
If anyone wants anything added to that gallery let me know. I can still update it.
Could you possibly be able to update it with the recent patreon stuff from Hellresident, like Emmie's Revenge for example? Part 1 and 2 are out, but part 3 even after kemono have been updated, there still no full pic of part 3...

Sorry I meant if anyone had anything of theirs they'd like me to upload. I'm trying to get as big a collection of all his old works together. Maybe stuff that's not available anymore.
can u upload what u have somewher?
>>35543 (OP)
I'm just curious does the Creator happen have the original source image for the shop Lowe's dressed girl .

I'm not interested in their Identity or anything it's just that I think it would be fun to see a before-and-after comparison
Anyone have the rest of danae's newfound powers or the text that came with it? The text was in the description of the original posts so I'm not sure if anyone saved it, but I might as well ask.
the link does not load
the link does not load
Replace the xx’ in hxxps with tt’s and it will work.
Please learn some basic address names bro
thank you, but I meant that Google hides the result for copyright
>>36037 It doesn't work.
Change the x in "hxxps" into t
I don't get why we always Purge the old content instead of just creating a new unbloated thread but it is what it is I guess
do you have any more?
still holding out hope that someone has Bimbo Wars part 2
Does anyone have witches of sabbath images as well as the story that goes with it?
It got posted before the purge. I'll have to take a look if I still have it.
Yeah personally at this point I think purging certain channels like particularly this one was a bad idea.. I mean let's face it the reason there isn't much content is mostly because hr is on hiatus for months now and the only reason there hasn't been any commission uploads is strictly because of that..

The only thing he's been doing is Patreon and even then it's still like once a month upload stuff
Have you ever noticed how everything continously gets worse and how purges only help speed up the process? Do you guys ever think that it is done purposefully?
does anyone have alice and The magic fluids by him?
Does anyone have the image of Pokimane and the story he wrote that went with it? Been looking for it and I didn't realize that there was a purge.
All I have is the story and a super low quality version of the image.

Mmmmhhhh... These people sure know how to spoil a girl, heh... Nghh... Mmm... This still feels so good... And oh god, i'm getting so huge... We are almost 2 and a half hours into this and they keep donating...These people are crazy! How big do they want me to get? Do they want me to fill the deck? The entire beach maybe...? Heh... Mmmm..."

Pokimane thought to herself as she looked in the camera, the distress visible on her bloated face, teasing the thousands of people watching the show, as yet hour by hour passed from 2 to 4 and from 4 to 6 hours and she kept steadily getting bigger by the intense amounts of air she kept stuffing into her body as the tank kept sending more and more air with each donation and the 'pings' were now almost like a continuous noise from the extremely fast frequency they were coming in, before a different noise caught Pokimane's attention from her laptop. It was a notification from Twitch, she had made it to the front page's top most popular stream! A few millions were watching now and the donations kept skyrocketing...

"Oh god!!! Can't believe they all want to see me so big!!! Thank you, i love you guys!!!! Wait... what's that...."

Pokimane thought as she ecstatically yelled in muffles through the hose, before getting serious on noticing a very important detail she had missed for all these hours now. Her bloated face grew concerned between the intense inflation, as she realized that her last donation, made by some girl named Sue, was for air amount equivalent to.... 10.000 $...

"Oh... Fuck... Who is this girl?!? Who has that kind of money for donations...? Does she really wanna see me fill the entire horizon today?!?"

Pokimane slowly murmmured through the hose in defeat, not wanting to let her face show how concerned she was by making such a stupid mistake of not setting donation limits...

"Well... that was.... That was one hell of a donation!!! For... Sue!!! Heh... Let's see how big THAT will get me... heh...."

She typed on her laptop between all the inflated mass of her body, just in time that she could still use her arms with all that air inside of her. Pokimane kept trying to hide her panic behind fake puffed-up facial enthusiasm, as she now watched with horror the remaining amount of air she had to stuff inside of her...

100 large capacity air tanks... At least that's what Sue's 10.000$ donation was equivalent to...!!! That was insane, and the air was now being pumped into her, faster and faster...

But Pokimane could do nothing but stand there and take it all in like the good professional Twitch streamer she was, filling up with now huge extreme amounts of gallon upon gallon of compressed gas. She quickly turned massive all over, the fluids bloating her up so immensely that her midsection now was like she was pregnant with triplets, her bloated boobs and massive buttocks sticking out like huge airy globes and her eyes still crossed due to how intense this over-inflation was getting...

"Nghhh.... one air tank down, Sue... You fucking bitch.... I... did it.... Ngh... 99 air tanks to go... Someone should call an ambulance or something... help... Any--"


And the explosion ehoed all around the wide beach, as all eyes turned at the foot of the hill to witness shreds of rubbery skin landing soflty on parked nearby cars and the surrounding sand, as a sexy Twitch streamer, had just gone out with a spectaculer bang...
Thanks for posting the story, hopefully someone has the image in good quality.
any luck finding witches of sabbath
Question, did those pictures of Ikumi Nakamura had a story attached to them when you first found them?
I think so, I didn't save that though.
Nice. I was missing that too! Cmon ppl let's post some fun saves or comms I'd love to get this thread moving again.

Thanks! We should try to get this and others on to that archive page in case of another purge happening.

You still got the ability to update that page?
Sort of. I have to resubmit it because it got down voted and is in "expunged" status w/e that means. Either way, I can modify and then resubmit

Ah, if it’s too much of a hassle, no problem! I’m sure people will be able to submit to these threads in the case that images get deleted again.
Oh I don't mind updating it, just lost a lot of my collection so I'll need to update it.

Should be able to in a few days

Thanks, I’ll await to see the updated list!
Anyone also have any new morph or unseen stuff from either this or the old thread

Safe to say that hr isn't doing commissions for a long time at least so that said does anyone have anything they want to share
(67 KB, 223x200, Screenshot_20220128-143207.png)
Logging in with some major news! Found a couple really good things but I'll only be posting them later when I have time..

That being said out of those things that I finally found proof of hellresidents old username that I talked about a while back and either this or the old thread..

So we can now canonly confirm that in a part of his history he once morphed under the alias


So hopefully with this information you might be able to do some digging and find old morphs hellresident made so happy hunting and I wish you all luck on the lost media hunt I'll post my finds a little bit later first I have some anime to watch
(84 KB, 600x469, 1240775330302.jpg)
As a tease I'll at least post probably one of the more decent things I found which was this loss media of a morph hellresident did of the infamous kiss of death fatality scene which I bet has never seen the light of day too much
As another possible side tangent he might have eventually changed it with something like 94 at the end of his username some form of numbering? Although I can't be certain at least at this time we can canonly confirm in his history he went by this name first before hellresident

So some major hellresident lore I'm dropping for you all
(2.0 MB, 1850x2621, Kaley_The_Helium_Balloon.jpg)
I wasn't on planning on posting anything till later but this one's going to be an exception

This was a piece shared to me by a friend on my personal report my post.. long story short I didn't realize due to inactivity that they ended up deleting their own accounts so currently I don't know where they are.. it's a shame because I really wanted to have them stay around and Hunt through my archive of whatever I find to update their archive as they are the owner of the ehentai archive (which I know for them majority of you is what you all recommend when people are hunting for lost media of his)

And it's especially a bummer given today I did find some current fines that I know for fact aren't in that archive (in which I will be posting here later)

So that being said here's something that they shared with me a while back they said they originally even lost this media themselves which meant that it would have been lost to time completely (although I will say due to knowledge past to me by hr themselves they have mentioned that they do try to archive almost every single one of their works as much as humanly possible so at least anything probably from their newer era is most definitely saved on a hard drive somewhere so if you lose a commission from them feel free to hit them up and see if they maybe still have it with proof that you are the original commissioner or something of course)

Anyways I'm drowning on I'm sorry I can get like that sometimes..

Case in point is they shared with me this possible loss media that they ended up finding only by searching through conversations they ended up having with hr in the past so what I'm going to share with you is a piece of heavy loss media (which I don't think they'll mind me sharing because it's of a celeb)

(I think there was one done previously of her in her black top fyi in an older work.. as well as not to mention there's also a interesting flattening by undeadmonkey on da which makes a good companion piece to the black top easy to find version)

This is the white dress kaley cuoco by hellresident (which fun fact out of the two of them is the newest version of any kaley hellresident has done)

So enjoy and make sure no matter what you do you save this to your archives because it came so close to being serious lost media even by it's commissioner and owner!

I entrust somebody here to share this whenever a new thread is opened up!
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I don't know what the hell I was trying to say there I think I was trying to say something about my personal report my post and it got jumbled sorry about that

Don't not report anything lol it was a typo
(30 KB, 479x460, d6anrra-af638bc6-8162-439c-8826-8b1dfc549349.jpg) (90 KB, 530x797, 133157087626.jpg)
Here's the black tank top ones

I'm including undeadmonkeys flattening in this as well as they seem to match so well!

Sorry the quality is not higher I tried tracking down and seeing if the original thing still existed but both of these I guess are lost media as well now.. good luck if you can find a higher quality version of the flat kaley
Has anyone tried to make a completely archive of everything he’s made or is it not possible?
That is actually me you're referring to. I lost access to my old account that's why I requested it get deleted.
(171 KB, 648x864, Bambi_Inhaling_by_HellResident.jpg)
This one I wanted to bring up specifically is a morph hellresident done of bambiblaze from back in the day so a little cool fun fact there

It's titled Bambi inhaling
I think the girl in red ivy doomkitty is lost media and green top girl is maybe a unseen work?
(287 KB, 607x912, 42.jpg)
And finally to end all of this here's a possible (but unsure) lost media picture of Beyonce as a big balloon..

So feel free to download, archive,save,and enjoy boys and girls

I'll be taking my leave untill I find anything more.. but happy to keep the thread alive. Just remember to save an archive the images this time so you can upload them yourselves the next time!

Have a nice day happy nutting
Good stuff lots of classics here seen most but defintely a few new ones and a ton that arent available anymore. If you wanna chat again drop me a line with an account to reach out to you.
Does anyone have the original image to the Lowe's shopping clerk?
Does anyone have any idea how to make realistic/decent looking clothing creases like HR does when clothes are stretched or under pressure? I feel like I'm making headway at deconstructing his methods, but I cannot for the life of me figure out how he does those crease lines so well.
Good to know not sure if it was lost media for you but if it is hopefully it helps out
The way I see it the best way you're going to deconstruct these methods is look back at the earliest works and then go forward from there you'll probably find the method somehow by doing that I know in descriptions if I'm not correct I believe he uses active Photoshop c4 to be the exact program at least with his newest stuff so maybe it's something that's exclusive to that but good luck because I hear it's kind of an expensive program

Like 50 bucks I think a month
It could have something to do with maybe texturing if I had to theorize he could just be taking parts from the original image and blowin them up then using details to hide such markings I mean I assume that's one of the reasons he asks for such high grade photos because that stuff's impossible to get away with with anything that's not at least 1mb 3mb and with a decent program that doesn't compress anything

But the way I see it hell if you ever want to attempt something and throw it up here we are guest let's see what you come up with what you're working with so far and maybe the answer will just come to you once you see what you have laid out, either that or like I said going back and looking at his older stuff to see how he improved, or looking at certain programs that he used to see if there's a tool that may be exclusive to that program.

But I wish you luck in godspeed maybe we'll hear from you again some way or maybe you'll even just start up a thread one day that says "I found the hellresident formula and here's how you can do it too"

But happy inflating
I'm on the same report my post

To prevent any sort of technical issues I'll message you with something like an email over there

It's still popper is cum (dms open) #0240

Send me a friend invite and I'll send you a more permanent email solution in case you get lost again or switch accounts
What's the story behind the pink panther girl I wonder.. I only ask cuz I remember this being so old that it was around when I was first lurking around the community when I was younger and I'm just kind of curious if there's a back story here?
Also feel free to add them to the ehentai page whatever ones you don't find in your already massive archive
Does anyone have any hellresident stories that he post along with his images
Definitely can't see Sandra bullock now without getting horny from this.

That's the power of hellresident
Does anyone have Bimbo Wars 2? Thats like the holy grail of Hellresident content at this point.
(77 KB, 570x897, nicki_s_red_carpet_pressure_by_inflatingreality2_0_d7rcew9.jpeg)
The effects were fast before she could turn it off her boobs were expanding She tried to scream, resulting in muffled sounds from her hose-blocked mouth as her cheeks instantly puffed up at the sides of her face like two softballs, protruding from it impossibly, as she even went cross-eyed from the extreme pressure inside her mouth that was soon finding it’s way down her throat. And even though Niki seemed to be in distress she really managed to act cool and put her hands on her midsection at an “I’m inflating like a balloon, so what?” kind of pose, as the results of the pressurized helium entering her body were quite obvious.. as the hissing and the rubbery sounds from Nikis body kept intensifying and all the rest of her fans kept watching in awe as the young celebrity was filling up like a balloon of her own, bigger and curvier with each second passing by. Her boobs had spilled out the top of her white drees forming a huge cleavage of ballooned rubbery tit-flesh as each one was about the size of a beach ball by now, as her thighs and ass had as well puffed up and expanded with helium to the size of thick curvy pillars, stuffed inside of her tight bottom drees.
(192 KB, 900x888, the_balloon_race_incident_by_hellresident_infl8_d9oqlqf.jpeg)
Gimme that damn thing, a balloon is what we miss and a balloon is what we’ll get! Just stand back and watch me!”
Janet, pretty pissed off, yelled at the other members of her ballooning team, as she shoved the thick hose into her mouth and signaled at them to turn the helium flow to full ON. The balloon race had started already and due to some technical issues, their balloon was not ready for flight at the appointed hour, a thing that made everyone so pissed off and disappointed, since they have been determined on winning this contest for quite some time now. And it seemed it was about time for the most hot tempered member of the team, Janet, to do something drastic about it…
She tried to scream, resulting in muffled sounds from her hose-blocked mouth as her cheeks instantly puffed up at the sides of her face like two softballs, protruding from it impossibly, as she even went cross-eyed from the extreme pressure inside her mouth that was soon finding it’s way down her throat. And even though Janet seemed to be in distress she really managed to act cool and put her hands on her midsection at an “I’m inflating like a balloon, so what?” kind of pose, as the results of the pressurized helium entering her body were quite immediate and obvious…
Numerous hot air balloons were ascending into the midday sky behind her, as the hissing and the rubbery sounds from Janet’s body kept intensifying and all the rest of her team members kept watching in awe as the young sexy girl was filling up like a balloon of her own, bigger and curvier with each second passing by. Her boobs had spilled out the top of her white t-shirt, forming a huge cleavage of ballooned rubbery tit-flesh as each one was about the size of a beach ball by now, as her thighs and ass had as well puffed up and expanded with helium to the size of thick curvy pillars, stuffed inside of her tight jeans as well…
Janet tried to smile with accomplishment at that point, impossible given how much inflated her face was for any actual expression, as the rest of the team was tying up basket-ropes around Janet’s wrists and ankles. She sure was inflating fast and her curves were approaching humongous sizes, as all the team jumped into the basket and waited as Janet’s hourglass balloon body was casting a gradual shadow over them, and was soon to lift them all off into the open blue…
Even if the team didn’t win the race that day, at least they’d win the prize of the sexiest of most innovative air-balloon this tournament had ever seen…
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Jessica reached for the water hose and turned it as many times as she could, The hose charged with water and begin to send water at close to 3 1/2 to 4 gallons every 5 seconds. Just as she turned about to see her body was Jessica had been pinned against the sofa from the intense pressure. Jessica cheeks quickly puffed out to the size of softballs.With that in mind, she reached for the control valve to turn it off. The valve, ,Jessica hourglass figure began to quickly inflate. Her door was about 30 feet,Jessica had reached an enormous size. Her chest and stomach swelled like a huge water balloon causing her white shirt to pop off one by one. Jessica tits were the size over inflated basket balls making the liquid got to her tits making her baloaded and puffier shiny! Her white shirt stretch to limits almost showing her water boobs.
(94 KB, 1024x771, hellresident_sarah_inflates_jenny_by_corridojuan_dez4bpw-fullview.jpeg)
sexy mouth!"
Jenny kept struggling with Sarah's arms, so that she could make her plan work. Instead Sarah was not so optimistic of JEnny's plan, as a matter of fact she didn't think this was a good idea at all, but with both chicks being in the desperate need of attention at the show, they had to do something drastic, since they both agreed that they should show some extra boob. It was Sarah's turn and she knew it, whether she was feeling stretchy or not that evening, she had to comply to their agreement, she was just giving Jenny some hard time before finally accepting it like the good balloon girl she was...
"Dunno Jen, maybe we should show a little cleavage or smile a bit more to the guys, are you sure you want me to go through this? I mean look at my girls, they could pop if you go to f-MPMPHPH MPHPMHPHHM PHPHHH!!!!!!"
Sarah's protests, were cut off mid-sentence, as Jenny, more inpatient than ever, shoved the thick air-spitting hose right into Sarah's complaining mouth, shutting it tightly with only her moans left to echo around, as Sarah's expression instantly turned to one of distress, her eyes shooting wide open and her cheeks bloating outwards like balloons attached to her face.
The effects were almost instant, as the pressurized air started moving its way down Sarah's throat to the most desired spot, her boobs, expanding them and making them go bigger and puffier as every second went by. Sarah's gaze, almost in panic, once turned to Jenny, pleading for help, once down to her enormous by now tits, almost the size of beach balls protruding in front of her like two giant air filled fleshy orbs of sexiness, stretching her blue shirt tighter and tighter around her upper body, as she kept moaning in protest and distress through the thick hose stuffed in her mouth...
"Now, smile Sarah! We made it, they are shooting a photo of us...oh i forgot, your lips are blocked, how could you ever smile beneath that swollen balloon mass of inflated cheeks?!? Haha, let me do the smiling..."
Said Jane with a laughter as she pressed her body against Sarah's inflating boobs, making her squeak like a balloon, as she smiled at the camera, Jenny and her balloon friend...
Seconded, I'm curious on what the story with Ikumi Nakamura entailed.

Which by the way, does anyone have the story that came with the Ikumi pictures?
Anyone have Bimbo Wars 1 and 2?
Does anyone have the full big trouble in little china tribute sequence?
Don't know that one by name. Any sample so I can look?
Bimbo Wars would also be nice to see on here.
If someone hasn't ill try to get them up by sunday
the sequence is called "Inflating Trouble In Little China"
Bro, are you just asking for the male sequence that's posted on his DA?
The full sequence isn’t on his DA
Only the first 2 parts have been uploaded
do you have any more of his paid content

"Hope you enjoyed the taste of my hammer, you arrogant bimbo... Like asking for an autograph was an excuse to talk to me in such a rude manner..."

Reinhardt yelled downwards to the middle of the corridor, as there laid D.va, all flattened vertically, deformed and compressed to a round pile of her former self right after Reinhardt's hammer came and crushed her down to the corridor's metallic floor, like dough...

"Coming to the rescue!!! Naughty Reinhardt, you guys shouldn't be fighting like this... Hold on there dear D.Va, i'll get you back on your feet in no time! All i need to do is use my good 'ol stuff right here, pump a little of it's energy right into that flat bod of yours, heh..."

A perky female voice echoed deep down the corridor, as with a few strokes of her golden wings, Mercy appeared and came landed in front of Reinhardt looking down on D.Va's flattened body, as she pointed her healing stuff towards her mouth and starting shooting her healing beam...

"No, Mercy, wait... Maybe i should restore myself differently, i have a very bad feeling about this, please don't sh-NGGGHG!!!"

The flattened D.va tried to protest from her flattened place on the floor, before she was cut off by Mercy's healing beam, that started forcing it's magic into her mouth, as D.Va's eyes went crossed and her cheeks puffed out by the sudden outburst of healing energy that was entering her body. She pulsated on the floor like a rug, before each and every one of her body parts and limbs started quickly regaining their former volume and shape, like balloon that was being inflated...

"Nonsense dear! You know my beam always does the trick.. Here, let me turn that up a bit for you..."

Mercy yelled in ecstasy before her beam tripled in thickness and brightness, increasing in power and flow, as D.Va's inflation rate quadrupled right away and she was now being overinflated... HEr entire suit kept stretching to accommodate her expanding balloon body as her midsection expanded like a weather balloon and her limbs started resembling ballooney divots stuck to her spherical body, while her boobs where much bigger than an exercise ball each and her cheeks were large enough, each one to fit a melon inside...

"Uh... Mercy? Don't you think you are overdoing it a bit? I think she had enough..."

Reinhardt whispered to Mercy upon the sight of the inflating young fighter in front of them, now twice the size his enormous height as she was approaching the size of a hot air balloon...

"It's not enough until i say it's enough!!! I'm gonna heal the fuck out of her, heh..."

Mercy yelled in ecstasy, her beam intensifying in power and brightness with each passing second, as D.Va the gigantic blimp in front of them, kept bloating out with healing energy...

"Whatever you say then... not that i don't enjoy the spectacle, i must say..."

Reinhardt smirked, resting his hands on his hammer, as he watched Mercy giving D.Va and unforgettable lesson in humility...

Does anyone have the old DeviantArt comic he did called “Brenda’s Bad Day”?
fuck, wasn't quick enough. re-up would be appreciated.
(1.2 MB, 1412x1602, Scarlett Balloon.jpg) (1.2 MB, 1412x1602, Scarlett Inflating.jpg)
It was in a pleasant shock by entering the photography studio, to find Scarlett completely transformed to a pin-up girl for the session's sake, standing there like the sexy blonde girl she was, with a volleyball in her one hand, and most important of all a hose jammed tight between her luscious lips her, and an assistant girl nearby trying to set the tank that it was connected to the hose on, so as to inflate her Scarlett's body, the blonde celebrity making weird noises as there was not much more she could utter with that thick thing she had complied to hold in her mouth due to the contract...

Scarlett's eyes were pleading with a "spare me" kind of feel to the whole thing, as you pushed the assistant girl aside and ducked above the air tank with a grin on your face...

"Well, well... Look at you, Miss Johansson , you really got yourself into a messy situation now, have ya? What is coming will leave no doubt about that, hehe..."

You grinned at the Scarlett pin-up, as you switched the valve on the tank, and it started siphoning air out of it like crazy, out of it and straight into her luscious lips...


Scarlett's muffled screams echoed loudly as her eyes went narrow in distress, as she started feeling the pressurized gas entering her mouth with such force that her sexy face puffed out and her cheeks bloated to the size of softballs within seconds. That tank sure was powerful, as it took only a few seconds for Scarlett's curves to shot out to several times larger than their original - not so small to begin with - size, her boobs inflating out to the size of basket balls, stretching her striped sweater top to its limits as her lower body was way larger in comparison to the rest of her inflation, her thighs and ass resembling over inflated bean bag chairs, stretching her poor shorts around her gargantuan buttocks to an unbelievable amount...

Scarlett's face was quite comical at that point, as her cheeks were still inflating and all her curves were extremely inflated like some kind of a sexy vintage curvy cartoon coming to life, and all of this sexiness right in front of your eyes and everyone else's watching in the studio...

"Ha! Let's see how bug you can get. miss Johansson, before you finally realize that you should never sign a business contract without reading the very, very thin letters to their entirety first... God, all the things you bitches do for some extra fame... You sure had it coming, haha!"

You laughed straight into Scarlett's over inflated face, stroking hard her ballooning butt and sending airy shockwaves throughout all of her expanding airy body, as she kept doing her best to not drop that stupid volleyball she was holding above her head...
Say, does anyone else have the story that came with the Ikumi Nakamura pictures?
You can find the pics and story on his deviantart anon.
Does anyone have the start of the new suck o lux comic?
Does any one has the Famous movie scene right he has a space jame one and a Jessica rabbit one he did
A month late but funny story..
There's not pictures of Ikumi Nakamura on there. At least not anymore.
Probably a copyright strike either that or he's just deleting stuff again for no f** reason
Why does he do that again? The least he could do is tell people so they can save his work before he just deletes that shit. He just recently deleted his last Halloween work with no warning.
Always archive everything. My best advice
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This image looks like it tells an interesting story does original commissioner have and feel comfortable with sharing the before picture of these inflated girls
Anyone have hrs celebrity death match photo. Currently watching pam and tommy and it got me curious. Could have sworn he Inflated her and I just wanted to know I'm not loosing my mind and confusing celebrity balloons.
Fun fact: my favorite part of this seen was always the jiggling and rising, particularly in the booty. Every moment from when the switch first gets flicked is like eye candy to watch as an Inflation process.

It just sucks bugs bunny couldn't pop out a female love child from all his bunny hop and pops.. like damn imagine the universe that
was lucky enough and actually got a sexy female Roger rabbit!

Rick n Morty space TiVo me that shit on the DVR lol! Fuck bootleg DVD that shit for the masses!
I think I have all the parts, but of the uncensored version, I think.

I'll have to dig through my files for it though
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Marry knew there was someone in her apartment the minute she walked in. As a police investigator she was quick to pick up on details, and there were things in her place that were not in the right place. She pulled her gun out and proceeded on in cautiously, heading for the kitchen first. She checked the room, and finding no one there went on through to the back bedroom. She began to push the door open slowly with her foot, only to have it violently flung back at her, knocking her gun from her hand as well as hitting her forehead. Marry was momentarily stunned by the unexpected attack as she stumbled back a bit, but the sight of a silencer followed closely by the attached gun brought her around quickly. Seeing only the gun and an arm, she lunged forward, grabbed the arm, and pulled as hard as she could. The woman didn’t act fast enough and in short order Marry had her disarmed and in an arm bar.

“Not a bright idea breaking into a police officers place…who are you and who sent you?” Marry virtually growled as she noted the woman’s dark brown hair pulled into a tight ponytail, black vinyl pants, black turtle neck and maroon sport jacket, and black gloves.

“You can call me Anna, and as for who sent me, you’ve made allot of enemies Investigator Marry Miller, you figure it out.” she said calmly as Marry held her painfully at a safe distance.

Now that Marry had the woman at a disadvantage she wasn’t quite sure what to do, her handcuffs were on the floor in the hallway so she had no way of securing her perpetrator. “Move.” Marry stated as she began, painfully, directing Anna out into the hallway. “Now pick up the cuffs on the floor slowly, and don’t try anything or Ill break your arm.”

Anna leaned over further and with her free hand snagged the cuffs off of the floor. She straightened up as much as she could, then held the cuffs out for the investigator to take. Marry reached out to get the cuffs, involuntarily relaxing the pressure on Anna’s arm….who took the opportunity to spin in a crouch out her grasp, and leg sweep Marry, knocking her to the floor. Anna ran for the apartment door, she would escape now and finish the job another time. Marry recovered quickly, rolling to her feet and dashing after the culprit. Just as the would-be assassin passed the right hand wall mounted fire hose in the apartment’s outer hallway, Marry lunged in attempt to tackle her. The investigator fell a bit short, and managed only to grapple Anna’s legs who tripped and managed to get her arms in front of her face before she broke her nose. Anna rolled over and brought her knee up to her chest to aim a kick at Marry’s face. Marry saw it coming and rolled to the left, and began getting to her feet. Seeing her mark still on her knees, Anna did a gymnastic flip, coming to her feet much quicker and putting her right next to Marry’s side. She reached down and put her arm around the woman’s neck, and began strangling Marry. Marry acted on reflex to save her life, and jabbed Anna three times in the stomach which had no apparent effect, she then aimed her next blow at the dark haired woman’s inner thigh. Anna gave a stifled shriek of pain, releasing her victim and stumbling back against the opposite wall. Marry aimed several quick jabs at her opponent’s torso, the two traded punches for a few seconds, circling as they did so. As Marry had her back to the fire hose in the wall, Anna suddenly lunged forward and grabbed Marry around the throat with intent to maim. Marry felt the other woman’s nails digging into her skin, and as her vision went blurry from tears in her eyes, her flailing left hand found the handle of the fire hose compartment. Too angry and intent on the kill, Anna didn’t notice what her victim was up to. Marry put all her effort into getting the small door open, and grabbing the large heavy nozzle of the fire hose. Her fingers found the cold metal, she grabbed it, brought it up against her stomach and shoved upwards as hard as she could. Marry had only meant to at least knock the woman in the head and make a run for it to call back up. Instead, the unexpected happened. Just as the nozzle was coming at Anna she opened her mouth in surprise. This caused the nozzle to jam into her mouth. Anna immediately let go of Marry and started tugging to get the hose out. Marry’s vision was still blurry and she was just now able to catch her breath and start to think a bit more clearly. Her only option in a split second was to create some kind of diversion. So she reached for the water control valve and turned it as many times as she could, still unaware of where the other end of the hose was. The hose charged with water and begin to send water at close to 3 1/2 to 4 gallons every 5 seconds. Just as she turned about to see where her attacker was Anna had been pinned against the wall from the intense pressure. Anna’s cheeks quickly puffed out to the size of softballs. Marry began to realize the impact of what she had done. She needed information from the woman. With that in mind, she reached for the control valve to turn it off. The valve, probably as old as the building, just simply rolled off into Marry’s hand. Marry paused for a moment and stared at Anna with a look of impending doom. Anna’s hourglass figure began to quickly inflate. Marry, still starring in disbelief and confusion, began to make her way back to her apartment before things got messy. Her door was about 30 feet from where she was standing and by the time she had reached her door Anna had reached an enormous size. Her chest and stomach swelled like a huge water balloon causing her sports coat jacket buttons to pop off one by one. Marry’s hand was shakey as she turned the door handle and quickly opened her door. She shut the door behind her and breathed a sigh of relief. Just then she heard what was the demise of her would be killer in the form of a loud bang, followed by a splash of water hitting the hall floor. She wasn’t about to poke her head outside to see the result.

The next day Marry went to the office a few hours early. She was determined to find out who was behind the attempt on her life. She went to the file room and went straight for what she thought would answer her question. She pulled an old case file labeled “Mr. Six”. He was the one being questioned in regard to his suspected involvement in the drug operation that seemed to go completely unnoticed. It wasn’t until the agency received a tip from a former employee of Mr. Six that gave them reason to investigate him. She remembered that when they tried to reach out to the individual he was nowhere to be found. Marry remembered Mr. Six for always having bodyguards wherever he went to conduct business. What was unique about him is that he only had female bodyguards. These fem-fatales seemed to always be around especially for when he would conduct highly secretive meetings with other shady characters. Marry closed the file cabinet and walked back to her computer. She pulled up his case file and noticed that after the PB&T banquet he seemed to have gone incognito. She knew she had her work cut out for her. Marry worked countless hours over the next few weeks and still could not come up with a lead. She tried to track down a few more whistle blowers but had no luck. Marry was beginning to think the case would remain cold.
Has anyone got part 2 of the suck o lux comic yet?
Much appreciated anon. Good to know these old stories of his aren’t all lost to time.
>>35543 (OP)
Bad news. He deleted all his stories of off his deviantart without any warning whatsoever.
Nevermind, false alarm. It was just DA being shit again.
Can someone post part 2 of the suck o lux?
Can we get the eHentai page updated still with any missing images to keep them in a consistent spot?
Always archive dudes inconsistent and purges all the damn time how many so far 3 fucking times. Learn from this. Save his shit hopefully somebody creates a story archive
Anyone have the stories to both parts of this morph?
Tlyou know I just realized you could probably reface an edit hellresident faces. Like could probably reskin her face with Jessica bowls or some shit I don't know
Anyone got their male inflation stuff?
Lol anyone got any privates they wanna share because this shit deader than my cock at the pet shop when no cat girl furrys
Last one in the purple is new chef's kiss on that

Also nice furry head inflation
Thank you, I really love those too
Can somebody post bimbo wars part 2 again pls
Nice daily dick flattening lol
Seriously wish we could see more private based never seen stuff like this
Lol, thanks! He posted these ones though on Deviantart and Twitter where you can find the stories too! I’m actually the original commissioner and have the non-edited versions and well as other private morphs if anyone’s interested! If possible can we get others posting some privates/never before seen too?
After speaking with HR on privacy and his morphs, I have decided to not post my commissions publicly. However, if anyone would still like to see them, let me know and we can arrange a private commission sharing through DM’s!
>>57662 Do you only have male morphs or do you have any female comms you’ve had done you’d be willing to share as well?
I’ve got 1 female morph but anything is up to share! Just let me know where we can share! Do you have any comms of your own too?
Okay! I have several private commissions I’ve had done by HR, both male and female. If you want I’d like to share over something report my post if that’s possible.
Yeah that's fine
Dm me you profile name

As well as your # number
DON'T just link your profile it will get flagged
BL00D F4LC0N#7203
Send me a request when you get a chance.
Lots of different ID’s replying so not sure who everyone is! Add me at SargeShark#0672 and I’ll know you’re one of the ones wanting to share morphs! I’ll send my commissions when I can!
>>35543 (OP)
I'm the one who knows the story behind the very first image posted in this. I know because I'm the one who commissioned it and someone shared it to multiple report my post servers
Anyone else want to share private commissions? Feel free to add me at the account I posted above the previous message!
Were you able to fix your collection in order to update the eHentai page? We must ensure all the art gets saved!
Been meaning to just haven't had a day that I've been willing to dedicate to it. Gonna take some time there's a lot of photos lol.
No worries, was just wondering! There are quite a lot of pictures so take as much time as you need, lol!
Yourdadssecretporncollection69 he was a former morph artist on da who no longer exist sadly I think they passed away recently someone said
There was a somewhat older sequence (I want to say 4-part) with a busty college-aged blonde woman who got flattened by a big press up against a wall. Showed her completely flat, then she drooped down to the ground, and then she was inflated up really big. Haven't seen that in a long time, and it was definitely memorable. Anyone have it?

The only sequence I can think of that sounds like that is Squishy Annabelle. I’ll send the parts here in case it was what you were looking for!
Anyone got something interesting to share maybe a wife? A gf blimped up and ripe to burst I'll even just look at something privately I'm horny af and blimpy women are all up in my thoughts
Can anyone update Hellresidents kemono please? It’s been a long while.
(615 KB, 588x4000, 1661350417460.jpeg)
Think it's been enough time at least on this sequence
Aunt Lele Pons lmao
Does anyone have part three?
he looks like an extremely annoying 3DCG cartoon movie character that never shut the fuck up who was made ny execs as an attempt to get the minion meme popularity
check his twitter
Tried looking and can't find it, seems like they deleted it in twitter
at this point I don't blame people for stealing his stuff, paying for his patreon isn't worth it if you can't view it
But yet there are pros in the vote system of it giving his audience a chance to decide that said I'm glad he's going back to side commissions that way he can do some more direct stuff as well as these so that way things don't get stale I feel like he's relied so heavily on Patreon that going back to commissions will give a good mix of new to keep it fresh
After seeing his latest post I'm certain he stalks these threads. Yes I cancelled recently I am tired of paying for your work that not only do you make it hard to find for a paying customer some of the stuff you made in the past was stolen from other artists like noah-buddy and Subakitsu and when you were caught you never apologised.
I mean let's face it mosts morphs are just reedits of shapes that already exist I'd I'll blame hellresident for anything it's that he's big enough where he should credit said artists otherwise nothing in this community is practically original everyone is building off some kinda base even if it's something they saw once and mentally went back too from memory at the end of the day it's fetish art we shouldn't be expected to reinvent Picasso just satisfy whoever wants what size or shape personally I try to be as original as possible but whenever I'm getting commissions almost always someone's dropping a base template they want me to use so it's like at that point who am I to argue what the consumer wants because as they say in the restaurant game.

The customer is always right
Anyone able to update his Kemono? Been a while. Unless there’s something wrong with the site again?
Got the one of a completely nude girl in a bar inflating with gas, and popping after a cork in inserted into her ass?
Dude nuked it from everywhere a few years ago without so much as an explanation.
anyone got Danae's Newfound Power and the story that goes with it? It's an old one with a bunch of different stuff.
Voodoo balloons are a top tier choice.
A delightful little slut!

But what about your butt?

* KA- CLING!!! *

A short pair of lyrics came ouf ot the leprechaun's mouth before her snapped both his hands once more, a pair of another green glow emanating from between his ugly brown fingers and his sadistic glanced now focused on Amber's lower parts, the poor woman's massively ballooned up chest shaking and vibr@ting as she started looking around in distress and worry once more, her bubbly puffed up lips flapping helplessly as she felt another surge of magic hitting her body, her arms shooting down instantly and gr@ping her thighs, the energy now rapidly building inside of them as the pressure from around her dress' bottom started to suddenly increase...


Amber yelled some distorted words between her drooling swollen lips, her palms hitting hard on her thighs only to realize they were now rapidly widening beneath her fingers, her worried eyes doing all they could to see down her legs from atop the expanse of cleavage that spread beneath her face but to no avail...


* KA - SPLA-SPLAT!!! *

The increasingly expanded bimbo screamed in panic as she slapped both her buttocks, a new pair of huge orbs now extending where her previously way thinner butt used to be, a pair of fleshy orbs now quickly filling up and widening beneath her dress, pushing the garment's edge upwards over a pair overall fattening legs, her thighs inflating fatter, her hips widening along the way as Amber was now fully turning into a massively swollen bimbo of extreme hourglass proportions...

"HA-HA-HAHAHAHAHAAA!!! Grow little butt! Juicy and fat now you become! Join those titties for a bit of way more fun!"

Lubdan yelled another verse of ecstatic lyrics as his widened gaze was now nailed on Amber's massive bottom, his arms still extended and emitting greenish magic upon the poor woman's behind, as Amber kept turning and awkwardly spinning in her place, once looking into the mirror in agonizing shock, once trying to look down on her own body through the massive curves that were now blocking her viewing attempts from all sides...


The gal screamed in shock as her thighs were now huge, a pair of exposed ballooned up flesh dominating the sight of her lower half, both her legs turning into thick pillars of curvature, her buttocks protruding and extending backwards like a pair of balloons the size of volley balls as she kept rubbing and gr@ping them in utter panic, her gaze still darting like crazy from above yet still unable to do anything but stand there like the swollen woman she was now turning to be, her muffled words echoing out comically distorted due to how massive her lips were still becoming...

"Now, this!!! This is way better my dear!!! HA-Hahahahahaaa!!!"

Lubdan cried out in laughter from afar, having lowered his magically-smoking arms and bursting into a commentary of pure sadism as Amber abruptly turned to face herself in the mirror, nothing but audibly incoherent gasps instantly escaping her swollen lips at the huge sight she witnessed...


The woman moaned, her eyes widening in disbelief at how massively inflated her curves had become. Her boobs had grown at least a third of their size since her ass started inflating, resulting in her having a bust of an exercise-ball sized pair of tits now overflowing each side of her incredibly strained dress' top, several bulges that resembled smaller boobs - but were actually parts of her main boobage in their frantic efforts to escape their pressurized enclosure - were now extending and overflowing out from every opening of her dress' sides, let alone the actual ocean of flesh that was her cavernous cleavage, her boobs each now extending from her chin to lower than her belly button in height, while her lips were now a pair of red bananas the had almost covered most of her lower face from her chin to her nose, both shinny things drooling and spitting in her frantic efforts to gasp...


Amber yelled, her arm slapping the top of her overinflated left boob, the feeling of swollen flesh between her fingers filling her with more panic the deeper her arm sank on the gigantic mammary, while her other hand slapped the side of her massively expanded hip, the same sensation in that arm too as she could now see the massive surface of her exposed monster thighs literally filling the whole mirror's bottom, her undies now being exposed due to how high her incredibly overstretched dress' bottom had gotten, and it was at that time that the Leprechaun's voice echoed once more...

Lips, boobs and butts,

That's all you now are!

But how about we test,

How BIG you can become!

His slithering voice echoed as he once more lifted both his green-shinning palms, a new wave of magic hitting the poor woman as she instantly felt her entire body now starting to grow and expand all over, her curves quickly filling and expanding beyond what she already used to think was already massive enough, Amber quickly turning to face him in utter panic before extending her one arm to plead with him to stop and with her other arm grasping the side of her head in shock...


The woman howled through her banana sized lips, but the leprechaun kept his magic focused on her, now more intensely than ever...


This is beautiful thank you hellresident for remaking this with a of age Jackie model it's such a shame she lied about her age in the original scene as it's legitimately one of the best parodies versions of the blueberry inflation outside the original. Just same she lied and because of this I believe if timeline was right in the original she was 16 14...

So thank you hellresident for making a 20 something Jackie berry so we can finally get a decent mila Kunis balloon that isn't sus
Does anyone have any of the patreon stuff that isn’t already on the kimono.party
I don't care much for this thread but I don't want to see it dead before its time.
I have the same to say about another thread
two of my favorites.
I love the ones where there's another girl, who just realizes what's happening and runs away, treating their "friend" not as a person anymore but as a danger to avoid and get away from.
like how she almost gets crush against the wall by her unintentionally, while she doesn't even notice and is more in shock from what is happening to herself.
then she finally escapes, love it.

Last two are out of order though but it's cool
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Hellresident commissions are opening up soon and I hear slots aren't limited for this one first run?

Who's thinking about getting something and dropping some dollars on some balloons?

Personally I'm tempted to get a Karen Fukuhara flattening and blimp giving everyone seams to be obsessed lately inflating the boys star and maybe start light bike pumping or puffkissing a flat Kimiko back into shape big round blimp cleavage and all might be fun! (We need more hellresident puffkiss content)

I also wish I could upgrade it to a comic but I'd be lucky to even afford a pinup right now! Bills and other such crap.

That said I'm still unsure.. So feel free to steal my idea if you please I guess?

But I guess what I'm asking is what's everyone's clever ideas?
(As regardless of what you think about his style it's probably not best to sleep on these commissions expecially given how on and off work wise he is.)
>>35543 (OP)

Has a woman requested herself yet ?
Update: probably gonna pass on this idea for now I'll update again if I ever do in but it's open to steal!
No and sadly no irl people only celebrities or perhaps consenting only fans models this time around? Either way hellresident has dropped private commissions I repeat hellresident is only doing celebrities from now on.

Infinite slots for a limited time open up on Feb 27th I think

Don't worry about it. :)
"I have no money so someone else please pay 50 bucks for me" bruh
>>79951 No. Grow old and die alone.
>>79951 Btw, back dudes' so ugly, it's crazy. that includes latinx.
Lol fuck off nobody likes a whiny know it all bitch either! You don't know dudes scenario or life and shit? So bitch as broke as fuck? Who isn't in this economy! Either help out or Just leave their ass be don't have to be a bitch ass snob about it.

> Look at the plep everyone! This dumb ass broke! Haha heehee.

Sounds like your dick riding just like him because some shit going wrong in your own damn life and you have nothing better to do.

>Ok pleb
>Proceeds and goes on to post not just any emoji, but an emoji of a not-so-ancient art statue of a god from the islands of Papreeka by an endonesian tribe of people related to current residents of Hawaii.
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Shouldn't even say anything with how rude everyones been but flood gates open
Get them while there hot.
Anybody have the old morph oh some blonde chick in a pool next to a bald guy that morphed her into a balloon animal?
Someone please update kemmo party as it's been outdated for ages! He only has a one month restriction start posting the Patreon stuff that are embargo lifted!
anyone have that one private flattening morph that was posted in one of these threads? it was of a woman flattened on a bed who then got inflated.
Does anyone have "Smoke filled to the Brim' (the Tracer one) and the story that came with it?
(3.3 MB, 1791x5984, Filling The Glass Room, Part 1 Of 2.jpg)
"Hello? Anyone out there?"
Izumi called out, her voice echoing loudly inside the glass chamber she was placed. She looked around, trying to take in her surroundings. The chamber was inside of a vast and empty warehouse. It was shut air tight, with just herself inside and a thick metallic tube that was connected to one of its glass walls and run back to the edge of the warehouse where it disappeared among some weird machinery that she could not specifically watch. She stood a bit contemplating her situation, playing with the edges of her ciel dress, wondering is she had made the right decision for the job they hired her for, still not understanding what her being in such a massive glass chamber inside of an even more massive warehouse could serve the purpose, but as all the questions were circling inside of her head, a loud and clear female voice echoed from some unseen speakers...
"Good morning... Iz... Izami! I am Miss Miller, from the orientation department!"
"Uhm... Hello Miss, and it's Izumi..."
"Oh, excuse me dear... so many of you for this audition, i got confused..."
"Would you mind telling me what this is all about? All i did was come to the address you provided and enter this glass chamber... What will i be doing here, again? What is this job all about?"
"One thing at a time, dear... First off, let me start by saying that your dress is perfect for the occasion and you were mostly chosen for that vibrant hair color, since we want our customers to be entertained by the decoration that your looks will provide! The event will last three full days and as you have seen your reward will be quite handsome, so let me know once you are ready and we will proceed to the modifications!"
The voice echoed loudly as Izumi stood there silent for a bit, thinking what she had just heard. She had no idea what this was all about, neither what the lady meant by 'modifications', but the reward was indeed a lot of money and she sure needed them at that moment. Asking more questions could have been a bit risky, and she did not want to loose that job...
"Well, i guess i'm ready then!"
"Wonderful, dear! Just relax your body and we'll do the rest..."
"Relax my bod--"
* VROOOOM!!! *
The voice echoed one last time, but before Izumi had the chance to respond, a loud swirling noise echoed from the metallic tube behind her, and she turned her head around to observe the large thing as it started sucking all the air out of the chamber...
Izumi tried protesting, as she felt an immense pressure taking over most areas of her body at once. Her shoulders and upper arms puffed out slightly as her cheeks expanded enormously on her face and her eyes went wide in surprise...
"First we need to suck all the air out of the chamber! You may feel a bit of discomfort but don't worry, this is only temporary..."
The voice echoed once more over the swirling noise of the tube, as Izumi's body kept inflating and expanding from all the mass on her trying to make up for the lost vacuumed space, that was being sucked out of the chamber. She tried yelling louder, but she soon found it nearly impossible as all of her facials characteristics were bloated and her swollen lips were blocking her mouth. Her entire body started expanding and inflating massively and cartoonishly all over, as one by one all her formerly thin features and athletic curves, were now being turned into ballooning extremities of pneumatic massiveness! Her legs and buttocks ballooned out impossibly. giving her some booming thighs of thunders and a massive pair of butt cheeks near the size of blimps as they struggled around her impossibly stretched dress' bottom. overflowing over it as her upper body was now being swollen at an incredible speed...
Izumi managed to yell through her swollen face, her shoulders and arms now puffing out immensly around her as she raised her ballooned hands up in shock, her one hand, with fingers now the size of giant sausages, trying to touch her face in disbelief, only to realize that her head was now swollen to the size of a basketball, cheeks the size of softballs as her eyes were now cartoonishly bulging out of her sockets and her boobs were unevenly inflating right beneath, her poor dress doing its best to not rip at this point, giving her an over-exaggerated hourglass figure of ballooning absurdity, as she continued to be expanded in the increasing loss of air inside the glass chamber...
"You are doing great, dear! You'll have the whole glass chamber filled in no time!!!"
The voice echoed once more, making Izumi panic as she now started realizing her exact purpose in this whole ridiculous ordeal she had signed up for...
She kept yelling internally, every part of her body now still swelling at a ridiculous degree with how wide and overly enormous she was getting, like a love-doll that someone had forgotten to unplug from pump, as she kept inflating and expanding inside the glass room...
(3.2 MB, 1552x6285, Filling The Glass Room, Part 2 Of 2.jpg)

"Great progress, dear Izami!!! Your body is taking up the space like a champ... Hope you don't mind a bit of more pressure, do you?"
Miss Miller yelled through the speakers once more, as Izumi instantly felt the already outstanding pressure in the chamber almost triple in intensity as Miss Miller had obviously pressed some button to accelerate this ridiculous procedure...


The incredibly bloated green-haired woman yelled loudly from inside her glass prison, her words echoing stupid and muffled as they came distorted out of her banana sized lips, her attempts at correcting the voice from the speakers that had once again pronounced her name wrongly, falling on deaf and uninterested ears, as the only thing that echoed inside the chamber by now, was the deafening roar of the vacuumed out air and the screeching noise of Izumi's rubbery skin as it stretched wider and wider by the second...
"I know dear, hang on there, you are doing great, just a few more seconds..."

Miss Miller responded in a mechanical response of apathy, the woman in charge not being interested at the slightest of what the ballooning girl had to say. And a ballooning girl in full size exaggeration Izumi was now indeed. He hips and thighs were more than 7 feet across and her breasts were more ballooning up somewhat evenly as her belly had joined in the fun as well, a fully blown gut to the size of massive beach ball, as her dress was now rising up higher and higher, doing its best to remain in one piece as it stretched around her ballooning uber-curves, her massively swollen arms and sausage fingers doing their best to push the remaining curves out of her face, a face that had now two cheeks resembling melons, two eyes resembling softballs and a pair of lips so swollen that she could put all bimbos on earth at shame...
She kept yelling in distress, the amount of mass now emerging around her unbelievable even to her own swollen gaze, as she felt the walls of her glass container now closing in on her gargantuan body, and she started feeling her lower body completely exposed as her dress had now fully stretched around her upper curves, more resembling of an overstretched bra instead of a dress. The lips of her genitals were now swollen to the size of two gigantic poll rafts as they shinned proudly between her puffed up stretched legs, and her entire arms were becoming cone-shaped, with her fingers now protruding puffily to their edges like a bunch of softball sized orbs...
The screeching noises kept intensifying as Izumi's massive body was now touching and rubbing its sides on the glass surrounding her, the surface of her swollen parts now plastering and spreading over the glass evenly and in rapid succession as all the free space was running out in there, and with a loud FWOOOOMMMPHHH sound Izumi felt she finally reached her final shape as all the noise stopped...

"You did great, dear!!! A massive giant girl-cube with green hair is the perfect treat for our honored guests!!!"

Miss Miller's voice echoed now clearly through the perfectly silent vast space surrounding the deformed and glass imprisoned swollen up Izumi. Her face was bloated and plastered at the center of the top glass, with her not being able to even blink from the massive pressure that was still occasionally applied from the vacuum hose, an automatic mechanism that ensured that the tension would not loosen up for exactly the next three days that Izumi had signed up for...

She cursed and regretted ever signing up to this absurd joke, her actual face - if she could be seen at that point - was one of a massive WTF written all over it as endless questions were now running through her head... Why are they doing this me? Who are the guests? What the actual fuck is going on here?!?
But instead of being able to utter her questions, she just stood there all massive and proud at the center of the warehouse as a bloated attraction of rectangular absurdity, waiting for those mysterious guests to arrive and her nude and deformed ridicule to soon hit critical levels...
This is the original one with the traced panel
What do you think about AIs?
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Does anyone have,
A Good Day To Float Parts 1 & 2?

Thanks! Had to share some non-posted male inflations for all to see

It is not, it is a random person, though still looking great inflating like that!
I know they don't post much male content, but does anyone have any by chance?
like the witches of sabbath sequence
>>91121 What're you talking about?
>>91121 The band with Marilyn Manson?

Specifically inflation or anything? I got some flattening ones
I googled the witches of sabbath and got nothing.

I sure hope that witches aren't the ones behind all the troubling things and signs going on around town as of late. Groups of witches or terrorists? All the same.
its a sequence that comes with a story where a male is flattened, balloon chair and panty tf, inflated into a massive blimp.

it used to be on hellresident's deviantart and tumblr years ago but is know deleted
Does anyone happen to have an image called sunbathing? The only thing I can remember about the story is that the girl getting inflated was called sissy. And the image was mirrored with one of a woman winking and the other of her with a hose in her mouth. If anyone has it, I’d greatly appreciate seeing it again. It was one of my favorites.
(222 KB, 1280x750, IMG_0285.jpeg)
Is this Sunbathing? She’s not winking but most of it seems like maybe it could?

>>35543 (OP)
Can someone update his kemono please? It’s been over a month now.
Do you know if that first one has a story for it?

It does! I’ll send them altogether!

Tyler the Pool Toy

"Hmmm, wonder what this remote can do..."

Laura said while in her hotel room, the girl observing the item in her hands. It was some kind of remote that she found by the dumpster earlier, a device full of weird icons and buttons all the while the sweat was running over her forehead and face. It was an extremely hot summer day...

"Should have hit the beach... The heat is literally killing me... huh...?"

The blonde girl paused as she turned her head and noticed someone walking outside her window, someone walking by the side of the hotel's pool. It was Tyler, the guy dressed in his usual Mario Bros tee and red and black Nike shorts as he walked over to the edge of the water and sat down on a recliner, before smiling as he seemed to be enjoying his stay at that place. Laura smiled too, as without a second thought she picked up that weird remote from her bed and looked out back at Tyler...

"Who needs the beach when they've got a pool and an unknowing next target to test my new toy on, right? Now let's see..."

Laura mumbled wickedly to herself looking down at the remote, a cunning plan already forming in her head as she started observing the icons printed above each button of the weird device, before her eyes fell on something very interesting and her smile grew even wider. The icon was showing something crudely designed to depict some form of inflatable floating device, something with lots of round curves and with some extra imagination at the shape of an exaggerated hourglassed shape of the human form. She knew instantly that this was JUST the thing for the occasion, before the bikini dressed blonde quickly shot up from her bed, the remote in hand and made a run for the pool...

"Hey Tyler!"

Laura said with a smile as she walked over to where Tyler was sitting, the remote well hidden behind her back, trying to sound as friendly as ever...

"Oh, hey Laura! I'm thinking of hitting the water in a while... Care to join me?"

The unsuspected man said, as Laura kept approaching him, her smile getting wider and wider with each step...

"Sure thing, Tyler! Though we could really use some floats you know... pool toys! I would really love to rest on one of those massive inflatables after a good swim, right?"

"That sounds fun... Sadly, i don't see any inflatables around... It's just the two of us... And last time i checked, none of us was 'inflatable', heh..."

Tyler humored her with a smart-ass reply, before Laura withdrew the remote she was hiding and pointed it straight to him...

"See, that's were you are wrong, dude!"

Laura yelled before pressing down the button of her interest, a red beam instantly shooting from the device and straight into the still chuckling guy...

"What the hell are you talking ab--NGHNGH!!!"

Tyler started responding but was cut off mid-sentence once the beam made contact with him, his body straightening up and his limbs going tense before a slight hissing noise started echoing...

"You need to check that one again, Tyler! Haaahaha..."

Laura yelled in amusement as at that point Tyler's body curves started expanding right before his eyes. The hissing intensified as his boobs and thighs started filling up from some unseen gas that was now filling him up, his curves widening and inflating like balloons!


Tyler tried screaming but a muffled groan came out since his lips had been now shut and his entire face started puffing up. His boobs were now 10 times his actual size and it took less than a few seconds for them to reach beach balls size and then exercise balls size. His buttocks puffed out incredibly, swelling up at a rapid rate as they filled out like a pair of party balloons with a pair of massive blimped up thighs to match and all of his behind stretched his striped shorts, the poor thing over-stretching around his lower curvage impossibly...

Laura stood there in a craze, laughing her ass out at the guy's massive and quite rapid ballooning, as by now Tyler's skin was becoming shinier and shinier, like he was transforming into plastic, like he was transforming into an actual, skin colored, human-shaped, massively hourglassed pool toy! And as Tyler was approaching curves of unprecedented width even at cartoonsih levels, his back started arching backwards, bringing his midsection forth like a tube and both his buttocks started rising upwards into the sky behind him before he started loosing his balance...


The pool-toyed Tyler fell into the pool water were he started floating on his massive curves and his swollen limbs started loosing their fingers and edges as they all became bent to the rest of his body...

"Here's my boy-ride! And a sexy one TOO! Though, you sure could take come improvement... I'll be right back!"

Laura yelled between laughs before taking off to go and fetch something. Poor Tyler's swollen face was now tightly packed between his floating mounds of boobage, his lips puckered and plump, his cheeks the size of softballs and his eyes wide in panic, especially at the sight of Laura returning with a huge air tank in her grasp, a long hose being dragged along with it, as the blonde woman turned on the valve of the tank and shoved the tube right between Tyler's lips...


Tyler moaned through the hose, feeling his already swollen pool toyed body now starting to get wider and wider as more air was being forced inside of him and all he could do was just float over the water and... just expand!

"See Tyler? One of us was indeed inflatable, after all..."

Laura commented with a smile from the pool's edge with a drink in her hand as her eyes started making out something long and thick inflating and elongating beneath Tyler's inflatable form, and after some better focus she realized that it was his cock, now fully erect and thickened up from the air running inside of it, as the massive dong kept dangling under the surface along with his own floating maneuvers...

"Damn! I really need to get my hands on THIS monster..."

She mumbled silently, before turning on the valve of the tank even more, Tyler's protests and rubbery screeching now sounding louder that ever...

It didn’t let me repost but I linked it there to the original post with the story!
HR literally reused this story for one of my comms just replaced all the names. Not the first time he's done it either I've found a couple random names he missed in some of my other comms.

Dude seems to be cutting corners all the time now.

Was it a recent comm, and names from this story too? I noticed once one of mine was the same as another one for someone with changed names too, though for mine it was a little different to the original and added an extra paragraph or two relating to my version
Different names, not that recent but probably my most recent. He doesn't do private comms anymore unless they're celebs I think. Identical story tho

Ah, and yeah I think the random comms is for privacy stuff, though I liked being able to get a commission of whoever in different situations

I know it did for sure, but unfortunately I can’t find it anywhere
To the image that someone sent about my question on sunbathing, no it’s not that image, the girl was laying down with her hand on her right cheek, and the mirrored image was her wide eyed with a hose in her mouth. But that image is so close to it, I still love it. If anyone has sunbathing, I’d love to see it once more. She was also in a yellow green bikini if that helps too.
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Someone needs to commission some flattening and blimping maybe popping of this underrated cutie Jennifer Connelly from career opportunities hot damn 🔥

Now don't consider this begging lmfao as honestly if I have the free funds in future I'm actually tempted to do it myself that and one other idea first. But in case I don't just throwing a fantastic idea out there that I think needs to exist! Jennifer Connelly is such a underrated balloon especially from this particular movie! Career opportunities is horny gold in carnate!

I highly recommend it if you bored and horny and in need of a good nut! As honestly if nobody's gonna upload new content at least we should bounce off hellresident commission ideas we have or have had with each other.
You know to pass the time I mean if people bounce around tmc scripts why not commission ideas old or new?
I had a spreadsheet of all the women I wanted to see with all the different types of inflations / transformation types that I kept track of. I don't have it anymore but basically I'd try to get the biggest bang for my buck.

"The magic remote, or magic app" was always a favorite of mine. Start off with a few women finding it by accident, one woman falling victim and the other becoming drunk with power after witnessing the effects.

Eventually she'd go on a bit ilof a rampage until the remote backfired and started hitting anyone that came near it.

(sorry bad english)
You got me thinking about the idea of ​​2 drunk women or something similar doing stuff like blowing up or flattening each other out as a competition or just in case.
whyyyyy u no com him?

dis idea is very good!!!
It is but for right now I just don't have the funds bills are priority. Not to mention if I was to commission something I might end up permissioning something as a give back to the community or a friend you're looking at probably 100 to $200 sequence and right now I just don't have it
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Yo Guys, i'm new on this type of stuff (boards n shiet)
anyways, i found some cool images from our beloved Hellresident, and i actually want to share with yall tho
i datamined for a bit, and i found some stories and some images in some tumblr/ deviantart archive sites.

i have 5 or 6, maybe 7 stories of some images, and images that while not really hard to find, maybe yall wouldn't acess because it doesn't appear on the first pages of google.

i want to know the info from those images posted on bodyinflation.org that is edited morphs and has random names so i can't really datamine their data, or if they have the original image, idk the data or the original upload doesn't appear on the site that i searched:
"Dani expanded(name & morph),
Kourtnie curvified(name & morph),
kourtnie expanded(name & morph),
julie expanded(name & morph),
blonde expanded(name & morph),
sexy inflation(name & morph),
beach inflation(name & morph),
big inflation(name & morph),
cute girl (name & morph),
too big for the bus(story)"
and "not satisfied? Still bigger? (story)"

As proof of my honesty, i shall share a recently (?) deleted image and the original story. maybe it was on the old thread but idk i wasn't here and no one reposted so fuk it


W A R N I N G ! ------
:D (Big Grin)

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"Nothing wrong with being fake-boobed, young lady... Nor being a bimbo for that matter, heh..."

You heard a confident female voice, which was definitely not Jane's voice as you stopped behind the front fence of the mansion you watched her enter after following her for the past half an hour. Your recent argument about boobs and butts, your usual conflicts about what is nice and sexy, had her left in utter shock and frustration at how brainwashed from all these massive fake curves you had been. She stood up and left, the smoke of anger coming out of her ears, her face red, as she swore in her own words "I'll go find that plastic bitch, Demmie Zongas... you are all so horny about! And when i do... oh, i'll give her a piece of my own views... the hard way!!!".
You stood there, not wanting to give away your position as you followed her to the mansion she entered, still listening to that other sexy voice who was apparently now talking to her in a condescending way...

"You still have a lot to learn young lady... Today is your lucky day, i was in the mood of having a morning fill-up and you just showed up! What a perfect circumstance to give you a demonstration of what being BIG really feels like..."

The voice continued and you just had to look, and your eyes widened in awe at the sight you witnessed. Jane was having a discussion with the actual Demmie Zongas herself! That crazy girl had actually found her and now both sexy women were having a hot discussion in sexy undertones that was too hot for you to not peak at what was going on. And not only that, but besides them on the patio, was what looked like a massive tank that read "SILICONE" on its side and there were two lengthy hoses that came out of it and Demmie was holding one in her hand, as she reassuringly rested a hand on Jane's shoulder trying to persuade your friend on the benefits of massive silicone-filled curves. But that last part of Demmie's words, was what really grabbed your attention...

Was she really about to fill her body up with... MORE silicone? Were you such a lucky person as to witness it in real time, the goddess of your fetish fantasies to actually balloon up her curves with silicone right in front of you?!?!?

And right at that moment your jaw dropped, as you saw Demmie lower the hose behind her butt, pull aside the edge of her mini shorts, and firmly shove the edge of the hose inside her butt-hole with a slight moan...

"Oh god..."
You whispered, swallowing hard, as you saw Jane narrowing her brows in confusion at what she was seeing, but her eyes widening upon the next thing that followed. Demmie's boobs started to... expand...

Loud sloshing noises started echoing from the patio, as the tank siphoned litter upon litter through the hose and into Demmie's butt, expanding her boobs like water-sacks in her tight tank top as both boobs started bulging outwards from all the openings of the garments, forming an even deeper cleavage from the cleavage that curvy celebrity was known for. Then her thighs started thickening, as they expanded like tree trunks, sloshy and heavy as they stretched her mini shorts around them, Demmie's eye widening in amazement at seeing her demonstration working out so good, and at the same time she raised her arms to her side in excitement as she also started getting taller and taller, overtowering the now awe-struck Jane in front of her, at least for a couple of extra heads...

The transformation was hypnotizing. That massive hourglass of a mini giantess looked down upon the young woman with a smug look on her face before pulling the hose out of her butt-hole, her tits now each the size of a beachball, her thighs the size of actual pool rafts...

Was all that came out of Jane's mouth, her words soft and full of amazement...

Demmie said nothing as she kept smiling down on the girl...

"You know Miss Zongas... That whole silicone thing, does not look like such a bad idea after all..."

Jane said, her eyes drooling over the potential of such a treatment, her mind wondering at the possibilities it would have on her own somewhat flat body and all the attention she could get by having such a body. Demmie kept observing that look. Being in the industry for so many years she knew the look of envy very well. And that's when she decided to intervene by lifting up the other silicone hose from the ground...

"I knew you'd come around young lady... Here, the first round's on the house!"

Demmie said, approaching Jane and pulling down her pants a bit to get to her ass...

"Um, i'm not sure about this yet Miss Zongas... Maybe we should discuss it a bit mor-YEEELP!!!!"

Jane said trying to pretest at the expanded Demmie's powerful handling before she yelled at the sudden thrust of the other silicone hose, now firmly lodged deep into her own butt-hole, before she started hearing the sloshing sound of silicone, filling up the patio area one more time....

"Shhh... Don't you worry dear, it's only weird on the fist time... I promise you'll get to love this as time gets by..."

Demmie reassured her as your jaw was now almost touching the ground at the second biggest surprise of the day...
Jane's curves were expanding! She was filling up with silicone as the same manner like Demmie did moments earlier. Her boobs pushed forward into her blouse, they expanded and filled up with sloshy liquid till they hang down revealing a massive deep cleavage to her front that kept straining the knot of the garment tighter and tighter. Her thighs widened and stretched her denim pants to its limits, as her lower body was sporting some dangerous butt curves, with her butt now being inflated with silicone to the size of a beanbag chair... And best yet of all, Jane was getting taller as well!

She got wider and wider as she got taller, her height increasing steadily as she kept approaching Demmie's massive dimensions, but since it was her first time she could only get as tall and as curvy, being compared to such an experienced woman besides her... And then Demmie turned her head and looked right at you...

"You can come out now boy!"

You stood up, startled, but not nearly enough embarrassed as to not comply...

"You think we didn't know you were there watching our curves expand and swell all this time, huh?"

She continued, you now started approaching, at a complete loss for words as Jane turned and looked at you, her face kind of embarrassed but still smiling at how pleasurable this whole ordeal on her body had been so far...

"Look at your friend! Doesn't she look gorgeous?!?"

Said Demmie giving a thumbs up in excitement, before you nodded between senseless drooling, still approaching the two hourglassed mini giantesses in front of you...

"Quickly now, boy! I may be needing another fill-up soon... Once your friend here gets as big as she likes, of course..."

Demmie added with a wink, your heart now racing at a million miles per second...


The Meeting, 2019.
:D (Big Grin)


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DA Commission Journal

E-mail : hr_inflation@yahoo.com

Plox shar3 :(((
(456 KB, 889x1182, 1569156920.hellresident-infl8_first-timers,_be_warned_.jpg)
you asked very nicely
ye shall receive one bonus!


First-Timers, Be Warned!
September 22, 2019, 5:45 am
Next Carina the harem Princess 2
Previous 113635 037
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:D (Big Grin)

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"What is happening to my body?!? Why am i getting thicker?!? Help me, make this stop!!!"

Grace yelled leaning back on the billiard table to retain her balance and in a horrified state as her boobs started expanding to her front, her grey blouse very tight around her inflating mammaries as they pushed out in front of her like shinny sacks filling up with something. Her jean pants stretched around her thickening thighs as well, as along with her buttocks they all plumped outwards on her bottom parts, making her head turn downwards in confusion, as she grabbed her ass with both hands and squeezed only to feel an unidentified substance flowing inside of her and keep on expanding her as each second went by...

"What did you do to me?!? Did you slip something into my beer when i wasn't watching?!? I know it's you behind this! Speak up, what the hell have you done to me?!?"

Grace kept yelling in panic as she desperately pleaded him, pointing an angry finger at him while rubbery gargling slushy noises kept echoing from her now swollen hourglass-shaped body, her inflating curves shaking all the way of her angry motion, as her curves that kept expanding and bloating outwards, kept impossibly stretching her clothes, pushing her more and more on the table in her attempt not to trip over due to the sudden shift in her weight, and as her chubby frame kept sporting such an extreme body expansion, with her boobs now the size of plump party balloons and her thighs the size of pool farts, still growing wider and plumper, before his voice was heard...

"Here... This little white pill bottle contains all your answers... and all your current troubles, that is..."

He said with a mischievous grin, before placing a white pill bottle next to her on the green surface of the table...

"Let's just say i always wanted to see what you would look like with some extra curves on the right spots, heh... And yes, maybe i've gave you some more pills than the bottle prescribed for a person of your shape and weight... A lot more actually, ha..."

He continued, as he watched Grace's eyes widen in panic at the sudden realization of what was happening to her. Her now basketball sized tits started leaking streams of dense milk from her puffed up nipples, spraying it all over the insides of her blouse, as Grace kept moaning and cursing in how terrible her predicament was, while her thighs, now each thicker than a beanbag chairs, kept pushing her body upwards towards the table, as her giant ass bumped on the table and turned the bottle open, spilling its remaining pills over the green surface...

"YOU ASSHOLE!!! Oh fuck... this is getting outta hand... i'll get you for this!!! How many of these stupid things did i unknowingly swallow?!?"

Grace kept demanding answers through moans of mixed panic and distress, as her slushy curves kept filling the front view of the billiard table from edge to edge, her arms still pinned on it fro support, as her nipples kept spraying thick rivers of milk to the inside of the impossibly stretched garments...
"Oh, enough to make sure you won't be leaving through the playroom's main doors, that's for sure... hahaha! I just knew these pills would come out handy one day! Hold on Grace, lemme go grab the milk pumps! We don't want to flood this place, now do we?!? Heh..."

He said running out to the place's warehouse, as Grace managed to turn her head enough to read the label on the toppled over pill bottle at the table, her face turning pale at the lines...


"Well... shit..."

She mumbled, the sound of her - now full of acceptance - but still terrified voice, barely audible over the sloshing sound of her massive curves that kept on expanding and inflating, as the playroom was becoming smaller and smaller right in front her eyes...


First-Timers, Be Warned!, 2019.
:D (Big Grin)


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DA Commission Journal

E-mail : hr_inflation@yahoo.com


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nixe findssssss

Seconding this please
(1.3 MB, 4096x2435, 20231002_010424.jpg)
Does anyone have the original image for this morph? I managed to find the original one for "Big Egos" but not this one
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Managed to find the original for "Big Star"
Hey does anyone have one called sunbathing? I’ve been looking everywhere for it but I am unable to find it..it was one of my favorite pieces of butt expansion ever. It was made in 2018..I can only remember the girl that was getting inflated was called sissy. Can someone help find this one for me? I’d greatly appreciate it!
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Anyone got the history of this comic?
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Yo guys, how yall doing? Well... looks like no one has what i wanted... big f in the chat.
well, i gave up porn recently due to personal reasons, mostly stop caring about it, so as a "farewell", i will let you guys my entire gallery cuz why not lol

this one is blueberry slushie part 1, considering that there is a censored morph sequence by hellresident on deviantart and a uncensored one with mei on tumblr, i guess that one was the first part of an morph, that for some reason he decided to remove, cuz he's retarded lol
sadly no image, but yes caption!
Holy Cow!
August 24, 2019, 7:15 pm
Next Hot And Thirsty For Coke - Part 1 Of 3
Previous Perspective's The Issue
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:D (Big Grin)

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Tina entered her bathroom, smiling in confidence. She was already late for the dress up meeting, all dressed up like a sexy R2D2 from Star Wars, but a sexy droid with not as big boobs as she wanted though. And that is because she was considered to be quite average sized in the boob department by many, but her own tastes and secret wishes were far more different and grandiose than what her friends and closed ones were telling her...

She walked inside her cozy bathroom and pulled a strange pills bottle out of her purse. On its plastic it read "B.E. PILLS" and the instructions were quite clear on the backside of the orange plastic surface :

"CAUTION!!! Breast expansion capsules. No more than one pill, weekly! Lactation side-effects are possible!"
Tina read it and stood in front of the mirror admitting her frame before whispering...

"Oh yeah, like one pill weekly will do anything drastic... I want BIG results and i want them NOW! Let's show all of them what filling up a dress really means"

And with that she grinned widely as she swallowed almost half the bottle of the red pills without any hesitation. The effects were almost instant as her boobs started vibrating violently inside of her tight dress' top, when...


Both tits, violently shot outwards almost 3 cups in size, almost tearing her dress apart...

"Holy COW!!!"

Tina gasped in amazement as she grabbed both her expanding boobs in excitement, watching her plan unfold with much more success than she had initially expected. Within a matter of seconds her boobs were the size of giant hangers, as Tina straggled to hold her balance straight while the immense weight of her rapidly filling boobs was pulling her forward. Her dress begun ripping, and in a matter of seconds it was ripped open and folded to the lower front of her, and her boobs kept their expansive growth even more vividly than before. Now they were hanging to the height of her pussy, like giant fleshy orbs about the size of giant milk sacks before they started leaking white fluids and making a mess all over the bathroom's floor...

Tina was in bliss as now, both her boobs massively swollen, shinny and wildly leaking small streams of milk all over every possible surface around her, as she kept smiling in accomplishment at how impressively she managed to transform herself in something so busty in a such a short time...

"Hell yeah!!! These are the juggs i was talking about!!!!"

Tina yelled, echoing loudly throughout the entire house, groping with both her arms the vast fleshy areas on the sides of her swollen mammaries...

"Time to get going..." She said, "And too bad i destroyed my R2D2 dress, but it sure was worth it..."


Holy Cow!, 2019.
:D (Big Grin)


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E-mail : hr_inflation@yahoo.com


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Hot And Thirsty For Coke - Part 1 Of 3
August 24, 2019, 7:16 pm
Next Selfie
Previous Holy Cow!
W A R N I N G ! ------
:D (Big Grin)

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The story for this will be posted upon sequence's uploading completion.


Hot And Thirsty For Coke - Part 1 Of 3, 2019.
:D (Big Grin)


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DA Commission Journal

E-mail : hr_inflation@yahoo.com


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(230 KB, 1280x843, 1572188485.hellresident-infl8_thicc-flation_-_3bs_version.jpg)
sadly i only got the bloated version in his furaffinity :(

September 29, 2019, 4:59 am
Next Tessa Fowler and flat Earth
Previous Sexy 1038
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:D (Big Grin)

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"Uh... Tanisha, babe? What are you doing...?"

He said right before she stepped outside in the sunny balcony, a slight gleam of wickedry in her face as she started looking around for the air hose. She was so sexy, even her slightest movements accentuated her curves hypnotically as she swayed around her excess of bikini dressed flesh in the wide balcony before she found the rubber thing and lifted it up to face you, her hands now clenched into determined fists on her hips...

"What...? Didn't you say you forgot to bring it along?"

She spoke back, an alerting seriousness on her voice that made him take a better look at what she was about to do...

"Well yeah, but i don't think this is a good idea, maybe you--"

"Oh for crap's sake! Do you see any spare floats around? Cause i don't..."

She spat, interrupting him. The heated argument earlier still had its residue between their words, as he did made one fatal mistake. A day at the pool, without a float, was destined to be a boring disaster for the both of them. And they both knew it too well, with Tanisha already fed up with him forgetting to bring the float along and already having an alternative solution in mind. He stopped talking at her sudden outburst, before Tanisha continued...

"You don't get to have another word! This is you fault! Now sit back and watch me fix things..."

She said, putting him in his place before lifting the hose and biting her sexy lips around it while she opened the valve of the air tank...

"Fix things...? How...? Are you trying to... oh god..."

Tanisha fixed him another glare, before she felt the air filling up her cheeks from the hose. She started observing his eyes getting wider as at the same time she was feeling her bikini top, tightening around her chest. She took a closer look and made sure that her tits were now inflating, as she kept watching her cleavage getting deeper and deeper while her fleshy orbs were expanding underneath her one strap bikini top. She placed her fists around the straps of her bottom and pulled them upwards, just in time that the inflation hit her thighs...


He kept watching, dumbfounded and with his mouth wide agape, as he saw Tanisha's already thick thighs, now inflating and expanding like party balloons, getting wider and wider with each passing second, as her breasts were now almost the size of a basketball each, the poor blue garment stretching impossibly over them, the fleshy bulges of ballooning flesh overflowing all over around it. She was getting curvier, an exaggerated hourglass of the already thicc sexy woman she had already been...
"There! That's how i fix things!!!"

Tanisha said, right after pulling out the hose from her mouth and turning off the tank's valve. Then she started playing around with her inflated body, groping her ballooning tits and thighs, her smile wide and confident before she turned her look back at him, with a loud smack on the side of her ballooned up buttock...

"You just got yourself a brand new float, boy..."

She said with a grin, before she started walking towards the pool, swaying her finger towards the shocked man in order for him to follow...


Thicc-Flation, 2019.
:D (Big Grin)


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DA Commission Journal

E-mail : hr_inflation@yahoo.com


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(260 KB, 902x1280, 1581270178.hellresident-infl8_the_pumping_bet.jpg)
The Pumping Bet
February 9, 2020, 9:27 am
Next Text Translation
Previous Lady In Waiting
W A R N I N G ! ------
:D (Big Grin)

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Melinda kept moaning silently, now completely calm and heavily pumping in her cross-legged position, as her boobs pushed further outwards in front of her, stretching her shirt impossibly, in a steady quick expansive pace, her orbs now resembling small balloons from beneath, and even shinny seams of rubber started to appear softly on her exposed cleavage's surface. Her shirt's fabric kept stretching, being pushed around by her gargantuan boobloons, rubbery sounds echoing all around the open area, as her breasts were now the size of a volleyball each, proudly standing in front of her in a vast canyon of cleavage, and still steadily expanding like floating aids, as overall Melinda was now becoming more and more puffy in the chest, with each passing second...


Melinda kept moaning, now in a state of increasingly focused distress and energetic determination, as by now the obvious amount of air was very visible as to where it was being stored, being not to her butt, by from her puffy cheeks straight to her boobs, that were almost the size of beach balls, the shinny color and seams on her skin even more intensely visible than before, as her shirt's fabric was extremely stretched all the way over her huge inflated breasts, and it was about to be torn into pieces...

Melinda's hands were still steadily handling the pump, while her boobs were steadily expanding to her front. Her lips tightly closed around the rubber of the hose and her eyes fully wide due to the increasing pressure inside of her, with the pumping difficulty increasing in her grasp, while her upper arms and shoulders were being pulled to the front as well, as her boobs where still thickening and widening with each heavy pumping she achieved...


Protestation moans were all Melinda could do by now, as by that point she had lost the mood of making keeping her sounds mild and she could only moan louder through her shut lips and her moaning was becoming more and more intense with each passing second. Her tits were now completely bloated, huge fleshy orbs resembling exercise balls in volume, as the round of pumps she had been challenged to force inside of her was almost complete and she stood there all tense while managing the last ones, her eyes fully wide in shock, unwilling to blink or move rather than to get this stupid bet that she lost, over and done with...

"Wow, Melinda! You are good at this pumping game, and i see you've managed to siphon all the air into the most excellent of places if you ask me, heh..."

Your voice echoed softly over Melinda's expansive squeaks and moans, as Melinda just kept pumping and expanding on her own, motionless and highly tense, as she was getting fully transformed to an overinflated bosomy bimbo with jumbo jet sized tits, her lips still shut and her eyes still wide open, as her entire pneumatic body kept vibrating and screeching alongside her loud and muffled moans...


The Pumping Bet, 2020.
:D (Big Grin)


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DA Commission Journal

E-mail : hr_inflation@yahoo.com
(195 KB, 936x1280, 1585497853.hellresident-infl8_cheeky_s_beach_balls.jpg)
W A R N I N G ! ------
:D (Big Grin)

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"Don't take another step, sir!"

Cheeky yelled, her intimidating tone freezing you in place as you entered home from another hard day's work. It was more than her tone though, that made your eyes go wide and interest to be instantly peaked. She was dressed in a red mini skirt and a see through lace tee, that showed her large boobs bouncing from within, but instead of her usual bra, she wore something else... Each cup of this wicked brasserie, was decorated by the pattern of a multicolored beach ball, her obvious suggestion that her boobs were the beach balls you would so much love to play with, hanging thick in the air between you...


She yelled, lifting up a bottle that contained some weird greenish liquid...

"Is the good shit... The shit of your freakin' dreams, mister..."

The redhead continued, but without you even having the slightest chance of responding, she started greedily gulping the whole thing down...


She sighed after the large mouthful, the first signs of her quickly approaching transformation making the nylon bags you were holding to fall off of your hands and on the wooden floor. Cheeky's chest started expanding, pushing outwards from beneath the laced surface of her shirt and you could see the beach ball patterns stretch along on the cups that were doing their best to stretch along her swelling mammaries...
"Holy sh---"

"Sssh now, not a word, big boy! Just watch me do my thing...."

Cheeky cut your shock off as she spoke loudly, not letting even a word ruin this expansive spectacle. Her breasts continued to expand and swell, getting wider and heavier as they kept stretching the fabric of her shirt, but with her beach ball bra staying intact as it was being evenly stretched over their ridiculously fast growing fleshy surface...


You could witness Cheeky's hips and butt start to expand at her sides too, pushing her skirt wide open at the cut, as her buttocks swelled and widened to her sides while her boobs were now almost to the size of actual beach balls, filling up and expanding from within, as they kept getting heavier and hung lower over her belly and then after her thighs in a spectacle of cartoonish absurdity. Both Cheeky's tits were now gigantic, two behemoth sized orbs of hanging boob flesh that stood proudly to her front, both engulfed in the shinny rubbery texture of the beach ball patterns, as she started groping them at the sides, while the smile of ecstasy was growing wider on her face and the look of shock growing more intense on your own, till...

THUD!!! *
With a loud booming noise, that shook the foundations of the house, her now fleshy blimps touched the ground in front of her, as they seemingly stopped their expansion. They had been transformed to two massive jugs, two giant fun bags of tit-fun, and her ass stood proudly and expanded behind them as well...

"Well...? What are you standing there for?!? Ain't you gonna come and play with your new beach balls?!?"

Cheeky playfully suggested with a smile, her hands now running all over the top of the gigantic surface of her ballooned up boobs, as you quickly started taking off your clothes and join her in this ridiculous fantasy-turned-real happening of massiveness...


Cheeky's Beach Balls, 2020.
:D (Big Grin)


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E-mail : hr_inflation@yahoo.com


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Ready To Hit The Waves, 2018.

“Dunno about that idea of yours… I mean, how is it possible for me to replace the sea mattress i forgot to bring along? i don’t think my body can handle what you are suggesting…” Christine looked at you, quite concerned with the air hose in her hand. She was one sexy young woman, dressed in her black, quite revealing too, one-piece swimsuit, with her pose making her look like the perfect isntagram cutie bimbo since she was always photo-ready like a good show-off this kind of girls are, and she was striking that same pose even now that she supposedly was concerned about the whole situation… And she knew she fucked up by not bringing the air mattress along, and she also knew that she had to make it up to you as well, her concern being justified by knowing that you never did any idle threats or give lenient commands, when messed around with…
“You know i hate repeating simple things… Just put that in your mouth, now Christine! I don’t fuck around anymore… You messed up, now YOU make it up in the best way possible, heh… Let alone you will really enjoy the instant attention this whole thing will bring to you, trust me…” You told her in an intimidating tone, knowing that Christine was quite afraid of pissing you of, and she would do almost anything to calm you down… “Oh… ok then, you really leave me no option here…” Christine responded in submissive acceptance, frowning a bit in distress, while she stuffed the hose firmly between her previously smiling lips without any second thoughts, allowing you to open the helium tank’s valve to full blast.. “MMMPHPHPHPHPHHHH!!!” Christine suddenly protested, as the airy blast send her cheeks to bloating outwards like balloons and her eyebrows to frown in distress… “Keep it down now, you don’t want people to be gathering up around us so early on… You won’t be able to avoid them in a bit tough, heh…” You responded in mild excitement, watching Christine’s curves bulge out of her black one-piece, her boobs inflating outwards like actual beach balls and her thighs and ass steadily expanding in volume and thickness, while the gas kept inflating every part of her curvy body.. “There you are! Looking like a sexy sea mattress already…” You told her while she gave you that accepting “The things i do to calm you down…” kinda look, frowning her eyebrows and screaming in muffles through the hose still in increasing distress, while she kept getting curvier and balloonier by every passing second… That day at the beach was going to be unforgettable, not only for you both but for any lucky bypasser happening to drop by this spectacle…. *

For commissions use my email : hr_inflation@yahoo.com
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Running In Buoyancy, 2018.


“Wow, all these people are cheering… for me?!? Gimme that damn hose, they all want to see me run… So i’ll do what i do best! Just stand back and watch my new trick!”

A pretty excited Tabria yelled at her running assistant, as she shoved the rubber hose into her own mouth and turned the helium flow to full ON. The word was out that Tabria had a a new trick up her sleeve, something that would improve her speed as well as overall running time, as all the rest of the athletes and the public watching, were pretty much dying to see it take place, all waiting in anticipation, but most of all Tabria since she has been determined on winning this race for quite some time now. And it seemed it was about time for Tabria, to show off what she had promised as the loud bang echoed and all runners shot up like springs and starting racing, each in their lines…

Tabria tried to scream, resulting in muffled sounds from her hose-blocked mouth as her cheeks instantly puffed up at the sides of her face like two softballs, protruding from her brunette head far outward, as her eyes went narrow from the pressure combined with effort of keeping up with the race’s pace and focused on the spewing hose jammed in her mouth. And even though she seemed to be in distress she really managed to act athletic and enjoy the experience as she was already far ahead of all the rest of the racers, and the results of the pressurized helium entering her body were now beggining to show…

Numerous people where whistling and cheering from the sitting rows, as the hissing and the rubbery sounds from Tabria’s body kept intensifying and all the rest of the athletes kept watching to their front in awe as the brunette sexy woman was filling up like a helium balloon of her own, bigger and curvier with each second passing by. Her boobs had spilled out her sports bra, forming a huge cleavage of ballooned rubbery tit-flesh as each one was about the size of a basket ball by now, as her thighs and ass had as well puffed up and expanded with helium to the size of thick curvy pillars, stuffed inside of her spandex mini shorts as well…

At this point, the still running Tabria started becoming buoyant and spat the hose as she tried to smile with accomplishment, the public attending was now on a cheering frenzy as it was like they were seeing a very sexy-shaped airplane in its first stages of taking off, and in strange way that was indeed what was happening. Tabria sure was impossibly inflated and her curves had reached humongous sizes, as everyone kept watching in awe the brunette’s fast running pace, as Tabria’s body was casting a gradual shadow on the running corridor beneath her, and was soon to take off completely if it wasn’t for the weight of her shoes that kept her somewhat in place over the stadium’s floor…
Even if the she didn’t manage to stay on the ground that day, at least Tabria was about to win the award of the sexiest and most innovative running female athlete, the athletic history had ever known to exist…


For commissions use my email : hr_inflation@yahoo.com

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“Of course i can do it! Ya think i’m some kinda chicken-shit?!? Hand over these things, let me show you what BIG means!” Kristie almost yelled at you, at the edge of the bed, almost completelly naked apart from her purple t-shirt , as she grabbed forcefully both thick air hoses from your hands and stood up straight… “Oh hun, you know that’s all fantasy right, these things are dangerous….” you tried to warn her, as you were kind of startled from her sudden jealousy outburst after your strolling throughout various inflation fetish related spots of the web… As a matter of fact Kristie caught glimpses of excitement in your eyes, that she had never whitnessed before, realizing how important and hot all this thing was for you, and immediately she became red with anger, she would not let that go unoticed, after all she had to do all she could to completely fulfill all your sexual fantasies, even fetish or fantasy related, and being blind of jealousy she was about to go a dangerous step ahead….
“Dangerous my ass!!! Speaking of which….” Kristie yelled even louder, before she shoved two fingers inside of her butthole to stretch it a bit before she quickly shoved the air-hose as deep inside of her butt as it would go, cramming it firmly in place, the distress visible on her frwoned face although she wanted it to not be noticed at all… “You know where the other one goes, right?” She added with a grin, still amost yelling, as she shoved her entire fist inside her pussy to stretch it for what it was about to hit it. Leaks were almost immediatly noticeable as she became wet at first touch, making the seconds hose almost fit like a glove right up her vaginal hole, probably deeper than the one in her ass had gone…she was ready… “Let me have it big boy!!!” Kristie yelled at you, before she laid on her back, her hands caressing her chubby navel pierced belly. You were in loss of words, even though you had some hesitations of it being dangerous, it was the most sexy thing you’d ever seen live so far, so you instantly turned both knobs on the air tanks at full blasting mode without any second thoughts… Kristie moaned in pleasure as both powerful streams of compressed air hit her lower entry holes, forcing vat amounts of gas inside of her. Her hands gropped her belly even tighter, as in a matter of seconds her belly shot out to three times her former size, like she had gone through some form of instant pregnancy, and it kept inflating laregr and wider, the air stretching her insides like a blow up doll at the mercy of her pneumatic predicament. The air soon found more gateways whithin her body as her thighs bloated outwards like fleshy balloons, expanding with air as well as in a few moments they resembled beanbag chairs with a belly almost the size of a wheaher balloon on top of them…
Kristie was in loss, as she just laid there moaning with her eyes shut in bliss, getting bigger and rounder with each passing second, the biggest fantasy of your life becoming reality in front of your eyes, due to a jealousy outbusrt that led to unexpectedly awesome results. Kristie’s pussy kept dripping more and more as the leaks were now unstoppable as you grabbed the top hose and started hose-fucking her, Kristie’s moans echoing louder and louder with each thrust…

Kristie gets both low ends hosed up, Commissioned Work 2015.
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Aubrey’s Photoshoot, Commissioned Work 2016.


This was really a first time experience for Aubrey, since she had never done anything like this in any other of her photoshoots. That weird director handed her a hose that she had to put into her mouth and he turned on the faucet that was connected to the hose. The results were immediate as Aubrey’s cheeks puffed out from the first wave of liquid hitting her mouth, as she kept doing her best in following the photographer’s instructions and kept her lips shut tight around it, not letting any water escape as the pressure in her face was already increasing dramatically…

“Expansive Photography - Women Under Pressure.” was called the project’s title today, and Aubrey Plaza really was living up to the guinea pig of the theme as the pressure inside of her kept intensifying, inflating her up like a water balloon, her cheeks all puffy and shinny by now, as the liquid kept traveling around her to fill more spots of her body, mostly her lower parts since they were the easiest for the water to get to due to her lying position on the couch…

Aubrey kept moaning in distress, extending her arms forward in an “I think i’ve had enough!” notion towards the director, as she was feeling her dress starting to rip in the seams and her lower body going way overboard in the amount of water that she could hold inside of her, given that she was already starting to resemble a ghetto bibmo with probably the most giant butt implants anyone could ever see…

“Not yet, Miss Plaza! You can do it, it’s just a piece of cake, only 10 more galons to go to go! Today we are making history, i’ll make a you a even bigger star, a HUGE n SLOSHY star that is… heh…”
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"Hell, i've even got a brand new spandex bodysuit with a huge 'I' printed on the front!! The Beautiful Morgan Davis smiled at her boyfriend of two years Greg, from college. "You cant be serious...."He laughed. "And what does the "I" stand for?" What do ya mean what does the "I" stands for? "It's for "Inflatable", foolish!" she smiled "Here, gimme the hose over there, it's time to demonstrate my "Supa-powerz!" sticking her natural Double D chest out comically as she she leaned backwards toward the balcony's edge.

Morgan was ready to finally put herself in a possible idea of a superheroine scenario into action. She indeed had the inflating abilities after getting massive so many times in the past, but her overall attitude was kinda frightening this time. Greg had already detected an alarming enthusiasm in her voice and in his mind, an enthusiasm that could make things easily go overboard.

Morgan was dressed in a black skin-tight long-sleeve shirt and mini denim shorts, as she confidently took the hose from Greg's hand and placed it to the back of her mouth with one hand, while resting the other on the balcony's edge. She made a few distressful expressions with her sexy, beautiful eyes widening as the hose felt tight inside of her mouth, making the scene quite arousing to begin with. Greg then instantly turned the knob on the large helium tank to wide open position.
The hissing sound filled the balcony, as the helium siphoned through the hose finally reaching Morgan's lips, puffing her cheeks. This sent her playful cartooney eyes even wider in distress as the air puffed out her cheeks to the size of softballs protruding from her astounding face. The rest of the results were almost immediate, too, As her perky cleavage steadily began puffing out, Her ballooning boob flesh began emerging upwards towards her chin as her breasts began inflating with helium from the hose, stretching her skin tight top, tighter and tighter around her upper body. Within seconds both her orbs expanded with helium to the size of beach balls right in front of her. Squeezing together in her straining bra til "SNAP!!". Both straps pop off as the fabric of her shirt became more and more transparent and strained. Her shoulders and arms had already began to swell and puff out like tree trunks, as the hissing and ballooning sounds echoed even louder on the balcony. The hissing was continuing to intensify, as it kept shooting air through the hose and into Morgan more quickly. Her entire body was taking in the gas, however her waist was minorly swelling up from it being forcefully squeezed by her black leather belt, bloating up a bit. Her thighs and buttocks were now pumped up enough to resemble gigantic bean bag chairs, stretching her shorts impossibly as she was getting overly massive and more curvier than ever...

"MHPHPH MHPHPH MHPHPHPHPH!!!!!" she muffled as Morgan tried to protest at the extreme pressure building up inside of her, as she watched her ballooning parts and the shadows they were casting on the nearby surfaces, unable to speak from the thick hose puffing out her cheeks bigger and bigger. Her plan had seemed to be playing out and she would soon be ready to float upwards into the summer evening sky as the balloon superheroine she hope she could become...
Oh dammit, the hero outfit! That darn girl, should have worn her oufit before she blimped out!" Greg yelled. "Oh well." Though it would have been really fun for him to watch his ballooning girlfriend squeeze her gigantic curves inside of it now. Best kind of bulgy fun actually


Commission from Hellresident

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"What the... This is weird... Are my thighs bigger or am i hallucinating?"

Nina whispered to herself, as she wondered why her shorts was feeling a little tight, right at the moment she put her back on the wall to catch her breath a bit. It was a sunny summer day and she was in a joyful mood to explore the countryside, so she took her backpack and left your place. But now she just kept standing there looking down at her thighs in confusion, as she by now knew that something was wrong, when...


Her tits shot out 4 cups each, instantly stretching her burgundy dress-shirt around them as they expanded, her jaw dropping in confusion and awe as her eyes went wide, as her boobs just bloated outwards right in front of her eyes...

"HOLY SHIT!!! My boobs... They're... They are HUGE!!!"

Nina yelled in distress, looking down at her breasts still in confusion, feeling them expand within her bra as it seemed they were about to bloat even more. Before she could even finish her sentence, indeed her boobs shot out to the size of volley balls right in front of her, making her yell again in surprise as her blouse was now getting really tight on the sides, making her dress ride upwards only to reveal a huge curvy mid-section, thighs the size of track tires and buttocks the size of beachballs, was all this time was overall expanding from beneath her boobs...

At that point, Nina opened up her backpack and pulled out her candy box. She took a closer look at it, believing that this has had something to do with her curves bloating outwards, and noticed that there were some odd candy within her own ones. She picked one out of the bunch only to realize that it was instead a pill, that read "Inflation Pill"...
"That bastard.... SHIT!!! Inflation pills?!? You gotta be kidding me... Fuck off dude, that is not a joke, so not cool..."

She yelled in annoyance at your general direction since you were absent from the scene, feeling like a complete imbecile that she had been so easily tricked by you in order to achieve your wicked fetish fantasies upon her, that you already knew she was so strongly opposed to participate by any means. Nina started panicking at the amount of "candy" she had already consumed, thinking it was her usual candy, more than 5 actually since the morning since she was a treat-addict, and angrily got ready for the third wave of inflation that was to hit her....


This time Nina's boobs shot out to the size of beach balls, and her thighs to the size of pool rafts, overall expanding like huge masses of flesh in front and to her bottom sides, as she was having big difficulties in moving at that point and soon begun being pushed by her gigantic bum from the wall behind her by the immense mass her bosom was gaining, as she was now inflating out of control...

"Just wait till i get my hands on you... If i don't explode first..."

Nina whispered again in anger as she kept inflating wider and wider, as she had no idea when this bloating was going to stop, and her boobs and thighs, now almost the size of small hot air balloons each, were not showing any particular signs of slowing down their expansion soon...


An Hourglass In The Sun, Commissioned Work 2018.
:D (Big Grin)


For commissions use my email : hr_inflation@yahoo.com , or send me a note here.
Tumblr Account : hellresident-infl8.tumblr.com/

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W A R N I N G ! ------
:D (Big Grin) ----------------


Professor : And here you see our star pupil, Danny! Doesn't she look great? Well, she's not like this usually, but in order to get the proper shading for our delicate experiment, me and my assistant really thought of something really drastic, and what more helpful for a sexy member of the lab, than to contribute in a some more constructive way, isn't that right dear?

Assistant : Indeed sir! Danny is the best shading solution we could ever ask for. Our pupil's inflating abilities, have proven to be a great tool in our hands!

Professor : That is correct, dear! Each day from now on, Danny has to spend 5 to 6 hours as an inflated balloon doll of thick shadow to prevent the dangerous rays of the machinery from hitting our exposed chemicals. So once she checks in the lab and has a full preparation, the next thing she knows is my assistant, having her swallow a handfull of air capsules, and letting her inflate to the wanted size according to the demands of the day!

Assistant : So true, sir! Once i found out that Danny could be inflated like a balloon, i thought of all great ways to take advantage of it! Now it's not the time, but i have many stories with Danny, ending up as a hot air balloon for all college occasions, in the yard on the breaks,on the cafeteria, at other classes, etc...so, focusing on the occasion, she is still inflated quite mildly for today! Also, at first she had trouble accepting her responsibility, but after a few forceful attempts to make her swallow the capsules, Danny's finally accustomed to her new state and role in the lab, with quite the success i must say! Professor : So true! Class, would you please, just look at her? She's puffed up and bloated all over, the best solution for the shading we need. Those teen boobies, well more like exercise balls now, heh, have proven to be quite the trick for our chemicals, and Danny's elastic midsection, arms and behind parts, also elastic and quite spacious as well, have proven to be the perfect shading for our most sensitive materials!

Assistant : Well, if we knew Danny would have been so helpful to the institution, we would have used her inflating abilities for many occasions before we found out the accidental way at the prom she was attending last year, when some friends of her shoved a hose in her mouth and cranked it up so much that Danny ended up covering the entire dance floor, before we even noticed that massive weird curvy object hovering above our heads, our beautiful Danny that is...


Professor : Quit whining Danny, you still have 2 hours to remain as a balloon till the break...Oh, what a wonderful curvy blimp you make... Smile for the camera! Oops, i forgot, smiling and puffed up cheeks don't do so well together... heh..


The Chem-Lab Mishap, Commissioned Work 2018.
:D (Big Grin)
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Bloated And Disappointed, Commissioned Work 2018.


“What the hell… Why is my tank top feeling so tight all of a sudden…?”

Marissa moaned and looked downwards in distress, widening her eyes and throwing her arms up to her sides in surprise, not only out of shock but out of the pressure already building up inside of her and by how tight her tank top was feeling around her tits. They were expanding out all over, that coke you “accidentaly” spilled on her as she lifted herself up from the wooden bench, was really taking an effect, as your intention was clear by now, and she stood there looking at you in dissapointment as she could never imagine you could ever do something like this to her, especially in front of all these people…
There she was, Marissa, standing on the grass, right in the most crowded spot of the camping, dressed in her casual white tank top with her black bra underneath, hearing your enthusiastic remarks, doing the exact thing that she hated when people did to her, as she was filling up sexily and steadily… Her tits kept getting bigger, becoming more and more huge from the expanding pressure inside of them, widening and expanding like balloons attached to her upper body. The chemical that was in the coke, kept doing it’s miracle since absorbed inside of her body, while Marissa was trying to do her best in covering up her ballooning cleavage, as she kept expanding and expanding…
Marissa’s boobs got instantly to the size of basket balls as they both tripled in width and size, expanding outwards like balloons, stretching her top around them and getting bigger and bigger by each instant. She gave you back that crosseyed look between her puffed up cheeks and air-leaking puckered lips, while her tits were getting extremely huge in size, as she was getting even more dissapointed by the way you were looking at her, and this chance of imposing on her your fantasy-come-reality, was such a fail from your part…

And soon things started going overboard when Marissa’s boobs started resembling an exaggerated pornstar’s rack, still expanding huge and bulging out of all the openings on the top, stretching her garments impossibly, the vast cleavage of boob flesh, spilling to the front without any particular restraint…

You just stood there in awe, taking photos of this crazy spectacle, as the groaning sounds got louder and louder and Marissa’s poor tank top was starting to become tighter and tighter around her by every passing second. You only hoped you could at least enjoy the awaited spectacle of her body being over-expanded, before people would start noticing and things would get really crowded for you to actually enjoy anything with all these horny camping jerks, drooling over her inflating glory…


For commissions use my email : hr_inflation@yahoo.com
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Playground Ballooning, Commissioned Work 2017.


“Holy shit!!! Here we go, here we go!!!! That’s intense, how many litters of gas are in this tank?!? Was i so greedy as to pick the largest capacity one out of the bunch?!? Oh gosh…”

Pauline thought, as with a sudden deep sound her tits expanded right in front of her eyes, to the size of watermelons, stretching the top of her pink dress outwards. Pauline stood there all motionless and a bit worried, with both hands on her trembling waist, as groaning hissing sounds started emerging from all over body, and her boobs kept shooting out to the size of basketballs right in front of her, giving her a vast cleavage of shinny boob flesh, the bulgy surface of her balloon tits, overflowing the edges of her summery dress….


With another long deep series of ballooning sounds, Pauline’s belly joined the expansive fun, joining her boobs as her gut now resembled a blimp all over, her abdomen inflating up with hissing sounds, growing more and more blimp alike with each passing second, stretching her pink dress around her midsection, more and more by each passing second, as they immense tension on the poor garmnet kept pulling it upwards towards her waste, slowly revealling her private parts and the lower part of her ballooning belly…

“Feels pretty weird, i am getting huge! This gas indeed works wonders on the curves!!!”
Pauline though again in accomplishment as she kept watching the vast expanse of ballooning cleavage and belly to her front, as both tits rose upwards pushing towards her chin and out into the open, her ballooning orbs had swelled out to almost the size of a beach ball each, making it impossible for her to further vividly celebrate with that extravagant volume on her entire body, but she just stood there, smiling downwards in surprise through her puffed up bosom, and kept expanding larger and wider with each passing second, as Pauline was now the size of a curvy weather balloon blow up doll, all over…

“Mmm that feels good, i love it… Tho there’s a lot of groaning and gas leaking out, hope that tank gets empty soon enough…”

Pauline started to think a bit more worried, as she kept inflating and expanding, her puffed out facial expression in distress and surprise with even her lips now expanded around the thick hose, and her curves still ballooning to immense sizes…

“I’ve seen what the small gas tank can do… Now we’ll just see what this large capacity can do… Hope Pauline is feeling stretchy enough, today! Heh…”

You talked out softly from behind a playground prop you were hiding, before slowly backing away from the playground, Pauline’s groaning and hissing sounds intensifying, with every step you took away…

Demi’s Blowback , Commissioned Work 2017.


“You sure this is the biggest balloon you guys got?”

Demi asked with a smirk, still dead serious, as she posed in her red one piece swimsuit in front of the blue backdrop. The questions were obvious in each and every one of the staff’s faces…

“Yes Miss Lovato, pretty sure! I had this one picked up myself, it must be twice the size of a regular exercise ball, the ones you bounce on at the gym… You know…”

The guy who handed Demi the pinkish balloon, spoke out softly, a bit shy and taken back by Demi’s demanding tone…

“I know what an exercise ball is, you jerk…”

Demi responded arrogantly before taking the balloon out of the guy’s hand and went back to posing in front of the backdrop…

“Ready to go, Miss Lovato? We are already half an hour in delay, the studio has a few more photoshoots scheduled for today, sorry to push you… And would you mind explaining what that huge blimp is for?”

The shooting director told Demi, who kept on adjusting her swimsuit and hair, getting ready for the shoot, pretending she didn’t hear the guy’s remarks, only to respond arrogantly…

“You stupid boys ever heard of the blowback effect? Here, get those cameras rolling and watch closely…”

She responded in the same tone, realizing she had everyone’s attention at that point. Then she untied the knot on the mouth piece of the balloon, and lifted it up to her mouth before giving the cameras a few more grins…

A loud deep noise echoed in the studio and everyone’s jaw dropped as what took place in front of their eyes and recording equipment. Demi literally used all the air from the balloon to fill herself up instead, by making all the air rush out of it and into her lips down to it’s last drop of air. Her cheeks puffed up instantly as the air rushed in a massive displacement from the pink blimp, ballooning out her tits belly and thighs in a fragment of a second. She then opened her eyes and groped her newly inflated assets as she dropped the limp pink balloon on the floor and started swaying her newly acquired, massive curves, around the studio for everyone to see, before speaking up again…

“So, what’s it gonna be? First you keep a lady waiting, and then i ain’t got all day to wait… Will you shoot some pics of me of what? And make sure you use the widest lenses you got…”

Demi spoke back to the speechless staff, obviously wanting to tease them further by her remarks, but all they kept doing was staring at her massive red shinny curves, in awe and amazement, still frozen to their places…


For commissions use my email : hr_inflation@yahoo.com
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whoops forgot the image lmao >>97537
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W A R N I N G ! ------
:D (Big Grin) ----------------


"Damn!!! You should have asked me before using that corner tank... What are you doing...?"

You yelled in surprise, at the sight you witnessed when you turned at the side of the bar where Clarissa was standing. You stood speechless wit hthe bottle in your hands and in shock, as you watched Clarissa, dressed up in one of her casual outfits, balck t shirt and a apir of trendy torn jean tight pants, holding a glass in her hand, while she had a extremelly thick hose shived between her mouth lips, staring sweetly back at you through her puffed up face, before her eyes went open in excitement obviously in pressurized distress, as the pressure from the tank started to kick in and have serious effects on her already hyperhourglas body, stretching balloon noises and loud hissing were loudly echoing in the bar already...

Clarissa yelled through the hose, obviously out of her right minds, as she was inflating herself up like a curvy balloon. The sight of her already curvy figure puffing out all over, was very sexy and you steadily felt your dick bulge and push out to the front in your pants, still not knowing what that crazy girl had in mind, just staring at the sexy brunette steadily becoming an hourglass balloon of inflated sexiness, with overinflated boobs that were bulging out and stretching her black shirt top, thinner and tighter by every second...

"Taking the word "curvy" to the next level, ain't ya now gurl?"

You grinned in excitement, obviously unable to hide your enthusiasm at how awesomely curvy Clarissa was becoming, her boobs that were about to reach the size of beachballs, and she pointed on the TV screen above the bar for you to watch. You turned your head and on the screen was a huge parade blimp the shape of a woman, expanding to an extreme size over some road with extremely bloated curves, and many folks were tieing ropes around her limbs as she was about to float over the city...

"So, that's what you want me to do with you today,huh? Sounds fun, you'll be a star in a few hours, babe! Let go of that glass, with all that helium down your throat, the last thing you need is a drink... Blimps don't drink... haha!!!"
You yelled at her, when you started caressing her steadily inflating curves, feeling her skin becoming tighter and the compressed air being siphoned inside of her, trying to find more spaces of Clarissa's body to fill. Clever Clarissa, having just found the perfect way to satisfy her vanity, just stood there becoming bigger and bigger by the second, satisfied to know that by today there would never be a chance of any other girl having such huge and puffy curves, as she heard the rushing sound of ropes being dropped to the floor a few feet away from her...


Blimps Don't Drink, Commissioned Work 2017.
:D (Big Grin)
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Air Capsules, Commissioned Work 2017.


So, how many do you think she took already?


For commissions use my email : hr_inflation@yahoo.com

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Curvage In Excess, Commissioned Work 2018.


“Perfect, best time to go for a swim, such a bright idea you had of us coming to the beach at this hour!”

Amanda grinned, as she walked down the beach, dressed in her black bikini swimming suit. That fit girl was hot, her brown curly hair waving around in the evening’s breeze as she came close to you, and laid down her towel on the sand, giving you some good views of her tight rear and firm perky tits that moved hypnotically with each move she did…

“Yup, quite so Amanda, time for us to have that swim we’ve been talking about all day… Care for a gum?”

You talked back to her with a generous smile, as you already had your wicked plans and this gum was a big part of them…

“You kidding me? Ever knowing me resisting me a gum? Bring it over here…”

Amanda replied winking at you in a teasful way, right before grabbing the gum and tossing it in her mouth. After all you knew she couldn’t resist. She was a gum junkie, and she was about to make some heads turn after the treatment THIS specific gum was about to give to her…

“Weird taste… Well, you can’t have everything… Hmmm, it’s tasting better as i chew it tho, just cannot stop chewing on it… and i’m feeling kinda weird… HOLY COW!”
Amanda tried to complaint about the weirdness of the gum, before her eyes went wide at the sight beneath her. Her formerly firm perky titties bloated outwards, her hands instantly grabbing them as her whole body was trembling and her curvy parts seemed to be expanding all over like a sex doll. Her skin color was gradually turning more shinny too, as it seems like she was slowly being transformed into a hyper-curvy hourglass hottie…

Her bikini suit parts, were being tightly stretched around her inflating curves as her ass now resembled two puffed up balloons, and her breasts and thighs were expanding fast as well. In a matter of seconds she was the curviest girl you had ever seen, with boobs the size of beach balls, while her bikini top was vastly stretched around them, fighting for it’s life, soon to be torn into shreds by the intense pressure building up from inside of Amanda’s expanding boobage…


The thin black top, was sent flying with a loud BANG, revealing the fleshy orbs full of gas probably that were her tits, now freely swaying around on top of a hot air balloon sized booty, that had her bikini bottom fighting for it’s life around it too…

“How is this possible… You did this!!! That stupid gum did this… Not that i complaint… i can get use to the attention these girls will bring to me…. oh yeah…”

Amanda yelled in enthusiasm, grabbing her enormous airy balls of naked boobage to her front, as she started jumping up and around with a water bottle in her hand, enjoying the sudden gift you made to her in full ecstasy…

“Heh, i knew you’d appreciate it babe… Looking hotter than ever, we gotta record this, feeling like breaking the internet today?”

You responded with a grin as you picked up your camera from your rucksack, all the few people in the beach looking in amazement at the huge curvy goddess that kept dancing and hypnotizing everyone with each move she did…
The Set Up
August 16, 2015, 1:26 pm
Next Un-Withered Nightmare
Previous Dictum
W A R N I N G ! ------
:D ----------------


"What is this thing? A vacuum cleaner?"

Claudia shook her head in confusion, as both her and Emily approached the center of the dark basketball court.

"Is this some kinda joke?!?

Show yourself and tell us what you want, i got no time to waste on this bullshit..."

Emily added, quite irritated on the situation, since both girls awaited at the center of the big court, in front of a double end vintage vacuum cleaner with two thick purple hoses coming out of its outputs, trying to understand who was behind this mysterious note they had received earlier and asked for their urgent presence at the gym at noon...

Then with a loud noise, the big gym lights went on and two other girls started walking towards Claudia and Emily at the center of the court.

"Jeanne! Mariah! It's you guys! What is this all about already!"

Emily almost yelled at the approaching girls who were almost there by now, the grinning quite visible on their faces...

"Glad you could make it girls! We are in need of some help! We have two huge surprise blimps to inflate for the annual parade..."

Jeanne said, just when she stopped in front of Emily and picked the one hose from the floor...

"That's true you know, we couldn't say more in the note cause we like to keep it a secret, since such blimps will be so special this year..."

Mariah added to Jeanne's word, as she picked up the other hose, and both girls looked at each other with a conspirative grin...

"Wow, sounds cool!"

Claudia yelled in excitement, before approaching, even closer to Mariah...

"Cool indeed, Claudia! But wait a minute, i see the vacuum, where are the blimps? What are we supposed to help in infl-MPMHMPHHMPHPHH!!!!!"
Emily tried to respond, before she was violently cut off from the thick hose being forcefully shoved into her mouth from Jeanne's hand, as Claudia had the same fate silmuntaneously, as Mariah shoved the other thick hose into Claudia's mouth, again with huge force and out of the complete blue.

Suddenly the vacuum was switched ON with a loud mechanical noise, instantly springing to life and it was obvious that it was in reverse, since almost instantly both Claudia's and Emily's cheeks puffed out and bloated with the strong amounts of air that had hit their mouths.

Both poor girls, were ambushed and were inflating like balloons as huge amounts of mechanically pressurized air, started traveling through the hose and down their throats into their fit teen bodies, bloating them outwards all over like blimps, making every attempt of them to move quite comical as their limbs were spread out from the pressure inflating them too, hissing sounds and loud moaning of distress filling out the entire court as Jeanne's and Mariah's wicked plan had seemed to be successfully working...
"Oh silly Claudia, silly Emily...YOU girls ARE the blimps, don't you get it yet? You'll be the biggest surprises the parade has ever seen, and we'll get all the credit for it!!! High five Jeanne!!!"

Mariah yelled in excitement, as they cheered and yelled hugging and jumping in joy with Jeanne, watching poor Claudia and Emily, achieving cartoonishly over proportioned sizes and shapes within each passing second. Both girls had over inflated spherically, all their limbs puffed out beyond recognition as their mouths were stuck to the hoses downwards, and their gigantic behinds floating higher into the gym's air, rounder and rounder, bigger and bigger almost 10 feet in diameter each yet...

The most comical parts of them, were their heads, with inflated cheeks the sizes of volleyballs, Emily quite bigger than Claudia already since she was on the most powerful output of the vacuum, their size difference quite visible already since Emily's inflation was very powerful in speed and rate, and her eyes were already bulging like balloons out of her sockets, making her look all puffy pressurized and ridiculous...

"Better get them outside, what's in store for them, could not even fit in gym three times the size of this one...."

Jeanne yelled and cheered, as both her and Mariah tried to move the inflating blimp girls out in the open, through the only - not for long- fitting door of the gym, out in the open, where their parade plan would achieve it's unlimited grandeur at last...


The Set Up, Commissioned work 2015.

For commissions use my email : hr_inflation@yahoo.com , or send me a note here.
Details about the things i'm up for, in the journal up front, thank you.
Tumblr Account: hellresident-infl8.tumblr.com/


Girl-On-Girl Inflation Sequence Up for sale!
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W A R N I N G ! ------
Mouth stretching hoses, blown up boobs, puffed cheeks, furious gas tanks, inflated asses/thighs, sexy ballooning beauties... BODY INFLATION MORPH!
:D (Big Grin) ----------------

"Oh god, it actually works!" Khloe yelled in excitement, watching her sexy sister Kim expanding and inflating like an hourglass balloon of sexiness. Kim was too stubborn and wanted attention by all means, she's been talking about making something to increase her curves for quite sometime. Khloe still couldn't believe her eyes, while Kim stood there calmly, the thick purple hose from the air tank shoved between her full lips, inflating herself up bigger and bigger, and she didn't show any sign of distress, that woman was vicious... Her boobs had already blown up to the size of beachballs and her leather skirt had really hard times fitting around that gargantuan size ass, buttocks and thighs of hers, her plan was working, she was becoming a curvy goddess of inflatable sexiness... "Don't you think you had enough now , Kim?" Khloe started worrying about her sister, while stretching sounds of clothes and rubber balloon squeaks from Kim's body were becoming more and more audible along with the hissing sound of the tank. And Kim stood there calm, taking it all in like a champ, still showing no signs of distress apart from some partial looks of widening eyes, making Khloe wonder how big could she get before something really bad and inevitable happened to the Kardashians family...

A bigger Kim, Commissioned work, June 2014.
Enjoy people
;) (Wink)

For commissions use my email : hr_inflation@yahoo.com , or send me a note here.
Details about the things i'm up for, in the journal up front, thank you.

*Please comment and share you ideas, it's important for me to know your impressions upon my work, thank you.
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W A R N I N G ! ------
:D (Big Grin) ----------------

"After this, you would wish you had never challenged me, Shannon!"
A furious Peggy yelled straight to Shannon's face, as she held the thick hose with the two edges straight up into the air....
"Enough talking, Peggy, it's time for action, may the biggest one win!!!!"
Shannon yelled back in excitement, as she pulled the hose to her place, bringing herself in position against Peggy, both girls glancing each other in a fiery competitive way...
The track field was empty, except from a full bleacher of both girls classed, who after getting informed that there would be a live inflation duel they quit all things and gathered for the show, waving flags with the girls names, betting on who would be the sexiest blimp and cheering like crazy...
"Ladies, on your marks...." a dude yelled, near the huge air tanker truck a few feet away, as he was about to press the knob that would send endless amounts of air though the thick hose and into both girls in a matter of seconds...
Both girls silenced, as they stuffed the double hose in the mouths, facing each other, their eyes angry at each other as the loud mechanic pump hissing noise started echoing throughout the field...
"MPHHMHPH MHPHPHHHM PHHPPHH MPHHHH!!!!!!" Peggy and Shannon moaned, through their stuffed lips, as they watched one another's faces plump out as their cheeks bloat outwards, ballooning up with air from the powerful blast of the hoses. They both widened their eyes in distress as the pressure throughout their bodies was intense and they could already feel their clothes, stretch to accommodate their new expanding airy curves.
The people in the benches, cheered and yelled in excitement, as both girls bossoms, surged forward from their clothes, creating vast cleavages of ballooning titflesh bumping and bulging between rubbery stretchy noises and loud hissing, just in time for their asses and thighs to balloon outwards like beanbag chairs, all shinny and huge and only getting bigger...
From afar, the only thing that could be seen, was a baloney mess of overinflated curves and two overly hourglassed balloon girls, getting bigger and bigger by the second as the short distance of the hose between one girl's mouth to the other, was too short for the curves to freely expand, and they were long bumping into each other and bulging out, making it visible that the pressure on the spot was really intense.
Shannon seemed to be doing bigger for a moment, just in time for Peggy's vast curves to catch up with the fun, and both girls kept inflating equally...
Who knows where this sexy duel would lead to... The only thing that was for sure, was that many videos would be on youtube and on the body inflation fetish spots of the net by the end of the day. This would sure go viral, and would sure be worth it...

Inflate Off, Commissioned work 2015.
:) (Smile)

For commissions use my email : hr_inflation@yahoo.com , or send me a note here.
Details about the things i'm up for, in the journal up front, thank you.
Tumblr Account: hellresident-infl8.tumblr.com/

*Please comment, share you ideas, and thanx for the feedback.
Mirrory Expansion
March 3, 2017, 5:35 pm
Next A Doll In Distress
Previous You Stormed Off to Scar the Armada
W A R N I N G ! ------
:D (Big Grin) ----------------
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Guess Again!
September 8, 2018, 7:24 am
Next Anna Kendrick - Bimbo Maid (PDF)
Previous Sandals vs Cities
W A R N I N G ! ------
:D (Big Grin)


And suddenly soft- but increasing in volume - hissing started echoing in Mary's bathroom, as the air was working its way fast through the rubber hose and into Mary's face, puffing up her cheeks noticeably. That teen girl was very stubborn and once challenged she could never retreat, and you knew that too well before provoking her that she could not swallow the contents of the air tank...

So Mary, without thinking if this was possible or not, she immediately popped the hose in her mouth, having a few back thoughts about it but nothing to make her reconsider how stupid what she was about to do was, plus the size of the tank - being it a small sized one - made her even more cocky of what a piece of cake this whole thing would be, and she proceeded casually as her cheeks kept expanding outwards, the flow of pneumatic force that was being stuffed into her face, steadily increasing in volume...

And after her cheeks, her boobs were the first to show signs of change at the air filling her up, slowly expanding to the size of melons, as along with the size of her inflating cheeks, so was Mary widening the gaze of her pretty eyes, of course with signs of regretful distress as she soon was starting to realize that despite the size of the tank, it was proving to be something much more difficult that she initially estimated it to...
And that set of escalating thoughts kept worrying her a lot, as she kept filling the pneumatic massage of the air flowing through her insides as she started raising her arms in alert and mostly to accommodate the uprising volume of cleavage she was sporting to her front, shinny orbs of expanded balloon-tits that kept stretching her blue tank top, thinner and thinner over their widening surface...


Mary started now screaming through the rubber hose stuffed in her bloated blocked mouth, as you reached up and held her arms tightly above her head, eliminating any thoughts of effort she might think or do so as to pull the hose out of her mouth, before dropping the bomb...

"You saw it being small and you thought that would be easy, huh? Guess again Mary, it's a high-compression normal size party tank, no less quantity than required to fill about 4 dozens of XLL party balloons, in there... heh..."

You spoke out with a menacing grin, your grip tightening on Mary's wrists above her head...

Mary's panic settled in upon hearing your last words and she started screaming in muffles, now even louder and in pure horror. That was insane, how would she ever manage to fit that extreme amount of pneumatic force inside of her body...?

She then started feeling the extreme effects taking place as her boobs kept swelling and expanding to beach ball sized and beyond, her cheeks now the size of cantaloupes, and her widened eyes darting around in frustration, as the air kept inflating her boobs up through her tank top, like parade blimps...

And you kept grinning straight at her bloated face, your hard grip still on her wrists, as Mary's front was now resembling some curvy cartoon character blimped out impossibly, as each of her ballooning tits was now more than 3 feet in diameter that kept inflating bigger and bigger by each passing second...


Guess Again!, 2018.
:D (Big Grin)


Assemble the link to go to My Tumlr Page:




Commission Journal

E-mail : hr_inflation@yahoo.com


Available Webcomics HERE!
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I'm Probably Stuck...
June 1, 2018, 8:21 am
Next Fun In The Sun - Part 1
Previous Annie D. Molick Trussed Up In A Car! Part 2
W A R N I N G ! ------
:D (Big Grin) ----------------


"Am i getting BIG or what?!?"

The enthusiasm on Tina's words, clearly evident in her voice through the video call, as the hose - shoved deep and tightly in her butt hole - was forcing endless amounts of pressurized air from the air-tank beneath her, into her ass and up Tina's entire sexy body, as the air was quite aggressive in finding al the sexy spots to bloat up in her already curvaceous - soon to be quite buoyant - body...

This inflation repetition, was more controlled and smooth than the previous time, especially since it was confined inside in your cozy living room this time, and since she knew she would be alone for the next couple of hours, she wanted to keep things modest and "in hand", so she had to do her best in making sure that all the parameters were right for things not to go out of hand...

The pressure was somewhat normal, and she really did enjoy the rhythmic pace of her expansion despite the worry, the usual distress more and more calm as the pressure was building up from inside of her and the results on her body were drastic but relatively gradual as her concern grew even slower, by taking smiling looks downwards to her ballooning body, past the gargantuan expanding boobage that was blocking her view even more as the hissing sound kept at a normal volume as well, making Tina a bit more reassured that this time things would go smoothly and cool...
But it was at that moment, that Tina made a sudden move and her party-balloon sized tits bumped on the tank's control buttons, the device making a few loud beeps, causing it to triple the flow as the air hit her like no other time. Tina managed to glance over, and with a terror in her already widened eyes, she realized that the tank was set to the highest mode and there was no way to reach and stop it at this size...

"Uhm, babe, you're watching this? I may need you to get back a bit earlier today... Even now, maybe?"

Her one-piece nerdy dress, started growing tighter around her billowing boobage, as the strain on it was growing unbearable, with her boobs already blown up to the size of blimps, almost like a beach ball each, and her arms having difficulties in bending as they were starting to become stiff, while her bottom parts had blown up immensely, with thighs expanded with air to the size of tree trunks stretching the lower parts of her dress impossibly, and overall a backside that resembled some parade balloon's backside, rather than some actual woman's one...

Tina's body was an extremely blown up hourglass shaped balloon by now, that kept expanding and inflating as she was trapped in that triple rate of sudden expansion with that inflation experiment turning out into a mishap one more time, as she could do nothing to stop the air flow at this point, while she kept staring at the tank on the floor and kept pleading on her camera...
"Uhm, babe... Things are getting a bit overboard here... You ARE on your way, right? Help..."

Tina sounded very concerned and now fully in distress, hoping that you would head back to the rescue, only to remember how distracted you could get with your phone and that your workplace was at least an hour long from the house...

And as the rising boobage was starting to block Tina's camera, so was Tina's hope fading away, as she slowly accepted the fact that her curves would fill the entire living room before you would arrive, if she didn't POP first, that was...


I'm Probably Stuck..., Commissioned Work 2018.
:D (Big Grin)
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A Hypnotic Show
June 15, 2018, 10:24 pm
Next Pantyhose
Previous Dragon Balloons - Part 4
W A R N I N G ! ------
:D (Big Grin)


"You gotta love how i look now, isn't this sexy? I can get bigger you know, here... watch this..."

The excitement on Miranda's words to a random bypasser, was growing more intense by the minute, as by now her lips had started expanding full of air to the size of mini bananas, protruding further from her face as the hoses - shoved deep and tightly in her converted nipples valves - were forcing endless amounts of pressurized air from the air-tank back in her house, into them and down to Miranda's entire ballooning body, as the air was quite aggressive in finding all the sexy spots to bloat up in her curvy, sexily dressed - soon to be quite buoyant - bimbo body...

This inflation luring, was not as controlled and smooth than the previous time, especially since it was now at the outside of her cozy bedroom this time, and since she knew it would be easier to attract male gazes like this, she wanted to keep things bigger but still "in hand", so she had to do her best in making sure that all the parameters were right for things not to go out of hand, now that she was out in the open...

The pressure was somewhat normal, and she really did enjoy the rhythmic pace of her expansion despite the worry, the usual distress more and more calm as the pressure was building up from inside of her and the results on her body were drastic but relatively gradual as her concern grew even slower, by taking looks downwards to her ballooning body, past the gargantuan expanding boobage that was blocking her view even more as the hissing sound kept at a normal volume as well, making her a bit more reassured that this time things would go way bigger by still smooth and cool...
But it was at that moment, that Miranda felt a sudden rush and someone from inside the house - some cleaning lady perhaps - bumped on the tank somehow, the metal thing falling on the valve on her bedroom's floor, causing it to triple the flow as the air hit her like no other time. She manages to glance over, and with a terror in her already widened eyes, she realized that something was going wrong...

"Hmmm... This is getting a bit too much... Love to stay and inflate for you all, but i think i'll be heading inside now..."

Her athletic red tank top, started growing tighter around her billowing boobage, as the strain on it was growing unbearable, with her boobs already blown up to the size of blimps, almost like a beachball each, and her arms having difficulties in bending as they were starting to become stiff, while her bottom parts had blown up immensely, with thighs expanded with air to the size of tree trunks stretching her mini shorts impossibly, and overall a backside that resembled some parade balloon's backside, rather than some actual woman's one...

Miranda's body was an extremely blown up hourglass shaped balloon by now, that kept expanding and inflating as she was trapped in that triple rate of sudden expansion with that inflation luring experiment turning out into a mishap, as she could do nothing to stop the air flow at this point, let alone walk back into the house in time, while she kept staring at the bypassers in embarrassment, still trying to maintain that tease in her face, and act like nothing was wrong...
"Oh shit... Hope you guys enjoyed the show... Will be here same time tomorrow, gotta run now..."

Miranda talked out in hesitation and now fully in distress as the only word that was coming into her mind now was "help!", hoping that someone would interfere on time and head inside the house to turn the tank off, only to realize that everyone was drooling over her inflating predicament and none wanted this to stop...

And as the rising boobage was starting to block more of Miranda's view, so was her hope fading away, as she slowly accepted the fact that her curves would fill the entire neighborhood before someone would snap out of her hypnotic show...

Only if she didn't POP first, that was...


A Hypnotic Show, 2018.
:D (Big Grin)
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Full Of Surprise
January 4, 2019, 9:15 am
Next Ms Marvel 28
Previous Bookish
W A R N I N G ! ------
:D (Big Grin)

Follow me on :



"What the actual fuck? Did you really just tell me you'd like to have me.... inflated... with air? Have me as big as an air mattress... was it? Are you serious now...?"

Alice yelled at you, full of surprise and kinda disturbed, as both of you were talking about weird things that got you off after browsing through strange fetish porn material on the net for the last half an hour, going around from spicy fiction to weird sketches and morphs, freaking out, laughing and even commenting on how weird but kinda sexy some of them really look and how it turned out that Alice had indeed the idea of going through some surgery in the future as to expand the right curves on her body, and she sparkled at the idea that you were close to that stuff already... Although, in a weird, very weird way...

"Oh dang it, what the heck.... You know what? Let's try that kink of yours out, let's do it! How hard can it be....?"

She responded in arrogance and naivety, grabbing her leggings dressed buttocks and shirt covered boobs, squishing them together in forming a deep cleavage that started to show through the thin areas of her tank top as she sure sounded like she was seriously thinking about doing this, and she assumed a standing position in front of her mirror...

"Let's use that air pump i have in the closet, it's for the air beds! You should connect this hose to it... And to tell you, now that i think of it, i'm sure the air will fill just my boobs and buttocks!!! I'm sure of this! Can't wait to get some puffy curves!!! A curvy blow up doll, how does that sound? Heh..."
Alice continued with more excitement, as she firstly pointed to between her lips indicating where she would have you stuff the hose and afterwards to her boobs and ass, shaking her shoulders and arms back and forth like simulating the amount of airy expansion they were gonna withstand. She then guided your hand in shoving the hose firmly and deep in her mouth, instantly sending her into a moaning outburst, as she gave you the thumbs up to turn the air pump that was connected to the hose, to full on mode...

"Well, not sure about this, but whatever Alice wants! I wouldn't swear the air would go to just your boobs and butt though, but here's to finding out..."

You said with a hesitant smile as you turned on the air pump, making Alice's eyes go narrow in a weird mix of feelings that the powerful wave of pressurized air hitting her swelling cheeks was creating to her, and sending her face and overall expression to bloat outwards like the face of a cartoon. Alice kept moaning in pleasure as the air was indeed inflating her up like a balloon. Within seconds her sexy boobage, shot out to the size of fleshy beach balls stretching impossible the material of her tank top that was now so impossibly deformed and strained with all this overflowing boob mass it was trying to contain, as her lower half was sporting some extreme bloating of inflated thighs and balloon ass, that kept covering bigger and bigger portions of her mirror reflection where she was standing, as now Alice was indeed becoming a curvy blow up doll...
Rubbery hissing noises as well as mumbled moans kept echoing throughout the bedroom, as she kept recording the scene with her phone camera for you to have and watch in repeat later on, just right in time before she started becoming the definition of the exaggerated hourglass inflated figure, and apart from some air leakage showing here and there, her limbs and boobs, all trembling and vibrating as the air kept expanding Alice's curves, wider and wider...

And she kept recording the whole process in excitement, you observing speechless as you were grinning on the possibilities of Alice's newly discovered abilities, and you were already planning on the endless various occasions and variety of sizes you were about to experiment on her body with many more methods, and input ways of various means of inflation...


Full Of Surprise, 2018.
:D (Big Grin)
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Full Of Water
June 24, 2017, 6:16 am
Next Dragon Wasteland
Previous Sole ,No:14
W A R N I N G ! ------
:D (Big Grin) ----------------


"How about these two? Do these qualify as water balloons?"

She told you with a smirk after standing lively in front of you, giving you a perfect view of her bikini sexiness, her already fit bosom and lower curves, bouncing up and down all the way of her move...

"Come on, don't stare at me like this, the question was simple... We are outta water bags right? People will be here soon, the beach party is gonna get started pretty soon too, ain't got time to go buy more balloons... So, are THESE good enough to make the fun complete?"
She continued even more excited, as she groped her boobs and butts with force in front of you, squeezing her buttocks in a deep butt cleavage formation for you to get convinced of what she was talking about, although by her judging of the look of your face, you were silently shouting from inside for her to actually mean what she was saying, as you kept watching her hypnotizing butt-cleavage been squeezed by her hands in awe...

"Um, maybe... what do you have in mind?"

You spoke awkwardly, as she kept grinning in front of you, her hands still on her bum...

"I knew you would agree... Listen, i have an awesome plan, here, gimme that, i'll show you what i mean..."

She said in excitement, before grabbing the thick water hose and forcefully shoving it within her mouth. She then turned the valve of the water hydrant on and she grabbed her buttocks again...


She yelled in distress, as she was greeted with a mouthful of cool water from the hydrant, sending her cheeks to puff outwards like small balloons attached to her face, while a bit below the effects of her plan were already obvious. Her boobs begun expanding right in front of her, pushing her bikini top as they kept filling, all sloshy with water, becoming fuller and heavier by each passing second, her cleavage becoming deeper and deeper as huge bulges of boobflesh started overflowing the confinements of her top before it snapped open, and her boobs doubled their rate of sloshy inflation, overflowing on top of a huge belly that by now was filled with so much water that it was about to hit the sand...
Within a matter of seconds her belly was almost the size of weather balloon, sloshing full of water, accompanied by a gigantic billowing bottom that kept protruding out from her behind, slushier and heavier, as her bum was inflating and her thighs were resembling party balloons full of water as well, and showed no signs of stopping their expansion, when she started waving her hands back to you, probably to let you know that she had enough water and you should turn the hydrant's valve off...

"Oh, you mean more... Right?!? Damn girl, you are so into my mind..."

You said with a smirk, as you turned the hydrant's valve, on to the fullest and watched her expression turn into one of horror at the double water income she was being filled with, her moanings as well as the stretching sounds of her body, intensifying and echoing louder throughout the beach with each passing second...
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She's Lovin' It
June 10, 2017, 1:10 pm
Next Not A Good Place To Hide
Previous Patreon Update!
W A R N I N G ! ------
:D (Big Grin) ----------------


"Well, i've even got a brand new cushion with your fetish printed on it!!! What do ya mean what the heart stands for? It's 'cause you love it, silly! Here, let me pose to it next to the couch, it's time to fill me up a little, before having your fun! Heh...."
Meg told you as she placed one hand on the leather couch, as she was ready to finally put her body inflation scenario into action. She indeed had the inflating abilities after getting dared to inflate herself on her youtube channel she looked quite determined, but her overall attitude was kinda worrying, since you detected an alarming enthusiasm in her voice, an enthusiasm that could get things go easily overboard. The redhead was dressed in her new black bra and nothing but her panties on the low departments, as she confidently took the hose from your hand and shoved it in her mouth with one hand, and after making a few distressful expressions with her sexy eyes widening as the hose felt tight inside of her mouth, already having quite the sexy face as hers, you instantly turned the knob on the air tank to wide open position...

The hissing sound filled the room, as the air hit Meg's face, sending her cartooney eyes to cross in distress as the air puffed out her cheeks to the size of softballs protruding from her inflatable face. The rest of the results were almost immediate too, as her cleavage begun steadily puffing out, shiny boob ballooning flesh emerging upwards towards her chin as her breasts were inflating with air from the hose, stretching her skin tight bra, tighter and tighter around Meg's upper body, as within seconds both her orbs expanded with air to the size of beach balls right in front of her, as the hissing and ballooney sounds echoing even louder in the room. And the hissing kept intensifying as it kept shooting through the hose and into Meg very quickly, her entire bustline was being forcefully squeezed by her black bra, both boobs still ballooning outwards, as she was getting overly busty and more sexier than ever...
"Mrph Mrpghpmhhhh!!!!!"

Meg tried to protest at the extreme pressure building up inside of her, as she watched her ballooning boobs and the generous amount of space they were occupying in front of her, unable to speak from the air hose stretching her mouth and air pressure stretching her cheeks even bigger, as her plan had paid out and she would soon be ready to go public on her channel looking all sexy and puffed up like this...

Oh wait, the cushion wasn't showing well due to her gigantic hips expanding over it in the recording view! Stupid Meg, she should have placed it by the edge of the couch before she blimped out! Though it would be really fun for you, to try and pull it out beneath the inflatable squeezing by her ballooning thighs above it, best kind of fun actually...


She's Lovin' It, Commissioned Work 2017.
:D (Big Grin)


For commissions use my email : hr_inflation@yahoo.com , or send me a note here.
Tumblr Account : hellresident-infl8.tumblr.com/
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Your jaw dropped at the sight you witnessed, while trying to get up the stairs inside of your appartment. Cassie stood there, leaning her elbows on the rail behind her, while a thick hose was shoved deep inside her mouth, forcing endless amounts of cum inside of her body from a tank that was laying near her feet. Her cheeks were swollen and stretched with thick gooey liquid to the size of softballs, as her entire body and especially her curves had inflated to huge sizes and were sloshing and making rubbery sounds on every move she made. Her breasts had inflated to the size of beachballs as her thighs and lower body were steadilly expanding, giving her the thick figure of an overinfalted hourglass sex doll by each passing second. Cum was dripping out of every hole, as her nipples leaked streams from within her shirt and also leaks were being forced out of her pussy and butthole, forming puddles of cum into the floor. She lifted her hand and pointed at a “Happy Birthday” banner on the opposite wall, unable to speak at all, only muffled MPHMPHHHs coming out of her while cum kept inflating her and blocking her overstretched mouth. What a gift that was you thought to youself, having trouble restraining your boner in your pants no longer, as you started approaching her with your hands on your zipper…

Cassie on Cum, Commission Work 2015.

E-mail me for commissions or chat : hr_inflation@yahoo.com
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“Damn, i miss my curves… if only i could be BIG but not heavy, oh if only…”

Somaya whispered to herself, looking downwards at her shrunk boobs as she stood at the middle of the gym right before starting tha training of the day. Her decision to do that crazy weight loss program, was something that although helped her in social popularity and made her an upcoming hip-hop star in videoclips, has proven to be very saddening to the simple fact that this woman always loved her curves and they way they looked. She loved the attention of being a thick celebrity and hypnotizing men and women at the same time as she walked around and had her large bosom and thighs sway in jiggling manners…

One thought kept circulating her mind at that point, as she groped her reduced tits with disappointment when her eyes fell upon a thick purple air hose that was laying on the floor, connected to an oxygen tank that the gym had for special first aid occasions. And then it hit her, that was it! She could be as BIG as she wanted and at the same time be the same weight and even lighter… The only thing that was able to do that, according to her thought, was a balloon…and that is what she wanted to be!

She lifted the hose to her mouth and wrapped her full lips around it in excitement. She turned the valve on the tank to full mode and felt the air rushing through the hose and into her mouth, instantly puffing up her cheeks to the roundest she had ever felt them being puffed. It sure was a powerful blow, as she was taken back by the pressure inside of her mouth, her eyes going wide in surprise as she tried to scream in distress but all that came out was muffled MMHPHPHPs and her gaze turned downwards in more excitement as for her pleasant surprise her boobs where already bigger…
There she stood in the middle of the gym, her eyes wide open in distress from the huge amounts of air siphoning through her rubbery body from her mouth, as the thick purple air hose was tightly shoved inside her stretched mouth, sending her cheeks to bloat outwards bigger and bigger by each second. Somaya kept regaining her thickness, inflating like a thick rubbery curvy ball of sexiness as her new form was sporting some irresistible curves, her boobs twice the size of basketballs, stretching her gym tanktop to its limits as huge bulges of baloney tit flesh kept overflowing from all the openings at the front , while her lower parts of gargantuan thighs and monstrous ass were already filling the small gym corridor, stretching her black spandex to its limits as well…

Somaya probably had enough when she grabbed the hose, and kept trying to pull it out, sending bulges all throughout her vast by now overinflated, rubbery sounds echoing everywhere along the gym’s equipment, as she realized that she was already by far more bigger that she would ever expect, when…


The hose was stuck, her gaze going downwards in panic, as she realized she could not stop her inflation, and by a quick glance there was none around to hear or help… Miss Reece was in deep shit at that point, or should we say, in BIG trouble…
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Melissa looked around in your bathroom, the thick air hose in her hand, hesitant as if this was a good idea or not. It was evident by now that all this talk and discussion for all those months with you, had given her your inflation fetish at its fullest extent. She was finally determined to make it real this time, not just fantasy talk and pretending, she was actually going to inflate herself like a balloon for you. She stood right in front of your “got air?” frame in the bathroom, lifting the hose in her mouth, stuffing it firmly between her lips as she grabbed the air tanks valve and twisted it all the way to full blasting mode.
The effect was instant as her cheeks bloated outwards like she had stuffed an entire cake in her mouth, her eyes shooting wide from the distress of the pressure building up inside her rubber mouth, as the air quickly started travelling downwards to the parts of her body that she so wished for. In a a matter of seconds her breasts surged outwards, inflating up from the inside like fleshy balloons, first at the size of mellons and then proceedingly to the size of beachballs, as her white shirt started getting tighter around her inflating orbs, giving her a vast cleavage of booby sexiness and filling the entire room with hissing and rubbery sounds all over. Her large belt did a good job at retaining her mid section to a more moderate size as her buttocks and thighs too surged outwards in volume in width, inflating up with the air from the tank to the size of truck tires in seconds as well, and overall obtaining and over inflated hourglass curvy figure, full of air and huge in seconds… Melissa lifted her i-phone to snap a picture, the hose still siphoning generous amounts into her ballooning body. That would sure make you come home earlier tonight…

Got Air? , Commissioned work 2015.
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Issa turned her gaze downwards in amazement, as her bloated cheeks and chin met the puffy tops of her already over inflated boobs that were almost the size of beachballs by now, bulging out of her tank top like balloons, forming a huge canyon of inflated cleavage in between them and her gargantuan bust kept pushing upwards and expanding by each passing second, as the balloon filling hissing sounds kept flooding the room and her moans were getting even more intense as time went by as well…

She was in bliss, indeed it felt a little tight due to the clothes tightening around her inflating body, but overall the sensation of her puffy body being inflated like a balloon was more than pleasant and exciting to her. She couldn’t believe that this hose would be the stuff of dreams that day, as she was already brainwashed by you earlier about how hot and sexy it would be if she could actually be inflated like a balloon. And there she was, like the air-head she has always being, actually taking that one step further into realifying that crazy idea, with more than gratifying results none the less…

The air kept pushing itself within her body, inflating her curves bigger and bigger by each passing second, as her gaze was still downwards to the mounds of inflated flesh in front of her, having really big difficulties of actually seeing clear from the bloating of her enormous cheeks by now. Her ass and thighs were bloated outwards like truck tires, bulging mounds of inflated thigh flesh, forming around the edges of her white mini spandex shorts, as the poor garment kept stretching and fighting for its life…

The door opened, you entered the room, your jaw dropped, just about time before Issa would start floating towards the room’s ceiling…

Issa, Commissioned work 2015.

For commissions use my email : hr_inflation@yahoo.com
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Marie and Brooke, Commissioned Work 2017.


“Wow! My ladies! What a dance that was, stunning moves, really impressed by you both! Now, i’ve got just the thing to give you that lift you so need…”

You yelled in excitement, as you stood in front of both Marie and Brooke, who were hugging and trying to catch their breaths after the intense dancing on the living room that the party was taking place. And indeed a spectacular dance it was, both girls in absolutely stunning physique and in great moving shape, having already given their best efforts to make a great impression on everyone who was watching, after a endless succession of hypnotic moves, and after being really dizzy by the extreme effort this requiring dance they had, they hugged eachother, completely exhausted as they were equally tired, since they where so good dancers both…
“Here, that will make you feel way better, trust me…”

You continued, as you walked over Marie and grabbed her harshly by the back of her hair, shoving a short rubber hose you were carrying around, deep within her mouth, making her eyes widen in distress but she could not fight back or do anything to prevent what was coming since she was so exhausted as to even lift an arm. Then you did the same to Brooke and plunged the other end of the short hose, deep within her own mouth as well, a sudden widening of her eyes as well, but nothing but a twitch of her body since she was in no position to fight back as well…

“Awesome, now that everything is in place, let the fun begin!”

You proclaimed in enthusiasm, as you walked back to watch your plan unfold. Loud hissing noises started filling the living room, as both girls started breathing heavily into each other’s mouth through the hose connecting them. Still unable to act against what was happening, both dancing girls started shouting and complaining in muffles due to the blockage in their mouths, as instantly both pairs of their cheeks started puffing outwards like softballs stuffed inside their mouths….
“Nothing beats a good start…”

You mumbled to yourself, before witnessing both their lower bodies vibrate and expand on their standing hugging position, before they both their asses started expanding and filling up quickly like party balloons. Marie’s red dress started to stretch around her inflating lower body, as within seconds her buttocks had reached the size of beach balls and her thighs bulged hugely, as one by one they popped out to the size of floating aids, as she was becoming wide and thick down below…

Brooke on the other side, had a different rate of inflation, since it seemed like her bum was absorbing inflation far too easily and naturally unlike Marie’s expanding struggle. Within lesser time, Brooke’s lower body expanded just like the way Marie’s did before, only almost twice the size of her in all, and whit her mid section and butt seeming to absorb the most of the air, resembling a striped hot-air balloon behind that was expanding beyond control…

“Ho, ho!!! You look awesome, both! It’s a good thing you chose this big house to do your dancing, it served my purpose pretty good! And now, time to fill you both up to capacity…”

You yelled in excitement, before removing the short hose from their mouths and inserting two separate thicker ones in each girl’s mouth before they had time to react at all. The new hoses were leading to two air tanks you had in front of you, while you just turned the valves to their fullest and walking slowly backwards, the hissing, the weak double moans and the rubbery noises intensifying with every step that you took, as well as the huge expanding butt-shadows on the living room’s floor…


For commissions use my email : hr_inflation@yahoo.com


Available Webcomics HERE!
September 29, 2019, 4:59 am
Next Tessa Fowler and flat Earth
Previous Sexy 1038
W A R N I N G ! ------
:D (Big Grin)

Follow me on :



"Uh... Tanisha, babe? What are you doing...?"

He said right before she stepped outside in the sunny balcony, a slight gleam of wickedry in her face as she started looking around for the air hose. She was so sexy, even her slightest movements accentuated her curves hypnotically as she swayed around her excess of bikini dressed flesh in the wide balcony before she found the rubber thing and lifted it up to face you, her hands now clenched into determined fists on her hips...

"What...? Didn't you say you forgot to bring it along?"

She spoke back, an alerting seriousness on her voice that made him take a better look at what she was about to do...

"Well yeah, but i don't think this is a good idea, maybe you--"

"Oh for crap's sake! Do you see any spare floats around? Cause i don't..."

She spat, interrupting him. The heated argument earlier still had its residue between their words, as he did made one fatal mistake. A day at the pool, without a float, was destined to be a boring disaster for the both of them. And they both knew it too well, with Tanisha already fed up with him forgetting to bring the float along and already having an alternative solution in mind. He stopped talking at her sudden outburst, before Tanisha continued...
"You don't get to have another word! This is you fault! Now sit back and watch me fix things..."

She said, putting him in his place before lifting the hose and biting her sexy lips around it while she opened the valve of the air tank...

"Fix things...? How...? Are you trying to... oh god..."

Tanisha fixed him another glare, before she felt the air filling up her cheeks from the hose. She started observing his eyes getting wider as at the same time she was feeling her bikini top, tightening around her chest. She took a closer look and made sure that her tits were now inflating, as she kept watching her cleavage getting deeper and deeper while her fleshy orbs were expanding underneath her one strap bikini top. She placed her fists around the straps of her bottom and pulled them upwards, just in time that the inflation hit her thighs...


He kept watching, dumbfounded and with his mouth wide agape, as he saw Tanisha's already thick thighs, now inflating and expanding like party balloons, getting wider and wider with each passing second, as her breasts were now almost the size of a basketball each, the poor blue garment stretching impossibly over them, the fleshy bulges of ballooning flesh overflowing all over around it. She was getting curvier, an exaggerated hourglass of the already thicc sexy woman she had already been...
"There! That's how i fix things!!!"

Tanisha said, right after pulling out the hose from her mouth and turning off the tank's valve. Then she started playing around with her inflated body, groping her ballooning tits and thighs, her smile wide and confident before she turned her look back at him, with a loud smack on the side of her ballooned up buttock...

"You just got yourself a brand new float, boy..."

She said with a grin, before she started walking towards the pool, swaying her finger towards the shocked man in order for him to follow...


Thicc-Flation, 2019.
:D (Big Grin)


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DA Commission Journal

E-mail : hr_inflation@yahoo.com


Available Webcomics HERE!
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A Punk Girl On Gas Pills
June 17, 2017, 11:48 am
Next Flat Sisters
Previous El dragn de la codicia/The Dragon of Greed
W A R N I N G ! ------
:D (Big Grin) ----------------


Just when you walked by the entrance of the cloth-store, you found Jane completely vivid and excited, standing there in front of the merchandise like the sexy punk girl she was, the pills bottle still tight in her hand, trying to expand her rubber body, making weird remarks as there was not much more she could utter with that impatience for these damn chemicals to start working, right after having swallowed the entire bottle of course...

Jane's eyes were pleading with excitement, as you ducked in front of her with a grin on your face, getting ready to start shooting pics of this upcoming sight of sexiness...

"Haha look at you, you really got this very seriously, Jane! Let's make sure we get enough pics this time, hehe..."

You almost whispered to her, as the results were about to kick in drastically, and Jane was about to start expanding like crazy...

"Damn right i got this seriously!! Oh boy, here it goes!! AAAAaahhh...."
Jane's scream echoed very loud as her eyes went wide, as she felt the pressure rising from within her body, bloating out her puffy sexy fashionable curves within seconds. Those pills were very powerful, as it took only a few seconds for Jane's curves to shot out to several times larger than their original size, her boobs inflating out to the size of beach balls, stretching her loose tank top to its limits around her expanding boob-orbs, as her lower body was already larger in comparison to the rest of her expansion, her thighs and ass resembling over inflated bean bag chairs, stretching her poor mini around her gargantuan buttocks to an unbelievable amount, the tattoo on her thigh starting to widen and deform quite oddly...

Jane's face was quite cheerful at that point, as her eyes were sparkling with achievement and all her curves were extremely expanded like some kind of a sexy blow up doll that went out and expanded out of control, and all this taking place right in front of your eyes...

"Let's see how BIG those pills will get you, before you finally realize that you should have waited to try this indoors! Oh man, look at all these people gathering, who can blame them .... Well, i see them sales hitting the fan today... haha!"

You spoke straight into her over-excited face, getting ready to grope hard on her ballooned up balloon boobs with full force, as her curves were achieving some tremendously thick shape and size by now...


A Punk Girl On Gas Pills, Commissioned Work 2017.
:D (Big Grin)


For commissions use my email : hr_inflation@yahoo.com , or send me a note here.
Tumblr Account : hellresident-infl8.tumblr.com/


Available Webcomics HERE!
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Olivia The Balloon, Commissioned Work 2016.


-Are you sure, you used the right tank this time? I mean, damn, this one is way curvier than the other one…

-You are right, i guess this girl is more elastic, dunno… Well, now that i look at the tank, i may have taken the big one by accident, oopsy, hahaha!

-Accident, huh?, heh… Whoah, look at her! Her boobs are enormous, the last girl took all the air in the belly, but this one has grown some nice balloon tits! Look at them push over that stupid shirt she’s wearing… Haha, look at that face…

-Hahaha! She doesn’t look so happy about it i guess, those cheeks could feet two softballs each at the size they are swollen… And yeah, what a boobage! Well at least her backside isn’t going bad either, look at those pants, so thin and stretched they’re gonna rip apart any minute now, with that huge behind stretching it wider and thinner by each second… By the way, do you know the name of this one?

-Hmmm, i think she’s Olivia Munn, an actress… I must admit you’ve chosen your balloon quite wisely, i’ve had her in the eye for quite sometime now… How you holding there, Olivia? Handling pressure alright? haha!


-Moan all you want gurl! Nothing stops your ballooning now, you’ll be as big as a house in less than 10 minutes, you’ll fit our balloon collection just fine…

-Don’t you think we are stepping a little out of line here? I mean we’ve already inflated more than a dozen girls by now, not that i mind a few more to add to the bunch…

-Well, i guess you are right, they’ll start noticing that girls are missing anytime soon…but what the heck, who cares! Once i discovered how joyful this body inflation thing is, i just want to inflate the entire world if i possible! And damn, this one is a celebrity too, we just hit the jackpot….


-Cut it out already! Don’t you get it? You are our curvy balloon now, we’ll have you all blown up like a hot air balloon and tie ropes around your limbs and drag you over with the rest of the inflated girls on the parade for the entire town to see, you are gonna be BIG! Haha!!!!

-Haha, damn right bitch! We ain’t done with you yet, you’ll even get to see how the town looks from above, it’ll help your career too…

-Now that i notice, she’s leaking a lot of air from her tits, maybe we should do something…

-Yeah you are right, i’m gonna get some duct tape for those gigantic nipples and a fat cork to pop into that whiny mouth of hers once we take that hose out of it, heh…


For commissions use my email : hr_inflation@yahoo.com

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Hold me Closer, Commissioned Work 2017.


For commissions use my email : hr_inflation@yahoo.com


Available Webcomics HERE!
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"MMPHPHPHPHHH!!! " Dianna looked straight into the camera’s phone, widening her eyes in surprise not only to give intentional emphasis but out of the pressure already buildind up in her mouth… She was puffed all over, the hose firmly lodged between her luscious lips, siphoning air in her mouth with full force, making her cheeks bloat out unatrually like she had stuffed too softballs in there. The rules for the beauty contest were clear, and she was never good in being a good obeying girl anyways. There she stood inside the small bathroom, doing the exact illegal thing that could get her into big trouble, pointing with nerve on the sign like saying a big "fuck off" to the whole organization of the contest…and she was doing sexily fine. Dianna’s cheeks, ass and balloon tits kept getting bigger, becoming more and more pressurized from the internal pressure of air inside them, widening and expanding like a two ballons attached to her face. The air quickly forcing it’s way down her throat and into the rest of her latino body, trying to find ways to go around and fill all of her body parts and expand her overally. She just stood there taking photos in awe, as the hissing and rubbery sounds got louder and louder and her clothes were starting to become tighter on her by every second. She only hoped she would not get cought before she could at least enjoy the spectacle of her curves being overinflated and her body being turned into an hourglass blimp, any time now…
ok i got lazy i sent the tumblr links in muses8 too to avoid autoban if you guys have a tumblr account go for it if not my bad lol
btw the meeting and blimps don't drink are fairly popular posts by resident on his dev yall better save all stuff from him cuz he always keep deleting cuz he has some type of perfectionism
oops, forgot about that one, photo can be found in ehentai

W A R N I N G ! ------
:D (Big Grin) ----------------


"I suppose that's a way to raise popularity on our cosplaying team, don't ya think?"

She said in excitement, as she came out of the tent she entered a few minutes earlier, dressed in her Rouge The bat cospaly outfit, and came out to just pose on the glass entrance of the convention. All the questions about those strange pumping and hissing noises that have been echoing from inside the tent for the last 10 minutes or so, finally came to be answered in the most sexy way, as she came out quite transformed and curvified...

"Woah... ? Is that you? How... how did you do that?!?"

You uttered in awe, at the sexy sight you witnessed... It was her indeed, although she was ...quite bigger! It's like she has been pumped full of air or something, since her thighs where now the size of pool aid floats and her breasts had been transformed to huge balloons resembling basketballs, tightly packed within her outfit's heart-shaped top. She was a sight to behold, as she has been expanded in all the right spots, curvy as hell, the perfect Rouge the hourglass balloon figure...

"A bike pump is all it took... and a good twenty pumps or so... don't i look great?"

She giggled back, as she raised her arms and placed them backwards against the glass, making her butt and boobs bump and bounce all the way, rubbery sounds and screeching echoing from all over her body...

"How did you do that? You've pumped yourself up like a balloon!!!"

You yelled, still in awe, since you didn't even know that this could actually happen...

"Right! And i feel light and sexy now... I just put the hose in my mouth and pumped hard, and the rest... well here i am! I thought that if we are to pose on our awesome costumes, we need some bigger surfaces to display them on, if you catch my drift..."

She responded in excitement, as indeed the heart-shaped front of her leather outfit, was stretched out and highlighted far too much at that point, all distorted and widened on top of her ballooned tits that were fighting for space inside of her costume...

"Way to go girl! That is the best idea anyone had so far all morning... But you know what... i think we need to spread the word to the rest of the girls, too! Let alone, i still think that Rouge outfit has the potential to be spread more... Way more... Here, let me show you what i mean!"

You yelled in excitement, before grabbing her by the arm, and dragging her back in the tent with full force before she had the chance to respond anything and by doing so you realized she was indeed lighter, just like a balloon...

"Wait, I think it's stretched wide enough as it is, maybe we should go out and- MPHMHMPH?!?"

She started complaining at your sudden outburst, before you cut her off mid-sentence by shoving the hose of the bike pump back in her mouth, and started pumping furiously...


Pneumatic Rouge, Commissioned Work 2017.
:D (Big Grin)


For commissions use my email : hr_inflation@yahoo.com , or send me a note here.
Tumblr Account : hellresident-infl8.tumblr.com/


Available Webcomics HERE!
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Not perfect but here's an edit i did of a morph
Is it possible to update their Kemono?
This secuence hace a story?
I have heard of women drawing themselves and a woman or two commissioning artists to draw what may've been very close self-insertions.
Hey, does someone still has some art or archive of hellresident's arts?
There's a lot missing from his E-hentai page
>>35543 (OP)
Why is this thread called "New thread"?
Any one have parts 2, 4, 6, and 7? I have a few original HR works id be happy to share in exchange
Does anyone have the image for "A Juicy Inflated Mess"? It seems to have been deleted or removed from his page.
It was Lois, approaching in silence, as she had watched in excitement the whole scene...
"Come here, little girl..." Rose whispered with a smiled as she lowered herself to sitting position on the living room floor, not being by the least alerted that Lois kept approaching fearless and smiling herself too... giant Rose was too dumb to notice that Lois had an ace up her sleeve herself too, having already found the magic book earlier....
"Wow Rose, you look so great in that size, and that hair looks amazing...." Lois grinned as she playfully approached Rose on the side and started playing with her red hair. The size comparison was impressive, since Lois stood only at Rose's shoulder height, even when Rose was sitting down on the floor, as Lois kept playing with her hair, approaching even more closely with each cuddle. At some point Lois's eyes went bright red as something magic appeared to be taking place, and her mouth opened wide and abnormally in seconds not giving Rose the chance to realize what was going on, as almost instantly Lois' gigantic gaping hole of a mouth, came on top of Rose's head, which disappeared at once as Lois kept inserting the Rose giantess deeper into her mouth and swallowing her entire body greedily. Within seconds her entire upper body, including her gigantic giant beach ball breasts, were making their way down Lois' greedy and hungry mouth and throat , forming visible bulges along the way of Lois' body, like a python devouring its gigantic meal, tightly compressing and deforming it all the way inside its body...
"Aaahhh... you taste great too!!!" Lois yelled with excitement, right after swallowing the last toe of Rose's gigantic feet. She just stood there in the middle of the living room, with a large visible bulge in her belly as the assimulation process started taking place within seconds. Lois burst out in a growth spurt, her entire body being enlarged and stretched to all directions, her limbs quadrupling in size her entire height almost twice the giant size Rose was transformed earlier, as she had no choice but to sit on the floor of the living room , her head bumping hardly on the ceiling as her enormous thighs and legs were filling almost the entire carpet, when... FOOOOMPH!!!!
With a sudden outburst her bust line surged forward in a vigorous rush of expansion, boob flesh letting itself free in the living room, each jumbo sized tit the size of small sofa as her purple tank top shot in all directions in fragments of torn clothing, the poor textile not being able to restrain such extremely expanded boob-orbs, as they swayed themselves violently in front of a way amazed Lois, who instantly cupped them in surprise, realizing that all the magic absorbed in one girl right after an other had an impressive effect on the last girl who received all this power in her... and she still trembled and vibrated, the signs that the transformation was not over where quite obvious as she tried to prepare herself for what was coming...
It must have been Danae's greedy magic appetite and supressed force from within her, through so many deformed girls, that was still thrusting to break free and it already was starting to show obvious signs on Lois' body as another form of expansion started taking place, though this time it was not that uniform on her body... in fact it seemed like she was being bloated and inflating up like some kind of a huge balloon rather like expanding like the giantess she used to, a little while ago...
And the effects were quite impressive, as her entire already gigantic body started bloating outwards and inflating out like an hourglass massive balloon , her curves inflating with gas, her belly bursting outwards like she had four giant babies in her, and her breasts inflating up the size of a small room each. The effects were quite destructive as she filled the entire living room in seconds, living not a single corner empty with her inflating skin, as cracks and ripping noises started coming from the house's ceiling, as the inevitable begun...
Most people of the neighborhood starting coming out of the houses in the surrounding streets, to witness the apocalyptic phenomenon that was taking place, as Lois, now almost the size of a 15 storeys tall block of flats, was making her way upwards to the sky, inflating wider and larger by each passing minute, emerging from the debris and the ruins of a small girly house upwards into the wild blue as any size comparison to something earthly would be a terrible fail at that point... She was freaking HUGE, as only her head had swollen to the size of a building block by now, all her facial characteristics inflated and deformed beyond any actual recognition and her entire mountain sized body pushing upper into the sky like a conjoined mass of fleshy mountain sized orbs, that were beginning to loose their curvacy as her entire body was becoming even more spherical within seconds... The sight was out of this world as Lois' body resembled an invasive behemoth sized UFO from outern space that was hovering above New Orleans, covering with it's vast shadow more building blocks by the seconds, as it finally seized inflating and growing when it was about the size of half the province and about clouds height...
Air forces made their appearence at that point, tying gigantic ropes to her over iflated limbs in a attempt to keep her from floating any higher, as the government orders were very specific as not to loose the once in a lifetime opurtunity of the city to hold the world's record of the biggest Mardi Gras parade blimp ever created by man, let alone it be an actual woman inflated to that size too...
(501 KB, 980x551, fukuharakaren_ap.jpg) (817 KB, 722x1080, Karen fukuhara leprechaun scene.png)
Been trying some ai face swap stuff for fun and come to realize hellresidents stuff works quite well with the tool! I don't know if he lurks in this thread but just fyi if he ever did a private morph commission. He could easily use AI to swap the face with a celebrity and do some final touches to give it that hellresident charm. Just a interesting way to edit old content into new celebrities I guess. If anyone just wanted to experiment for goofs.

I have heard rumors of a few people also wanting to make some hellresident based loras as well someday. But I know of at least one person who said they wish to wait for the day if hellresident ever retires to do so. Out of respect.
As I believe hellresident once said something about editing faces has its difficulties. And the way I see it he can always use this as a way to release works that were previously private due to face edit difficulty or something 😕. It's a idea at least?
(435 KB, 464x665, Karen fukuhara hosed edited.png) (456 KB, 464x665, Karen fukuhara hosed.png)
But these can be quite fun! Just a ai face swap then you add back in the cheeks and bam a hellresident inflation of whatever celebrity you please! Again I won't lie you will have to do some by the book morphing to touch up the ais mistakes but again. It's a nice pass time hobby of mine lately!
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"Hey! Watch it, fat-ass! You don't own the place, you blonde cow..."

Tyler yelled in irritation, as Jackie walked by him like the massive woman she was, with all the maneuvering difficulties such a gigantic fat body of hers could offer, and being her usual sweaty self she accidentally swiped her entire exposed thigh on his sleeve as he was trying to do some pulling exercises on the bench. The day was hot, the gym not that crowded, but with just the two of them there and no one else watching, some serious fight could take place after such the rude and fat-shaming remark the he did...

Jackie turned to face him, her slow steps pounding on the floor like these of a dinosaur as she locked her eyes with him...

"Did you just call me... cow, you little shit?"

The massive blonde roared, her eyes shooting daggers at the nerdy dressed man who was now on his way to lifting himself up from the bench. Tyler stood up and faced her...

"You heard that right, you dumb elephant!!! Why? Got a problem with that? Are you gonna do something about it?"

Tyler continued his insults, now with a smug look on his face as he crossed his arms in confidence, the mere size of this huge blonde making him certain that he would be able to avoid each and every possible move of hers once she decided to move in for something threatening. Jackie did not reply, she just stood there frozen in anger, looking back at him with a silence that could literally kill, before Tyler broke their staring match and resumed to sit back down on the bench to continue his set...

"You should have stopped at fat-ass..."

Jackie whispered in rage, before she started charging towards Tyler, her steps and pace incredibly fast for a woman of her size and shape. She run a dozen steps on the open gym floor, before planting both her feet down on it with a massive THUD and ejecting herself up like a fat missile now heading towards her target...


Tyler mumbled, before turning to see what that deep thud was, only to find to his horror, that the massive blonde was now hovering several feet above the air with her thick shadow covering him completely and with that horrifying impact imminent, and his expression turning into one of pure fear, he managed to utter a short :

"Oh, fuuu---"


Jackie landed on the standing Tyler with a thunderous wet noise, crashing him under her tremendous weight as the previously smug man could not even finish his phrase before he disappeared under the rolls of fat that squashed him on the floor. Then Jackie started to slowly lift herself up from the floor, revealing a sight of cartoonish absurdity as Tyler was now completely stomped in a puddle shaped mess beneath her, all his body parts and limbs being compressed vertically from the impact, like an extremely widened frisbee with a pair of hands and feet protruding to the sides and with his goofy surprised expression of distress plastered on top of it...


A sharp noise echoed loudly as Jackie peeled him off of the floor and held his flattened face like a disc on front of hers before saying...

"Nobody calls ME a cow, asshole..."

And with that she tossed him back on the floor where she resumed her aerobics, but now using Tyler as a mat beneath her. She kept stomping and further widening him with each intense step she took, the disced man moaning and groaning as his deformed body was now being further widened and humiliated by the dancing blonde pachyderm over him, and it was at that time that Jackie paused and started searching for the ropes she used to do her own pulling routine...

But the ropes were nowhere in sight...

The thick blonde paused a bit, looking down at her squashed victim before a bright idea flashed in her mind. She fell into her knees and used her fingers to open the compressed front of Tyler's shorts and after a bit more of wriggling she managed to grab the top of his smashed cock between her fat finger tips...

"Time to see how long that cock of your can stretch..."

Jackie told him, his face now in shock, begging her to not do it but then Jackie started pulling on his cock with all her might, stretching it further and further from its flat base, roughly elongating his member like tuffy, like a piece of rubber ,like some sort of flat skin-colored snake for several feet in length, till she had pulled his cock so long that it would wrap the entire gym 's exterior, and probably twice. She then grabbed a volley ball from the bench, and started wrapping his dong around the thing till it was all covered and she lifted the cock-wrapped ball over her head, her wide feet now firmly planted on top of Tyler's flattened body once more, before she started doing her pulling routine by pulling the ball upwards...

For nearly half an hour, Tyler's cock kept being deformed and elongated further and further as with each pull Jackie did, his cock got longer and longer, and she kept wrapping the excess over the ball before pulling it upwards, again and again. And it was after a good 40 pulls or so, that she felt something wet touching her arm and turned to see the edge of his cock now fully wet and Tyler's cum dripping from the edge...

"I knew you had the hots for me, you little nerd... I knew it from second one..."

She told him with a wink, Tyler's face contorted in a mix of pleasure and distress by the extreme deformation his member was going under, before Jackie resumed to pulling out his cock further and further with each pull she continued doing...
(66 KB, 949x509, Screenshot 2024-01-15 at 03-29-38 Project 2025 - Wikipedia.png) (76 KB, 948x443, Screenshot 2024-01-15 at 03-29-54 Project 2025 - Wikipedia.png) (51 KB, 948x285, Screenshot 2024-01-15 at 03-30-07 Project 2025 - Wikipedia.png) (71 KB, 600x709, Screenshot 2024-01-15 at 03-31-04 project 2025 outlaw porn reddit - Google Search.png) (22 KB, 899x186, Screenshot 2024-01-15 at 03-40-44 Project 2025 - Wikipedia.png) (13 KB, 605x150, Screenshot 2024-01-15 at 03-41-42 project 2025 - Google Search.png)
Y'all should be concerned about pornography being gone when TFG returns and Project 2025 becomes implemented/active. For those who don't know, Project 2025 is a project made by The Heritage foundation, bunch of converatives people. The project aims to recruit tens of thousands of conservative people to replace our expert federal civil service works with loyalist. People loyal to TFG. The purpose of the project is to reshape of goverment to support the agenda of TFG. Project 2025 will happen if TFG or any rep. party wins the election. The plan is to slash DOJ funding, dismantle FBI & DOHS, immediatley invoke the insurrection act of 1807, deploying military for law enforcement and directing DOJ to pursue TFG's adversaries.
Project 2025, is being critiziced for being described as authoritarin, TFG attempt to be a dictator and the country being lead towards autcoracy. While also saying it's violating currect constitutional laws and would undermine the rule of law and separtion of powers. The project is also being criticized for NOT taking any actions on climate change. By that, I mean ends all action on stopping climate change. The project is also ending all Abortins rights for woman. The Project also seeks to place the entire Executive branch under TFG's control. Taking away independence of DOJ, FCC, FTC & other agencies. The LGBTQ+ people and community will lose their rights, protections & will be discriminzed. & any content they made will be declared pornography, which will be outlawed. Pornography being outlawed, including internet censorship. As said in the foreword of Project 2025's manifesto Roberts writes. This project also focus on christian nationalism.
Basically, for the pornography part, if TFG or any rep. party wins the election this year, it's bye bye pornography and internet censorship. TMC, BUG, C4S & other website will be gone. Which means no more seeing Inflation/expansion fetish, no more seeing our favorite models on the internet or in live action. You can find more details and help out stopping this project by spreading the message, ask people on social media & reddit, petitions, activist/protest & others to help stop project 2025. Even if it means voting blue. Voting 3rd party candidate, is a vote for TFG/Rep. party.
Anyone got the last post on his patreon?
The file share is not available and have to refresh minutes or even hours for it.
Do mediafire links from his kemono page not work at all? I keep getting not found errors every time I try to click on them
Any time anyone has shared anything newer here, it gets promptly removed. Even if it'outside of that one month window or whatever they're talkin' about.

I've tried kemono before and it's never worked for me ever. Not the mediafire links anyway. With that being said, I've gone almost a full month a couple of times and never gotten to see anything new at all either when subbed because of how it's set up.

So mainly if I do sub anymore it's just for a month to see what's in there that is slightly older and viewable and dip back out cuz I'm not holding my breath for that mediafire nonsense since the links are always perpetually unavailable, lol.

The links on kemono that do work tend to be the ones a bit older where the thumbnail looks lowres. Hope that helps a lil bit.
I do remember one time it worked and I was stunned. Came back later to the link to save it and it was broken. Think it was the Zack Island blimps one.

Have a feeling it's HR's system for mediafire links. They go down daily to be 'updated' in which they maybe get a different key than the one on Kemono which caused the broken links.
Anyone got Jessica under pressure?
Of course she is hoeing. What can I do. Just be pure
If bbwchan rather relate with crossword board game or I could just use my usual key notes I did say curve ball
Either you can't keep up your threads or we have a spammer.
Are there any other artists that make morphs similar to hellresident's? I'm craving for more crazy and unusual morphs like his.
Not bad stuff, even though I was looking more for IRL morphs rather than 3D renders
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Well they used to do IRL? Did that change?
Here's there awkwafina morph. Although the pop as well as full parts of the air inflation seems to be missing if not lost media? (All I could find was a thumbnail of the pop)
The pop is in their scraps section on DA

Check out Otoarton, his stuff is really good and a realistic style as well

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