
(1.5 MB, 1032x895, 1610155294496.png)
post his stuff here.
Anyone have that picture he made of Jessie from Toy Story? I've been looking for it for a long time but I haven't been able to find it nor was it posted in any of the previous 4Chan threads
I agree. Probably a general Enigma thread if I’m being honest, cause I’d love to see both his expansion and transformation stuff.
Anyone got more of his vacuum inflation stuff?
Didn't know this guy did Jessie.

I know he did Elastigirl a few times, don't know if he ever did Violet.
Anyone have his inflation art of Pocahontas? Inflation art of other Disney characters he drew would be cool to see too.
I love the inflated TF of her.
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Anyone have this inflation art in a better quality?
are there gonna be post-2014 pics from him?
Who knew he did Little Audrey?
Can you make Nina's World and Dot. female characters uber inflation art please?

where did you found jessica uber inflation?
In my head

where did you found jessica uber inflation?
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a favorite of mine from him, Alice from Rabi X Laby aka Rabbit X Labyrinth. Prolly one of his more obscure inflation arts.
What's the story on this comic. Characters? Irl people?

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