
(120 KB, 255x331, nikki_belly_inflation.png)
Here's a new thread for this subject since the last one got filled up. So here's stuff for inflation scenes within media (TV shows, Movies, etc.)
Previous thread?
Ok, so for recap this list represent all the scenes me must find
-Dutch kid show from the 2000's where a cute witch blows up like a countdown due a saleman stole her book

-Chessy 90's movie where a inventor makes an autoreplicating burger eich is eaten by a woman, causing her to swell up and explode

-2000's horror movie where a young pretty woman with a top and jeans is on an old victorian house with a villain, wich causes her to expand and expand until she explodes in white liquid, and reapears inside

-And someone said on the previous thread something about Claire Knows it all or smt idk
Also i forgot to put that there is a posibility for an scene on a Netflix series called "Dont watch this" where a model gets fatter by her photoshoper (? until she explodes, this scene may also be a resmembering from Photoshot horror btw

And well, here are the most of scenes i have been recollecting in all this years (i just copy pasted my post from bodyinflation.org xd), under my opinion atleast body transformation into something much larger counts as inflation btw

Goku Midnight Eye: An assasin gets inflated via a small robotic bug wich inserts helium in its victims until they explode

In the Alien's Kidnapped comic there is a kind of xenomorph wich causes it victim's blood to boil and make the person burst:

https://readcomiconline.li/Comic/Aliens-Kidnapped/Issue-3?id=189592&s=&readType=0#20 2: https://readcomiconline.li/Comic/Aliens-Kidnapped/Issue-3?id=189592&s=&readType=0#21

Volta:I dont know a lot the context, just that a kind of superhero woman eats a bomb to save the people of the Mall and gets briefly inflated in the process a la The MASK


Patient breaths helium and float away prank:Just a typical prank video where a patient pretends to inflate her belly with helium


Vampire the masquerade bloodlines: One of the powers in this game makes the enemies to swell up and burst like balloons

Persona Franchise: At persona 5 tactical repaint there are whole society of gals wearing mouse costumes and then another woman makes them to bloat and explode horribly into paint, sadly the designs of the mouses-gurls its too cute for me but anyways
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q7NottWSTrw 14:31

And at Persona 4: Dancing All Nigh, one of the girls of the team gets turned into a giant obese inflatable clown as her dark shape, wich uses her torso as a kind of face but if we look closely to her hat and limbs we can see that she has a head inside that hat, and when you're nearly to defeat her she swells up even further and then explodes into her human form


i dont know a lot the context, just a woman dressed as violet blowing up:


Comedy Big league: i think in this threatical comedy a woman drinks coke and explodes?...or smt?


This one's bad, but i think it still counts

1:54:47 https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=RXKWSF06Dzc

Gravity Rush 2: This is of what i meant with transformation stuff, in here this woman bloats and swells into a giant blob with faces and limbs, but the interesting part is how she bloats up when she starts to mutate, its better watching it in slow motion

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6K1Q5RSrzyE 5:25:0

Sandy - "Khitit Jimmy": this one is nice under my opinion, there is a fat woman who uses a potion to become skinnier but then loses it effect causing her to bloat up


53:45 and 1:11:35

Japanese News: i think someone in here knows something about a woman called Samantha Munns or smt, well Japan made a new's recreation about it


Banco La Nacion: i think this one is well known, but theres an inflation scene in this air where this woman inhales too much air


Junhi Ito's Liminal Zone - Demon Dust King: A woman gets turned into a dust-sucking monster, and at the end of the manga the kid throws a lot of dust at her, wich she inhales, and causes her to inflate and then explode in dust

ACMofficial: this horror short films account surprisingly has 3 expansion videos:




Der Educator: Miraculously an user at bbw chan posted the so long lost der educator inflation scene, its pretty underwhelming due the huge amount of mystery around it, but is still worth a watch


In a topic on this same website someone spoke about this tv ident:


theres a show called Selena, where she is a kind of goddes or something, and she makes a lot of challenges with Hades, one of them its how big they can inflate like balloons https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3oOJ-2rhmOk&pp=ygUTU2VsZW5hIGJvbHVtIG9seW1wYQ%3D%3D 5:40

Final Fantasy VIII: The Wendigo has an attack that inflates the character and uses it like a ball https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x220ak

Gokuu Densetsu: Magical Beast Warriors: This is a psx obscure fighting game wich one of the characters can inflate his opponents, in here we can see him inflating the Nezha Gal



Shararat: someone wrote about this scene in an old forum of this website, but the link was broken, heres a new one



Perfume: this is gold




cross of the seven jewels: I think a woman doesn't want to stay in the cult, so the fluffy leader of it makes her bloat and burst


Maria's Stomach: this one isn't pretty, but atleast its not completly bad, this scene honestly reminder me of Creosotte Explosion. There is a giant obese witch wearing a sexy red tunic with long cleavage, she wants to eat the main character, but thankfully the main character's bf gives her a corpse, the thing is that this corpse its infected with some toxins wich cause her to inflate and explode. This one its very creepy and weird


around 1:28:55

Well those are my contributions, please if you have some obscure scenes please post them
Scenes added since i post that:
There's a Harry Potter TCVG where we can use the famous inflating charm, sadly the victims inflate face down. https://www.youtube.com/watchv=DAQso409GW4
Cute bootleg of Casper i saw when i was a toddler, i forgot its existence until someone post the scene on youtube

There's a fighting game called "GetampedX" wich has an item called "POP'n balloonist" wich causes the user to be able to inflate enemies and themselves

im not sure, but i read somewhere that there was an inflation scene i think on a movie called "We're all going to the world's fair", i think the main character swells up when she sleeps or smt? im not sure cuz i haven't find a way to check this scene yet, but some help would be apreciated

an user of BodyInflation.org called InflathingClothes post this scene wich, oh boy, despite it sillyness and cheesyness...fullfills my both kinks, muscle growth (? and inflation.


damn, finding an (better) woman strongfat inflation scene would be neat
Jesus, that last thread felt like it came and went like a box of Kleenex. I’m kinda curious now, how many posts/pics can a thread hold before it suddenly gets a big red X and then it goes bye-bye?
About 400 to 401 is the usual limit from what I've seen.
Btw no one have find new information about them?

Maybe we should ask if its possible to have this thread pinned like the tmc thread or beg thread, since its way more relevant than the 100 specific kind of art threads in most pages.
>>122011 (OP)
Oh and from last thread I've now watched "We're all going to the world's fair" about 5 times searching through it and there's no scene where she inflates or fattens or w/e while sleeping or at any other time. There's a somewhat creepy moment where the dude watching her who is double her age highlights her body but her body doesn't change at all throughout the movie (from what I've seen) if someone else is able to find smth please post the timestamp.
ok, also, i heard there was a movie called Whisperer of Death where some people where inflated with blood until they drown or smt by an evil force, also i heard it will have a sequel this october
>>122124 I believe it's called Death Whisper
nice :3, another job well done...But....isn't she too young? I hope the sequel brings older inflatees
At the end of the movie the sister who's been possessed also has her belly inflated, I'll see if I can get it in webm form
Nice, also btw someone knows if Claire Knows it all contains an scene? an user on the previous thread speak about it and left us with the doubt
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So honestly I've had this ultimate goal for a while of compiling different types of media scenes all together as sort of "short films" for the community. But for some reason even here nothing is archived or really kept together. On my own I cut clips down to just their inflation/wg/expansion scenes but could def use some help. The first step to getting this to work is to lobby the moderators/admins to pin this thread cause /inf/ is a fckin mess. Millions of pointless too specific art threads when stuff like the AI inf thread, this thread, morph req, and other truly useful and interesting threads should all be pinned.
Atm I have maybe 30-40 diff clips from diff things that I have cut myself and am thinking of compiling. I also have saved links to tons of things like advertisements and other media clips on yt. But the process of compiling them would be very tedious and time consuming. Honestly if anyone wants to do the same and make their own clipped videos pls respond here and I will be happy to give you all the resources I use.>>122011 (OP)
And source of AI pic is Dieclone on DA
My friend, you get it. I made a forum at Body Inflation Org where i posted all the scenes i know, and for make the users post the ones they know. I also know some lost scenes
Also could you please post the scenes btw in here? If you want to post them here of course
i need onion links
Do you have the full chapter? If not then its ok
Its not worth getting but eh if you like Ito here's the full thing and the other 3 ch. of liminal zone 2

https://dREPORT MY POST/title/141270-the-liminal-zone-season-2/2525936-ch_1
the build up to her showing up full of dust should be great but nothing happens, she's filled with dust(with no bodily changes) then she chases the mc and just reappears inflated and then explodes.
Oop I forgot about links its dto .to
This is how I've found some things in the past, cinemorgue and movie and tv death wiki also have categories for body explosion
Not crazy helpful but there have been some unique examples. For instance in one supernatural episode a girl is possessed by an angel and her body does look fuller than before and then she bulges out and explodes.
wait, really? send link please. wait...her eyes bulge out? oh no, her face looks bloated but her body doesnt.....or her bodi does? i haven't saw that scene on a while
(2.6 MB, 240x180, svbq6r-500.webm)
a ident from "einstein kanal" where a red-haired woman in a room with many balloons gets inflated and pops

can anyone try to find a hd version of this
So its a little underwhelming but give me some time and I'll try to post a variety pack on mab today. Basically in the scene she's posing wide and after the holy energy goes down her throat she looks wider than she did before as if she's more filled out but its a bit underwhelming. Then she holds her belly and the next scene her face(kind of grossly) bulges out before blood splatters everywhere.
(3.6 MB, 426x240, Video_2024_08_12_16_55_36.webm)
After a long long search I found it, from what I read this episode was banned but I still found it.
Might be possible if you look for shapeshifter kills in the wikis or google?
If anyone would like a certain clip cut that isn't already in my folder, finds smth new you'd like archived, or is a classic you don't see in the drive. Message me in this thread, or reply to this message with the name or link to what you want added and I will clip/add it. I don't plan on removing this drive and its at 1/20th of the storage rn so I've got plenty of room to work with.
Sadly I don't think there will ever be one, I will attempt to upscale it but it might actually turn out lower quality since the original is a 144p tv advert
the thumbnail
Maria's Stomach
i think persona 5 tactical had some, along persona 4 dance all night
mario wonder
MOSTROSCOPY, the game is released, but is too weird for someone make an exact footage of the character known as Lisa inflate others.
Gokuu Densetsu: Magical Beast Warrior
Final Fantasy VIII
Banco La Nacion
Der Educator
Sandy - "Khitit Jimmy"
Comedy Big league
Also i see you put head inflation too, so you can also add "body transformation into something bigger" or "round muscle growth"? honestly i dont like head inflation but i know some people do, so thats why im asking if you can also add that
and if the awnser is yes, at a game called Gravity Rush 2 a angel woman bloats into a monster, the monster itself is ugly, the thing is how she transforms, her body briefly bloats up. All of this is on the list i made above
Yes actually I could easily add those and if thats what you're into, I will find and add the two oni transformations from that one obscure jrpg along with the scene of the muslim girl from the troma chicken zombie movie when she bulks up and then explodes.
But I have a couple questions, in final fantasy 8 do you mean the wendigo attack? Because its really not worth keeping or posting. Quality and effect are bad.
Second question, when you say
"body transformation into something bigger" or "round muscle growth"
Did you have any specific clips matching that description other than the three I just mentioned that aren't in the folder?
Oh and all the other ones you mentioned are ez to add and I can do that by tomorrow probably.
Oh and I forgot to mention, monstroscopy actually is not released. Release date says its in October. I went to try and buy it once I saw the move but its not out.
Any chance you can upload these to google drive ? Filen doesn't wanna work for me
Sorry man no can do, maybe you have to make an acct? but it would be worth it.
But I won't just say no without explaining, I would do google drive but it keeps records of ppl and some ppl aren't okay with that and drives with nsfw or lots of videos tend to get reported. But like I said in my first post, I'm not breaking any copyright with clips or the public videos reuploaded and filen has no rules about nsfw unlike google. So unless someone is on /inf/ but really hates ppl having a decent reliable archive I doubt it'll get reported.
But if somebody else wants to take the google reigns and host a drive of the folder I'm not gonna complain, I'd even be happy to update them when I've added more so we can keep both current.
What chicken movie ? Thats exactly the kind of things im looking for :D. So what movie is?
And for the question, i dont exactly know any clip right now except the gravity rush one, but i thought it would be easier to find bc you wouldnt have to just look for explicit inflation and/or weight gain
I think they might be referring to Poultrygeist: Night of the Chicken Dead. I tried to watch it once. There was a literal shit joke in the first 5 minutes.
I found it...and i gotta say it was pretty underwhelming..i expected something more like Hulk's death on what if
Yep its poultrygeist. Near the end of the movie the comedically muslim girl drinks a jug of steroids and busts out of her clothes with a bad looking muscle suit but before they show the muscle suit it looks pretty good. Then her eyes pop out and her head also inflates before she falls down seemingly dead(only to reappear at the end in a bikini and suicide bomb the zombies and restaurant)
I found the clip so I'll add it rn
wait i got confused. She "Revives" at the end, and wears a bikini, and she inflates and explodes?
Its even worse, she's in a full muslim cover the whole movie. Then drinks the jug and gets muscular, inflates and falls over. Then at the end of the movie she shows up in a bikini and using a suicide bomb she kills the rest of the zombies. her "death" by muscles is just a gag for her to show up at the end super hot under her robes
Gentlemen,I believe we have wasted our lives with Poultrygeist. And I don't mean that in an inflation scene sense,the movie genuinely blows.
thats dissapointing...... i wish there were a real great inflation scene where a woman bulks up, then bloats, then explodes.
For cleaning up the bad taste of that "scene", someone found new info about the reddits?. Also i been wondering, have ever a woman on media exploded due space vacuum? i saw a lot of males in media explodes, but a woman? and not a plain explosion like 1000 ways to die
Honestly one of the worst movies I've ever seen, classic Scifi level quality.
So sorry to say but basically a demon is just puppeting person after person but can impersonate others or make the soldiers hallucinate. The scene mentioned is the "horny soldier" whose entire character is being horny for the first 20 minutes then dying going with a random nude woman who rounds a pillar and then turns out to be a large zombie man controlled by the demon. There's no transformation at all. The doctor character who gets possessed early does *kind of* transform but not in any good way she just turns blonde and pale and grows boils.
oh, thats dissapointing, but well, thanks for looking up
btw no one knows any woman strongfat inflation scene?
Uh well...I don't really know what to say but at the moment while I did find some other clips and will upload them to the archive folder and reformat it. I also used the clips I gathered to complete a totally unexpected project on my end. I can't upload it here but it will be in the folder within the hour once I fix it up. I hate surprises so if anyone is even on rn and sees this and is old enough to remember it, on bodyinflation.net and lutherkanes old video archive and even inflation nation the probably first ever body inflation music video was made and is still up on there to this day. Feeling a lil crazy, I ended up making a new and improved version with some more modern clips and editing and also editing over all the random male moments used back then because of how rare female inflation was. So I am very proud and honored to announce here tonight the unveiling of Pump my Body to The Top: 2.1
So...I may have gone a lil crazy while finding and collecting clips and if anyone is old enough to remember it from Kane's old mediasite or inflation nation I've redone the first and classic Pump my Body to The Top with some newer and better known clips, edited over all the random male scenes they must've included since how rare female inflation was back in the late 90s-2000s and edited it so its hopefully enjoyable. I am proud and honored to say "**Pump my Body to The Top:2.1" will be unveiled in the archive I uploaded which I will also be redoing and fixing up and adding a heap of other clips. I really couldn't and wouldn't have done this without seeing such an amazing and positive helpful community here that brought me back to the days we'd all be chatting in forums or medias about scenes we saw once on tv. Thank you everyone!
Whoops, browser said my first post failed but it appeared with the second one I made XD
your original link is dead.
Alr just checked it and it works, thx for all the clip suggestions guys I'm going on a sort of vacation for 2 weeks without my pc but I hope the spirit of discovery and community here carries on thru. And that you all find some enjoyment from the archive or my edits, and hopefully somebody notices the funny easter egg I included in the updated music video.
Also i been thinking, i thought i said it when i said the transformation thing, but now i see in the post haven't. What about "body horror inflation"? Like, on a game or movie a woman mutates into a gigantic and bloated blob or smt, or inflates in a bubbly way like on Psycho-Pass, i think the R/Alternative or smt of BBW-CHAN got a thread about this, wich sadly got abandoned
What am I exactly supposed to do with this because it's not pulling up properly for me I feel like the link has been deliberately damaged and I'm supposed to remove something but what or add something back in
i always been wondering, what secrets lie on the "wasted lands", i mean, on websites like Expansion-Mansion or the Inflation Vault by 123Inflation, or the Old fetish-fad website, what kind of scenes lied on those pages? i feel like if someone found a way to recover them, or atleast remember what were on those sites long ago would make a great inprove on the scenes thing. Cuz there are a lot of scenes hidden under our noses, like the Selena or the Maria's Stomach one
Well yes, atleast on the drive. Buy honestly that fits more like vore than inflation or expansion
Really is that hard for a movie to have a woman bulging into a blob monster or smt? Or we are searching wrongly, what other words can be used for "inflation" so i can use them as keywords? I already used swell, bloat, puff, turns into a bloated, etc
You could try looking on the way back machine, that might bring up stuff that's been a bit lost to time
I tried to do so, but the waybackmachine dont have those sites archived, or atleast their videos
Any updates on the lost scenes or new scenes found? Also i dont know if games non-fetish mod counts as scenes, but i always seen a "fat mod" for GTA V, but i can't find it anywhere. Someone knows what happened?
something that always bugs me its the fact that always the revies of Portrait in Crystal say "peoples inflating like balloons and exploding" not "a man inflating like a balloon and exploding". Someone can find if there is another victim on this movie? idk why but as i try to find there is no other, maybe you will find it
Ok this is. But the issue here is, are there more scenes than the one with the man of the start or not?
Also, i heard there is an inflation scene at Evangelion 3.0 where the remade body of Rei swells up and explodes
Also im not sure but there is a movie called Cyst 2020 wich maybe has some inflation elements?
i think here is an inflation scene at this video
Also i remember reading something about a russian cinematic artist or smt at BodyInflation.org that on one of her works called "Plastic Woman 2" she used a kind of skinsuit under her clothes and inflate it, for give the impression she was the one swelling up, any ideas?
Also, are you sure there are zero scenes at Cyst?
Where did you find the other episodes? I've been looking for forever
What's this? I'm a little new to this sorta thing
What's what specifically?
Not finding the episode or the rest of Gegege no Kitaro 2007 via this... Ah well
(990 KB, 508x376, di0oawh-b83e084a-c735-4424-9431-b7b8de9843da.gif)
There's a 2000s Quebec sitcom called Une Grenade Avec Ca? (A grenade with that?) which apparently features some butt expansion. In s2e8 a woman returns to work with a virus that expands her ass and she spreads it to her female coworkers as well.

Problem is I can't find this anywhere and I'm not the best at scrubbing the internet for this sort of thing. Hope someone can help out!
Btw someone have found or remember any other full body inflation scenes? Doesnt matter how "gross" or "disturbing" it is as long its a woman habing her waist bigger
I read about an inflation scene at a movie called Demonium, where a woman with a blue dress at dinner has her belly inflated and then exploded
Also i think there is a japanese horror series called Sealed Videos, and the episode 67 its about nebutori, where a woman becomes fatter in the night. But i can't find it anywhere, i hope someone can find this
oh yeah i forgot about that, its a shame that they didn't put this on the remake. Good find
yeah i saw it and its underwhelming, dang, the other video i posted is better. But still thanks a lot, i literally didnt find any way to see this and you found it, despite its underwhelming its a great work
The reddit comment said Cabin Fever: Patient Zero (2014) and it's streaming on Tubi. I scrubbed through it and did not see anything they were taking about
D a n g. Why the heck a lot of users use words like "inflate" when there isnt any kind of inflation? First the World affair thing, now this. I think we must find an ever more reliable word for searching
I found a video clip from a film called The Little Ghost (2014). It may have been mentioned before in the previous thread. It’s female body expansion but it’s not a great quality clip
If you live in the United States, you can find it on Tubi and the time stamp starts at 5:00
Something interesting i been thinking, what about we try to search scenes on other languages and foreign websites, Like using a traslator for search stuff on Japanese at BiliBili, due technically there are a lot of buried inflation scenes on semi-lost media of other countries. With semi-lost media i mean obscure movies that no one knows or even heard of but you can find easily if you have the name. For example Maria's Stomach, i found that searching in japanese
(232 KB, 719x1100, Screenshot_2024-08-28-08-16-11-853.jpg)
It's not cabin fever is about a flesh eating virus not demons dragging you to hell its most likely a underrated unknown b movie which redbox was famous for like vampires vs zombies hell stitches which has a gorey head inflation via bike pump I believe was also a part of their catalog?

Again we have a little bit of an inkling at least that it came from the long list of Redbox horror films! So if it exists which it most likely does and is just obscure! It's in that list! Start hunting boils and ghouls!

Again it is not cabin fever!
Again timeframe 6/11 years ago
Redbox film meaning it was released on Redbox not a exclusive as Redbox like blockbuster and Netflix is a distributor so hunt for everything particularly horror category as being dragged to hell sounds like a horror film!

Having a timeframe gives us a bit of a idea to specifically probably search the time windows of 2013-2018 exactly probably even a few years before for safety 2011- 2020.

But if that doesn't work go through the whole horror category and write down what it's not! So you're not retreading things
btw someone found some new scenes?
>>123877 doesn't contain all the episodes
So it made me sad to see but no, there's no scene like that. There's a scene where the guy she doesn't know the age of who turns out to be three times her age and married mouses over her ass on his screen while she sleeps. But thats the only time anything body related even happens. I love horror and that movie was more disappointing than skinamarink. And thats saying smth XD cause skinamarink has like maybe 5-10 min of lines in an hour and a half.
really? dang it........... btw someone found any scenes using the language method? maybe changing the IP with a vpn or smt can also work
btw i remember a sentai series scene where there was a Pink Ranger with panda or bear-like features like ears etc, and she was like "oh boi..." and then she began to inflate like a balloon, i think the gang needed a ball and used her, when i first saw it i was like "meh, neat scene but idk" And now i regret for doing that and not archieve it or smt. Also i remember a strongfat inflation on a clothes soap commercial where a woman was scrubbing angrily some clothes, and she gets so angry that she swells up like a balloon into a strong and obese giant woman, so well, i added 2 more scenes to the lost list.......dang i wish there where an ai that find scenes with strong fidelity with only a single prompt
Was this Sentai ever adapted into a Power Rangers season? If not,then that may narrow down the possible candidates. I'm also gonna assume this is post-zyuranger,feel free to correct me if I'm wrong though anon.
i have zero idea, but i think if it were a power ranger episode the scene would be more known, or maybe it was, as i said, i dont know
I'm gonna try to consult the RangerWiki to see if I can find the specific sentai you're referring to and then try to find the pink ranger from there. What year would you say you saw this scene?
i dont fully remember, but the episode looked older than the video's date, i think it was called belly inflation or smt, maybe the episode its around the 2000's or 90's
Alright,gonna check from there. I have a feeling it might be Dekaranger but I could be wrong. Something to keep in mind is that while Power Rangers adapts parts of a Sentai,not every plotline is recycled. For example,Hurricanger had a decent inflation scene,but Ninja Storm never had one.
Update: I have a hunch it might be Gingaman. Checking now,will return if I find it or if I don't.
Update 2: Wasn't Gingaman,but it did have an expansion scene. It was mostly males though,and while I myself am an aficionado for bloating boys,I am only so in the field of drawings. That aside though,I don't know where else to look. Carranger Episode 7 has an inflation scene,but it's a team scene and all of them are out of costume. My only guess is it could be Gosei Pink from Goseiger,but her helmet doesn't have ears like you described. I also thought maybe it could've been Bouken Pink from Boukenger,but no animal motifs. Same with Deka Pink. I don't know where else to look. Giving up for now.
oh...its ok dont worry, it was just for add more scenes and dont let this tread die, cuz i love scenes, but you said Gingaman had an inflation scene, wich had male inflation, it also had female inflation?
Unfortunately no,Gingaman only had male inflation.
oh....well still thanks, you did a great effort for find an scene :3. Now lets see if we can find other scenes, have you tried the language method? i dont know if it works, i just thought using other languages or using vpns may help us in the way to find more scenes, buried on other countries media, like this scene i found :D
Describe the suits, the only inflation I can really remember off the top of my head was Car Ranger and that was all but one.
Maybe ToQ.

>Something to keep in mind is that while Power Rangers adapts parts of a Sentai,not every plotline is recycled
You just watch a single series and that will become insanely obvious; every other series has one of them die, I've seen 2 or 3 children die and a monster being alluded to a child murderer if people didn't pay ransom, and the series aimed at the fans that grew up could get dark as hell (or at least from Heisei era and older).
My two favorite sentai seasons are Jetman and Timeranger,and holy fuck they could both get dark at times.
Haven't watched Timeranger yet, but the suits are absolute peak.
I heard about what happened in that with the thief but I haven't watched it

That got surprisingly dark when everything started to fall apart. I don't think a single person walked away without having lost something in the end. I really enjoyed the villains in that one too. Gotta be among my own favorites but I'd say Liveman and Dairanger has the top two spots.

Right now I'm watching Dekaranger since I heard it was among, if not the best, and Abaranger since I heard they made the white ranger so evil that the toy investors threatened to pull out, which apparently would've killed super sentai.
Btw some of them have expansion scenea?
It wasn't good but blood there's takes from the crypt bodell of blood and the woman is a nurse/ vampire.

Another scene that comes to mind but probably isn't it is the haunting belly expansion pregnancy.

I highly suggest to have these checked and debunked so we know what it's not

Hood of horror comes to mind as well all white outfits but I don't think these are it just stuff best to debunk!
Wasn't goo
Beyond what has been said already, it's mostly just unused potential, like in Mega Ranger, where one of the monsters went around selling "diet food", but Ithink what did was make people addicted, including Mega Pink, who allowed a scale to vet the better of her, earlier in the episode.
I've only seen a handful of them, so there may be other scenes that I and the others don't know about.
Yeah I mean examining the scene again ig her body does...look weird? Like she def doesn't inflate but maybe you could say she expands in a like "new user to photoshop expands an image" way.
? time:Stamp, or send gifs. Also btw someone knows where the animality dlc of MK1 releases? we need to see the pufferfish fatality wich despite not being much, is good
Oh yes!! Seen most of these ads actually! My faces here are the 2 gas-x ads, the boost loopt one, the Diet Rite one and the one with the lady’s suit inflates!
Does anyone have the Joyco Solano Dinner Party expansion commercial.
Supposedly, there's a scene in the new Beetlejuice movie involving Lydia and Beetlejuice, can anyone confirm this?
wait, you said Lydia? what's supossed to happen? Only beetle is confirmed. Also i been theorising the "villainess" cuz is full of seams, and maybe she was betrayed and killed by Beetle by making her explode (?..idk
>>124467 I'm going to see the movie tomorrow, to see for myself
Btw if someone already see it please only tell if yes there is female or not, and who, and put the details and/or gifs under the spoiler mark. Cuz maybe some people would still want to see the movie without spoilers (except obviously the information of who inflates apart of Beetle)
Beetlejuice makes Lydia's stomach inflate to 9 month size, water breaks and out drops a little baby Beetlejuice.
Nothing else? Dang it, i dont like preggo expansion ;-;
I guess we will just have to wait for Whisperer of Death for October and Cloverfield 2
Are you sure theres no other scene? Like the villainess? Dang it, makes sense, it was pretty obvious it would be one of Beetlejuice's goofy transformations, is just the trailer make it look more important
(205 KB, 1577x987, g.JPG)

Beetlejuice does inflate, "A gloating Beetlejuice prepares to marry Lydia when Astrid explains that she's seen Beetlejuice's contract has made a violation as per the Handbook, meaning that the contract has actually become null and void. The contract vanishes into flames, and Beetlejuice blows up and pops like a giant balloon as Lydia says his name three times, banishing him for good. "

But theres no female. Dang
The baby wasnt necessary, dang, if it were her guts and not the chibi-beetle i could call it a day
well, someone knows any other news about other female live action scenes in media? Like about the witch or the reddit one?
this is when beetle dies? well thanks, people who like male inflation will like this, :3, it just would be better if it were female
Also i read somewhere about a movie called Love Lies Bleeding, wich i think contains some muscle inflation in a very body horror way, wich sounds interesting, maybe we can find some good stuff on here
yeah its really unfortunate. I would've died if Jenna Ortega blew up like that in her dress
or Lydia, or well, *the villainess who i really thought would get inflated*
Like really, i mean, how the team knows this contract glitch can kill an eldritch spirit? the only reasonable way would be to know that it worked before, Boom, the seams lady, she popped long ago, and shes searching for revenge or smt, and a flashback of how she popped due well, beetlejuice doing smt to nullify her contract. Other theory i had was that the "chairmens" would go and pop Lydia for humankind sake, in a gruesome and slighty sad sequence like the rotting of Adam and Barbara, but just Lydia, due if Lydia becomes a ghost, Beetle cant go to the land of the living, but Jenna ortega along Beetle manages to send that spell to him, wich obviously wouldnt work cuz he's a spirit, or smt like that idea idk, i just thought it would be like the rotting, just that instead of rotting, puffing. But well...anyways it was pretty obvious this would happen
So is he dead/ exorcized? There's a big difference between going all demon Slayer and cutting his head off metaphorically and just sending him home to return next time the words are spoken.

Did they actually kill him off?
Eh,I'd say give it a few years to find out.
Morphs or fanart reality is what you make of it!

AAlso isn't there a belly inflation scene with Lydia?
50/50, preggo expansion, under my opinion doesnt count. Idk, i feel like pregnancy is more like a kangaroo bag...just sealed
???? why i replied to myself?
Anyways, atleast this scene shows my theory that there are a lot of hidden inflation scenes around the web
Greeeat, the males get another inflation scene for them. Females never get anything good. Stupid societal thing that females are "too graceful" to be inflated. Smh.
yeah! im with you, fuck this, we need more female inflation scenes, both genders are equal, stop with the sexual dysmorphism shit
Also btw what happened to Kill Keith? the scene of Vanessa Feltz got deleted or smt?
What scene are you talking about?
Some people at bodyinflation.orgsaid at Kill keith a celebrity known as Vanessa Feltz wpuld be overfed porridage and milk till she expldes
does jenna ortago undergo any kind of transformation? it doesnt have to be inflation.. im just desperate to see her transform in some way. thanks.
there's a dream sequence at the end where she's giving birth but you don't see her belly :/
Just watched it, its actually the annoying male newscaster who gets killed this way and the amazing part is THEY DON"T EVEN SHOW THE FEEDING HES BURIED AND THEN THE GROUND EXPLODES AROUND WHERE HIS STOMACH IS.
Seriously awful scene
(1.6 MB, 320x180, K4Akwa.gif)
I mean I have yet to see a femboy blow up in one of these films I've heard the idea tossed around on these threads and I'd agree if you're gonna do male at least pop the cutest collage boys you can find or something? Last thing I want is some lumberjack build getting his belly popped. It's a fair compromise.

I remember only one film that played with crossdress x inflation and it was vile to say the least the boy wasn't the cutest but the inflation itself was from force feeding a sewer pipe down someone's throat it was gross as hell. Needless to say fecal force feeding is going on my list of worst ways to die!

But hot girls or cute boys I feel there's no other in between I mean I make acceptions for the wrong turn butt firehose guy because the sounds are fun and he's kinda cute but need more cutie pops! But I guess the only way we're going to see something like that is pray a low budget indie filmmaker stalks these threads for ideas or one of you gets off your round yoga ball asses and starts making YouTube horror shorts or something yourselfs

Remember Thanos was a wise man!
or also lumberjack built women, like, what single woman strongfat inflation scene you can name? the only one i can is Fairy Tail where Mimi gets inflated with water by the heroes on a failer try to make her move using the force of the water
I am also curious about the 2nd one
we all are....or alteast im...sadly no one knows from where it is....so we have to find it...you have some idea from where it can be or how we can find it?
An user at the lost media thread said tha this show is supossed to contain a lot of inflation svenes
And that this episode have one (this clip doesnt have the inflation)
two very long female food inflation scenes with a fat suit and one male air inflation
the woman gets very big. blueberry like scene too
nice, where did you found those scenes? can you give us the videos?
cuz i can't find the episodes anywhere
It looks like it was made by CITV, which was the children's TV wing of ITV.

So you might be able to get in contact with ITV's Viewer's Requests service.

The main downsides being that it's pretty expensive and you're not allowed to publicly upload the stuff you get from them.
wait, really? dang..i cant do that........btw someone who already have the videos (or if they want to buy it, anyone with their own things) can post the videos anyways?....come on we post pieces of cine movies.
First on beetlejuice the only (true) inflation scene is male, and now when we found a bunch of female inflation scenes, they are or lost media or expensive....universe doesn't like giving us female inflation scenes
I mean that hasn't stopped someone before I don't get why you can't by a reposting license lol it's a tv show isn't that reserved for sensitive news subject?
My guess it that it's to prevent ITV from getting sued to hell and back.

They probably think it's easier to just get people to sign a private license agreement, that way they can wash their hands of the whole thing, should they get sued, as ITV don't own the full rights to everything they've put on TV.

With that said, if someone wants to actually contact ITV's viewers request service, they generally price it like this:

"Prices start at £75.00 for one 30-minute episode and additional episodes could be added to the same order for £36.00 each."

That's from two years ago when I emailed them about a show. The prices could've gone up since then and I don't know the costs for shows over an hour in length.
f u c k ! ! !
ok, then we must search another scene, fuck, lets keep digging boys
That said we don't even know which episodes have what lol so you'd have to buy every last episode of the show to even find out
Or just tell them to put it up on YouTube saves the trouble. That way day one at the worst case use a converter to save them all with no legal issues should they become lost again. People really need to archive niche stuff more to prevent these things.
exactly, please do, ;-; after Beetlejuice's failure (unless you like preggo or male ofcs, then it would be for keep with the streak) we need this
All That had some REALLY good inflation scenes. Here is what I consider one of the greates inflation scenes ever. Of course it sucks that once again it is a male inflation, should have 100% been the blonde or the brunette in the video, would have busted a nut like 1,000 times if that we're the case.

Found a scene from Power Rangers Zeo where an ugly purse monster lady manages to absorb an attack (a final attack at that,which is quite the feat) before blasting it back,inflating briefly.


16:16 - 16:20

It's not much,but maybe you guys will like it.
dang, you're right its awesome, but male and too young sadly, i wonder what other scenes we may find
with find i mean the media, not just all that, i just wanted to clarify
How could mention that and not the scene with the woman and the fire hose? It's really good

They did this WAY better on the same show with the Randy Quench scene where he inflates an adult female with a hose till explosion. Teasing dialogue about her size, her screaming "I can't believe you inflated me until explosion!"

Nah, forget that gay scene you posted. The one I'm talking, THAT was one of the greatest scenes ever.
btw some updates on the ghost train issue? or its a dead end?
the two episodes i believe are from 1991
one takes place in an icecream factory and stars the guest danni minogue but she isnt the one in the fat suit
the other is involves the cameron balloon factory in bristol and has the guest cathy dennis
both are lost media which is a shame because they are both an hour with lots of male and female inflation
dang it, i hate when that happens. Well, someone knows any other obscure inflation scene that isn't lost media? Sadly i found an scene wich under my opinion its pretty good but that is male THE PRINCE OF TERROR (1988)
When you say inflation...

Is it like, actual body inflation (using suits), or are they just wearing inflatable suits?

Do you recall anything else?
the ice cream episode seems to have come out in may of 91
one character gets fatter over time in an inflating suit
another just gets fat with a poor quality suit
there is a song with male air inflation at the end
btw you dont have any kind of gif or smt, do you?
They both came out in May it seems. Makes it easier to buy if someone was actually considering it.
no i considered these lost media
i was only reminded because someone mentioned inflation and weight gain content in youtube comments
the stuffing scene in these was really over the top if i remember
Wait, but arent the episodes on sale?
Mmm honestly...i think we are focusing to much on those scenes, wouldt be easier to find new ones? Maybe using thr language method
Man the curiosity is eating me any idea about the 2nd scene mentioned?
it would be interesting to see if they're as good as some people remember them
something about the woman getting so huge the whole set was shaking as she kept eating
Has there been any meaningful progress in finding all these lost scenes like the burger one.
honestly, no......BUT, someone found the Der Educator scene, i think a lot of years later, but the video is free to view on the Inflation Scenes pt1 thread, so maybe someday we will find this lost scenes. Talking about this someone have Firnov's contact? i mean cuz maybe someone can GENTLY ask them what else they can remember of the dutch witch
Re-up of the Pump my Body to the Top remake?
What's the Der educator scene?
one of the scenes that were on the lost scenes list wich was a german..i think? Webseries of a "fail superhero" who kills people on weird ways. On the scene Der Educator shovels a water hose on a woman, causing her body to inflate like a human waterballoon via video warping until she explodes, underwhelmingly on dry gore instead of...water or wet gore..
>>108667 (Cross-thread)
hey also my bad, it wasn't on the pt 1 scenes thread it was on the horror movies thread (wich i think now is practically dead due being useless thanks to this thread)
someone have tried to search on other launguages on other countries browsers? I think i found some slight scenes but nothing too memorable, i think zero females sadly
(4.3 MB, 640x480, Canned Carrott.webm)
Still one of the best ever. Shame the surviving copy of the episode is so low quality.
Here's one clip I found, from a brit show called Canned Carrot.
I like this clip as it implies her body as been left stretched out wide and deflated. She'll have a rude awakening when she wakes up.
Btw someone knows any kind of female strongfat (muscle growth + body inflation or buff woman getting inflated) inflation scene on Media? I literally only know two, Mimi from Fairy Tail and this video
doesnt matter how gross it is as long it is female expanding and preferible live action
i was searching scenes on japanese forums tilli found this, another lost scene... (traslated via deepl)
"It is a bit grotesque, but there was a foreign movie in which a female intelligence officer was captured, tied hand and foot, and made to add a hose directly connected to the muffler of a car to her mouth with a piece of duct tape, and then she was left running the engine of the car, and her belly kept swelling up until finally, “Boom! I don't remember the name of the movie. I don't remember the name of the movie, sorry."
i thought it was Scream Bloody Murdered...until they say that she was a intelligence officer.....
btw someone also know an scene like this? i would really appreciate it...
Alright I got one, I saw this on tv years ago and I can't find anything on it. There's a scene in like a casino with a bunch people getting like cartoonishly horrifically killed, it's fucking hectic. But there's a bit where this dude walks up to an older lady at a craps table, and suddenly her belly inflates and she shits out a bunch of coins, anyone know this one or did I take too much Nyquil?
I know this isn't the right topic but it's always surprised me that a series based on a fast food restaurant doesn't have any information about any weight gain scene, apart from this butt expansion scene which however isn't derived from food
Re-up? Oh here's the archive link hang on
New archive link, there's no password this time
For reference of how diff the audio/video clip diff is, pump my body 1 is 10mb, the remake I made is 200mb lol
>>124925i can't open pump my body to the top 2.1
I *almost* want to believe this,but at the same time you could've been tripping. But fuck me if that doesn't sound like if it couldn't have happened.
(81 KB, 963x538, dfdf.jpg)
Alright,I've got a bit of a request of sorts? It's pregnancy expansion stuff though,so I understand if nobody's interested. Apparently in a movie from 1999 called Trippin',at specifically 1:07:30,there *should* be a belly expansion scene. Does anyone have a clip or know where I can find this movie? Thank you.
Btw someone knows any female strongfat inflation scene on live action? I would really appreciate that ;-;
I thinkk its too large to open on the folder u gotta dl it
The only one I know of is the one from the troma zombie chicken movie and that one is in the archive
Good news/Bad news time.

Good news is: I have some inflation scenes that haven’t been posted here.

Bad news: They are all male inflations.

獣電戦隊キョウリュウジャー (Sentai Kyuryu)

First one has a scene where blue develops an “inflation gun” and shoots himself with it. Second clip, black shoots him with it. Third clip is the group shoots blue with the inflation gun to fight the monster.


Next is ゼブラーマン -ゼブラシティの逆襲 (Zebraman 2)

- Basically there is a giant slime alien that Zebraman has to fight. He ends up jumping on top of it and eating it. Turning him into a building sized balloon.


Not the greatest news but for those that like male inflation: enjoy.
o - o

F U C K, but well, you digged a lot of great scenes, finding scenes on obscure media (whatever gender it freaking is) is hard, so good job...despite are male... keep going and see if you can find some female ones please ;-;
Back again, I did some more digging after posting and was able to find a couple more.

炎神戦隊ゴーオンジャー (Engine Sentai-Go)
Has a balloon monster that has the ability to inflate things as an attack. Unfortunately the only thing he actually inflates is a robot named BOMBER. I wasn’t able to find the full episode yet but you can see a brief clip of the scene at :10 here


As well there is

動物戦隊ジュウオウジャー (Doubutsu Sentai Zyuohger) which has a monster that attacks by making people fat. Same as the previous show, I could only find the trailer but this one does show a couple women ballooned up on the ground. Starts at :06


Finally we have:
忍者戦隊カクレンジャー (Ninja Sentai Kakuranger)

There is a monster called Sunakake Babaa who has a both woman form and monster form. He ability is she stores magic sand in her “big boobs” that she used to turn food into sand….for whatever reason. She fights a ranger gets her boobs blasted off. So she casts(?) Gigantism on herself and grows to like 50 feet. She then inflates her boobs back. I couldn’t find an actual clip of this one as it is locked behind a subscription paywall but if someone can rip it, it is episode 34.
That inflated BOMPER looks amazing honestly. I think it might even be an actual prop as opposed to CGI. I know BOMPER is a robot,but I'd still totally fuck him senseless.
any updates on scenes on obscure horror movies?
oh yeah I've known about this one Senti show having some good fatness at the start at end for awhile, but good to finally see a copy in 1080 quality, thanks! >>125022
I wonder why Shout Factory drags its feet on Super Sentai releases.

Also would be great if Toei actually put in the work in one of the rare weight gain episodes and not have it just be inflation.

Pretty much everything I can think of, off the top of my head are pregnancy related.
Really? Oh... So theres no new scene?
I found an scene on an Evamgelion movie i think it was the third, i think Lilith was tring to reshape but she failed and exploded, the scene would be gold if she werent headless
(6.4 MB, 1288x720, 202409131339.webm)
Here's all inflated BOMPER scenes for anyone interested (I apologize for my continued rambling about this funky little bot,I will cease now). He deflates off-screen unfortunately,but there's some good stuff in here.
good compilation, its really cute despite is male. Sadly this is the whole oppositive of my kink (strong female), but hey, my non-fetish side is happy with this silly fella xd
keep it up with the good job, :3. And lets see if there are also some female scenes

this episode had some really over the top inflation and weight gain in it
live action and female? And you know the name of the show?
(i didnt saw it was a reply, i thought you were talking about other show)
so you found them?
I don't know how useful it is but I found this on archive.org he uploads various UK products maybe someone can contact him and ask if he owns ghost train. If you search for the name on google both the link to youtube and to his facebook profile appear
Yesterday I found a belly expansion/instand pregnant scene in episode 2 of the Netflix serie Kaos.
But is preggo expansion?....dang...
I'm personally interested. Would you mind telling of the contents or sharing the clip with a spoiler mark?
Fucking report my post censor needs to go I'm not referring people to the website just mentioning it for context! Geez!
yes her and the girl with short hair in the clips
the guy with short hair gets air inflated
there is a long sequence with weight gain then a dance sequence with air inflation at the end
Theres visible inflation on the weight gain or is seamfull?
i remember lots of gorging on icecream and belly expansion
then blueberry size inflation and waddling with big guts
the male inflation is in more cartoony suits
Ok this sounds nice.
We mist find that scene
Ok wow, we need to make finding this scene a top priority.
the thing i remember most is when they tried to stop her eating icecream she bounced them away with her belly and the screen shook like an earthquake everything it happened
with a cartoon BOMP sound effect
what i remember the most is the short hair girl bouncing people off her belly when they tried to stop her eating
each time it made a BOMP sound effect and the screen shook like a cartoon
but live action
very humiliating lol
I dont know how to put that clip on this site, or even download it. You want to know what this scene is about?
Speaking of which anybody found that?
I am really curious to see it
its definitely lost media
why would anyone keep two 90 min episodes of a kids show based so much on one fetish idea
dang it.........then this scene topic is closed? it sounded very hot but well.....whatever
So well, we must keep going on digging other scenes, as i said i tried to search videos on chinese using the traslator across webs like Baidu, but i think i would need some help cuz atleast for now i havent found any destacable, btw the idea of using chinese is an example, we can use whatever language you think has some pretty obscure media and decent vfx...like China
Don't give up so easily, someone said earlier you might be able to get in contact with the owners of the show through a viewer's requests service, I'll try to see if that works.
Ok, thank you for your help to this community and good luck -w- b (thats a thumb up)
But doesnt mean some of us cant search other scenes too xd, and i hope my method help to find scenes easier and faster, cuz there is a lot of obscure media across other countries
(6.1 MB, 1280x720, Naga.webm) (152 KB, 682x1100, Nagasarete1.jpg) (142 KB, 682x1100, Nagasarete2.jpg)
Mouth to mouth/CPR inflation is way too underrated.
Any more examples?
Webm is from Nagasarete Airantou Ep.1 and the manga it was based off if someone is interested. Male inflation btw.
Ok, nice find, but theres a lot of female scenes so i think we should try to find that
Male scenes. Sorry. My bad. So lets find more female scenes, good scene anyways good job :3
id love to see it again somehow
two long 90 minute episodes must have lots of content and scenes and the suits were professionally made
the character fran had the biggest inflation
she ate until she couldnt move without shaking the screen
the song at the end was called Im Inflatable
is this really lost media? is this a joke the universe put on us? i think i was better without knowing this
end song was male inflation
dont get too excited
but it is still a shame if it is lost
oh, i thought the song was related to the ice cream thing. But still, dont tell me a woman who bloats up into a behemoth blob that uses her strenght to throw people away with her gut making earthquakes isn't sexy af. So if anyone has the chances to get it, please, do it and share it with us ;-;
the scene i remember most is her at the top of stairs gorging on icecream and men run at her and she bounces them down the stairs with her gut
Starting to think this Ghost Train scene is just a big community hoax at this point. Remember people trying to pull the same shit with Sandy and Squirrel games.
christmas activity from ntsf-sd-suv
it most likely is and if its not its def lost media, unless someone ask the producers or whatever nobody is ever getting that episode and even if they ask what would they even tell them lol
No it's a real series guaranteed as far as inflation it's possible it's a hoax but strong Chance it's not! It's 50/50
there are comments on youtube years ago mentioning the fat suits and you can see some clips with the balloons in the background

two minutes in this video you see performers in front of balloons
proving there was a whole episode themed on inflation
ask other people from uk if they remember it
The link doesnt work, it just sends me to the homepage, also it has body inflation or is just only breast inflation?
Oh, i wished it were full haha, but great find! This is of what im talking about, seeking stuff on other languages
With full i mean full body inflation, in case someone wondered
something new on the Ghost Train case or another?
Any fun finds horror movie or comedy specifically? Looking for something obscure and neat. Also have YouTube horror skits been sorted out? Is there really nothing more interesting to find
someone else claims to have seen it but it sounds like a hoax to me
its going to be a fun lost media to chase ask UK vhs rip channels thats what im doing
Im wondering the same, but well, Agatha Harkness released (or is gonna release im not sure), so mayyybe theres something?..... I dont know, but is supossed to be horror and silly, and since Peter Quill's face swelled due space decompression and Kang squeezed Flea-Girl's body on quantunmania (wich is the complete oppositive, but this means Marvel can alter characters body size) i havent put out my eye on marvel
btw someone knows any "body horror transformation" scenes? i mean, that on an scene a woman mutates into a bloated monster and the process makes her bulge, bloat and swell grotesquely?, idk i just think this is a lot more possible to happen than a woman straight up inflating like a literal balloon on media
To be honest there's no way to know for sure unless you hunt down every last episode and go through it you can't just write something off as a hoax if you haven't seen it you have to debunk it
Who the hell is Flea girl and what are you on?
Idk, Ant-Man always called her dsughter Flea, and then she became an ant-men?.....
So i just called her Flea-Girl. Y'know, ant-man's daughter
i think we are facing a case of culturale crash. In spanish Ant-Man called her daughter, Cassie, Flea, i dont know how he called her in english
no news?

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