
This is great! I really like the shapes and puffed up faces, plus it's nice to get inflation art of Roxie. Do you have somewhere else that you post, if you don't mind me asking?
Anyone got Indeedee inflation?
Kids straight up jerkin off to pokemon i almost dont believe it.
Gen V was when Pokemon started introducing 10/10 women and Gen VII is where the games perfected it. I honestly don't understand people who want Pokemon when Juniper, Elesa, Skyla, Lusamine, Olivia, and Wicke Exists
Gotta respect the OGs bro.
> not including the Misty, the most perfect and original of any Pokémon waifu created
I remember two pics of Brendan being inflated. May and Blaizken were there, and I think they were made in SFM, so it was on a TF2 map.
The fact that there's more Pokemon monsters on this thread that actual Pokemon waifus makes me sad
(1.9 MB, 4096x3964, media_FLRChavXMAIP7WA.jpg)
There are tons of pretty&cute poké girls and women, and there isn't tons of art for each. Why?
Some just appeal to most more than others. Good example is Hex Maniacs; existed back since Ruby and Sapphire but no one actually liked her old design. Moment they turned her into a goth girl w/ the stereotypical droopy eyes and long dress in X & Y, everyone started drawing her. Before that it was all misty, may, dawn, cynthia and beauty trainers.
This animation so old some of my first younger caps in 09 2010 we're to this
Bro I absolutely love their content I think this was technically an OC placement for them for a long while like a mascot. Like they did some amazing work they even managed to inflate cooker! They gave me a new appreciation on inflation life and now I'm absolutely addicted to Inflation meme jokes like this!
The new pokemon gen has a Violet version.

God help us all.
Bravo absolutely love it. Especially the scenario. Keep it up with the awkward Inflation scenarios gone wrong stuff

You know how many different ways of Pokemon could probably accidentally inflate someone. The sky is the limit!
Now that's a good Cynthia blimp
Anyone got puffy training from selphy6?
Brother do tell, who made that image?
(3.6 MB, 1337x1007, Warden Blueberrezu (Juicy sharring size).png)
I've posted this in other boards, but I might as well post this here, too.
It must be shared that by sheer, machination-of-Kek-level cosmic coincidence, Sugar Roll Art and I both uploaded our pictures of Warden Arezu turned into a blueberry within twenty minutes of each other.
Can you just talk like a normal person you fucking autistic faggot? A bunch of people have drawn this cunt inflated, nobody gives a shit about whatever ramble you spewed out trying to be sociable and marketable. Actual queer, why are artists always like this? Clout chasing cock sucker.
Communicate in pedestrian syntax? I am disinclined to aqueous your curlish dictates. Thou hast already pontificated that I am autistic.

Now go back to watching Hasan Piker, you mosswart paluka.
Between head-in-ass keyboard wankers and entitled internet weirdos, I don't know who the community deserves less of

...Acquiesce, I think you mean. If you're gonna use big words to sound smart, at least use the right ones lol.
(2.0 MB, 1491x1239, Arezu Berry by bigb3rri.png)
Verily. To my chagrin, you are correct, and it is my folly to carry.

Oh, the tragic irony to have a penchant for eloquence in communication but to also be cursed with dyslexia.
you sound like a faggot
Oh wow I remember you drawing a sketch of this way before on /d. Got anymore?
(6.3 MB, 3299x2533, Thumbnail Complete Collection.jpg)
[is on a thread with non audible communication]
[posts erotic artwork of women]
>"You sound like a faggot"
Error 502: Bad Gateway
Unfortunately, no, nothing like this. I only just started drawing fetish art, so the only other piece I have to my name is a little piece called Squirt that I thought was good enough to post.
However, if it so interests you, I still have the sheet of thumbnail sketches I made for this piece, experimenting with different angles and pitching them to the commissioner to see which one they liked the most. Consider it a behind-the-scenes look at how the final drawing of Warden Blueberrezu was made
You know, for what are just some sketches made with industrial grade pencils on cheap school paper, these actually aren't half bad.The line art is pretty clean, the shapes are really good, the Pokemon style is very well replicated, and for the most part their hands are better drawn than even some inflation artists with thousands of followers on DeviantArt. I'd really like to see what this kid could do with some quality art supplies.
Yeah no, you're a keeper.
No one likes it when someone goes out of their way to act pretentious, especially on image boards. Just swallow your pride and stop it man...
(29 KB, 523x800, df2p2xb-8c8e3b52-5de2-46e9-979b-f09f86df6179.jpg)
Please tell me how pointing out to an idiot how foolish he is to call an obvious heterosexual male "a faggot," sharing more of my work with someone who explicitly asked to see it, or complimenting the promising work of an aspiring artist to encourage them to make more and keep improving their talents constitutes as "pretentious."

No; what's actually pretentious (and self absorbed to the point of solipsism) is thinking that just because you dislike something, that means every single person in the conceivable space dislikes it, too.
Get off your high horse, you were being pretentious with your big words before anyone called you anything. And no one gives a fuck if you're gay or not. Who calls themselves "promising" but a self-centered prick?
(671 KB, 600x799, df1y46z-fe1df84e-af7e-4899-9d81-b09b8837ed82.gif)
In truth, I don't think myself by default above anyone; you're just let yourself fall so far down into the dirt that mere men appear as giants to you: the envy and resent of a worm.
Unless you consider "machination" and "coincidence" as "big words," I didn't start using elequent prose until that raging retard threw a conniption fit at me for the crime of posting my own artwork in a relevant thread. But I shall inexorably continue to orate in extravagant arrangements, because now I know how easily it pisses off people like you.
And if your "shelves lined with participation trophies" brain was capable of the herculean task of clicking on a link to a tagged comment, you'd have known that I wasn't complimenting myself, but the person who drew the inflated Rosa and Hilda posted in >>48316 . I was essentially saying to THAT artist, "This is pretty good work, kid, you show a lot of potential. Keep it up!" What have you done to encourage anyone?
But hey, if you think I'm placing myself upon a pedestal that ought to be knocked off of, how about YOU draw a picture that looks better than what I drew, post it here in the way how you think artists should go about posting their own work, and do it without hiding behind the veil of anonymity, eh?
Unless you can lead by example, don't bother saying anything.
If you have to make such a pathetic spectacle of yourself for no other reason than to рiss people off, tell me, who’s more foolish? Nobody’s going to remember the whys and wherefores, you’re just some sperglord having a melodramatic meltdown on a porn board, all over one comment made by one person. Put the thesaurus down, go outside and touch grass.
(1.0 MB, 2060x1700, arezu___pokemon___fullbody_expansion__2_by_aphro3d_df1d0e5.jpg)
Meltdown? I ain't even mad, bruh. I came here to post Pokeblimps. You're the one (I presume) who exploded in a fit of rage when I came here to do that. You even scorned me for trying to be friendly: "sociable," as you put it. Well, I'm still posting Pokeblimps, but now I get to entertain myself by pissing off one or more cretinous, cantankerous, curmudgeonly gutter slugs, too. It's a win-win!
So who's the fool? You, fool, for not knowing the first and most important rule for dealing with internet trolls, and for projecting so hard that your accusations are in IMAX format.
I suspect three potential criteria of you: either you hate Arezu because of all the attention she's getting, or you've got some undisclosed grudge against me that you're too cowardly to declare, or... you're just envious and resentful that you can't draw.
Still waiting for you to draw a picture, by the way. Thus far, you've been so contemptibly slothful that you haven't even posted anyone else's art during your petty squabbling so at least everyone else in this thread has something nice to look at while you bring shame upon yourself.
>acts like a moron
>gets called out for it
>doubles down
"why are you lazy at least I draw things"
That's an inflated ego if I've ever seen one
now THIS is autism
You presumed wrongly. What’s funnier is that you were so sure of yourself that the next three paragraphs hinged entirely on that assumption.
artist/source on the pic?
(82 KB, 1280x870, too_much__or_little__potato_mochi_by_madevilindustries_df294hb-fullview.jpg)
Oh, it's not (just) a matter of "at least I draw," it's a matter of "at least I POST." Not ONE of you troglodytes hurling shit at me like diarrhetic monkeys with trebuchets has bothered to post a single image pertaining to the primary subject of the thread in your antagonizing of me, because none of you could be fucked to spend a single minute typing "Pokemon inflation" into Google. That is immutably lazy.
You're wasting space in your own forum, and you malign me as moronic, Dunning-Kruger specimen 455.
Even if this was an ego trip for me, do you know what the worst thing you could do would be? Keep replying. If you want to not make this thread about me, stop making it about me.
Eh, you can someone's bluff, sometimes you call it wrong. (Assuming you're not lying.) So how about you just say what your real problem is? What crawled so far up your ass that it's triggering you gay reflex that you decided to pick a fight with someone who just came to a thread called "Pokeblimps" to post a Pokeblimp?
Ah, yes, the homophobe.
end yourself cringelord namefagging spergyboy. nobody likes you and nobody will miss your shit waste of crayons
Mmm these are some nice shapes
(6.4 MB, 2146x2227, df0blxl-afde959f-933d-4d4e-8a82-2b7ab723b745.png)
>Calls me a faggot
>Calls me a homophobe
Error 404: Brain not found.

See, now was that so hard?
Now go and post Pokeblimps in peace.
Ah, so you reemerge! I pondered what cesspits you had so cravenly absconded to.
How old are you? My morbid curiosity is piked, despite there not being a single integer you could provide that will cast you in a favorable light.
>>49440 Where I grew up you know what we call men who copy? We don't call them copycats. We call them gay. Usually fag. You could say that it's part of our cherished culture. It is an unspoken acknowledgement among all of us, and amongst artists it is a way to show respect towards one another as rivals. In that love that we shared, which was great, we then chastised at every opportunity. When an artist copies the group would humiliate said artist by calling the artist derogatory names. A popular slur used for teasing is fag. Can you take a wild guess why the word fag is particularly fitting? My advice to you is simple. Stop and don't be a fag. You are dishonoring yourself and your family.
Thank you!
I always thought it was a bit of a waste that women will often get some great ass expansion during the earlier stages of their inflation, only for those delicious derrieres to be absorbed into her body by the time she's fully round/ripe. This was my way of trying to rectify that, by preserving Arezu's natural pear shape (which is so integral to her design that even her character concept sheet makes note of it) and IMO one of the best assess in the entire franchise, even when she's a gigantic blueberry.

Ah, I see the issue; I meant to write "gag reflex," but my phone transcribed it as "gay reflex," and I didn't catch it before I posted.
Alright, my bad... though you have to admit, given the context, that is a pretty funny typo.
Since when did this thread turn into an adult daycare!?
Could you do a prequel to all of this with sequences staring with a normal size Azure eating a wild oran berry and then each sequences shows her turning blue and slowly swelling up into the large and round size we see her here?
(17 KB, 223x216, croagunk_wtf_am_i_reading.jpg)
... What the blueberry fuck is this?
Even if we take your absurd story at face value, what the actual Hell does this have to do with me? I did the almost exact opposite of copy; I created something new.
Why did you write this? Are you at present debilitated by inebriation on the white man's fire water? Are you possessed by Yōkai?
And you people call ME autistic...
Right around the time I posted a drawing I made of an inflated character from the Pokemon franchise in a thread called Pokeblimps.
You'd think that'd be acceptable content, but nope; it's like I adorned the prizes from Fable's Chicken Kicking Competition and walked into a coup of cuccos,
I'm starting to suspect that at least a portion of this thread was always an adult daycare, and I somehow ripped away it's veneers of civility and maturity.
There actually already is a little bit of a prequel story for this image included in the artist's comment sections that I posted with this piece on both my DeviantArt (@ TheHungryLurker) and Fur Affinity (@ HungryLurker) accounts. It goes more into depth as to how Arezu ended up in this situation, and how she feels about her transformation from a woman into an eight meter tall blueberry girl.
As much as I appreciate and am delighted by your admiration of my work, you do realize what you're asking for, right? I drew that image on commission, and it took me, at least, forty hours. Total. And you're asking for a full sequence.
However, I did have plans on expanding on the story more, and should I get situated enough that I can accomplish my lofty aspirations for how I'd like to present it, I think you'll be very, very, VERY happy...
I can’t help but think that your very first post, with its overly flowery faux eloquence, was baiting some kind of response. If you genuinely didn’t see this coming then, well… God help you. It’s a jungle out there.

But, that you seem to be enjoying it so much makes be think this isn’t the case. Were you primed for this meltdown? Sat there, thesaurus in hand, eagerly anticipating the first jab? I doubt this is a first time for you.

It’s either one or the other, isn’t it?
(755 KB, 1280x720, GE.mp4)
he's just a namefag starving for attention, he could've insulted himself with different codes for all we know lmao, what the internet does to a mf...
That animation is really good! That one Gardevoir cat person made it?
>"overly flowery faux eloquence"
If you actually fucking READ what I wrote, I said nothing more than: "Here's a picture I drew that's relevant to this thread's theme. Also, what are the odds that Sugar Roll Art and I posted two pictures so closely related to each other completely independent of one another in the same twenty minutes? That's kinda funny, lol." If you equate me using high school level words like "machination" and the Shakespearean "coincidence" puts me on the level of execrable modern artists, word-vomiting peak pretentious gobbledegook to portray in vanity their sometimes literal excrement as the greatest work of art since the Mona Lisa and a weapon to surpass Metal Gear, I don't know what to tell you... Except, do you know of the nation of Oceania from George Orwell's 1984? Part of the reason it was such a dystopian shit-hole country is because its people allowed the ruling English Socialist Party (INGSOC) to butcher language until the people didn't have so much as the vocabulary to form an independent thought.
To be perfectly honest, the reaction I was expecting from posting my art with what I thought was an amusing factoid was at worst nothing and at best various well-meaning but paltry "Good job!"s. Instead, the first anon who responds was that uncouth, confrontational cunt, and I thought: "Oh so that's how you're going to be? Well let's see how you like it when I'm ACTUALLY wielding my words like an indecipherable cudgel, while also putting the fault back upon you, asshole." And that's when you all lost your collective shit.
Stew on that irony; so many of you smeared me as autistic, but the rage expressed against me is the kind of madness that only comes from the cognitive dissonance of being confronted with something that exists outside one's miniscule comfort zone, or when being shown something about yourself that you can't stand.
So, was I trying to serve this thread a gold-plated shit explosion sandwich by posting my art? No, not even remotely. Look at how much less effective I was when I was trying to get under my antagonizers' skins. Stirring up this much unprevoked, unsolicited rage isn't something that can be learned, or taught; or even called on command; it's a GIFT: a weird, fucked-up, inopportune gift.
Nope. You're more wrong than a bishop butt fucking a missionary over the sacrament altar using annointed oil as lube.
Even if I was, you know what the absolute worst thing you can do to handle an attention-hungry narcissist is? Give them attention.
(374 KB, 556x556, braly.png)
bro why are you talking like an anime villain on bbwchan just let it go bro
How can ppl get a superiority complex for drawing weird porn like this? This shit is depressing man.
Look man, no one's writing essays here so there's no need of impressing the teacher with good grammar skills-

Be the bigger man here and stop seeking conflict. Admittedly; I will be honest: your onscreen personality isn't giving me the most comfortable mental picture.

So I can understand where all the hate is coming from.
I don't expect you to listen, but; hostility never won any wars.
(3.2 MB, 2000x2500, too_much_potato_mochi_by_arawaffle.png)
>"superiority complex"
I and thought I was bad at ascertaining character traits...
I am trying to bedazzle no one. This is how I naturally communicate. And all this, is mere a fraction of the thoughts buzzing around in my mind just about all the time. I can not shut it off
>"Be the bigger man here and stop seeking conflict"
[implying you cannot yourself...]
>"hostility never won any wars."
I sincerely hope you meant "flame war," because otherwise, that is the single most incorrect, ignorant platitude that I have beheld pertaining to war since Rose Tico from Ruin Johnson's The Last Jedi said "That's how we're going to win; not fighting what we hate, saving what we love." Holy shit.
For someone with "a lot thoughts", you don't do a whole lot of thinking, huh. 🤔

This will never get old.
I spy with my little eye a lolcow ripe for the milking
(186 KB, 1600x900, Are you pulling my leg.png) (56 KB, 630x570, Mega Miltank.jpg) (60 KB, 500x523, Cluck at me, bro.jpg)
I beg your pardon, but the only instance that sequence of words which you've encapsulated in quotation brackets appears is in your own comment: see the first linked image for screen cap.

Is there some sort of formatting error with BBW-Chan on your end? Because otherwise, I suspect you either misread me, or you're trying to gaslight me into thinking I wrote a typo that I never did.
See the second and third images.
(1.6 MB, 4823x3617, May gets P-Blimped.jpg)
Disregarding the sperging, here's a May for the month of May
Bruh nobody’s so autistic they don’t realize he probably just missed it out lol
>anons getting angry over an artist
Never change, bbwchan.
Actually, do change. An artist who's a keeper isn't what you see often.
More like ppl rightfully shitting on a self-important prick, but fair enough I don't want him to stop posting either.
>rightfully shitting on a self-important prick
>rightfully shitting on a
>rightfully shitting
Out of all possible words of the English vocabulary you thought this was the right choice? On this website? Among ourselves?
You should turn her into a Vanillux that would be a really great combo
Lucario when?
Any Cynthia out there?
whos the artist for this?
whos the artist for this?*
Needs more May Mays
>>52044 whos the artist?
May is soooo one of my favorite Pokemon Girls, or I should say Poke balls heheh.
(6.1 MB, 2149x2480, violetheartalts.png)
somebody was looking for an edit like this
Anyone got Puffy Training from Slephy6?
(306 KB, 1536x2048, FZQPypRUUAE7r5s.jpeg)
Question who this bitch and is she legally safe to inflate?
>legally safe
As if that'd stop anyone
The new characters are lame anyway
Anyone got the animation with Nessa getting inflated
Do you have the slightest idea how little that narrows it down?
whos the artist for this?
i'm the one who did the sketch, usually i don't post my own art here but i felt good about this one
I wish more like you were on /v/.
>>66292 do you have anywhere else you post? I absolutely adore all your art!
>>66473 These are all fucking great! tysm
>>66473 None of the images load up, any reason for that?
thank you :>
it's showing up fine for me, but catbox has problems loading sometimes. if you keep having problems i'll try uploading somewhere else
>>67188 yeah no matter what browser I use the images don’t load. Not sure what’s causing it.
Thank you for doing that, your art is really good.
(811 KB, 3200x3218, Jasmine.png)
How did I not know BlaXinKek had a patreon where he did a bunch of pokegirl inflations until now. This is a gold mine of content. If I had a job, I might even unironically pay for it. He does polls on which pokegirl he should inflate next, and even if your favs don't win, it doesn't matter that much since it appears he's doing a big project where he inflates every pokegirl in existance (gym leaders, e4, champions, protags, grunts, npcs, etc), and he seems to post pretty regularly I think
Does he have a kemono.party page?
Man, if only someone can bring these arts here...
Anyone know the source for this one?
Do you think he'll do a Fuuro trying to fly?
(3.8 MB, 2804x2036, Pokemon Violet Beauregardevoir 1.1 (resized).jpg)
"Genevieve, whatever you do, do not swallow that gum! If you do, you'll be permanently turned into a blueberry!"
"Oh, really? [gulp]"
I didn't even realize until days later, but another cosmic kek coincidence occurred with this piece; though I originally posted this to my public accounts on Thanksgiving, the signed date is 11/21/2022, which just so happened to be the 20th anniversary of the Japanese (and debut) release of Pokemon Ruby and Sapphire, in which Gardevoir was first made available.
I swear I'm not trying to incite these, but they just keep happening. I'll take this as a good sign.
what username is your public accounts?
DeviantArt: TheHungryLurker
Fur Affinity: HungryLurker

The posted picture is called "Pokemon Violet Beauregardevoir."
Can someone update the page?
(.)(.) x
Any good inflation stories with Pokemon girls to read? Specifically Hilda and Skyla.
what do you mean?
I will have a read of this thank you very much
I’d love to see you continue this series, it’s really good so far b
i can deal with this
The artist (NavSaka) is underage btw
>>73629 Really? Is there proof?
I lost the screenshot, but he told me himself that he's 16
>source: dude trust me
even if you're telling the truth why did you not immediately out him
This looks like one of my favorite artists who'd have finally improved her art style. Source?
Than why YOU ask NavSaka how old he is?
learn to spell, ESL
and I didn't ask, you're the one who made the accusation with no proof retard
It was an anonymous tip
weird mistype, meant to say posted in a report my post server
>censors #number when his full "discourse" tag is known

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