
Isn't she like 10
Concerntroll elsewhere
(31 KB, 220x310, AliceMadnessReturns.jpg)
I always wondered what's the fascination with Alice inflation?.. I like the only thing that can legitimately come to mind when I think about it is it has to be related somehow to that grow shrink potion.. and for whatever reason some part of your childhood like Violet grew some sorta kink out of it..

Also since we're on the topic matter why not post some Alice madness returns in here as well
Anymore berryduke Alice or is it lost to time?
There's like one where she's inflating on a basketball court or something and floating. Maybe ask him?
>>38393 I prefer helium inflation.
Gotta love the blueberry content, need more of it tbh!
>>38400 (Dead)
tbh I kinda wish the movie ended with Alice floating up the rabbit hole to get away from the queen, like she found a helium tank or a balloon lol
I reckon we should ask for more Alice edits in the other thread
Blueberry or helium? I bet if she went to Wonka's chocolate factor there would be like a balloon candy that she couldn't resist.
I think you're confusing Alice in Wonderland with Wayne Knight from Space Jam. Easy mistake.
I saw it, it was a parody of that scene. It's hose inflation but its deleted now
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She'll never fit in the rabbit's house now...
(268 KB, 850x1275, sample_ab55f60c0a5cccbfca5e879315a7d114.jpg)
Blonde (originally brunette) girl in a blue dress who enters a colorful fantasy land through a small door, where she eats something that makes her grow and gets into trouble with the person in charge.

Blonde (originally brunette) girl in a blue dress who enters a colorful fantasy world through a small door, where she eats something that makes her grow and gets into trouble with the person in charge.

They're not that different if you think about it.
Ah, BEGirl69. She was a good artist, I miss her work to be honest.
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We just need more inflation Alice art/edits in general

Open to blueberry in wonderland too
Someone should make captions in the cap thread for these.
Could always request them yourself there using the images you think would be good
And request for more Alice inflation edits on that edit thread if you can!
Did she parachute onto a water fountain lol
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I found this
It's the dress, but it's easier to just ask for alice then ask for edwardian poofy maid outfit body inflation art
I think it's more than just that I think it's particularly the aspect of grow me shrink me that spawned or started all this. The idea of a girl drinking an inflate me potion then ripping out her clothes. I think that aspect like ru dal and Violet are the most interesting concepts behind Alice inflation that keep it alive. A lot of people got some sort of awakening from that scene as kids and Alice has become a waifu mascot as a result of that. So again I don't think it's the aspect of her age but yet another aspect of attraction to character design as well as an Inflation scenario leaving an impact on minds when we were all very young

I mean I'm not a psychologist but I think that's the best way I could sum it up
Also when you see her in the parks she's played by a petite women in their 20s, very beautiful woman
Add me on report my post if you want to do a Alice inflaton Tyler Sevilla#1661
Add me In report my post if you want to do a Alice inflation Tyler Sevilla#1661
Don't you mean report my post?

Me too, I felt so bad for her when I saw her journal. I hope she's doing well.
So they gave her boobs or they made them bigger
What about Alice inflation videos or gifs?

I’m trying to find ep 1 and 2 of “Alice in Wonderbra” and the inflation up the rabbit hole by BM.
This isn’t anything to do with inflation? Unless it’s meant to be a gif lol
woah who's edit is that??
An idea I thought I would share.
Your own edit?!
Marvellous work, I would implore for more Breast Expanded Alice!
Thank you. I have a very old animation edit I wanted to remake as well.
Would love to see both!
Oh, thats neat!
More of that please!
Yo that is awesome! Great work! I hope you make more of her like that
Is that supposed to be her butt expanding?
Woah keep the bangers coming!
Do you have a profile or anything?
Amazing work!
Keep it coming!
Bumping for more Alice content!
Bump, more Alice content would be greatly appreciated
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Anybody have the full body version?
Booberries-morphs have finally done Alice!!
It hasn't been released yet. They're gonna release it on their DeviantArt page, you've gotta be patient
I really hate that AI art trend...
I reckon a morpher could make her tits bigger
That would be awesome
Someone should write captions for these and put them in the caption thread!
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Sorry, not the best but I made it right before going to bed. I can try to make a better one tommorow.
Fantastic edit!
I wonder who’s the model, because she’s pretty busty!
Yoooo someone commission or request for more Alice from them!
This. Even then why not use the adult alice from the live action movies. it's weird
Why can't anyone ever post some Alice madness returns fanart giving she is technically the only legit of age not aged up legal version of the character we got in canon exception weird as parody action movies
Because she's too dark lol, much better to use an adult version of Animated Disney Alice because she is used to the size change thing, plus she has the really poofy dress that bounces around with the poofy thing under neath and she doesn't have a knife and blood and violent things, the artist "Berryduke96" needs to make more Alice art because he used to make a lot
Here are the separate images so good!
(4.3 MB, 1869x1428, Screen Shot 2022-08-07 at 2.07.27 PM.png)
This is what should happen more in stories and future art here: Alice inflating and floating UP instead of DOWN. Lol I lowkey wish they actually did this in the 1951 movie, it fits with the movie!
There are three ladies in my life who’s looks generally correspond to this image and I’d love to inflate them in a suit or two I have if you happen to be here A&A..
who are they? You should draw them inflated in Alice dresses!
And booberries says there's more of Alice to animate too!

Hope they recover soon to finish it!
Anything new WIP here?

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