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For all your literal rubber girl needs
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Let's extend this thread to Dolls and Balloons II.
This time all inflatables will be in one thread.
Dolls, balloons, "cuntballoons", drawn dolls, pooltoys, inflata-robots, succubi spirits in inflatable envelopes, everything.
>succubi spirits in inflatable envelopes
>inflatable envelopes
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- Hey, it works! We... we summoned a succubus!
- I told you a doll is enough!
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- She's INFLATING! All by herself!
- Hello, what did you wa~ what??? Your "virgin" is an INFLATABLE DOLL?
- But it's VIRGIN! We never used it!
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- OK, you want it, you get it. If plastic succubus is enough for you, let's begin.
- First, inflate bigger! Huge! Tight! Enormous! Can you?
- I can do anything as long as it's sexy.
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WHAT? BIGGER? Summon a whale next time, not a succubus!

:-D EVEN BIGGER? This so-called "body" does not rip apart at seams only because of my demonic powers!

> Your ip was recognized as a known spammer.

Please stop this idiocy, it's a public VPN to keep the pityful remainders of my privacy

> R9K prevented at least one of your files from being posted.

You've eliminated all the pleasure, I give up
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Whoever reported this post for cringe, I'm not gonna remove it but you did make me laugh so thanks for that.
Who's the green gal I see her everywhere plus I want to get more he images
check astralantipode on twitter.
He also has a deviantart account with the same name.
Is Astralantipode's patreon account on yiff.party?
Can you re-post photos from old thread?

> Your ip was recognized as a known spammer.

Come the fuck on! Just hide those posts until mods approve them.
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Even though this babe is not inflated beyond her normal size (but she can probably take twice as much!) she's already soooo /inf!
What kind of inflatable doll is it?
Russian DIY (silicone-on-tissue).
Sewed of stretchy (but strong) fabric and impregnated with silicone.
A typical fruit of Russian so-called "smekalka" in minds.

You can inflate it as tight as your dick tells you to do, good fabric is much stronger than your dong. And you also can use special fabric which stretches in needed directions only (for example, her legs become wider, not longer).

Very interesting. Makes me want to try it myself.
I'd love to see more information on the process.
Post some photos if you decide to make the thing.
This is a fascinating prospect. If we're making one, it'd have to be huge. Closer to
OP's pic.
...at her default, smallest size and pressure.
Before the pressure builds up and she begins to grow and stretch.
Her "working" size (when she's pleasantly firm but not rock-hard yet) must remain unknown until you turn the pump on and ride the inflating babe to the point she's bit too tight to fuck her anymore (but you can add more lube and let her inflate bigger, and repeat...)
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It's a beautiful thought but we need to go bigger. It's not going to be cheap, though. A simple sphere 2 meters diameter would require about 6 meters of fabric, plus who knows how much silicone. And that's just the midriff, the way I vision it.
Latex girls are huge and sexy but they don't inflate firmly so you can't enjoy drum-tight butt.
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You can however made an insanely fat mini-doll. An average of a "cuntballoon", a snowman balloon and a fat figurine (really fat, her arms must be almost round or they'll not inflate).
When inflated from "mini" size (30 cm) to full size (Half-Ton Lady) she'll be as tight as any other balloon.
If you like "cuntballoons" you'll love this air babe. And 30 cm envelope can be easily made of famous Revultex LR latex.
BTW thanks for removing my IP ban.
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I'll tell everything I know about latex toys. Don't fuck it up with next site update please.
You need a dipping mold made of porcelain or wood (plastic and metal don't hold enough coagulant so forget about 3D-printing). Due to "love tunnel" (green), the mold must be made of two halves (or there is no way to extract it from the doll). Of course, it's shape must leave no places for trapped air when you dip it (you can however change the angle a bit and let the air out).
Make the love tunnel curved: it must be longer than the doll, or it'll stretch too much and turn the vag into a unfuckable funnel (practice on "cuntballoons" before making the doll).
Give hands, feet and upper head (nose, eyes etc) their final size and harden them with additional inner latex lines. They must not inflate (it takes too much pressure), except cheeks and lips which inflate with her thick neck (maybe the whole head if you like EnigmaXX eyes).
Push both halves of mold together, dip in coagulant, wait for a minute, remove surplus drops of coagulant and slowly dip in latex (left no trapped air; "love tunnel" is the hardest part). Wait for few minutes, remove and dry for few howrs (until it gets translucent). Cure it (with hot air or hot water) and remove the mold via air inlet (red, in her right hand), half by half. Google "How Things are Made: Balloons" video for curing details.
Don't forget to post pictures of her fully inflated, tight and sexy.
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Thank you brother sir! Very useful information. I was thinking of silicone but latex would make it about 5 times cheaper. I'm tempted to do some tests. I understand the basic principle but this is going to require lots of prototypes.
Latex can get very drum tight, it just needs to be a thicker(1mm) or more latex.
Yep, latex is tight twice: at the beginning of inflation (fully full and first signs of stretching) and at the end of inflation (strerched to limit and about to pop).
Can you make a video on how to do this? I didn’t really understand.
Any possible chance there's a more thick and elastic inflatable latex suit to stretch REALLY huge?
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How thick are we talking, what's the rule of thumb?
For example, if I'd make something resembling a yoga ball, three feet diameter, capable of taking some abuse and being very firm. What diameter should the mold be and how thick layer of latex?
Should I apply multiple thin layers or maybe use thickening agent?
It seems to me that average latex can safely stretch at least 700% without breaking but we need to consider what is safe thickness when it is fully stretched. 1mm feels very thin on a large pressurized sphere, but maybe it really isn't.
If I play it safe and make it 10mm thick uninflated, I may need super powerful compressor to inflate it.
All this I can find out myself with time and money but I'd be grateful for any knowledge.
Approx. 15cm diameter mould, no layers, just use coagulant and keep the mold dipped in latex until it grows approx. 5mm walls. Also use eyes and ears protection. Exploding this balloon to your balls is painful but not as dangerous as getting hit in the eye.
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Thanks! So that's what the coagulant is for. I guess it makes more even surface and that results more even inflation. Not sure if I can find that stuff near where I live, though. I'll see what I can get and go from there. How about styrofoam or polyurethane foam mold? Those are always slightly uneven surfaces but would be very easy and cheap to make.
Calcium chloride is the cheapest coagulant, it's widely used for making cheese so it's easy to buy. Not the best but works.
Speaking about foam, I'm not sure but there are chances it'll hold enough coagulant and release it. Smooth plastics don't work, latex stops growing quickly and remains very thin.
Paper also works but it always have sharp edges (latex layer does not grow on them).
>fat in a balloon girls thread
Apparently calcium chloride is also used for melting ice, as in road salt. I think I have a bucket of that stuff downstairs somewhere. So that's one thing sorted and a step closer to my own humongous sex doll.
Count it as a model for a SoT doll.
A water-inflated SoT doll.
who drew that animated one? The deflation sequences are just as satisfying to see as inflation but I guess I must be part of a minority
Try the inflatable suits thread.
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Big balloon-like condom girls.

Imagine getting a box of these girls at the corner store and blowing one up for a fuckfest. Maybe two for some extra fun.

Could also pump them up bigger and push their limits, just like a regular condom. Just be sure not to burst a "loaded" one.
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Is Astralantipode on yiff.party? If so what their name on there.
Bump, looking for this answer too
Checking if I'm still IP banned
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So, what's the main difference between a good elastomer and a bad one?
The stress-strain curve.
As you can see on the left one, natural latex (and natural rubbers, based on it) have a final interval where pressure increases quickly. It allowes to inflate toys like this one: >>2262 when one chamber is fully inflated, it resists further inflation and keeps enough additional pressure to inflate another one.
So, if you want an inflatable doll (like a balloon, not like a pooltoy), you need elastomer with left curve.
Another curve shows the worst thing an elastomer can have: necking. It means, it loses it's ability to hold the pressure as it gets thinner, so the envelope quickly develop a local bubble-like bloat and pop there like a bubble gum.
PVC, most silicones (and surprisingly metal foil) have wrong curve type, so PVC dolls are bad for over-inflating (stretching), and silicone must be enforced with an elastic fabric. It restricts stretching, providing that quickly rising slope on the left curve.
When you select an elastomer for your DIY doll (for example, uncured rubber sheets), read it's .PDF file for the stress-strain curve.
Here you can see the worst rubber in the world:
Although it's a rubber it bloats and pops like bubble gum.
Unlike decent rubbers (which have blue curve from the left graph), this shitty mix of synthetic elastomers has the rightmost stress-strain curve (small hardening interval, big necking interval).
Can someone add astralantipode to kemono.party please.
More photos please!
Show your cuntballoons and dolls
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not sure the sequence was ever finished but here is the 5th picture
Artist of this?
no sorry. That was all I could find
I'm surprised there isn't alot of elastigirl inflation.
Same here. When I first discovered this fetish I thought she's THE perfect character for it. But surprisingly there's very little material of her around that topic.
Do you think she would enjoy being overinflated, like the pressure overwhelms her mind and it makes want her to inflate bigger, especially if she is being inflated against her will, at least at first. I like to imagine the villain or villainess to be some sort of clown but not like the joker but more silly and still crazy.
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I was browsing through old bodyinflation.org stuff the other day, and found a handful of AstralAntipode works; They've been on my phone since then, but phoneposting wasn't working at the time. Prepare for a barrage of stuff.

First up: a sequence that was just called Inflating Couple.

Moar Inflate-Tan stuff.
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>>29786 Shit, I didn't put anything in the file space like a dumbass.

I don't know if AstralAntipode did the second pic or not.

Also, Idunno if AstralAntipode or marshmallow-maker made Inflate Tan originally, but there's a ref of her on marshmallow-maker's Deviantart from December of 2009. Just throwing that bit out there.
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damn, this shit makes me kinda sad that i missed out on inflatechan. i only recently started looking more into this stuff but fuck man
This is still neat tho, so lemme upload some stuff in return ( i really hope AA does more shit with their demon girl, the whole inflatable horn shit is really neat to me for some reason)
Anyone got any new art by Astralantipode?
Bumping for updat3
What name is the artist
it's astralantipode
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If this is still a general rubber girls thread then I'm suspired no one put 2B Labs. It's a shame his modern stuff is really streamlined for commissions
I kinda wanna commission an actual giant pooltoy of an inflatable girl. Just to see if it's possible
no maidens?
Even if I did sadly they're not as inflatable as a pool toy

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