
>>31723 (OP) Good luck with that, buddy. His account is well protected.
i lose nothing by asking
>>31883 They don't work. But I didn't know he made them.
Did you have them saved or where did you find them?
Shit man I was missing out
>>31925 We all were. It makes me wonder why he's such a recluse.
Glad to be of assistance .
>>31960 What about the other 2?
Has anything new been posted recently?
>only allows 100 followers
Well, many thanks to the anons here for sharing their stuff, shame they have such a bullheaded mentality.
At least the game is cool, needs more inflation tho.
Kind of sucks that the dude is too strict about allowing people to watch him. Heck, I use to be one of his watchers until I was blocked out of the blue.
Sucks since his work was really amazing, and his game was super adorable. Kind of wish one of his watchers would allow us to see his work.
perhaps the fact that you guys reposted his stuff here after he specifically ask no one not to is the reason he decided to block people and be more reclusive
All I did was share the game he made in a public site. That's all I did lol
Heck. I just found out about this place today. I contributed nothing.
I'm glad they took down those pics of tool_circle
Okay I notice the pics are still up, and that the site was bugging out. And to be honest, after thinking about it, I think if a creator does not want their art to be re-uploaded to another site and only be kept to their account as they wish, we should respect that. Not everyone what's to be made a big deal, and while I still think the 100 watcher limit is kind of dumb, it's still understandable. Unless they say otherwise, this is kind of disrespectful. =/

I mean, I'm okay with people sharing my art as long as they credit and link to the original post, but he does not share the same sentiment. I honestly think these pics should be taken down if he does not want them up. At this point I think this thread should be less of reposting his artwork and maybe, and this is just me, be more dedicated to fan art for his game at the very least. If not that, then just stop doing it.
Then he shouldn't be hiding.
Piracy is a service problem.
Reuploading his artwork without permission is not going to prove to him that he needs to open his account up, it's just going to prove that people are greedy and won't respect his wishes. Unless you are able to convince the person directly to do so, without using force mind you, it's not your decision on what should be kept between him, his watchers and friends. We won't really know since we are either not approved to watched or are blocked out of the blue. But until then, I just don't think this is right.
If he didn’t want his art to ever be seen he shouldn’t have made a twitter account and shared it online in the first place.

Maybe its my autism but I find it horribly bizarre that 100 internet strangers seeing it is fine but more than that seeing and appreciating it is suddenly a problem.

Keep it offline and just on your harddrive if its such an issue.
>great art
>cute > lewd
>must not see
Did the dude ever make a rule against fan art?
>long post apologizing for white knighting deleted
Not to my knowledge actually on the huntford seeing if there's anything else out there ironically I did come across one piece straight from Twitter and given that's his home platform for them I highly doubt that it would go unnoticed to their eyes and they wouldn't have already issued a takedown

I so to my knowledge probably ok to make fanart
But then it comes down to an issue that hard drives can always fail and you could end up losing all that stuff so having an online archive would be better but then said you could always get some sort of permanent Google drive or something to store it on as well..

Man air bridge etc.

The way I see it there is reasons why he could not want stuff just floating out in the world like the number one I could definitely see is it linking back to him irl and causing some sort of problems that way I 100% understand and get that that being said if you create an account just don't link it to anything irl for the most part it shouldn't come back to bite you in your ass and at the same time it's not like he's doing anything controversial

Just balloon women..

But still I understand the sentiment and fear of something like that..

That being said it was a risk that they knew taking on this and posting content and although I really hope somebody's not stupid enough to ducks anyone like ever you never know what those kinds of things
Judging from their profile, I would wager that tool_circle's protective nature of their work stems from the culture they come from. The Japanese are pretty finicky with stuff like that in general (Nintendo and their rage against rom sites for a good example).

Nevertheless, I don't agree with their decision. The more they try to hide their work, the more people will want in, and will eventually do anything to see such. It reminds me of the whole piracy spiel Gabe Newell said, and I agree with him. Tool_circle restricting their work to only a select handful of people is going to result in stuff like this--people reuploading their work on other sites so they can enjoy it because they can't access it from the source.

As much as it can suck, reposting is a fact of life. It happens, and you can't always do something about it (well, in this case you can, but it has a caveat). You can either let people see your work hassle-free and deal with an occasional repost, or wall it all off and almost guarantee reposts.
Yeah, I think that's sums up everything. I think at this point I'll do some fan art even if I don't get recognized (or unblocked). Heck, if he ever does unblock me, I would totally want to make an animation revolving around his characters (Like Pooka-Chan or Fygar-Chan, or his original characters like Gum and Steel) once I have enough practice. Would be fun to make one. Until then, I just hope he gets more comfortable about sharing his art.
Technically since fan art isn't a problem you don't even need permission you can do it regardless if you feel like it
I noticed his follower count dipped to 99 for a bit then went back to 100. Wonder what caused it?
I think their content is excellent
Anybody with access to their page been able to dig up any new arts? Craving more Gum here
Yeah come on at least old shit or fan art what if they purge like there's no fluffing archive
At least post or make some fanart guys
bump to delay the inevitable
Getting ridiculous how nobody's posting anything it's probably not like this artist is posting stuff on a daily and it's not like they got a gun to your head

Either dump it here or at least post fanart!

Like lord knows nothing's stoping you guys from making your own stuff with they're characters.

I'm just sitting here sad but yet laughing. Like nobody archives a single thing of theirs! Even if you're not posting it all over the place at least archive the shit on a hard drive.

Because the one thing that tickles me pinker than bubblegum is eventually maybe not today. They're gonna purge just like kitten owned did and unlike they're public content I 100% guarantee it will become lost Media FOREVER!

and no amount of following them will save the arts if they decide to delete they're Twitter.

I get it posting it make them do it automatically and I also understand yes I don't want the artist getting oxed or shamed by family or friends that shits bull nobody should ever deal with

Rule 1. Never kink shame (unless it's ironic shitpost)

But all it will take is one bad day and this brilliant artist's entire portfolio will be entirely GONE!

so I hope whatever happens even if you refrain from posting it until that sad day somebody has archived their shit..

I get being chivalry about it but seriously sad such amazing chibi style art is locked behind a wall .

So for the last time before this thread dies if your not gonna post their shit at least you can honor it with some god-damned fanart to show your love for they're works before this thread gets reply locked..

Sorry for the rant. Go on with your day
Makes me sad because theirs probably so much cool shit and Maybe even new characters will never see and get to appreciate
Keep in mind that only a hundred are allowed to follow him so it's not easy getting pics
Seriously nobody gonna dump anything on here like lol it's been months if y'all fuckers don't contribute something I'm not gonna bump this again!
Like seriously how is this the most well kept gatekept secret of this entire community?

Are they uploading stuff so good you don't wanna risk them running or is this all they're is?

Like this shit reaching fetish levels of lost Media lol
Is there any more?
THANK YOU! Great to see more Gum
Bruh I think you made them delete their account
Guess that explains why nobody wanted to post these then, thanks "Lost Media" sped.
Remember kids, respect artist's wishes and you won't make them nuke their accounts!
(181 KB, 2048x1024, FMYGvtDXoAYnAXg.jpeg)
I don't get why they should be ashamed of it to begin with but this is WHY I TOLD YOU GUYS save shit ALWAYS

That said hopefully maybe one day they'll return my intentions were never to force them out of this community my intentions was for they're beautiful work to be preserved and saved not locked behind a wall because of those who may dislike it nothing more..

You should always be proud of what you create cringe and all because you gave it life. And you made someone ile as a result of it

That said here's a fanart I found
Also I never said it had to be official could have been even fanart but you all were being lazy not using this thread for months

That said with cat out of the bag I guess whoever has they're works archived dump them as it's probably the last that exist and no point hiding them now!

Rip tool circle your art and ocs will be missed whoever you are...

I wish you a good happy life
It's probably because he's the only sane artist not encouraging interaction with autistic fetish guys.
Bruh it's porn like anything else if somebody in Japan of all place expecially a hentai artist gets up in you face like "ew you like balloon people weirdo" just clap back with "yeah at least I don't draw tentacles fucking ears and noses for a living my shits tame compared to yours"

The whole point of them purging was feelings of inadequacy and embarrassment for what people would think of them if you already thinking such thoughts about yourself with this hobby your not gonna get far I've seen this 1,000 times yes you could blame all of use for being stupid horny apes but if your feeling bad for drawing stuff you bound to purge eventually every single time I've seen at least 4 people leave for mental health reasons

One of which being a porn addiction lol
But it goes to show it was enviable nothing good lasts forever
I just found out their Twitter is gone. Big oof. Guess this was bound to happen.
I dunno, but I think looking back we may have pushed too hard, and maybe it wasn't our job to say how this person should share their art and, at the end of the day, we still don't know why they had to keep things super private. And if this was the reason they left, I said it's a job failed. Who knows if they will be back, or even if they'll still do fetish art if they decide to return. For all we know we pressured someone out of there comfort zone to where they had enough and leave. Not surprised this place dies here and there, cause people either have better things to do with their lives than just trying to archive one dude or dudette's creations like a bunch of porn addicts. If anybody gonna make fan art, then do so. If not, then just move on and leave the person alone now that they left.
True personally I hear that Twitter was also breached sometime recently and account info was leaked somewhere on 4cuan or something it's possible that scared them off too

But I'm also in agreement on that either make and drop some fan art or at the very least guess there's no harm to drop what artwork that was on they're now deleted Twitter up here (outside of course personal info that may trace back to them or other sensitive stuff like that ) as personally what's the point on hiding something since they already purged

So either do something or archive what you want our of this thread and just finally let this shit die people because what's the fucking point anymore. If you not gonna dump shit than get off the pot because others gotta take a shit to ya know


Yeah I'm not going to lie, I was damn near tempted to draw fanart of Gum, which is impressive since I haven't drawn any inflation art since I graduated high school. Even planned on drawing an hourglass expansion for Grape Gum. And I'm not even into hourglass.
But this entire situation really soured my mood and convinced me not to do it. I respected TC's privacy, and was willing to make some fanart of their adorable characters as a reward for others showing the same restraint, but some people couldn't help themselves, and now we lost an interesting artist in this community because of it.
True I get ya but still if there not even sharing basic character models or art sheets even none inflation related memes or something not behind a wall are they technically an artist? Personally I find them more like an art ninja hiding in the clouds in secret creating beautiful canvases the world will never see

That said it could also be the resent Twitter security breach as well or even personal reasons too we barely know much about they're art and characters outside of 5 or 6 of them let alone personal things in life outside of this no share policy. That said I do personally feel bad for my own roll in all this nagging like the rest of you to see something or anything of interest

I take my leave accepting this as a fitting punishment for all us but you gotta understand everyone bumping the thread with a couple of pieces teasing us then no content at all for months to share not even fanart that sours our patience as well

If nobody was gonna post anything to begin with then what even was the point of this thread? Just to argue with each other and scare off an artist

I as well as others accept our role in this drama but you guys gotta accept just constantly bumping a thread without contributing anything even something fanmade is also a causing factor and that's all I'll say

Sourness and disappoint all around and to boot
Caused someone to leave the community as well sml this thread truly was a curse from begining to end
See bumped again with no content or opinion to share whatsoever
Double LL
It was deeply unfortunate to see Tool_circle close up shop. Their art (and their game for that matter) were and still are spectacular. I hope they do decide to return to social media, but of course there's no telling. At the very least, we still have these wonderful images here.
True and hopefully someone ported that game somewhere not saying you should post I'm just saying you should always save in case stuff like this happens and people go dark now there's no archive outside of whats here and what those might still share
>>31723 (OP)
I'm fairly certain that he or she has other galleries.
Looks like he’s found out lol
He found out about this place?
Well oh well it's not like people are sharing much anyways they can have their exclusivity back just let this thread die giving all it is is begging with no real art being dropped

Like legit one person drop something a couple months back in a big load. Then nothing for a very long time. And literally like less than 2 months ago one person drops a single new image and the artist purges.

So if nobody's going to post anything else then just let this thread die and give them back there little rabbit hole like seriously I don't get why this is such a big deal to begin with everybody's making this an entire nightmare situation when it really shouldn't be.

All people wanted was to see some wholesome cute Balloons from an amazing artist and everything went to hell as a result..

Sofor the LAST time
either post

Whatever images you archived
Post fanart

it was fun while it lasted. We tried to bring some appreciation for something we love in this community. And it backfired massively!

So do something or move on seriously it's getting annoying at this point

Also I highly suggest you save anything from here while you can because I highly doubt that anyone will ever make or touch a thread like this EVER AGAIN!

At the very least I know I'm not going to be a part of a tool circle thread at the result of the damage I feel I've done here I won't come back unless the artist themselves said it was ok
that's how badly I fell about this threads existence
(12 KB, 258x442, download (8).jpeg)
Yeah. They left. And no I don't have fan art, but why are you still here? I'm barely here and barely care about this thread and only came back to see if some shit happened. At this point this shit is dead and since nobody wants to even make any art and have better things to do, this thread is just dead and barely anything interesting has happened. I have all the files downloaded and just waiting to see if someone deletes this shit. You're not doing anything by screaming "let it die" and ironically keeping the thread going. So do as you preach: post some fan art or animation, or fuck off. I had plans to do a fan animation of Steel inflating Gum in a animation, but this thread has soured my mood for doing it. I'm just... done. I got things to do.
>not feeling flattered
I still say do what your heart desires I wouldn't let the rest of these clowns get on your nerves they're just gonna keep bumping the drama til it locks up but don't let that deter you from making something to homage a fantastic artist if you still don't want to do said fan art ever again more power to you that's completely your decision after all that's gone down but don't let one bad experience cause you to hold a grudge over it if you really wish to do it I just say hell don't give these guys the time of day and drop it in a fanart thread or something. But I'm only mentioning at all because looks like some idiot bumped it again >>63091 anyways this is truly all I'll say on the matter as I don't wanna become part of the problem and add to this threads suffering but hopefully offer a silver lining before it dies
>artist is mad
Hallooween is upon us.
not for long if you post anything now
They have made it VERY clear that their stuff is not to be reposted as it is against their wishes. You may ask for it privately for those who do have their work but keep in mind that if it gets posted to any large board/forum/report my post/etc. they will delete for good. Please don't ruin a good thing for everyone, and also, they do know about this thread so don't posy asking for it here.
Dude there hasn't been activity here for month's that said this whole thread exists because one person rage posted there shit because they locked they're follower count at 99 so this shit kinda on them for not allowing more viewers

That said I say just fuck it and post and make fanart only in this thread that or let it die..
No amount of exclusive art is worth this hell if they wanna be super special top secret about what they create let them be that way fanarts good enough as long as someone find something to do with this thread instead of bitch and moan because obviously this shits not gonna die out with shitheads like you constantly bumping it.

Do something fun with this thread that at least honors the artists work or let it die and move on. So sick of people complaining this was supposed to be wholesome art appreciation not toxic bullshit if anything I blame all you fuckers as why there stuff will always remain private as with crazies like you people I would be scared as shit to post my shit unanonymous too
So on last time so everyone in the back can hear


>thread about an artist
>artist gets mad if anyone reposts their work
>artist is incredibly selective over who gets to see it in the first place, even if they ask
The artist himself has mental issues, but you guys are worse, since the only way this thread can get any content is if someone leaks his work, and if anyone leaks his work, he throws a tantrum and quits for a few months.
If bbw-chan supports sage, we should be using it, OR someone should leak his stuff, tantrums aside. There's no reason for this thread to just keep getting bumped eternally for nothing.
NVM about the sage thing, looks like bbw-chan doesn't support it... for some reason.
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>I blame all you fuckers as why there stuff will always remain private
No blame yourself for being this invested in a website you willingly chose to dip yourself into and write walls of text over
You’re literally the complaining projectionist blaming everyone else that you’re whining about dumbass lol
I'm incredibly selective over who I let follow me because when I wasn't selective about it, a random almost immediately reposted on twitter, then when I whittled down my followers someone posted to this thread, which makes my drawings come up on image searches, which is the main thing I'm trying to avoid. If I could accept all follower requests I would but I can't trust randoms to not repost in public places. I certainly don't want to give access to people like you who would despise me because you feel entitled to my drawings.
I don't mind other people drawing my characters at all, if anything I'd be flattered. I don't care if people repost the game I made or the pixel art I made. I don't care if people share my drawings between friends or in small report my post servers. I just don't want my drawings to pop up on google image search, that's it.
(189 KB, 584x1653, Tool Circle Thread.png)
Since you've given the okay, I will post the thread so people understand more clearly your reasons.
Thank you for your view on things and now I understand and empathize. What a pity, I loved your art and so did others!

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