
(822 KB, 1280x770, tumblr_mlkepaZQVY1raveb0o1_1280.png) (594 KB, 1748x1157, 13b.png) (74 KB, 250x320, Axel-rosered_-_Sam_Fat_vs_Kim_Fat.png)
Last thread died for some reason, so it's time for round 2, bitches!
First up, anyone have the rest of Axel-Rosered's Battle of the Bulges pics? Most of them have been wiped off the face of the Earth, with the ones I've been able to scavenge being found on Know Your Meme of all places.
I remember one of Storm V.S. Mega-Man, if it helps.
i remember seen Amy (from Pahkitew Island) inflation in DeviantArt but couldn’t find via search. (i think it got deleted.)
Does anyone have the comic when mei terumi inflates tsunade till she bursts?

Was there ever a proper ending to that sequence or did it just stop at that pic with Lina and the other guy?
Bringing back a request from the previous lost media thread. I believe this skit came from season 9 episode 2 and has 3 girls with inflated butts
I'm a dumbass. The show I'm referring to is All That
Does anyone have inflation art of Missy Kix Moshi Moshi Monsters? I remember seening it a few years ago but it seems like the artist has deactivated. They also did toy chic inflation art that was styled after the deaths in rayman origins/legends.
Does anyone have tikkimin destruction of tsunade comic, the last page has inflation
This is probably a long shot, but would anyone happen to have a copy of the interactive story "Your Factory Tour" by 65926592? She's deleted her account and I can't really find any backups online of the story
(139 KB, 1280x1280, zac.jpg)
Does anyone have the Balloon alt to this image. The link to it on DeviantArt leads to nowhere now.
Looking for old Queenui content. They deleted it all, and a lot of it was great, specifically one with a readhead. I'm pretty sure it was TheExpansionGenie's Character. Thanks.
(21 KB, 700x332, _at__so_long_blu_bowser__by_joshuax152_dd5uf6x-350t.jpg)
Does anyone have any of SCSnivy's work when he went as Joshuax152 on DeviantArt? There's a lot of stuff from there that he hasn't reuploaded, and his account is deactivated. The only way I've been able to find his work is through the thumbnails on archive.org, but it's barely enough.
Aoother thing, I'm looking for old sphere morphs done by a guy named randomguy1001, he deactivated somewhere around 2016.
I wanted that too!
thanks appreciate it
Does anyone have shamefulradio’s old art before they called themselves shamefulradio? I remember them giving a file with all their old art a few years ago but I can’t find it anymore.
Hope some of them are Wicked Pump related.
Does anyone have the lost art of Ulyssexx? Both from the group devintart or his/her main user-page?
Has anyone have a specific Cuphead artwork called

Cala Maria’s Cala Karma

I’ve been looking for it for quite sometime so if anyone has it can you please upload it
Probably a long shot, but I was wondering if anyone remembered or had a copy of a pic that was posted to DA a few years back (this was long before Eclipse was a thing).

It came up when I was searching for "breast inflation". It was a picture of Black Widow (or possibly Black Cat) with huge inflated *spherical* boobs, floating above a city, with a title like "Up up and away". It was drawn in a black and white "comic book" style. IIRC, there was some sort of liquid coming out of her nipples, but she was otherwise obviously inflated and floating away.

For whatever reason, it was only online for a short period- then vanished forever.
Remember CattyN

Any of that stuff still floating around
Probably a longshot, but I'm sure a lot of you have heard of Bambi Blaze, yeah?

Well there's one particular Bambi Blaze video that I haven't been able to find for a couple years now, seemingly lost to time: she did a belly inflation video called "Be My Bellytine", aka the video that made me cum for the very first time. It used to be hosted on MySpace, but the video link is dead now. God, if I could just see it one more time...
(55 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault[1].jpg)
There was an inflation game I've been looking around for for a while called Annventure Captivation. However, it's almost lost because the itch.io for it went down.


If somebody has any leads on the game, it would be greatly appreciated.
Not to sound like an idiot but how do u use anonfiles

The original creator (y00bii) for the Annventure games took his own life a few weeks ago. This homage game I suspect was taken down out of respect for him; or maybe undergoing total revisions, who knows
>>35460 Dear God! I had no idea.
There was this Alice Angel inflation image called "Who Inflating Now?", it was hand drawn and colored but I can't find it anymore.
I think it doesn’t exist.
Download leads to link that dosen’t exist
Bumping, does anybody at all have a copy of Bambi Blaze's "Be My Bellytine?" It'd make my whole world if I could find that again...
Huh, that's weird, I don't remember ever needing to unzip the file before iirc, I guess you need to get a free zip or file extractor from the browser. I'm still able to download the actual zip file itself, maybe you need to have a DeviantArt account.
Does anyone have Stronk Aura's video of Wildy inflating on the street? I can only find a very low quality video.
Has anyone saved any of SuckyEngy's sfm animations? Most of it was BE and futa and he got rid of it all years ago when he purged his own pornhub account. Has anyone saved them?
Does anyone have any of Bexiblimp/Quexbexis' old 3D/gmod art? It was pretty good but he's taken most of it down.

If I can remember correctly he did a couple of pics of Ms. Foster from Killing Floor and Tali from Mass Effect.
(4.3 MB, 1800x2200, dce8mw6-a652bc60-46d9-46d3-86e2-6d052d3300b5.png)
A really long shot, but does anyone still have the Wicked Pump Knightpunks demo? Apparently Shamefulradio deleted it from her itch.io account, making it pretty much lost aside from gameplay of it still lurking around Youtube. I used to have along with Halloween update, but my old PC died and being the dumbass I am i didn't back it up, so I was wondering if anyone else did. Would be very appreciated.
wish there is a archive somewher
(175 KB, 1024x1396, butt_expansion_comic_by_thedoubleu_d5tb310-fullview.jpg)
This one's an awkward one to explain but I've been looking for a series of pictures in similar vein to this, but not done by thedoubleu

Essentially it's a "alternate violet" where her ass expands, along with some belly, done in a similar paper and pencil style to this. I saw it on a Facebook group originally and can't find it anywhere.

Long shot but I hope someone has it.
Anyone know where i can find an old post from a deactivated deviantart? the picture was of two (real) girls kneeling together face to face, and one was slightly inflated, and the other inflating (blueberry if i remember right). I think the caption was “your turn”, i know this is a shot in the dark but i’d love to see it again. Even the name of the deviant who posted it would help

thanks in advance
Ehentai seams pretty permanent rule 34 too
(56 KB, 800x804, 9465385ff4c3977a0a8ed943e5e20f18_imagejpeg_by_leonardlchurch_ddqbsut-fullview.jpg)
>>34770 (OP)
It's too much time i m searching the story behind this or even the other photos

Some Years ago i found a guy on DeviantArt posting 5 pictures of a girl in a huge blueberry suit (Pic related) i saved all of them but i didn't find nothing about these photos

To that day to now i found like other 4 photos whit the same suit,girl and another blond girl but still today i didn't find nothing new

I go forum to forum but nothing i even got banned for talking about this and i still Don't know what was wrong!?

So i m still hoping that somebody help me finding about this story, but to be Fair, i m more interesed about the other missing photos beacuse stuff like that makes me horny as shit

So please Don't ban me for talking about this i Don't want to do nothing wrong, and if you give me other of these Photos belive me that i Will not do nothing other than save for myself, I am absolutely trustworthy and sincere

Thank you for listening me and please help
Did anyone save that lost Pikotime Belly Inflation video with the two two girls feeding one with a tube
Long story short.

The photographer would take photos of these girls in suits by either giving false context or not fully explaining the fetishistic nature of what they were signing up for, making them unwitting fetish models.

Hopefully I don't need to explain why that's fucked
(318 KB, 625x790, d30b2b7cdbf90b179f5d0d2043190ed3.png) (642 KB, 800x800, 2-2M-Dia-Inflatable-Water-Walking-Ball-Human-Hamster-Ball-Giant-Inflatable-Recreation-Ballet-Dancing-Zorb.jpg)
I remember being around in bbw chan when that was going on..

Personally I got the impression that it was there gf doing something fun or kinky..

Because you got to admit although giving the nature personally rolling around in one of these is no different that probably one of these ball things..

Might even be more fun..

The way I see it

The hongyi suit is like a dragon ball fusion or inflatable balls and blimp suits..

Which again even if I wasn't like everyone hear horny as hell for it I'd have no big problem rolling around in one of these.. even showing my face personally.. (mind you this is a universe where I don't get hard for balloon women)

Yeah sure I guess it would be embarrassing but I'd embrace it and milk it for a fun YouTube video..

But every person has their different stance on things so each person's feelings are going to be different..

Still though personally I think the suit is an amazing product fetish or no fetish and would be probably fun to play with no joke..
That being said it's still messed up that he never told anyone about it.. like at the very least he should have been like..

"Hey just fyi.. even though we're doing this for recreational fun I'm.. just figured I'd let you know this is technically a niche kink people get horny for so for that matter if you or I post to social media I can block out your faces if you like or whatnot"

I don't know at the very least he should have been something like that with them..

I mean you can't just be going out and giving the definition of inflation like it's cock and ball torture.. but you have to sort of mention something at least..

Still I was under the impression that they were bf gf..

Dang . I guess a picture has a million words and you never truly know the story behind them..
Blonde girl might be Juliette Michelles friend when she did her photo shoot there was a bonus video released (I know because I personally saw it) girl was a whitish blonde hair.. otherwise I couldn't know who the heck you were talking about
P.s. final note I also know what you mean by horny as hell.. I see these photos and every time I do it gets me hoping someday to be with a girlfriend and roleplay with one of these..

I mean I've had those dreams like forever but the hongyi suit is the closest I've ever came to see it realized.. my thoughts were if this guy could do it maybe someday I could get together with a concenting girl (who knows about the kink side) and play around with it..

Also been down to thinking about just getting one to maybe even play with myself with.. I mean I'm male but still it might feel good sexually or at the least fun to toy with..

As a p.s.s. this is the hongyi suit if I'm not correct.. I've been looking at there newer models and they've been having this weird neck brace at the top.. I'm pretty positive given this was a topic from the old Juliette thread that that's what the person said it was?.. but I just want to be sure in case I ever decide to buy one I don't want to buy the wrong one so if anyone can fact check this let me know.. also if there's a specific model number or any other details as well I would need to know to buy one.
Shit, I didn't see that. Thanks anyways.
No problem anytime I guess
Yeah, I remember that little shit, he was a pedo as well. Dude was in his mid 20s and still macking on 15/16 year olds. Absolute degenerate scumfuck.
Can you link the video edit?
Its definitely important to save what you like, because you never know when it will go away, just like porn hub and how they remove all their good content
We need this audition footage unedited big piece of lost media
(53 KB, 700x466, 0035a05027c8c0202e2962680d1406f5_original.jpg) (12 KB, 200x200, 1547153384881.jpeg) (694 KB, 648x1139, me_siento_raro__by_jinglevellrock_dca5a0p.png)
FYI I think the girl with glasses is from a different audition
Here's some actual reference photos..

Yes the girls name is Rebecca Escobedos

She's actually been getting into doing some serious acting work and gigs from what little I researched (and I'm glad for her from what I did see of the Violet audition she posted her heart into it)

Other than that I know it was on YouTube for a hot minute before I believe either getting privated or removed (again not sure for the reason why maybe she was getting some weird comments or maybe personally she either felt it would look bad on her resume..)

Or in my personal opinion I think maybe the other reason could be that maybe she just thought it was a bad audition take or something or didn't like her own acting in it..

It could be one of many answers

All we do have currently the date though is this gif from interrorgum showing the only moving footage

And this morph made by jinglelevelrock to prove it's existence and even the two of these are coming close to dangerous levels of lost media..

I know a lot of us are just horny toads looking for fap material lol but at the same time it was a phenomenal audition and it's a shame to see probably one of the best Violet audition attempts to be lost to time especially when personally I think it shows the gal has some amazing acting chops..
(7.5 MB, 600x338, 8mb.video-4MG-73pHbtsq.mp4)
Sorry file was too big to upload with the other set.. and even then I still had to go somewhere and chop it down in half

Anyways this is the interrorgum clip and only footage in existence to my knowledge unless somebody decides to drop the whole audition uncut at some point

Also keep in mind supposedly there's two versions one in completely in English and one in Spanish from sources I've only heard the English portion

Interrorgum/clip link source:
(20 KB, 270x270, Matt_LeBlanc_as_Joey_Tribbiani.jpg)
As one last side note again given the fact that we don't know the reason she took it down if one of you feels brave you definitely could go and ask her.. but that said I'm assuming there is a strong possibility the reason it was taken down was probably idiots harassing her so remember if you do go that path of searching for answers directly from her be as casual and respectful as possible

And remember guys just because this girl did 1 violet audition where she pretended to blow up like a party balloon doesn't mean you should go harassing the poor girl..

like the last thing this girl needs is some idiot going on her IMDb or harassing her at her job all so they can say something stupid like

"Hey baby I'd like to blow you up like a parade balloon with my nozzle"

Or some dumb joey tribbiani pick up line of the sort..

So remember questions keep it respectful and keep in mind there might be some sort of weird stigma or fear there's a strong chance that she might have deleted it out of that fear and stigma for inflation..

So you're only jobs is to not make scenarios any worse by poring fuel on that fire..

So a casual back and forth conversation with questions whenever.. and if she asks about inflation try to let her know about it more in an informative way or whatever without just dropping cursed Sonic porn on her doorstep..

Edna scenario should go for any sort of topic while you're handling conversations with inflation and normies
How would the purpose be explained without it sounding bizarre? "Archival reasons" is incredulous, even if it's actually true.
Do you remember the *exact* title of the video?
Does anyone have their old archive?

Been trying to find it for ages.
Anyone have any of Kreat-like-crete's stuff saved?
Muchas Gracias!
Does anyone have FlameboyR120's stuff?
(1.2 MB, 1280x857, pokiflate.png)
Found a high quality image of a Pokimane pic from HellResident-Infl8 on FurAffinity and someone was kind enough to share the story that came with the image when it was posted to DeviantArt. Posting it here since it was purged from DeviantArt and Twitter and will likely be that way on FurAffinity should HellResident remember that they had an account.

"Mmmmhhhh... These people sure know how to spoil a girl, heh... Nghh... Mmm... This still feels so good... And oh god, i'm getting so huge... We are almost 2 and a half hours into this and they keep donating...These people are crazy! How big do they want me to get? Do they want me to fill the deck? The entire beach maybe...? Heh... Mmmm..."

Pokimane thought to herself as she looked in the camera, the distress visible on her bloated face, teasing the thousands of people watching the show, as yet hour by hour passed from 2 to 4 and from 4 to 6 hours and she kept steadily getting bigger by the intense amounts of air she kept stuffing into her body as the tank kept sending more and more air with each donation and the 'pings' were now almost like a continuous noise from the extremely fast frequency they were coming in, before a different noise caught Pokimane's attention from her laptop. It was a notification from Twitch, she had made it to the front page's top most popular stream! A few millions were watching now and the donations kept skyrocketing...

"Oh god!!! Can't believe they all want to see me so big!!! Thank you, i love you guys!!!! Wait... what's that...."

Pokimane thought as she ecstatically yelled in muffles through the hose, before getting serious on noticing a very important detail she had missed for all these hours now. Her bloated face grew concerned between the intense inflation, as she realized that her last donation, made by some girl named Sue, was for air amount equivalent to.... 10.000 $...

"Oh... Fuck... Who is this girl?!? Who has that kind of money for donations...? Does she really wanna see me fill the entire horizon today?!?"

Pokimane slowly murmmured through the hose in defeat, not wanting to let her face show how concerned she was by making such a stupid mistake of not setting donation limits...

"Well... that was.... That was one hell of a donation!!! For... Sue!!! Heh... Let's see how big THAT will get me... heh...."

She typed on her laptop between all the inflated mass of her body, just in time that she could still use her arms with all that air inside of her. Pokimane kept trying to hide her panic behind fake puffed-up facial enthusiasm, as she now watched with horror the remaining amount of air she had to stuff inside of her...

100 large capacity air tanks... At least that's what Sue's 10.000$ donation was equivalent to...!!! That was insane, and the air was now being pumped into her, faster and faster...

But Pokimane could do nothing but stand there and take it all in like the good professional Twitch streamer she was, filling up with now huge extreme amounts of gallon upon gallon of compressed gas. She quickly turned massive all over, the fluids bloating her up so immensely that her midsection now was like she was pregnant with triplets, her bloated boobs and massive buttocks sticking out like huge airy globes and her eyes still crossed due to how intense this over-inflation was getting...

"Nghhh.... one air tank down, Sue... You fucking bitch.... I... did it.... Ngh... 99 air tanks to go... Someone should call an ambulance or something... help... Any--"


And the explosion ehoed all around the wide beach, as all eyes turned at the foot of the hill to witness shreds of rubbery skin landing soflty on parked nearby cars and the surrounding sand, as a sexy Twitch streamer, had just gone out with a spectaculer bang...


Pokiflate, 2019.
Anyone have the Minshoko sequence of Rem from Re:Zero? It was deleted it and I’ve been trying to find it again.
(118 KB, 750x1334, 4A1A5D2B-A369-4B83-B5B7-9DCDD256AA63.jpeg)
I’m looking for a really old inflation comic titled Lindsay the Raft. It was by Asskill on deviantart. This is the only picture I have of it (via way back) I’ve been looking for it for years and was hoping someone here had it

Ooh yeah I remember that sequence. It was a good one. Hopefully someone finds it.
(350 KB, 1600x1067, goldenticket1.jpg) (44 KB, 600x400, goldenticket2.jpg)
I don't know if it was brought up last thread, but does anyone have any footage from The Golden Tickets' Violent scene? The suit is HUGE but I know nothing else about it. If anyone has footage or anything I'd be super greatful

Here's a snippet from a bts video
Does anyone have any of Ms Luvrgurl's videos? She did a lot of pregnancy/rapid pregnancy videos back in the day
Saving yourself the trouble. Only the covers were ever made for 3 and 4. The author/artist had to stop because they were essentially blackmailed irl about their kink being exposed iirc.
Damn that sucks never knew that happened thanks for letting me know
(4.1 MB, 1170x2532, 3B12D3CD-BA00-4B96-922A-B0C08505CBDB.png)
Does anyone have any of the videos
from Jessi Foxx? They had a
blueberry inflation video and a bunch
of other inflation vids but their
YouTube account got terminated and I
haven't been able to find any of them
since. I took the screenshot by accident and all I know is Their account was determined sometime after November.
Bit of a long shot, but does anyone have QueXBexi's old 3D art from tumblr/inflatechan? Barely any of it is findable on waybackmachine.
Does anyone have any of kagekira101’s old morph that were lost in the purge?
...holy hell dude, that's a great start :0
>Right on the day I planned to saved her artwork, I was too late and the limbo has swallowed yet another gallery.
Happened again. This time: Poouty.
Yes I highly agree all the unedited versions of both audition video's and remember for the girl in the black outfit there was two versions one in English and one in Spanish
Can you reupload them?
(67 KB, 900x817, 049bae373091d86c7a0a18993c31fe62_imagejpeg_by_leonardlchurch_ddqbr9o-fullview.jpg) (104 KB, 900x923, 16b78e9f0c38975d51070acc32a5709a_imagejpeg_by_leonardlchurch_ddqbr7p-fullview.jpg) (44 KB, 600x698, 39c74c38d2e0045f32290cb081dc8b03_imagejpeg_by_leonardlchurch_ddqbr31-fullview.jpg) (42 KB, 800x278, 4985cb0090a8c8ebac8913e0435dd3e5_imagejpeg_by_leonardlchurch_ddqcx8w-fullview.jpg)
Hey guys i am back, as promised these are all the photos I have
First I would like to say thank you for sharing these images.
Next I want propose a theory
Equally plausible is guy puts girl in inflatable suit and lets say the original photography was for some inflatable suit (aka the "false pretense") then some yahoo online goes and takes it for their wank material and it spreads around the community.
No real way to prove or disprove the original theory likewise no way to prove or disprove my theory. Unless your the photographer or the girl pictured.

As I recall people were having a shit fit because the girl was allegedly under age but there was nothing to prove or disprove that.
I definitely agree on that statement there's no way to prove it either way unless the original person comes out and says it..

Personally at the end of the day I don't think it's the worst thing to be wanked to either.. and like I said before in my replies at least you get to have a fun day rolling around in basically a recreational balloon ball toy like Violet and only down the side is the knowledge that somebody's probably busting a nut to you..

But honestly if it was me personally I coming from a personal perspective wouldn't be too bothered by it.. I mean it could always be worse to you could always be getting harassed by idiots I mean look at Bambi blaze who got swatted for underage content by someone in the community and she was lucky enough that that scenario didn't get taken out of hand and at the end of the day she ended up quitting the community as a result or so the rumor gos
(119 KB, 1280x886, 변역해줄분 구합니다 - 종합 속보 002.jpg) (115 KB, 1200x800, 변역해줄분 구합니다 - 종합 속보 001.jpg) (119 KB, 1200x1200, 변역해줄분 구합니다 - 종합 속보 000.jpg) (107 KB, 1280x853, 변역해줄분 구합니다 - 종합 속보 003.jpg)
Consider this lost media officially found!

I had a hunch about something when I was hunting down some old 2008 2009 era stuff like (hellresident stuff) a while back and I could have sworn I remember it seeing this and on of the off-brand archiving sites.. and low and behold doing some digging I found the whole comic!..

Now I actually do know of this artist and their work I actually really like a lot of their vs stuff we usually a lot of the times like there isn't an evil one it leads into a inflate to pop off.. in this occasion they must have gotten frustrated with it though because they just ended it with a random panel and postponed indefinitely as you will see

So for those of you knowing this artist and expecting rei or asuka pops I'm sorry to tell you there is none

But one of two reasons I hunted for this was because I thought I saw it before and on top of that I know there's a lot of evaliongelian fans
There’s a couple things I’ve been looking for a while. One is GrowingZone (SFM Inflation artist)’s old videos from Tumblr, I have a couple, but most of them were gone even before the tumblr purge. The other is Elektronikz’ old hitcount images, both the preludes and the images themselves. Thank you in advanced.
(92 KB, 385x374, ccc.png)
Here's an obscure one: does anyone remember those Asuka and Mouse comics? I think they were part of a request/art trade between FreakinWeirdo and a non-inflation artist Garadrobe (who also drew the attached pic).

Essentially they were cartoony inflation shenanigans, albeit with a generic cartoon mouse and Asuka from Evangelion. I think there were three of them: a comic involving air inflation, another with water, and a standalone air inflation picture.

They were pretty crude pencil drawings but it'd be cool to see them again out of nostalgia. Garadrobe took them off their dA page and then deactivated the account entirely a long time ago, so that's a no-go.
Anyone got a video with a woman inflating off of her own breastmilk? I last saw it on PH before the wipe but its gone now. It was a pregnant woman drinking from her breasts to inflate her belly. It was live action and she had a yellow tanktop on (if any of that helps)
I'd be so grateful if someone knew where to find it.
I want to know what the image of Cala Maria’s Cala Karma looks like.
does anyone have a flash animation called Sena's Loud Meal made by Adjectivenouncombo?
Oh my god, I never expect to see that again. Thank you so much!
Sadly, I only know of a Russian website that has an incomplete set. vk.com/album-179449503_275388051
I'm looking for something called "One Way-Valve"
Its an audio inflation story from swell sounds, with a woman filling up a man who has been strapped by tape and covert with a mask which has a one way valve, the only way that the man can breath is via her blowing him up through the valve.
Ive been looking through the internet even using the way back maschine but no luck.
if anyone has it please post it. Thx
...Does anyone still have it for archival purposes, though?
Anyone know where to find “The Body Inflater”’s content? They deactivated their account on DA
Does anyone have SmashBro24’s old art?
Holy shit thanks, I've been looking for this for ages. Absolute legend.
Fond a random archive filled with some old stuff and stuff I haven't seen in a long while now so I figured I'd share here in case somebody wants to go through it make sure there's no lost media hidden in it. If there is post it below here

Lookin for an youtube video that got taken down. It was a POV Blueberry inflation and the channels name was "schademin baje". I;ve looked everywhere for it and wanted to know if anyone had it or knew where to find it.
We Need more archives
Does anyone have FlameboyR120's old pics?
Because he's deleted all pics on FurAffinity
Anyone got cleverfoxman's live actions videos?
(193 KB, 768x627, i've redrawn it from memory.jpg)
(please excuse hilariously rough sketch)
Looking for an old deviantart picture that looked something like this. It was a woman on her computer late at night - the room is dark (blue-purple shadows) only illuminated by the computer screen. The computer is on a table, but her belly is so inflated that she's able to reach it lying down without using a chair. She gives a smug look to the viewer and I think she's taking another drink as she does so. Empty water bottles are littered on the floor. She's just wearing a tank top and a pair of panties, both of which are obviously stretched out. Her skin still has its natural tone but is a little translucent near the base of her belly.
Sound familiar at all? I don't remember the artist or deviation title, sorry.
Thank you! I didn't even know about the 3.0 version.
Does anyone know who made a drawing of Jinx from LOL as a Boomer from L4D? I wish I had it still but alas about have the saved shit I had burnt along with my old PC.
Rough or not still amazing little cute piece
(99 KB, 381x247, Screenshot_20220220-085848.png)

The face is gold. Just an idea but you should do a random series of inflation pictures but each scenario has that exact same trolling Duke nukem looking expression
I remember a piece from back when Inflatechan was a thing. It was a black-haired lady inflated and looking at the viewer, upset with cum dripping from their lips (I think).
(6.5 MB, 6500x6500, Natsuki by Voidacles.png)
Would happen to have the one Voidacles did of Monica in the same resolution? I've got one, but it's pretty Low Quality.
Nope. Just the one. Sorry.
Thank you much!
(1.2 MB, 3747x5000, celia_the_balloon_by_pneumaticchick_debc456.jpg)

OK.. so we're on the verge of loosing some amazing artwork from an artist who that they're leaving DeviantArt and purging their accounts..

Their account as of currently today is still active as well as everything's been supposedly uploaded to drives?..

But I would check their page just to make sure that everything is on file and saved.

Usually I would do this myself but I do not have the time to do this somebody needs to archive every single work as well as save every single work from their Google drive and either post it somewhere like ehentai or do something with it! We need to save the most highest quality versions as possible!

I'm going to link here the drive versions

Images: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1zpoFyxwURVTwM5WySaXTH3gwSwRH9hoH?usp=

Videos: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1ekBw2x6FInLrLZ_WVE2CdoYArdotZWF_?usp=

It is up to all of you to do what I do not have the timer energy to do right now and save every single one of these works before they're lost for good. Granted not all of them are expansion some are just pops but there is some serious good stuff here and I know that somebody someday is going to be asking for it! (Again if I had the time I do it myself but my phone's out of whack right now I just cannot handle it at the moment it's in all of your hands)

There da as well: https://www.deviantart.com/pneumaticchick

I'm counting on all of you!
Again I repeat PERENUMATIC CHICK IS PURGING! get this content archived while you can it's you last chance! Archive ALL OF IT!
>amazing artwork
it's nearly as bad as the stuff no1drwhofan didn't steal
No1drwhofa...? You cheeky get :D You might not be keen on my art, but I think it's a bit different from theirs...although, to be fair, if you're going by the example in the original post, then that was a pretty rough thing I did when I was first playing with Paintshop, and meant more as illustrative of a character I'd been writing about, I wouldn't say I was happy with it, but it is what it is, and I can see what you mean a bit. However, if you mean my entire gallery, then I reiterate: you cheeky get!
I feel the same in quite agree your work is pretty decent I've always kind of made some comparisons to your art style to some what being similar to King of the hills especially kind of feels that way with a lot of your older works
I mean sometimes occasionally I'd see a facial expression or two that could be off but otherwise pretty decent stuff overall! I mean I can't even imagine how painstaking it must be to draw those poppings!

so bravo with the work you've done over the years! Like even just barely counting that's a gallery of over 300 images! I so still your work is appreciated and I guarantee that somebody some random motherfucker at the least is going to making one of those beg posts in a year or two asking for sauce or asking for all of your works after your Purge. And that's why whenever I see an artist going away and at least giving us a fair amount of time heads up I'm always adamant on sharing it here so everyone can save it while I can. I mean I'm sure people wish they could have done that with stuff like iggytoobiggy and other artists there's another one particularly I can think off of the top of my head but I can't remember their name...
Not to mention also I think the majority of those are hand-drawn too so just props overall for all your work! I don't know about everyone else by at least wish you well on your journey wherever you may travel.
what happened to overgrowingassets? their DA account has been disabled for two weeks now
I don't know but save while you can
Thank you for your kind words, so glad you've appreciated my efforts over the years! Yes, drawing balloongirls blowing to bits is quite painstaking work, but I just love 'em to go pop. I'll be sure to add everything I can find to the google drive folder. Hopefully one day I might be in a position to come back, but 'til then...
there's these 2 old stories I remember reading, one I'm sure was on bi.org and the other could have been anywhere, that I can't remember the titles of but I remember them too vividly to have been anything I made up

-one was about a guy who was being kind of a shitty boyfriend, so his gf got her hypnotist friend to go inside his dreams and make him blow up, and the story ended with him waking up and assuming it was all a dream without realising he's still inflated IRL

-one was about like this gremlin hacker girl who had a server full of illegal shit and spent all day eating junk food and watching porn on a huge multimonitor setup. One day she gets raided by a swat team so she triggers a failsafe which blows her up and makes her explode, taking out her, the server, the flat and the swat team in a massive fireball. Afterwards she wakes up as a backup of her consciousness on a satellite orbiting the earth, and she's like "sucks that I can't eat and masturbate anymore but I have internet so at least I can keep looking at porn all day, this isn't so bad"
(1.0 MB, 852x480, tumblr_nxu6le53BW1uibqfq[1].mp4)
I've seen a non-blueberry version of this gif before, and can't seem to find it again. Any leads?
Anyone have Spectator123/Noone91 old content?
Haven't even got anything horny to remark, just want to say great job and thanks for making all this.
(5.9 MB, 1170x2532, 1D1ACF4A-5721-4F87-BF65-35488028DD9F.png)
Does anyone have any of the videos from Jessi Foxx? They had a blueberry inflation video and a bunch of other inflation vids but their YouTube account got terminated and I haven’t been able to find any of them since.
Anyone out there have any of Inflatablepiggy128's stuff? I've looked through everything in webarchive, but there's a bunch of stories that aren't on there.
You have berry raven or full body Sally?
(63 KB, 373x280, Ei77aSwXsAApccX.png)
Does anyone have violetsalice content backed up?
That's sad she gone rip
Does anyone have these Hourglass Sequences of Edna Konrad and Lili from the Edna & Harvey franchise? I can't recall who drew them, but I remember they existed at some point.
(475 KB, 496x999, violet 8.png)
Her Instagram is private now for some reason
Ok so fyi as of now there's up on her page 4 storytime videos I can't download because of the privacy settings.. so I'm giving up. There are ways to save them

The obvious one is just screen recording but my house is too noisy to get unfiltered clean audio and I prefer not to air my personal business on a fetish site lol.

But it's something anyone can do so if your a follower then get them archived while you can..

There is another way in which you can record internal audio but this either requires a device splitter that's 45 bucks or android 11 software both of which I do not have.

Although I do have Access to the videos I have no way to share them so I'm leaving that up to somebody else's job

That said I do remember more content being available in the past which is seemingly now disappeared including an inflatable suit with possible video. But I guess that's lost the time unless one of you guys have archived it in your lost media hunts.
Do a screen recording and remove the audio

I m not interessed about the audio so Just the record video It's already good
Damn i Wish She was a girl doing these things :(
Im looking for the Chop-Stickx(aka Reynos201) content His account got deactivated at alot of places since late 2021.... much appreciated if someone shares it!
Anyone know what shirts he using particularly the black and red ones as well as the vaccum
This is a Deviantart user from 2012 who made inflation morphs. Apparently, whenever he made a sequence, he made an animation to go along with it:


None of the Dailymotion links are still up. The animations with sound still exist somewhere, but I can't find them. I've only found one:


Does anyone have them, or know where to find them?
Anyone got the audio story Called "One way-Valve" from Swell sounds.

Its about a Woman tapeing a man to a wall and inflating him using a one way valved mask.

It was once in a thread called "Swell sounds/ Audio storys"
After the thread got removed i couldn't find it anywhere,
Does anyone have it saved and if possible post it ?
(92 KB, 816x1200, Em-eSX0XUAA9vB3.jpeg)
Does anyone have any of HIacinthy's stuff? she seems to have a done a pretty good job purging most of her older art from all her sites.
Does someone have Heloise inflation page by TheNeverWere?
Anyone got a story saved called Puff Poker(Could be Pump Poker), from OverflowingStomach?
Involved three girls playing poker where every loss, a pump would inflate whoever lost money. They get really big, start to enjoy it, and soon fill the room! I recall there was an asian gal in it too, but that's where my memory stops.
I have no clue who the author is, and I've never seen it elsewhere.
Many thanks!

I am a professional cartoonist and... you don't want to know what I think of this pic. And plus you would probably call me a retard
Pray tell and i'll also still call you a retard
Ye, I know. That was the joke. That's the punchline. You always call us retards. Even if we're not retards, you don't care. I was only trying to make light of it, or make it humorous.
I don't think your retarded.. I think your brilliant adorable cute and mildly stupid at best
Let me reassure you that I am none of those things except perhaps brilliant, but I wasn't talking about myself as I said -us- I don't think anyone here has called me retarded that I remember. Once a week or two back but I think the person was being sarcastic because he was laughing. You can think what you want though. I don't mind what you believe. I made a joke about a common insult you make all the time, dawg. Like fr, that's like all I did. And guess what? it was real, dawg. Im the realest mf here bet it in. hey and guess what else? I'm the biggest breast-lover here. Any assumption you made besides that I like butts, fat pawgs women, and that I love huge breasts, I can guarantee you're wrong about every single other thing dude, you're not listening.
Duh no shit same as people saying it's it's mostly trolls
So pray tell what does a professionbal cartoonist think of the pic? Looks fine to me issues with anatomy aside but thats literally everything on here.
do you have any others? i really like this art style.
Did anyone have the 2 page nui inflating satsuki comic made by shark bubble I think it was called pop la pop
Does anyone have any of cleverfoxman's live action video's?

I've tried using the wayback machine on his old youtube channel link and I've been unable to salvage anything.

The only thing I've been able to find is a 10 second clip someone took from one of his vids, linked here: https://coub.com/view/1qtmph

If anyone has any advice or suggestions on how to potentially recover the vids, do let me know. Even better if someone has a copy saved.
God I actually remember seeing these lol the pops were amazing I wish he had a female partner or friend he could have invited though so he could have thrown some female inflation to in the mix but some amazing stuff non the less!
(142 KB, 638x876, 1114353_stormfeder_charlotte-s-ring-page-1.jpg)
This might be a long shot, but before the non-verified content purge of Pornhub there was a high quality Comic Dub of this Comic "Charlotte's Ring" and i was wondering if anybody in here has that Comic Dub saved
(19 KB, 444x250, downloadfile.jpg)
monkey909's DA is AWOL. Anybody have a backup of the original "penny berry gif"?
Holy Shit, thank you i have been looking for it forever
Does anyone have some archive of Biorubber's art backed up somewhere, specifically with the blueberry Yoko sequence? They purged most of their old art and I can only find small low-res images.
There was also one where she didn't berry, just her boobs inflated. Wonder what happened to that
(150 KB, 488x321, Screenshot_20220424-112300.png)
Anyone got any Andrade Bros. Stuff particularly their David Allen Greer suit inflation female edits. From before my time and I'm curious what they look like
Anybody have mister rendering content? I know someone dumped many of their images in a google drive a while back, but that's missing some of their patreon content
Anyone have the lost wwe fan belly expansion video by pikotime? It was posted in the last lost media thread
Anybody? I know people have it still, it was way better than most of the stuff pikotime makes
(8 KB, 168x94, 08953F10-CC9B-4686-9125-74C84A95B3EE.jpeg)
Does anybody have this video? It’s called “Body Inflation Scenes- Pumpin and Blowin (Various)” and was a compilation of various inflation scenes from cartoons like Tom and Jerry and Tiny Toons. This was the thumbnail.
(53 KB, 496x211, Screenshot_20220429-090419.png)

Alexa the balloon girl has beef with overwatch (personally non of my business I know scummy companies do shit all the time) so very shortly she's deleting all her dva suit videos both skits and live streams

Go to her Patreon and save them while you can. You all have been warned. If they become lost media don't come crying to me.

Weather you care for her videos or not I figured I'd let you know!
does anyone have the Tsunade breast inflation sequence from Alorok (now Lushaani) where her breasts overinflate with milk and explode? I haven't been able to find it despite quite a bit of searching.
What victims? What happened?
I have no clue myself
TL;DR Overwatch devs molested women, stole breast milk, set up a "Bill Cosby room" (literally what it was called) and always covered any of these dramas up by releasing a gay character or something.
Anyone? It was in the last lost media thread
file name: wwe fan belly expansion by pikotime
of a black girl getting stuffed with green slime by two wrestler girls
Anybody? He wiped it from all the porn sites it was uploaded to, so if anyone has it to upload pls
Anyone have all parts to Inflate Me by headless-whimiscott?
(94 KB, 1280x1429, faridae_and_blueberryanastacia_collab_by_blueberryanastacia_dcuf0qv-fullview.jpg) (80 KB, 1280x1281, faridae_and_blueberryanastacia_collab_by_blueberryanastacia_dcuf11r-fullview.jpg) (3.2 MB, 1920x2097, faridae_and_blueberryanastacia_collab_by_blueberryanastacia_dcukypo-fullview.png) (1.8 MB, 1280x1394, faridae_and_blueberryanastacia_collab_by_blueberryanastacia_dcuqyam-fullview.png) (3.3 MB, 1920x1921, faridae_and_blueberryanastacia_collab_by_blueberryanastacia_dcuqyxg-fullview.png) (83 KB, 1280x1312, faridae_and_blueberryanastacia_collab_by_blueberryanastacia_dcuwihb-fullview.jpg)
Rebump request for pikotime's lost fan commission
Does anyone have any spikerollsunday art?
Does anyone have any spikerollsunday art since they deleted everything from their deviantart?
Never heard of them
Does anyone have the jinglevellrock morphs from 2018 that he took off?
(2.6 MB, 804x606, ezgif.com-gif-to-mp4.mp4)
Wonder if anyone ever found this chicks name. Not that it matters any more
Rebumping request for the pikotime fan commission posted last thread
Named: WWE fan belly expansion
its of a black girl getting expanded via weight gain by sasha banks and another girl
(198 KB, 1024x789, A73FF9F4-B40D-474D-A048-86CD1F707767.jpeg)
Does anyone have this one comic from an artist called “Nemo” or “Nemo-Hana”? It has Tails being inflated (but in like, a balloon shape where the head merges into the body) by a scientist bunny in the same balloon shape. It was removed when the artist got bullied offline by the “Twitter hive mind” because they accused him of pedophilia (because he drew fat/inflation art of Tails).

This is the highest quality image I could find of the bunny scientist character.
Does anyone have the pieces of art that chocckymalk made that were taken down on DA, plus the Rick and Morty Beth blueberry inflation sequence
(103 KB, 811x986, 45CA9DB6-9560-4D0A-BBEA-73D85CAB74C2.jpeg)
Anyone got anything from ChimeralGenesis on deviantart before they deactivated their original account?

image example if you’re not familiar to who that is
(176 KB, 1556x1536, 1AC939F9-20BB-4290-BA0D-78473ADC685C.jpeg)
There’s this really nice art of Mipha but the only remains of it are this crappy thumbnail for a DA literature post, the original artist and their art is all gone
Anyone remember Karumi Senko by Vega? It's a redhead breast expansion ninja I've seen at BEArchives long time ago.
https://photos.google.com/share/ AF1QipOjBpCJjfemL1IVncTWogWWEP9clTo3UVIUKX07pkoxLK3ERRoMWt0g6qcMR9u8Rg?key=X3dPNXdyTWhPN0hySzRIekhjVjVhc0xJb0taV3ZR

Here's a lot of content I would consider "lost". Please save.
Mind the space.
Don’t go on there they’re trying to fix people by publicly sharing the visitors G accounts

So glad I was using my anon lol
(201 KB, 1130x1387, 7B7B4287-BA2C-46C6-871E-81A088C5B4FB.jpeg)
Does anyone have any of the videos from Jessi Foxx? They had a blueberry inflation video and a bunch of other inflation vids but their YouTube account got terminated and I haven’t been able to find any of them since.
(483 KB, 1754x1241, Page01.jpg) (451 KB, 1754x1241, Page02.jpg) (333 KB, 1753x1243, Page03.jpg) (429 KB, 1756x1241, Page04.jpg) (376 KB, 1755x1241, Page05.jpg) (350 KB, 1756x1240, Page06.jpg)
Replying to someone in a different thread, >>54831 (Cross-thread)

Here is a rare-ish (you can find it via reverse search, but in a worse quality) old story/sequence by Mary Popping.

Sadly most of my backups of her art have been lost, so any one of you has more please let me know. At the moment I pretty much just have this and a few sequences reposted to e-hentai, that's less than half of what she's produced.

(454 KB, 1762x1241, Page13.jpg) (344 KB, 1757x1240, Page14.jpg) (227 KB, 1687x1235, Page15.jpg)

and here's the list of all the other sources featuring her art I'm aware of:
https://e-hentai.org/g/98655/99aefc7db4/ (mixed with other stuff)
https://e-hentai.org/g/136491/b62e27da11/ (mixed with other stuff)
https://e-hentai.org/g/202542/d40244e704/ (mixed with other stuff)
Page 25 implies that it's not the last one, is it?
Anyways thanks so much for sharing this!
What happened to Mangrowing? He didn't post anything since november.
Thought this'd be the best place to ask, does anyone know if there's an archive of doc swells art?
Ok, so i remeber seeing a couple of years back a Picture of Hild Berg from Cuphead as a massive blimp, saying something like the following "You can't get past me!, i'll keep growing if you try! ..."

So i recently decided to look for the picture again on Deviantart with no sightings of it at all, and if my memory does'nt fails me, it was made by either EdgeOfMind or TheNeverWere.

Can anybody lend me hand to find this pic?
I've heard this from many different sites, It's a bit from Nickelodeon show, "All that" It's a scene from the shows tenth season where three girls butts inflate so big that they can't exit a door. Unfortunately all youtube links to the video have been copyright striked, maybe someone out there has it, maybe.
Does anyone know if there’s an archive of this post?
Just watch season ten I think almost all of all that has been found episode wise
Does anybody have any archive of Abraxa's art from back in the day
Looking for some art I saw on Pixiv a while back; it was a short (2 images?) sequence that involved a girl inflating herself with hot water via a kettle. Seems it was deleted recently since I can't find it in my bookmarks. Don't have any artist name to go off of either
Does anyone have this or is it gone?
does anyone know if the comic "A Game of Distortion" by Tekweapons on deviantart ever got its final pages?
Bumping this since I'm looking for the same thing
(247 KB, 605x1280, 1527041730.nemo_tbp_dr_luna_-_tails_comic.jpg)
Here ya go. Since you've mentioned the wayback machine, thought I may as well explain how I've found it. First, I've used SauceNao on the preview you've posted. It gets us two links: deviantart and furaffinity. Both dead, but we learn that the artist is "Nemo" (" Nemo-Hana" at DA). Alternatively, I could have read your previous posts, but whatever.
Then, DA shit is hard to recover, but there is an easier method for FurAffinity. If you search long enough, you can find a site on the deep web that saves nearly everything posted on FurAffinity. And it does have some stuff from Nemo. Then it was just a matter of downloading the pic you want. DA probably hosted a slightly higher res version than that, but I doubt it is recoverable.
Furarchiver? I’ve actually used it just about a day ago to find this pic. It’s slow and tedious as hell, but by golly it works.
Probably not a fake. She mentions her previous accounts in the comments
i swear to god I though the pointing lady was spamton
Does anyone have an old solitaryscribbles art with his ocs Ebony, Kiwi, and Tsukiko inflated?
(894 KB, 1920x1080, Concept_A.jpg)
No clue if it's lost media or I'm just dumb. But there was this image set (it came in a zip file) and it was 3d, and it was this girl being inflated on this lab table. I think IcarusIllustrations made it but I literally cannot find ANY source. I also can't even find the file in my downloads so I'm not sure if I'm just crazy or it doesn't exist. I do have this image that I THINK is from it or at least is similar enough it could help find it. Would be a big help!!
I had the whole package with everything with pictures and videos but ia have a problem with pc and they were deleted.
when i downloaded they it was free, now i have to pay to download. Maybe someone still has the package in their collection.I have good stuff for a exchange
>>58241 The Vault - Archives
TALES Laura and Water 3 Illustrated
>>58336 The public archives don't have it, but this did help me find an e-hentai upload. Thanks! No clue where or how I got it still though.
Does anyone have a mega or dropbox file with all of Absolonanon‘s fetish art?
I don’t remember the artist, however I know rhe piece. I’m looking for a two part sequence of Aela the Huntress and Astrid from Skyrim, where they step in runic traps, Aela inflates into an hour glass shape and Astrid inflates at her stomach and legs
Bump, I’ve looked all over for them and had no luck whatsoever.
(5.2 MB, 2000x2000, Qualtro Classic Berry (Original).png)
I've got a small collection of stuff I know is gone or hard to find now adays. I'll post links to what I've saved. Also, here's the original version of Qualtro's Classic Blueberry pic, which he just recently changed to have a different girl's face. I think the original looks better, so here it is.

A lot of Faridae's stuff, including Juicing Room and some of his morph collections (I'm positive that I'm missing stuff, but this is what I have): https://mega.nz/folder/rmpGVCTa#gt4Si-9j6qnkTqgTvnYWdg

Busting-Fabric's stories from way back when. Some of them you can still find on Bodyinflation.org, but I have a couple here that I pulled straight from their DA account before it went under: https://mega.nz/folder/qjYiABSB#Myiu8Qcdw7iERbnjDKWa4w

65926592's stories before they deactivated their account. They're back under a similar name, but they haven't reposted any of their stories. I have all but on of their stories, I couldn't get their CYOA story since they had it in their DA Stache, which I couldn't get into when they went under: https://mega.nz/folder/L2hDTJoL#SnlTq-F-aOLoaPOxAWg61g

Level7Degenerate (Now Boiler Room on DA) stories. While they reposted a few of their older works, there are a ton that never got reposted, that I have saved in here: https://mega.nz/folder/2yYxiApD#FKNDqpjh8UC_yEpoPJoIxQ

That's pretty much all I have. On a related note, I'd love it if someone would post all of AtlasAtreides' stories, since he just deactivated his account. Preferably his Valentina/Camilla stories, and his After School Blues story.
does anyone have an alice angle pic by creeperaptor40
stoiczs has private his twitter and remove all of his pic on da so anyone have any archive of his gallery i really like his stuff.
(9.4 MB, 7000x6000, Alya blow kiss.png)
Office lost media blowkiss this is the only place im posting it before I purge it from existence take now or forever loose it
Original quality uncompressed tiff file available for 3 days only desktop view only (mobile can download it will just appear unreadable on your device)


Get both of these while you can I will not reup
Why such a limited run?
also do you post stuff elsewhere?
(45 KB, 600x533, image_0_4.preview.jpg)
Question: Does anyone have the sequel to this image where Chun Li is riding an inflated Juri? I can't find it anywhere.
Hey, it's-a-me, the lettuce bitch.

I'm phoneposting rn because I'm streaming and my computer hates me, so sorry for a lack of direct pics for the moment (it won't let me click the image thing in mobile Firefox), but I'll try to drop em post-stream if I remember.

Any of ya'll got/know where to find that old Inflatechan drawthread pooka series? I only managed to save two pics and link to some stashed bits in the description of a piece from a while ago.

Pouting, uninflated: https://sta. sh/ 017ego4hqdj2
Belly inflation only: https://sta .sh/ 0elcn63xk4u

Just remove spaces, blahblah.

There was a full-body inflated pic or two (I think she was begging to not be popped,) one where I think she might have popped, and there might have been another pic, Idunno.

If any of ya'll got the rest (and/or higher quality of what I got) and could drop the images here, that would whup ass. I'd prolly try to stash em as well for archiving.

Thanks in advance.
has anyone got this pic
(1.6 MB, 1279x851, 20.png)
Still praying that someone has Lagniappe Violet, which to this day is the pinnacle of theatrical blueberries.
Original video source here. That video got deleted off my cloud years ago by choice. Unless someone saved it off YouTube years ago I’m afraid this will be a permanently lost piece of media.
By whose choice? And from where did you get the video originally?
(416 KB, 720x479, 134727673931.png) (539 KB, 720x479, 134727680198.png)
Here is what I have. Sorry I don't have more. I saved these two years ago because I couldn't find the source anymore - I originally found via google search
Does anybody have any of EctoplasmicResidue's
Amethyst vote pics?
Does anyone have any of EctoplasmicResidue's Gem vore pics? There's one specific one of amethyst that he did before he took all of them down that I've been lookin for. Also wondering if anybody has an archive of any his gem pics
I remember searching up nyan cat on google and finding inflation of what might've been a catgirl being forcefed milk and cookies, I can't recall but the milk might've been pumped into her belly button, young me at the time didn't get much of a reaction but current me would probably love to jiggle the diddle to that
(49 KB, 300x168, FeWSA9XXoAAeFbe.png) (43 KB, 300x168, FeWSBqgX0AA_YNG.png)
the youtube channel that had some old quantumfx videos on it since the 00's recently got deleted, so these things are basically lost media now. kind of sucks, they were pretty good for the time.
(1.7 MB, 300x200, dinmi.mp4)
Have the original from the channel saved.
anyone got the MHA stories with Miss Pneumatica in it?
There was this one comic (I think it was done by HimitsuDragon or someone similar) where girls were brought to a room that caused expansion if they ever said "boobs", "butt" or "belly" and the last girl foolishly says all three and gets HUGE. I can't find it for the life of me.
Nice, i don't suppose you or anyone else has any of the wonka gum ones? And willing to post?
I remember a creeperaptor40 video, the video was a wonka berry girl
Looking for a comic that had a woman in a suit that she flew with fans and had “fused” with her skin. It was in another thread but got deleted sadly.
hey guys just wanna ask does anyone have all of creeperaptor40 inflation art archive cus he seem to delete most of them
At this point we should have a thread for Dabeenlee.
(15 KB, 256x256, Lost Ajiklo art.jpeg)
Does anybody have the full-sized version of this picture? I'm pretty sure Ajiklo took it down since he doesn't do male stuff. I only managed to get this small image using the wayback machine.
Does anyone have have the pancake weight art from Spikerollsunday
does anyone have an archive of randomwaifuinflator since he deleted some of his pic and animation

any help would be good
Is there an archive of tookinkykarma's stuff? Can't find anything after he deleted most of it somewhere around last year.
there's this one inflation comic I read a couple years back. It had this girl streamer inflating herself on a stream and I remember the ending had her belly poking out of a window before exploding. Anybody got this or will my dick be limp forever?
So I remember an art piece titled "A potion Mishap" where the four characters of FemHiccup, FemJack, Merida and Repunzel, they were all in Harry Potter scenario, but the art piece is long gone and I don't know who was the artist who made it.
I’m looking for a drawing that had an inflated Inko midoriya from mha being fucked by all might. It was once in Deviant Art but I couldn’t find it.
That brunette she could take it and sharing that with her would be one of the greatest fucks one could ever imagine
(123 KB, 1319x976, FullNicole.jpg) (45 KB, 603x800, leire-multi.jpg) (89 KB, 1200x1200, leire(1).jpg)
As luck would have it, my phone preserved one of FairyFetishStudios' sequences. Here's part of it...
I dont really remember the artist's name that well but I think its something along the lines of "Bootsynekoyama" I will take anything anyone could possibly still have from them. They were mostly rough doodles of weight gain and inflation sequences but they were good. I specifically remember one where a girl drinks from two juice boxes and expands till she fills the room.
What’s 65926592’s new account name?
Where did you find this?

They go by another dumb number name. 29382938.

Aside from a single story and a bunch of preg pictures they haven't reposted any of their old stuff, and I doubt they ever will. Last update was back in 2015.
>>34770 (OP)
Please save Tool Circle's content in >>31723 (Cross-thread) into a Mega or zip archive. Oh, and don't repost the art, please.
PS: R9K should only stop images getting posted twice in one thread, not twice by a user.
(60 KB, 760x583, inbound1543744941262838838.jpg)
Anyone have or know where this April expansion animation by Jackurai is? It's like it vanished all together.
(18 KB, 128x71, f289676272.png) (8 KB, 128x71, f417765720.png) (21 KB, 128x76, f522878240.png) (8 KB, 128x76, f522922912.png) (24 KB, 128x96, f522923024.png) (12 KB, 128x96, f522923080.png)
Does anyone have the full-size versions of these screencap edits from the previous DBZ thread? Long story short, I lost some data recently, and these thumbnails were the only versions of these pictures that I could recover. I looked on the Wayback Machine archive of that thread for them, but there don't seem to be any copies of them on there.
What happened to KurotamaArt?? ALL of their social media accounts are either deleted or wiped!
Anyone got any lost to time inflation games?
Just curious cause y’all seem real good at finding and or collecting this stuff
Dm me a way to contact you I'll send them too you under the condition you archive completely and don't share (at least unless tool circle deletes there accounts and decides to dips again only then can you share.)

Otherwise keep them private
Will honor there wishes of the artist and only share none publicly amongst ourselves among those we trust but only as long as they keep they're account active for those followers they do privately share there drawings with as they should not be punished for our actions

Only if they ever purge again/be any form of ass about it it's only then is it open season on their drawings.

Also I highly suggest if your one of there followers please archive any games, animations, and drawings to prevent lost Media if they do purge. You don't have to share them just save them. (And don't be dumb drawings only no personal photos or info they post that we all are against)

But yeah dm me I'll share you privately what was shared DO NOT REPOST PUBLICLY.
Does anyone happen to have either the account name or saved the content of a particular blueberry artist? I don't recall the name, but I vaguely remember it being something similar to Tiffany (or at least, the OC was named Tiffany).

The art in question involved a berry girl with blond pigtails. One image was a headshot that had her head in a divot that was full of her own juice. They also had small animations of this character too, namely one where it looked like she was being pounded from behind.

Appreciate it if anyone has information on this. I remember this being fairly old content, easily early 2010 or so.
Does anyone have or remember those old inflation tapes morph videos?
Where is this from?
Trust me, I wish. In fact any video of the thing in general would really be good. But who knows if it was filmed a decade back ago.
Why not be a hero we don't deserve and upload the gallery?
(60 KB, 886x902, much_too__much_too_full__belly_inflation__by_fastergrass_dfbnr9m-pre.jpg) (72 KB, 829x964, patched_up__bursting__kinda___by_fastergrass_dfdn7ow-pre.jpg) (76 KB, 845x945, check_out_my_balloon_of_a_belly__by_fastergrass_df7zgh5-pre.jpg) (79 KB, 854x936, my__dangerously_overinflated__balloon_of_a_belly__by_fastergrass_df7zgh2-pre.jpg) (82 KB, 872x916, too_tired_to_name_this__its_a_belly_inflation_pic__by_fastergrass_dfctjmk-pre.jpg) (72 KB, 827x966, just_a_bit_overinflated_by_fastergrass_df8dajk-pre.jpg)
There could be more sitting in e-hentai link for fastergrass. Not sure if I'm missing any
Not really lost art, recently came out, but for some reason I can't find it anywhere. It's a picture of Beatrix from Final Fantasy IX starting to get fat, while there's a bunch of Alexandrian Soldiers behind her completely inflated. Anyone know what I'm talking about? I really liked the style and I love group shots.
Anyone still have Jinglevellrock's lost morphs or not?
not that anon, but all of the morphs that were taken off da would be nice to see.
Am interested in seeing your folder
Does anyone have all of Blooberboy's Final Fantasy images? Most of them involving a certain tonberry were deleted a long time ago.
Threads locked save what you want start a new one
A while back, there was a guy on YouTube who posted videos much akin to a channel called JockeyBulge, which he inflated balloons in various boxers and shorts. He had one with some swimtrunks, and one with a pair of green boxer briefs. I've seen the video thumbnail on Google images before, but it led to an unavailable video. If someone knows who I'm talking about or could help me at all, please do so!
Archive, please.

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