
>>33727 (OP) holy shit I felt so much secondhand embarrassment from this

How do you even come to the conclusion, "I need to tell gene wilder about my weird ass fetish"

Like I understand telling sexual partners and stuff...but beyond that it's just extremely weird
This is fucking comedy fucking gold
I haven’t cringed this much reading something in a while.Why did he feel the need to tell him that?
Ah, THAT post again. A classic. And it still makes me want to blow my head off every time I read it.
Autism at its finest and its worst.
>>33727 (OP)
why would you ever do this
I'm pretty sure Gene Wilder would have liked to gone the rest of his life without the knowledge that someone jacked off to one of his movies.
Bro literally what are you bumping this thread for, the discussion has been had
I can't just if it wasn't for the jackass part which I don't know if it was in a playful way or not I would definitely sum it up as him feeling awkward and maybe just fining it weird and funny.. idk.. I mean if I was a celeb at least I would definitely probably take it that way you know I would probably feel personally bad in any way or form I upset an already probably extremely embarrassed person. I mean I take it as probably pretty harmless too. You know I would take it in an Elijah wood kinda way..

But anyways second question I don't get why in good Lord's name you'd ever think it was a good idea to go up to him like that.. like I don't know I wouldn't necessarily find it the most messed up thing..

But at the end of the day the only scenario I can see this making any form of logical sense is if you yourself is a girl and have a blueberry kink and have a crush on gene/willy and and for some godly reason you've been having these fantasies about him blowing you up and teasing you (I don't know whatever your personal preference) that being said i could see a scenario in which he was coming to town for autographs and you finally think to yourself that things aren't going to get better unless you confront him on it on it..

It's only in some sort of scenario like that do I remotely see a good definitive reason to approach somebody with a subject matter like this. And then get nervous from your own horny recollection of personal maturation sessions and blow it by being too nervous.

I don't know I would say on any given regular person's mind it would definitely would be the most weirdest conversation to be had it's probably definitely less of a conversation you just bring up during a autograph signing but more of one you lightly topic upon during a drink


"Hey did you know that that blueberry scene has opened up this niche fetish group recently"

Gene: really wow?

"Like it's nothing to do with violet herself directly but the idea or either women expanding or the person themselves imagining themselves or a girlfriend blowing up like a big balloon has kinda become a new thing people have been horny for and I'm just wondering your thoughts on the subject matter?"

You'd have to go into a scenario like that very in-depth and philosophical I think. You can even tell by the original message like one of the first things that probably popped into his head was "wait people horny for underage girl" then you kind of have to bring up the topic that it's much more than that it's more of just the subject matter itself.

I don't know but at the end of the day celebs are people too and people are not perfect and their opinions are always mixed as well I could most definitely see him having a negative one as much as a positive. But I don't know if I'm just stories I've personally heard around of how he was a free fun loving guy I could see if a person sat him down getting into a real in depth conversation on the subject matter possibly as long as you're wording and phrasing isn't off putting in any way or creepy..

I don't know but it is sad and cringey tail for sure. I do feel bad for op as I can definitely relate having said inflation fetish along with all of you.
World to be honest I'm sure he's probably gotten a crazy fan or two in his early years admitting something crazy like jacking off to him shirtless or something like wasn't he a heart throb for some people back in the day? I could have sworn I remember that somewhere.
>>33727 (OP)
I don't know who in their right mind would ever think "Gene Wilder needs to know about this community of degenerates spawned from his movie", or even of just the one guy that got off to it. If anything, I would have gone out of my way to make sure he NEVER found out about it.

Seriously think about it, Gene Wilder took this knowledge to the grave. If there is an afterlife, he will be haunted by what he learned on that day for all eternity.

Or maybe he just brushed it off as "lmao what a weirdo" idk
I know it's a guy but what if legit a big titty woman came up to him and said this.. would reaction be more awkward if the op was a girl or guy
I don't believe the story for three reasons. One is that op couldn't recall the exact sentences Gene said. Usually with memories that bad you can get way more specific with the minutiae. Second, I find it unlikely Gene Wilder called him a jackass. Last, it's way unlikely he didn't know about the blueberry fetish. Story seems fake as hell.

I don't know if this scenario is a fetish thing for you or something, but chances are he'd be just as disturbed at her in that case, too, as well as extremely confused that some girl becoming a blueberry also probably made her a lesbian.
I don't know I'm just kind of curious what went down I mean you probably definitely get two different reactions I know compared to a guy or girl I'd probably have feelings and react none of them real sexual so to speak. Just probably a difference in shock value like it would probably be a lot more shocking if this was coming from Jessica rabbit over random guy named drew.

It could have also been some nerdy nervous person with glasses or something. But appearances could also probably help us understand more of the scenario mindset and why he would react that way.

But now that I think about it it probably was a male giving the jackass part
I'm 99% sure this is fake but considering the fact that we have real life spergs like SBBeauregarde, Aggroh, Undertaker33 and RiddlerCorps who really want to push the fetish into the mainstream or infest even niche-er communities to fill it with fetish art that 99% is slowly coming down.

Some people are cumbrains who really want their entire being to be around the fetish, which is stupid because the fetish itself, as niche as it is, is enjoyed in about fifty different ways by itself. Do you or do you not enjoy leaking for example. Do you like blueberries actually round or do you just like fat blue women who say "I need juicing". Some people straight up just get off on the idea of it being humiliating on being a blueberry and not the actual inflation. I hate that I love blueberry porn.
They wanna make the fetish mainstream? How so?

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