
(2.1 MB, 286x165, totally spies.gif)
Allow me to chip in with this nightmare fuel.
>>15353 then go to a different thread dumbass
>>15421 Kacy from Marvel comics
Put those teeth shit on her titties and sit back with some popcorn and watch some boobs fly
I dont have a gif of it but there is another one similar to this in the simpsons movie when homer gets his epiphany
Inhumans to be exact. She's mainly a background character.
I remember there was an episode of the looney tunes show where a queen got a golden turtle, before her head inflated. Anyone got it?
You got more of the comic?
>>16233 that's all I have right now I think they post a new page every Tuesday on there Patreon
can you update his kemono.party page?
Or just upload everything from December here or in a zip? I’ll gladly share you my clip collection and other paid content over email in exchange!

>>16238 I don't know how and I'm not interested in learning sorry
What's the sauce on this clip?
Ok, let's get a source on that.
It’s from an expansionfan comic called Ah! My Boobies! but the head inflation only lasts one page though.
Why don't share the comic since likely have the whole thing
Yo, been searching more from the artist of the third picture (the one where the lady is sitting)

you got a source for it?
the gifts of technology and ignorant ladies
I have a quite few collected from my lurking, some of these may not count but fuck it
I can't post anymore for some reason but theres some
where did you find the 3rd one?
their instagram page, idk if im spelling this right but its on the bottom left corner vid in case but its Macomaroni
source on 3rd and 4th pics?
What's this from?
Isn't there more inflation themed content from this manga? I remember seeing something from another strip with similar if not identical art style that had inflatable women or something
there's another head inflation scene in the first ep also a BE scene in the first ep too
what show is this?
Gonna need the sauce
OC, should note
Thanks, I made them myself! Some pictures are better for it than others and I acknowledge that I chose convenient ones, but I can certainly tell you how to do it if you want.
Well, those ones the specific method couldn't be done on. It requires trial and error to get a sense for when it'll work and when it won't. I can type out how to do the thing but I can't really offer a demonstration because adequate pictures sort of present themselves sporadically. However, I could just tell you how to do it yourself, and it's definitely worth learning imo. If so you're going to need Photoshop.
sure, tell me how you do it
Sure thing. To begin, open two separate instances, or tabs, of the picture you're trying to morph in Photoshop. Start working within the first instance.

1. Duplicate Layer. This step's rather straightforward.

2. Use the Spot Healing Brush Tool on portions of the subject's face until it's completely smoothed over. This is the tricky part, and also why the pictures you sent wouldn't work. As far as I know, there must be decent space between the face and the edges of the head in order to make Steps 2 and 6 work properly.

3. Use the Magnetic Lasso Tool to select the subject's head and hair. If part of the hair tapers off and becomes hard to select, don't try to.

4. Click Edit > Transform > Warp. Alter the shape and size of the head to taste. The hair should overlay itself, appearing to expand with the head.

5. (Optional) If you want the expansion to progress in steps, "Create new document from current state" then Flatten the image. Then, repeat from Step 1 but ignore Step 2 because the face should already be smoothed over.

6. Go to the second instance of the picture, which should be identical to the original. That's why I specified to open two in the beginning. Copy the face using Magnetic Lasso Tool or preferably just regular Lasso Tool. Go back to the first instance and paste it onto the enlarged, smoothed-over head.

7. Right-click the face and select Free Transform. Resize the face until it is larger than it was before but is still proportionately small compared to the head. As for its placement, as a general rule, eyes are about halfway up the head, both in art and irl.

8. Flatten the image. There might be a bit of discrepancy between the color of the face and the head. Use the Spot Healing Brush Tool on the edges of the face to make it and the head look more contiguous.

That's about it. Surprisingly simple to remember once you do it a few times. Hope that helped.
This is good. bump
Yo! This is a nice thread you got here, I have my fair share of airhead/head inflation art I've drawn but was too embarrassed to share it so I kept it to myself.

Mind if I post some here?
go ahead dude
(177 KB, 900x900, 1631459910425.png) (247 KB, 980x1235, 20210912_102846.jpg) (219 KB, 769x797, 20210912_103222.png) (377 KB, 1080x1080, 1626476563112.png)
Hello again! I'm the "dd6ffb" guy from before. Here's a dump of my head inflation sketches.

Tbh the most difficult part about drawing this stuff is properly scaling the hair in relation to the head and making 'em look dynamic and comical all at the same time. I was a little nervous sharing these initially, but I hope you guys enjoy them!
Those are some wonderful pics! Do you have a DA or Twitter?
(443 KB, 3000x3200, E-N3BuWUcAAK5it.jpg)
These are all fantastic! I especially love the pose in the last one. Personally I think it looks cuter when the hair shrinks to cover less of the face rather than scaling up with it.

Don't be afraid to post any more you have or make in the future, you're really good at this!
Don't get underconfident, these are great. As somebody who edits rather than draws, the hair is also the hard part on irl pics. You, however, handled it really well.
Sadly no. Read step 2 on the big tutorial I posted.
These are great and your art in general is great. You should feel great.
I think they're fantastic. My only critique, and I think its more of a taste thing, is that I think their cheeks should bulge like the second to last picture in your latest post. Also, I do love some eye bulge as a result of pressure!
Have you considered making an alt account for this sort of content?
Shit man, I love these. Been wanting to do some head inflation stuff myself and these are great inspiration. Great job!
Yeah!! I've thought about making a side account for my head inf. + other stuff for a while but I haven't come up with a decent name LOL
Well let us know when you do. I'd follow you in an instant!
Second, love these.
Hello! It's dd6ffb again!! The deed has been done! My nsfw acc is called @GrandDilation. You'll know it by the puffed up clown girl pfp.
Any chance for a link to your new account?
Oh is that nekovoir?
Ye is be nekovoir, you familiar with em?
Oh yeah, them! They're really really good at what they do. Their other art is great, as well.
Great stuff. Especially the animation. The "two types" pic is awesome as well.
Nekovoir is amazing! You should tell them they're great at drawing. Try not to get an inflated head, though ;)
Haha she’s flattered for sure, also https://twitter.com/gardieneko here’s a link to her Twitter; despite not posting much she’s usually busy, but I have an itch she will add something. Go follow n support her!
(179 KB, 524x775, bighead02.jpg)

Im guessing Alex became addicted to a big head after that episode
(6.0 MB, 5925x6252, D4AC75A3-4773-4B5C-ADCC-97DD594D2233.png)
Been a lurker here for about 6 months now, never had the courage to post or comment on anything, but I’ll say you have all found some spectacular big noggins for the last little while, I’m honestly in awe feeling like I’m not among a handful of people but that there’s an entire group of others that enjoy this stuff, I’ve been into this for a long time but I worry that my difference in interest being surrounded around furries will be harassed for, so I’m posting something I have gotten in good faith that y’all are okay with this sort of thing. Cheers.
Makes me wonder if they put a chip on each tooth would the effect stack???
That's some good Bloomped head. The butt's nice too. ;)

Id like to think so! bigger is better


i like it. the head is so gigantic you almost dont notice the butt being so pumped.


its fun when the faces stay small, makes them look even larger.
(2.0 MB, 600x480, Head Inflation.mp4)
Wish I knew where this was from, because he got as big as a classroom...
That's Haisukūru! Kimengumi

Oh trust me, her noggin gets so much bigger, I’ve got one where her body is but s tiny speck on the screen

well by all means post it! i think its no secret we all want it big here
Gosh, for some reason I really like beakless Toy Chica. Like, TC isn’t explicitly a furry because she has no beak (Well aside from her feathers), but she isn’t explicitly a narrow-jawed hairy monkey human either. And of course, the “black sclera, white pupil” eyes and the kinky fangs. Just sorta… hmmmm humanoid lady, makes good inflatee 😳 💦
(510 KB, 1080x1080, airhead mandy rendered sketches.png)
i've returned with some art loosely inspired by that one totally spies episode, really proud of how this turned up!

Thanks, Now that's huge!


Oh thats looking super... Mandy always did have a big head, now it just fits her personality. You think there's a chance for an even bigger Mandy?
That last pic is exactly what I love in head inflation, very nice! Just add some puffed up cheeks and it’d be perfect!
This is awesome. You're really good at this.

I agree, somehow it's very enjoyable when the eyes grow too... almost like theyre getting so big and full they're outgrowing their original form.
(756 KB, 4200x2400, file_0019863.png) (1.2 MB, 6901x6468, BiggerEyes.jpg) (2.9 MB, 2340x1564, 330.jpg)

i have a.. preference for bulging, fully popped out eyes. idk what's wrong with me. I'm weird, guess that's as much of a reason as I need.


Here's some more for you, good sir.
Sauce on first pic?
>> 32906

Monster Buster Club
Episode # for the first pic?
27 “It’s Not Good to Be King”
Oi all these edits
Who's the artist?
I remember seeing an ad on VRV (a free anime streaming service) which had Puppycat’s head inflate to planet sized before it exploded at the last second. Anyone else seen it?
Not Bee's? Shame
(31 KB, 391x222, tsubasa-55-052.jpg)
Did some digging, this picture is from the same episode of this show. It's called something along the lines of 進め!電波少年
After some more digging, it's actually from a show called Tsubasa that aired on NHK in 2009. Weirdly, it seems as if every episode past 30 doesn't exist on the internet anymore.
(173 KB, 2048x1152, BFBDFB14-40C2-4636-92F8-E994520BD652.jpeg)
I also found this picture from “「不思議の国のアリス症候群」がテレビで取り上げられ話題に”. I think there might be a video but I’m having trouble finding it.
What's the sauce on the first two?
(434 KB, 1520x1280, 1637056735652.png)
Hi fellas! Back at it with some sequence art for the GD account! Rendering will come at a later date (currently busy)
This is one of your best yet! The contrast between the oversized nerd glasses before and after are especially cute, girls with glasses don't get used nearly enough in this type of art. As a side note, you should consider posting some of your older stuff in this thread to your alt when you don't have any pictures lined up, it'd probably be a lot more visible there!
Yo who drew that Undyne pic?
(5.1 MB, 2482x3737, Colored Kitana vs Kabal.png)
Hey Noticed one of you guys posted the uncolored version of a comm I got from Sutibaruart.
Don't think I've ever shared this, but I did get it colored .
(196 KB, 2000x1125, xl.jpg)
We need more giant balloon heads
These are great. Artist??
Left is @neanightmare, right is @mintrimo on twitter
(240 KB, 678x1273, Janet__s_Head_flation_by_HellResident.jpg)
This is one of the only ones I'm not going to post the hellresident thread..

Here's some lost media of a head inflation hr did so enjoy!
(8.3 MB, 720x432, Rekkit Rabbit (ITA) - airhead_1 v3.mp4)
a slightly different head inflation, but this episode has a lot of it. I cut it down to only the big head parts or inflation parts. sadly only found it in another language.
Man, Hellresident is absolutely amazing at what he does
Sauce on the last 2?
Blueberry head is strangest danger
What's the sauce on the first two?
(188 KB, 1370x2048, 0A761CBE-634B-4233-9C33-325A3C2F55B9.jpeg)
Might as well post a comm I got from Jal on twitter. It’s about my Oc Lucy testing out a new spell. Well it seems it didn’t go so well.😅
Also I noticed the Hilda blueberry head inflation pic I got from that artist.
Nice. do you have any more comms like this?
I'm guessing that Alex is having inflation fetish.
I wonder the source of the first one because it looks like some sort of official longer piece and the second one kind of gives me saints row vibes
Who drew the middle picture?
I'm so glad this sub-kink is getting popular.
Yea that’s my page sorry about that. I totally forgot to reply back.
It's no big deal, your head comms have all been excellent!
Well I do have two more head inflation comms but both of them have lip inflation
>but both of them have lip inflation
Sounds good.
I have a weird like taste for head inflation like this >>44373
Plus full body inflation.. kinda like
Hey all!
Just passing by looking for inspiration. Been stuck in a rut with head inf art so if anyone has any ideas, send them my way

Pinching someone's nose mid sneeze causing head inflation
(6 KB, 224x225, liberals.jpg)
This thread be like
- Ego inflation
- Soda
- Upon experiencing a certain emotion, perhaps embarrassment
IQ loss proportionate to head inflation until the inflatee is a stupefied bimbo
Head becoming transparent and shiny like a balloon
What >>46823 said
Head inflation via allergies
Head inflation via blowkiss
Head inflation via liquid/water that makes it heavy just to carry
Head inflation via ear insertion
Head inflation as some sort of magical or ironic punishment
Rubber balloon heads with painted on smiles similar to >>25179 or >>22428
Accidentally breaking something or knocking something over due to inflated head
Low angle shot of inflated head similar to >>38469

I hope at least one of these ideas appeals to you

Luz from Owl House due to a magic spell backfire.
The nymphs, warrior princesses or Ly the fairy, from the rayman games, having their heads bubblize.
Welcome back, GD! I wanted to ask all the way back in October if you'd take a commission, but never heard back.
Hi there! Unfortunately I've had to close commissions right now due to working full time IRL
Oh man, head inflation involving this device was a great idea.
(437 KB, 1920x1080, 1.webm) (180 KB, 1920x1080, 2.webm)
Is that you, borb? You've been killing it with these animations lately
Seconded. If you're borb, keep up the good work. If not, hope they keep up the good work.
Guess you'd call that an explosive headache
Ngl, this could use some sound
(3.0 MB, 496x236, 76F337A8-C903-41D9-86B8-48E654D3C381.gif)
Does this scene count? It’s kind of a niche and underrated shape, with how the rest of the body just gets engulfed by the head, but I like it.
That's a long episode. Where's the scene?
That would be Chubnbass.
Oh fuck, this thread's sinking. What now?
Make a new thread?

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