
I mean I dig it a little more than a bunch of random nothing threads going up and people doing nothing but bitch and moan until mods step in and the entire thing is a huge waste of time
Someone offers a solution to your problem and your first instinct is to bitch about it. This is why nothing gets done about the thread spamming.
retards like >>121656 >>121661 and >>121627 (OP) expect the autists who create dumbass threads on this board to actually use this thread instead of just creating their thread, then being surprised when it gets mass reported and deleted!
Thread pitch? Political and Government Fattys. I live and work in DC and it is an absolute travesty this thread doesn't exist.

>> You cannot fathom how many entitled, spoiled and bratty fattys work in diplomacy and government. I know I'm already OWL, so why not.
> Does economic inflation turn you on? I bet the 1990s Japanese Bubble Burst turned you on real good
All those poor catgirls bursting one by one who wouldn't have a stroke from the flood in their pants! I was lucky to survive! Lucky one of the kind ladies provided ample scraps to clean myself off with!
>>121627 (OP)
Maybe one for thiridian & Lindsay.
Or maybe one about inflation dreams/lucid dreams
Honestly a new discussion thread
Or a balloon scenario game one
I think fatties would be better suit on the bbwdraw thread
Im not fully sure, but maybe an strongfat inflation? I mean, i always thought the idea of a badass buff woman inflating into a human boulder ball hot
Wrecking Ball, excuse my english
>>121627 (OP)

Could do with a permanent inflation thread. Be it permaberries or permaballoons who have been delegated to little more than toys, beds or decoration.
How about a thread about women who wake up and discover they've turned fat overnight and react to their new bodies?

Here's an example, there was one called Chubby Girl Videos, and she did this one clip where she wakes up and discovers she's now fat for an unknown reason, but actually grows to like it as she checks herself out.
One thread for all things suits, clothing articles, and pretending with fake pregnancy props.
I'm looking at you, op of the pants thread.
In all seriousness, I think we should have a pinned art request thread. Replace the TMC one with it, TBH.
No. No pinnings at all.
>>121627 (OP)
How about a IRL inflation storys and experiences? pretty sure most of us have inflated for real at least once and had something funny/embarrasing happent while we are at it.
Surprised no one has done an "Inflation Superpower" thread yet? Thread full of characters from media or OCs that can inflate to huge sizes on command would be great.
stfu that's too specific
How about a thread dedicated to some of the more underrated/unutilized methods of inflation? (blowback, black magic, sux-o-lux, etc)
"let's get rid of the most active thread so we can all just beg for art!"

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