
(90 KB, 1024x768, CFDftS_WIAAauUT.jpg)
I have a fetish for girls in those Halloween inflatable sumo costume. It seems to be one of the more niche fetishes within the inflation category because I rarely see them being talked about. I don't know why I'm so into it, because I'm not into fat girls at all, but I get super turned on from seeing a skinny girl blow up and be big and fat in a costume like that. It just looks very cute, cozy and comfortable when a girl is in one, and somehow that turns me on. I've never told anyone about it because I didn't feel it was needed until now.

I've been in a relationship for about 10 months with a girl, she’s tall and skinny herself. Last week she had a team building day at work. One of the activities was playing sports in inflatable sumo costumes. I can't believe this is happening in my life, I've got a fetish for this super specific thing and my girlfriend just happens to suddenly wear that thing out of nowhere, after I've been fantasising about this thing ever since I was 11 years old. So now she has it at home, and as you can imagine it's the only thing I can think about now. Her in that suit, looking big and all blown up, and enjoying it because it's so funny (that's what she told me). She sent me pictures and videos that day and I can't stop looking at them.

But now I'm not sure what to do. I haven't told her about my fetish. Now it suddenly feels like I have to, but I'm worried she'll think differently of me once I've told her, because having this fetish sometimes makes me feel like a bit of a freak. I don't know how I would tell her either, but I want nothing more right now than for her to put the costume on for me. I'm seeing her tomorrow and I'm also worried that she'll want to put on the costume because she'll want to show me how funny it is. Obviously I’d love that, but then I know that I will get super turned on and I'm not sure if I can hide that, and that would be extremely weird for her probably. How do I deal with this situation?
I told mine and it went really well. She even plays into my weight gain fetish teasing me constantly. I would start with asking what her kink was and playing into it. After a while you tell her about yours and say that she doesn't have to participate in it but that it would turn you on like crazy. Wish you the best of luck and hope all goes well.
bro stop wasting time. tell her whats up asap and hopefully you’ll get to have some fun together before she returns the suit
>>36240 (OP)
I swear I've seen this exact post here before like 3 years ago
I really hope that's not your girlfriend in the OP, otherwise you'll have a whole other set of questions you'll have to explain to her. Not the least of which why you sent an unintentionally kinky image to a kink website without her consent.
And what, be known to her entire social group as "that guy" after you and her part ways? Don't be a tool. Unless you plan to spend the rest of your life with this person and are certain they wont completely out you to your social circle, I advise you keep your secret to yourself.
I remember too. Maybe he got a new gf.
eh, i can see this as a common thing that happens a lot lol. Those Sumo suits are actually SUPER fucking common, and, as someone who's had friends who set those fucking team building activites up. This is a common thing some companies do.

My suggestion? You said you've been dating her awhile now. If you think you might actually marry this girl. I mention this because she'll find out eventually anyway if you get married. Wait until she has a good day at work, and tell her soon. Explain to her that you've been thinking about telling her for awhile now and tell er, and tell her that you love and your telling her this to rip the band aid off after the recent stuff with the suit. Also, don't fucking forget to tell her you still think she's perfect the way she is, because she might actually take this the wrong way. I tell you this out of experiance.
I have this same exact fetish lol. Thought i was the only one.
>>36240 (OP)
The best way to do so is to try and explain what makes it appealing. People fear what they can't understand, so if you can communicate why you like it in a way that will make her understand, she'll be less afraid of it. The only difficulty there, of course is that you first have to understand for yourself why it's appealing. You should probably also get her to empathize with you, be sure to tell her that your feelings aren't something you really have a choice over or can control, rather that this is something that's been a part of you for ages. Also, don't bring it up with the expectation that she'll want to lean into the fetish, tell her more as a "this thing has been eating away at me, I have something that I feel you might want to know." Your first goal should be allowing her to understand your true feelings, not trying to get her to please you. Only after you achieve acceptance should you suggest that, and even then - you must do so carefully.
Definitely be self aware of how weird it must seem, we all have to recognize that eventually.
Of course, if she ultimately doesn't want to do it, don't make her. Good luck
>>36950 this 1000%.

One of the key things I feel to bring up is the fact that it's a fetish and you have no real control of it. Personally I think and know that all types of inflation fetishes are weird as fuck but I still find most of it attractive. Can't exactly explain why but I don't really need to. It's a fetish therefore I like it. It's as simple as that. Just look at it with an outside perspective, OP, and hopefully that'll help
>>36240 (OP)
But all I can say is bring it up slowly maybe make a comment on how the sumo suits turning you on

"Hey babe.. um.. I know you'll probably find this weird but I kinda get hot and bothered whenever I see you inflate in that sumo thing from work and I think it's turning me on?"

See how she reacts.. see if it's playful. Hopefully best result is she teases you with it in a sexual way and it leads into bedroom stuff..

Aftermath she's probably gonna be a tad awkward and wonder what in your brain's chemical makeup actually gets you turned on by it?

In which case you're probably going to try to respond with something like this

" I don't know.. I mean when I think about it I've kinda had feelings like this before.. they kinda go back to the point of puberty. I don't know why but it's just something I found that could always get me feeling horny.. I mean I asked the same as you I even one day decided to do research, when I came across something called body inflation I found out I'm not the only one there actually a bunch of people into this

"That being said there are all different kinds and all different types and because of that you kind of got to take everything from a case-by-case basis. You see babe there are some people who like boobs blowing up like balloons, other's butts, some like women blowing up like parade balloons, others are into weight gain.. and well I fall in a category that likes seeing girls blow up in comfy puffy suits.."

And the rest of it you can just figure out from there basically you're just going to go from a back and forth and see what happens that's all you really can do in my opinion..

Whatever the result definitely let us know what happens in the future man we wish you the best of luck.

Fyi if you 2 ever get into some suit pictures I don't mean to sound creepy but send us some photos of the 2 of you having fun (heads cropped or blurred of course

Either way I wish you the best op
Whatever you do I would definitely ease your partner into it.. I would definitely show off what your specifically into and give off detail information like that example I gave you..

Because I'm not going to sugarcoat it there is a bit of stigma with inflation because of DeviantArt and pop culture at least when a lot of people think of body inflation they think of stuff like Sonic vore and weight gain..

So the one thing if I were you as well as to anybody who ever has this idea would do is make sure that you're partner is well informed on what specifically your into

You could be into like cute and bubbly and the last thing you want them to think because of memes and the internet is gore or and over stuffed Sonic vomiting up chilli dogs on his chest..

But that's the best advice I can give at least for almost any person who's going to go through this scenario just make sure that the cards once on the table are clear as day and to ease your partner into the idea that even though there is some mildly disturbing stuff out there that inflation can be cute as a carebear or innocent at times..

For those of you who are into the more violent stuff I got a sadly say I have like zero advice on how you bring that up all I got to say is you better pray your partners like a dominatrix masochist with some dark fantasies
Yeah I agree on that if you're going to do something like that at least put a face emoji or something over the face

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