
(96 KB, 385x243, Society Maymay.png)
The thread at >>2447 (Dead) is bloated and old, time for a new thread. Here's a reiteration of the original rules with a few amendments:

1. Don't bitch if you see a dick, or if a character with tits and a dick, or whatever, it's all fair game in that department.

2. One Character at a time. This is a request thread, not a commission line. The artists are doing this for free.

3. Be more descriptive of what you want. Anyone can ask for "X with Y Fetish" but it's more likely that your request will be more interesting if you go into some extra detail (But not too much, please.)

4. Inflation stuff only. Make a thread in the other forums if you want fats.

5. Be decent human beings.

6. Don't ask for kids, ffs.

7. If you want furry content, the current inflation drawthread for /bbfurries/ is over at >>>/bbfurries/4737. Give the mods a break so that they don't have to banish this thread to the shadow realm if there's a sudden influx of furry requests or whatever.

8. Respect global rules, follow basic common sense, and have fun.
(111 KB, 405x570, request.png)
Something to maybe help keep this thread a bit more organized then the last one.

All requests please post to here.
(122 KB, 433x571, delivery.png)
And all deliveries please post to here, to help them become easier to find.
(254 KB, 800x559, 800px-XY_Valerie.png) (218 KB, 676x547, Screenshot 2021-09-08 1.15.20 AM.png)
Requesting Valerie since there is almost 0 inflation art of her. Wanting her to hugely puff up from sort of fairy magic I guess, with her clothes tearing and popping off a bit since the outfit is tight. Something like the second image here.
(813 KB, 1575x1920, Hitoshura_2_Remastered.jpg) (2.0 MB, 2950x2650, Sig Berry (TB).png) (658 KB, 1720x2084, PixieSMT3.jpg)
My request shall be the Demi-Fiend from SMT3 as a massive blueberry, crushing the ground/planet with a satanical grin on his face doing so.(Think like the scene from Fire Emblem Three Houses where Dimitri snaps) Bonus points for Pixie cheering him on.
(69 KB, 322x410, Lemres_PPT2.png) (421 KB, 1500x1200, pastry_inflation_1___tracie_by_green_glutton_da8oudh.png) (372 KB, 660x621, gigantic_cream_puff_by_talfniball77_deqck1n.png) (2.8 MB, 2200x2400, jellyfilled_cynthia_by_horizonhue_de7h3cs.png)
I'd like to request Lemres from Puyo Puyo having a blueberry-like transformation into a pastry of some sort, though if this feels like to weird of a concept then I'll gladly settle for him as a regular blueberry instead
(265 KB, 828x570, B023853B-F8DF-4472-A3A9-AE3852876AFC.jpeg)
Requesting helium full body inflation of Poniko from Yume Nikki getting inflated from an air tank, please

Preferably blushing and enjoying it a lot :o
(614 KB, 1200x2340, eb8~2.jpg) (177 KB, 637x477, nm4OSsC_d~3.jpg)
I'd absolutely adore if someone could make moon-chan here look like the secondary pic, but with an air hose anally, visibly on the verge of bursting and REALLY enjoying it. Thanks!
(1.1 MB, 1925x1487, maron.jpg)

Not a fan of Toriyama's style, so I went a bit off model.
Sexy and awesome job.

To be fair, your take on Maron was perfectly right your way.
>>30181 just wanted to bump my request that I made in the last thread
>>30164 (Dead)

Dude, don't post the same request multiple times; You've already bumped your request enough.
>>30527 (Dead)
Bumping ur same request wont get it done faster dude
(159 KB, 1440x1080, sketch-1627960212041.png) (206 KB, 1440x1080, sketch-1627664238800.png) (400 KB, 2220x1080, sketch-1630631195460.png) (151 KB, 1440x1080, sketch-1630541926605.png)
We have an artist in the house! I'm still a semi-novice and I know my style isn't the most impressive, but I'll gladly draw something for anyone interested. ^^ I can do both males and females, as well as just about any size and method of inflation, I'll do about four or five requests for now and I might stick around if I'm well recieved!
(514 KB, 1350x2385, 3d reference.jpg) (52 KB, 1280x720, untitled_by_kopolokoyo_dem382l-fullview.jpg)

I'm just going to repost my request from last thread but with a different reference.

I would like to request Jing Wei inflated just like the girl in the reference pic, barefoot and everything but perhaps with smaller breasts so you can actually see her face.

Hey if it's okay with you, would you mind giving my
request a try?, if you don't feel like it that's okay.
>>30561 meant to respond to you
>>30561 i meant to respond to you
I had ti delete It and repost beacuse for problems on my phone

Hey, thank you for doing my request, I have a small nitpick though, I hope you don't mind, do you think you could make her skin a lighter tone?,perhaps you can't easily see it through the reference I gave but the character actually has a very light skin tone.
(348 KB, 1440x1080, sketch-1631751395080.png) (291 KB, 1440x1080, sketch-1631751398893.png)
Here ya go, pal ^^ I did actually notice while I was first coloring this that her legs (the part I used for skin color reference) were quite a bit darker than the rest of her body, but at the time I didn't feel the need to correct it, hope it's a bit better now ;)

As for the others who've requested me, I'll get to your pictures soon, don't worry. I was a bit busy today, but I'll try to get some work done on them now that I'm available!
>>30649 Okay. I hope my request won't be too hard for you.
Thank you, I'm actually really happy with how it came out, say could I give you another request?, do tell me if I'm asking for too much.
Oh, of course you can! It makes me really happy to know you've enjoyed my art so far~
>>30679 (Dead)
Dude. Read the rules. ONE Character at a time.
Might as well try for a bump
(2.0 MB, 1898x896, Charybdis Reference1.png) (248 KB, 2048x1534, Homura Blimp Ref.jpg)
Thank you, in that case could you draw this character (Charybdis) inflated like the girl in pic related,with charybdis being barefoot and her belt having popped off and thus letting her inflated belly bulge out like in the reference pic.
Ah shit, i m really Sorry
(329 KB, 2000x2000, Emmet.png)
Did my best on this one, hope you like it.
Can I see the succubi from Helluva Boss inflating humans?
one at a time my dude...

I'd like to vouch for this one.
I'll bump mine, I guess.
(210 KB, 1440x1080, sketch-1632402715181.png) (200 KB, 1440x1080, sketch-1632402718131.png)
While I wasn't ever too big of a fan of the blorb shape, I've been warming up to it a bit recently, and I'm always fine with going out of my comfort zone every once in a while anyway. This is my first time trying this shape out so don't hesitate to tell me if there's something you think I should change/improve
>>31184 Thank you so much! The shape looks great. Also, I didn't know you weren't a fan of that shape. But I am happy you're warming up to it.
(140 KB, 1440x1080, sketch-1632465063531.png) (132 KB, 1440x1080, sketch-1632465331807.png)
And this would be the last one for now, as well as the one I'm happiest with! Figuring out the outfit was a bit hard, but I believe I got it down. If you see any innacuracies then tell me what I should correct.

Someone on another thread told me they wanted a drawing from me, so once they've posted their request here and I finish it, I'll move on to doing requests that interest me on my own accord (starting with >>30893)
(206 KB, 1920x1080, PicsArt_09-24-06.05.23.png)
Hey i Hear that you want to do my request, thank you so much, but before starting watch this fast draw i made

It shows how i want the draw, the part whit the blueberry body and the part whit the sinking head (Remember whit no inflated cheeks)

Thank you so much
Needs more ponies.

Yo, thread OP here: if ya' want MLP stuff, that stuff goes over at >>>/bbfurries/4737.

I don't judge peeps for stuff like that too much, 'just making sure that the mods don't need to banish this thread to that board, like that one uber thread from a good chunk of time back.
(7.1 MB, 4160x3120, PuyoPuyo Lemres Blewb (By Janette Barker).png)

Boop. Thought I'd hop back in again and slap out some stuff. My internet is being a bit of a jerk and making it a bit slow to upload the stuff.

Gonna go pass out now lol
Oh my gosh... he looks absolutely adorable!!! Thank you so much~
Haha, thank you~
Where’s my request??
>>31380 Yo, your ID doesn't show up anywhere else in the thread, so... uh...

If you mean that you posted a thing, but it's not showing up, maybe ya just forgot to post it, maybe the mods removed it for violating board rules or something, etc.

If you did a request, but nobody drew it yet, nobody can really tell what you requested, cos' your ID changed. It'll get drawn if someone likes the request and wants to draw it, so have patience. If no drawfren wants to draw it, it just doesn't get drawn, no biggie.
Great job, thanks for doing my request, nice to see her get more expansion art.
Here’s my ID: Andrew Lampkins!
(146 KB, 1999x2195, Ice_Queen_Day_Palette.png) (865 KB, 5000x2550, the_contest_concludes_by_milkybody_d7gs7ly.jpg)
My suggestion is a GTS + inflation pic (Using the pic on the right as reference) of Ice Queen from Adventure Time. She can be naked and you can either draw her in your own style or imitate the show's art style, though I personally prefer the former.
Here you go, hope you like it!
Wow it's Just beautiful❤️ thank you so much

But if it's possible can you make her ears smaller? Thanks
>> 31095 I’d like to bump this one, and also I’d like to add that I’d like for her to be on her back surrounded by oompaloompas
>> 31095
>>31449 Do you have a Deviantart account BTW?
Why, yes I do! I haven't posted anything over there yet, but I'm planning to very soon! If you're interested you can find me here: aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuZGV2aWFudGFydC5jb20vdGhhdG9uZWd1eTU3MjE (decode for link)
Gonna try for a last bump :]
Thank you so much❤️

Hey! I requested this. Thank you very much she looks very nice and filled!
(2.9 MB, 2000x2884, Monica_Raybrandt_concept_art.png)
Monica Raybrandt, losing a fight with a slime that proceeds to fill her and find her limit.
No blood or Gore. Just a game over.
(22 KB, 250x423, ViviResize.jpg) (18 KB, 480x365, VioletResize.jpg)
I'd like a short sequence (3 to 4 parts) of Vivi blowing up into a full-size blueberry. If no one's up for sequences, I'll settle for a single pic.
(854 KB, 1344x1956, 775748.jpg) (6.7 MB, 6512x9451, yumeko.png)
Requesting Octavia the cello-shaped cellist training her soundbox while wearing something fancy. Crescendo!
Quick bump
If you're still there, do you have anywhere you post your art?
Since it's an only threat I guess I'll throw a new request into the wind see if anything sticks

Been a while but like last time I'll throw you two options you can pick and choose your poisons
(677 KB, 2134x3200, Chloe-Grace-Moretz-in-Shorts-on-Neighbors-2-Sorority-Rising-set--43.jpg) (10 KB, 177x285, images (10).jpeg) (6 KB, 188x268, images (11).jpeg) (241 KB, 480x960, Screenshot_20211006-201445.png)

1st up Chloe grace Moretz in these lovely shorts from neighbors 2 where she annoyed the shit out of Seth Rogan (check it out I highly recommend also bonus points if you want to draw Seth Rogan using the bike pump on her with him laughing for the meme of it)

Below you'll find outfit references and the shape and expression reference

I found this perfect picture of a girl inflating all angry like and pouty which I think would go wonderful with a laughing Seth Rogan pumping her up. (It would just make the image scream national lampoon vibes)
(142 KB, 500x401, 4b4eecec181f8fbb4c172ac155c4bede.png) (99 KB, 960x960, Entrapta_Character_Profile.jpg) (197 KB, 1920x1080, martyna-lipinska-entrapta.jpg) (235 KB, 775x623, 1633570891541.png)

Option idea 2

Entrapta from DreamWorks shera

Again this is another one that's just been an idea sitting on my back lot for a while of ideas I've done nothing with so I figured I'd throw this in as an optional in case somebody wants to do someone more cartoony than a real life person.

I do highly recommend if you need more reference images for the character there are some fantastic expressions out and about of the show this character is one of those ecstatic types that are just so expressive! (Would definitely be a fun one to do for comics or other gag strips inflation or non inflation based)

Anyways I got off topic back to the topic at hand

I found this 101 Dalmatians inflation which I think would be a fantastic shape for her as well as this image with a girl having a scared "too full I'm gonna blow look" that I think would fit the facial expression perfectly

Again I'm kind of hoping just like the original reference picture it's a bike pump hose in mouth or back side inflation (whichever best fix the expression I recommended) so put the hose where you like

As far as who is using the bike pump that's 100% of you it would be anyone or yourself or someone from the series..

I'll let you go wild with that last part as I have no preference ideas exception bike pump

Bonus points on any jokes or memes that are added to this let's just have fun with it

(You're going to have to probably Google search to try to hunt for a better photos of her that's what you want because rk9 is preventing it.)
Fyi Chloe overall cuz I know the original reference images are very small in size but they're the only ones of the outfit I can find.

But with either or have fun.

Also Triple points to the most accurate looking to person depicted or original artstyle of the cartoon as well as effort put into it.
Can I get Verosika Mayday inflating Loona publicly or inflating
Millie in front of Moxxie?
(249 KB, 1985x2048, 20210923_193716.jpg) (211 KB, 1541x2048, 20210808_103927.jpg) (989 KB, 2853x3758, __oshino_shinobu_monogatari_drawn_by_sugiyama_nobuhiro_and_watanabe_akio__638dc0abaa35a6acd2030f69814101a9.jpg) (4.1 MB, 6289x4331, __oshino_shinobu_monogatari_and_2_more_drawn_by_watanabe_akio__e3a03f1c3c898dccf15b60cd3912e6d3.jpg)
I request an inflated Shinobu oshino about to burst shitting donuts and that it is inflated with donuts being body inflation while it is swollen like a ball while it has a face of pleasure 🍩🧀
Shitting doughnuts
do you know where youre standing?
Welp, my boner's gone.
...ANYWAYS, let's move on from that poster's very bad (and rule breaking idea) and go back to suggesting better ideas.

(Side note, the artist who usually does the requests is planning to take a break from the works, but they will return after a while. In the mean time, maybe some other people could take their place and do some requests?)
This is the worst thing I've ever read on this site.
Alright, I'm bumping my request again, just so we can get this thread back on track a little.

Bump for this.
i know i said it was the final bump. But why the hell not. Might as well try one more time
Of course I do im just one of the degenerates standing in a sea of them riding the abyss along side you all

But even so some days my head pops up from the sea waters and sees something so horrid that I only dream of death and feel like finally sinking to the bottom of this river of cum
bump for that.
Heyyy~ dropping by real quick to save this thread from becoming a flood of replies to the same dumb post!
Ask me (>>30561) for a few more requests~ I'm currently taking it slower than usual with art so please be patient if you plan on requesting
I'm gonna be bumping up my request, >>31417, so that it doesn't get lost in the sea of people memeing on pedos either.
Bumping my request dhdkr
(66 KB, 640x960, 8712F5CA-ADDD-4BF4-9AF6-3AB4AC795153.jpeg)
Can someone draw her turning into a blueberry? Give her the classic 05 blueberry shape but with some boobs. Ideally I’d like a two or three part sequence but if that’s too time consuming just do one part. Her name is Faye Reagan btw if you need more reference pics.
(3.7 MB, 3970x3884, E-hxL_IVkAEElBc.jpg) (419 KB, 476x1280, Omega_Ruby_Alpha_Sapphire_May.png) (108 KB, 700x990, aEp6LqM_700bwp.png)
Requesting May drinking too much water and Roxanne studying her. For her school, totally.

PS: Do we have to request with an image for the end result? Can we request and let draw-friends have fun? Asking for science.
What do you mean by "Draw-friends"?
*sigh* I guess all the artists left after that donut idea was posted.
>>33915 Draw-friends meaning pretty much anyone who is willing to draw in here. Another way of putting it being just drawfrens.

>>34513 Personally I kinda don't come around as much because:
> There's a bunch of random IRL people being requested in here. It's not mentioned to not request IRL people in the stated rules at >>30150 (OP), and I filled a rando IRL request in the first thread, but it's iffy AF.
> A lot the requests that I see are of underaged characters. Barely any straight-up loli shit (thank fuck,) but still def a handful of characters that are canonically not adults.
> The fucking loli request and the one with the Shadbase watermark. Why
> I'm kinda just burnt out and elsewhere overall tbh, such is life.

I don't think the loli donut shit was the main reason why drawfrens aren't returning as much tho, it's probably more generally just that people don't really gravitate to doing free drawfren stuff when they're already in the middle of a bunch of other stuff, threads naturally stagnate (just like the previous drawthread having large gaps between requests being filled,) etc.
(728 KB, 1347x1041, pinkbikinigirl.jpg)

Not great, but I gave it a shot.

The donut thing's got nothing to do with it. >>34531 already went over a good bit of the issue, and I personally don't have any interest in sphere or bluesphere stuff, so as my interests go, this thread is now empty.
Post what you like to see.
Eh, sure. As long as it's not a shitpost
You sir are amazing <3 Thank you so much and stay awesome my dude
(105 KB, 616x905, 04.jpg) (94 KB, 608x896, 05.jpg) (2.1 MB, 2150x1518, 1636239394493.png) (261 KB, 1000x1000, 1635812527410.jpg)
Requesting Captain Ramius blown up and busting out of her uniform around the size of the first gal, but in a multi hose set up like Miku in the last pic.
(202 KB, 427x720, 1217816__safe_screencap_gloriosa+daisy_equestria+girls_legend+of+everfree_cropped_cute_daisybetes_geode+of+fauna_geode+of+shielding_geode+of+super+speed_magical.png) (2.8 MB, 1631x2600, 2465721__explicit_artist-colon-erosthanatos_artist-colon-laszlvfx_edit_edited+edit_edited+screencap_screencap_gloriosa+daisy_equestria+girls_equestria+girls+ser.png) (259 KB, 1740x1310, 1636937440807.jpg)
Requesting this camp guide getting filled up by plant-tentacles' juice up her mouth and butt hole. Enjoying or not, your call. She's often perceived to be curvy despite sharing models with thin young women.
Let me try something new: In no way am I suggesting she be drawn into the scene of the 3rd image (but in a forest). But for the "thread tradition" and inspiration I'm including a "reference".
(717 KB, 1347x1041, ramius.jpg)

Wasn't sure where you wanted the hoses placed, so I just let the machines attach them wherever they found the space, and as you'd figure, they just keep finding more space for more hoses.
(188 KB, 768x1024, Untitled84_20211201204831.png)
Hola amigos, might post more inflat-ion type stuff here since like.....it's kinda dead not gonna lie.

But ether way here's this.....

Also i can take requests as well if you like.
I'll give my request one more bump, if that's fine. >>30557
(seriously everybody else ignored my request, please respond)
Yeah I can give it a shot,
Just note that it's gonna be abit so be patient.

I understand that there's other requests but I would like to just take it one at a time. And I'll get to yours as well.
Bumping my request in case you're up for it
Eh, no worries. I was just giving one of two requests. Didn't want you do to do both at the same time.
Request bumper dumperr
Im interested in doing yours.
Oops, unrelated tagging! Apologies!
Lovely! Thank you my friend!
I'd love to see a skinny guy fucking a girl inflating into a blueberry at different stages
Gonna bump mine
can i have a sequence of an aged-up tiff from the kirby anime (aged up so it’s not gross) getting the blorbs from mario and luigi:bowser's inside story?
nevermind. can i have princess daisy blorbed, instead!
(249 KB, 1000x1500, spider-man-far-from-home-on-set-filming-new-york-usa-shutterstock-editorial-9930200ag.jpg) (340 KB, 1280x1972, zendaya-on-the-set-of-spiderman-far-from-home-in-ny-10-15-2018-9.jpg)
God that's some beautiful work bravo on that!..

Hey I'm going to throw a request out there for you for shits and giggles I understand if you don't have time or don't wish to do it that's not a problem for me..

But you think you could draw a cute fully blimped Zendaya mj in her far from home outfit (with jacket)?

I'm just dead curious on how she'd come out in a style like yours (very Milky body maboish)
Going to move my request from the Edit Request Thread to here.

>>29715 (Cross-thread)
>>29716 (Cross-thread)

(Basically, I want Male Byleth to have the same or bigger boobs and butt than his female counterpart.)
One last bump. Think we should start a new thread?
>>39260 I think that would be best and let's hope the new one will be open to more requests.
Bumping Marilyn
I'll open a new one just in case fyi save all the old works Here someone in case the thread ever gets purged (even the most trivial of joking memes too be thorough)
Whoop... Wrong thread lol
Dudes, this thread's nowhere near close to bumplocking. Why make a new one?
What's the bump limit?
400. We're not even close to bumplocking.
Well there's at least a 3rd thread open in case that happens
Butt inflation triggered by magic whoopee cushion
(302 KB, 2560x1440, media_FLyXAxEXsAARq02.jpg)
Requesting Ridely give Samus a blow-kiss. Where would you do it if you were him?
I kind of hate to be that guy but bump..

Like this thread has been dead in the water for a hot minute! And if even is posts made it's request stuff..

Can we get some artists up in this ligma desert?.. like I wouldn't even care at this point of it being inflation meme drawings just anything new..

It's kind of sad that we had a sort of flow going for here and then it just sort of died out. My drawing skills are good enough I definitely throw my hand in the ring but with the tools I have to work with na I'm not even gonna try lol. (At least not at the moment)
gonna bump my request
Chloe Moretz maybe shit I don't know lol

Pumper artists choice
(182 KB, 1280x1070, giant_growing_mj__commission__by_confade_deqyf60-fullview.jpg) (2.1 MB, 2150x1518, 0fa7ee15bf5899e646a04d0a412b7e6d93d74aaee883acf9265a4ba3fea202fa (1).png) (2.4 MB, 2250x3300, de8fib9-65d9f54e-9e31-4671-b715-8043d9d8cb09.png)
Didn't know you had an irl to animation format issue..

That being said would you still be down for my old idea I threw at you for mj >>37057 if it was a more cartoonist look easier to draw?.. I just really wanna see mj blimped up and stuffed as tight as can be lol.

Either way I understand if you don't/can't. Either way I figured I'd ask 1 last time

I wouldn't even mind a 3 b inflation as long as she's stuffed even though sphere with boobs is my go to old references >>37058
I'm pondering the idea on possibly trying to take some requests on here if I have free time and feel well.. but I'll make No guarantees and I'll probably be mostly going for the simple things
(1.3 MB, 2150x1518, image%3A40122)
Eehh I went as far as I did already might as well go further so here's a bonus
I'll attempt this one on a later note
(196 KB, 720x1440, 89fdf7d5-f499-4e15-b658-ad9c4f28ce5a.png)
In all seriousness I was working on something with this but then something happened with the file and all my work accidentally got deleted. I don't know I might attempt it again later on but sucks cuz I had something good I thought

For now I hope you can settle this low tier meme
(1.2 MB, 1366x968, Skyla.png) (134 KB, 1300x1600, 201138732_276813264172905_3928313581499247541_n.jpg) (56 KB, 1063x752, E_Vyr0fVkAAhWDf.jpg) (436 KB, 1754x1240, 4ce.png)
Two-parter, please.
Requesting Skyla aka Fuuro telling her boyfriend Hilbert to "do it again", meaning to insert a tube into her anus and pump her.
I can't find a good image of a woman on all fours, stroking her belly, enjoying her man turning her into a sexy gymnastics ball.
Is that DrakeMohkami?
Please, good Sir, can you draw some more?
Damn those titties huge!
Rule 7, anon. No furries allowed
(158 KB, 667x810, FKCuRkfaIAg0Iq6.jpg)
Gardevoirs are human enough for this thread, don't you think so? What would you do with her knowing she can read your thoughts and maybe enjoys what you enjoy? Yandere theory optional.
(1.7 MB, 2528x2000, 2024014_thiccwithaq_whitney-doodle.png) (4 KB, 225x225, images.jpg) (1.5 MB, 1920x1080, 0be.png)
Requesting Whitney using a ball pump for her cow tail butt plug, not expecting her object of affection to notice and obliviously have fun at her expense. Love me full body, love me belly, don't throw me under the bus.
Yo why is the draw threads so dead. Does nobody wanna do anything anymore?

I get taking hiatuses but theirs a difference between hiatus and leaving thread's for dead.

Like legit we need to keep these threads alive to some degree.

So I vow to open up a new rule.

At least once a week or once a month I'm hoping some artist! Any artist! At least condone themselves to picking at least 1 interesting inflation idea out of each thread, and drawing it.

That way at least once a month a request is fulfilled. To keep these threads from getting locked and purged.

Like it's been said you don't have to tackle a request if you don't want but at least tackle something to keep these threads from just becoming empty requests that never get fulfilled.

One picture a month is the bare minimum artist can offer at least, and if multiple artists take on this method we could have like 5 requests filled or more all at once.

I'll even pick a deadline say the 5th of every month? (no harm if you miss it take your own time and pace)

But that way people in these threads have something to look forward too. This message goes for the edit request thread as well.
I'm sorry I've just been holding my tounge so long on this subject matter. What's the point of spawning new thread If nobody's gonna do something interesting with them.

But that's the goal. Each artist. At least 1 photo a month. No deadline but if you want one the 5th of every month.

Let's do something for Christ sake to keep these threads alive!
Fuck it I’ll give a try
(581 KB, 800x1000, whitney.png)
delivery! had fun with this one.

i WANT to draw this shit man, but god i FUCKING HATE stupid ass balloon spherecrap, pic rel belly inflation (not much bigger than this) is the only thing i'm into but they're so hard to come by.

i'll do these two as well.

>i FUCKING HATE stupid ass balloon spherecrap
I got bad news...

I'm right there with you. I grabbed a few that sounded tolerable here and there throughout the thread and went a lot bigger with them than I usually do, but since then it all just turned into full body and spheres. You actually grabbed the only other couple that I was even considering, so as far as I'm concerned this thread's now empty.
Well, if we're REALLY gonna be calling it quits with this thread, here are the requests I can find that either aren't "sphereshit" as >>49740 called them and/or haven't been drawn already.
Do 'em if you want, don't do 'em if you don't want, I guess.
Is full body really that bad? You do you I guess it's fine but just wondering is it a big problem? Or are there ways to make decent full body's more to your likings.

Your right not everything has to be round that's why theirs boobs butts etc. But maybe there's a more creative way to do full body's. If you want attempt something close too but more to your liking I guess. It's up to you as the artists to do as you please with the arts as it's your time being spent on them.

But is full body really completely that hopeless? Is there any way to make it more creatively interesting?
(382 KB, 496x595, Screenshot_20220511-221959.png) (135 KB, 777x587, ydbcfp2u79x41.png) (93 KB, 1242x1419, ce6a4e693003477ab791d4a0853e96df.jpg)
I'll hit ya with one.

Artists choice. But Netflix catra getting inflated by adora or whatever female character from the show you choose.

Only exception is you have to make it a blowkiss where the girl in question blows hard into the kitty cat as her cheeks become full.

Make the belly as big as you like. I am a fan of popping though so the bigger the better but you do you.

Hell do something close to a milky body hourglass if you like where the ass, thighs and boobs expand as well. Maybe she's floating slight off the ground like she's filled with helium?

It's artist choice up to you.

Just has to be blowkiss, and needs to have some kinda fear or worry in that puffy cheeked face of hers

Also no short hair catra. Only long hair

But do what you like curious to see what you come up with
Hey ArtAnon, if you're still there, are you still gonna upload to that DeviantArt page you said you had?
>my face when an artist shares my likes and dislikes
Lucky me!
This anon here >>49899
I don't want to sound like a stalking but you don't happen to have drawn a Lucas/Dawn comic?
>>49740 (>not Ethan >j/k)
Great work!
>>39854 (Cross-thread)
might as well try here i guess. request an image from other thread if any one is interested
Requesting* My bad
this thread is a joke
Care to explain?

4) My eyes can barely stand looking at any of this art or reading the comments
(390 KB, 2048x1770, FUgdimHWAAEy1k3.jpg)
This but pic related.
>"Never inflated a girl before?" - "Don't worry." - "I got this!"
Dude where are those last two pictures from?
IcarusIllustrations, don't forget to check their kemono! I suggest checking out the Laura water strips that they made.
(55 KB, 500x500, His hair is black by the way.jpg) (426 KB, 1050x1400, Moo May.jpg)
This but
requesting it's Brendan and May and one of them is saying "They bigger you" or "The bigger I get the bigger they'll get." the other being sceptical.
Me? I prefer the old designs.
Beautiful 'though I pictured Ethan.
>"They bigger you"
"The bigger you get the bigger they'll get." Correcting my typo.
Niçe art
They Bigger you with tons of hoses in all places blowing at different places inflating all faces of your ballooning form.
They biggering as we speak.
First photo cute as hell ngl might be gay now
Aww it's adorable
Ol someone NEEDS to do this it's just too brilliant
I agree haha! We need more Marilyn content up in here
(908 KB, 1698x960, balloon cult.png) (783 KB, 1920x1122, balloon victim.png)
I can't tell you the fucking irony of a balloon cult performing ritual sacrifice's of women. Because this Dan vs. Scene legitimately out here like balloon cultists exist. And I can't stop thinking about how many people they probably popped to appease they're balloon god.

Somebody needs to draw this Golden scenario ASAP. Like this is peak fetish fan fiction straight off a Wattpad horror movie
>>56490 Yup. I have been saying it for years and this is a prime example. Japanese animators have official begun sucking just as much as western artists
(1.9 MB, 2041x1800, Screen Shot 2022-07-20 at 8.26.44 PM.png)
Can someone redraw Marilyn Monroe here, except instead of being too fat, she's inflated and the air vent actually blows her ballooned body upward? Lol I think WAY too much about these scenes but I am SO surprised that Marilyn Monroe in her famous white dress ISN'T inflated as often as she should be!!!
Don't know why no one's taking this up. She cute. What's she from
She's from this webcomic called 'Chuck & Clark' that was pretty much a combination of Dragon Ball Z and BoBoBo-bo BoBo-Bo, if you remember that show.
(31 KB, 350x495, Camp_camp_shirt_david_character_sheet_by_hetalianpony-dbljrk5.png) (288 KB, 1000x2100, Gwen_wiki.png) (128 KB, 1175x680, __2_blimps_ych_raffle___link_and_zelda___by_vhite9_df40gbg-pre.jpg) (147 KB, 1280x854, to_boldly_float_by_dj_bapho_dewp2al-fullview.jpg) (1.1 MB, 3000x2000, dd3fgk6-75dc1760-20f1-4340-9dc0-1dd833adeec0.png) (130 KB, 1024x630, IMG_4340.JPG)
Requesting David and Gwen from Camp Camp blimped up. David should look cautiously optimistic about it, while Gwen is not having it.
(ignore the size disparity in the reference pics, david is just a little bit taller than gwen)
Anybody? please?
That sounds kickass. Def reading it
We really need this one
>i love small shapely bellies like these so much, i need more.
Favorite characters?
Tee-shirt is white if you choose to cover her nipples.
Quick rundown.
(526 KB, 2731x2285, Feo0rIjWQAIYsrq.jpg)
Requesting a helium-filled Helena, the hex maniac, floating off. How embarrassing!
(4.2 MB, 3240x4157, Aether.png) (64 KB, 862x927, Misty Hourglass.jpg) (839 KB, 3600x1600, Rare Candy Side Effects.jpg) (1.7 MB, 2000x2500, Boobyleth.png)
Anyone want to take a crack at this? I want Aether (Genshin Impact) with huge boobs and butt. Talking like between Basketball to Exercise ball sized. Bonus points if he has a large dick and is tittyfucking himself.
Get your Chinese communist diarrhea out of here
(934 KB, 750x700, D&G.png)
Requesting Dawn expanding in the vacuum of non-space.
>>30150 (OP)
so uh this thread still working? because the other one doesn't have the anchor
I can get behind delivery anchors.
I wanna see verosika mayday from helluva boss inflating a human man’s girlfriend until she pops in front of him, and the girlfriend becoming a succubus as a result. And maybe a pov one of both demons inflating the boyfriend/viewer
Commissions Thread has been created as a result conversations and ideas and suggestions found in edit thread. A set of rules exist you don't have to use it but it can be of help if you have a stubborn request that none are motivated to do.
What's the privacy-friendly way to pay for a commission?
Fuck I mean Margaret
Besides Eileen looks more human don't like birds? Balloon her instead!
(69 KB, 1000x745, Rosedoodle_3D_Reference.webp) (115 KB, 1000x1000, RoseDoodle_Portrait.webp)
vtuber rosedoodle. inflated via being force-filled from a hose, mouth and/or from the back. could be any filling like frosting or whipped cream. preferably not spherical lmao, but still kind of on the big side. maybe some slight chub. think of deviant seiga's work for reference: https://twitter.com/DeviantSeiga/status/1604036218228019200
Furry belongs in >>>/bbwfur/
I said or Eileen who is as human as they come besides nobody is gonna fulfill the request like half these threads anyways so drop the >>furry shit
still have hope that a random artist will grace the thread with with art for all.
(4.0 MB, 1485x2330, 1b262b6a4e995a6f0937f1dc9f566b0e.png)
Requesting Galko (the busty one) inflation - optionally Otako (the nerd) screwing her over
>You need to be pregnant to have boobs this big!
Do we need to advertize on other image boards?
Baka. Weeb. All of you. I’m going to say this once.
Get with the program. Friendly Fire will not tolerated. You especially Baka you Army brat. Put the shit aside for once we have a job to do
This here is whats good and what’s up
(171 KB, 768x768, Untitled114.png)
Usually I draw inflation stuff when I'm bored, I think it's kinda fun.

Should I draw one with more effort and detail?
I mean do whatever you want really? Looks good though but anything helps as we need more artists than request beggers so help how about however you can?

If anything less just mark down what the sketches are supposed to be or try to get them close enough looking to the request where no name is needed but it's probably still best to tag what you finish anyways
But yeah anon any help is appreciated the more artists we get the more incentive others have to hopefully join in and draw! Only thing stopping this board from becoming inflatechan great is lack of artists with talents like yours

So thank you for everything you do end up doing big or little.
Get bored more often.
Even if they do drawings like that take time
(1.8 MB, 1584x1610, Untitled51_20230406001553.png)
Hola, back again. Decided to actually put in some effort this time. I might add more to it and make it a comic but I'll see if ill have time to do so. Either way, I hope you like it and I'll try to post a bit more frequently if I can. Yes I was bored too.
Who is it though
Just an OC i made
(132 KB, 632x968, Barbara Profile Shot 1.png)
Can someone do a drawing of Barbara from "Glitch Techs" via have her inflated by the famous P Balloons or some other related body inflation video game item just as Miko (also from "Glitch Techs") was in this inflation drawing by InflataNepNep shown here, and maybe have her laughing and looking like that she's enjoying it as she inflates and the buttons on her outfit pop off one by one and make her as big as Sophia Berry as she is shown in the drawing of her by Zdemian shown here please? Thank you. That is, if any of it will be possible.
(439 KB, 879x1609, d71a640950ad3c3892928cab5b07fff0.png) (90 KB, 687x920, 66d460004aa8fbcc86be8d60e6e81ca9.jpeg) (564 KB, 832x1448, o80nnrpRD91r8ououo4_1280.png)
I have wrestled with myself. Do I request? One one hand I respect the artist and his OC(s) and yet on the other hand the idea is too cute not to.
Let's call them Madeline and Matthew.

Requesting Madeline, alone, with a pump, a bicycle or a foot pump, swelling her belly to make herself look as if she's pregnant with Matthew's child. Keep her breasts "only" head-sized for her waist to free. Make her appear almost full term. Maybe before a mirror.
You can give her some text. Let me suggest some lines.
"This is really my stomach...? Incredible, it's so huge and round... It's so firm, it really looks like I'm pregnant with his child."
"My belly feels stretched out... It's so weird."
"It's like I've really gotten pregnant! Making my own stomach so big... But... It's a really curious feeling."

If you want to be cheeky... in a second panel, you can have Matthew enter and find her swollen.
(149 KB, 640x1228, Leaf.jpg)
Requesting Red pumping up Green aka Blue aka Leaf.
Requesting the female main character in the last video game you've played or cartoon you've watched at the mercy of her foes.
(943 KB, 1768x2148, Puffy.png)
Requesting Feferi being a pufferfish.
Are you still there?
We need less boards and more threads.
>We need less brilliant innovators and more stupid thieves.
This is old, but I’m seconding this.
(23 KB, 169x317, IMG_3472.jpeg) (897 KB, 1650x1275, IMG_6827.jpeg)
Requesting Strawberry Shortcake laying on her huge belly with a surprised expression
Saved! You're the best. I can't wait to see your future works.
Thank you Anon this is beautiful absolutely love the work your doing keep it up plenty of old requests just collecting dust and these threads haven't had a artist in ages. Also fuck any disrespect you get just keep doing you no matter the complaints and begs
(101 KB, 1162x386, Capture3.PNG)
Guess i could bring one of my old requests from another thread here
Nice one. Thanks!
The more requests and deliveries we post the sooner there'll be one draw thread to post in.
(269 KB, 1024x1293, Three.jpg) (433 KB, 1600x1600, 1.jpg) (439 KB, 1600x1600, 2.jpg) (448 KB, 1600x1600, 3.jpg) (502 KB, 1900x1600, 4.jpg) (66 KB, 638x708, 5.jpg)
Requesting three fairies blown up like frogs; See images named 1 through 5.
Three different kinds of inflation, e.g. belly-body-sphere, welcome.
(115 KB, 1272x1280, hello.jpg)
>>30150 (OP)
good afternoon anons
i just wanted to ask if you guys could rate my inflation and give me pointers on what I could do better
thank you :)
I wank to exploding guts and your image legitimately scared me.
I mean I'm definitely getting extreme Uber vibes not bad but the quote the last guy I can see it not being some people's cup of tea may I make a suggestion for future if you do want to do like extreme faces like this always have a backup normal face alternate that way you give people two to choose from. But yeah I definitely think there's some crazy good style here keep experimenting and you could have some good shit on your hands I bet you could even get commission work that's how good it is style wise
(690 KB, 1423x1431, bumbum.png)
What could I do better? :?
Also client just requested that ugly face which I just gave the thumbs up on
Thanks a lot! :]
filling requests is a good thing, unless inflated limbs and faces are explicitely mentioned it's good to make an alternate take without for maximum audience
I can see the appeal and the logic but it's a learned taste
(116 KB, 804x804, 070F84F1-1352-4330-961A-89771B0C129E.jpeg) (294 KB, 800x760, D89C5AF5-E89B-4D31-8D88-8837B0597045.jpeg)
Can I have Pump Man inflating Hilda with water yes Hilda must be in her summer outfit plus Marianne makes no appearance in this because she is inflating Leonie. Also Hilda has to be at bursting point she tells him to stop but Pump Man refuses to listen and tells her she can handle more.
(16 KB, 449x645, Zendaya-Coleman-Spider-Man-No-Way-Home-Puffer-Jacket.webp) (585 KB, 1920x2688, spiderman_mj.webp) (58 KB, 572x700, 7c5dfa3047a467dc993ef21e105e8390.jpg) (32 KB, 637x358, download (4).jpeg)
Still again I feel like you have a fantastic style so keep up the good work like I said your stuff is good enough where you could get commission work even and get paid for stuff.

If you want a character to test your skill on how bout these two ideas

Zendayas mj as I just really wanna see people draw more Zendaya blimps
And another idea catra maybe blowing up on her throne
Both full blimp normal faces maybe a worried or shocked expression puffy cheeks if you like
(105 KB, 719x780, Screenshot_2023-08-03-19-31-26-089.jpg) (112 KB, 2012x1132, zendaya-on-a-bed-in-challengers.jpg) (712 KB, 3680x2070, challengers-tire-town-stills-pull-230607-002-rc-rgb-6491dd64917d2.jpg) (213 KB, 2000x1125, 1687279920785-challengers.jpeg)
Bonus idea although I really would love to see mj Zendaya blimped as mj doesn't get blimped much I wouldn't mind alternatively also seeing challengers Zendaya getting double bike pumped by her boy playthings from both ends (mouth and nethers) with this shape as the template just drawn bigger to look larger in comparison to the men's size. Just because I feel like someone should do something fun with this naughty scene inflatable Wise.

Again play around no deadline and I'd be happy with whatever comes of these 3 ideas. Give you some fun experimenting to do in you free time to test your craft. Which again I think is really good otherwise I wouldn't be making such requests.
You can draw better than I, and hopefully you'll stick around. There's nothing better than lots of drawings to improve your technique.
Came to check on how my request is doing >>92424?
I think two "active" drawthreads, that's the problem.
Yeah Saw that one plus this one is getting close to it’s limit plus many people have great requests here and on the third thread.
>he's gone
So many requests.
So few artists.
I agree with you many people in here have awesome ideas for requests being made.
Would love to see scenes from great inflations by Alec deluxe made
It’s sad that this thread is getting neglected.
I don't know, we have two draw threads.
Absolutely surprised no artist has ever tackled my favorite balloon party it's celebrity inflation gold!

>>96993 also yeah pretty much that's the biggest problem with this thread overall. Like I get that people get busy but you're telling me not a single soul not a single artist can pop something out here and there? This threads only filled with requests because nobody wants a contribute back for whatever reason because the requests are never-ending or because this or that you don't have to fill a request out if you don't like it but still just doing anything to give this thread some life is much appreciated by any artist!
We need a single sticky that say:
Check the catalogue before you post.
Optimally, mods could autosage duplicate threads and ban posters for starting them rather than looking for generals to post in.
holy fuck! thank you so much, it's been ages since i requested i forgot about it! appreciate it, anon
Looks cool even if I’m not the person who requested this.
>>97641 Thanks 😃👍
I saved the second photo since I have a use for it in another board I also did the same thing for the first one just in case.
The site is meeting it’s end.
(208 KB, 1920x1080, 401.jpg) (435 KB, 1240x1754, 706.png)
Screw it, I'll make one more request before BBWchan gets put out of its misery.

Requesting Dark-Type Hatsune Miku singing a song that causes her to inflate into a big hourglass figure.
I don’t want to scrap this but what can I do with these maybe save these if I can talk to someone who specializes in water inflation.
I moved this one to a different thread.
It’s already done with great results.
Nice request. There is a Psychic version and Grass version in a different board.
It was basically her OC for herself
She’s a great actress thought I would encounter that statement.
I was wondering that myself since I know that style.
Now that I want see but in another thread since this is almost done.
Requesting someone to inflate Usagi’s momwith her tummy showing
Well this thread is now done since it came two years ago.
We have too many draw threads in addition to too many boards.
Posts with bump should be reported on sight.
/inf/ mod is best mod.

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