
(95 KB, 1024x1024, humongous_by_backpainart_dbx6w7n-fullview.jpg)
Hello, this is some random person having an itch of a thought; do any of you have backpainart's stuff that he shared like the games he made in unity, videos, pictures, etc? I'm just wondering because he seemed to have dissapeared from the internet all of a sudden for a long time, with most of the media he had as well such as from Twitter. So I've decided to create this thread as an archive to contain all of his works. The only remains of him that i could find are his Deviantart: { https://www.deviantart.com/backpainart/gallery } and Tumblr: { https://www.tumbex.com/backpainart.tumblr/photo?page=1 } If any of you can contribute the missing media with the list I've mentioned above, that'll be a great help for me and possibly others here. thanks!
(8.0 MB, 1280x720, bbwalk2.mp4)
Video that I’ve found from them
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Do you have anymore? If so you can share it, also if you have a game he made that looks like this please make a media fire or shareable for format for it, no pressure though!
Unfortunally that is all i have =/
Ah that’s okay, thanks for the video share nonetheless!
God tese videos are amazing. Are there any other videos with a similar format to them, with the inflation and deflation that gets bigger over time, even out there?
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This animation was on their twitter. Unfortunately I didn't save the video but hopefully someone else did.

It had the girl pumping larger and larger and larger, groaning and creating as her breasts and body swelled. Then suddenly she can take no more and the contents of her breasts bursts forth and she deflates back down ready to start again.

Lots of creaks and groans and moans and sound effects as she grows larger and larger, approaching her limit.
Anyone have content saved from their deleted twiter?
(3.3 MB, 1060x1080, flat2dAudio2_.mp4)
I'm not on twitter or actively updating any social media any more, but if you do need to ask me anything I will try to keep up with this thread. I was gonna post my report my post username but the rules forbid report my post links.

Also here is something I made in Live2D

Ah crap I meant Spine2D
Holy Moly it’s really you! I never thought I’d imagine you coming and seeing yourself being archived lol, but yeah, big fan of your works! Also if you don’t mind answering, what made you leave? And hopefully you are alright. Also do you happen to still have some interactive games left?
Also when you mean you were going to “report my post” you mean you were going to take down this forum..? I’m sorry if it invaded your privacy, or maybe you meant something else?
(3.7 MB, 1280x1457, succubus_1280.png)

nono you're fine - I made a typo -- I meant to REPOST my report my post username (not REPORT it!)

I feel like social media is demoralizing for me when I'm on it. Like, I'll make a post and then I get these thoughts like: "I'm not getting as much traction as I deserve." I wind up living in my head and I don't like the person that I see myself turning into when I stay on those platforms so it was better to just put an end to it, no flounce posts, no announcements, because i didn't want to be seen as an attention-seeker.

But someone got in touch with me on report my post and told me there were some people who wanted to archive some of that art and I think that people who go through that trouble are real fans compared to the vast majority of likes that count as 'feedback' on twitter.

I think that the people who are really popular on twitter really make a lot of sacrifices in different ways to maintain that popularity and I honestly don't know how I'd maintain my sanity. It seems like you have to post frequently and jump on the bandwagon and draw the latest trends and... I have my own ideas and things that I want to draw.

So thinking about it, it means that if I'm not willing to play by the rules of social media popularity, I don't get to complain about my lack of popularity and maybe, just maybe there's a bad fit, like my mind isn't shaped the right way to fit in and I'm too stubborn to conform to a shape I don't admire.

So it's probably a lot healthier for me to go back to the way things were when I was not on twitter and I enjoyed drawing just because I had lewd ideas that I thought were fun on paper and not worry too hard about whether it was going to become a post that others would like.

whoa, it keeps inserting "report my post" into my messages...
(213 KB, 496x598, tigolbitties-001-001-Untitled.gif)
oh... now I understand, the chan/board has an auto-replace filter set to replace a certain popular VOIP/chat app name with the text: "report my post"
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In the end I just don't like the impersonal format of mass social media platforms and how they present people as an inscrutable mass. So while I can't get along with a platform, it doesn't mean that I can't get along with people! I know that it means that it may considerably reduce my potential reach, but I just feel that it's more comfortable and productive meeting people one at a time rather than by the thousands.
Aaaaaaaahh I totes get what you mean, yeah myself I have a bit of a social media experience at the moment, it’s not easy. Because like you said you’d have a high expectations of getting a high traction but in reality it do3snt meet your expectations. And in a way it makes you feel that sense of jealousy I assume. And it’s completely fine to decide to remain a private artist. But in the end what matters is you doing more art, and remember— don’t feel pressured to do something right away, because.. “you can’t rush art”.

But yeah it’s nice to see you do more stuff! Perhaps you and I can be in contact in some way or form? That is if your comfortable haha.
Hey backpain. Ive been wondering if you were to upload some more animation vids you made
(7.2 MB, 1200x1920, liftoff.webm)
I gotta do the others but I've been up all night and I gotta head off for now.
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last one didn't upload
Backpain. What an ironic and ddelightful name.
You ever grabbed an inflated balloon by the nozzle end and squeezed it to watch the other end get taut? That's what those nipples remind me of, I love it.
Good to hear from you, backpain. You wouldn't happen to have that interactive animation "Defying Average" lying around still? Since the original upload links are long dead.
Absolute legend, thanks a lot.
how do you play?
amazing as always
Thanks I hate it
hey backpain i dont know if your here and i only knew you from here. dut do you happen to have more ( animated) art?
Looks like they were made by a 3dpd.
I haven't heard from them in a while. I think they've been busy with other things and haven't been able to touch live2d
i cant see to get passed the first stage is there something im meant to do or?
so i managed to get the game to work once but then it broke again and wont work properly is there a way im meant to pump her up or what?
go fuck yourself
Earliest and latest art?
Current gallery?
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I didn't draw this one, though I did the original design for the character for the same commissioner which you can see here:
I don't have one. There are no platforms I want to participate on.

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