
(107 KB, 646x918, Carrie_blueberry_1_by_freakinweirdo.jpg) (86 KB, 673x816, Carrie_blueberry_2_by_freakinweirdo.jpg) (120 KB, 746x869, Carrie_blueberry_3_by_freakinweirdo.jpg) (187 KB, 886x1228, Carrie_blueberry_4_by_freakinweirdo.jpg)
most of his stuff is gone from his deviantart, thankfully bodyinflation still has it all up so this would be a good opportunity for people to share rare works of his. starting with an absolute classic sequence.
would this thread include their more violent/gory stuff? they deleted all of it with the rest of the other classics
(462 KB, 1005x421, 2.png) (657 KB, 1005x689, 1.png)
So here's the stuff they're selling in their gumroad, the legend of korra one has 20 one minute animations and the gotham city comic is supposed to be really raunchy.

Does anyone have these? if so, pls post
I uploaded the asami animations with sound but took em down in fear of being hit up by fw himself
Here ya go for the gotham city stuff though: https://we.tl/t-AHjOoNalu2
>>29474 Holy fuck thank you!!!

hmmm... perhaps there is another way to upload the asami stuff? freakinweirdo is one of my fave artists rn... i would really like to see it
Do you have any of the other variants of Gotham City Berries? (Like the 'normal skin tone' or 'variant skin tone' versions?)
>>29474 dang i missed it
im surprised theres no nudity in this entire thing, and its like paid content. anyway thank you very much for your contribution .
does anyone have a way of uploading the asami blueberry clips? if so, pls share
Thanks, but man is FW disappointing at times
You’re a freaking godsend.

Good content I guess, I’ve always been a fan of FW’s style but for almost $17, and for there not to be even as much lewdness as some of their free artwork, I’m not sure where the insane price hike comes from.

Thanks nonetheless.
the price comes from his over inflated ego
how about you check YOUR ego,
its a 13 page comic, that's a little over a dollar a page.

That's far cheaper than most commissions,
especially for full color and shading.
That's true, but why would you compare commission prices to a gumroad comic? You pay more if you want to get something specific. I'm not going to knock it too hard because it was pretty enjoyable, but $17 is a bit steep for this kind of thing.
Could you re-up the Gotham city blu berries

Look at that, I was wondering when FW would show their face
10 bucks says he made this thread, i havent heard from him since i was in highschool.
If anything I'm more curious about the Korra stuff. Gotham berries was pathetic. I saw one of the korra clips and it was pretty good, but are the rest decent as well?
bump. Does anyone happen to have the korra clips? pls share if you do
Any chance for a re-up?
Many thanks my friend.
Re-up gotham berries please?
Did FW seriously charge $15 for a 33 second barebones animation?

What a cocksnot

15 bucks for all that, despite it being more of a slideshow... is not a lot of money. Some artists ask 15 dollars for a picture alone.
Actually considering the work that goes in animation it's totally fine and worth it IMO

Having the same price for the Gotham City Berries when all you get is 5 pictures, then the same ones recoloured, that's the issue
Do you think you can re-up Gothem Berries again?
wait, i thought there were supposed to be 20 animations? I swear the Gumroad page said there were like 20
Could you use wetransfer or no?
Hey any chance to get a re-up on the asami animation?
Anyone cool to do another re-up on this?
Anyone got the asami animation?
(4.5 MB, 640x480, IMG_0982.mov)
Hopefully this works, if not I’ll delete this message
Seems to work from my end (This was sent from My IPad so it might not work from your end), so I hope you enjoy the video.
it worked smoothly thanks a lot man
(25 KB, 474x630, Delicious Fruit Part 1.jpg)
found this via duckduckgo images of all places, if anyone has the rest of this sequence that'd be great
(717 KB, 2500x1193, FWgc13f.jpg)
Same. I wish it didn't go down so fast.
You got the rest?
could someone re-up gotham city sirens?
>>35817 is the only image worth seeing. The rest is painfully dull and nothing going on.
Hey, has FreakinWeirdo released anything of note lately? If so, could you post it?
as much as I want to be upset at someone blatantly trying to get this as soon as he makes it, I can't. I bet there's maybe one ok pic in the set and the rest are zoom ins of the girl sayin ooOOooo me no po oh gusta nooo or a hand turning blue.
Oh get bent, both of you. If you like his art, support him. If you don't, why are you even in this thread?
as the op of this thread i'm def planning on buying this as soon as i have the funds. i love the dude's work just that much
You're pretty much on the money.

You get two pictures of the full berries, one leaking, one not leaking which is superior. Two or three extreme close ups each of each expansion victim which looking back is a massive shrugfest.
Forgot that there are two more pictures where he's literally just cropped one of the bigger pictures in half.
He just uploaded a preview pic, it's basically what you just described.

This is why I wanted to see them first before I paid, sorry it was underwhelming for you.

Are the full pics at least any good?
Do you have the rest of the photos from this collection?
Any chance there can be an HD reupload?
Does anyone have the rest of the comic, along with the Gotham City Berries comic? If so, could you send them to me, please?
Gothic Berries is already posted in this thread as individual pictures
I meant the Cowboy Bebop comic and the Gotham City Blueberries comic. That's all I request.
OH. I though you meant a different comic. My mistake, man. Sorry.
Bump, anyone have the cowboy bebop blueberries comic?
Ice also been looking for the rest of these. Specifically the misato one of anyone has it. Can't find it for shit.
So... Does anybody have the Cowboy Bebop pack by now? It's been a month.
I agree with your sentiment.
>>53498 your probably gonna have to wait a couple of months
Check the Blueberry thread.
Remember when /v/ found the girls he sketched and they were okay with it?
that fuckin rules
I've never heard of this please inform me
>>57568 I've never heard about this before please inform me
Hello, does anyone have first day jitters? it was posted on the new blueberry thread but the link has expired. Would anyone care to reupload it please
quick question: why is some of the dialogue censored? lol
Came from an anon that censored it so they could probably edit their own dialogue onto it. People asked for it uncensored but they never delivered.
can we please upload this to another one besides wetransfer? having issues downloading it
I totally believe you, FW.
Can someone re-upload it please?
can someone update the kemono for freakinweirdo
Does anyone have pharmercy wedding?
WTF is with all the black bars and shit?
(13 KB, 326x250, rei_plus_gum_redux_by_freakinweirdo-d4qrl9s.jpg)
anyone have the full size version of his rei blueberry pic? i managed to grab this preview off wayback machine but i'd really appreciate if this were up again
Someone can reup the cowboy beboop comic pls?
(4.7 MB, 4187x4500, First_Day_Jitters_0.jpg)
Since the Cowboy Bebop one was posted in full, might as well say fuck it to the wetransfer links. This is the same version with the black bars as other anons have said, but it's the only one I got.
i understand black-barring some of the dialogue but anon basically censored a literal piece of the art itself for some reason like a fucking retard so now we'll never know what's behind that big black area on the 8th picture

The reason was they prefer the woman being scared of what's happening and not enjoying it so anything of that nature was 'censored'.

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