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Prev. Thread: https://bbw-chan.link/inf/res/101407.html
Alright, last thread got bumplocked, so now we got a new thread here.
The rules are the same as always, post anything berry inflation related basically, fics, animations, etc.
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So, does anyone have Method Acting (I think) made by nepuofinflation?
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You know, recently, I've been giving a lot of thought to how blueberry inflation works from a biological standpoint. And I don't mean how the body can stretch to such a cartoonish extent, or how the human skeleton reacts when the body reaches a certain size, that pertains more to inflation in general.
So, how exactly does your body "fill up with juice"? Now, I understand that the answer to this can very depending on the cause of the inflation, be it gum, being contaminated produce, or just coming into contact with someone else's juices, so let's say it's the gum. What kind of ingredients in the gum could cause your body to fill with juice, to the point that it changes the pigment of your skin (even your hair and CLOTHES, in some cases)? Does it somehow replace the blood in your veins with juice? And in that case, does the juice have oxygen? Because otherwise, that sounds like an immediate embolism. And once the juice has been removed, if someone drinks it, does that make them a cannibal/vampire?
Alternatively, if it's not blood, where exactly does all the juice go? Does it just pool into various empty pockets of the body (excluding the lungs because, again, no oxygen = uh oh)?
Keep in mind that this is before the gum even hits the stomach, if ever. Maybe the gum works like chewing tobacco, where it has tiny shards of glass to cut slits in your gums to make absorption of the gum's properties easier.
>t. someone with way to much time on their hands
I propose that it has to do with body fat, perhaps due to some reaction the fat is transformed into some by-product of milk but with properties similar to blueberries. Of course, the fat that is affected is the one that is close to the skin and depending on the levels of body fat, the swelling of the blueberry can vary in size
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I just usually tend to imagine (as someone who knows practically nothing about the human body) that basically a person's stomach would fill up, and juice would get carried through the blood to cause the color change. It would just get dropped off and be absorbed into the skin to cause the change. (It's how a person can turn Orange from eating too many carrots) Hair and eyes are a bit of a stretch, but you could argue that the skin gets overloaded and seeps a small amount of juice through the skin to get absorbed by the clothes. (Sidenote: the blue starting at the nose never makes sense. I can understand it starting at the belly or all over at once, but the nose is just a weird spot no matter how you look at it.) Then once the belly gets full and can no longer grow, the juice gets squeezed through like playdough and fills up, basically as you said, the empty areas of your body. There is no scientific way to do this without bare minimum permanent damage, but it would basically fill out everything between your organs and your skin. Meaning, yes, it would rip your skin away from your muscle, but shush. It's a fantasy for a reason.

Picture for attention, but to also bring attention to another theory, that all the juice goes through the bloodstream and gets dumped into your skin. So your skin is entirely what's growing, leaving organs and the like untouched underneath. I like it from a least amount of permanent damage to your body aspect, but the berry would not be nearly as sloshy this way and would be far less possible to juice. Works far more with permaberries if you ask me
*that basically a person's stomach would fill up, the juice would get picked up and carried through the blood stream, then dropped off and absorbed into the skin, causing the color change*
It's just a fucking fetish, don't look for logic in it, my friend, with all due respect and without offending, enjoy it or go fuck yourself
The bigger problem than all of that is: where does all this juice come from? There's not really a way to compress it all in a gum, most liquids are already as packed as they can be, so compressing anything wouldn't make any sense, and then if that's the case then we're basically either in the realm of magic or far flung science fiction anyways, so it doesn't matter much what the process is, you could come up with a million stupid fictional ways it might happen.
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>where does all this juice come from?
I'd like to think the bodily fluids are converted into blueberry juice/blueberry juice mixtures (ie. blueberry milk) and are ceaselessly replicated up until the blueberrified individual either ripens or bursts.
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This, only instead of fluid being converted, I prefer like stomach acid just starting a chain reaction. Kind of like how bombs work by removing a section in the middle to allow two chemicals to react, this "juice" breaks down and causes a replication process.

I also prefer this line of thought because I prefer the victim to have their fate sealed the moment the juice hits their stomach. Like, maybe they can get away with slightly less swelling and still having limbs if they spit it out right as the flavor hits their tongue, but all in all, if they are still chewing by the time they finish turning blue, they are just a berry now. No stopping it
Now cranberry juice is no longer a liquid, it is now an air, wouldn't it be easier to say that it absorbs moisture from the environment?
Wish she wasn't so hung up on if she likes berries or not because every time she makes one it's some of the best out there. Love when WG artists do berries.
I personally picture it as becoming like sudo fat cells or taking over those cells, not a lot of sense biologically but it makes sense to me for how they can almost ignore the swelling sometimes.
Does anyone know or have that animation where a woman goes in a fast food restaurant where she orders a muffin till she starts inflating into a blueberry? I remember it was on DeviantArt, but the user deleted his DA account. And now idk where he is?
it's alright, I'm fine with mp4 and webms
Motherfucker! Another artist is quitting and nuking their account because DA is run by a bunch of bots and prudes. Burstoid is giving us 48 hours to save his shit. His edits are the tits, so all of you out there who aren’t old fucks like me that don’t know how MEGA or Google Drive folders are made need to archive his 300+ posts ASAP! God speed, you beautiful horny nerds.

So fucking stupid. Just ghost your accounts if you want to be done. Don’t make it a spectacle and then nuke your portfolio.
Actually the real reason why burstoid is quitting is due to mental health issues from being cautious about having his kink public, he LITERALLY fucking stated it in that post. DA had absolutely nothing to do with it.
Case in point he’s also nuking his twitter account as well.
(Forgot to mention that)
Anyways if anyone saved all of his work yet, could you please give us a complete archive in a zip folder? Im gonna try to save all of his stuff but just in case because speaking of Burstoid does anyone still have the morphs of Vanessa from the bee movie and that French poacher chick (don’t feel like spelling her name) from one of the Madagascar sequels (Europes most wanted to be exact)? apparently he has since took those down for some reason (shame cuz they were actually really good morphs, and before you asked I checked theyre neither on his twitter nor DA accounts) I swear he made morphs of those characters. Because he has took down stuff before on both twitter and DA. Also don’t forget about his celeb morphs because he took them off on DA cuz they no longer allow any celeb morphs of any kind, their still on his twitter so don’t forget to snatch those before he takes them down for good.
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New Jigglywigglythings comic about Scarlett is out, if anyone has.
Looking for JigglyWigglyWiggyThing’s Spider-Gwen stuff if anyone has the full comic.
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Does anyone have Berrycowxo newer stuff?
dude berrycowxo is a fucking spineless whore, that bitch is posting fucking fortnite content now
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I can't tell it's a little difficult to spot distinctions
Why does that equate to them being a "spineless whore?"
Damn for a second I thought taigaholic would make a good berry boy
i just think their content is overrated af
Content creator makes content based on something they're a fan of
In other breaking news fork found in kitchen
Fortnite content brings out the worst in people, I lost so many friendships to that fucking game that it pisses me off.
I mean if someone's willing to cut off a friendship over a game maybe it's not a friend worth having. Like me and mine get pissed at games all the time but we know it's not that big of a deal.
Does anyone have the Axel Rosered art of the one piece blueberry girls?
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can someone please get spidergwen blueberry from jigglywiggly things
Jesus Fucking Christ, go whine like a hungry dog on the beg threads for JIggly's discombobulated, disingenuous shit of the single most basic bitch to ever blight inflation fetishism, or just cough off the ten measly fucking dollars and buy it yourself. If you put in as much time and effort into working for it instead pleading like an entitled child, you'd have it by now.

Now fuck off, you pathetic, parasitic coomer.
would it change your mind if i told you i do have stuff to offer
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How are they able to move their limbs after being stretched out so far?
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Fun fact: fear and hunger has blueberry pies and I just find it funny that in a world where everything tries to kill you and your starving good old berry pie still exists! Honestly kinda tickles me that there could be a variation that turns you into a juice bomb destined to blow apart or something.

I guess you die of hungry or live long enough to pop a a blueberry? Or something. Either way do what you wish with this info! Their is a icon for it but I can find photos of it but yeah have fun if you can find someone character or oc worthy of the pie infection
At which point in me slamming JigglyWigglyThings as a hack fraud whose work is so surreal and shitty that it's like watching someone with a concussion have a wet dream and condemning Spiderverse Gwen Stacy a repulsively overused and overrated fap idol for monkey-brained normie coomers with as few functioning brain cells as taste buds did you somehow, and oh how, somehow, conclude: "duuuuuh, dis mus mean he haz teh jigglywiggly things spidergwen blueberry cumic, he jus no want 2 give me fo free."


Maybe stop masturbating for a minute and read a book, or do some critical thinking puzzles, or something, so your brain doesn't get so liquefied that you're squirting chunks of it out whenever you jerk off.
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Such seething envy for another artist is a real bad look for you, FW.
>normie coomers
...Did you just admit you're a coomer hipster?

Jigglywigglythings is the last person to be envious of, he's calling him shitty because he really is shitty. Mumbai Public Water shitty, London 1800s Cholera Piss-water soaked onto a sheet of a4 paper would illicit more of a hardon from most than the vile 'broken' look of JWTs works.

The whole build up of his images is just awful, usually it's ass expansion which I don't mind, but it suddenly cuts to them having a really, ugly swollen asshole and crying blue tears.

If it helps you to understand how he probably isn't even doing this because he has an inflation fetish, he used to (or still does, I cba to check) have a separate account in which he used to post shit like beastiality and painful BDSM.
Let's just pray nobody makes a weird YouTube elsagate channel with this fucking thing!
anyone have any pics from juicyplusteam's patreon? I can't tell if they're actually a real account or not given their DA pics are always so weird but I've always been curious
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>Making baseless accusations that I'm Freakin Weirdo


Did you finally get banned from 4Chan and decided to take your self-righteous jihad against FW here? Whatever the case, that is as hilariously pathetic as the fart fappers on the gas threads accusing each other of being The Hungry Lurker.

No. I don't dress like a sissy-gay, limp-wristed lumberjack, or have as shitty tastes in music as Zack Snyder, five figures of student loan debt for a worthless degree, and the odious politics of a metropolitan, metrosexual nü-Marxist.

I was using "normie" as a synonym for "basic bitch." The simping for Gwen Stacy is as irritating as the covens of stereotypical snatches going gaga for overpriced pumpkin spice lattes every autumn.

Appreciation for your witty, snarky analogies aside, this is exactly what I'm saying. JigglyWigglyThings has some of the worst sequence progression I've ever seen. He often can't even maintain consistent design fundamentals or aesthetics between pages, sometimes even between panels on the same damn page, and that's before considering his proclivity for rectums so repulsively engorged they look fucking prolapsed.

>" he probably isn't even doing this because he has an inflation fetish"


I actually briefly spoke to JWT when he was new on the scene and showed some initial promise, and he told me himself that not only does he not have a fetish for blueberry inflation, he doesn't even like it, and has zero passion for the content, both for partaking and making it. He only sees monetizing his work as a way of funding his real passions, namely freelance music production, which is staggeringly ironic, because you'd think the occasional musical elements of his inflation work would be the one thing that he'd flex his chops and show off what he's actually passionate for... but nope; his Oompa-Loompa songs have, bar none, the worst fucking lyrics I have ever seen in blueberry inflation fetishism. He frequently can't even keep them to a proper meter, which, for trying to be a musician -- an artist working in a medium built upon a cornerstone of steady time intervals -- is like trying to be a mathematician when you can't count. If his Oompa-Loompa lyrics were drum beats, they'd make even Lars Ulric look like Neal Peart.

JWT is a hack fraud. His content isn't just cynical and disingenuous, its so bad that I sincerely wonder if it's meant to be a condescending "fuck you" to everyone who's into girls turning into giant blueberries. That so many coomers still so eagerly lap up his shit or squeal like starving otters outside a sushi bar for freebees of his self-confessed cash-grabs makes me mourn for how far the standards for acceptable content have fallen.

If JWT were any more of a con man, he'd be RiddlerCorps.
Hi Lurker, still pretending you don't constantly try to constantly instigate hostility in the slob and brap threads despite your continued pitiful claims you totally abstain from such behavior? I'm sure daddy FW is so very proud of you since the coward can't be bothered to do fuckall for himself anymore but piss and shit into whatever apparatus assists him in standing upright.
This isn't going to end well for you.
Thanks for confirming that this "freakinweirdo" guy is just a scapegoat for retards like you, Anon
>this tard is still trying to start fights between berry and fart fags while having schizo meltdowns about some guy whos stopped doing art for over a decade

Lars ulrich line made me geg, although people are a little harsh on the drumming dane.

That aside, everything you've said explains alot but freelance music production? Wouldn't it just be better to produce music anyhow? It's not exactly expensive to install one of those sampler/creation apps on your PC...

He's not just a fraud but a scammer, too. I recall about a year ago he was releasing 'comics' every other week, one was accompanied by an animation. When the file containing all these piece of shit comics was leaked on here, The animation was a 2 FRAME LOOP of a still image, I can't remember the exact scene in mind but I'm somewhat thankful for it.

I have to mention the fact that he never makes an attempt to clothe the fact he chooses the most typical/overused characters to draw. Elastigirl, francine, VIOLET, for fuck sake, violet, and the last time I checked he's in the process of creating some new yummy crayon-colored slop with scarlett.

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