
I'm starting to think we need to ask mods to delete hyper-specific threads.
what in the actual fuck is this ugly shit
>>121502 (OP)
OP,as a person with autism (surprising I lurk here,huh?),I'm not going to call you autistic. I will however call you mentally fucking ill and/or just plain stupid.
>>121502 (OP)
I don't think there's even enough unique content of this character to warrant a thread.
The character inflating into the shape of a fucking egg is a turn-off for me anyhow
Dude, I’m getting fucking sick of these random threads. We need a thread for making threads. That way we can pitch ideas:

Human piss balloons
Non-berry fruits tfs
Inflated women wearing diapers
Women wearing inflated diapers
Advertisement balloons
Loud House butt hose inflation

And people can respond if they are good ideas or dog shit ones. Thank you and good night, I’ll see myself out.
Your idea of a thread-pitching thread intrigues me. Would probably save a lot of headache. Most of your examples are shit though. Is watersports even allowed on this board?
Artists except the ones like Axel Rosered who literally print images.
With this one we can report threads like OP.

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