
Nylon didn't make those. It was ecchipanda
Same person....... there the same artist just did rent alias
please send more of this
I was certain (and hoping) Songbird/Diamondback had committed suicide by now? That rat is still ticking huh?
(522 KB, 1000x2256, 1583112336538.jpg)
>that first one
That is such an oddly specific paring.
Also sauce?
sauce of second gif?
I think I also remember Axel also doing one for the Rolling Roller Skaters pack
I don't really remember.
(739 KB, 550x600, inflatepop_dy.gif)
A quick anim I made a few years back. Forgot I had it until I came across this thread.
think of making another one?

Do you know the artiest that made this comic?
Kraban on DA.
God I wish there was a part two to this comic
Anyone have that one sequence where the girl drinks the tanks of coke, then eats the tube of mentos?
Whoa, what’s the sauce / context?

Basically FotNS but kinky. I can dig it. Wish there was a translation though.
(40 KB, 900x637, lilith_bodysuit_by_papillonstudio_by_pharaoh_sauron_d8qhomr-fullview.jpg)
>>7932 Oh yeah, I'm trying to find that one too. If we're thinking of the same thing, The lady from the sequence is Lilith, one of PharoahSauron's OCs. I wanted to save that one but I think the original artist deleted their account, or at least the sequence in question. If anyone has the pics, it'd be appreciated. (Posting a picture of Lilith to jog people's memories)
Oh hey, maybe someone here would happen to have an old thing that ends with a bang

"Blue collar TV" season 2 episode 6, or 7
sketch called "Million dollar boobies"

Allegedly it ends with them going boom
There is a short teaser-like vid on youtube but I was hoping someone could have a whole thing
Had no luck finding it whatsoever
(168 KB, 640x484, EagRqiKXYAEUEQs.mp4)

Found this on Twitter, but that's about it. Looks like the full thing was posted to the bearchive sometime around 2006, but those links are all long gone by now. Hopefully someone else has the full thing.
4a4af5 here

Yeah, I did look around BEarchive as well. Even contacted the person who posted it back in 2006. They looked around their old drives and gave me a link but it was the same short teaser video as on Youtube, unfortunately.

So the only way to get it now would appear to be if anyone here has "BCTV" season 2 on dvd and could cut it and upload it

Thanks for the effort
Oh neat, my time has come. I took it off the Blue Collar TV DVD since the other clip was pretty poor quality and cut some scenes. This is the full clip with an additional deleted scene too.

Oh wow, amazing!
You're a hero, my dear anon! Thank you!

Although it was a lot more anticlimactic than I had hoped. But still, one more mystery of the internet crossed out!
Thank you too, random citizen. And yeah, probably should've mentioned that it doesn't end with a bang but rather just deflation. I was also kind of surprised by how funny this is.

"Use the left, the right, the left, then the combo, and if that doesn't work, try using your fists."
Same person as >>9172. You're a life saver. Thank you!
No problem
mabs expired
Can I ask you to upload the file again?I also heard that in blue collar there were several thick suits-I would be grateful if you posted them-I have been looking for them for a long time)).
do you or anyone happen to have the rest of this? i can never find it anywhere.
Thanks so much, friend!
(3.8 MB, 6500x1040, mayberrypop.png)
Definitely came from Kitana and Rain from MK for sure. I was into watching MK at the time and I was watching a few fatality videos, and the ones from Deadly Alliance and MK9, uh, fascinated me into watching them multiple times.
also requesting re-up, cheers
For me, I mainly use bursting to find pics of girls RIGHT on the edge of going poomf. Over the years I've softened to bursting some, but I only partake when it's clearly non-fatal.
Having a big, creaky, squeaky balloon on the borderline of detonation is the best.
Doesn't this have a popping alt?
source or artist? I can't make out who the artist's signature is in the corner
GeneralDrake. You'll have to forgive me. Whenever I try to post the others it says "Request size limit exceeded" or something like that and doesn't let me post them.
can someone reup million dollar boobies
Please, can I repeat the link? I didn't have time to look,and the material is phenomenal. The show itself is interesting-are there any other similar scenes with thick costumes? Thank you in advance for your attention and a thousand thanks for the link(if it is thrown off again).
And in order not to waste your time and not to waste the space of the branch-I found another video with this character, but in a different episode. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TvpxY-Y99PU
Reup please! I'd really appreciate it i didn't get to see it
can someone reup million dollar boobies
well i found it so is there a better one of the second pic , is there a story to it ,is there more
and can someone re-up million dollar boobies
thanks for telling me it was mola , i found it posted
>Deemed Offensive for everyone
That is one hell of a warning they had to put on there.
(7.1 MB, 1920x14656, Jaiden Inflations Full.png)
When it comes to Jaiden getting blown to bits. I prefer this one honestly
@DrakeInflates on Twitter.
Does anyone have the full comic of laughing gas bomb problem by sharkbubble
Does anyone remember that sequence were a woman was about to burst from drinking like 100 gallons of coke, and then eats a whole pack of mintos
Need help finding a comic.

Don’t remember what’s it called. But it starts off with a woman on stage who suddenly begins to swell up with white stuff, I think it was probably milk. She leaks out the stuff onto women in the audience and they began to swell as well. And soon they all are bursting one by one.
That’s it exactly! Thanks man, been looking for this one for a while, so I can’t even express how much I appreciate this!
anymore weight gain related stuff like this ?

Fuсking hell. That. Was. Awesome.

You know it’s gonna be good when it gets the “offensive for everyone” warning.
Side note: the "offensive for everyone" warning pops up when something is tagged with either guro (gore) or scat (poop).
I love that art, and that situation so much
So I just saw a video in which all the Marvel heros are killed by the Ant Man or someone like him and the studio decided that Hulk would die by Muscle overload into a explosion.
I dunno who had that idea, but I only know one thing: goddamn I wanna see She-Hulk go through that!
Marvel and DC have really been spoiling us. Giantess Poison Ivy, Accelerated Pregnancy Scarlet Witch, now Inflatable Hulk (wish it was she-hulk though).
>wish it was she-hulk though
Yeah, me too, but at least it may inspire some artist to redo the scene with her.
Imagine a group of succubi inflating you’re girl until to pops and as a result see becomes a succubus as well.
She not see and your not you’re. Damn autocorrect
God yeah, there's nothing like enough of this fetish and there's even less good exploding tit stuff.
(411 KB, 560x428, LBU (1).gif)
anyone know who made this?
This is kinda niche but I saw it once and now I wanna see it again.

Has anyone seen an image-set, where it's an ant-girl carrying a lot of eggs, and a dude cumming into her giving her more eggs. It has 2 endings, one where she gives birth to all the eggs, and another where she pops.

It's kinda furry but it also scratched an itch I didn't know I had.
i second this notion
(114 KB, 2087x1607, 1.jpg) (129 KB, 2199x1656, 2.jpg) (113 KB, 1997x1765, 3.jpg) (151 KB, 1821x1649, 4.jpg)
Why would you post that terrifying thing
In twitter or deviantart
Guys, serious question: Do you find this hot? Personally I don't, but I kinda feel intriged on this stuff it's like watching a horror movie...
I'm only like popping when the person is completely fine afterwards. I don't like it as much when the character doesn't come back, and I hate it when it gets Gorey

But that's just me
Well it's not the horror but the pressure build up and impending doom it kinda mimics that sensation of arousal where when the girl gets fuller you do those emotions incline until the bursting point as when she pops you pop too ( by that I mean nut) leading to an entertaining release

To me that's what makes popping arousing
Zero_THL(sp?) on DA, all their uncensored stuff is on Patreon and not on Kemono
Where? I can't find it anywhere
His stuff is on Kemono, it's just under the name Todd Howe-Laprade for some reason. Don't think the popping packs there though.
I prefer it non-lethal, but I take what I can get. The best popping is non-lethal popping that come off as especially pleasurable, even orgasmic or addictive.
I believe the general consensus is that whether or not it hinges on permanent character death.

And for me that even depends on what type of character.
A sad and confused Jane Doe? Don't pop the sweetie.
A uppity and demanding Karen? Give 'em their just desserts.

Side note, your post made you sound kinda like Willy Wonka, "The Suspense is Terrible! I hope it will last"
One underrated concept is explosive transformation, when the character is reborn after exploding, like the new form is burst free from inside their ballooned human form. Good example, slime girl inflates person with their slime until they burst, instantly being reborn as a new slime girl.
I need help to find this very specific cartoon I saw once in my chlhood.
There was this black monter eating colors in the world and the protagonists defeated the beast by giving it a prism of color to overfeed it.
Then it exploded.
Depends on the mood. Sometimes you have the mean streak and all's fine and dandy in fiction imagery. Lately I've been looking for immortals who in the sense of deathlessness can survive serious hurt and regenerate.
Fellow users, I come in a time of great need. There was a inflation bursting thread on 4chan having two distinct comics that I remember, One was a breast expansion + bursting, with the focus being lactation inflation and her nipples swelling (end frame had a pair of rings), and a set of two comics of a villain in a mech getting cumflated and then the mech exploding. Suddenly found that one day I could not find this thread. Mayhaps you all can help me.
yoooo where did you even find these, and may i also ask for the sauce?
Here you go @donyayore on twitter
anymore by this artist?
say does anyone now the artist of the first II comics at the top of this thread? because I want to know where I can find them
nylonwave, I know they deactivated their DA but they reupped most on twitter not sure if they're still active tbh
This artist never saves the commissions they make so if you come across something you like you better save it.
Damn so does that mean there's even more superhero popping stuff that's lost Media will never know existed!! Sad..
(93 KB, 496x535, Screenshot_20220717-111309.png) (106 KB, 496x339, Screenshot_20220717-111339.png)
Does seem like nylon's still active and taking commissions but in the form of something called art sessions (which I imagine are like a call girl site) you pay 20 bucks per hour for them to draw something for you I think.

But here's a recent Twitter screenshot of some new art from July so yeah they still around. You could probably get inflation commissioned somehow
I still see people commission them all the time.
Source/Artist? This is some top-tier shit
I found them but be warned that is the only inflation piece they did rest is straight guro
(All jokes aside, thanks a ton!)
Oh no Five nights in Harvey Weinsteins basement
>>46423 holy shit this is some good shit, can anyone translate though?
Based of of Monty python's meaning of life where a Rich guy eats so much that when he's offered a month he explodes essentially the genderbent equivalent
My God this is bad.
Abysmal acting, awful padding which gets progressively worse until it’s appears to be a pile of dirty laundry and maybe a bean bag inside a bedsheet, the whole thing is somehow longer than The Day After Tomorrow despite there being only two scenes, and I could have made a better bursting scene in PowerPoint.
i think i saw a comic a while ago but don't know how to find it.
In the comic there where 2 girls and one of them had some cosplayers that when the other girl kissed they started inflating, and at the end they end up bursting. That is what i remember and would be happy if someone also knows it
Ahh you speak of the Bear. He who must not be named . . .

His name is CattyN
My blueberry balloon story rp is
I saw her the other day it was a celebratory day and even though the inflation could be better we actually kissed when we said goodbye. A loving actual effort kiss to the blessed balloon. Last night we both talk the lovely berry and she said I love you for the first time in weeks.
Slowly but surely the strong balloon princess is choosing what she knows makes her happy. It’s blessed seeing things mend and the way this will eventually turn out again in the long run.. 🎈 the blessed berry left to their own devices and making a blessed long run choice 🫐
That’s my inflation story
My blueberry balloon story rp is
I saw her the other day it was a celebratory day and we actually kissed when we said goodbye. A loving actual effort kiss from the blessed balloon. Last night we both talk the lovely berry and I and she said I love you for the first time in weeks.
Slowly but surely the strong balloon princess is choosing what she wants and makes her happy. It’s a blessed seeing overstretched balloons mend and the way this will eventually turn out again in the long run.. 🎈 the blessed berry left to their own devices and making a blessed long run choice 🫐
That’s my inflation story
My blueberry balloon story is

I saw her the other day it was a celebratory day and we actually kissed when we said goodbye. A loving actual effort kiss from the blessed balloon. Last night we both talk the lovely berry and I and she said I love you for the first time in weeks.
Slowly but surely the strong balloon princess is choosing what she wants and makes her happy. It’s blessed seeing overstretched balloons mend and the way this will eventually turn out again in the long run.. 🎈 the blessed berry left to their own devices and making a blessed long run choice 🫐
That’s my inflation story
(61 KB, 460x460, 3082E2A8-ECF5-4B6E-A6E5-0B9B2AE7A4AA.jpeg)
POV: you have a goddamn secret security clearance and deserve way better than this but your has gf and her family have proven to be total psychopaths so you’re just waiting for the right time to hit it enough then leave
(61 KB, 460x460, 871C3220-B327-4D03-A0A8-5C21C2629312.jpeg)
POV: you have a goddamn secret security clearance and deserve way better than this but your gf and her family have proven to be total psychopaths so you’re just waiting for the right time to fuck her enough then leave
Really? I don't remember it being on his style. Still, thank you
It’s probably not. There’s some user on here obsessed with talking about CattyN even though they haven’t been a thing for years now. Probably just some neurotic obsessive tic
(62 KB, 736x920, 0DA64C1B-14AF-4A96-AC34-60C855539F75.jpeg)
POV: you’re a mid AF Toronto lesbian and your above your league hot barista gf is mad at you because you pay more attention to that weird Scott Pilgrim vibe dude and what he feels about you than her
(155 KB, 540x382, tumblr_4cb8fa713d0c90a98ab05d56317ed080_0edc2001_540.png) (157 KB, 540x431, tumblr_8b59c613a6a01868f1df3fd9200b921a_92ec0cbc_540.png) (126 KB, 500x389, tumblr_4359793e70b488589ab0130b283a2420_c8938ff9_500.png) (205 KB, 640x491, tumblr_9eb39544817baed074bd2b3e6f3cf5ef_a812d4c7_640.png) (132 KB, 540x424, tumblr_inline_p3pahmxqTi1r7r8ub_540.png) (183 KB, 640x492, tumblr_inline_p3pahnY4Xz1r7r8ub_640.png)
Been around here long enough to know unlike some people
Hey Redhead. J.
I wish onto you a warm hug from someone that loves you
Who did these?
Artist is Browser124. Colorization was done by me
(93 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault (8).jpg)
> Gonna Le pop

The last sound you make as the moment girls do you in by blowing a little too hard into your cock (or pussy/whatever)
(100 KB, 1080x556, 042din85e4021.jpg)
The fact that this bozo has the audacity to retweet posts calling AI generated images "theft" and "not real art" as if shooping other people's photos is any better.

The lack of self-awareness is genuinely mind-boggling, I'm actually tilted.
>calling AI generated images "theft" and "not real art"
I can understand the second point and I've argued in favor of a seperate tag and threads, but theft? AI models literally cannot reproduce art they've been trained on.
True it just uses other parts for color and shape recognition at best
Convolution is used by literally every digital artist; every computer uses it to save images in a compressed format; AIs use a derivation for training. Twitter artists were already infamous for a lack of empathy but now they're outright mendacious.
How can we pop if we don’t even know it’s them? It’s getting a little desperate
>personae of female content creators
What do they think...?
(131 KB, 220x174, tenor.gif)
We've had this conversation before Jaden animations avatar is fine to balloon I mean heck I'd even argue inflation of her irl persona as inflation is as sfw as you get I don't think it would bother as long as it isn't vore and shit. Fyi she's also made her piece she like that exists so stop whining

Keep acting up and the next person I'm popping is you don't make it get sexual up in here
i think i get the point, but still. are you having a stroke sir? do you need medical assistance?
(63 KB, 884x904, just_a_lil_poomf__1_3__by_drakeinflates_dd48djo-pre.jpg) (135 KB, 1280x1565, oh_no__too_much_poomf___2_3__by_drakeinflates_dd48eag-fullview.jpg) (77 KB, 909x879, oops__over_poomfed__3_3__by_drakeinflates_dd48f44-pre.jpg) (769 KB, 1545x2000, df3a7tf-3ced48cb-32ad-417b-8b65-85168916194d.png) (1.1 MB, 1257x1600, ddoupqc-d88f641a-7570-4c69-bf9e-8bcc6a5a2e02.png) (3.0 MB, 3468x8610, delammm-5f9e765e-fcda-4984-a9d4-a89564388789.png)
fuck it, im sending all my stash
(spoilers are gore-y)
(101 KB, 1234x647, hallway_bursting_shootout_by_cleverfoxman_dejru8p-pre.jpg) (69 KB, 837x955, the_villain_wins_1_3_by_blooberrygarden_df0vmbc-pre.jpg) (46 KB, 951x840, the_villain_wins_2_3_by_blooberrygarden_df0vmid-pre.jpg) (83 KB, 951x840, the_villain_wins_3_3__pop_warning__by_blooberrygarden_df0vmij-pre.jpg) (70 KB, 951x840, pop_that_rabbit_1_4_by_burritoburst_df1ce14-pre.jpg) (64 KB, 951x840, pop_that_rabbit_2_4_by_burritoburst_df1ce73-pre.jpg)
forgot about send cap.
(66 KB, 951x840, pop_that_rabbit_3_4_by_burritoburst_df1ceby-pre.jpg) (80 KB, 951x840, pop_that_rabbit_4_4_by_burritoburst_df1cege-pre.jpg) (994 KB, 960x540, a-little-bit-late-but-it-s-time-to-release-the-cute-chibii-inflation-animation-i-made-with-suki-this-is-a-set-of-assets-i-m-trying-to-use-for-other-things-that-just-so-happened-to-make-a-nice-loop-of-expansion-and-deserved-some-sound-s.mp4)
i dont fucking know how to count sorry fellas
CobaltReverie is the artist. That's his OC, unsurprisingly named... Reverie.
(2.2 MB, 5068x1500, circeberry2.png)
my silly Sylvari OC getting 'flated and popped, wanted to get these done for a while and these turned out incredibly well imo, shoutouts to these two very talented artists!
Artist - Handmadesoap962
Either worlds biggest gamer fart or world's worst
mountain dew covered rime scene.
Can you explain why your image files are so large?
(139 KB, 1280x670, doki_doki_berry_cake_by_bigb3rri_demzdbq-fullview.jpg) (102 KB, 1032x774, blue_yuri_by_bigb3rri_der04ng-pre.jpg) (85 KB, 961x831, just_monika__1_3__by_bigb3rri_dew69hi-pre.jpg) (82 KB, 961x831, just_monika__2_3__by_bigb3rri_dew8j5v-pre.jpg) (68 KB, 961x831, just_monika__3_3__by_bigb3rri_dewcjwk-pre.jpg) (74 KB, 961x831, pop__part_1__by_bigb3rri_dewciuw-pre.jpg)
I love how the popping in this sequence starts sibtle but gets more and more obvious as it goes on
Does anyone have a full comic of mass effect where tali inflates so much she popped. I remembered it was all no color but just drawings?
You know what with the post above now it's got me tempted to buy a lord dominator overinflation comic from them

Question is color or line art?
Now THIS is what I came here for.
Hell yeah! We need more JoJo balloons in the world! Fyi I'm down to make a few too at some point if you ever got a idea you want commissioned

Name above is the same one I use on DeviantArt.
But fantastic stuff anon!
(261 KB, 1280x2480, puff_slipper_test__commission_1_5__by_browser124_dfle80x-fullview.jpg) (175 KB, 1280x1426, puff_slipper_test__commission_2_5__by_browser124_dfle8ax-fullview.jpg) (178 KB, 1280x1464, puff_slipper_test__commission_3_5__by_browser124_dfle8hc-fullview.jpg) (172 KB, 1280x1161, puff_slipper_test__commission_4_5__by_browser124_dfle8ne-fullview.jpg) (183 KB, 1280x1062, puff_slipper_test__commission_5_5__by_browser124_dfle8vq-fullview.jpg)
If you mean the character it's Mirko from My Hero Academia.
If you mean the artist, their Watermark is on the images. It's SharkBubble. Think they have a DA and a Twitter.
nice! how much was it to commission all the images. might need to make a commission myself
>> 80510
In total it was $150 USD. The popping finale was free since I got 3 pages. He has a commission sheet on his Twitter with the prices.
Cheaper than me I'm like $20 a image lol. Again it all comes down to how much quantity you can do as an artist I feel and personally this is the dream level for me I wish I could pop out this much. In quick time for people all at once. But it will probably be years before I reach that skill level! For now pin ups are all I can do sadly

But bravo to this person that's impressive and cheap yeah I wouldn't sleep on this this feels like a $330 dollar commission set to me! So get them at $150 before artist dips and stops taking them or raises price which could happen due to stress or other things
Does anyone remember an artist on deviant art who’s oc had blue hair and did a lot of popping art? I’ve been looking and can’t find them. Some that I remember are a succubus tentacle inflation and a clown girl inflation

Come on people need more pops! Anyone got anymore popping animations?
>>81148 imbapovi has a lot of popping
Her name was carnivaleous

She deactivated her DA, she has an unupdated page on FA.

Apparently she had some drama going on and that's as far as I know
Thank you I’ve been trying to find it for so long, but since I’m not used to the short names what’s FA?
I found it never mind, thank you again
FA is short for Furaffinity, my unacquainted friend. It's users are as degenerate as you'd expect, but that also means you can get some extra spicy stuff, if you're willing to sift through all the crap.
Yeah I was trying to find the works but I only found basic art posted. It’s sitting there for when they start posting again though so it’s still good
So I've been searching for this one image of a zoroark being inflated by a vaporeon, with water leaking out of the zoroarks body. Does anyone happen to have it?
(15 KB, 215x400, BkbHN-HCAAAF4Ke.jfif) (21 KB, 200x200, 200_200.jpg)
Does anyone have ShinobArho's Inflation Bursting tournament Manga from his defunct website?

There was a red Oni inflation, and alot of bursting!
(148 KB, 820x485, hr196.jpg) (78 KB, 820x554, hr197.jpg)
I found a part of it. There was a whole comic attached to it though...
That's like a lost ancient treasure lol. Hope I can find the archive too. If it's exist...
A lot of link in the archived machine seem dead. Sadness.
So this is kind of a long shot, but here goes: for the last couple years or so I’ve been looking for a lost story from FA titled “Ground Zero”, about a fox girl who steals and takes a tainted diet pill and ends up swelling massively in front of a crowd before bursting and inflicting the others with a similar fate. I can’t remember the author, but I do remember they had a story set in the same “universe” titled “Night of the Living Fed”. If anyone has any leads, they’d be super appreciated!
I miss her like ice cream.
I miss her like ice cream.
Does anyone have a video of Velma inflating/popping from ikkifenix? I found the link but the videos are gone
Pretty good stuff
Does anyone on here by any chance have this; a scenario from what I remember seeing a while back: A zoroark getting inflated by a vaporeon, with stretch marks all over the zoroark's body, and water beginning to leak out of the zoroarks stretched body? I think that's how it went, but I'm not entirely sure, as I haven't seen the image for a good while. Any help finding it would be appreciated.
(822 KB, 1860x2160, 9A3981FB-C42C-41BC-9377-3B9F7743E8C2.png)
been writing for a few years now but never really wrote kink smut because I’ll be honest I thought I sucked at it lol, but finally gave it a shot with two short stories, would love to hear what people think!

catch ‘em here on my DA, I appreciate the support and feedback! Also welcome to any ideas people might have for future works!
little bonus getting to see my gobbo oc trek getting nice and big, might use this in a story later! (Credit to @nyaneko14 on twitter)

Does anyone have a mini comic where shinobu kocho is inflating herself with a hose and giyuu comes up behind her and ties her hands behind her back and inflates her till she’s on the verge of popping?
Anyone have powerman2000's dig dug of death comic series?

Your stories are a good start. I would keep developing and asking for support & critique :)
I think that because your stories are all 'Goblin' based people don't really find them too appealing for erotica material lol Not saying that ALL inflation material HAS to be erotic! It's just that SO much of it is! Because inflation is sexy af! <3

"A goblin is a small, grotesque, monstrous creature that appears in the folklore of multiple European cultures." - Wiki. Doesn't sound too sexy! But you have 40+ faves so that is a good basis for development.

I'd work on a bit more structure with involving periodical dialogue, & also describe what they are feeling in terms of sensations. For instance instead of just "she could feel her body run out of room" - tell the reader how she can tell that?

If your kink is about pain, and fear something like:

"She winced as the pressure increased the agony of her body's tightness, rivaled only by her fear of potential imminent detonation. The elasticity was all but gone; replaced by burning soreness, & more tension within. Her eyes revealed a sheepish anticipation of her worst expectation betraying a building reality, both about to collide with a cataclysmic explosion."

If your kink leans more towards pleasure & temptation, something like:

"Her body creaked with sensuality as the panic in her eyes was betrayed by her desire to see where these horny feelings might lead her. As the gas blew her body up, her libido followed. She tingled all over as the heat built in between her thighs. There was nothing she could do to stop the helium from testing her body's limits, & even less she wanted to do about it teasing the destination that crept up like a welcomed climax."

Then add a line of dialogue if possible to give a perspective of time & involvement.

"I.. I feel.. s-so full. I'm not sure how much m-more I can take.." [name]/she gasps over the creaks of her rubbery skin as it stretches to accommodate as much as she would dare handle.

It just takes time I suppose. ;) Sorry if this hasn't helped one bit lmao! XD
Does anyone know an ai generator that allows inflation? I wanna do belly inflation and more but not a single ai will let me.
Maybe don’t use art stealing ai and actually either make your own image or commission an actual artit
>>84557 AI art isn't for helping lazy artists and stingy owners of large studios, but means to allow the less fortunate to access resources and the disabled to experience the joys of art. A tool that makes art. An unart tool for artificial art (that's what I named the prototype.)

A real artist wouldn't have a need or desire to use such a tool, but there are some that may feel joy from playing with a toy.
a pencil and a peice paper are pretty cheap
>>84587 Haha, asshole. The post was clearly written about the crippled and those with other mental handicaps. The best part was your entitlement.
That was probably the thought at first, but now there are people on art sites and Patreon that ONLY do AI art and make people pay 'em, so sadly the grifters and cheats have brought a bad stigma to what could have been a cool thing.
>>84589 Would you believe me if I told you the truth that it will all work out in the end and that they're digging their own graves or no

Be pure of heart, do what's right, and do not sin against your own mortalic flesh and blood body for it is a gift and the temple of God

Their art content is not serving the purpose of beauty and expression of human creativity they're using the content for other purposes of communication
I wasn’t planning on posting anything I made. I just wanna try to make something in the way I want because I can’t draw.
Art stealing AI?
Can you explain how diffusion is stealing?
What the ai does is scans the internet for images

This also includes art from other artists

Many artists actually don’t approve of this because it steals their art to make something’s with zero effort

It’s kinda like tracing art and then claiming you made it entirely yourself
>>84724 That's not the half of it, but you're partially correct. Any real artist would be understandably upset about not only the profiting off of their work, but simply the lack of honesty or genuineness within the art. A real artist cares less about money and recognition than you realize.
All of these whinging artists and their holier-than-thou tosspot followers with fuck all better to do with their lives just need to just get over themselves. I’m sick of hearing it now. It’s over. It’s here. It’s taken everything you’ve made and now it’s going to make everything you were going to make.
The first thing I thought was how lazy ai art is with all the imperfections that youre just supposed to ignore and squint untill the shape is to your liking, that shape being other peoples art. Deviant users are cranking 7 - 8 of these out daily and they all look the same as everyone else who does it too. The kicker for me on top of all this is that some even put a paywall on this garbage.
I need an explanation on how diffusion steals art.

No you don't. Are you a masturbater? A masterbater is somebody that masturbates. A masterbator is 1 who masturbates.

What we really need is an explanation to this
>I’m sick of hearing it now. It’s over. It’s here. It’s taken everything you’ve made and now it’s going to make everything you were going to make.

That shit's kind of funny. Machine "Learning" and human learning are vastly different things, btw. For example, I wouldn't dare type something that rediculous on the internet. Not that I would ever have the desire to.
well mainly because for ai to create art it has to use art as both a base and fuel. the ai isnt actually thinking up anything, it is trained by showing it a bunch of already created art and atempting to trace aspects from it
A couple of points…

Firstly, another thing I’m sick of hearing is how it’ll never happen. About a year ago I said, being cautious, that I thought we might be where we are now by the end of the decade. I was… a little off the mark. But what really shocked me was the overwhelming consensus being that it would never happen. Not ever. Who looks more stupid now?

And, to clarify, this technology, whatever you prefer to call it, won’t replace artists entirely on its own. You’re right that it’d be ridiculous to say that, it’d be like saying that the circular saw would replace the carpenter. What it will do though, as it becomes not only more powerful, but more accessible and more user friendly, is enable any Tom, Dick or Harry to create pretty much whatever horrors they can imagine with little more than a bit of guidance.

What’s ridiculous is that there are people who still think it’ll never happen.

>Firstly, another thing I’m sick of hearing is how it’ll never happen. About a year ago I said, being cautious, that I thought we might be where we are now by the end of the decade. I was… a little off the mark. But what really shocked me was the overwhelming consensus being that it would never happen. Not ever. Who looks more stupid now?

Dude. What in the actual fuck are you even saying? Where "are we now" exactly? Exactly where we were last year? In the same shithole? Actually, if anything everything has gotten worse. You may fancy yourself as some awesome "guesser", but the fact of the matter is that if it wasn't for me doing what I did 5 years ago you wouldn't have a thread to post in. And yeah. I did it on purpose, same as everything else that I do. And I'm not finished yet. You're literally nothing more than a fucking joke.

You think you have the "upper hand" while sorrounded by a large group that's equally as evil as you and doing everything wrong. I literally wouldn't trust you to change a light bulb. I literally only trust you to fuck up. And it pains me solely to watch you hurt and put down good people that are actually trying and mean well and have their heart in the right place.

>And, to clarify, this technology, whatever you prefer to call it, won’t replace artists entirely on its own. You’re right that it’d be ridiculous to say that, it’d be like saying that the circular saw would replace the carpenter. What it will do though, as it becomes not only more powerful, but more accessible and more user friendly, is enable any Tom, Dick or Harry to create pretty much whatever horrors they can imagine with little more than a bit of guidance.

Dude...... Stfu.
>What we really need is an explanation to this
What I heard about diffusion doesn't click with the idea of stealing.
>>84781 That's what a thief would say, but everybody knows. Technically speaking it's not actual art.
I forgot what the artist was called.. Anyone know?
Help me out here. I have absolutely no idea who you are, what you did five years ago, or why it would have anything at all to do with this conversation? I was talking about AI art, nothing else. That should have been fairly obvious and I don’t have a clue what you think I was on about?

If you’d bothered to read what you’d quoted then you might have noticed the part where I admitted being a little off the mark. Since “a little” turned out to be almost ten years, I can hardly claim the title of awesome guesser. But when I was surrounded by people who were so adamant that the technology would never reach the point it’s at today, I think I can get away with being just a bit smug.

And no, I don’t have any sympathy for people with nothing better to do but incessantly, obnoxiously flog what’s not just a dead horse, but one which has been decaying for at least six months. Does being honest make me evil?
>I need an explanation on how diffusion steals art.
Technically it's not theft, but it does learn to copy people's 'unique' art styles.

The thing is, humans do that anyway. Most artists learn by copying other artists before developing their own style. The notion of whether or not an artist can 'own' a particular style is an awkward grey area, and often people will inconsistently side with whatever suits them.

E.g. people will supposedly 'unique' or notable styles will say "you can't just copy me", whilst other people (and sometimes those same people) will have no qualms about copying the art style of their favourite cartoons. If you look at DA through the years you'll see countless examples of people copying the style of whatever cartoons are popular at the time (e.g. Ben 10, Gravity Falls, Steven Universe).

Anyway, really it would be more accurate to say that AIs copy other people's styles/aesthetics. They don't directly reproduce the original works (if they did people could accuse them of 'art forgery', which might get more attention).

But where the theft aspect does enter into the equation in is how the AIs came to be in the first place. The AI companies basically harvested a load of online art without permission and used it as training fodder for their AIs.

Unfortunately the current consensus seems to be that they haven't broken any laws by doing so.

However, the majority of people would recognise that there's something morally wrong there. The trouble is that our laws haven't yet caught up with the technology. These companies have been getting away with just harvesting people's data for years and the law has failed to keep up with it.

There's a case that the art produced by the AI might be able to be classed as derivative works in certain scenarios, but because of the technological process involved it's hard to prove definitively. The only way it's going to have legs is if a legal team can show a selection of the AI's training data and the AI's output to a jury and the jury deem that the two are alike enough that it warrants a derivative work and thus breaches copyright law.

Really though, artists are going to struggle simply because they don't have the funding to pursue the matter in court.

Google & co can say "this is our look and feel" and bully other companies in coury because they can afford to, but the average 'starving artist' is screwed, thus we live in a state of hypocrisy where the big companies can defend their "look and feel" but the lowly artist can't.

I'm not an anticapitalist, but I'm not afraid to call out unfairness when I see it. The law is not yet as egalitarian as it should be.
Everything you've said is bang on and well explained. The only addition is that AI can definitely be used to replicate an artist's work using and number of Image2Image features and just giving the AI a tiny amount of freedom. The output will be almost identical to the original with minor changes. There was an explosion of this when half decent AIs first appeared before the communities started calling people out. So yes you can do that, no AI isn't evil, however like any tool, misuse of it is.
So does anyone know who created the comic with harpy exploding from being overloaded with her own eggs, if could you please link it
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I refuse to let this thread die
>>Bird when rice
Need the sauce like what's up with them ending did she turn into a demon or something
Does anyone have the sequence from h-panda/Nylonwave where there’s a redhead and blonde who both get inflated from tentacles they summoned and get popped?
Anybody got the video of Velma being popped from ikkifenix
mabocorescant really needs to do more popping
(463 KB, 690x1500, bamph.png)
Extremely cute. Moar!

I have that comic
Does anyone have a link to that wiki site that had images of female woman inflation and sometimes exploding? I remember getting the link from here or big cartoon wiki and it was under an image of a Chinese/Asian woman who was evil and had the power to inflate. Her powers were wind based and was in a manga. She exploded when she inflated a second time.
Can you please send it? It’s been a while and I still can’t find it
(649 KB, 800x649, IMG_9359.gif)
My favorite piece of inflation art ever made
Of course, give me a moment
Take all the time you need
anyone got an archive of nylonwave/h-panda's art or something?
I know I said take all the time you need, but please don’t forget to send those
(32 KB, 480x600, 4c9017961d2f2dc87a836bb919be8a3f4ee338e8r1-480-600v2_uhq.jpg)
Nyn made a few videos making Touhou character Minamitsu Murasa die or get severely mangled in a few fetish ways. There's this one where Ichirin fills her boobs with a liquid (milk?) and they end up bursting, and then she seems to go on about doing the same but with her stomach, but gets interrupted. If someone knows if there's an actual video of her stomach bursting, please share it.
Here's the video:
And yes, this is the guy who made the popular Nazrin meme (picrel).
would have been better without the constant deflation. it's a lazy way to pad the runtime and honestly a massive cockblock
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