
What ever happened to "The Juicing Room" comic edits? Some got posted in the last thread but haven't been able to find the rest. Was it ever finished?
pretty good but upload it to a different site
I can’t stand when the final berry shape more resembles someone from my 600lb life instead of a spherical, actual berry shape
Does anybody have this specific old ridiculouscake piece? Basically it was a BUNCH of girls all blueberried stuck in a big slice of pie?
Permission to post male berries?
anymore pics of violet's mom ?
I feel jealous of female inflatees, especially in stories where there is a blueberry cult or a blueberry based murdered popping all the women. Makes me think of the end game like in “pick, don’t eat” and “wacky candy”
Anyone still have the aged up version of the juicing room comic by faridae?
I know what it is you're talking about; I think it was actually on /inf/, but at this point I think the thread where the posts were has been archived and I don't know how to look at older, closed threads

maybe someone else does though, I just remember the thumbnail of the thread being a sketch of a blueberry chick
Legend thank you so much
(5.4 MB, 150x150, ddq22y1-bf56dd11-3a54-4ba5-bdc1-e70088e524bb.gif)
Would anyone happen to have the original of this gif? It used to be on Deviantart labelled as "Carmella Beauregarde" and was higher resolution and didn't reverse at the end. I thought I had it saved, guess not.
Does anybody have a full comic of Like a Blueberry by Faridae?
It's all available at bluefaridae.tumblr.com
I wonder where the person went who edited these. They fell off the face of the earth

Would like to see them continue these edits someday
By the way, do you happen to have the original thread where these images were posted? I could’ve sworn it was a now-archived bbw-chan thread
Sorry I'm afraid not, I heard there was some kind problem and the whole website was reset.
That's all folks!… seriously though that is all I could find and I'm certain I'm missing some.
Does anyone have the full Wacky Candy chapter 2 comic by 0pik-0ort?
I remember there were two more pages between Jason touching Hannah's belly and close up on Hannah. The first page was Jason's hand touching Hannah's vagina, and the second was Jason sucking on Hannah's breast from her unbuttoned blouse.
Great! Now just one last page of Jason sucking Hannah's breast.
head on over to the blueberry thread in the SSBBW section of the site
I went there but I don’t see a blueberry section, is there a link or anything you can send me?
Which hazardously horny autist wrote the “fetish” section? Their bullet points make it sound like they had only one hand on the keyboard when writing it
shit like this makes me too embarrassed and ashamed to live. the fetish is just the concept of blueberry inflation, not actually jerking it to an 11 year old, jesus christ people
holy shit lmao, I've seen the pictures and they're not worth $10, let alone almost fucking 50
There's still one page missing from the Like a Blueberry comic. It was a page between Jason touching Hannah's crotch and Hannah's close up, and depicts Jason drinking from Hannah's breast, with his right hand below Hannah and left hand squeezing her breast he's drinking from.
Does anyone have access to Qualtro’s pattern? Looking for the new “embarrassing” post
Just look them up on kemono.party. Their page tends to get updated fairly often
I hadn’t heard about that before, I tried to go to the site but it doesn’t load, and after looking it up apparently if you have Verizon (which I do) they block you from accessing a ddosguard IP, which is bizarre. If you’re able to check and see if they have that post up there that I mentioned before on kemono, I’d appreciate it :)
What is this from? This seems to have a lot of potential
Qualtroverse’s Patreon
Hey, if you wanna see more from me, please consider supporting my patreon, the hardware to render this stuff isn't cheap and it helps me out a lot
I've reached a point where I don't mind if you guys share some of my locked content so long as you share my patreon link and suggest pledging

You can find it here: https://www.patreon.com/qualtroverse
Does anyone have the last page of Like a Blueberry?
Based response. Consider yourself pledged.
(49 KB, 563x356, 4vIgEgp.jpeg)
This is the page, but I would love it if someone could find it bigger and in higher resolution.
Could someone post Whacky Candy pages 59-62 from Opik Oort’s patreon? Thanks!
It’s probably on Kemono
>>35233 Got the sauce for this?
Could you post them here? I have Verizon, they don’t let me open Kemono or sites like that, super annoying
Maybe someone have blueberry expansion & fuck content?
>>36921 I found it on instagram, I don't know who created it
FreakinWeirdo is the name.
Thank you very much!
Holy crap I must be blind I didn't even realize this isn't an edit just a rotation
Woah, anyone got a source on that Cynthia and Fatina drawing?

I also hope to find this again too. On DA was deleted I think. I unfortunately can't find it. Shame.
Could someone post the image from JingleVellRock’s patreon of his new Bloated Bellhop morph? Attached a link, and unfortunately kemono doesn’t work on my devices

Does anyone know a site like kemono to access deviantart premium galleries?
(354 KB, 828x512, 888650E1-06B7-4CA8-AD25-DF8BBC547734.jpeg)
I can’t find much of this sequence at all nowadays. Is there anyone who has the rest of the set or some sort of archive of Faridae’s stuff?
(179 KB, 1080x946, Screenshot_20220213-194354_1.png)
Sorry guys but anyone know about this profile or follow her?

I asked a lot of time her permissione but never respond

Anyone know what She post or l'et me see what She post?
Need help finding a pic.Where a woman is turned into a blueberry by her husband and is scared about popping/or is about to pop. She says something along the lines of, “If you wanted a separation we could have gotten a divorce instead,” or something lol that nature.

Thanks in advance for any help finding this.
Yes! That’s it! Thanks!

Although I thought there was a colored version
Why do I feel like you could add color to this and rephrase this and it would make a fantastic dauphine Scooby Doo
This also gives me unsolved mystery vibes with that last line so badly..

News at 11 a murder in wonkatown happened today as a woman was bursted to pieces.

Here last words said spectators were"oh God here it comes" before she rained herself upon the crowd in explosive carnage..

No subjects have been going at this time

I don't know I'm too tired to do it justice
I believe you meant Daphne.
that violet evergarden?
(359 KB, 2000x2118, 1646779666923.jpg)
>Pokemon Violet
Do something.
Wait until they reveal any characters worth doing anything with
It's Saber/Artoria frome Fate/Stay Night
Source for these two?
>>43967 can you please say the artist from ganyu one? I think i already saw these artist somewhere but i never found his name
Do you know the source for the second pic

And the source for these two?
>>44611 Randomwaifuinflator on DA

Somebody add more to her belly dammit
Sauce? I can't find them based on the watermark.
Nice to see you’re still around man! Those edits were so top notch, you couldn’t even tell they were edits. Looking forward to any potential future ones you decide to make.
Love these ones. I hope you continue to make these kinds of edits.
Here’s something by Fw that I stitched together. Originally came as a video pack with a few clips. Added sound as well.

did this guy's page get deleted? i cant find it
wow this is way better than that shitty one i cobbled together months back. cheers!
His name is chubby_tubby_3000 on Instagram

Can you repost? The mab expired
Source for 2nd one?
Looks a bit like ZDemian's work. What's the sauce?
I love this guys work so much but why is he default model literally the most unattractive woman he could choose. I mean zoom in on that head. Afro and face ruins it for me. And before any of you can even screech it’s because she’s black, I AM TOO! I just wish he used a better looking model!
you're acting like you don't like seeing 18 year-old Michael Jackson turn into a blueberry or sumthin'
Exactly I’m all for black Violets too just look at how good their “Juicy” Violet works is just lmfao

I mean yeah everyone is beautiful in their own way but come on man you couldn’t at least make it like Beyoncé with an Afro of something? Great work either way beggars can’t be choosers
ZDem's patreon.
Lmao dude releases one of the best blueberry animations ever and uses a model that makes me think that exact same thought. I was baffled by his final choice
Lmfao to be fair he fixed that one quick as shit and now it’s near legendary. I think he’s afraid of using real women as models but he’s so good in this type of medium if you don’t go realistic it comes off as “Mars Needs Moms” uncanny valley
OOOOOOOOOoooooo Blueberry Pie SHAMON!
(1.4 MB, 1979x1125, 31BD5D4D-0549-4613-ABDF-19642C2F94D6.jpeg)
Think you hit it on the head. I get the fear but they’re pretty anon and as long as they don’t publicly declare intent they can use real models with slight variation.
Their “Embarrassed” model was completely top tier so they definitely have the skill
Their work is fantastic, I just wish that they didn't put guys in there as often.
CG heads are hell
(5.7 MB, 2149x2480, violetheart.png)
can anyone edit this pic so all of her skin is the same color as her belly button?
To be fair, those eyebrows are more real than 70% of what you'd see on the street.
"Pluck them off and paint them back on."

ZDem's still alive?
Bump sir
does anyone have mabocorescant's blueberry daisy from their patreon?
I love them
Do you have a link to their page? (Da or twitter?)
(32 KB, 1080x903, 1.jpg) (30 KB, 1080x903, 2.jpg) (35 KB, 1080x903, 3.jpg) (33 KB, 1080x903, 4.jpg) (36 KB, 1080x903, 5.jpg) (37 KB, 1080x903, 6.jpg)
(46 KB, 1080x903, 7.jpg) (44 KB, 1080x903, 8.jpg) (47 KB, 1080x903, 9.jpg) (52 KB, 1080x903, 10.jpg) (68 KB, 1080x903, 11.jpg)
where did you find those?
What is the sauce for this?
Did you even read the fucking thread
thedoubleu on dA for the first one, and I’m not sure about the second
The artist is called plumpenup but they stopped posting content in 2020 don’t know why though
(4.1 MB, 1450x1092, Warden Blueberrezu by The Hungry Lurker.png)
>>43964 Hi there! I'm the original artist who drew this for that old blueberry thread on /d/. I'm glad you liked it enough to repost it here!

If just the teaser sketch was titillating to you, tell me how you like the finished piece!
Holy shit … where can we see more of your stuff?
(1.7 MB, 1161x1436, Squirt.jpg)
Thank you!
I'm glad you have impressed you so!
I have a DeviantArt account, as "TheHungryLurker," and a Fur Affinity account as just "HungryLurker."
I only just recently started drawing for both accounts, so unfortunately Warden Blueberrezu is the only major illustration I've made thus far, and this attached picture is the only other piece of blueberry inflation I've drawn. However, I also write, and have two stories posted to both profiles, and I'll certainly be making more in the future, so stay tuned!
Faridae was a great artist but there was something real hit or miss about this comic even when it first came out. I think it was Hannah’s anatomy towards the end and how it looked with the awkward stretch marks. Anyone else?
Wow an indistinct watermark. Really clears up who the artist is.
If you scrolled up a bit and looked at >>48136 you'd save yourself some time and brain activity
Imagine slapping a blueberry ass and the girl just bursts like a water balloon. Does something like that exist possibly with will Smith as the slapper?

I'm a newb, how does one use this?
thats base64, the base64 in the reply contains a mega link.
how do you use these links again?
Hey, real sorry to bother you
but would it be alright if you re-upload the link?
Does anyone have anymore spikerollsunday art since they deleted everything from their deviantart?>>51531
Are they any good have an example?
I saw some on Kemono
whats the kemono page link?
Link to artists page?
Anyone have azumaonfire‘s full Violet blueberry sequence?
Bro it's all on their dA lmao
"Oh yeah, putting this in the blueberry section makes ton of sense"
-You, a dumbfuck
>>52587 Thanks for the kind feedback by good bitch. Deleted it just for you.
I've been looking for Nevaclouds
deviantart stories and pictures. The
profile has been deleted but I'm looking
for a specific picture of lexy the berry
girl with a giant gummy bear woman in
the background. If anyone has the post
or a link to it Imk
(60 KB, 922x288, bbtimeline.JPG)
uploading this so ppl can have it. tried uploading last night but neither bbwchan nor this site allow files above like 10MB lmao.
been wanting to make this for a while. regret the countless times i'd jack off to the 05 scene as a kid, and don't wanna crank my hog to a kid anymore. so being the super autist i am, i chipped away at this for a while. lots of simple editing like cropping, syncing audio and video, brightness adjustments, blah blah blah.
huge thanks to the anon that dropped the MEGA link containing rosie's clip as well as lots of other shit. you can find that in the berry ssbbw thread on bbwchan.
don't think there's much left to say, besides that i hope you enjoy. here's my MEGA link, as well as a base64 code (idk which to drop and which not to drop idk the laws of this land), plus my timeline so you can get an idea of how much work there was
Go fuck off and suck an infected cock B r o s . W a r n no one with self respect wants to see this fat whale hog piece of shit.

05 is perfectly fine as is

The moment you fucks got purchased by the Watch Animals Fuck Each Other Channel all of our spaces have been invaded with these kinds of posts.

It’s obvious as shit and I’ll keep saying this so the thought plants into people’s head slowly but surely because it’s true.
Idk if you’re looking for criticism, but if I may, I think this could do without cutting to violet so frequently towards the end. Regardless I think it’s pretty good personally, and hopefully you refine it. If you do, I’ll be excited to see your progress.
Always nice to see the reassuring consistency of unwarranted schizo comments on BBWchan
Truth is truth. These assholes have been astroturfing hard since the merger closed early last month and the assholes at Dis are borderline puritanical fucks the IP owner change he been stark. Go fuck yourselves WBD
>These assholes have been astroturfing hard since the merger closed early last month
do you have literally any proof of this? because you sound and type like a schizo man
take your meds dude jesus
I'm just not really sure what the point of this is. The original Rosie clip is take it or leave it as it is, but the split screen shots of '05 really don't add anything to make it better. That's just my opinion though, I ain't mad about it like someone who is aut spasming above.
What's the decryption key?
never change anon
thanks! yeah i kinda agree lol, rewatching it it can be a bit jarring to cut back for only a second or two, but i think i just wanted to keep as much of rosie’s vid in as possible. i covered up some of her more boring bits with 05 stuff, but i didn’t wanna block it out too much. thanks for the comment regardless
genuinely have zero idea what you’re talking about. i suggest adopting a more normal lifestyle where you come on this site only to jack off instead of lurking around because you have no real community to be a part of. find some friends irl buddy
to each their own lol. personally i’m a sucker for the 05 scene just cuz it was my introduction to this fetish, so emulating that as much as possible does a lot for me
no idea bro just use base64
It only take 5 seconds to check this site unlike the five hours it took you to make that abomination. Save me the moralizing I have a lovely girlfriend I just fucked I’m fine you should go touch grass and stop preaching like a loser
Also all the posting still screams DWB astroturfing so stfu and save me your corporate manipulation. Like I said before I have a lovely life people like you just hate that people like me actually have the brainpower to have such a main character life
Cry harder I’ll continue living this energy ❤️
you’re right. i’m sorry. please just buy multiversus and watch the flash when it comes out
Ezra Miller can’t stop me no matter how hard he tries Flashpoint here we come
(5.9 MB, 1280x720, experiments_on_fruit.mp4) (800 KB, 640x360, Bloomph Trailer (Reupload).mp4)
ok dude, legit, how is DWB or whatever, astroturfing? For real, how are they astroturfing, and do you legit have any proof. Because all you've done so far, is scream about "corporate manipulation", claim that you have a "main character life", and a girlfriend, all things that I highly doubt. Not only that, you don't even contribute pictures with your posts, making them even more weird and useless. So look, unless you have actual proof to back up that theory, please shut up, or at the very least, post berries with your rants.
Still stand by my statements. You’re big mad though lol I stay busy smoking weed and loving my girl fam
It’s unprovable that’s the point but you’d have to be a complete idiot to not think that in the year 2022 bots everywhere that that corp wouldn’t have a presence especially with their new nanny owner structure
Just putting the idea out there astroturfing is real
(133 KB, 1996x1412, bigjuicy.jpg) (164 KB, 2048x1044, berrybernie.jpg) (457 KB, 3000x3000, berrycass.jpg) (398 KB, 2500x2400, berrybondageropes.jpg) (132 KB, 2048x910, berryhex.jpg) (258 KB, 2601x1602, berryfuckyeah.jpg)
so you legit think that Warner Bros. has bots out here to sabotage people into blueberry inflation by saying the '05 scene is bad, or not as good or some shit. This is legitimately a belief that you have. A movie studio is this concerned about people who have a fetish from a scene in a 17 year old movie, that was poorly recieved at the time, based of a book from the 1960's, which is now a IP in the public domain, that they are intentionally putting out criticisms and/or edits of the '05 scene on niche internet image boards to somehow "sabotage" everyone who has the fetish. Do I have this right? Is this what you actually believe?
What if his belief is not unfounded and he has credible evidence but no definite proof? I don't know how you guys love this stuff I have always thought the color blue as ghastly. Horrid
(3.4 MB, 3500x3500, morriganblucoom.png) (1.2 MB, 4096x3323, suitstress.jpg) (651 KB, 3240x2851, raceloss.jpg) (190 KB, 1842x2048, steamingberry.jpg) (504 KB, 4000x1600, mayberry.jpg) (181 KB, 2048x1264, berrybeachnude.jpg)
If he has evidence, then he should post it. Would give more grounds to his theory than just randomly posting shit. Also
>I don't know how you guys love this stuff I have always thought the color blue as ghastly. Horrid
>right after that posts >>54919
why are you in the berry thread then
There’s some much nonfactual shit in here you’re clearly either a shill or a stupid teen either way gtfo the board. Of course they have a monied interest you idiot. You’re doing exactly what they would want. And honestly idet bots but agents or rather under the table PIs they hire to do the lurking and give feedback to assess health of the ip
They have to protect the ip and they’re run by dumbasses ever since the merger and all of this spiked on the literal week it closed

I know the jig. Make it seem dumb. Paint people as idiits for suggesting jt because I’m potentially wasting you’re money by publicizing the idea. Or I’m wrong. Either way you have to admit that they definitely wish this whole online community never existed and in a world where some people believe Jeff Bezos is the next Irons from CoD it’s beyond believable that a corp as big as W B would care this much about an ip they spent over a billion purchasing the rights for

“Public domain”
You’re literally retarded
I expect a healthy dose of autism when I load up this board but your conspiracy has topped my expectations. You might even be worse than the guy who admitted to Gene Wilder he had this fetish.
Nothing I haven’t heard but I’m terribly un autistic so it has no effect. Just glad to have the idea out thhere
(229 KB, 812x725, slingbikiniberry2.jpg) (199 KB, 1608x1684, slingbikiniberry.jpg) (738 KB, 4096x819, soda.jpg)
>There’s some much nonfactual shit in here you’re clearly either a shill or a stupid teen either way gtfo the board
What did I say that was non-factual? All I did was assume what you believed based off of your posts. Posts, where you continuously said that Warner Bros was trying to sabotage the "community" by using bots and the like. And if I'm wrong, please say what you think then, actually explain what you're talking about, because you haven't done it once. Also, "gtfo the board", lol no. This is a berry thread, and you haven't posted berries once. Seems one of us knows the point of this thread more than the other.
>they’re run by dumbasses ever since the merger and all of this spiked on the literal week it closed
do you literally have any evidence of this at all? I've asked multiple times about evidence, or proof, and all you've said are theories, theories that, again, you have no evidence to back up.
>it’s beyond believable that a corp as big as W B would care this much about an ip they spent over a billion purchasing the rights for
I highly doubt that Warner Bros., one of the biggest corporations in the world, gives this much of a fuck about a niche fetish, to the point of having someone edit a video of a fat fetish model roleplaying as violet beauregarde, spliced with scenes from the '05 movie. And again, if you actually had any evidence of this, and posted coherently, maybe people might actually believe you. But all you've done is rant and rave about something you don't have concrete evidence for, and call everyone who disagrees with you retarded, or some other shit. The floor is yours, tell us all how Warner Bros. is "sabotaging" the blueberry fetish.
Wall of text too wall too effort didn’t read I’m out it’s summer sorry lmao
(773 KB, 4096x3902, blueberrygirl_by_xboh_dea5spx.jpg) (235 KB, 700x700, mai_blueberry2.jpg)
All agents, Code Orange. The Ooompa-Loompas have found the juicing room. I repeat: OOMPA-LOOMPAS ARE IN THE JUICING ROOM. Enacting War Plan Cranberry. Activating sleeper cells.
Not that you should take my word for it or anything, but I don't think branding everyone using the one word as the schizo is the call.
Astroturfing is a super common term for what that person is describing. It’s like someone coming in screaming about “collusion” and trying to run a search for the word collusion to say everyone who’s said it before is the same person

You sound less smart than the person you’re trying to disprove
Also they’re not schizo you’re just trying to smear someone with a valid hypothesis.
What rando online would be this dedicated to “disproving a schizo”
? 🤔

Smear to discredit is all
(279 KB, 2186x1669, Lexie's Punishment.jpg) (248 KB, 1900x1750, Lilith near limit.jpg) (462 KB, 3200x3200, Literal Perfection PanaviaGR4.jpg) (594 KB, 752x1014, Lisa_Ripening_by_Rezin86.jpg)
No offense, but I don't think you guys are applying yourselves. I searched the entirety of /d/, and among the uses of this "super common word" (which doesn't seem all that common, though my experience in the Chans is admittedly lacking), a significant portion of them came exclusively from the blueberry threads. Combine that with the fact that only about 35 to 40 people are ever on those threads, and the likeliness of it being the same person goes up quite a bit. Most of, if not all of those posts can also be traced back to an insane accusation/argument, which makes sense, if we really are dealing with a troll.

Granted, this is shaky evidence, at best, but I would not consider it wise to continue responding to him, regardless of if I am correct or not.
You’ve written up more obsessively about me than the topic at hand. You have to be paid or have absolute zero life. It’s summer go out and do something

The whole point is common word or not it’s undeniable that the big company would rather we as a community not exist
It’s not that big of a deal but also be aware that astroturfing *gasp* is definitely a thing it has a Wikipedia article for gods sake

Just deflections and crap. Get a life dude. It’s sad that I can say that to you
https://en.m.wikipedia .org/wiki/Astroturfing

Was nice enough to link the article. If you’re not going to go outside then at least read
Also i don’t even use 4chan so you’re just straw grasping at this point which is hilarious given what you’re now obsessively trying to “disprove”

A simple what if hypothesis. Calm down there buddy lol
On the one hand
is grasping at straws

On the other
is A-class schizo behavior

Is it the same schizo?
No way to be sure
Is it a schizo?
Thus stop lathering the cunt with attention
Literally nothing about these replies implies mental illness.

It’s obvious to everyone else reading that some people on this board are way too dedicated to smearing to deflect from the astroturfing topic for some odd reason.
Anon A: literally runs database searches over years on Chan archives all to obsessively and forcibly label and discredit an anon that made a random what if
“Grasping for straws”

Anon B: makes a measured hypothesis regarding astroturfing
Yeah it’s obvious dude
I'd just like to say that I love Hex!
(253 KB, 828x1688, 4FEAA94D-106A-4211-B3FC-3D708310EAFB.jpeg) (291 KB, 828x1692, 5D2DBB71-7EAA-40F3-BB7D-C6633FC09034.jpeg) (296 KB, 828x1688, 971FD1D8-A200-499E-9A31-11E3D7FB3396.jpeg) (283 KB, 828x1689, 38CE92AE-3AC4-45C4-BD4A-D75BBB02FE1C.jpeg) (309 KB, 828x1688, 195DDF54-5D2A-4839-880A-BA40F7691C10.jpeg) (307 KB, 828x1708, 50ED0732-5BCB-432C-BE2B-3B8517F7D9F2.jpeg)
Not to add more fuel to the fire on the schizo situation but I unintentionally found this guy right after I read the recent posts on here.
It blows my mind. Truly blows my mind the extent of the absolute fucking lunacy of some of these people twisting their minds in knots about all this utter bullshit.
You sound like you need to get some therapy and figure things out. Other people’s happiness with what comes to them is their happiness you just come off as a really jealous anon angry because most of the community doesn’t cater specifically to you. It’s a Chan board just calm down and enjoy decent content there isn’t much of a “community” anymore anyway. It’s a Sunday calm down and let people be times are tough and people are just trying to get by
Doesn't seem like many people are happy about much here to be quite honest with you.
Even more reason why they need to stop being weirdly obsessive and let the community be. The only person here acting crazy is the anon obsessed with the “schizo” and. They’re looking schizo instead
Get help or just log off it’s gonna be okay
Unrelated but I can grant you movable legs if you wish
I found a drawing of Rosalina as a blueberry at Nintendo Inflation Thread and I want to know two things if you any of guys can tell me. Is that really Rosalina? If so, who drew this drawing?
Do you know the artist who made this?
Nesevo on furaffinity

Any idea where to get one?
(715 KB, 1000x888, the_dangers_of_working_second_shift_by_0pik_0ort-d725f25.png) (615 KB, 1000x680, the_dangers_of_working_second_shift_2_by_0pik_0ort-d72b0pw.png) (938 KB, 1500x683, the_dangers_of_working_second_shift_6_by_0pik_0ort-d7a9scj.png) (572 KB, 1200x605, the_dangers_of_working_second_shift_4_by_0pik_0ort-d75lsa5.png) (614 KB, 1200x610, the_dangers_of_working_second_shift_3_by_0pik_0ort-d75fxt3.png) (644 KB, 1200x617, the_dangers_of_working_second_shift_5_by_0pik_0ort-d7a0b3r.png)
A pair of foolish girls wind up as a pair of demons' dessert...
>>55592 It's so bad it's good
anyone got the first day jitters comic?
Absolutely goated

There are random black bars on the images themselves. Are those download errors on my part or did FW censor his own work even when it was behind a paywall?

My bad, sorry. I did that (shittily) to the files after downloading them, because I wanted my own versions with the expressions of joy/horny out of them.

Never been into berries who seem to just looove being a (helpless, immobile, naked/humiliated) literal fruit. I prefer the embarassed/firightened/distressed vibe (like in FW's previous free series "Carrie Redux")

I accidentally uploaded the wrong versions.

Should I just make a new WT link?
Yeah if you could make a new WT link with the unedited version we would really appreciate it
Hey, does anyone have the image morph of the elf girl with the big tits? Thanks.
That's literally all you see of her. It was ok.
That’s disappointing. If you saw it, can you share?
took a break from these threads and berry shit in general cuz i thought i was the only one deranged here but it's comforting to know i'm not close to being the worst lol
anon really fell off the face of the earth huh
(4.4 MB, 1613x1210, violet.png)
I love berries too, here some OC of my GF dressed as Violet.
You can reload upload it? Link expired
Second image isn't loading.
Wondering if anyone knows the art I'm dreading to find. The art being something about a plump and mobile blueberry girl talking about birds saying that dipper or a different character likes blueberries and the style looked like shy-sho tho I'm not sure if they did it?
Whos' the artist for the second pic?
(307 KB, 900x1175, the_juicing_room_part_2___page_41_by_faridae-dbdov63d.jpg) (310 KB, 900x1175, the_juicing_room_part_2___page_41_by_faridae-dbdov63b.jpg) (305 KB, 900x1175, the_juicing_room_part_2___page_41_by_faridae-dbdov63c.jpg) (303 KB, 900x1175, the_juicing_room_part_2___page_41_by_faridae-dbdov63e.jpg)
This is jumping way ahead but I really wanted to do the last page at some point. I posted a few versions since not everyone might want the leaking or stretchmarks.

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