
>>122167 (OP)
Fuck off wanker, there's a fucking thread for sources idiot
Please check the catalog before posting a new thread.

OP posted a unique woman who doesn't currently have a thread in the catalog with a video I haven't seen around before, so I'm not sure what issue you two have. Is it because they only posted one? I for one would love to see more Molly McGuire stuff, and rarely ever see threads for her.
>OP posted a unique woman who doesn't currently have a thread
This is what we're trying to stop. We can't have threads for every woman because we don't have the catalog space for that.
Please use >>2982 (Cross-thread) and >>88175 (Cross-thread) before continuing to make threads for individual models.
yes, let's open a fifth blueberry treat instead, there are far too few of them...

I understand the problem, but maybe something else needs to be cleaned up first.
What do you think we're doing? We're telling them to stop, too. You can help us.
OK, tell me how I can stop these retards from filling the whole forum with their blueberry trash.
and I will do it with pleasure.

Don't misunderstand me, every topic can have its own thread.

but look at them, they are too stupid to find their own thread and just open a new one.

I don't know, or maybe they think that their blueberry garbage is something special and therefore absolutely needs its own thread.
Do what we're doing:
>See >>(insert post number of an already existing thread)
This makes spammers so mad they can't help themselves and complain in the TTPYO general.
>Don't misunderstand me, every topic can have its own thread.
>but look at them, they are too stupid to find their own thread and just open a new one.
Both of these are why we tell opening posters of new threads to check the catalog.
Yeah no ya'll can fuck off. "Things that Piss
you off" 3 and 4 are still up so there's space for anything with more interest than a dead thread.

Also OP posted content I'll like to download, not a sauce or beg
When a thread hits bumplimit we make a new one and continue the discussion. Can Molly McGuire get 400 posts?
Wow came here expecting someone to make some use of a probably not so nessasary thread but all I get is people bitching! Post content MFS!

>>122375 yes technically permanent bans but it's a double edged sword it will probably be a broken mess that turns everyone away and causes conundrums! So there's no point if it detours users to go somewhere less restrictive.

But you can simply counteract this by posting content of the topic at hand! Instead of bitching. Maybe it will see traction? Maybe not? You won't know unless you try!
Plus threads like this will always be useless! Because air bridge is only a 3 day link hoster! You could stop this by creating a paid content general and pinning it to top page permanently! But no mod wants to do that!
Well do you want a flood of useless threads? There's points to be made hear and it's pick one over the other really.
Let's do what >>122277 does and make threads so general that the super-specific ones stick out like a sore thumb.
I'm hearing a lot of bitching and zero contributing to our crippling porn addictions. So I guess I'll go ahead and do that for y'all:


My only request is anything that's not TMC garbage.

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