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Crying and Coping edition.
i get the election is a few months away but cool it with the ads, damn
also can those who were discussing inflatechan give more context to the type of shit that used to go down over there
Love the title you made
>>123230 (OP)
Let's call it things that grind your gears next time, okay?
Also, please post a link to the old thread even if archive has disabled us.
Anyone else notice that a lot of the "models" who make up this fetish are just cunty in general? Just not really pleasant people.
When I find a cool artist who draws some hot shit only to be total yes men for people like chellchip, zoid, and other 05 obsessed zombies. It’s not that hard to come up with an original outfit or draw a fugly gopher with a body of a 10 year old and slap “20-year-old” on it. Like any dumbass would buy that shit. I don’t know why we can’t have good berry art that doesn’t copy the movies.
Pretty chill place afai remember, like yeah everywhere has drama but it never really felt like chan drama, and it was modded pretty well

Anything begging/distributing paid stuff got taken down pretty quick, as did anyone being too disrespectful, tbh a big part of why i find this place disappointing

Most active place was the oekaki board, lots of good artists put their own work up there, i know they were already artists but it felt like thats when people like mabo and snowchan got really good at it, guess thats what happens when people are nice to creators there

Then some asshat thought it would be haha funny prank bro to post actual live cp and then report inflatechan to the webhost for having cp before the mods had time to take it down and the webhost pulled the plug without questioning it

Always wondered if that was the same jackoff who ran bambi blaze off the internet because the MO seemed so similar
There was also a lot of spherefag and berryfag sperging all over the board until it was contained within rant threads much like this one. And the trolls and haters in the sphere and berry threads going apeshit and the mods constantly having to beat them back.

part of what made it a good place was that the mods weren't obnoxiously heavy handed but they did their fucking jobs and without sinking into the politics of it. No secret agendas or playing favorites, just keeping things on the rails.
Threads for fandoms offering less than 400 posts worth of content.

I'm looking at you, OP of the Gorillaz thread.
something else that pisses me off is this site's gay ass 'auto ban' feature. tried to reply to someone yesterday just to get autobanned for no reason, didn't even tell me what word was wrong.
shitty mods run this place
who specifically? i saw a couple times in the disco kitten thread she supposedly came in there (probably just a faker) and started being cunty
yeah that guys retarded
>also can those who were discussing inflatechan give more context to the type of shit that used to go down over there
to put it bluntly, it was smaller, slower, and more chill than here. if the admin had just banned proxies outright rather than that damned automod bot that only occasionally worked at catching the CP spammers, it might still be around, and then I wouldn't be wasting time being here beyond the paid content. due to the lack of piracy, we did occasionally get actual content creators there in the live section, one time leading to a price reduction because she saw multiple people bitching about a 50$ video she put out. biggest negatives I recall were the CP spam occasionally getting through the hundred plus filters captain set up for it, and that time tinman muted mabo for posting furry in /drawn/, despite suki obviously being a cat girl. what a fucking retarded day that was.still don't know what the fuck that retard was thinking.
Wait, someone made a Gorillaz thread? When?
>something else that pisses me off is this site's gay ass 'auto ban' feature. tried to reply to someone yesterday just to get autobanned for no reason, didn't even tell me what word was wrong.

It's a "feature" of the chan software. Somebody needs to go in and edit the configuration file. It's fucked with me a couple of times and I have no idea the filter was getting in a twist over. I just said fuck it and moved on.
>Damn tinman put suki in the corner!

Someone get her a big hose of happy juice. And tinman a coupium hose for that one!
Now that I think about it I remember seeing that. But not surprised you see a lot of people obsessed with inflating the bands lead girl noodle. Occasionally I also see some of the boys too.
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Isn't it funny most trolls have the same dead joke.


You see it so much nowadays. It's surprising! If I had a nickel for every YouTuber falsely accused of the stuff I'd have more than a couple! Still the most screwed up thing you can do to a person it's borderline scum shit they may laugh or get some sorta sexual pleasure out of it but you fuckers know who you are!

And if any of the type are listening Just realize no matter how much you edge yourself in the shower that type of scum from lies so thick will never come clean! So don't even bother! Sit in it like nickacado sits in his shit!

Fause accusers of pedophilia are no better than the bedos themselves my eyes stare with deep intent and hatred to all you ugly fuckers! When you shit! I'll be watching! Waiting to lick your feet!
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I'm as cis male they can be, but Trans Rights are Human Rights. If a Trans Folk is being a dumbass/asshole, say that they are without needing to go into faggot territory. Doing that, you're as much as a faggot as you think they are.

If you REALLY do hate all trans folk, don't think of them as sub-human. Image them as Curly and you are Moe. Poke them in the eyes, pull on their hair, bonk them on the head, etc.

TL;DR Version: An Asshole is an Asshole even if they use pronouns different than that they were released with.
i think you forgot to mention you're also a fag
we'll hate trans how we want to
p sure tinman was on meds, he had good days and then days where he was everyone's problem
he was right about one thing tho: paying for porn is for queers

not beating the annoying allegations I see
Didn’t someone draw Murdoc on twitter? I could be wrong but I swear I saw someone draw Murdoc in the 05 tracksuit at some point.
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>murder fantasies
>using a soyjak strawman
Totally a sane thing to respond with, anon
Vantawhite gem evendoe it's nonsense
Harlequin141 came out of nowhere and posted everything (I think) she didn't post before leaving, Though I'm pretty sure she's just going to fuck off again for some reason and leave us with half-finished sequences.
It truly is a mystery why artists don't want to associate with this board.
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I saw a image in which someone drew noodle riding on top of someone? Give me a minute I may know where to find it....

I found it she's riding one of the big swollen boys
I don't get why not? Honestly I'm dead surprised nobody trolls in any of these boards anymore? There was like 3 people. One guy who was always hitting edibles and drawing himself high getting popped, another individual who drew a few requests these two eventually formed a bit of a friendship and shared some art ideas back and forth, and another individual who drew Dobson as a one off surrounded by a pumped women harem.

For a second I seriously thought hey are we gonna start getting some based good artists up in here providing based fun for once? But it's been awhile since any of them posted so who knows. Honestly I feel like people keep up on this website Way too fast! Sad. Hopefully more artists post some based fun stuff even anonymously I don't care we need more fun stuff!
is there an archive of any of that art around?

it's probably because of all the reposting of paid content and other posters being kinda shitty why no one wants to stick around
We're ourselves cunty in general and Deviant Art users had the same to say about artists. No surprise here.
Not really you kind of got to save it when it comes out. It gets reposted alot particularly in male I guess you can add it in lost media when a thread goes dead but honestly probably needs its own thread as you'll just flood lost media
I mean there's always gonna be paid content sharing you kind of have to get over it tmc thread is literally too 3 pinned threads! Also why aren't there more permanent pinned threads like lost media for example? I think that deserves a permanent thread!

Point all you can really do is ask people a timeframe not to share paid content. A embargo date if you will! Otherwise it's open season. Plus I love that everyone always thinks that it's the fault of paid content share threads when you could still easily donate funds to your favorite artists kofi and patreon pages. Honestly to those who do have the money to throw around I honestly feel like you should if you really love a artist support them in some way even if you are getting it for free!

Hell support twice as much so that way the ones who do get it for free are paid for too! But hey I'm not trying to bring a moral argument on all of you it's your money I'm just saying it doesn't mean you cannot support them regardless. Especially if you're making like 20,000 a month or something higher end paycheck! If it's just chump change to you then help support your fellow artists! Please and thank you!

But yeah piracy it's just something you can't stop. You could try to do it but it's just going to cause more backlash and at the end of the day it's going to take people more away from your art then bring so all you can really do is embargo dates of at minimum a week to max a month but even then somebody's still going to post it. So honestly if you have the funds to support people and they are your favorite artists. Do so regardless if you got though content as long as you got the disposal income! Because they probably do need it. And if you don't they'll get fatigue and then they'll just stop overall I've seen the endless cycle over and over again!

Still. I don't think it's an excuse for why artists like mabo for example who was previously mentioned to be a part of inflate chan can't once in a blue moon come over here and do some simple sketches or something fun? If they really want to just blow off steam. But honestly if I was going to put my money on anything I've seen my fair share of how commissions can be taxing and draining on people they just probably don't have the time. As soon as they go from one commission there probably on to the next one with little in between to go for requests! the chances are if an artist just doesn't simply offer requests it means that they probably just can't do it or no time for it and that's probably the real reason. So it's up to those who can to help out as much as possible doing interesting things! If you don't eventually these threads will bore people in all it will become paid content sharing and a dead website.

It's up to the community to keep things alive! That's the definition of community. If no community to care about such things then eventually it will die.
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Honestly I can just speak from experience but you do know short stacks are a big kink for a lot of people to be honest the type of people I've run into are either people who like short men or women or very tall Amazon's with no in between! But that's what I've seen. But yeah why do you think there's so much goblin porn? And again I'm not going to defend each of these people cuz I don't even fucking know these idiots! But from experience sizes vary from all over there are quite literally pornstars that are 4 feet tall! For example onlyfans models babyakira example below.

The hamster banana meme isn't a myth! Short kings and queens are very real! As for style I can't judge but it could just be cutesy anime styles at fault but again when you're talking about exaggerated cartoons so many different things come into play!.

I don't know I'm not defending those people just giving my own take.
kinda like snoutratart? starting some long comic and then never finishing it?
Yeah. Thing is, The guy makes top-notch inflation content, but never sticks to finishing it. He's said one day he will, and on his patreon he did actually manage to finish some comic where this woman gradually blobifies but that's the only one I can think of. The 2 blueberry ones remain open ended.
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I think I found the exact image you’re talking about. I don’t think this person draws Gorillaz anymore but…
Unless you're new, I'm unsure how you can go without knowing who harlequin141 is being in the 'community'. Used to be very active at a certain point but stopped somewhere around about 2019, made alot of S++ Tier inflation content.
Does anyone know what happened to AlwaysExpanded? She deleted her old account but then she briefly returned with her new account AlwaysExpanded2 before she deleted that one too and was never seen again.

I think some creepy sperg kept doxing her and that's why she left for good.
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some minor twatter drama that popped up on the feed
not the first time skullgeist acted like a retard out of the blue against someone, probably won't be the last

>I think some creepy sperg kept doxing her and that's why she left for good.
yeah wouldn't be shocked if that were the case
Actually that chellchip person is known for drawing the 2005 Willy wonka blueberry scene, even as far as tracing the actual scene but putting her characters in Violet’s shoes.
It’s kind of weird but I’d rather not get into the ethics of it.
he freaks out about pedo stuff so quickly and has to inform everyone about it being bad every week that you just know he's got gigs of it on his computer. he protests way too much

He draws the youngest persona 5 girl and pokemon girls all the time.
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I, a berryfag, would like to see more creativity from the blueberry inflation fetish community. Blueberrification can be explored in ways that don't involve crazy candy making fucks and sticks of gum. You don't have to copy the original movie scenes beat by beat, that's weird and lame. Do something new! Innovate for fuck's sake.
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he tweets so much random bullshit that it makes unbearable to follow him like bro shut the fuck up
but that's literally chipchell's entire shtick, tracing the 05 inventing room scene, putting her characters in the same position
what creative ways can be done besides the gum? i'd like to see more hoses, candles, and potions used
I think 0pik Oort did it best with the first PDE where actual blueberries cause the expansion. Not exactly the most imaginative way but it was depicted perfectly.
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Name 10 unique blueberrification scenarios. Sketch it up.
I used to follow this person, but I had to unfollow them because the insistence recently on doing nothing but head inflation pissed me off
Not that guy but I’ll take a crack at it. Might get convoluted but no more than the wonka scene itself.
>Eating blueberries trigger blueberrification
>Getting directly pumped full of blueberry juice
>Magic, mage messes up their spell and accidentally polymorphs someone/themselves into a berry.
>Curses, a more sinister character with magic abilities (Witch, Warlock etc) berries someone as a fate crueler than death.
>Allergic reaction to blueberries makes a character ironically become one.
>A character with plant physiology, like a dryad, can berry as a result of their natural biology.
>Science berrying, messing around with the genetic code of blueberries and getting it into the human body causes berrification.
>Farmers with unique cultures where they use human beings as livestock, blueberrying them for a reliable source of juice production.
>Blueberrying as a superpower. Comic book/anime abilities get pretty convoluted anyways so why not make up a villain who can turn people into berries as an excuse to see your favorite heroines turned into berries?
>Sci-fi blueberries. A character goes to an alien planet where they find plants which appear to be blueberries. A coincidentally similar appearance does not mean they are safe to eat like real blueberries however, and the character learns a lesson on the dangers of extraterrestrial contaminants the hard way.
Some of these gives off the same situation as the first point and the second point. especially the point 8 and point 10. Shit magic and curses are pretty much in the same category
"burstoid" seems like an annoying bitch
a couple weeks ago he was crying about how he was leaving DA, and deleting his twitter and whatnot
but he still actively posts on twitter, and looks like he just did a comm for someone?
make your mind up you stupid, attention-starved retard
Content starvation leading to people letting total shit slide until we end up with a fetish soup that can't possibly be attractive to anyone. Listen, to each their own but it just seems to get increasingly worse.

First we let burps and farts slide, then that became slob and scat and piss. For whatever reason, the scene attracts a lot of LGBT fans and while that's fine, does the massive dripping twenty foot cock and balls that's cumflating a tiny woman absolutely have to be attached to another woman? The rise of anime means since about 1997 we've had an increasing number of massive-eyed, flat-coloured, pointy chinned magical girls with names unpronounceable to the human tongue because they sound vaguely oriental. Because there is an ENORMOUS overlap between the expansion and furry communities, it was inevitable we had to let furry stuff slide... and now we're flooded with not just furry stuff but scaly shit and dragons and kobolds and... you get the idea.

Annoyingly, because this is the only way to be visible, it means a lot of artists end up drawing shit outside their wheelhouse just to stay relevant... so we have even MORE scat slob futa kobolds. Porn and fetishes are a slippery slope and while you might think it boring, sometimes I just want a regular-looking adult human with big tits, I don't think that's too much to ask is it?
A rule of thumb for morphers is for them to be bitchy for some reason. Burstoid, kagekira, That one awful morpher that makes horrifying faces + body shapes I can't remember the name of, darthvujin (Who before the most recent deletion used to routinely wipe his gallery).
Their ask me anything shit made me unfollow them a long ass time ago. they just spam and ruin your twitter feed if they're on your timeline with shitty posts
>That one awful morpher that makes horrifying faces + body shapes
I want to say that you're talking about triple f.
Honestly doesn't mean shit pink hair doesn't equate to loli. That's as stupid as the weight and height of consent bullshit on twitt! Also if anything looks more like a pokemon girl than anya
Nevermind I take it that in back she looks like a pokemon character gave backshots to a fucking wormy squid from splatoon and this was the cursed offspring!
Damn that made me realize that he hasn't comeback at all since his deletion. Him and probe were working on another collab edit, to which we'll never see the light of day.
Ya know, it's clear all he needed was a breather. But that made me remember when soupmaster went through the same thing and nuked his whole account and moved away from inflation based edits and just settled on making edits of OF users. Tbh I've noticed that some inflation edits just have these mental breaks and the fun just ends. Makes me wonder what's the trigger for this. Is it because they became popular and it feels like all eyes are on them, or the expectation of being the "hot new artist" so they have to edit a celeb that's hot rn?
I'd say a few reasons for one probably burn out, two is as of recently platforms like deviantart are becoming anti morph friendly for fuck sake the official breast expansion server doesn't allow morphs anymore straight up banned! But I guess that brings it to three and that's pc society is changing everything and one of those things beings boob and balloon morphs are getting bad representation along with all the deep fake crap out there! There's becoming no point or reason to risk your career or something internet psycho coming after you and everything you love over a Alison brie morph or something.

It's fun in a pro onlyfans sex work world there's no place for Photoshop porn anymore even if it's straight forward to the point non defamatory.

People still damn you as a demon for anything lately and the recent trend is Photoshop porn hobbyists? But there's just no point in fighting head strong idiots like this. It gets you nowhere!

I think the best example of this in recent memory is that Kickstarter from Sugar in the Muffins. They wanted a decent chunk of change for their upcoming FNAF spoof but they literally threw everything into it and acted like it’s a good thing. I’m not putting down $40 or whatever ridiculous amount for a comic if all I want is hot women getting inflated like balloons until they pop. I don’t want the male, slob, furry, berry, and all the other nasty shit they’re including in it too. If the entire thing was ONLY air inflation like I mentioned, then maybe I’d see it as worth supporting.

Of course, I’d only consider it if a better artist was behind it. They pushed so hard for that damn Kickstarter that I began to really look closely at their work to see why they thought it was worth that much and came up with nothing. A lot of the body shapes are literally copy/paste of their own work, the coloring/lighting looks sloppy, and they love to use the same flat copy/paste of highly detailed nipples that do not match the rest of their set style. Also more of a personal thing but I hate how their air inflation starts with the girl looking like a fat slob before rounding out into an actual balloon shape.

If they focused on just one kink per comic and weren’t lazy with the design I feel like they could be good, but right now it’s not something I would pay for.
No, I see what you mean but I'm talking about someone else, genuinely can't remember their name but he used to be in the riddlercorps crowd
The Berry stuff was great, really need to uncover an archive
A few names come to mind, SBBeaurgarde or SassyViper

But I haven’t seen their works in a long time, from memory SBB did lazy recolours and did a podcast and Sassy kept editing Riddler’s then gf now wife. But both still defend riddlercorps despite the whole scamming the community thing
Well more than air water other liquids and gases are fun slob not some much weight gain can be fun with popping so it's ok I think the thing they teased I like is that just desserts will be how the robots take you out for example a cop being turned into a donut and filled with jelly until they pop. Or example insert caricature with off handed snark that bites them

Or character with a weigh loss disorder getting fattened until bang or heavy thick girl too fat thinking about weight loss all the time to get so much helium she floats until she's confetti! Technically you Lost weight so you've achieved what you wish but you never stated loosing mass so you're mass increased into it's limits until desired bang! Ironic deaths like that are so fun in horror genre. Yeah I know eating disorders can be a sensitive topic but it's horror it's supposed to be you worst ironic fate and it's a kink comic what do you expect womp womp.

But I'd say don't get limited by just air there's more than that but I get it everyone has their own tastes.

Me I personally wouldn't mind seeing plush transformation and stuffing machine bursting maybe at most bodily fluid wise fart and burp inflation but you butt and mouth is corked off giving you no escape. A human bomb made of it's own gases!

But I doubt I wanna see much vore. (unless it's p balloon vore) Or people inflating from there shit and piss backing up
>SBB did lazy recolours and did a podcast
Which podcast? The Blueberry Entity or The Juicing Room?
Sassyviper was the one, thank you and dually fuck you for reminding me of his awful, strained horror faces, lmao. On a serious note it was extremely weird that his friend riddlercorps allowed him to do that shit, knowing he'd probably be getting off to it. That whole side of the community is a mess.
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a three-part sequence
part 1: initial leaving - "all posts will be removed in 48 hours and then twitter thereafter"
part 2: backtracking 2 days later
part 3: bitching about people doomposting, proceeds to doompost
in short, burstoid is a retard who constantly needs attention, already posting a new, public comm
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also, this bitch reminded us how ugly she has gotten within the past year, yeesh
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I'm pretty sure they'll do a twitter shit show afterwards, meh, nothing out of the ordinary, there goes another mediocre artist making a show out of their retirement.
I always see someone hating Yote for a while in these threads, which I can't blame why lmao, but my advice Anon, don't let her live rent-free on your head, she can be as insufferable as she wants to be, and retards will always have her in a pedestal here even though she's mediocre and lame, and the only reason why they follow her it's that she isn't trans, so uhh no, she's not worth of it.
>SBB did lazy recolours
Made me realize that he doesn't add nipples to his edits and that's what's really missing
i don't even think burstoid 'retired' though lol, he's still pretty active by the looks of it
and true about yote, it's not so much 'rent-free' as it is her randomly popping up on my timeline, and when she posted that comparison, i was just so confused why someone would want to do that to themselves lmao
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Again Anon, my advice is just unfollow her, or block her on twitter, like why would you are mad for just looking at her?
Yote proved that she can't take any criticism at all, instead she went crying at twitter blaming this site for feeling like shit when it comes to posting, she's pathetic as any berryfag from either Dickord or Twitter.

Just remember the guy who made a whole coping post about being called a "faggot" due to him constantly nagging about politics, and everyone were freaking out by that when it was an honest opinion, we don't care about their nagging about politics, we care about balloons and expansion content, and in the end of the day, he's the same thing that he criticises, but he just hides it because he has the "High moral".
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I mean obviously they’ve changed how they look a fair bit but they don’t always look as dead as they do in that second pic
Source: their twitter literally 10 minutes ago as of posting this
they look cuter in the second pic
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yeah you'd think that if you're retarded
you missed the point

also, pic related, but what is it with these retards writing "NO AI" on top of their pictures? do they think AI is going to try and use its shitty circle tool art for reference?
If you want something drawn right, you have to draw it yourself.
That circle tool shit. It’s disgusting and a complete turn-off. Learn to draw fluid shapes and better curves before you share it with the world. No one wants to see that kindergarten level shit.
The sheer amount of LGBT in this fetish. They weird me the hell out and I wish they were gone or at least separated far far away from everyone else.
>They weird me the hell out
They're always so paranoid and throw fits over the littlest things and act like gender and sexuality is something that needs to be plastered all over everything and go rabid if you disagree. Most of them being pedos and totally delusional doesn't help either

Why would anyone pay $40 for that trash art?
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>Artist has raffle for TF pics, with a rule that characters must be 18+
>Get curious and look at other entries, see someone enter with a character I recognize.
>Character has huge tits, goes to college, and gets with the MC who also goes to the same college in the middle of the story.
>Artist asks them if the character has an officially stated age (they don’t)
>Entry submitter has to go through hoops, bringing up how the character legally drives in the story, attends college, and literally buys a house through legal means before the artist eventually folds and lets them enter the character.
Christ it’s insane how prudish people are around the ages of fictional characters. I get that people don’t want to be cancelled but it’s ridiculous to obsess so much over numbers instead of how the character is actually portrayed visually. What happened to simple “if it looks like a child it’s pedoshit. If it looks like a sexually mature woman jerk off to it.” common sense? If you're worried about being exposed for something you should worry about being exposed for drawing human balloons to get your rocks off.
Another day of thanking God for not making me a rabid believer in the constitutional rights of fictional characters
>People playing fap police over every anime character like the wouldn't bang Sailor Moon and every pokemon trainer at the drop of a hat
you just made a guy up because you dont actually interact with anyone
I literally don't get why it matters so much. No one is in immediate danger, no one is being harmed mentally or physically, the characters cannot be harmed by what your doing, and I don't think law enforcement gives a fuck what you're drawing as long as it isn't illegal.
You only need one guy to fuck up for people to start causing a slippery slope panic to happen and unfortunately there have been a few mental cases in the weight gain and inflation communities that graduated from fictional drawings to stalking or grooming IRL kids.

And one of those guys that fucked up was MistyStuffer one of the key players in the 2000s expansion community, not so much for any artistic talent but being willing to host a server for those kinds of images when nobody else would. (Before DA was a thing, no less)... hell, I gotta shout out RidiculousCake, a very talented artist with a ton of eyes on them who admitted to briefly stalking some chubby kids at some point.
That's all you need for everyone to start worrying that anyone could turn out like this, or be doing it in secret.
What I don't get is if the fictional character argument is so fucking bad why not accept aged up versions for example a hundred of x idiots even though artists themselves claim their version is age 18 are arguing about Brazilian miku and the creators of the software admitted to everyone mikus age was forced on them by marketing for RELATABILITY and technically miku has no age and that each version is it's own age depending on the users.

But we were all fine and dandy a few years ago making aus with aged up adultified versions of whatever but then patreon got pissy and started a trend of banning pencil lines in this category!

Hell even deviantart now has a line in its tos that we can ban anything we think is a child regardless of canon now! Yeah that's a thing lol

Ok so hid your short stack wife's I guess? But we make these problems in society by calling everything pedo bait and nobody has started to think maybe calling people pedo all the time is causing some reverse psychology shit and people are becoming to desensitized to it all and starting to justify actual crimes? I mean the slippery slope goes both ways

But honestly if you just want my opinion I say it's probably just a coincidence this people are probably genuine pedos and fictional characters just so happen to be involved in it it's like the Columbine kids having doom in there room. Loli or whatever wasn't the problem it was just there just because. And the person did fucked up shit because there messed up people. The Media they consumed is just media.

Everyone blames vaush for Loli content as why he's a pedo but every motherfucker loves to skip the facts this man was actively calling for age of consent laws to be as low as twelve! On adult and child labor laws. And dude loved to cosplay in rp servers as a 8 year old getting pegged by big horse dick! Look it up. Fictional characters aren't the problem there it's just cope to justify why you can call people a pedophile when the SIMPLE FUCKING SOLUTIONS obviously that we should go back to aged up designs and treat pencils like they are instead of trying to compare apples to oranges. But that's just my opinion there's a simple solution to most life's problems and that includes cartoon porn JUST USE YOU'RE BRAIN! Common sense is something we're really lacking as a society!
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It should be fucking easy to not fuck a child like it should be very fucking easy to edit a fictional character however you like because YOU HOLD THE MIGHTY PENCIL! YOU ARE THE CARTOON GOD! YOU SHOULD BE ABLE TO DRAW SHIT HOWEVER YOU FUCKING PLEASE! IF I WANNA DRAW SONIC HITTING THE GRIDDY ON MARIO I SHOULD BE ABLE TO! HES SO GODDAMN OLD HE SHOULD BE 30 BY NOW NOT FUCKING 15!
also Shadow is 50, rouge 18. Bite some nuts!


it's not morally wrong. Your not a pedophile like twitturd tells you guys are. Fuck off and gain some common sense and stop letting idiots judge you for something when they don't even know who you goddamn are! Use your fucking brains and not let cancel culture keep up there goddamn shit because it's causing literal people to physically die! I'm not kidding there has been suicides from shit like this so be a decent human being and not push people to kill themselves for once! OVER A FUCKING CARTOON!
We have always been MtF since the beginning. The reverse is a new thing tho.
I'm mean I got it no one wants to fuck a 17 year old or under. Just tell that to writers out there. But that said like I said

>you are cartoon god
>You hold the power of the pencil
>You can draw whatever you like as an adult if you please! If someone doesn't like it draw them with a small penis!
>The cringehavers are a minority stop letting them ruin human life's!
I'm mean I get it no one wants to fuck a 17 year old or under. Absolutely no one wants that disgusting shit! No reasonable person at least! Just tell that to writers out there. But that said like I said

>you are cartoon god
>You hold the power of the pencil
>You can draw whatever you like as an adult if you please! If someone doesn't like it draw them with a small penis!
>The cringehavers are a minority stop letting them ruin human life's!
I'm pretry sure Ian Flynn confirmed the Sonic characrer ages are no longer canon.
Also the constant harrassing of people over drawings of fictional characters, and then those same people wonder why lolicons hate them and/or are often far-right fascists.
Try telling anyone that the only real sexuality is straight and that the only real gender is the one you're born as or that you don't want queers near your children and they'll always attack you for it. it's REAL
Ok again if you don't like trans people in your sexual preferences way then more power to you it's fine if you're preference is born as or what not no one is gonna stop you from fucking whatever you want as long as it's legal and consensually. But you're comment isn't about being catfished or anything of the sort which I know is a common problem people have with such things.

Your far removed and going into "gay people shouldn't exist please die" for that fuck yourself kindly with a electric fork please! And may you make a speedy healthy recovery but with tons of anal pain! Because I'm not one of these x psychotic fucks who are gonna tell you to kys. But I will hope you inflicted with irritating meticulous brief pain at least once in your life from this transgression.

Your a bait comment meant to stir up shit in a otherwise calm and decent human discussions about life to cause catfights so we all shove hoses in our asses and blow ourselves into fat blimps for your amusement. And I say to you good sir if you wanted to see me big and fat you could have just asked I don't need a baited excuse to shove helium up my ass!
Well then what are they now because he's still a kid in the movie version. I know it's a reboot but it's kinda vague and creators can stop this kind of crap by just giving a vague enough is 18+ answer. For example everyone on Reddit or something was arguing shantae the genies age when the creator flat out had enough and said she's canon 18 and up. All it takes is people get weirdo past that as long as a character is Canon adult nobody can't be talking anymore crap! But again common sense and just age crap up and fuck public opinion as honestly a cartoon doesn't make you a pedo lol touching actual children for sexual pleasure does. And no jan I don't mean you're 4 foot short queen wife! I mean actual kids 17 and under.

>Pencil lines don't count
>Your short wife or husband either
You sound like a schizophrenic ape
Isn’t the person who made that pic a pedophile? If I’m not wrong, it’s that wetback chick who follows a ton of sus people.
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this is more site-related than having to do with our so-called "community" but since this thread is for things that piss you off
>anons who ask "source? source? source?"
>the source is obviously in the filename
That’s what makes chans great though. When some retard comes asking about stupid stuff like that you can call them every slur in the book and shame the shit out of them without getting banned by mods. Call him a nigger anon, it will make you feel better I promise.
...well no shit. It's almost like hatred and dehumanization of a group of people is completely abnormal and will upset rational human beings. You are NOT the victim for that.
Don't side with the delusional perverts and pedophiles, please. Be on the right side of history.
>>124281 Tom Hardy "That's bait." clip
>rational human beings
I mean I know blueberry editors lurk here! Definitely could do some rash edits of you wish of this adult cutie? That or luma or vidu ai that shit works magic on turning anyone into a balloon!
I'll defend that flattening and inflation one they definitely cooked on that one! Why the hell didn't we have a flattening thread at all before? Inflation goes hand and hand with it
I loathe artists who upload non-paywall images to deviant art and will NOT allow you to view the full resolution in any way

>>Character has huge tits, goes to college, and gets with the MC who also goes to the same college in the middle of the story.
lmao was it uzaki
only retarded faggots get mad over uzaki and her dumb tits at this point, they're on par with the closeted homosexuals that get mad at the girl in dress up darling

personally I blame tumblr autists spreading brain rot over how morally vile you are if you dare to not follow these flimsy canon "ages" of characters
tl;dr what >>124229 said, don't be an embarrassing queer over cartoons
That's weird? Usaki chan does have a official age though it's 19 to start 20 in later arcs.
Almost as if being a dumbass and wishing death on innocent people is something to be ashamed of, bastard

She’s very pretty so naturally I want to see her get pumped up into a straining balloon with her eyes squeezed tight and gritting her teeth just so I can slam the pump down one more time to turn her into rubber scraps fluttering all over the street.

Huh. When I write it out I realize how fucked my brain is. Anyway if any morphers want to pump her up I’d say please and thank you
Do you even hear yourself, Anon? You're not the victim, telling people to kill themselves just shows you're a horrible person.
Dawg stfu, it's flooded with hellresident's art, not even a bunch of different artists,just a shitty morpher.
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It was actually Eiko from Dark Gathering, I didn't even realize how similar Uzaki was until you brought her up. But yeah same thing applies to both, it's particularly awful with Uzaki because idiots think her being short means she's a child.
As a long-time member of the blueberry community, I’m sick of these people who make shitty and borderline pedophilic morphs of actual children. I’m not the kind of moron who bitches about anime girls but I believe that people who use the actresses as references and whatnot should get their nuts chopped off.
It's actually stupider people think she's a child because she's got a baby face like Betty boop lol which I wouldn't be surprised if you told me inspired her because head shape similar.

But height of consent,weight of consent, twittter users make all kinds of dumb subcategories like that the funniest has to be the anything under 5 heads tall is a child. Which was proven wrong with IRL pornstars for comparison as well as a photo of herself in which someone quoted I guess your a twelve year old lmfao! But no one takes into consideration logic like humans even adults come in different sizes! Diseases even exist that make us shorter than average and the funniest thing about comparing height to photos is perspective is always off ask any artist! Point. You can't just a person by their body type not to mention it's technically body shaming. Which is something offensive to these people but with arguments like this technically makes them guilty of it? But news flash something is always gonna offend someone. Nothing makes anyone 100% happy so that's why we always live by the nobody's perfect rule or at least we used too
(186 KB, 908x1185, Tohru_(Dragon_Maid).png)
But I got another fun one for you

>Dragons older than humanities existence

>Comes to earth to live a good life

>Needs a job but can't just put timeless deity on job resume

>Fakes age because she lives in place Japan

>choose 16 because it's this places adult consent age and you know nothing about earths customs so you just go with whatever suits best

>Bird person on Twitter sees they do bare minimum research

>Screams child and pedo under every post they can find regarding the ancient dragon girls
People are stupid..

Funny thing is If anyone's the pedo it's kanna here because she's a 1,000 year old dragon trying to get it on with a ten year old! But that's a whole different can of cursed worms which I don't defend! But torou liilu etc. are adults stop treating it as anything but for fuck sake touru has a relationship with Kobayashi a 25 year old woman and acts the same with her as any adult. This wouldn't be a problem if it we're a old Funimation dub they'd just post edit it to 18 to shut people up like they did for the hooker girl in gunsmith cats.
the discourse is just so fucking stupid
>underage is when the anime girl is short

the history revisionism over dragon maid is insane
the first season was a total darling of the tumblr/titter rainbow flag brigade, they completely ignored riko lusting after kanna and lucoa doting over shouta
and then season two happened and suddenly the show is for pedophiles

my theory: normies just couldn't handle ilulu and it made them sour on the whole thing
if the character looks like a child, acts like a child, and GOES TO A PRESCHOOL like a child. it's a child. wanting to fuck kanna makes you a pedophile. stop being in denial, it only makes it worse. just keep it to yourself, and keep it to drawings. why is this simple shit too much for some people to understand?

Literally the going to preschool shit is the definitive proof. Keep it in the fucking closet. Quit embarrassing yourself by arguing the fact.
(36 KB, 375x625, ilulu_2_by_trewq0_dhfyelr-375w.jpg)
Who's arguing on fucking kanna if anything less she's being called a pedo because there are legit scenes where she's dry humping and playing twister with a goddamn ten year old. But that's a different fucked up topic and If any the only logical debate that could be made about the series.

People are talking about how obviously idiots like you fail to do TEN MINUTES OF FUCKING RESEARCH to see the logistics of a characters age.

Height and weight and whatever the body type is does not equivalent to age.

Personally doesn't either because characters like Harley Quinn act all baby voice fetish and hop around like a goddamn highschool cheerleader yet clearly a adult.

Majority of the 1,000 year old tropes people bitch about are of characters that are magical beings or fantasy based like dragon elfs dwarfs do I need to go on because I could give you a Tolkien or rr martin list full of the fuckers! And in Media these characters yes even Western tend to be ancient!

Frieren for example age 1,000

Galadriel age 8,000 5,000 in rings of power.

Both elfs!

You can't call one a child without calling Galadriel one too!

Logic is all people ask and all people want to do is call people pedos for imaginary pencil lines that done exist and further rot the line and meaning of pedos which are vile sick fucks who which to abuse and harm child. Cartoons harm no one yet if you did two minutes research you'd realize your trying to argue a 30 year old short person is a fucking whiny baby that shits insulting to anyone 4 feet or shorter!

Honestly try to argue against this as all I'll see it as is more click farm bait bullshit! Do some fucking research and realize your cartoon waifu isn't real trying to treat these things as such takes away from actual victims of abuse. So stop your self righteous bullshit crusade
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Speaking of first topic I love how everyone always depends kanna and call her a wholesome bean child but yet don't talk about the fucked up fact she's a thousand year old dragon dating a 10 year old human

>Human being the key word

Kanna has years the other girls literally 10! And every scene featuring her with this girl is her instigating sexually explicit incidents or accidents. Yet everyone is like is like aww little drwagon wolili doswent know any better!


call mother fucking Kendrick because she a goddamn fan in disguise and has you all fooled!
There's a very simple explanation, but you're not going to like it.

I mean yeah I get what you mean sadly their are some actual edp creeps in this community as their probably is in many communities but that said I know not everyone's attracted to blueberry because minor genuinely people just love the expansion type. But I have seen genuine enough people who do care about it and not just push it under the rug to know it's not as many as you think at best maybe 5% of the community or at worst 25% are hooked on that damn violet scene child and all but a good chunk aren't. That's all I can really say to be honest I'm not the biggest blueberry fan myself I can only judge what I've seen
the whole crux of the problem is that autistic losers don't care that it's kept to drawings
if anything, the fact that they're drawings makes them shit their pants even harder for some stupid reason
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How can you guys be able to comprehend hundreds of years old dragons taking the form of humans but don't have the mental faculties to know different things like this have different perceptions of time; As a dragon, Kanna is still for all intents and purposes is still really young and with the mentality that comes with that. For fucks sake, people have been flooding Frieren all over the place and you guys still can't figure that out?!

Wonkafags are cultists; had she been grown up while they were filming the movie, they would be deifying that instead.
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Peak inflation morphers when they have to keep making amazing morphs (they wanna make the shittiest inflation drawings you've ever seen instead)

(Why does this happen so often, and why do all of them suck?)
They probably just get tired of only doing morphs so they want to branch out a little while still making inflation content.
>>125405 some of jinglevellrock's drawings are really good, if they fit the style of what he's drawing. burstoid and kagekira, on the other hand... that's rough
Something legitimately needs to be done about The Hungry Lurker. The guy cannot control himself when it comes to starting hostilities with fetishes he dislikes. He's been banned several times from 4chan and often brings his deranged superiority complex to cause problems here.
I didnt know the art was theirs, I thought they were just posting other peoples stuff. Looks way too similar to other artists.
Contrary to popular belief, the age of consent is the legal age in which two people can legally have sex. Nothing to do with adulthoot, THAT would be the age of majority/adulthood, but nobody on the internet understands that.
Moral of the story: anime should have never gone mainstream.

I'm thinking death by 1000 braps.

In other news that pisses me off, it appears harlequin141 has gone dark again after posting all of their patreon shit.
Care to name some names anon
Don't forget Bluekream. They quit editing and went into drawing
>>123230 (OP)
Please ask mods to make it impossible to start a new thread without solving a quizz beforehand.
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A lot of people have different arguments about stuff like that. Twittter idiots say you have to be twenty five to mid thirties to start having sex! And weirdos like sneako say technically you're old to fuck when you start to bleed. And honestly it's so dumb to me? 18+ is perfect age for intimate relationships! Now I know technically it's been dragged as it was originally 20 before political voting lowered it so you can vote as young as 18, but let's look at it logically. Sneakos method is way too young, the mind has yet to fully mature! Yet although people argue you aren't fully adult until you're 30 that's way to damn old to start living your life! We barely live to be 100 if we're lucky!

There will always be those who have their arguments but in my eyes my mama raised me 18 Plus until you're ready to party and that's how it's gonna stay. At 18 I'm allowed to fuck whoever from people my same age to a motherfucker in his 30s to 60s if I do choose to chase that huge Hefner $ money bag if i like fuck the age gap bullshit!

If I'm 18 I can party and fuck and drive too

Real age to fuck is 18 and fictional characters don't fucking matter stop giving a shit about pencil drawings! Stop being mental cases. Thank you and good night!

Burstoid, Jinglevellrock, Kagekira
Retraction from my post above. I meant Bluecream, not Jinglevellrock. Mb guys
Who are they talking about
16 tb of CP, and that's just on his hard drive

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