her basically at will with whatever kind of magic I figured she has. Also she can turn into a FMG dragon, but I haven't even attempted conceptualizing that form yet. lol
I have some big butts I made, but question: are they allowed here?
all art is welcome here :)
Ah, okie.~
(1.8 MB, 2480x3508, dp12.png) (3.4 MB, 2480x3508, archy.png)
i like gfl balloon
Those are very nice, especially blueberry DSR
gfl bloons are based
Whoops, I sent the same thing
Bounce and bounce and HUGE and SQUEEZZZE and BO000OLUSH!!
(1.8 MB, 1674x1728, Madz.png)
Did some gift art for Madz and Molly
A bleached nuki? Just gotta say you make some really good shit. Followed you on tumblr before the nuke.
(2.9 MB, 2000x1660, BalloonaArtFinal.png)
Inflation piece I made for Balloona awhile back

I'm glad you dig it!
Yeah, I loved putting stuff on Tumblr but I'm still around doing shit on dA, FA and Twitter!

Glad you like my stuff though. Means alot.
>>48469 Dig it? Only thing I'm digging these days is graves, boy.
(86 KB, 1200x625, one-piece-yamato.jpg)
You just pick characters at random to inflate your skills if so throw Yamato from one piece in your choosing hate. Let's see how you handle that big as ( literally like 8 foot woman)
usually i pick characters i like and know to draw, i havnt seen one piece so i doubt ill do yamato, maybe sometime in the future but no guarantees
(11 KB, 500x550, sabiinfl.png)
Shitty Sabitsuki inflation pic I made quite a while back. Since there's not enough yume nikki/fangame inflation arts.
(18 KB, 850x710, ponikogofwoomp.png)
Anyone up for more crappy Yume Nikki/fangame inflation? lol. Did this one for someone
(627 KB, 2190x1983, 91009123_p0.jpg)
urotsuki inflation sketch i did quite a while back
Damn prop! That looks wonderfull!
You made this!?
Damn it's fucking good
You should do an inflation art account on Twitter or DeviantArt
(950 KB, 2048x1620, seawitch vs airpump 2.png)
Scribbled a part 2. Wanted to draw her again. Anyone else drawing this weekend?

thanks, but I'm fine with just hanging around here
communication here is wonky though
Yeah I'm attempting something got the idea from someone's request in the edit thread. But what started out as trying to fill someone's order became something much more complex and now I find myself drawing my first ever sequence.

I'll share it if I can ever get it 💯 complete. But doing both the full body and overinflation bits are gonna be a bitch! I have no sense of direction when drawing clothes or element's that lean against stuff from a side view! Pluse can't seam to get the sunken in head thing right.
you'll get used to it with enough practice
True I guess it's just what this particular piece I'm working on I'm trying to be as perfectionist as possible and kind of getting a little OCD over it you know when you just want to make something and do it justice as best as possible. Ever get that feeling?
>>51581 No. Struggling doesn't come naturally to people like me. Good luck on whatever it is your doing now though. Oh, and... have fun.
>>51581 yeah i only stop hyperfocussing when the art im making makes me horny when i look at it

whoops guess that sounded too weird I was only describing that I also have that perfectionist feeling thing and what causes it
balloon behind the slaughter
When are you gonna attempt full body not gonna like I'm dying for some of this style with something like that like imagine 2 girls, a bike pump, and a blimped out mass filling the living room as the pumper just screams at her to pop
I'm telling ya there's a market for that if you're down for fulfilling it either way bravo some amazing stuff
But what the dog doin?
Cute! Love the expression!
Totally. Work's looking good, dude
Looks great man!

Hope you don't mind me asking, are those character's your OC's?
Yeah they're both OCs, if you want I can go a bit into detail with them
Sure thing go ahead! I'm down for scribbling them up this week if that's alright w/you
(229 KB, 1036x583, 20220606_222417.jpg)
Here's my art of Blueberry from the fnf moonlight berry mod
Honestly this is the first time I put genuine effort into art
Tell me what you think
Criticism is welcome
needs to be at slight angle (not flat front facing) and needs action and air/bubble lines. some lighting is good too
What do you mean by action?
And what do you mean by air/bubble lines?
(84 KB, 1126x925, 20220607_220154.jpg) (5.0 MB, 3195x3496, 2103481_sireforseti_maple-pose.png) (24 KB, 399x816, IMG_20220607_222658.png)
Top is Roquefort, a short stack no nonsense office lady who knows at least 50 different martial arts whose magical ability, Trace lets her copy anyone's special magic when she comes into contact with them.

Bottom is Maple, A woman that shone through her magical speciality, the power to control her body mass ratio, giving her the ability to boost her muscles, ready to tackle onto any problem that can arise, her weapon is a gigantic blade on a chain that only those who have trained their entire lives can hope to lift it, let alone swing it with the ease of Maple.

They're two out of the 4 Admirals of the Helios Navy, a naval empire playing into an endless game of cat and mouse with pirates and other rival factions
(I don't really have any recent serious drawing of their designs on me...)
(522 KB, 2531x1723, 20220609_225858_1.jpg)
This is a schetch i made now
I know i m not really good

What do you guys think?
Good for memes at least in current state definitely good to draw. Definitely will get even better with practice
(37 KB, 700x750, SolChair.png) (37 KB, 700x750, SolChairALT.png) (38 KB, 700x750, SolChairALT2.png)
Soleil's lazing around after an eventful day of treasure hunting.

I tried something else as a construction sketch, there's some slight mistakes on it but i'm pretty proud of it so far, with some alt colors too.
The size might not be big enough for you all, but don't worry she can fit in way more than that :^)
(554 KB, 2607x1836, 20220610_191853_1.jpg)
I made another

I think i will start an art account on deviantart but i m not sure

What do you guys think?
(136 KB, 1328x1262, 9B1E2F29-2F7C-4580-97E6-153350A25722.png) (252 KB, 1061x1064, 20DEA386-D481-47F5-9885-5DA371C5C532.jpeg) (78 KB, 946x745, D44DC7A3-F7CD-400F-AC4A-83949AEDA411.jpeg) (166 KB, 1392x1044, C4F7BB7D-D00D-4D5B-B657-02A869BC3623.jpeg)
Man, I have a whole bunch of art to share. I guess I should start with stuff featuring my main OC.

1. A meme-ish pic of him being inflated with helium.
2. Him being inflated into a round shape, but his limbs are only partially sunken in.
3. Him inflated into a “blorb” shape, where the head has merged in.
4. Him after bursting. I’ve never been into typical bursting where they just disappear into confetti, so I made this style where they just ended up as stretched out hide scraps.
(125 KB, 1148x959, A9CEF40F-394A-45A4-8D9C-64ABAA280C09.jpeg) (147 KB, 1060x1061, 4AB5CBAC-0426-4E06-A39D-DB742EDA1938.jpeg) (185 KB, 1075x1015, 94BB42D0-85AC-402C-871C-0088C437D567.jpeg) (166 KB, 1055x1132, 2AA3090E-88DC-4985-963D-15DD2439AA9C.jpeg)

1. Tasque Manager inflation. Since she doesn’t have any actual arms, her hands are still useful.
2-4. Anyone remember Bunny Maloney? That kids show from the 2000s which felt more like an adult show? Because I made what could be the first inflation pics of it.
(104 KB, 887x724, 6A93E990-699E-4525-92A8-6434FD5CD15D.jpeg) (268 KB, 1076x1098, 5E051B70-8293-42E0-84BD-557D232E751A.jpeg) (275 KB, 1318x1035, EDC7EC77-3BE3-462D-90ED-65FB91D86964.jpeg) (339 KB, 1384x1069, 4B238BCE-26F2-4631-8F1B-8BAF94D5AD13.jpeg)
1. Unikitty blown up into a celestial sphere after a so-called “decompression leak” (it’s really because she ate too much dehydrated ice cream and is now becoming a literal gas giant, lol)
2. An OC of mine, a stretchy cat superhero, blown up in a monobutt shape.
3. The same OC in her casual outfit, blowing up with air.
4. Another OC, the cat superhero’s blue, equally stretchy shark rival, blowing up with water.
(269 KB, 1004x1099, 988911C0-2093-4754-8B50-13E59E695480.jpeg) (201 KB, 1116x1058, 29CDABD5-5BC4-4CD2-9E14-9397526B7FEF.jpeg) (78 KB, 768x759, A6792F3C-9065-4454-B377-92E2284ABF89.jpeg) (358 KB, 1000x1000, BD94D512-774C-4B19-B8A2-354D5B5C8BA1.jpeg)
One more after this, and I’ll be done.

1. A self-designed Martian with a huge, fizz-filled belly threatening to snap off her belt.
2. My friend’s OC blown up in the same spherical-with-sunken-limbs shape as my main OC was earlier. My friend made it himself, but I helped design her.
3. Another Martian, this time blown up into a “bowling ball” shape, where the body is completely rounded out except for the limbs.
4. A big, technical guide on how inflation would work in my world.
(169 KB, 2000x1400, 32FB08F5-F46B-4FDF-AC56-FC73A30CA938.png)
Only one more. This was something I made as an art trade with a friend, who liked Sonic inflation. This was the first time I drew a character like this, but I think I did okay for a first time drawing the blue blimp- I mean, blur.
Some good stuff. I especially like the last image of this first one, very interesting.
(263 KB, 2000x1594, 1655058921243.jpg)
Have all of my basic linework done, sorry that some of the lines don't show up since they were light. But this is going to be a physical watercolor pencil painting, any tips on doing areas that are white or light skin tones? Do white watercolor pencils exist, or do I have to hope that my eraser is really good?
(424 KB, 3000x3500, Yokoblimp.png) (164 KB, 700x1000, MapleSyrup.png)
Yoko from Balloon Warriors, except that she can't undo that darn string
A drawing that I haven't posted here, but got posted on the captions thread
nvm on second pic, my bad lmao
You should post it on the caps thread and make a caption. There are only like three people making them

Does a fat baby poop?
Like your drawings
(204 KB, 802x852, BraixenWIP.png)
Couldn't really find a thread to share this Braixen I'm working on, but this shape I'm giving her is more on the cartoony-side of things if that's okay!
Great to hear back from you
Great job on the textures. I’m not into shark girls
Since your good with drawing inflation art, could you please make my commitment on >>47534 so it’s done? Thanks
Im not really sure what youre trying to say, but I dont take requests
ah, sorry to hear that, thank you for the compliment though, hopefully I can get stuff out more frequently
It’s a commission I’ve asked
you realized commissions are supposed to be paid right? Like just because you ask someone to do something doesn't mean they're obligated to do so.
Holy moly this is super cute, I love your style! I'd love to see the full image when you're done.
They right ya know a request is requesting something to be done a commission is putting money down as a confirmed agreement that something will get done unless you drop dollars down it's not a commission

That said this is bbwchan even if let's say said person was like "shut up and take my money" and the artist was like "okie dokie literature club"
How the fuck are you supposed to pay them?

PayPal's too personal and I doubt there's an anonymous money hole outside of expensive Bitcoin.

So it's a catch 22 where it's request only
(237 KB, 1024x1331, Juniper.png)
wip of professor juniper from pokemon
that would be kobeni from chainsawman
(1.7 MB, 2324x1890, Depressed Vampire Balloon Sex.png) (231 KB, 1600x900, e039558e003f52792115fa8cdec5bf8de868b74bbc93aaec3cdf3ccfa1d81ea2_1.jpg) (341 KB, 2324x1890, Marcline the Depressed Balloon Queen.png) (15 KB, 241x241, tumblr_bb418541c259b6684c67395ecfffac88_cc833f7b_250.jpg)
Again yet another side project for fun.
So random internet meme browsing put me on paths with is depressed looking marcline something just kicked in my head and I just had to draw her as a depressed sad hopeless floating air sack of sadness. Took it a step further and turned it into a dick flattening meme
(188 KB, 678x1024, 17iht-letter17-jumbo.jpg)
Eh if you wanna blow up the Russian president be my guest lol but best drop it in the male inflation thread because the only ones here who probably would want to see that is them
Personally I'd be more down to see this Dragon Ball femboy fully blown into a parade blimp
>>55388 (Cross-thread)

But hey that just me

Check the message again.
It's about torture, like ripping that genocidial bastard's anus in half, kick his head until his eyes pop out, stab him with a shovel...

THAT kind of torture, the motherfucker deserves it.
(1.7 MB, 1994x1597, 1658875959527.jpg)
Finally stopped being lazy and did all the basic coloring, What do I do to make it look better? Do I just keep on going on with more layers of color or what? Reminder that this is watercolor pencil
Damn you're shit is good.
(305 KB, 473x635, unknown-6.png) (438 KB, 436x634, ezgif-2-bc27fe42dc.gif) (258 KB, 475x635, ezgif-2-d1f9c16db0.gif)
Inflating a mailwoman for someone believe her name is Thao she's from some Netflix series I heart arlo anyways in the process of this combining all of the edits so far gives me this neat little animation I figured I'd share damn I wish I had the patience because if I did I'd be so tempted to animate her full inflation and all!
But instead I'll just drop the scrap here maybe one of you will feel inspired and pick up where I left off with such a time consuming task for now I think I'll just inflate her the good old image still way
(305 KB, 475x635, extra cheek 1.png) (305 KB, 475x635, extra cheek 2.png)
Made a mistake it's these 2 then mail 3 and you'll complete the sequence so far have fun whoever wants to take the reigns at animating her in some way
(327 KB, 1920x1080, Thao Rolypoly.png) (271 KB, 1920x1080, best one.png)
Nice I'll counter with another image of Thao from Netflix's I heart arlo
Yet another roly-poly request
(794 KB, 1800x1350, wip.png)
(1.5 MB, 1800x1350, bedroom blowup.png)
More roly poly balloons this time blowing up the bedroom or something I don't know
Who are you, and do you draw non-berry?
(6.1 MB, 4178x4070, Pyra1.png)
an art trade i did that i forgot to upload anywhere
Not sure if this is some reverse psychology russian psy-op; or if you're actually so much of an unhinged loser that it makes Putin seem chill in comparison.

Kind of like the screeching liberal soyboy vs the nazi GigaChad.
(2.3 MB, 2416x2072, joyflation1.png) (409 KB, 2480x3508, chain.jpg)
A finished piece that gained 0 traction, and a work in progress.

I bid you adieu
Me? No I'm just saying post Putin porn in the right places a shirtless Putin balloon probably someone's kink yet youll be trading apples for crap apples if you post in in #general vs any other thread
Enjoyed with a laugh.
Nice. Surprised to not see more of that scenario more often. It’s ripe for the picking.
Thanks. I haven't really saw that much berry art of Baroness Von Bon Bon (or at least, not that I know of) so I did it myself. She makes a rather good blueberry if I do say so myself.
(933 KB, 3000x4000, amyloon main.png)
Semi final product yeah I know kinda looks shitty but it's a fun title card trading card homage thing I'm working on so that's the art style it used
Basically I decided to show off my R63 BF x normal GF pics and my drawings of Shiver (Splatoon 3) and SheZow (SheZow).
Eye inflation is some serial killer shit.
Stuck in a chocolate tube or at least I hope that's chocolate
You're comment was about 4 minutes later than I expected, but I'll consider it tight on time, and to answer your question I only slept 2 hours yesturday and the following morning I had an obligation to fuck a young girl who lives nearby down the way due to a previous compromise. My dick was solid, but now I am pooped and I look forward to getting my rest. If you have anymore nosey questions, now would be the time. I know just how much you love to snoop around 😘 Never invited, always a bore. Now all we have to do is find a way yo get you to go.
(1.6 MB, 498x280, 739E3DB8-7EF0-4EE3-AB7A-2A85A35E7D40.gif)
Ah yes the response of someone that has nothing 😚
Glad to hear about your sleep schedule; me I slept like a baby peaceful in slumber 😇
Look at you projecting your obsession for me as you attempt to time my response yet at the end of the day I’m but an anon on a board (:
I’m not going anywhere which is why you qualified the last sentence. There’s literally nothing to catalyze that. You know I know that which accounts for the seethe you just posted ♨️
It’s fun seeing you spiral as for the first time in your life you can’t control another human being just because you demanded it anon.
Have fun enjoying what you’ve done to yourself I know I am!! 🤭🍿
>>69621 (Cross-thread)

If you assume that everyone is a decieving lying snake such as yourself, then you are far more stupid than I previously gave you credit for. Believe what you wish. If I had it my way, you would've never been born. Consider yourself blessed then. Got to take a shit now.
I’m not gonna get lectured by a pot that calls kettles black lol
>I wish you were never born!
A yes the refrain any child has when they’re having a pouty tantrum 🤭
#blessed 😇
>>68626 Oh, and everyone can see you're so blessed. I don't know much about pots and kettles, mind you. I do know colors, though, and what I said was that you should thank God that he is God and not me, because I would not be mercyful, and I would see to it that you would recieve such a torture beyond human explanation. Please stop talking to me.
You understand that you saying bullshit like this makes you sound like an angry child right?
Like you’re doing your job for me seriosuly.
>Please stop talking to me.
Okay then why the heck did you reply? 🎣
(148 KB, 1280x1120, 1573840864.gracedmarcus_surrexbelly.png)

This person has been raiding a few threads and starting fights.
Their style of communication is certainly something, who even uses more than one emoji in their texts?
Pay them no mind, this thread is for art.
Ignorance can be a powerful weapon.
This is just the person that anon has been responding to being a troll.
I’ve seen the thread. This “Gardevoir” is just the other person being a troll and targeting that anon. Don’t pay Gard no mind they have an obsession and love to attack this one anon for some strange reason like saying they wish they were never born or wishing torture and other stupidity.
Notice how they said nothing about that any of that but are bothered by emojis?
Too obvious “Gard”
This is just the person that anon has been responding to being a troll.
I’ve seen the thread. This “GM” is just the other person being a troll and targeting that anon. Don’t pay GM mind they have an obsession and love to attack this one anon for some strange reason like saying they wish they were never born or wishing torture and other stupidity.
Notice how they said nothing about that any of that but are bothered by emojis?
Too obvious “GM”
Doesn’t take a rocket scientist to know the person spazzing out about torture and death is the mental one in the situation. The words speak for themself so the point is done as long as you’re done 🥳
>>68842 I guess you would know, anon. You're so good to me. Thank you for being you and being alive, friend. You are very helpful and intelligent.
You can’t stop the storm that’s already started bitch. It gives me the greatest hard joy knowing you’re trying to stop the inevitable keep going!! 💦
The floundering bitches crave for an in to convince themselves they’ve “won” somehow and it’s the most beautiful thing.
Dumb bitches got exactly what they deserved and I love it!
You can’t stop the public release. You continually manufacture “victories” to convince yourself you’ve “won.
It’s beautiful.
You are pure evil. And as all pure evil should you are meeting a torture enacted by God for your sins and your trespasses. You will be forever unfulfilled and suffering as you should be
You can’t stop the public release. You continually manufacture “victories” to convince yourself you’ve “won.”
It’s beautiful.
You are pure evil. And as all pure evil should you are meeting a torture enacted by God for your sins and your trespasses. You will be forever unfulfilled and suffering as you should be
I wish I could tape you and penetrate your walls as you scream for forgiveness. Luckily my wish has been granted and I marvel as you cower to stop the rape of your personal life as your face is shown across the world for thousands to jack off to ceaselessly until you die and beyond!!!
How does it feel to be a stupid bitch. To be nothing more than a human sacrifice for the greater good
Billions of human souls and yet you
We’re chosen
No celebrity
No other person
You were chosen
To be thengreatest
To be the first
It was for a reason
Because you are the worst of us
You are the worst, A.F.
Now you suffer
For humanity’s pleasure you suffer in perpetuity
Because it’s what you deserve cold A.F.
It’s what you deserve. And it’s beautiful
Seeing you hump trhreads
Seeing you cower
It’s beautiful
Because you deserve it
Draw and edit threads need tutorials.
(17 KB, 800x800, mega bloon big.png) (17 KB, 800x800, mega bloon pink.png)
Bless me father, for I have circle tool'd.
(Bonus Quick Boomerang alt, because Mega Man is cute in pink)
Nice , do you have twitter or deviantart account or other place where you post your art ?
nah I don't, I'd rather stay anonymous. This is the first and, probably, only place I'll ever post these
That is good, now i have another reason to stay on this thread Anon :D
Cloudboyo, I usually do berry edits and the one you were replying to was one of them
Very nice work tho
(2.4 MB, 4000x3555, Bob d balls.png)
Quick wip as my drawing application consistently is trying to crash on me as of late!
(147 KB, 1152x2048, 20221230_134658.jpg) (223 KB, 2048x1492, 20221230_134705.jpg) (191 KB, 2048x1403, 20221230_134712.jpg) (205 KB, 2048x1483, 20221230_134717.jpg)
A lot of time ago i made this sequence

As I am into suit inflation you know that is hard to find some decent stuff

so i decided to try draw a sequence that rappresent a lot of the parts i like about suit inflation (for example the sinking head in the suit or the best stuck that form like a huge dress)

Unfortunately at draws i suck a lot! But at least It came pretty good

While doing this i was talking to an old friend Whit inflation fetish too and i showed him these as he draw 800 billion times Better than me and he liked it

What do you guys think?
Bonkers complete (wish I could have done more shading but the application is so laggy at this point just exporting anything is a miracle)
It's cute and simple. Learning to draw is grinding.
Wait how tf..
What the f..
Are you fucking
How long have you been stalking me you fucking psycho.
Pretty nice! When are you gonna upload it on Deviantart?
(1.4 MB, 2666x4000, fix.png)
Oh hey I'm friends of friends of them, never expect to see art like that of someone you know.
Good art by the way.
Thanks, i really love their design!
Good shading there
(2.0 MB, 2420x3226, 1.jpg) (2.4 MB, 2420x3226, 2.jpg) (1.3 MB, 2144x2799, 3.jpg) (1.4 MB, 2172x2905, 4.jpg) (2.1 MB, 2420x3226, 5.jpg)
The funniest part is that you’ve obsessed over someone this much
(779 KB, 1333x1637, quick huge sketch 7 (Rigged Up Blimp) colour L.jpg)
Never posted any of my drawings before so here goes. Done in FireAlpaca.

Its supposed to be Ayame from Tenchu Wrath of Heaven on PS2 lol.

Hope its OK to post this here!
This is awesome, checks all my boxes down to the slightly puffy hands with sharp nails. I hope you'll post more!

Thanks! I appreciate the kind words :D Sure I'll post some more ASAP
your style reminds me of VladDrake, really lovely stuff
(378 KB, 1920x1080, 1674215864.jpg)
Made using a VR game. One picture from a commission.
I have a huge list of characters.

disco rd.gg/AS5jCQHn6X
She can get it!
Hey Marie, if this is you
And you’re really into this now. Like, I’m here
The other side that’s painting you like Dahmer is doing me too and I get your feel
Just know I got the inflatables if you’re ever adventurous
Wtf even matters anymore right? Hope you’re well
I think you got me mixed up with someone else, dunno who Marie is. I'm just a random dude
but whoever you are, hope your relationship with Marie is good anon
I really like that first comic she’s right he was so pent up but he let it all go for her and she took it! Really hope she’s okay after the pop! She seemed to be enjoying it a bit!
I really like the progression and proportions of this piece! Also a really hot and cute model!
That’s a really cute pair
The type that’s the cutest in the mall when they hold hands, as balloons lol
thats some good stuff, both the comics and the sketches
Agreed, I didn’t say it in my last reply but I think the paper art is very great and expressive and the lines are very bold which really highlights the pressure of it all!
It’s really great!
Always a blast to see more of Wing, and the other girl is cool too, nice stuff.

drawing wing is super fun, so expect more~
You guys made a character called girlywolfpup and a character called Wing? Why?
I’m really hot on Wing’s thick rim nerd goth chic for sure
I don’t care for Femboys girlyblueblur is all yours
Femboy huh? You know what I think all of this purple in these pics reminds me of? I think it reminds me of the Unity background of Ubuntu
Oh... You're welcome
Nice, excited to see whatever you cook up with her or whoever you decide to draw, you're making that good good for sure.
That good good arg style let’s go
(259 KB, 925x1534, 20230128_184004.jpg)
This is my character Verglas. She's a vaporwave golem.
Femboy is a faggot retard do your worst

>do your worst
I believe the point was that you are all useless failures! In real life I would smack the back out of you and you wouldn't do a thing about it stfu pussy
spare me your sympathy. songbird Lezzy101 and the degenerate bunch are failures. we are masters creating art. get off our lawn
>>76912 kek that wasn't too bad.. sympathy.. lol
(482 KB, 1000x1400, 2023-1-28 Turkey Sodaflation.png)
this is prob the last post from me for a while. Tried to draw a butt, not sure how well it turned out
spoiler on this for popping per usual
(208 KB, 900x900, 2022-5-22 Dancer Inflation.png)
one more post before I disappear forever. This one was an old drawing I did before I went and redrew it. Might as well post this since it wasn't too bad (redrawn version is the message I'm linking to)
also spoiler for popping
Very cute and hot.
Damn anon got a da these drawings look so good!
I got a twitter @UnfunValentine
already love where this is going~
(1.5 MB, 3950x3100, Hufflepuff'd.jpg)
I'm not sure that's the correct levitation spell...
Damn she’s really cute I really like this art

You're not the 1.
Damn she’s really cute I really like this art.
Thanks I kind of want to do more in future with her avatar I find it cute
Saved and waiting for more.
a Character name "Mona" from CaptainTaco
Cute. Isn't this a delivery to a request?
Thanks. Nope it's just something I decided to sketch up since I remembered writing that request like a year ago and to make a quick fake mermaid scenario drawing.
Are you planning a 4th part with the costume exploding or this is it?
Either way, this is a great sequence
4th part is in the works, explosion will be for the 5th part. Don't know what to do after the explosion so that'll probably be it.

Also thank you.
Very nice. You should check the draw thread(s).
Why post this fully aware that it's not your's? Goes against the point of the thread.
Does anyone have any splatoon inflation?
Almost done with Part 5

Anyone wanna suggest a lady for more mermaid outfit destruction via suit inflation?
I don't know your preferences in characters, but I would like to suggest either Azura (Fire Emblem Fates) or Nessa (Pokemon Sword/Shield)
(16 KB, 370x275, static-assets-upload1867687741739192206.jpg) (19 KB, 377x519, 08da135b4bbcb1cf46d3f0fc6baf5f63.jpg) (36 KB, 309x438, AdoraRender.png) (333 KB, 1103x1536, S4-Catra (1).png)
Catra Netflix shera season 2
With a sneaky adora turning the nob on the tank
3 or 4 part Sequence or single image is up to you but just make her mermaid tail HUGE before she blows (bonus if there's a popping.)

No rush whatsoever (I don't care if it's backordered for a month as long as I could see it eventually)
I am so glad Elevenlabs is on the cusp of making you irrelevant.
Shill your shit somewhere else
I really like this ending. It gives the impression that, rather than exploding, the pressure inside the costume made Misty pop out like a cork. Of course, that is always up to anyone's interpretation.

Really eager to see what you make next time.
I would suggest nayru from zelda series would fit well there
Also i would like to see you do deflation of the mermaid suit ;)
Cool. I'll refine these out for the next step. Thank you!
Sure! I can add her in the queue. I got an idea that'll work with deflation.
Good stuff, quick and simple.
Was hoping to see more of her too.
Good shit, not enough pixel art in this community
(5 KB, 505x610, golden eys.png)
Working in progress.
I still can't decide if this is going to be an animation or not
Animated sounds fun
Yo my slime! My dawg!

You got a deviantart or any place you upload?

Yo shit got some real potential cuh!
(387 KB, 1200x1050, Julie.png)
I'm doing a trade with another guy, and my half is Julie from that Welcome Home thing. Only have the sketch so far, but I rather enjoyed trying out this "Huge poofy person looming over you" angle. lol
What's your DA man this is amazing stuff!
I hope the guy's doing alright
(3 KB, 224x294, WitchPixelBlimpx7.png)
Saw the pixel stuff and was inspired to share this simple thing I did a month or two ago. character is Witch from Puyo Puyo.
(715 KB, 1200x1050, Julie.png)
Finished this one last weekend. Julie from Welcome Home :)
I like your style. The snug, looming larger character is such a great trope. Where to find more?
(24 KB, 1023x672, wip group.png) (26 KB, 1023x672, wip group2.png)
Pixel art of a few girls from pokemon floating in the air
I still can't decide the background, feel free to give me a suggestion about what the background should be
PS: Can't wait!
(812 KB, 1650x1500, Dixie.png)
Cursereaper again! This time I did Brewheardt's OC Dixie doing what she loves most. lol
I don't know who but I love it!
Cutest! Do you happen to know Gurochan?

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