
It's pretty mid.
Does anybody have the bonus for it? And the other bonus videos for this month?
I’m more interested in what the next main videos will look like; cause now that he’s done with this current video, he did stated he would like to do provide more diversity. What do you guys think we’ll see?
Not to be too pessimistic, but he said this in response to a lack of breast expansion/hourglass stuff. He just got butthurt about the polls being full body because he likes to do generic stuff
Can anyone update his Kemono?
This. It's him being a petty bitch about not getting more hourglass options back in the spring polls even though it's the most frequent type of expansion he does, and is punishing the people who actually wanted something different in submitting full body options.
can someone add the new vid to his kemono
Anyone have the June bonus videos?
Kemono is either stuck downloading report my posts, or has the Patreon scraper turned off again for whatever reason. Might be a while.
I think it might be the former, considering what I read on Partychan
Just wait, the more you beg the more it gets delayed.
Fuck you dumb nigga
Could one of you dumb fucks stop whining and at least update the Kemono already?
The last patreon update site wide was six days ago, use your brain and figure out that the importer isn't working right now

god, maybe look up in the thread before whining like a bitch?
my auto correct killed me, only report my posts are being updated, been checking recent to see when its fixed
I actually think it is fine to reduce the numbers. The problem is that in voting having too many options spreads it too thinly for any of them to win.
Yeah, I’ll admit; having 24 options this time around instead of 16 is too much. Unless he’s doing the voting in multiple rounds, I’m not sure he’ll get the diversity he’s asking for….
Since it wasn't outright said here yet, he's now splitting polls into two categories. One is for Breasts, Butt, and Hourglass, and the other is for Belly and Full Body. The two categories get 12 voting options.

>Unless he’s doing the voting in multiple rounds
The rules post said that there would be 3 winners done over July, August, and September, but didn't say if it would be 3 overall, or 3 from both categories. 3 Overall seems more likely.
Im a little retarded how's it gonna work with 3 total winners and two polls? Is he just gonna do totals? I feel like way more people will vote on just the hourglass poll.
You don't like the hourglass expansion?
I don't mind im just worried that if hes doing totals that the fullbody ideas wont get the same numbers
So voting has been open for the past few days now. Anyone got any favorites?
Anyone got the list of candidates for the poll?
Just saw that Mirage from the Incredibles is on the list. Along with Sonia from Pokemon, Marina from Splatoon and a bunch of anime girls.

Imba needs to stop putting focus on anime girls and more on a mix of girls from both anime and Western and he needs a shorter list, 20 is too much.
Sirius Azur Lane
For the summer poll list, I chose Ibuki-Douji, Tali, and Shion. Nothing but a fresh way to cool down is to drink lots of water.
I don’t really care what gets picked tbh. But according to the current results on Kemono, it looks like they may not be in Imbapovi’s favor 😅
I would like it to gain some growth
in addition to Hourglass Expansion

when imbapovi moved away from using characters in preexisting animations and kept doing obscure anime characters was when i unsubbed. i’d even go far as to say that’s when the bonuses got worse
I could be wrong here, but generally anime characters, and in some cases video game characters, are more easier to use in MMD animations. Still, I can understand the frustration of the lack of non-anime characters for a long while.

Additionally, he has stated he still is open to do a 2D animation if the character model isn’t made…
I also think it really depends if his community decides to vote for a non-anime character for once.
(807 KB, 820x858, 4b6631e69ff5c58a3c73f914b258f9a29e8ba1c1dfd7dfbb00e6eeeb2026123c.png)
Of course, the cowkini is one of the top options...
Kind of surprised Eugen isn't one of the top 3. It feels like there's almost always one Azur Lane character whenever a poll finishes.

Lucifer and Ryuko are probably the ones I'd like to see get a video, but that definitely isn't happening. Marina and Ibuki would also be welcome in my book. Ah well.
Yeah, not incredibly thrilled with number 20 being so high. The other two (probable) winners are fine though.

I honestly wanted to see Aya and Tio but whatever. I agree there's way to many options tho.
Personally if I were Imba:

Cut the list down to 10, keep the 3 winners and rules as currently.

Keep the number of choices at 20, but spilt it between anime and Western girls. 2 winners from each that way it gives us what we want.
Exactly. The other two are fine by me, but it's still disappointing that it's kind of the same trend of characters...it just seems like it's the same series over and over again, and the variety is lacking.

This seems like a reasonable compromise to me? Either reduce the list or have two lists and take two from each.

Or it would be nice if the bonuses were shorter versions of the runner-up videos so they get love, even if they weren't the winners.
i do kinda wish imbapovi would let us pick his characters for videos like what if someone comes up with a really good idea for hpump6? or what if someone wants to use the normal miku and not imiku for a video? maybe even have imba remake or make a version of the hpump videos but with his imiku?
I wish they did more POV content
Does anyone have CG report my post pics of demia
Does anyone have CG bonus pics of demia
Absolutely retarded westoid nigger. Imba shouldn’t be catering to western properties at all. He started with MMD and anime characters and should stick to that. His spreading out to doing western characters at all was a mistake. Go sub to RC or LLF if you love western slop so much.
Yeah! Don't have to care about those western properties.
Happy that anime and other Asian bullshit artstyles are banned in my country, so a lot of us grown up without that horrible cancer poisoning our brains.
I can smell devoted imbapovi asslicker. You are the reason we cannot have good things
Your good things is not our good things. Fortunate.

Happy we're not in that no-name shithole country then lol.
2 animators who specialize in western cartoon style animation. Although IIRC they mostly do stuff with OCs, not IP related things.
Seconding this request. I can usually be patient but I desperately need to see this one
was aight nothing special
Anyone updated the mega link?
Yall niggers should get a life...and check out my Twitter at @snoodle_arts
>The ankle-biting brat gets probably the best full body piece Imba has ever produced
>The arguably hotter milf gets a cookie-cutter ass expansion
Lowkey don't like to shit on this dude because who the fuck cares, but this is a complete waste of a great character
I'm convinced the only reason he is trying to push for more hourglass/less fullbody is because it takes less work
Do you have the non-music version?
If this is the treatment for good characters then I would say the potential for actually good releases is bleak
Imo, I wouldn’t fault on the guy that much; he pretty much did what the community member requested him to do. If it wasn’t based on the commission, then it’s possible he would’ve inflated Tsuki differently.
>ankle biting brat

What character are you referring to with this remark? Or better yet what video?
can anyone send the bonuses of this month?
Curious as to see but in your opinion, When was the last good video Imbapovi has made?
He's talking about the Uzaki blueberry full body inflation vid from a couple years ago. It's one of the best he's done imo too (though probably because I like Uzaki as a character and love blueberry so I might be biased)
The Grace animation makes her look like shit, and the Frigga one is stuck on a terrible angle for about half the animation so you don't see most of her growth.
Really wish he stopped wasting potential characters on these shit "bonuses"
Maybe getfo this website and quit jerkin off dumbass coombrian fags
He’s not wasting characters. People are suggesting characters that would never win a poll because LCD gates them. Your choices are either get something out of a bonus, or never ever see them done at all.
>>121403Probably demia. remastered bonus was great but it has popping. the popping felt unfair because she wasn't even as big the entire room. Man I wish this had no pop
Probably demia idk. remastered bonus was great but it has popping. the popping felt unfair because she wasn't even big as the entire room. Man I wish this had no pop
Thanks for posting these!
You know I could commission him for animation and he still gets little extra money from patrons.
(3.5 MB, 3320x4176, wiifit.png)
I'd really love it if they did a full body Wii Fit Trainer inflation video, I wish there was a way I could commission them directly.
Is it just me, or are these bonuses shorter than the last few?
was wondering whatever happened to the thread XD
actually i didnt mind the Grace one (asides from her slipping on a screwdriver…)
Frigga was alright though having only 3 unique angles really holds it back. Better than whatever crack Imbapovi was smoking with Rias
bonus rias (blueberry) or the separate one that was done for akeno?
if the former then i agree (forgot to include that in comment lol). and the worst part (its a me thing): NO POP! i dont like it when they end iwth either just stop expanding or has the creaking sound effect followed by zooming in at the very end but no pop.
Hate to be off-topic, but what's Frigga from?
Last Origin. Think he has done some other characters aswell(?)
new video out can some post bonuses



Pretty sub-standard crap as usual. Water inflation, over-used water effects, no voice acting, typical shaking cycles, poor facial expressions, annoying music, truncated popping still not added on to the main feature, daft looking character with purple skin & emo hair.. all his best works came and went prior to his reliance on Patreon sycophants and temper tantrums on Twitter at any criticism.

Y'all welcome to this shlock!
Yeah, I've always thought his animations were kinda crap to be honest. And it's 2024 for fuck's sake, he should start uploading 4K videos already
Actually this was one of the rare moments when I genuinely liked a recent Imbapovi video

Like, granted, it's still
>3-frame loop
>whatever body part or the whole body slowly expanding
>cut to the next scene
but it still got me interested instead of skipping to the part where the character is the biggest

tldr rare imbapovi W
Arent yall just a bunch of retarded porn addicts? Yall are loosers complaining about free porn stuff just quit porn and touch grass
Damn bro forgor to add substance to they post 💀
And what exactly are you doing here then?
Glad to see nothing's changed on this board.

The bonus archive STILL hasn't updated, by the way.
Man yall are a bunch of niggers kill urself bitch
Kill yourself nigger bitch
some of those are understandable though like the no voice acting. i mean, sometimes i prefer no voices.
btw guys for those who don’t know about the bonuses, idk who is in charge of updating the file, but i had this linked saved (it was from thread 5), and idk who it is, but it has files of A LOT of inflation-related content, not just imbapovi. so to find it, just type in the search bar “imbapovi” and you’ll see 300+ video files. https://mega.nz/folder/l7sXQbSY#zkQIzQeYrOh5rL8UeNMvTg
Is there a Thread for stuff from Ohiya/ひやむぎ? Sorry for asking that in here just wanted to know since Imbapovis stuff reminded me of theirs
Okay does anyone have the monthly bonuses? And does anyone know who they are?
not me, and the MEGA i showed you guys (124145) has not shown the bonuses yet that i know of. just checked.
If I had to guess, this month’s extra bonuses is likely solely breast, belly, and butt. Reason why, is because I’ve been seeing a pattern that he’s done for the past several months; one month it’s bonuses solely focused on the above, next month is mixed body parts, then rinse and repeat.
So is no one gonna share the link for last months bonuses?
I’m guessing it has to do with Kemono; I think the site is having issues uploading posts again. I’m likely wrong though.
Bonuses are posted to report my post, not Patreon/Kemono. If you check recent on Kemono you'll see very few Patreons are being imported, so they are either laying low or having issues.
>report my post
is this just a filter or is this like a kemono-esque website or something
Why can't we say d i s c o r d anyway?
Too many people posting "hey, I have x y and z but join mine so we can set up a trade." It cut into the "just post shit" spirit.
Yeah that almost certainly is
too many discoshills shilling their server
What about the other bonus videos for last month?

So it looks like I may be right. If this one is butt-centered, then the other two bonuses we haven’t seen yet are definitely boob-centered and belly-centered.
honestly… that bonus wasn’t appealing. i mean i did enjoy it partly, but videos focusing exclusively on one part of the body (unless its the belly)… actually never mind, i’ll just keep my criticism to myself
Well, at least he’s being creative on how he does the inflation every time. Either way, unless something changes, this month’s upcoming extra bonuses are gonna be focused on mixed body parts.
well the thing is - and this is a “me” thing - videos and bonuses alike have been wacky lately. not that there’s anything wrong with that, but the ways the inflations are made is what’s wacky (i.e. rubbing gel on self, makima snapping her fingers, and that pleased giantess video - VERY unsettling in my opinion)
speaking of bonuses, i just found out on deviantart imbapovi’s been remastering old bonuses like Aqua, Blaze (arknights), etc.
Well, keep in mind that the main videos this year have been based on descriptions given out by the community. So, unless he does personal commissions or projects again, it’s possible we may see more of those kind of inflations or even wackier inflations in the near future.
Not that I hold anything against you, I understand your opinion completely. But I am overall curious on what else he can do…
oh no, no i get it. i would hate it if content creators (regardless of source) made videos or of the like based off their own interests, ignored feedback from their supporters, did it based on what someone exclusively wants, etc. i mean, its impossible to meet EVERYONE’s expectations on things.
Why has there not been any talk of how Imbapovi uses AI?
Tbh I don't think his community has even realised, they're not the sharpest tools in the shed.
Go follow my twitter fucking niggers
Yes he has also been posting these on his Twitter too.

Also does anyone know why imbapovi banned picking miku as a character for his polls? Because he doesn't use miku anymore he uses his oc imiku witch kinda doesn't make since that he doesn't want people using his oc for animation ideas when it's been a long while since he last used them and I feel like he hasn't mentioned anything about making a hpump6 and I feel like remaking or remastering hpump 3 and 4 and maybe 2 to add some inflation in it would look really good and probably fit with hpump5 like maybe at the end of hpump4 or as like a mini video in between 4 and 5 where it shows the hrobot inflate miku then pop her again knocking out the robot and then miku comes back and decides to go to a clothing store and a hair salon then inflate her tits and ass with water or something to then look like imbapovis imiku I guess idk I just find it dumb that he doesn't let people come up with ideas for his characters or for normal miku

Funny thing is: These are the same people that complain about AI art as well. They complain about other people using AI but not him
i’d love to, but first i have to find the one and only fuck i give about your racist ass which i can’t seem to find anywhere.
they seem to post it most on deviantart but some times on twitter
I did notice it and it's disheartening cause in the past he used to make actual drawings alongside animations
Because Miku is confirmed to be underage (she's at least 16 years old), which is why he stopped using her and made an OC version of her (who is of age).
Probably because nobody gives a fuck about his 2D art and only care about his animations. Unless you can show me where he uses it in animations, I don’t care.
ohhh ok that makes since, then i wonder if he will ever decide to remake the hpump videos that use normal miku but with his imiku instead
Holy shit dude. Use some periods. You sound like a rambling moron.
thats not the only one with a “planned” no-music. theres a lot that say planned but no no-music exists for ones like that that i know of.
who the fuck cares
anti ai luddites are deranged beyond belief
Well on a different note, does anyone have a collection of clips with the poping ending replacing the original ending?
dude was replying to another post,

but to answer your question, yes there isnt a no music version for it yet

Thanks, I was kind of hoping it would be updated with some of the later vids that had a popping alt

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