
(149 KB, 1280x1280, FAD08A12-8EF6-4E7F-88C3-47782FAEAB38.jpeg) (105 KB, 894x894, 34A98407-CDF5-4930-AEDA-DB4F3F3DEFD8.jpeg) (232 KB, 1280x1152, ADAEF751-B56A-4A71-9F18-E60530473A17.jpeg) (414 KB, 1818x1818, E2E8D25E-6D08-4C69-9A75-8951D76CEBF1.jpeg)
With Song having decided to make his hiatus permanent, we might as well repost his deleted art for archival purposes.

So post any of Song’s deleted content or even edits of posts still up.
Did he delete his discord too? It's disappeared on my sidebar of channels and some artists had original art exclusive to it and not on their deviantart like MisterThrowaway
On one hand, I'm super bummed he's leaving because he made some of the best shit. But on the other, I'm happy he's doing something with his life as opposed to making degenerate porn.

So uh just for convenience, here's a link to his DeviantArt account incase anyone wants it:
New posts on their twitter
(139 KB, 1280x1280, 1547176116.songofswelling_the_sloshy_movie_night_by_songofswelling_dbu669h.png) (621 KB, 1280x1280, tumblr_owxc0asrPE1u7cx5ho1_1280.png) (308 KB, 3000x1998, f747052257bd518610d06e36576cce38763101f911e4d18f63a0840a603fc85c.jpg)
The first image is The sloshy movie night, while not lost, it had a normal balloon alt that was lost. Does anyone have that alt?

Also I found these two Gundam Build Fighters pics. I remember finding another one of Sei on his tumblr before it was deleted. If anyone has more Gundam Build Fighters pics from him, could you post them here?
(1.7 MB, 3000x3000, MakotoBloon_v006a.png) (1.6 MB, 3000x3000, file (2).png) (2.3 MB, 3000x3000, ElesaXSkyla_v005a.png)
Hey, I know I'm incredibly late with this, but I'm actually MisterThrowaway! It's been a bit since Song wiped his server so I'm afraid I can't exactly remember what kind of pics I uploaded to to there only, but if you reminded me of the character or the pose then I'm sure I could find them.
Hope I'm not derailing the thread or anything by doing this, especially "outing yourself" isn't exactly the type of thing people do on imageboards: as well post some pics from Song from a bit back to keep things moving.
Sadly, don't think I have any of his older stuff saved- only started saving things semi-recently.
Does anyone have the other picture of Saria he did. The one actually called Song or Swelling? There were normal and berry variants
Oh dang, I'm the same anon, hopefully I'M not too late either but I tried saving some and thought to save them all on another day but forgot before the report my post got wiped so here's some to jog your memory I guess,
The one where Skyla rides Rosa, all of your Pyra and Mythra ones, Tamamo, your Quetzalcoatl ones, your Persona 5 ones where I think you had Makoto in her regular clothes and Futaba in other angles and as a berry, your other Pokemon girls ones, Mai Shiranui and all angles, other D.V.A ones, etc.

But also if you don't mind me asking, is it possible to like just compile all your unseen/extra images into a folder linked in a journal post on Deviantart or are you not really comfortable with that and would prefer a different way? Sorry, it's just that I really like your work and I know that there's still some that I'm forgetting
Do you have a another link for the zip? Because they anonfiles one isn’t working
works fine for me
Isn’t there a higher res version of Gyanko?
Also a higher quality copy of the pyrrha pic too would also be nice.
(77 KB, 760x657, sos.PNG)
Just found out Song's being a pussy about blueberry shit lmao
That's interesting to me because I've seen people say similar things. I wonder when those people were exposed to the Wonka movie
Bruh are they literally calling out blueberry inflation as pedophilia! Like people aren't horny for the girl themselves they're horny for the inflation process proof is in the pudding it literally could have been any girl even Mrs. Beaurgarde aka violets mom as there's loads of fanart of her mom blowing up the same way!

Just because you like blueberry juice as a method don't make you no pedo and you can copy and paste this comment directly in their feed if you like! Like for fuck sakes just because I like water inflation doesn't mean I wanna get fucked by a Squirtle (although I'm sure some people wouldn't mind that)

I'm all down for the aspect of changing photo manipulations and phasing out of using Violet as a template when possible due to upgrading your morphing talents over time. (Although I don't think this is going to help people who use reface)

But damning blueberry inflation just because it's creation as a kink happened to spawn from a scene featuring a small child is retarded. Hell most of us we're children ourself her age when we grew love for that kink hence why it's so popular today. We evolved from children with a crush into adults who want their girlfriends to chew gum and get juicy. And this is just some more retarded Internet bull fro Blue bird website
Also the songs catchy as hell why not use it Lol this whole argument is dumb af lol gave me a good laugh though
ok I agree with this, but i wanna add onto this. im super tired of the obession with the original scene. The berry kink in general, I fuck with, but im talkin about people comming/drawing shit that is basically the factory shit one to one. Like, if you draw/comm your oc in a tracksuit/blue blazer with a belt, in a factory turning into a blueberry, you are lame as hell to me. theres this furry with some bird oc and their shit always pops up on my twitter tl, and it is ALWAYS just the 05 factory scene but basically traced over with their oc. it is lame as shit. and ive noticed that more and more people are basically doing that. and i get it, yknow, its what made most (probably like a 40:60 ratio) people into berry stuff, but still though, thats just so weirdly obsessive. ESPECIALLY the song shit, i find that so fucking weird. like people who NEED to have someone sing a song about how much they were a brat, and not only that, it has to be the 71 songs, but with words replaced. like, do people actually think that shits hot?
as for the pedo shit, lmao, do people actually think that? people arent into little girls turning into berries (i mean some do, but they're weird, dont count and should prolly go to jail), people think that swelling up and shit is hot.
as for the og tweet, if they dont want shit of their oc to be drawn without their consent or of weird shit, i think thats fine tbh. its their character, and if they dont like it thats fine.
This is such a dumb way of thinking. Literally most guys I know who like that just like it because it adds to the "humiliation" aspect of inflating like a blueberry to them, there's no secret skitzo reason for them liking the singing. And this is coming from someone who Loompa songs does nothing for. Major red flags.
SoS did say that the movie obsession is creepy; I think we're all in agreement, here. I do understand the disdain for it, though. How much of a person's brain has to not exist for them to want literally one aspect of a potentially much more creative fetish? It's embarrassing to have people from outside the fetish to see so much of the factory obsession.
right? like, seriously, the amount of fics and morphs I see that are literally just slapping some girls face on top of violets in the 05 scene is staggering. and im personally tired of it because its fucking EVERYWHERE. i want these artists that're obessessed with factory shit to go outside their comfort zone. almost every factory scenario thing is the same, meanwhile theres so many creative things you can do with this kink
Can you people read? He's not saying blueberry inflation is bad, he still draws it. He just doesn't like re-creating the fucking movie scene. No where does he say he thinks liking blueberry makes you a pedophil. Who the fuck has ever said that
He does have a point. It's hard to think of blueberry scenarios that isn't just a different version of the Inventing Room.
Oh bull lol first off regardless if that's the only scenario you can think of you can still think of it with LOADS of girls outside of violet or even an alternate universe where the tour was with adults not kids. (I mean look at uncle Joe in his 70s and liking candy like a school kid so don't tell me there isn't no 20 somethings that would be down for something like that too)

Everyone loves candy.

And technically I don't get why there's a lack of imagination at the end of the day scenario don't matter. All you need is experimental gum. Wonka brand or other and the scenario writes itself! It can take place anywhere! Even an apt.

I mean Wonka's a world wide cooperation in that universe and a DAMN dlfamoustone to boot!

Hell I haven't just only seen blueberry inflation I've seen everything from fizzy lifting drinks, watermelon,cherry, and even a version of the gobstopper that inflates you in multiple different colors!

Point is if anything less there's either a pack of creativity or a stigma cuz of violet's age. Like I said before we all grew up watching the scene and those who have this fetish tend either

A. Had weird feelings when they were a kid and gained the kink growing up.


B. Saw the scene as a kid and something triggered the memory of it also leading to you gaining a kink for it.

At the end of the day it's another form of inflation that's all. And to think that after all these years the community is now down to turn it's back on it because it makes them feel comfortable or maybe they fear getting cancel ed over it nowadays. Who knows? All I know is I find it funny is all..

Kinks tend to spawn for childhood fancys that evolve with us overtime.

Pulling on a ponytail yesterday on the playground could be today's bdsm submissive kink for you today.

Yesterday's girl turning into fruit is funny is today's god i wanna slide my peepee in my girlfriend's blue juices pussy as I fill her tip she's round with blue cum and explodes like a water balloon all over my dick..

It's just the brain rewiring things you took a fancy too as adult based horny that's all. Don't make you a pedo bear cuz ya like blue juice straight from your girlfriends tap
Also I hope someone archives and shares these points for the next time someone says anything.

Not to argue.

But to point every point possible to thinks like this to make more sense to people it's not the girl people are turned on by.. it's the scenario itself. And not the background. But the juice filling the body, the body ballooning and billowing, the belts and buttons popping or clothes ripping, the warning signs as a girls face turns blue and you know we'll enough shots gonna go down and that girl either becoming a ball or a water balloon bomb that will paint the walls! Either way as that nose turns blue and spreadds through her body you know (whoever said girl is) that her fates sealed and any minute once the color stops spreading and adjust the swelling with arise and nowhere she runs or does will do anything but prologue the inevitable!.. she's gonna become a balloon and all she can do is prey. Prey her body can take all the gums gonna give her! If it don't they'll be burying her in the old blueberry patch.

That feeling.. those emotions are what turns people one
Same with most kinks. So the girl don't matter it could be Zendaya for all anyone cares. But whoever it is the scenario will be fun!
There's a song swelling and it's inside my ass

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