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"Now the Real Fun Begins" by LillyJadeKatrin
Absolutely god-tier hidden gem story and one of the only works I know of where both partners inflate and they fuck. Only caveat is that there's some out-there body part inflation+intimacy that might weird some people out, see tags below. The author has some other works along similar lines, but none as full-on as this.


m/f, inf (air, whole body, both m/f), safe popping (both), weird (eyes, nose)
yeah, i;ve read that one, and its really fuckin' good. I wish they wrote more honestly. They wrote a bunch of stories last year, but only on twitter and haven't actually uploaded them onto DA
Here's some of my faves
(water balloon clown gf) https://twitter.com/lillykitty1988/status/1266144370773954560?s=20
(balloon milf) https://twitter.com/lillykitty1988/status/1262731634224357378?s=20
(body writing) https://twitter.com/lillykitty1988/status/1284616517607464961?s=20
I'll share my favorite story too, then (it's split in two parts, but has a continuous plot) [female FB/BE, furry, popping]:
I have to link to the archive since the author has decided to remove this -- by far the best work of theirs! -- from their gallery. I've never understood why this behaviour is so common among the creative people. You've made something other people love, and now don't want it be seen anymore? Can't even imagine how many good stories are lost like that, especially on DeviantArt, since there seem to be no real centralized archival work being done with it.
fuckin' right?! i never understood why mfs do that. like, if they at least put out a notice like "hey im gonna leave, save what you can before i delete my shit," thats fine imo, at least people know. but when creators dip outta nowhere and now everything they ever made is just gone, thats some bullshit to me. i think the worst case of this was when yiff.party shut down. the guy who made the source code wanted to leave, and instead of making the code just available for everyone else, they intentionally kept it because idk fuck us i guess. shits fuckin wild
(also, just so its not fully derailed
https://www.deviantart.com/roughjericho/art/Fwoomping-Up-For-a-Walk-819006390 [catgirls/inflation]
https://www.deviantart.com/perchedontheloon/art/Natalie-s-Inflation-504803903 [witches]
https://www.deviantart.com/doubleintegral/art/Their-First-Time-376202239 [first time inflation] )
Anyone have stories where, either a guy or girl, is taking like a deep breath which causes them to inflate?
any really good force feeding stories?
Chic has good inflation stuff
Yeah, there are a bunch of stories there, I just wanna see people share stories that people like from all over the place, as bodyinflation.org isnt as active as other places that stories are shared
That's less inflation focused and more wg focused, so that should go in /elite/
What's chic? Is that a website, or a user, or...?

Anyway, just to make sure I'm not bumping without content, heres some stories with suit inflation
Meant cyoc. Damn Auto correct
A chapter called Toon Virus is really interesting on cyoc.net
Are there any stories where someone inflates because they need to sneeze? I’m fine if the story has either male or female inflation in it.
The story above has a character inflate via hiccups
Link please, search yields nothing and idk how to use that site yet.
Bumping to see what people think of the story in the latest link
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Does anyone have stories about someone inflating from being filled with happiness or anger?
Hello ! Does anyone know stories that mixed inflation with giantess or macro ? Or others when the character inflates by blowing into her/his thumb ?

I already know about Zumberge on DA who does that kind of story,
The whole concept of transforming as a result of popping is so interesting. Why is it so rare? What would like to be turned into via popping?
If you could have any story converted into a comic or animation, which ones would they be?
Would it be appropriate to ask about writing tips for these kinds of stories here?
It was OK on its own, but, I'd rather have a story with a beginning middle and end. I think cyo-stories are always going to be a bit disappointing to me for how they can just end without an ending. Even going wayyyy back to the old BE Addventure. I tend to go in being like 'ooh maybe I'll find something I like!' But by design, I'm more likely to find a lot of stuff I'm not in to (but dedicated people are), and maybe something that fits my niche but most likely has languished for 5+ years.
Definitely wish more people would put more inflation stuff on the site
Should we make a “how would I inflate you?” Thread.
ennnnh, I made this thread more for just POSTING stories we liked, but fuck it, it's cool as long you also post stories as well
Same, I want a legit ending. Not only that tho', theres also times where a continuation to a story just isnt well written. I'd rather have just a normal fic that I know what I'm getting into rather than seeing two people with 2 different kinks writing one story
Neat. I guess I'll post what I have when it's ready.
BurstingFabric’s peaches and cream.
Same! Does anyone have stories or someone transforming into something after popping?
I guess the best way to get more is to commission stories, art, and animations
Would be great for a succubi transformation
Or slime girl transformation
Are there anymore stories of someone inflating due to an emotion? Male and female
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So a friend just made me aware of this and oh my god, thank you guys. I'm gonna be blushing about this for awhile now.

"Real Fun" was written deliberately to make up for the lack of "they inflate and they fuck" material, actually! Came out of a rant from a friend of mine where they complained about the number of stories that end right when "the real fun begins", so I cashed in. Was awfully fun to write!

I've been planning (for over a year now, eesh) on getting the Twitter stories onto deviantArt eventually but I hadn't anticipated how absolutely awful Twitter's interface would be for actually unrolling ancient stories into a single post I could submit elsewhere. But I have my Twitter history from back then safely archived so I at least have all of the raw text in case something happens to pull my profile down or something, and they'll get posted eventually, I swear.

I've been writing but not publishing for a little while right now - it's been a busy year so definitely not to the quantity of micro-stories I did while I was quarantined but my big project for 2021 is a sort of worldbuilding encyclopedia (a concept bible if you will) so a lot of my crazy concepts can fit nicely into a consistent universe with actual defined characters. It's a bit big and taking a fair bit of time but I'm still planning on releasing it to the public early 2022 and hopefully creating more things from then onwards, written AND visual.

Thanks for the kind words, in any case!
oh damn, no problem, you write really good stuff. And the Twitter micro stories were great, I have some saved in a document because some of the were really good (favorites would have to be the clown gf ones, the inflatable milf stories and the bimbo pump one)
Anyone try neocities popping stories library?
anyone have any recommendations for male inflation/female inflator stories?
Does anyone have stories about people eating food and just blow up like a balloon from it?
Anyone got any suggestions for furry stories?
Balloon milf 2 appears to be dead but the rest of these are all pretty great despite the less than ideal format. The clown wife whoopee cushion one especially is delightfully degenerate, so many ideas you rarely see in one story pulled off in a titillating enough fashion to make me wish there were more, especially the passage about excess gas making it hard to even string thoughts together. Is this everything they wrote?
(298 KB, 640x478, 1350413695257.png)
first off, yeah, sorry i fucked up the link, here it is
second, nah, that isn't everything she wrote. Basically, they started writing those stories from like, march or april 2020 to dec 2020, as a story a day practice thing. i thought they were pretty rad, so when she eventually stoppd (i think because of burnout), i just went back through and combed through their twitter for the ones i liked the most, and just saved them in a document. then i also copied the text, just in case twitter pulls a fucky wucky and deletes them. but honestly, i could prolly set aside a couple of hours and try to get all the stories and drop a txt file of all of them here eventually. gonna be a while tho
That would be awesome if you have the time to spare. Getting them all into a single text file would probably make it easier for her to sift through them and repost on other websites where they'd be easier appreciated too.
yeah, im probably gonna have the date, the link, the pastebin warning, addition tags if they dont have a pastebin warning (cuz some dont) and maybe if im feeling REALLY masochistic, the actual story text. i say masochistic, because copying twitter text into docs is pure hell, because thread readers sometime dont work if the posts are old enough. twitter fuckin sucks lmao
I’m still open.
Twitter's a practically bad medium. Holy shit, how do you find old content without scrolling for hours? Post your content somewhere else too, please.
Isn't there a furry board for that?
Nevermind, suggeting Aeris from VGCats.
Just made one. I’m not into fat stuff, so I guess I’d ask for furry stuff on the inflation board.
Is there any good hourglass inflation writings?
I can also take just breast inflation as well.
Anyone ever read “Sophie’s blueberry nightmare” and “The abandoned candy factory”? If so, don’t you think they deserve a sequel?
On bodyinflation.org or any other site that doesn’t require you to sign in to read
Yeah, I’ve got absolutely nothing coming into the thread I made on the furry board, so does anyone here know any good inflation stories involving furry/anthro characters?
Does anyone have any stories where someone inflates due to sneezing, hiccuping, or magical backup/buildup?
where's the best place to post stories?
Have you tried writing.com or archive of our own or even bodyinflation.org?
Anyone know of any female juicing room stories?
Thank you so much for compiling this! You could have just posted links to the original tweets but going out of your way to reformat and sort the stories themselves was especially nice of you.
Hey can people make requests for stories here ?if not sorry for asking
bodyinflation.org requires you to sign in on random ones
Anyone out there have any of Inflatablepiggy128's stuff? I've looked through everything in webarchive, but there's a bunch of stories that aren't on there.
Anyone have old story "Afternoon Delight"?
Does anyone have copies of “Like a Blueberry” anthology by Meaney-mean-me?
Hi, everyone!
My name is Nick.
I love the blueberry inflation.
Whoever is fine by me.
Does not matter to me of what age the blueberry inflation victim or gender!

There is a website for both fanfictions and interactive stories.

I have an account on the site.

It is titled: Writing.com.

It is home to many blueberry and other expansion.

I am one who has two so far.

Here is the link to my two stories.

Just add an account to add chapters!

>Age doesn't matter

That's a no from me chief
man i can tell by the way you talk, ur either underage, or retarded
>Does not matter to me of what age
pedos need to go and stay go
>Elesa's Debut
Well shit, my work actually gets around. I need to get off my lazy ass and write something new for that series.
If this thread is still active, I have two stories I wrote that I'd like to add to the mix: Not To See, But To Feel, Parts 1 and 2.



They're a second-person story about Cecilia Cimmerian, a blind woman who is very kind and compassionate, though rather shy, introverted, and reclusive, but has a sexual awakening when her housemate, caregiver, and only friend Nayan gives her a mysterious piece of gum that turns her into a giant, amorous, very aroused blueberry.

Part 1 is centered mostly around Cecilia's inflation. Part 2 will probably be more popular with anonettes since, though it does contain sexy moments, is mostly about character drama and development as Cecilia and Nayan talk over their feelings and work out some interpersonal drama.

The concept was inspired by Undertaker33's Factory Tour AU series featuring Lilly Satou from Katawa Shoujo, out of disappointment that the novel idea of a blind woman turning into a blueberry was delivered as just a "waifu of the week" story. My idea was to describe the blueberrification process without any explicitly visual descriptions, but entirely through what Cecilia hears, smells, tastes, and above all feels during and after her transformation (hence the title).

If you'd like me to read a story of your own, just send me a note over DA and leave a critique on either part, and I'd be happy to reciprocate with a detailed review of things I liked, disliked, and suggestions on how you can improve.

Thank you for your consideration.
aight, well i guess I gotta bump it a bit
yo, these are some of the best stories in the entire kink scene, goddamn. the descriptiveness of the transformation is really fuckin good, and makes the story that much more erotic.the character writing is really good as well in the second one. good job man, i hope you keep writing
Oh wow, thank you! I am elated and vivified to know, whoever you are, that you were so enchanted by the sheer eroticism of my work that you felt the need to express your profound satisfaction!
If you have any stories of your own that you'd like me to read, desire a critique for, or wish/require assistance on, feel more than free to share a link, and I would be jubilant to help.
Again, thank you for such commendatory words! (And be sure to give my apologies to whatever rag(s) you used afterwords to clean up the sticky mess XD )
They were a deviantart user that made some good Uber inflation stories, something which are sadly niche, anybody have some of their stories saved at all?
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Have you read or written a story that was so faithfully close to characterisation that normies could be convinced it was the real deal?
Anyone know what happened to BluberryInflation on DeviantArt? They also went by MistressBerry too.
They have a few stories, but it looks like their account was deleted. I was wondering if anyone had any or knew where I could find them?
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Aside from storing most of swollenweight's lost stories, I'm a writer myself on Deviantart. Mainly of the mutual kind where both a guy and a girl expand together. I also like to cover characters that don't get featured in expansion content as much someone like Cynthia from Pokemon. Here's the stories I've done so far

Castlevania: Fruits of Sorrow - Involves Soma Cruz and Mina Hakuba from Castlevania Aria of Sorrow and Dawn of Sorrow both being blown up and filling with juice. Gets pretty smutty with Soma and Mina being consumed with lust.
Link - https://www.deviantart.com/kirbutt50/art/Castlevania-Fruits-of-Sorrow-883594238

Helium Humiliation: Alain and Aria - I mentioned before that I like to cover lesser expanded characters and here I'm doing two characters exclusive to the Pokémon Anime, particularly from Kalos. Those being Alain whose claim to fame was beating Ash in the Kalos Finals which caused massive amounts of internet backlash and Aria who was a rival of Serena's whose Ariana disguise I like. Basically, the story has them captured by remnants of Team Flare and inflated as a form of humiliation hence the title. It's not as lewd as the last story but I am writing a lewder sequel that'll make Alain and Aria inflate into a pair of Yache Berries
Link - https://www.deviantart.com/kirbutt50/art/Helium-Humiliation-Alain-and-Aria-884816110

Lily's Swell - Spoilers for Lily's Well. I recommend you play it first, especially since it's free on Steam. It's a short story involving a character seen in the true ending. So the game has two characters named Lily. One who you play as for most of the game and another much older lady who appears in the game's best ending and is the story's focus. Basically she bought a stick of gum that's been recalled since some sticks caused people to inflate into blueberries ala Violet Beauregard and she was unlucky to chew on a defective stick and inflates into a blueberry. She's found the next morning by the other Lily (The one you play as) who is unaware that the giant blue ball she found is her caretaker.
Link - https://www.deviantart.com/kirbutt50/art/Short-Lily-s-Swell-903762046

Persona 5: Ann-quadyne + Ga-Ryuji - A story inspired by Imbapovi's Futaba animation and an animation of Rise Kujikawa by Thiridian. Basic gist is that Ryuji and Ann, having been separated from their teammates run afoul of some shadows who want to blow them up and blow them up they do as Ryuji is inflated into a blimp like in Imbapovi's Futaba video while Ann is inflated into a giant water balloon like in Thiridian's Rise video.
Link - https://www.deviantart.com/kirbutt50/art/Persona-5-Ann-quadyne-Ga-Ryuji-902241018
Link To the Futaba Animation - https://www.deviantart.com/imbapovi/art/Futaba-Sakura-full-body-inflation-mp4-video-895134712
Link to the Rise Animation - https://www.deviantart.com/thiridian/art/Rise-Water-Expansion-899372524

April in Galar - A short story featuring Hop and Marnie from Pokémon Sword and Shield in what is the first story I did to have popping in it rather than implied like in the last story. It's also a sequel to a story swollenweight did involving Leon which had him non-fatally burst. Like the story it acts as a sequel to, it had non-fatal bursting. The gist is that Hop and Marnie both want to prank each other by spiking a drink with a serum that would cause them to inflate just like Raihan did in swollenweight's story. Because both didn't know that they had the same idea, they both inflate together before popping. With its title and basic gist, it was meant as a story to be posted on April Fools, ironically I finished it on the last day of April. Along with the popping it's also romance focused with Hop and Marnie as a couple. It's also not as lewd as the other stories.
Link - https://www.deviantart.com/kirbutt50/art/Short-April-in-Galar-911732082

Gurren Lagann: Spiral Swelling - My most recent story and one that I made a title card for. It's basically my longest work and along with having some inflation that gets pretty lewd, it also features some other fetishes at the end with elasticity being one of them. Basically it takes place in an AU where Gurren Lagann didn't end with Nia dying. Having retired to the country side, Simon and Nia find a container that contains a gaseous form of Spiral energy which causes them to both inflate which they both realize feels good. They blow into each other to get to the size of planets and afterwards get rather lewd with each other to say the least.
Link - https://www.deviantart.com/kirbutt50/art/Gurren-Lagann-Spiral-Swelling-908146670

So these are the stories I've done so far. I'd really appreciate your thoughts on them, I'd want to see what I can do to improve them and future stories.

Also along with the title card I made, here's pics of Soma, Mina, Alain, and Aria.
>>There once was a woman from Kentucket
She stood on a rigidity bucket
She fell on a canister
Air filled her where it rammed her
She now floats holding a store banner
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Giving the tang thing and we'll the grenade explosion from eva which I wont got further details on outside this Spoiler image

But surprised nobody's ever done any drawing comics or stories featuring orange juice Popping..
Crying shame actually
no problem homie, always down to help
Any good uber inflation stuff? Really like the detailed expansion ones.
Anyone have the deviant art story burst before reading
putting this out there in case someone might know where to find a story i once read about a scientist turning her roommate into a blueberry and popping her.

here's a summary: it opens with the scientist being unsatisfied with her test on a labrat. she invites her roommate to help, and convinces the roommate to take everything off and be tied to a bed. she administers the compound to the roommate with an enema, after which the roommate of course gets big and blue. she unties the roommate, which later causes her to roll off the bed and pop upon hitting the ground.

a distinct detail i remember is an author's note which stated the story was a request and that they hadn't written that sort of content before. the story hasn't on a site like deviantart and i believe it might have been hosted on the author's own website

if anyone knows what i'm talking about and knows where to find this story, i'd appreciate it!
Looking for a story somewhat similar to 59830 is.
Was a blueberry story with two friends and a scientist and ends in popping.

Two college girls meet at a cafe for lunch and one is explaining to the other that they have been working with a scientist and show them some gum. The friend chews the gum and starts to blow up. The people at the cafe are surprised by this and watch the girl swell bigger and bigger. Before the other girl can do anything, the scientist appears and talks with her. The girl loves the idea of blueberry inflation and is envious of her friend. The scientist tells her that She can give the girl everything she desires with her experiments, like the gum. She then says her friend will burst soon and that she can help, but she will only save the girl if her friend asks her to. She warns that if the girl asks her to stop the berry girl from bursting, the scientist will never allow her to enjoy her experiments. The girl is overwhelmed by lust and desire and lets her friend explode.

I think I saw it on DA, but I can't seem to find it there now.
Three of my favorite blueberry writers on DA would have to be weeb-lord, MrMysterious82, and BlueBakaberri. If you haven’t read any of their stuff you’re missing out
Anyone remember a DeviantArt story with a streamer who had a vomit gimmick stuffing herself until she explodes? I've been looking for it for ages and can't find it.
Was also wondering if there's any stories of girls getting stoned and stuffing until they blow.
>>27060 (OP)
Is the /elite/rature board any use?
>I made a little blurb as a potential intro to a story separate from a more main and personal one I'm making. It's really rough since it's just a start and no juiciness yet. Names can change but the vibe is what's up! Hopefully it isn't too stale or basic for a quick character intro!

Alaina and Lexie were a funny pair. The two women were inseparable since they roomed together during their university years. They didn’t realize it at the time, but their pairing would unlock a peculiar fate in the context of their timeline. A juicy one. Doubly so at that.
It was a crisp autumn morning when the reality set in. Lex had just bought a ScrumdiddlyOompa Bar at the local store when a glistening gold ray of hope crossed her eyes. A Golden Ticket! Out of context this means nothing but in the context of Lexie’s fate the floodgates of destiny poured in. It was via this ticket that her girlfriend Alaina and herself would enter a world of fantasy. A world they had no intention of entering but one that would mark them forever in a juicy crossing of circumstance.
Both women came from a creative background. Alaina was a kinesthetic visual art wunderkind while Lexie was as dramatic as dramatic can get. It was for these reasons that Wonky Yonka the infamous chocolatier decided to send a ticket their way. Unbeknownst to them they had been selected for something greater than themselves. A chocolate factory tour. Innocuous at first glance but a privilege beyond comprehension

>and a little more cuz y not
Both Alaina and Lexie were taller than average standing at 5’7” each the beautiful Amazons that they are. Alaina was a raven-haired muse with piercing dark eyes and a nose that drew you into her allure. She radiates confident energy as she carries herself in the most aloof yet confident way. Her olive skin bore a Mediterranean flair for the otherwise pure bread white girl. Lexie was a blonde bombshell of the unconventional variety. Sunken in blue eyes. A very strong yet sightly nose. A strong jaw that would make the roughest MMA fighter flinch. Thick shapely eyebrows that can burn into your mind for days and yet the beauty of a thousand suns. Paired with Alaina’s shapely dancer bod they were a pair of international renown. The best of the best. Perhaps that is why Yonka had an eye for their side.

>I guess I'll just update this as it goes along since people who don't care would've hidden this thread by now anyway lol
Both Alaina and Lexie were taller than average standing at 5’7” each the beautiful Amazons that they are. Alaina was a raven-haired muse with piercing dark eyes and a nose that drew you into her allure. She radiates confident energy as she carries herself in the most aloof yet confident way. Her olive skin bore a Mediterranean flair for the otherwise pure bread white girl. Lexie was a blonde bombshell of the unconventional variety. Sunken in blue eyes. A very strong yet sightly nose. A strong jaw that would make the roughest MMA fighter flinch. Thick shapely eyebrows that can burn into your mind for days and yet the beauty of a thousand suns. Paired with Alaina’s shapely dancer bod they were a pair of international renown. The best of the best. Perhaps that is why Yonka had an eye for their side.
Alaina’s wide anime-eaque eyes were a dream. Imagine the most inquisitive French dame you’d meet at a Paris café mixed with the spunk of a rebel ready to take down the bourgeoisie and Alaina was your woman. Lexie was a little quirkier and weirder in an awkward way. The type of woman that thinks Youtuber’s reviewing years old movies is a valid pastime. Perhaps it’s this air of innocence and basicness that made her a perfect berry to be.
(110 KB, 1024x725, part_time_blueberry__ch_4_by_casualobsessive_deh9ysq-fullview.jpg)
Here's a story series called "Part Time Blueberry" by CasualObsessive. It used to be part of the Inflated Egos Anthology magazine, but was recently released by him for free on his Deviantart page. I personally think this stuff was top tier and I hope the series gets picked back up again some day.

Here's the links to the story parts with accompanying artwork.

Can anyone help? Looking for a story about two lesbians - one inflates the other who bluffs "Balloon wanna pop".. Pump me bigger!

She inflates very tight until she cums, but her horny mischievous friend does stop inflating her saying:

"But I thought you wanted to explode? Balloon wanna POP!"

And she pops! lol

Anyone know of it? =( I forgot to fave it =(

Appreciate any help in finding it
Does anyone know this story where there was a female slime shapeshifter that wanted to be a blueberry? She bursts but reforms. I remember seeing it on deviantart but I cant see to find it.
Does anyone have any ideas?
might not be *exactly* what your looking for, but the first story to come to mind is "Cheerleader Scorned, A - Part 2: Too Much of a Good Thing" over on bodyinflation.org


even if it's not what your asking for exactly, hope you enjoy.
Any updates on this story?
Nah it was just a tease I made so a couple of self important lesbians could think I care more about them than I actually do and create suspense in their little obsessed heads for a few days.
Dumbasses lmfaoooo
Now the actual story I’m making featuring a blessed adult Alice like character becoming a blueberry and sharing love with Mr. Wonka for juicing; now that’s pog and that I’m making 😘
Nah it was just a tease I made so a couple of self important lesbians could think I care more about them than I actually do and create suspense in their little obsessed heads for a few days.
Dumbasses lmfaoooo
Now the actual story I’m making featuring a blessed adult Alice like character becoming a blueberry and sharing love with Mr. Wonka for juicing; now that’s pog and that I’m making 😘
Thank you! That is the one! <3 Very hot! lol I like to save and edit the best 20 popping stories in private to keep it growing in appeal & to extend longevity! ;)b

(example; https://mab.to/t/GhWqXIrobfU NOTE: Contains popping)

Thanks for your help =D
"All of the juice has already poured itself into your immense gut and I'm afraid that as big and full as your hips and ass are even THEYRE running out of room.
It's a good thing those massive tits of yours are sitting right there nestled on top!!!
How does it feel? To have some of your biggest assets absolutely every part of your vision. No matter where you look you'll see nothing but those massive juicy tits of yours my sweet blueberry Jill.
You'll come to love it. You'll be the biggest fruit in the world!! They'll need a whole group of structural engineers to construct a contraption to hold you up once you're turned into a big tit blueberry spinning decoration my dear!"

And then she becomes a big giant disco ball scream and moaning at the immense pleasure and pressure of being degraded in such a manner. A big tiddy overly packed ball of blueberry juice flapping her useless fat hands as her squinted pressured eyes darting back and forth at the show she personally engineered
A blurb for a story Wonka
You’re absolutely brain dead if you think you’re shitty ass typical bait and switch shit is going to faze me. As if I wasn’t expecting it.
You are all the same. Can’t win a fair fight so you cheat. It’s in your rancid world destroying blood.
As if I don’t have all the leverage idiots.
I’m reposting this post-Wonka story apology I made so you can’t pretend it didn’t exist. I still feel the feelings of it in general but if you’re just going to immediately backstab don’t think I’m naïve or going to be distraught over it either

An incomplete open letter to those that would read it and understand its context. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I feel horrible about so many things. I just wanted peace and love none of this. This may fall on deaf ears but I'm sorry for hurting you. My actions that can't be undone that have already been put into motion.
In my quest to protect myself from an incursion I've lost every bit of myself. It doesn't matter how good I am at it my humanity rips into shreds every time I feel I have to take a stand.
I wish we could all be happy in the ways we wanted. I have nothing else I can type at the moment. Just know that I do feel pain and guilt for you. And I still believe that at your core you are wonderful human beings even if our perspective of who you are at the moment is different.
All I wanted to do was be in love in peace. I made errors along the way and got thrown away. You don't care about me but deep down I still care for you. I'm so sorry
I don't expect a response. Just know that you are worth so much
"All of the juice has already poured itself into your immense gut and I'm afraid that as big and full as your hips and ass are even THEYRE running out of room.
It's a good thing those massive tits of yours are sitting right there nestled on top!!!
How does it feel? To have some of your biggest assets absolutely every part of your vision. No matter where you look you'll see nothing but those massive juicy tits of yours my sweet jewel of a blueberry.
You'll come to love it. You'll be the biggest fruit in the world!! They'll need a whole group of structural engineers to construct a contraption to hold you up once you're turned into a big tit blueberry spinning decoration my dear!"
"Omg Wonka they're so massive why!!! Ugh I can feel it the pressure all over my.. my... mhmmm ahhh!"
“I’m getting so huge my body was so big before the gum but now it’s even BIGGER!!? I’m already so full and round but.. but… STILL I RISE!!?”
And higher and higher she grew and filled up. The puffy bossy bitch grew like the ego inside of her. She wanted all the attention and she’s so addicted to it she can’t get enough yet she’s nothing but a fat blue bitch not much different than when she started!!
Any good inflation/expansion stuff with limbs sinking into the body?
There's this woman I love to inflate. She is objectively the most ugly woman l've seen in ages but the government brain washed me into thinking she's the hottest thing imaginable and now I'm nothing but obsessed with making her be the juiciest most deserved blueberry on earth! She has the most hideous nose l've ever seen yet I want nothing more than to see her blow up into the plumpest juiciest fruit I've ever seen! She's a bit tall and has the worst body whatsoever yet can't get enough! No hourglass no big hips. She's as mid and floppy as mid and floppy gets but the good ol mighty Eagle had a mission and my gosh that ugly bitch is gonna get it because in my mind she has transformed into the hottest thing ever!
I didn't choose to be an experiment but you damn well best believe I'm going to complete the mission! 🦅
fyi this didn’t get removed/banned last night. I just deleted it for the moment as I went off to sleep ;) ♟️
Hi does anyone have this story? It’s about a girl who used to look really pretty like she could’ve been the lead in Easy A but then the pandemic happened and she got REALLY REALLY fat and then like it’s a stuffing story throughout her weight gain through the pandemic.
It ends with her being 100 pounds heavier than when she left for college and she realizes that despite the hourglass she has no form and her face/head looks like a giant fat pale square LEGO head on top of her fat body!!
It literally looks like a fat square marshmallow with a ponytail sticking out and I don’t mean that in a sexy way!
Great story really detailed how despite the slow going transformation she couldn’t control herself and she laments why she has such poor stress and impulse control!
Really hot! If not a bit realistic lolol
Wow this sounds horrendous! I bet she has the ugliest belly too!!! All floppy and formless she has to have the ugliest torso I swear!
Does anyone have a story where a guy comes to her girlfriend to find out she's waiting for him with 2 other girls. They make him chew a gum, turning him into a blueberry and then they tease him for quite a bit of time. I've read it on deviantart once, can't seem to find it anymore.
Yeah I’ve read it before, it sounds like a desperate fantasy in your head 😂
I swear to god its a thing and I've read it before. Digressing from that, are you kinkshaming me in a thread about kink stories?
Shit, I think I've read that one too. Wasn't into it, dont really like femdom shit, but I swear I have too. Look, lemme give you some help in looking for it, check other users favorites. If they have a favorites section for literature, that's your best bet
Firstly I've posted my stories to FurAffinity in the event that any one of them are taken off DeviantArt.

Secondly, going to share some stories that I've done that I didn't get around to sharing here.


First one is the first in a multi-part series starring Ryo from Shenmue since I got into it after seeing the anime adaptation. Had two more parts involving Ryo and Nozomi before going to an epilogue.
Second is a gift for a friend that stars Hilbert, Hilda, Cheren, Bianca, and N from Pokemon Gen 5
Third is another follow-up to my first story and features Jonathan and Charlotte from Castlevania: Portrait of Ruin.
Aye thats the one, cheers.
any chance to get a reupload of this story please
Teach us how to read without login.
ya can't just put it on deviantart or bodyinflation. org?
What happened to deviantart? I can’t search inflation on it

Lol. What is going on in this thread and what is the service he offers for finding obscure porno lost in history?
Running away like a little deleted account bitch apparently 😂
I kid. Let’s give sis some leeway they seem a little lost at this whole thing 🤪
>>69150 Oh okay. What is the service for finding porn? Do you know? It's in the reddit screenshot.

Oh okay. SIS is running away from a bear?
Firstly I didn't delete the account, secondly I made it high as fuck while on a report my post call with a friend. Somehow the topic of rule 34 came up and he asked if a new of some obscure zelda thing. I didn't but I found it after a while of searching. He said I was like the r34 detective and my zoinked out brain was like "Yeah, I could do that." Did it for a bit then left the account untouched until I did the story.
“Rule 34 Detective”
That is the most cringe shit on earth who makes their whole persona being a loser who wastes their time digging for shit for others for free?
No one here is asking for that you’re only revealing yourself as a sad person and possibly someone with a nefarious reasoning behind it since no one in the community talks or bothers with stuff like this in such a specific way now.
Regardless it’s plain as day you’re a pretty sad person if you’ve decided your “zoinked” out persona should live on.
I don’t understand how people like you function
Fuck it I’m just going to say it
“SilenceIsSavage” (sis) / r-34-detective is the account of someone stalking me irl online. They’re over describing the history behind their name, which I do believe they made while high, because their name is actually a big tip off to who I know they are irl. It’s why they changed it to that cringe detective shit and tried to scrub the Reddit account.
Their intent behind this whole charade is not what they’re saying.
They’re setting up the pretext for attempting to drive fear in me by subtly lowkey threatening to doxx me along with three other people I personally know who are in on it and have no life. They’re intent is to try and post media I’ve made in the past that’s private publicly to essentially dox me innocent people also shown be damned.
I wouldn’t be so open about this but clearly She (SIS) is intent on being an idiot so I’m just going to nip it in the bud now and kill any sense of satisfaction they think they might get from this.
Also to warn others not to listen to them or contact them.
If you see any anons “communicating” with them chances are it’s just them or the other three pretending to make conversation to make things look organic.
Why do you think there was so much activity on this board today?
These looms are just boring at this point
As if others don't have a retarded name, newfag.
I'm looking at you, Chromosome.
I Literally said I abandoned the account until now, Literally couldn't give 2 shits about it now, also just becuase I made a stupid reddit account while high doesn't mean I'm a "sad person"

Also what the fuck? Silence Is Savage is a joke about a twenty one pilots lyric "Quiet Is Violent" to be exact I didn't even know who the fuck you are. I'm just some autist from the south not whoever you're thinking of.
Did they change how you search stuff on deviantart? I swear to god I can't find the stories I've read before by searching for them using the tags I found them by.

I remember a story where a girl asks his bf to buy her soda, she drinks it and inflates but when she stops inflating she can't get the gasses out of herself. At the end her boyfriend finds hes crying while floating under the ceiling I think. Pretty vague but does anyone remember that one?
>>27060 (OP)
Anyone have the name of a story about Pauline inflating Rosalina, Daisy and Peach in that order?
I have a spooky inflation story are you ready?
Imagine being retarded and not just that but reatardedly autistic. Like imagine you’re the most obnoxious stupid bitch in class that doodles stick figures and thinks fucking 100 people in one year is some sort of special accomplishment and not a hilariously misguided chronic long term std speed run.
So now this idiot likes the dark arts so you stick a hose in her vagina and she starts flapping her hands like an overstimulated idiot and filling up like a whiny no talent balloon. More and more she fills up as she is mad she can’t drive everyone else around hers narrative as the victim whether they’re her enemy or ally
Anyway oh yeah so she’s filling up and just imagine even her closest very close friend she’s like
“Oh my god you’re so.. I don’t know anymore I can’t even sleep in the same bed as you anymore you’re too much.. I mean look at what you’ve done now you’ve gotten too big and I’m afraid after the latest dumpster is cleared you’re next balloon girl”
So the dumb bitch is like “wahhhhhh no listen to me please I have opinions and everyone needs to—- BOOMP”
You shove a plug in her butt and mouth and shut her the fuck up lol
Das my story for now
Oh okay here’s the sequel for now ready?
You shove the butt plus in her mouth and anus and then
lol look she
shut the fuck up.
She gives up, loses her energy, and sleeps as a dumb inflated failure balloon like you would find in some cursed dystopia or something idk
Then you’re like. “Lol she gone good riddance” and the others cheer too because they didn’t like her either and only pretended to lol she balloon now
The end? For now??.

So you're saying you don't want ones written by ladies, dames, or maidens? I see how it is.

I die on this hill, m'sir.
Not to my knowledge. I always put the word literature in and that seems to lock in to text based media

Only if you agree to keep them private because the originals are far better & official. These are just a hell of a lot more lewd, not better lol

(Apologies in advance for bastardizing these!)
Been trying to find a blueberry popping story I read a few years back. Girl wakes up shackled under a bridge with an upset stomach and eventually swells up so big her head pokes through the bridge. It was borderline gorey, but it's been haunting me since I first read it. Anyone know where I can find it?
I’m not the one who wrote this.
I being who you know. Whichever of you wrote this is the imbecile that sealed the deal for you all.
I had a long thing written up about this series but it became way too rambly. Short version: besides the tf fetish stuff, there's themes and character work in here that have no joke inspired change in my life for the better in how I think about commitment and trust.
Tags are in the descriptions, but the multi-part 2nd and 3rd volumes have all tags for the whole volume in each individual chapter's description, so major spoilers for Plot. More info available upon request

P1: https://www.deviantart.com/teebsy-86/art/Gift-of-the-Bottle-NSFW-796914631
P2.1: https://www.deviantart.com/teebsy-86/art/Gift-of-the-Bottle-The-Honeymooners-1-2-NSFW-799834809
P2.2: https://www.deviantart.com/teebsy-86/art/Gift-of-the-Bottle-The-Honeymooners-2-2-NSFW-799836504
P3.1: https://www.deviantart.com/teebsy-86/art/Gift-of-the-Bottle-The-Twilight-Zone-1-3-NSFW-807084030
P3.2: https://www.deviantart.com/teebsy-86/art/Gift-of-the-Bottle-The-Twilight-Zone-2-3-NSFW-807086551
P3.3: https://www.deviantart.com/teebsy-86/art/Gift-of-the-Bottle-The-Twilight-Zone-3-3-NSFW-807087772

10/10, I miss these characters like they're from an old favorite novel rather than TF erotica I discovered in the past month.
Too bad you need to be registered to read them

Some more stories from me.
First one is the second part to the Shenmue story I'm doing which focuses on Ren.
Second is a gift from another friend featuring Nate and Katie from Yo-Kai Watch (Their older selves from Shadowside specifically)
Last is a pair of Castlevania stories I sat on for a year before deciding to post them
(335 KB, 900x900, NinjaKitty-993591-Raffle_Winner_Celestine-Flame_-_123_Square.jpg)
“Now stay still! You’re going to get it all over the place if you struggle! And we can’t have all this cum go to waste!”

This was without a doubt the most shameful moment of May Blackwell’s life, only boosted by how cocky she was coming into this. She had heard that Aqua was a cakewalk to deal with, and that a fight with her shouldn’t be an issue. But here she was, stripped of her clothing after a few strategic strikes, and now she had a giant hose up her ass that dumped cum into her rectum.

“S-Stop!” May pleaded. “You’ve filled me enough! What’s the point of filling my ass!”

Trying to get out of Aqua’s grip, May’s belly had already ballooned with jizz, filled enough that she was similar to that of a pregnant woman. The tank attached to the tube was barely emptied of seed, which meant more would fill her up.

It was that plea catching Aqua’s attention, humming to herself. “Oh, silly me!” laughed Aqua. “I didn’t know I put it in the wrong hole until you mentioned it! I guess we have to start all over.”

“Me and my big mouth…” whined May.
Random thought, but has anyone tried to use one of the AI writing bots to write inflation stories?
Currently out with someone very blessed!
I’m glad youre doing better A. Seriously thank God. 🌊
Yup..... They're pussies
Still just friends and available for the moment take that however you will! Stop out for the night atm! 🎈
Still just friends and available for the moment take that however you will! Still out for the night atm! 🎈
I have this story idea that just popped up. Is it idea should I write it?
Would be a bog standard factory. 1 legitimate winner. 4 inflatees.
It wouldn’t be written for any negativity but rather out of legitimate appreciation and horny.
Would feature four women, a young really skinny but shapely tiny mousy woman, a taller inquisitive one with a beautiful brain, a short absolute bombshell of a woman with goddess hourglass proportions, and a fourth one that should feel lucky they’re even in the same sentence as the other three.
Would be standard transformations though blueberry gum is a definite and I really love the pipe thing but don’t know what exactly the actual transform would be.
Also like the shrinking tv thing.
They did something in a story once where an inflatee got shrunk then once shrunk grew again so much she nearly grew back to her original size but with still tiny proportions.
Kind of extreme might want to tweak that.
I can never figure out any Nut Room (heh) inflation that satisfies me so maybe the fourth would be original
No particular order who knows
I wouldn’t do it unless it seems to make sense
I've been trying to find a story I read on DeviantArt a while back with no luck, so I'll give a it a shot finding the story here

The story follows some kind of vampire hunter or mercenary who is out to slay a vampire queen. The two end up fighting, with the vampire quickly gaining the upper hand. The vampire bites the hunter and begins drinking their blood. However, the vampire begins swelling up and the hunter reveals that they have been drinking nothing but holy water for the past while. The vampire soon reaches her limit and bursts

Does anybody know what I'm talking about here?
Yo I absolutely love your stuff and was gonna come round and post them here next time I came across them. Great concept for short stories, love that you mix things up sometimes, was even thinking of asking to borrow the Sub Box as a plot device if I ever wrote a little.
I appreciate that!

Go right ahead, I didn't invent the premise I'm sure.
(42 KB, 600x600, Screen_Shot_2021-06-09_at_8.01.55_am.webp) (25 KB, 600x600, Peter_Parker_Square.webp) (37 KB, 600x600, Mary_Jane_Watson_29_from_Marvel28animated_series%29_Season_3_2_001.webp)

Here's the last story I did in 2022. It's a Spider-Man story where Harry, Peter, and Mary Jane (Using their designs from the 2017 show) inflate after getting elasticity powers
Val here,
All horny aside I don’t want to let go of a bird in hand to reach others and lose more. If this newfound support is legit I don’t want to ruin it with horny that’s not wanted.
Will also say this
The crown has the heart in place but needs time, a bit of it seemingly. The pause had had me thinking a lot.
The new series of events has too.
Maybe I’m in over my head but I will say
I really enjoyed the limited time we spent together when we did awesome cat witch. Whatever you’re doing I hope you know you’re amazing in so many ways

Random writing warm up prompt
and yes.. potential primary…
I’ve had a lot of time to think about this.
If not strike that, reverse it
That’s the beauty of communicating without considering an idea an absolution
To clarify I don’t mind the adventurous amounts of horny at all in fact I welcome it and the crazy ideas and potential it generates
Balloon suits and other crazy shit and all
Just don’t want to step on the wrong toes so I’ll tread lightly instead
Just know I do consent to any potential exciting weird shit.
Or strike that, reverse if not as said lol
On top of everything said being a part time dog sounds like fun lol 🐕
On top of everything said being a willing part time dog sounds like fun lol 🐕
Oooh, very fun! A nice wee story
You are incredible beyond belief
If I could quantify you there’d be no relief
Because the surge of beauty
As if it your duty
Fills the air with warmth and light
And so to you I ask
Are you aware?
You are a star every night 🌟
(640 KB, 1125x1055, D45CEA9B-C0E6-49E0-9C5B-E48BBD88113F.jpeg)
>>Ahhh ow!!?
What did I do wrong you’re so confusing! If you weren’t so hot I’d.. fuck you move so good.. wait what was I oh yes..
Your body 🌊
Hello! First time posting in a day. Does anyone want me to continue some of Still I Rise? And if so what detail or part might you want to see more
Maybe I can focus on her initial inflation from hourglass bombshell to well, blueberry
Or make an alt ending where she gets rolled onto the boat but in leui of the musical explosion she’s pretty big.
Who knows or maybe I won’t lol
Either way always great to have berry ideas
Imagine three berries at the same time each emulating 71, 05, 13
What would be the way you would integrate these three themes/sizes into one ultra triple scene involving a Wonka bunch of berries
I imagine the 05 berry might be center stage while the 13 disco ball berry is over the rest giving Friday Night Funkin’ lights to the rest of the Crowd
Then the 71 berry is just getting rolled around like pinpinball machine lol
Would be willing and love to discreetly pay a beautiful blonde or redhead for some blueberry gum rp video or audio. I could write it up or they could make it their own if they want. Money and creativity is there. Would throw in a feet/sole thing too while at it lol
Wanted to share two of my favorite stories!
These also happen to be my favorite stories of choice to mentally insert two particular “Violets” into respectively whenever the story occasion arises for their own unique reasons not that it can’t be interchangeable of course ;

Hourglass Violet in her mid 20s blows up into giant blueberry.
The setup is standard but the descriptions and way Violet’s actual experience is conveyed in her eyes without first person is a masterclass.
And yes, this is the ideal situation I play out in my head and re-enact via suit... lol jk ;)
I’ll also spoil my fave two excerpts from my fave two paragraphs.
“After a minute the inspection was done and in unison they moved towards the giant blueberry and slowly began to tilt her backwards. Violet let out a moan and flapped her chubby little hands and kicked her tiny feet in an effort to stop what was happening but it was to no avail and she came to rest where her back used to be, leaving her staring up at the ceiling. She moved her head to see where the Oompa Loompas were, desperately trying to take in what was happening to her.”
“After a few rotations she suddenly stopped again and she was stuck facing the group once more. All of them stared at her, open mouthed as they watched the spectacle unfold in front of her. A few minutes ago she had been proudly stood as the centre of attention and now she wanted nothing more than for them to all stop staring.”

This is a shorter story due to its commissioned nature but TheHaze did a great job packing in a Violet peach gum variation in just 8 pages. As said it’s just Violet rather “Amber” in the same scenario but peachy!
I have to say when I first ran into this story it found a place in my heart with how unique it was as it was the first non-berry story I ever truly appreciated.
What I particularly love about this story is the physical descriptions and how Haze really makes you easily visualize how this peachy blonde turns into a spherical truly peachy girl. This story has a special place in my heart 🍑
Two excerpts as before!
“Amber’s romper stretched and flexed and where it had been cute and loose in the right places, now it was extremely tight and snug all over. Like a madhouse of firecrackers, the stitches of Amber’s orange romper popped one by one, doing double duty to eclipse the spherical girl. Amber let out another embarrassed moan, feeling the gallons and gallons of juice within her finally slow. Her head sunk into her body to create a peach-like divot that ran from her head and tapered just above her belly button – which was outlined in the middle of her spherical body by the tightened romper. Amber’s hair pooled around her head as she at last stopped. She was a picture perfect peach.”
“ Amber’s eyes darted around fearfully, her head held straight forward by walls of inflated body. All she could see was a canyon of swollen clothing through which flowed a river of peach colored hair. Beyond that, approaching workers and staring tour guests were her only allowances. Amber saw Wonka’s helpers encircle her, looking at her with curiosity. In just a few moments, they placed their hands on her to tip her back. Amber couldn’t stop them if she tried, she couldn’t even move her own head to protest. She moaned and kicked her feet as she went back, her hair flowing down from her head like a peachy waterfall.”

Thanks for reading my take and perspective I appreciate it ^^
Enjoy and have a great morning!
Wanted to share two of my favorite stories!
These also happen to be my favorite stories of choice to mentally insert two particular “Violets” into respectively whenever the story occasion arises for their own unique reasons not that it can’t be interchangeable of course ;

Hourglass Violet in her mid 20s blows up into giant blueberry.
The setup is standard but the descriptions and way Violet’s actual experience is conveyed in her eyes without first person is a masterclass.
And yes, this is the ideal situation I play out in my head and re-enact via suit... lol jk ;)
I’ll also spoil my fave two excerpts from my fave two paragraphs.
“After a minute the inspection was done and in unison they moved towards the giant blueberry and slowly began to tilt her backwards. Violet let out a moan and flapped her chubby little hands and kicked her tiny feet in an effort to stop what was happening but it was to no avail and she came to rest where her back used to be, leaving her staring up at the ceiling. She moved her head to see where the Oompa Loompas were, desperately trying to take in what was happening to her.”
“After a few rotations she suddenly stopped again and she was stuck facing the group once more. All of them stared at her, open mouthed as they watched the spectacle unfold in front of her. A few minutes ago she had been proudly stood as the centre of attention and now she wanted nothing more than for them to all stop staring.”

This is a shorter story due to its commissioned nature but TheHaze did a great job packing in a Violet peach gum variation in just 8 pages. As said it’s Violet rather “Amber” in the same scenario but peachy!
I have to say when I first ran into this story it found a place in my heart with how unique it was as it was the first non-berry story I ever truly appreciated.
What I particularly love about this story is the physical descriptions and how Haze really makes you easily visualize how this peachy blonde turns into a spherical truly peachy girl. This story has a special place in my heart 🍑
Two excerpts as before!
“Amber’s romper stretched and flexed and where it had been cute and loose in the right places, now it was extremely tight and snug all over. Like a madhouse of firecrackers, the stitches of Amber’s orange romper popped one by one, doing double duty to eclipse the spherical girl. Amber let out another embarrassed moan, feeling the gallons and gallons of juice within her finally slow. Her head sunk into her body to create a peach-like divot that ran from her head and tapered just above her belly button – which was outlined in the middle of her spherical body by the tightened romper. Amber’s hair pooled around her head as she at last stopped. She was a picture perfect peach.”
“ Amber’s eyes darted around fearfully, her head held straight forward by walls of inflated body. All she could see was a canyon of swollen clothing through which flowed a river of peach colored hair. Beyond that, approaching workers and staring tour guests were her only allowances. Amber saw Wonka’s helpers encircle her, looking at her with curiosity. In just a few moments, they placed their hands on her to tip her back. Amber couldn’t stop them if she tried, she couldn’t even move her own head to protest. She moaned and kicked her feet as she went back, her hair flowing down from her head like a peachy waterfall.”

Thanks for reading my take and perspective I appreciate it ^^
Enjoy and have a great morning!
Ahhh ok. Now I see.
Go touch yourself to og Samus you Desperate Dodie wannabe⚡️
Please know that I forgive you. Please know that I am here and not upset with you. I miss you 🌕
Good Morgning,
please request story.
feat two Russo lady secret widow Black
found out switch too late boom
Lost young one free
any one hear ¿
Looking for a story on DeviantArt; POV character works for a company that provides assisted living for berrygirls. He's assigned to an attractive female athlete who I think was a MMA fighter and had to retire after becoming a blueberry. One day, he's late coming to her house to help juice her and finds that she's swollen up to a massive size. He panics but she reassures him and walks him step-by-step through the juicing process and then I think they have sex after
That not story have I
Two russ girl
It was some story from Deviantart, it had a dragonborn woman and a goblin in an eating competition against a wolf to try and get money for a house, I believe it had temp-popping and food-based inflation.
Anyone know what it was called?
Ahh yes one of my favorite parts; when both the exs turn on the bitch witch 😇
This might be a long shot because it has a couple fetishes that you rarely see mixed with inflation. But I'm trying to find this old story about a young man who crossdresses and gets teased by these two young girls who take him out to the forest to mess with him more. When the two girls leave he wanders around and finds himself in a candy land. There were a couple chapters. One involved getting fucked by a candy cane, another being filled with slime, one being turned into a pear, and I think there were more. If anyone knows where this story is I'd really appreciate it
Hey, has anyone tries writing chyoa stories? There is a site called chyoa.com and cyoc.net
Did you ever even care or was it all legitimately a lie?
Does it even matter anymore?
Fake or not you’ve found another
I was kept in the dark against my will. They even pretended to have interest on purpose just long enough to stop us coming together
And now look.
Everyone gets what they wanted.
Even the fucking Nazi.
Except me.
I can’t take this anymore
Was it all a lie?
I fell in love with you. Are you all enjoying this?
I’ve been alone with literally no partner to talk to for four months now. I’m suffering
I’m suffering
It’s not funny
It’s not a joke
I’m suffering and I can’t take it anymore
I have no more strength I’m trying to be strong for you all since I think you’re realizing the gravity of this all and I’ve lived it for eleven years so I’m trying to be strong for you but I can’t at this moment
I’m in so much pain and all I can verifiably see on my end is you all enjoying it.
Backstabbing me multiple times when all I wanted was legitimate reconciliation and connection
Im in so much pain and I cannot even delude myself into believing the love story that wrote itself can even happen anymore
My emotional and mental life has been completely manipulated and destroyed by people around me with the power to lie to those who trusted them and used it.
I failed my last semester okay.
I admit it
I failed.
I couldn’t take it.
I failed.
I’m still in same program everything but essentially restarted
And I’m legitimately considering moving to New York City soon because I can’t take any of this any more
My dreams of the life and the illusion of this country have been completely and utterly ruined. I’ve realized the propaganda of the progressive country was a lie and that oxymoronically enough this country is legitimately more racist than America.
If that’s what you want for me to go away permanently then you’re in luck
If you want me to fuck off permanently to NYC just let me know now so I can make my plans
I’ve realized in hindsight just why it’s the greatest city in the world and I’m lucky enough to have roots in it.
My entire sense of reality is warped now though so idek anymore

I hate your writing. If I continue reading it.. it will put me in a bad mood.
Was it all a lie?
I fell in love with you. Are you all enjoying this?
I’ve been alone with literally no partner to talk to for four months now. I’m suffering
I’m suffering
It’s not funny
It’s not a joke
I’m suffering and I can’t take it anymore
I have no more strength I’m trying to be strong for you all since I think you’re realizing the gravity of this all and I’ve lived it for eleven years so I’m trying to be strong for you but I can’t at this moment
I’m in so much pain and all I can verifiably see on my end is you all enjoying it.
Backstabbing me multiple times when all I wanted was legitimate reconciliation and connection
Im in so much pain and I cannot even delude myself into believing the love story that wrote itself can even happen anymore
My emotional and mental life has been completely manipulated and destroyed by people around me with the power to lie to those who trusted them and used it.
I failed my last semester okay.
I admit it
I failed.
I couldn’t take it.
I failed.
I’m still in same program everything but essentially restarted
And I’m legitimately considering moving to New York City soon because I can’t take any of this any more
My dreams of the life and the illusion of this country have been completely and utterly ruined. I’ve realized the propaganda of the progressive country was a lie and that oxymoronically enough this country is legitimately more racist than America.
If that’s what you want for me to go away permanently then you’re in luck
If you want me to fuck off permanently to NYC just let me know now so I can take what that means for the potential future into consideration
I’ve realized in hindsight just why it’s the greatest city in the world and I’m lucky enough to have roots in it.
My entire sense of reality is warped now though so idek anymore
Asshole. Dumb prick
I just..
Found out who you’re..
Spotify? Seriously?
I can’t take this anymore
It’s not that I’m not happy for you in principle
It’s that
You know why
I’m just being emotionally replaced.
And all of this was after Her and I finally figured ourselves out in the context of what we thought reality was
Am I still an out for you all?
Just know that it hurts so much on this side
So this is how it ends? Fuck off?
I’m not mad please I’m begging you to listen
Please have a heart please
There’s legitimately another person and troll. Oh God please
Anyone know any hood celebrity inflation stories?
I know it's not an inflation story, but does anyone have this story where Elizabeth Olsen drinks a big bottle of fizzy pop and suddenly starts growing until she's a giantess? It was on Deviantart years ago score the account was deactivated. I think the account had the word transformation in there. (Not TransformationHub)
>>76753 I drank a bottle of my own jizz on cam and nobody tipped me
No you’re not understanding I’m not saying I’m being ganstalked I’m not delusional.
I’m saying we both literally have a far right racist that’s been on both our asses in very public ways and that’s been beyond aggressive.
We both literally know who they are. They’ve hated me since 2012 online but I literally met them in person in 2017 during a convention related to all of this.
I'm looking for a story that I once read, I think on Deviant art: the main character (women) is with another women, who causes the first person to start blowing bubble / balloons / gum, from their mouth, their nipples and their pussy. It's a pleasant experience for the first person etc. ... Anyone recognise this?
Maybe but I did see one with a merman same premise
Bubbles slime and air filling a belly like an ocean all of its own
Thanks for the reply, I don't think that the story had any oceanic themes. I think it was a short story maybe
Big fat busty blueberry blondes that become giant juicy disco balls and have songs sung about them as the world karmically jacks it to their explosive stage presence
I am looking for some help in finding a blueberry inflation story on deviant art that I had stumbled across maybe a year or so ago and haven't been able to find it despite digging around on the site for a couple of weeks on and off.

I remember it was about a girl that blueberries at like a parry or similar function and I remember a part where this girl like forces her to eat the girl out while she's inflating and there are multiple dudes forcing themselves on the helpless inflating girl. Then, by the end, there is a guy that comes up and rams her throat, and when he busts, it sends her over the edge, and she bursts.
Thats all the plot points I can remember if anyone can help me out in finding this I'd be extremely greatful!
Just a heads up to let everyone know that DeviantArt - the website with an identity crisis every once in a while are once again deleting stories. =/ They don't reveal why, don't even inform you, it is arbitrary & dumb-founded.. Pop Palace had "Wrong Answers" deleted inexplicably as well as others.

So if you have any favourites you will miss once they are gone, NOW is the time to archive them.

I suspect it has something to do with stories set in environments with keywords such as "Students" "Teacher" "School" etc.
>>27060 (OP)
Hey can anyone recommend any writers who focus on more traditional inflations? Hose in mouth, helium or water kinda stuff I mean. Would be much appreciated.
I mean my doors always open for commission ideas hit me up sometime and I'll let you know if I got a free slot for time

Much appreciated thank you. And I don’t mind popping so if you have them I’m interested to see what you recommend!
I’m not really looking for commissions at the moment but thank you for the offer. I already looked at some of your stories and I like how detailed the actual inflations are.
looking for story. woman gambles in desert and losefirst part of story prologue
looking for story. fam gambles in desert and losebear unhappypart of story prologue
Oh yes that story. I remember. The outline was something like
>couple has desert gambling addiction
>couple uses daughters with shady people as collateral
>surely nothing can go wrong
There’s a story I remember reading where it was about a class being forced to inflate to burst via a machine that the teacher controls, then one of the students swapped their chair for the teacheds chair and then she would burst but fall on all of the buttons causing every remaining student to inflate until they burst

I don’t remember where I found it and would like help finding it again
Any chance for a reup?
Why does the website have a seperate board for writing?

Gentle Gina Berry. Guy put it in a Watcher-Only gallery though >>75442
Did this author ever make any other stories? If so, do you have any of them?
>>27060 (OP)
Anyone have the story where Pauline inflates and pops Rosalina, Daisy and Peach? I’ve forgotten the name.
(318 KB, 900x250, _BerryCursed1.png) (387 KB, 900x300, _BerryCursed2.png)
Forgot to post this but I posted but I made some cursed drabbles. First one is of Kirito and Asuna becoming horny blueberries with their abridged counterparts while the other is of Mori Calliope as a blueberry trying and failing to flirt with Bojack Horseman and Mr. Horse.
Does anyone have a link to this one story where the reader has two fat lady friends and as the story goes on the reader gets as far as their two friends. I think the story opens up with a remake that the reader has always been the skinny friend if that helps
I was thinking of writing my own inflation story. My idea is focused on three celebs and each of them inflate in a certain way. I'd like your opinion on this. I will list the celebs and then the inflation types and I'd like to know which celeb you think should be inflated in which way.

Elizabeth Olsen

Emma Stone

Emilia Clarke

Blueberry Inflation

Fat Inflation

Air/Balloon Inflation
(1.3 MB, 939x1400, nkpeca.png)
Stories with Helena the hex maniac?
Anyone know what happened to thedood77 inflation story's? Can't find them anywhere
Once upon a time there were 3 Chinese Spy Balloons

They popped

The End, or something

,or whatever
Sounds like a fun story. hope someone finds it.
Anyone know of any stories where someone's horniness leads to them inflating?
I realized I posted my post in the wrong place, but could you help me with finding a story on DeviantArt.

It was a 2nd person POV story about you being inflated by magic from a incubus and you are denied the ability to orgasm and then you pop at the end and then he picked up your remains and put them in a jar.
Try these stories, they are all rather lewd & horni!


Helium breast inflation spell that can only stop if she can deny herself the feelings that is accompanied with it!

Short, typical horny girls having fun which leads to ‘too’ much fun lol

Bit longer this time with a good buildup tempting a girl to indulge to her cheeky fantasy!

A titillating story of a girl who has her fantasy discovered and exploited. Great suspense & she just can’t resist the urges of the teasing until.. pop!

A wifey who wants to please her husband but things get a little too steamy before he gets home!

A girl treats her friend to some helium, & things get very interesting as the story progresses!

Puff kiss that gets too steamy for the victim to deny herself the desire to orgasm, but one may not be enough! 3;)

Dig Dig scenario where a girl is as terrified as she is turned-on by the prospect of a naughty end she submits to!

Enjoy, & stay horny! <3
Anyone know what happened to BluberryInflation on DeviantArt? They also went by MistressBerry too.
They have a few stories, but it looks like their account was deleted. I was wondering if anyone had any or knew where I could find them?
The story was on DeviantArt (maybe it has fallen victim to the recent round of deletions).
The premise was the main character taking out another woman to the beach. Asks her if she has kissed another girl, then goes in for the kiss and starts to blow her up. Mostly breast and butt inflation. Second woman reluctant but then enjoys. no popping. Any help would be great.
Does anyone have a story called “to impress a boy” ? It’s about a girl being inflated yo impress her boyfriend but her inflator overdoes it after giving her confidence so she pops
>>90968 Little girls don't love you, no.
Thank you I’ve been looking for this for a while
Desperately trying to find a story I read years ago about a group of girls who get inflated against their will in a research lab type setting.

One girl is forcibly inflated with peanut butter via an anal tube, then has a parasite shoved in that she later gives birth to.
Another is forced to fellatiate a hermaphrodite who's cum inflates her.
The Dr behind their inflations was called something along the lines of Ivana Rapeu
Did anyone happen to save SwellingDesire's "My Growing Love" series or any of HenryJumpers stuff before their DeviantArt accounts got wiped?
I think a writing board is a bad idea.

Boards needs write threads.
Does anyone still have "Trapped by the Succuboi" by Cocoasuccoboi?
I remember this old story where this dude created a neurological device that would cause a pump to kick on if his wife got horny. Eventually they went too far and she exploded.
Does anyone know the story if so mind sending it my way?
Does anyone have a deviantart story with mt lady and midnight being inflated and popped? I remember them at a party and mt lady went into a warehouse and fell on an air tank, then inflated midnight
We should start requesting and delivering.
“At the flick of a switch” on body inflation.org

I’m looking for a story where a guy goes to a female therapist and she suggests a sort of “pump therapy”. She gets him to start and and when he feels he can’t pump, she offers to continue for him and eventually pumps him up into a balloon. It cuts to the guys girl friend coming home to a giant flesh colored ballon ant she pops saying “I hate balloons.”
(1.0 MB, 1200x1255, Bubbly (Eve) by PuffPoff.png)
Does anyone have the story accompanying this image from Puffpoff? It seems like some of his stuff on deviantart has disappeared.
Well, it took a damn year and a half of working on it on and off, but I've finally finished it:
Not To See, But To Feel: Part 3
Part 1 was about Cecilia turning into a giant, busty, horny blueberry, while Part 2 was more of a character drama as Cecilia realizes there is a romantic spark between her and her friend Nayan. Part 3 the is the climax of their story, in more ways than one... as Nayan gleefully and repeatedly fucks Cecilia's blueberry brains out, while Cecilia(/you) loves every moment of it.
Does anyone know a story where a guy gets put into a trance, inflated and humiliated by his gf and then made to think it was all a dream when in reality he is still inflated?
Give me stories with sex, written by females, or both.
Hey all, first and probably last post on this domain here.

Great to see lit getting its time in the spotlight. Not nearly enough redsnake appreciation if I'd be honest since those stories got me into writing fics in the first place.

I started uploading most of my main fics to https://swelltales.com/Author?pAuthorName=PennaKiteWeatha

The place is building up a solid repository of stories from a bunch of folks -- maybe not the oldest or the best ones, but good enough to be a decent backup to DeviantArt bans and the world ending. I wound up putting my head down and writing a new story to enter for a contest there, so for a fledgling site it's doing enough to keep the creative gears turning.
(267 KB, 362x818, medium-helium-tank-rentals-1.png) (191 KB, 800x780, PhantomBlimps.png)
Going to shill the stories I've recently done

This is a sequel to Castlevania: Fruits of Sorrow and Portrait of Succulence. Basically some crossover event occurs and Soma, Mina, Jonathan, and Charlotte decide to indulge in their berry inflation fetish as to unwind from a tough fight

I made this one as a birthday gift for Manpersonguy loosely based on an image he did of Falkner. Basically, he's inflated by a Drifloon while on a trip to Sinnoh with some fellow Gym Leaders joining in.

Just a drabble I did for Halloween featuring an underrated MILF from Yo-Kai Watch, Lily Adams. She basically transforms into a balloon after unknowingly eating tofu she bought off a Tofu-Kozo

This is one I wanted to do for a long while. Mainly since I haven't seen Mishima or Shiho inflated specifically. Premise is the two deciding to inflate together after they discover that they share an inflation fetish.

Last one is the first half of an inflatable TF story. The Phantom Thieves wake up in what seems to be a palace alongside outsiders like Mishima, Shiho, Hifumi, and even Ken from Persona 3 (Included him since he'd be around the same age as the Phantom Thieves)

They make a failed escape attempt after seeing several people they recognize transformed into inflatables. Sadly had to save the Phantom Thieves and the outsiders transforming for part 2.

Hope you all enjoy.
Gonna shill some stories that a friend wrote which has elastic stuff along with inflation


First two feature Ren, Yusuke, and Futaba from Persona 5

Third has Leon and Ada from Resident Evil

Last one was cowritten by me and has Hilbert and Cheren from Pokemon Black and White
>Hey all, first
>and probably last post on this domain here.
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Are there any stories about Asuka inflating?
I'm going to post something write threads were made for.
this isn't a write request thread, this is a place people can post stories that they've found or wrote. If you wanna make requests or whatever, go to the beg thread
Write threads were invented on 2chan to post and request stories. 4chan perfected the institution.
Bump, I want to know.
I remember a story literally called “Blueberry Bitch”. BF injects the berry serum into his GF’s arm and she turns into a berry in their apartment.
Neuro-diverse hate 4chan.
>this isn't a write thread
>>27060 (OP)
Anyone have access to all of PlazmaZwords deleted stories?
He deleted like 15 of his stories for some reason. Most notably one involving Yoko Litner.
Anyone know any good carbonation/chemical reaction inflation stories?
Looking for a story sauce, a guy was friends with a witch and got accidentally inflated by her (full body inflation), was called something like "it's hard being a witches friend". Eternal gratitude to anyone who knows where I can find it!
Anyone has any good stories that include blueberry inflation (or full body inflation) together with shrinking?
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Might be as good a place as any to plug my own works. These are all available on my a03 account, and have been written between (est.) 2018 and 2023:









Peruse at your leisure. Here are the characters getting inflated, in order:
(59 KB, 673x673, hazel.jpg)
Also, last one is Hazel from IT

Also, 'Raymond' is an OC of mine.
ALSO (Sorry for the spam of messages), I'm writing another Simon berry fic. Will post to ao3 and here when done.
Been looking for a certain story for a while. A women complains to management makes them annoyed so they ram a hose in her mouth but she keeps going on like it isn’t even there. When she’s inflated a bunch of people start bouncing on her body. Any help finding it would be much appreciated.
One good site I found stories is neocities popping library
Horny for her huge thiiiiick ass my cock is so hard just want to shove in her tight horny holes lol

I can write stuff if you want
Looking for milf blueberry story by Clydedyde. Name of main character is Randa, I think?
There’s a blueberry story I’m looking for. I can’t remember the title … all I remember is a fan worked for wonka to find out about the 3 course gum because she wanted to try it After the door to the inventing room was left open, she manages to sneak in and try the gum and Wonka or someone else watches her
Thank you for sharing my story, I'm honored you liked my story enough to start sharing it around!
All praise is due! You're in my top 5 inflation literature creators lol (Red Snake, Browser123, fuy0w0, PanurgeKinkFiction)

I have discovered that popularity doesn't always have correlation to quality, because quite often it is more to do with a lack of exposure. Just how thumbnails entice clicks, - titles are often the sole reason people read a story. So for instance, "Battle on unstable ground Part 5" is no way going to get read compared to "A Sexy Popping" or what ever! lol

So I encourage people to expose above average stories here. I realise this creates its own set of problems, because its all subjective. However, I stand by my analysis of your superior work because something many writers shirk away from is the explicit content. They either feel its unnecessary or they are too embarrassed, etc. lol But for me it is a kink that is heavily linked to sexual arousal; aka pornographic. You tackle this head on, & is therefore very sexy content <3 I think leaving this aspect out of stories has contributed towards our community's segregation regarding popping. Because take that out, & all you have is a horror story of someone panicking & bursting lol! Instead of Inflation: foreplay Popping: Orgasm! I used to avoid popping for years, but the moment someone associated it to climaxing I started to indulge. Now however, I can't finish without a good pop! lol! And until therapy is free globally, I'm going to champion this community & its content creators!
Anyone got any good male inflation stories?
There is “Great Inflations” by Alec deluxe and “Balloon Bar” (forgot the author, but can be found on bodyinflation.org
I wish there were more 2nd person male POV stories or cyoa type inflation content
Honestly what stories would look great in comic form?
Personally, I would choose “Great Inflations”
“Like a blueberry” is the only one that actually followed through on this concept.
Requesting milf stories please, preferably full body.
Any good sites with inflation stories outside of deviantart?
bodyinflation.org still has a decent catalogue

furaffinity.net not too bad actually. Not everything on there is required to be furry stuff, so you can actually filter to what species you want to read about

Only other one I'd consider would be wattpad, but good luck finding a lot of complete stories there
fellas, i need your help.

I remember a story on deviantart about a girl inflating and her brother helping her.
Eventually, the brother over takes her and keeps her full, blocking her mouth with duct tape.
Try as I might, I can't find it. Help?
Honestly? Apart from really old (and therefore tame by today's standards!) websites, DA has by far the largest catalog of inflation literature. If you are looking elsewhere because you think you've ran out of stories, there are over 1,000 - easy, on DA. They can be hard to find if you are not aware of how looking through artist's favourites can be a fruitful venture!

If the stories are not explicit or do not entirely transpire the way you would like for full (ahem!) effect, then I would highly recommend downloading your favourites, pasting them into word or what ever, & editing them yourself. I've been doing this for about 3 years now & I have about 30 stories that are in my private collection for personal use.

Just thought I'd mention it. Have fun inflating!
I vaguely remember a story once that was like, a girl who either works at or was visiting a nightclub getting approached by some creep in an alley, when she remembers that one of her friends/coworkers gave her a weird pack of gum for this exact situation, which she gives to the creep and he turns into a blueberry. I'm fairly sure it was on DA and not bodyinflation.org or anywhere like that
It is hard to find stories with no sorting system on da.
I do still wish more posts would also go on neocities popping library, which is a really good archive, especially for the more lewder inflation stories.
Now if there were more archive types sites for inflation content, no matter what fandom you are in, we could thrive.
DA on some mobile devices don’t work. No matter how many times I press sort to most recent, it does nothing
One thing I wish could happen in our community is have inflation audio stories get animated. It would be really cool seeing the well known inflation stories come to life.
I hope in the future that can be achieved, and put on decent site where it isn’t to frustrating to access
(460 KB, 1000x1450, Reverse Cowgirl Reverie by CobaltReverie.jpg)
I've got a double feature, with the second hot off the presses!

First is a story called "Reality-Warping Restaurant" by DerpyMcDerpyMcDerpy, about a waitress named Olivia who can't catch a break at work, especially when her breasts suddenly and inexplicably start growing bigger, and bigger, and lactating more, and more, but Olivia is the only one who realizes anything is wrong. Everyone else seems to think nothing out of the ordinary of her growing breasts, and people who know her seem to think her tits have always been that big and milky!

Read it here:

And now, McDerpy just posted a continuation in the same setting.

The second story follows Ruby, one of Olivia's friends from the first story. The smol redhead insatiably thirsts for the titanic-tittied, ceaselessly lactating waitress like a dairy-addicted milk gremlin, so much that Ruby got a job at the restaurant too, and spends almost as much time there as Olivia, who now both lives and works at the establishment. It would be just another shift for Ruby, ogling Olivia, getting jealous of patrons filling their glasses from her, and fantasizing when she can next whisk Olivia back to her bedroom and suckle from her like a starving calf... until Ruby's skin starts turning blue...

This is the longest, most ambitious, and explicit story McDerpy has ever written, featuring fiercely underrated and rare things I could count in single digits the number of times I've seen (pic related ;) ), and others I've never, ever seen in blueberry inflation before (but you'll have to find out what those are for yourself >:3 ).

Read it here!
Hey I’m trying to find a series of stories and I cannot remember who the author was, but it was a series called “Working Girls: _insert job here_” and was about inflation being used as part of a job. Can anyone help me out?
I *think* you might be thinking of the Minimum Wage series by RenegadeKamui. iirc they only ever got posted to bodyinflation.org but they're all still up there
So what happened to a bunch of stories on bodyinflation.org? A lot are missing and last week there were more
Does anyone know of any mass inflation story’s? Where a bunch of people inflate?
I think that might've been the Juggalos series by SpiralingStaircase n SoylentOrange.
i need that good idea
we have story lighter than air raid
arkham city girls night out
catwoman and harley we are fat together
poison ivy is get eat up today
requesting a m0n0chromeprincess roundup. I've got misc clips, but I never got to see her tumblr.
i love this gotham women

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