
Take thirty minutes to learn the basics of Cheat Engine. You'll get your Hungry Girls cheats and so much more.
i still cant figure it out
Those codes could be useful for the people who aren't cheat engine savvy or for those on a mobile device
Yeah I've been cheating in the game but there are certain things locked off by codes
how do you even cheat in this game?
You can use apps like game guardian for infinite money and stuff like that but there are features that require codes to be put in
Can I use cheat engine to boost sex stats or food quantity in the stash?
Any codes????
Can we maybe get some pictures of the girls at their biggest?
We would if we could get the patron codes
you aren't missing much... the graphics get wonky after a bit
>>16406 Regardless, I'd like to see them if an when we're able to.
on pc use a .SOL editor online and do what you want. you can edit the girls weight limit, how much food to have (soda, pizza, ect), your sex limits, money, starts, how full the girls are in the milk farm. the file is the MilkyTit.SOL file in the appdata folder. once you load it up on the editor, its basically self explanatory form there. you can also use this on the phone version too if you can find the file. way easier than cheat engine
Are you able to get the patreon girls by doing that?
you know im not sure there is a thing that says in the sol that says savepatron in there, so maybe. i guess just change the 0 to a 1. I really never dealt with it to try.
saveeditonline is the site i use. make sure you make a back up
Some people play it on a mobile device so editing the sol file would be a pain in the butt so having the codes would be great for those people
All I can say is fuck paying someone $10 a month to "un-Chinese mobile game" the game, especially some fucking Flash game with all this RNG shit.
Anyone have the June code
You can bypass the cooldown by changing your clock forward so,the only things you cant obtain are the multipliers for being a patreon
When the July code is out can someone send it out and upload Paplomans Kemono page
if you use saveditonline and navigate to your miltytits.sol file in your appdata in the hungry girls folder
you can edit the .sol file
cntrl f patron and edit all to the value 10 for 10 dollar patrons
Not everyone can do that as mobile users exist and for that situation a code is necessary
code for august as of the update release in 2022/08/25 is aug10busty
also how dafuq use cheats? i have .swf files
What's this months code?
King shit
Sorry to be that guy but does anyone have the October code?
Just use FFDEC on these Patreon code games like this, it's not that hard to find their codes inside the game's files, usually. I'd do it, but this game hasn't been fun for a while, I never really liked these event things that much.

In the supply closet, there's a text box.
But, in android, were are the app files, I been looking for them and I can't find them
Hate to be "that guy," but can we maybe get some pictures of how big you people have gotten the girls?

I know that they all pretty much look the same, but I'm curious is all.
October code?
this month code is oct10nipples
King shit thank you
This game is pretty fun, it just sucks that more than half of the characters are locked behind patreon. Really wanted to try Emily
November code?
November code?
November $1 code is novnonut
november code which is a 10$ patreon the 1$ code is bullshit
are added to create a buying group?
Aren't any 10$ code available? Just started the precious and alice campaign don't want to lose it.
what do the codes even do because i have the free version of the game and im not sure what they do when you "restart" the game
not only does it make you have sex faster if you also in the infirmary and unlock various characters.
NOV $10 code: novmegamilk
December code?
Thank you king
january code?
>whats the newest code?
how do use cheat engine.cab someone teach me???
February code?
you can bypass the max weight system if you boot it up via an external drive and disconect it while doing the 3 in a row feeding thing. !!!But you can't do anything else or it'll crash!!! also if you quit the game while a chracter is over the cap you will reset as soon as you launch the game up again.
march code anyone?

Thank you mate appreciate it
I found out if you rapidly click on the arrows, the same food/milk item keeps going to the lady. If you combine this with >>41758, you can get them to stupidly huge sizes.
hey does anyone have an older version of hungry girls? October~November 2021?
Anyone have the April code by any chance?
April code?
May code?
Anyone have the 10$ code for may? I need to get the extra girls for the next three stories
10$ code for may anyone?
Thank you
This game's annoying as shit!

How do you get cheatengine installed lately? I disabled fucking everything and still can't get it installed.
Anyone got the June code?
anyone got the june $10 code
Bump for $10 June code
July 10 dollar code anyone?
ya i agree, anybody got the july code, it's been out for at least a day
anyone got the july $10 code?
ya, the july code would be a big blessing
Has anyone got an older version of the game and the code for that month?
I FOUND THE CODE, the code is julmassive
So what does having the code actually do? Like can I get money without having to play the stupid minigames?
How about for the last update?
Anyone want to grace us with the code?
Bump for Aug code?
not sure if this is the $10 code or not (I found it by fucking around and guessing it right) but try augexpansion
Says code worked but it's definately not the 10 or 5 cause briget is still locked
IS there a walk thru that explains the different mini games? I cant seem to lvl anyone up.

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