
(258 KB, 1750x1750, 23af0340cb7e272a04c9a8453187e7dafc1b6d77c943c169d050661bdd8ab651.jpg)
This is an archive I'm making for anything future or past related to the edit request thread of cartoon images where people would draw and edit images of women or men from cartoon scenes into inflated people

As I side not I ask mods to please not purge anything from this thread as it's for archive purposes not requests.

That said this is for archiving past requests of yours or for edit morph artists to dump there old works.. do not request inflation edits here. (Do it in the request channel and if one doesn't exist or has been purged remake a new one)

That said share and enjoy
Those are from past edit threads and BBW chan exclusives, done by me.
Holy crap do you have more ivy inflation these are amazing. Also do you take requests or do collaborations?
Yes, and all the edits you see on the thread so far. Yep. That’s all me. Yes, but usually if it interests me. Go to the other thread for requests.
..Aaaaaand that is about it w/ the edits I’ve made.
All of them looks good so far.
I'm actually the guy that you did the entrapta for and I got to say man keep up the amazing work! You're doing a brilliant job! Here's to seeing more from you in the future

Also a note to everyone in the channel fantastic work! The threads filling up with some good works and keep up the amazing progress!
Yoooooo where was it that Ramona edit was posted? I’m the person that requested it but it dosen’t seem to have gotten delivered in the actual thread I posted the request in

...It was from the 1st edit thread.
This is the exact reason for this thread lol.. if something gets purged this thread will remain.. the only way I see it getting purged is if bbwchan ever crashes again but I asked in the description for mods not too..

Although someone could always create a ehentai thread too I suppose or something like that.. but for now there's this
This is awesome. There need to be more inflation edits of characters who were thicc to begin with
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Yeah an by far my favorite of the spinderella edits.. like legit looks so good I wouldn't mind seeing how it would look in an animated form. (I keep imagining something like Wanda's magic build up where she grows and grows even if ever so slightly til she overflows and blows into rubbery pieces)

But bravo to the op who created that one it's fantastic.

Particularly love the first part where she looks nervous and the look on her face (with the accompanying body puffing and swelling lines) looks great like she can almost feel something is wrong

Considerate the hidden rule for this thread!

>>37002 (OP)

This Thread isn't for any sort of requests or fulfillment of any kind it's sole purpose is for archiving works from the request thread if it gets bump locked! Do not post requests for bumps here!

I even ask the mods in request to see this post as well as the creation heading for the thread altogether to not delete whatsoever to try to keep this thread alive as long as possible so that way old requests do not become lost to time

Again I apologize if I sound very strict when I say this I just do not want this thread to get locked as it's not a request thread like everything else in this place it's an attempt at some sort of archival thread which I know given the history of bbwchan and the possibility of crashes might not be the best solution but it's the one I have for now at least..
The only reason I assume there's no new content here although there's plenty of it in the request threads is because the request threads are still open if by any means one of them gets shut down I'm sure somebody will post all the works here.. but according to the rules of chan sites there's no real way to double post images because of rk9

Believe me if it wasn't for rk9 I would have personally updated this Thread myself by now but I'm not pushing for a Autoban
Not to mention the both look way too young. But if I'm correct (I could be wrong) ones a 38 yr old with dwarfism,and the others some inorganic creature that's always seen around with killer croc. (Again could be mistaking
Damn the body guard though be fine af!
It reached the bump limit
It's the same character, but with a different design (TNBA did that for no good reason in all honesty)
well the thread still seems up and fine for now either I or somebody else will check it out later. But just remember if the old thread gets locked don't use this one for request this is for archiving any fulfilled requests from the old threads once they do get locked out. Just copy and paste the old description and spawn a new thread. The reason I'm not doing that right now though is we still have both thread 2 and thread three open so I don't think we're at a limit yes. I know for fact thread to hasn't reached a limit I remember somebody telling me that recently.

Whatever happens remember

I have a feeling that at some point I might even have to make a archive somewhere else because I don't think even this threads going to survive I don't know I just don't have the time at the moment so it's something I'll have to do in future.

Either way those two threads are still open
No I'm pretty positive that it's a different character I could have sworn remembering seeing the first girl in Batman the animated series with killer croc. The other ones from some iconic cartoon that I can't remember but I know I hear about her alot hence why I'm pretty sure she suffers from dwarfism and is way older than that. I believe that she's an antagonist and it's a plot twist that came up at the end of the movie. She just pretends to be a child star out of nostalgia or something and doesn't let her audience know. I like it some sort of secret or something I don't know I think I remember seeing it years ago.

But that's all the info I can personally give on the subject matter I'm not positive on any of this but I'm pretty damn sure that one of them is from Batman and one of them is antagonist from some cartoon.

I feel like you're fucking with me but if it isn't the case, I recommend binging the entirety of BTAS someday; highly recommend it
New thread is open post requests there only please
Wrong thread but if somebody does it somebody does it I don't mind. At least you not another guy trying to lock the tread
No lumps please although if any of the old artists got anything to dump I'm in agreement to keep idiots from locking the thread free free to drop more photos from your archives
Keeping archive afloat
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Hey I know I'm gonna be an annoying shithead here but if anyone here is interested, I would like someone to make some inflated/fat edits of Yellow Diamond but make it look like the fat/inflation edits of Poison Ivy + Catwoman from the top.
I tried to pick the best frames to edit her fat/inflated. Also add some blushes like she's embarrassed about it.


*ps I apologize if the frames/screenshots have a bit of crappy quality, these are the ones I've saved. Sorry :/
Not bad just wrong thread lol
Don't forget the exploding Scarlett pic
Hello. I will try to explain the situation clearly.
Firstly, I want to update this topic-because no one has written anything on it for a long time.
And secondly, I wanted to suggest something. I wanted to ask for one image on the main stream and as an example I wanted to take an image with an inflated Gogo Tomago and Hanni Lemon, but there was one problem -it wasn't there, and the second stream disappeared. I remember that one kind person left a link to the archive, but this link just doesn't open for me. Therefore, I do not know what to do in this situation. Maybe it's worth saving it all to Google.drive (or disk) or something else? Thank you in advance for your attention.
Here's it again

One of this links is an error here's the correct one

That said this archive still has issues as it's not 100% original quality. Problem is alot of the artists remain anonymous so it's really a case of them dumping it here but even then this thread will get locked over time sadly so unless main mods wanna peg it up with the tmc beg and sauce threads as a drawing/edit thread archive for anonymous drawings on the site it does no good.

Since these artists remain anonymous in nature they most likely don't have DeviantArt accounts or furaffinity or anything really to dump they're completed works

This is why the best bet is to archive them yourself in they're original quality or take your requests and upload the ones they finished to DeviantArt or wherever. Best to ask them first though.

Personally I feel if you can't find them anywhere else and they're something you particularly requested you have some right to upload them somewhere just label it from Anon or bbwchan edit or something at least don't take credit for they're hard works
That said if I wasn't too busy I'd suggest someone set up a DeviantArt page and dump every single request ever made there.

But title the account bbwchan edit request archive or something like that

You don't even have to have it connected to you just create a new email for it only or something

But DeviantArt stuff seams to stay up a very long time. Doesn't even have to be that just a service you think will last the test of time

Hentai is good but sadly I didn't realize it compressed everything down to kb jpegs.

But those are my only suggestions on said situations the only downside to the fantastic works of this edit thread is there's no proper way to archive except upload you finished requests to your personal pages and credit the artists (from Anon/bbwchan edit or something if there's no name)
Thanks for the link, but it doesn't work for me-alas(. As for your idea of publishing materials on deviantart, it's a good one. If you allow me, I can upload images (most of them) with an indication of this society on my page, if possible). I'll send the link here. I will somehow help this society, she often made me images, for which I am grateful (and I will hope that later I will be able to ask for more images). So I can fulfill your request-if you allow)
As long as the artists are fine with it.

Remember to check around to make sure their not posted anywhere else like a reverse image search or something

Make sure you have the highest quality images best bet use the ones directly from bbwchan

And best bet like I said probably best to open up a entirely new account call it bbwchan edits or something that probably the best form of credit to the artists I can think of. It's not an account just an archive. Posting said stuff in your personal account will probably cause confusion and you'll get 1,000 different people requesting you for art that you didn't even do so yeah that's my best advice.

At the end of the day it's between you and the artists here I'm just presenting the idea
Did anybody save the edited Elasti-Girl parade balloon pictures?
Yes, I saved it. I really liked them-I'll upload them now).

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