
(1.3 MB, 1500x1091, unknown.png)
Technically the fourth thread chronologically speaking,but who cares? Post your boys here. Blimps,berries,femboylloons,you know the drill.
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Saved some greens and horny rambles from the last thread since they tend to not get saved as often as art.

Also, anyone saved Erin's weed experience from the 1st (technically 2nd) thread?
Hallucinating turning into a star and going supernova sounds incredible tbh.

Maybe we'll get him to talk about it again this thread?.
Because the last one was actually the third chronologically speaking.
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Yeeaah,funny thing about that. I was so fucking wrong,this is the sixth according to the archives. Boy do I feel stupid.
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I accidentally consumed roughly 110mg of that in small cakes which lead to really a lucid dream and awake state when it hit and I couldn't feel my skin and always thirsty - I do not recommend this as I actually felt like I was gonna die (scientifically I won't)

I laid in bed and imagined myself inflating with air into a large floating round boyloon and threw alot of ropes through my undies alot lmao.
This just means you need to practice lucid dreaming so you can be a horny boyloon without melting your brain on weed brownies.
Tbh I still need to find a way to get that feeling that doesn't involve just eating like 2lbs of ramen or something. Want to be skinny(er) balloon boy.

Hope you're able to spit out that air hose by the way. Don't want to pop prematurely without getting some time to enjoy it first.
Surprised mine made it in there.
Almost had a blueberry inflation dream tacked on at the end of a regular dream. Though I think I blueballed (funi joke) myself by spitting out the mcguffin blueberry drink at the last moment.
>And yes, for some reason I was wearing a blue tracksuit.
Mmm, is fairly hot but I'm in much more gentle mood at the moment.
I want to be appreciated and affectionately teased by whoever wants to pop me like a balloon :c
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I sure do enjoy being filled to the brim with light air enough to make me float around like a living overinflated boyblimp about to explode and whistling like a kettle to depressurize myself as my horny takes over to make me pulsate and drip like a leaky faucet
Mmm, helplessly bobbing up and down as you feel the unbearable tightness across your body. Releasing an endless stream of pressure but unable to meaningfully deflate. Not that you'd want to go back to a normal when you the have the pleasurable fullness of being a boyloon. You just need to be careful about breathing in just a little too hard, or else that orgasm you're searching for will be a very loud one.
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I partially retract that statement.
The desire to be roughly pumped and fucked and popped like a worthless fatty balloon is overwhelming.
Hands roughly squeezing into my soft body, endless air getting pumped into me, helpless to stop it, not wanting to stop it.

The damage this thread and this fetish has done to my mind cannot be overstated
I respectfully disagree. Being rendered a taut, creaking mess of a boyloon, teetering on the edge of release as your approach your limit. One twitch, one wayward gist against your leaky rod as air escapes would be enough to make you cum and detonate the very instant after in an array of rubbery tatters.

Personally I'd like a gaggle of girls to do this to me, or at least have something similar happen to me in the presence of multiple women, but I imagine you're more into beef than lamb.
>>117734i imagine having an inflated penis being the perfect scenario for multiple ejaculations and only popping can satisfy you, each orgasm making you hornier and more sensitive. You can reform and be inflated bigger than last time, fueling your addiction to be a fuckblimp
If only. Imagine the situation being made worse by a minx teasing and caressing your engorged rod, just positively making you beg to explode.
I was going fucking feral this morning, God damn.
Wonder how big the overlap is between boyloons and BHM? I don't really like being overweight but being chubby and soft and big and stretching my stomach is pretty nice :3
Don't know anyone that would want that though.

And other than that I feel that fatties would make really soft and squishy balloons and that would be rather nice. So much cushioning on there like an air mattress, can't even tell when they're taut enough to pop since they're that soft.

The ideal situation would be both, being doted on and given all this love and attention and squeezed on. Until they decide they decide they want to see their boy toy reach his limits and pump him bigger and bigger, betting on whether the mess of scraps or white stain will be bigger.

Although I understand if you don't want things to get that masochistic. Hard for me to deal too (general trust issues, etc.) but it's so hot too

Fuckblimp is such a good term, just being this big mass of boytoy that exists only to pleasure and be pleasured. Helpless and spoiled as anyone around gets to have some time filling you more.

>TFW you will never be the personal stress relief ball of a building of needy office ladies.
>YWN have the bubbly manager ride your face and kiss you and tell what a great job you're doing.
>YWN have one of them squish their ass into you like the bloated yoga ball your are.
>YWN be desperately moaning as the dommy one rides you until you can barely think or breath, feel your taut body flirt with it's limits as she digs her heels into fat tummy and balloon cock.
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I feel like high heels are extremely underrated as both a threat and method of bursting, especially when coupled with a femdom inflator. There's just something exhilarating about a girl using a symbol of femininity and seduction to turn balloon boys into confetti

>tfw you will never hear the sharp clacking of your inflator's high heels as she circles around your massive round body just below your view
>you will never feel them dig into your dangerously thin skin as she climbs onto you, threating to burst you then and there if she presses even just a teensy bit harder
>you will never see her give you a playful wink and blow a kiss goodbye as she reaches the top of your body before jumping off and driving her heels right into your balloon cock, sending a shower of rubbery scraps flying around the room
I find it funny how this thread is the most civilized of the inflation board. Seems like all the chads meet up here to talk about how manly they are because they inflate themselves. Especially you, Erin. You are more based than baking soda.
No. But you do you anon. That fluoride stare gets somebody off, I'm sure.
Not into mGTS/Amazons but the dialogue is setting me off.
I am now genuinely considering commissioning more stories like this, or art of it. What have you done to me Anon?
I think senorpapel has commissions open rn, idk about anyone else. Have to set up a PayPal or something though.

Yeah, other than the occasional nonsense schizopost there's not much conflict on here. Truly being a taut, air filled boyloon is the pinnacle of masculinity and emotional growth.
That and it would be very easy to pop each other if we did, don't want to get the needles out in here.

I was right, you do make nice confetti :3
God bless you Erin and your crippling horniness. You're carrying these threads.

mGTS is so nice, just getting squished into some massive girls strong arms (⁠。⁠・⁠/⁠/⁠ε⁠/⁠/⁠・⁠。⁠)
And it fits really well with inflation too. 7ft tall Amazon just lifting you off the ground, locking you into a long and powerful puffkiss. Really makes you feel like a balloon in comparison, a small toy meant to be filled and played with :3
These edits make me solid.
Wish there were more. Especially like the POV ones.

Yoooo I wrote that! Glad people seem to like it!
Is very good :3
Ver good, lol.
I was thinking of writing something with the same concept but I lost focus.
Anyone got some inflation Pit and Dark Pit from Kid Icarus?
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Just dropping in to share a request and commission I got from AtomicSinsDA and Kell-of-Kinks involving my husbando, Jason Frudnick from Blaster Master.

A truly underrated husbando if you ask me.
You still taking requests? I kinda wanna see more of my femboy bluberry brat in his blue tracksuit. :3
sure just dont follow up the art with another request
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I think I'll try and force myself to write something tomorrow. It's something I've been wanting to do for a while now
I wrote pics related last thread but, I want to do something of actual quality.
I won't promise anything, but I'll try.

Anyone have any writing tips in the meantime?
>>11786 (Dead)

If you are still doing requests might I be be so bold to ask you try your hand at some of the Shipgirls from Kantai Collection Like Bismarck and Iowa blowing up their Admiral and teasing him until he blows loudly enough for the whole naval base to hear?
>ywn be a commander surrounded by a bunch of horny balloon-obsessed shipgirls.
It's not fair.
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>ywn be inflated and paraded around the base by Taihou to show all the other shipgirls who you belong to
>ywn feel your body grow in tandem with Bremerton blowing a bubble as she gives you a playful wink
>ywn have California and Tennessee take turns puffkissing you to see who can make you the largest without pushing you over the edge
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I want him as a blueberry teasing one of my OCs (Quinton Foster) and Quinton just as a unphased look. (The first pic is his physical appearance and second pic is just his accurate clothes.)
He’s one of my OCs. (Same guy BTW)
The pic on the right is his official clothes, the one on the left didn’t have the details, if you need more details or so, feel free to HMU on report my post, it’s biker_buckets#1702
I love these threads because of posters like >>117727 and >>117720 talking about how much they want to become big, taut, creaking blimps.
Can we get a whole sequence or animation of this it's so cute fuck teasing blimps while they fill up is so hot
Thank you anon :3
It adds so much when you have someone that wants to be a balloon, instead of always being on the giving end.

I think I've seen a whole one femanon post something similar, lol.
I would give my soul and my waistline for a femanon to pump me up until I creak and squeak.
Though if you ask me, I prefer if I was a big bonered berry. Preferably a cherry, but blueberry is good too. So full of juice that sloshes inside me, sounding a ocean, blowing some bubbles, no thoughts, head full of juice.
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Just me as a berry, listening to music, playing games with Joycons and having a big FAT HUGE boner while being a big FUCKING JUICY blueberry and/or cherry. Or heck, have me FILL the WHOLE ROOM with my body, with no care in the world. Chewing and chewing... All day long...
Felt quirky, wrote something short.


You're cute, in a way. You try to act all tough, but the second you get a teensy bit of air, you turn into this desperate, horny blimp, positively *aching* for another pump. Now look at you, all stretched out like that. With how big you are, I'm surprised you haven't floated away yet. Or popped...

Hm? What was that? Your voice is muffled. Your head must be really sunk into your body. Are you begging for more? ...oh, what am I saying? You're *always* begging for more when you're like this. Each... little... pump feels sooooo good, doesn't it? All that stretching... and filling... until-

Oh, another air-gasm! How does it feel, knowing that you can come just by having a little bit of air pumped into you? And every time it happens, you get just a liiiiiittle more give, so your greedy blimpy body can get even more air. And so *this* thing can get even bigger. Not that you can see it, but if it was normally this big you wouldn't even be able to walk. But you don't care about walking now, right? You just want even... more... pumping.

Maybe I should keep going. Keep making you come and grow, just to see how big you get. Or maybe you'd just pop eventually. I know if you had your way you'd you'd just beg me to keep filling you with more and more air, so horny that it didn't matter that you could get too big and burst into boyloon confetti. So I probably shouldn't.

I wanted 6 months for this 😂
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Being on the receiving end the majority of the time has made me start wanting to give back a bit heh.
I'd love to be able to pump you up to your limit, but I'd have to decide if I want to keep you like a toy or pet and leave you at verge of bursting, or if I want to just push you over your limit and enjoy seeing you reduced to confetti!
Such a cute berryboy! I'd love to lay on top of you while you swell so I can watch your face as any coherent thought in your head is replaced with juicy goodness!
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>Surrounded by so many tall office ladies you've been the recipient of all their baked treats. Surrounded by so many girls, the treats and calories have proven overwhelming. Your belly presses out farther and farther, your waistline stretches out wider and wider. The girls have really filled you out into a very round shape.

>"Weight loss drink? Oh my no, no, no. It's a weight gain drink. It makes girls taller, stronger, and fitter. Yes, it's for growth. But for boys, you won't grow taller at all. You'll only grow wider, rounder, and fatter."

>"You know commander, Iowa produces over 100 gallons of ice cream per day. Rich, delicious, creamy ice cream. For a shipgirl like myself it isn't a big deal at all to indulge a bit. Our metabolism requires a certain amount of calories to function. But for you, commander, you don't require nearly so many calories. Particularly to do your desk job. Assisted by your secretaries. You've been setting quite an example for all your junior commanders. You and your boys have really...grown at the naval base. Not taller obviously, after all you're not girls. Yes, you've all grown so, so much...fuller than when you first set foot on the base. I've heard Akashi and Yuubari are working on new uniforms. Something with a bit more...give. And perhaps pleats to allow for...added expansion. Word is that quite a number of British, French, German, Italian, and Japanese commanders and their junior officers are in need of such uniforms. Yes, quite a bit of stretch in the waist on those new uniforms. High command has even authorized the use of suspenders if you find your belt line to be too restricted. After all, belts only stretch so far. Because of the growing...concern, there's also orders for you to spend two hours per day in the gym. Yes, it's required. However, the orders don't say you need to exercise. I think you should do exercises appropriate to your body size, in front of the girls. We could use some entertain- I mean, it would raise morale enormously to see and film you working out in the gym."
>Weight gain.
Killed my boner immediately but it was still good enough in terms of writing for me to appreciate it.
Maybe not that extreme anon. I was thinking sort of a replacement for getting high. No need to worry about munchies when you're already full AF. And, I would like it if someone else was also a berry with me. Vibing as a berry sounds so fun and a bit hot as well.
Thanks man, it’s mad funny.
Wait fuck I meant as a full blueberry, sorry if I didn’t mention that earlier…
I fucking love how you gave Quinton an umbrella. It makes him feel like he’s in a noir film for some reason.
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Actually did that one a while ago last time it was suggested
smth about dimorphic tf that benefits girls but fucks over boys just really gets me
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But yea, if anyone would like to do a sequel to this pic with me filling up the room, that would be great. Bonus points if I have a boner as big as this Byleth, no leaking though and keep it in my underwear.
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I request you have a nice relaxing day off to treat yourself and remind yourself of how valuable and precious you are.
And probably smoke some weed and float around as a boyloon for awhile
What's strange is that in years of making videos, there's rarely any pov content in general. And certainly no pov content with breast expansion or giantess. With a blonde wig and an inflatable bustline someone like Empress of the North would have been able to make bank.

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It should have been ME
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trying out pov art
“Ow!” Nate yelped as he jumped up from the chair just as quickly as he sat down. He turned around to try to look at what pricked him in his pudgy butt, hands resting on his plump hips. Nate suddenly sputtered and moaned, face going redder and redder as he wheezed like a kettle. “Something’s wrong…-”

Suddenly, Nate was cut off by an incredibly loud rubbery squeal. His fat ass had, in an instant, practically tripled in size. His swollen cheeks hung halfway over the back of his booty shorts, one particularly puffy welt bulging where his butt had been poked. Nate’s shorts hung open in the front as his penis bulged with a similar intensity - his fat shaft ballooning like his rapidly inflating butt and quickly slipping free of his underwear.
“H-Heeelp!” he gulped, hands pawing at his swollen nuts as his ass creaked, groaned, and inflated, quickly stretching his shorts into more of a thong. His ballooning backside had become immense and taught in barely a minute, with the inflation starting to spread to his thighs, crotch, and belly. Nate’s pathetic moaning grew in intensity as his growing body puffed up in bursts, like an invisible pump had somehow attached itself to him.

Luke and Oliver watched in surprise, just as confused as the pudgy blimp. Beads of sweat ran over his skin as it flushed from the strain, his swollen belly bulging out in front of him with nearly the same intensity of his absolute shelf of an ass. Nate’s fingers had already begun to thicken, his palms soft and his knuckles receding into his fat hands. He grabbed at his ballooned penis - stroking it and letting out rubbery creaks and squeaks as he touched his taut skin. Between Nate’s engorged thighs, his ballsack expanded to the point of touching the ground - the shaft of his cock pressed firmly against the underside of his inflated belly.

“W-Whhherts ggooihhnn onn..” Nate huffed at his friends between groans, his swollen face causing him some considerable difficulty. His eyes bulged in their sockets, fat, swollen tongue lolling out past his plump lips. “H-Heeeewwpp… p-pwweeassee… w-wherrbbbts happenung toooww meeeww…”

“I… I dunno! What do we do?” Oliver gulped, glancing between the just-as-stunned Luke and the rapidly expanding Nate. “He’s… he’s inflating like a balloon!”

Accompanied by the sound of a rush of air, another huge burst of inflation hit Nate’s ass, similar to the very first. It blew his shorts apart and snapped his underwear, leaving him naked from the waist down. Nate’s asshole throbbed dramatically between his intensely inflated buttcheeks, his skin tomato-red from strain and coated with streaks of sweat. Each of his swollen balls were nearly a third of the size of the rest of his bloated body, spreading his fat thighs with their enormous, overpressurized girth.
Much, much wider than he was tall, the groaning blimp of a boy slowly started to become buoyant. His arms and legs had widened into little more than mounds against his rotund shape, his fat hands and swollen feet sinking deeper and deeper.
“Hhhhllllfff mmmmmrreee!!” Nate barely wheezed in desperation as his impossibly huge body drifted upwards at an increasing speed. The inflation in his ass had kicked into overdrive, each creaking, rubbery buttcheek on its own the size of the rest of his body. Sweat drops flew off of the stressed balloon, his swelling face squeezing his lips into a pucker. Nate moaned for help again, but only managed to let out a sound like a whistling kettle. “Ddhhhhff whnnna pppphhhpppp!!!”

Luke took a step back. “I think he’s gonna fucking blow, dude…” he mumbled, with a gulp. Luke’s cock started to get hard at the sight of Nate’s naked, groaning body. The fat-cocked, fat-assed blimp was turning both Luke and Oliver on to an extreme degree.
“I fucking hope so-” Oliver gulped as he felt his bulge throb.

Nate’s eyes bulged as the pressure started to reach an unbearable level, his grunting and moaning becoming more strained and intense. His entire, taut body heaved regularly as he blasted cum from his overstimulated penis - Nate’s pair of blimped nuts throbbed intensely enough that his friends could see them twitching from the ground. The light shone off of his sweaty, rubbery skin as his naked enormousness cast a shadow on Luke and Oliver, the world below him becoming smaller and smaller as his weightless, inflated body rose higher.
Still, Nate doubled, tripled, quadrupled in size - only growing more deliriously horny the more disgustingly ballooned his body became.

Oliver held a hand up to his forehead to block the light as he glanced up into the sky, watching his moaning friend continue to swell. He started to stroke his stiff cock, pulling it out from his pants as he vigorously jerked off. “Nate’s so fucking big - he’s gonna blow soon, dude.” Oliver moaned, precum dripping over his knuckles as he pulled at his shaft harder and harder.
“Yeah, he’s definitely… he’s definitely…” Luke mumbled again, starting to pump his own cock and unable to take his eyes off of his blimp of a friend. “...he’s definitely gonna BLOW!”

Luke and Oliver both started to moan, huffing and puffing as they stared up at Luke - their friend grew smaller as his massive body drifted higher, creaking and quivering under pressure until… BOOM!
TFW you start helplessly blowing up into a curvy blimp and instead of helping you your friends just start jerking off to your massive ass and heaving balloon cock. Whining and moaning as you helplessly float off and pop in the horizon.

Can't even be made, I would've done the same.
(I need to think of more words to describe inflation)
Man, that has got to be the worst post-nut clarity ever once you process that your friend is dead and you just stood there fapping instead of doing anything.
You have the pic of Pit squishing Dark Pit?
there should be a sequel where his ghost possesses one of them to puffkiss the other friend until he cums and pops and then he pops himself as revenge
Oh, I'd be down for that.
Pinkie Pie: Mmm... that’s a big handsome berry boi~
Fluttershy: Oh my... this thing looks huge~
Antoine: Girls, could you roll me up please... i'm so full... and this feel so good~
I think so. I’ll post that and a few more later

maybe ill write that next. i figured people would enjoy the twink and femboy stuff more than the stories ive written abt orcs inflating
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Yes! Orc twunks turning into pathetic mewling balloons! So embarrassed going from toned warriors to an air filled toy ready to pop at any moment.
I love the the first one, though I wonder. Does it has audio? If not do you know where I can find and make audio voices for them?
It doesn’t, but I’m sure there’s plenty of different programs to add audio.
Maybe an even an AI program that can scrape the Smash Bros voices.
Oooh, that's good I like your thinking. What do you think are the best recommendations?
Afraid I’m not well versed in AI. Perhaps check Google.
So he's a oc based off Luke? Either way we know Luke's 20. He's a adult and that's all that matters to me so would hump and smash hard until he's fat scraps would also tease grope and blow
Not an OC, just a character the artist obsessed over.
Have fun cooming, I suppose.
Not gonna lie some of the hottest stuff I've seen in a while boys treating their blimps like true balloons are the hottest things imaginable
By chance anyone have any of Private Duffy’s blueberry content?
If I had the chance to commission them. It would be 10 times better than these.
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The one with brief is incredible.
>TFW you will never be some ladies helpless poptoy
No joke,I actually started masturbating to this image the moment I saw it on twitter.
Heck no it all, Anon. Fluff and smut go hand in hand with each other and personally, there should be more fluff in the inflation arena.
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Fluff is far less cringe than popping.

>Well Brief, you should be thanking Stocking for rescuing you from Scanty and Kneesocks
>It was pretty easy to kill them, between beauty and the blimp they were totally distracted
>To think how easy it was for you to get all stuffed and filled up
>You've really been blown up like a fat-filled balloon
>Can you even walk?
>Oh my
>I think we'll need to roll him home.
got a sauce for the sora one? reverse image search pulling up nothing
thanks! seems like they went scorched earth with their nsfw art
I shouldn't find this hot because Scanty and Kneesocks are for being bullied but hot damn I don't care.
I'd trade places with Brief.
Nah. It's another piece of the puzzle.
Popping can be hot if done right.
i need that raygunna956
If you change “pumped up kicks” to “pumped up dicks”, what are the rest of the lyrics?
I wouldn't know since I've never listened to the song, but I imagine "guys get popped by chicks" rhymes well enough.
Well as long as you remove the like all the other kids as otherwise you have a diabolically cursed song on your hand
It's kind of a dark song based on a concept of a school shooting

Outrun my gun and the bullets line makes it dead clear
Not the guy who has the rock farting in Logan Paul transformed into underwear!
I knew that beforehand.
>School shooting
>But actually it's a school blimping. And all the dudes are targeted by a lonely and horny femcel bullied by her peers.
i neeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeedddddddddddddddddddddddd that your job
(275 KB, 1000x667, __iowa_kantai_collection_drawn_by_lindaroze__cbaede14c6342cf70254c82588b26f30.jpg)
Happy 4th of July

>As to what happens when preconceived gender roles are reversed, that part is a little more elusive and difficult to explain. The whimsical application of inflation isn’t simply a binary two-step process, wherein a character is normal and then…bam!...inflated. It is an escalation of tension over time, where the swapping of traditional gender roles occurs and the positions of perceived dominance and submission cross over one another. The female character potentially demonstrates her first fledgling act of dominance by instigating the male character’s expansion while the male encounters his first experience in a submissive role in his inability to prevent his inflation or his acceptance in letting it happen. The reversal of fortunes, as it were, becomes more transparent from here on out. As the male inflates in the classically comical sense, he becomes progressively immobile, vulnerable and helpless, gradually losing all agency and his ability to affect any outcome involving his body or his surroundings. Correspondingly, the female assumes an increasingly dominant role (even if such a position is not outwardly evident in the character’s behavior), eventually attaining complete mastery over her male counterpart. Once the male’s transformation is complete, she has countless options open to her…she could control, aid, manipulate, subjugate, humiliate, or dominate…the possibilities are endless. The male, however, is relegated to a purely passive role, with very few options open to him and subsequently forced to accept whatever treatment is directed toward him.
>Every bubble she blows grows the bubble inside you.
>Lord knows what happens when the biggest one pops.
oh yes your blueberry pie today
heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeey you bitch next part 2 please
what the fucking that batman
i have help you
Ok, can we PLEASE get a mod to get rid of this dumbass kid?
suicide squad kill justice league if happens that batman was not brainwashed i will be revenage on captain boomerang
your comic of raygunna956
nightberry big berry robin and batberry
Why are there so many bots and where are the mods? Seriously.
And assuming these aren't bots but actually mentally insane people,my point still stands.
i have good idea
guys looks it lego movie
(176 KB, 1000x1000, IMG_6709.jpeg)
Does this count as inflation?
wait it second it suicide squad kill the justice league
Mods, cut off this guys balls
I mean, it IS called cumflation.
Wtf happened? Please post details in the rant thread
By chance any one ‘s got Private Duffy’s blueberry content?
Did you have a stroke or did the helium overfill that air head of yours a bit too tightly?
The human from Sonic X? I have the archive with that stuff in it, but I want to make sure we don’t get in trouble for it.
i just need superblimpboy from tv series of young justice
i need that new batman adventures oh well bruce wayne he got fat today
oh well good idea superman tas oh well fat jimmy olsen your likes in old comic
oh yesssssssssss that your earth mightiest heroes that your fat captain america
i need arkhamverse this batman you call fatma
your doughnut nathan drake have fanart please
i neeed to help uncle doyle blackwell have inflation art please
>>118518 i need that dcau green arrow
i need batblimpman beyond
There’s a whole DC thread in BHM. Wank off there.
Or just look up Prisionsuitrabbitman on DA. All sorts of DC crap.
You can only upload the images here, I don't know if there is a problem with posting links here
It’s a simple google search. He’s not hard to find.
I think you can post it here the link for the archive without problem
If you talk about the DA archive, none of the artwork where Chris appears is there :/
Thank you sooo much!!!
Why must you continue to shit up this thread?
But seriously, can a mod IP ban savvy747 for being so damn autistic? Stop throwing word salads around like you're a president.
oh well this waist time oh shit your dcau suprman we have 4000 pounds weight today likes a old comic
hey yo plasma snake we have beware the batman oh well bruce wayne is your stuffing belly
we have 3d cartoon
Oh dude, it's worse than autism, this is schizoposting.
I think it's both. Which is terrible.
I really wish they could just be IP banned already, they keep coming back lol
yon rogg and infinty stones ultron we are inflated up together
it mcu loves villains
Shindanmaker has a new think where they use ai to make inflation stories
More Pokémon stuff please? Especially for characters like Florian and Clemont.
Any Digimon stuff?
Especially Tai, Matt, or TK?
>Had a dream about being Ash the other night.
>Ended with Misty, Nurse Joy and Nemona hooking me up to an oxygen tank, turning on the flow and watching me blow up and float away.
(131 KB, 1200x1200, GFdDvaYXYAAYOkQ.jpg)
if your jimmy have balloon voodoo doll
oh dear superblimpman is your milk penis
Well. At least he’s posting relevant images
I still want him gone. I wonder if he's actually reading these posts we hate on him.
I’m guessing he’s hoping for someone to RP with.
You know what? for how annoying this savvy guy us, he is posting some good art. He just needs to shut the fuck up and we're good.
(389 KB, 3639x2348, 1b5f2a13ec65fd787afc6c59c97d04ee.jpeg) (9.7 MB, 3400x5000, __cynthia_pokemon_and_1_more_drawn_by_cromwellb__b41916804cb02b5ff71fd19b7e7957a7.png)
The thought of Hilda, Rosa, Cynthia and the others gets me.
>Girls constantly introduce me to wonderful foods
>belly slowly grows outward with fat
>Hilda and Rosa whispering into my ears about how round I'm becoming, while massaging the sides of my belly
>Cynthia poking me, teasing. "I have to work so hard to slim down. You could just blow up like a balloon, and not a single girl would bat an eye. In fact, you might even be more popular as a gigantic round blimp!"
(365 KB, 1080x1920, 3297131.png)
Art request: I would like to draw Pinkie Pie walking and holding the rope a floating inflated Antoine, full nudes.
(15 KB, 577x580, Brendan Fx1jMP9aQAI4hQC.png) (746 KB, 4000x2000, Hilbert and Hilda bloomph_and_wow__by_tb_arts_dbtsk8a.png) (176 KB, 2404x797, Hilbert and Hilda are_you_a_bhm_or_a_bbw__by_artofagod_dbzt1tc.jpg) (397 KB, 4096x2746, Calem EsXUuXwVkAARKp2.jpg) (617 KB, 1650x2550, Ethan Axel 3e4184c54d9037d8f7a9043238f51b6d.png) (579 KB, 1650x2550, Victor Axel a801ff83ddfd6bc2600cd0ac2d73e69b.png)
He's not doing himself any favours, people don't want to RP with someone who sounds like a fucking moron.

Also Pokemon boys getting pumped up by the girls is absolute fucking peak

When they blow up together, it's even better
2/3. I can't imagine Cynthia in an inflator roll. I can imagine Skyla or even Lusamine, definitey.
Hilda and Rosa are just naturally predisposed to making any pokeboy in the vicinity blow up.
On top of that, he's also invading other threads that are definitely not male-inflation focused.

Especially the Cartoon Expansion 2 thread.
God, I HOPE he gets banned soon.
Just saw that all of his posts on the cartoon expansion 2 thread were wiped out.

Only a matter of not if, but when he gets banned.
(183 KB, 1000x1000, IMG_6326.jpeg) (340 KB, 504x720, IMG_6997.jpeg)
We might be reaching the end of this thread. Thanks to the DC thirsty fanboy. So save what you want while you can.
I wholeheartedly agree. More pokeboys with boobs! More inflated pokeboys?

Any favorites? Personally I'm gunning for Avery and Allister, but you know what sounds really hot? Getting all Augustus Gloop-style with Sophocles and all the other Alolan girls and ladies fattening and inflating him!
This is the male inflation thread not the female one
I'm fantasizing about her inflating me, a guy.
(35 KB, 744x425, GREqZKEWMAAmhhM.jpg) (83 KB, 1039x1009, GRRylgXWgAAqznj.jpg)
Hey s>>117663 (OP)
o question I can't find a answer too. You know that new norm anti woke tv show? Anyone got age confirmation on the characters? I'm curious because I'm already seeing inflation are of the daughter chloe and wondering if they confirmed her as college age or something because if they did I guess that also means this character is also of age and I guess why I ask is if they're of age i may know someone who likes the Chaz characters chaotic design and may or may not inflate them as a fat blimp big dick and all?

I mean look at the different eye color show may be trash but that design is cyberpunk as hell! Again though need to know age confirmation they'll be down for it but only if 18 plus
(634 KB, 1855x265, PokeFloatMen.png)
Nice nice. If you want any more Pokeboys to inflate. I'd like to bring up some handsome men from the anime, left to right is Alain, Conway, Friede, Amethio, Jack Walker, Drew, and Harley
(432 KB, 580x800, __alcremie_alcremie_and_alcremie_pokemon_drawn_by_katagiri_hachigou__ce25addfee24de221adf92c33842a990.png) (523 KB, 1214x900, __may_pokemon_and_1_more_drawn_by_n647__5ecbccb5647dc59280481d42f5619984.png)
>She honestly wasn't that large at the start of your relationship
>The crucial moment was when she caught an Alcremie
>May's breasts and ass expanded like rising dough
>You were so focused on her rapidly ripening melons, you initially took little notice of the way Alcremie filled your waistline
>And once you did notice, with the way May and Alcremie looked at you, you didn't care all that much anyway
>As they felt you up on a regular basis, you began to enjoy all the attention
>You began to play a game, pretending to exercise until the girls pinned you and filled your mouth like doughnut on an assembly line, like drinking cream from a firehouse
I’mma make a terrorist manifesto…
>tfw started having similar fantasies about Bayonetta and Jeanne last night.
Fuck this fetish. It destroys me!
hey thanks anon im gonna fantasize about this forever
Hey, not my fault the sexy witches in skintight catsuits get me going.
If anything, they should be forced to apologise to my boner as it balloons along with the rest of me.

>Of course it won't be a problem for long.
(8 KB, 194x259, images (45) (19).jpeg) (136 KB, 1440x927, hcf9bkgqvjv31.jpg) (329 KB, 1061x1500, Anon_neutral.png)
Reminds me that we need more drawings of anon characters like this you know generic hentai protagonists that are self insert for the looker to see themselves in preferably with a t shirt that says you with a arrow pointing upward! Just for good measure so that way you can imagine yourself getting blow up by whoever.
What do you mean oxygen pill? When does he wear that movie robotnik-ass suit?
Never finished season 3 btw
(1.0 MB, 3000x4000, 1717626339188348.png)
Big butt Gym Leader lady who doesn't have any Pokémon who can fly so she'll inflate you huge instead.
Wow. This is hot. Artist and uncensored version?
ssbhm batman call me fatman your meet up your big clone hero named conner kent call you kon el aka supersizedboy
your blimp butt today my hero
Shut the fuck up. You posted your pics,just leave the rest be.
The artist is the username here. Kell of Kinks
(2.8 MB, 3700x2900, sketch1714547172510.png)
Thanks for the shout-out, lol.

Have one on the house. Any questions I'll be willing to a answer
What was your proudest fap to male inflation
who the fuck starts a conversation like that i just sat down

fuckin sweet!!!!!!
To be fair, would you answer if it meant the person next to you blew up the first dude they saw?
Also thanks for finding it you're welcome to make more two I need this demon guy big and leaking air everywhere preferably in that blue t shirt!
(701 KB, 1500x2121, Simon.(Tengen.Toppa.Gurren-Lagann).full.466901.jpg) (66 KB, 720x720, 8c4f09934db807a4c4e1d7f53b46d42a.jpg) (367 KB, 591x898, 591px-Alain_JN.png) (111 KB, 1280x420, maxresdefault (9).jpg) (123 KB, 828x828, _comm__hi_fi_song_by_songofswelling_dhtqgk1-414w-2x.jpg)
Fuck it. I'm posting dudes who I want inflated in general.

You could legit justify Simon inflating with Spiral Energy.

Same thing with Yun from Godzilla Singular Point since there's a material in that show called Archetpye which has the ability to bend reality meaning you could inflate the guy or make him an inflatable kaiju.

Also Alain, Amethio, and Friede are hot guys from Pokemon's anime.

Oh and SongOfSwelling inflated Chai from Hi-Fi Rush.
(995 KB, 562x1220, jason.png) (125 KB, 532x693, Gonbei_Concept_1.webp) (62 KB, 350x371, chara_Pic0201.jpg) (51 KB, 827x621, com___type_matchups_by_unclephuncle_dfkvdiq-414w-2x.jpg) (42 KB, 827x621, com___type_matchups_2_by_unclephuncle_dfnv18d-414w-2x.jpg)
Forgot to also mention Jason, Gonbei, and Kane from Blaster Master. I want to bring up that I did have AtomicSinsDA inflate Jason before and even before that, he and Kane were inflated by Kell-of-Kinks as seen at >>117860

Anyways here's an inflated Gordie.
(144 KB, 2048x640, FKyl9_KVcAIQdQN.jpg)
So what do you guys prefer when it comes to this stuff? Solo, F/M or M/M?
Based. More content featuring women blowing up men is always appreciated.
I need to a draw up a list of the shit I want to see.
Good for you.
Anyone remember a comic that was posed here where some twink steals the superman suit and he gets inflated and fucked by the justice league.
Guess i should have saved it while the thread still existed. That comic is just gone from the internet.
NTA but damn, I remember that. Don't like the idea of it just being gone forever, though. I really want to believe the old phrase that "nothing is ever really deleted from the internet", even if I have plenty of evidence to the contrary.
Ive never seen it anywhere except a niche thread on here and after the thread got phased out ive never seen it since.
Well, you never know, the guy that posted it there could always be lurking around her (or more realistically /bhm/). How niche we talkin', btw?
skyla inflation is so hot whether she's inflator or inflatee
The thread was literally just super hero suit inflations or something. It was more than a few months ago.
Our resident blimp maker hasn't posted in a while not gonna lie this thread isn't the same without him posting fun boys
Inflating fat guys is really underrated too.
Body inflation dot org. Man you made a boomer reminisce just now.

This guy's stuff isn't bad and yeah you can tell it's a lifelong kink for him, but me personally I'm not into bursting.

I dunno what it is. I love the idea of a curvy lady fawning over a fat or chubby guy and also finding a need to turn him into a blimp, affectionately.

It's easy with Pokémon since Skyla has balloon boobs and specializes in flying types. Gordie, I suppose, is probably our only other chubby guy besides Tabitha. But imagining some of the other guys being made chunky and stuffed silly or inflated, like Steven, or Avery, or Arven, would be so so hot.
(719 KB, 917x1300, __mutsu_kantai_collection_drawn_by_kloah__2b6c764380b81d980238ac5a4c723033.png) (533 KB, 917x1300, __urakaze_kantai_collection_drawn_by_kloah__9629bf64eea914f8adbee4af8a58a145.jpg) (710 KB, 970x1300, __ushio_kantai_collection_drawn_by_kloah__adb646e8a56333d0f177ce6270dfe275.png) (679 KB, 700x689, __unryuu_kantai_collection_drawn_by_pokoten_pokoten718__6c200ab91ee63c797348d819504804bd.png) (365 KB, 1500x1542, __yamato_iowa_and_enemy_lifebuoy_kantai_collection_drawn_by_himeyamato__cf78d45044e78d54823e564b7a7e4dd6.jpg)
Bursting is bad.

I think having multiple girlfriends would be super fattening. It would be very easy to overeat through snacking.
Bursting isn't bad if done right. It's a nice climax that coincides with sexual release.
Though non-popping content is probably more on the build-up/denial end which appeals to more people I guess.
I dunnoe.
I'd personally prefer a hot girl to make me go boom right as I cum in my ballooned state.
I know most of you guys prefer femdom,but since we're on the topic of bursting I'd fucking love to be cumflated by a fat femboy until I explode (in more ways than one).
Wait,would a femboy inflator still count as femdom??
No. Because femdom is specifically female domination.
I enjoy the idea of popping being far more intense than a normal orgasm and even a full body orgasm.
Let’s say maybe 100x more intense than a full body orgasm.
Personally, I prefer temporary popping, just so the inflatee can be inflated and popped over and over again. Perhaps addicted it. Becoming a slutty fuck blimp
Legions of Trainer girlfriends who all just give you "nice" snack gifts until eventually they're giving you whole triple cheeseburgers and XXL milkshakes as snacks.

They're huge calorie bombs but your stomach has been stretched so much that they feel like a cracker to a normal person for you.

You don't even notice your belly pressing up against their tits half the time.
This was actually pretty good! Thanks for sharing.
Temp-pop is the way to go. Makes for good repeat business. I think it should only be 10x intensity. Don't want your brain completely fried as you teeter on the edge of going blam.
>Legions of Trainer girlfriends all armed with various inflation techniques.
(103 KB, 1280x1739, damn_it__that_was_an_expensive_suit_2_by_slipknotblimp_defn1gs-fullview.jpeg) (78 KB, 1280x1428, damn_it__that_was_an_expensive_suit_3_by_slipknotblimp_defn1gi-fullview.jpeg) (83 KB, 1280x1473, damn_it__that_was_an_expensive_suit_by_slipknotblimp_defj3c4-fullview.jpeg) (227 KB, 828x1380, decompression_expansion_by_expansion_fan_comics_d9jsye3-414w-2x.jpeg)
Some commissions I got made, trying to find the non-censored versions.
Woah, these are good! Who's the artist?
(231 KB, 661x797, 71c319e59879a8c53a3d724cecac5860.png) (467 KB, 678x1220, 3401df9a417480de3f07b1865f9739aa.png) (2.8 MB, 2560x1440, 6e028339ee3d086d305940f50e891731 (1).png) (1.9 MB, 2560x1440, 59282055e518a19d03588edd835dd4b7.png)
I wanna congratulate whoever made this brainrot awhile back in one of the threads ever since I've seen it I've had gained crippling femboy porn addiction to railing android 17s tight balloon bussy! Thanks for MANY powerful nuts! I'm addicted to this pumpable bitch! It's second nature for me know just like water!
Very well could have been, that first pic gives me the vibes of the comic.
Need a gaggle of gyarus to grind and rub themselves against me and my cock while I desperately try not to cum, slowly growing from my backed up sexual frustration until I'm ready to burst in a shower of spunk and rubber scraps.
(1.2 MB, 1051x1600, __original_drawn_by_joy_ride__6ec5cbecd656d452def6fac10838ef63.jpg) (1.2 MB, 1131x1600, __original_drawn_by_joy_ride__b432a5385a97601d0915c00337aee988.jpg) (4.7 MB, 2894x4091, __original_drawn_by_zonda_solid_air__725465efe330911126873e4ec6084965.jpg) (210 KB, 800x1131, __original_drawn_by_joy_ride__6be69204312f9389c92406a31074b546.jpg) (1.8 MB, 1179x1667, __original_drawn_by_hige_shinshi_a_c_0880__3995404724a2109febae68966a14a7cf.png)
When they poke your belly with their long nails, teasing and teasing for tightness.
The brainrot is real.
Nothing but busty gyarus blimping boys is on my brain
(1.0 MB, 2281x1982, aaron_inflated_by_henkaneko_dhx872b.png) (627 KB, 2629x1902, an_amply_enhanced_alolan_ace_by_manpersonguy_decoqoo.png) (2.0 MB, 4267x3001, kalos_blimps__5678_by_manpersonguy_dgz856k.png)
So what PokeBoys would you have inflated more? I already brought up several from the anime but there's also the likes of Aaron, the Alolan Ace Trainer, and Calem

Oh, goodness yes, I'm on board for Yun becoming nice and round. I've actually considered the idea of Archetype swelling him up helplessly.
(40 KB, 735x755, ec305412125913ce34e47ea2d817280e.jpg) (49 KB, 1200x704, infinity-train-book-4-love-it.webp) (82 KB, 563x574, f59469c259697e4dccf2c6afb8587cd0.jpg) (18 KB, 564x314, c47eb2d4807432efae43b195f2a5e396.jpg)
I've actually got a few choices for who I'd wanna see inflated myself:

- Mark Grayson: The world of Invincible is so weird and outlandish that I'd imagine there'd be *multiple* ways for him to get blimped up. Also the fact that's he's already muscled and in-shape would make it even better. It'd be *humiliating*.

- Ryan Akagi and Min-Gi Park: Imagine these two failing a challenge in a specific train car, and getting pumped up as a result.

- More or less the same for Simon Laurent. The train is a big, weird place y'know.

- Kevin and Jamie from SU are also good contenders. They have the perfect bodytype for getting inflated.
Your other choices are amazing as well~
(244 KB, 1359x1920, EtDedxFW4AAuif5.jpg_large (1).jpg) (116 KB, 500x690, tumblr_od1k5acqPa1uh89ryo3_500.jpg)
Yes or no as a idea
Felix argyle or any catboy inflation is peak? More lewd the better I'm taking blowjob inflation I'm talking mouth to ass I'm talking some downright degenerate stuff all while he kicks his puffy stocking covered feet in flustered panic! Thoughts?
Why, thank you! Glad I could share them, and I'm glad to meet a fellow enjoyer of Kevin and Jamie :3
But yes, just imagine the two of them helplessly blimping/berrying up in a room somewhere, gradually growing bigger and bigger and pressing against one another as they rapidly lose space...
M-inf, I implore you. Send me your best female/male inflation content you have.
(5 KB, 300x168, images (45) (24).jpeg)
Damn Right! Glad to meet a fellow catboy enthusiast! Honestly I'm ashamed at how little stuff exists of Felix and we need to change this world for the better!
(177 KB, 821x751, orc.png)
oc :)
(83 KB, 1200x675, _RyanMinBerry.jpg)
Glad to see someone who recognizes the potential for Yun inflating. Also I remembered that I saved some art BlueberryBloats did of Ryan and Min.
(2.3 MB, 1920x1080, _animation__that_time_i_tried_an_expansion_spell_by_youkisora_dhnh7f5.png) (540 KB, 1280x720, _animation__a_dramatical_pool_misadventure_by_youkisora_dhveugo.png) (1.8 MB, 1080x1300, _up_next__aether_blueberry_inflation_video_by_youkisora_dhymy7h.png)
Wanted to let y'all know that there's an animator by the name of youkisora who's doing expansion animations like Imbapovi except she's expanding males. So far she's done animations of Rimuru Tempest from "That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime" getting a massive pair of honkers and Aoba Seragaki from DRAMAtical Murder undergoing hourglass expansion.

- https://www.iwara.tv/video/0O0ThqvdCesMQ0
- https://x.com/mmd_youkisora/status/1805315046093811791

- https://www.iwara.tv/video/DVtTlfDd4bTBFS
- https://x.com/mmd_youkisora/status/1818315464201699561

She's planning to do an animation of Aether from Genshin Impact inflating into a blueberry next.
Oh hey, I commissioned that! Good times.
I'm still in love with the shapes and scenario here.
Still leaves me a bit breathless.
Nice bro. You’ve gifted us with this gem of an art piece w/ your money. I salute you.

Scenario I’m picturing:

Min-Gi and Ryan pass through a food factory type cart and are hungry having not eaten since boarding the train. Kez points out the food course gum and says it’s good as long as it’s not pineapple desserts. They both get blueberry. They start feeling REALLY full and realize they’re inflating. Which causes Kez to remember that it’s blueberry you gotta watch out for. Ryan and Min-Gi are now stuck as blueberries. Asking Kez if it’s permanent or not. She says no, you just gotta wait out the effects. So they’re stuck there. Waiting. Nothing. Trying to shift about and move. Ryan doesn’t seem to bothered while Min-Gi is beyond flustered and embarrassed. To try and pass the time, they talk and talk. Maybe getting into an argument or junk. Things chill out and again, more waiting. A long while passes and finally Min-Ginand Ryan snap at Kez about the long wait and they aren’t getting smaller and ask if there’s any other ways to speed it up. To which has Kez remember that it’s the stained skin colour that takes a while to leave and that you gotta be juiced. There’s a machine on the other side of the room not far from them. Exasperated, they two w/ the little help from Kez, roll themselves to the juicer and get juiced. Now able to move onward to the next cart. Though, they remain blue. Having doubts on if what Kez said about the blue fading out was accurate at all or her lying.
Happy to oblige.
Also, that's a neat story! Gotta love the idea of these two boys being stuck. Also, love the implication of permanent effects at the end there.
Think of this as the Lost Episode cut due to higher ups cutting the show short. XP
You ever commissioned anything else from them or other artists?
I actually commissioned those too! Lmao
They're by Kell-of-kinks
Ill get back to you on that :3
(36 KB, 544x416, IMG_3837.webp)
Y’know what this guy may be a bit weird for some people’s tastes, but I’d kill for inflation art of John Doe from the game “John Doe”, I just love this weird freak
He's awfully cute! Blimpable.
(15 KB, 250x308, 102307812_1393278950873902_9069423088707819925_n.webp) (12 KB, 185x499, Bro_brawl_isaac_cooking_round.webp) (15 KB, 298x368, Isaac_WBB.webp)
I don't watch this show, but Isaac from We Bare Bears would make a PERFECT orb.

Like, imagine him slowly inflating into a large, helpless, leaking blueberry or a creaking, taut blimp; his usual cold demeanour being broken as he groans and whines pitifully, climaxing as his body creaks.

Bonus if it's permanent and his two roommates have to be his handlers..

Really wanna draw them as a berry. Too meh feeling right now to do it. Ugh.
(433 KB, 1280x1280, kirito_inflation_by_007r18_deshqnu.png) (790 KB, 1000x563, kiritoasuna.png)

So I wanna bring up Kazuto Kirigaya also known as Kirito from Sword Art Online as another man who I'd want to see inflated more. Like I've had this thought of a scenario where Kirito and Asuna are inflicted with a status effect that affects them outside the world.

It could be a VR version of Fall Guys except the developers were taking inspiration from Totally Spies and/or Willy Wonka or Project Alicization or Unital Ring. Either way, while playing, the two are inflicted with a status condition that makes the two inflate into blueberries, complete with their skin turning blue and their bodies swelling into a round shape. Meanwhile... their bodies are inflating like balloons in the real world clothes tearing apart unlike in the game.
(1.3 MB, 2083x1616, 1665635148.bigboyseason_krudarday12.png)
Genderbend edits btw
(2.8 MB, 2724x1353, 1723687679.png)
Maybe one day the people with actual influence in the inflation community will finally fucking do something about him,but I digress. Take this piece by addde to cleanse your palette.
On another note,it might be a bit early to say,but I suggest the archivists here start revving their stuff up. We're nearly at 400 again already and wayback has excluded all bbw-chan links recently. We've got a good few 40 or more so posts to go before we reach the limit,but better safe than sorry. Just wanted to let you guys know.
Why? A bit out of the loop.
(47 KB, 1685x366, Ea_i_r9XsAIC3y7.png) (82 KB, 441x855, F0dGoitWIBIyfKQ.jpeg)
He's a racist and a pedophile. He once stalked a kid because they reminded him of one of his fetish OCs and later tried to play off the story as am 'edgy joke bro'.
Shoulda figured that was the case honestly. It’s always the case w/ these things.
Thank you for the balloony boy butt anon 👍
That's it, really?
That's the whole stalking?
If so then people are clearly over-reacting.
And why "racist?
Because it really seams like just another case of BigHorse.
A lot of entitled westerners use this as a way for debasing people, whenever they simply have anything against them.
Where I come from, it doesn't really work. It's a serious accusation and you need some solid proof for it.
Otherwise, it becomes clear that you're just being petty, while at the same time the meaning of the word becomes blurred.
It's not a good thing. It's actually insidious and disgusting.
Firstly,I haven't even presented all of the evidence about the racism or other things,only the stalking part to get the main point across. And secondly,the fuck do you mean overreacting? Dude was getting his rocks off to a fat minor because she reminded him of his OC.
Yeah take anything else away and that alone is just so sketch and out of order.
Not enough non-white inflation out there imo.
(1.5 MB, 1200x2408, dhl6lqt-7fd399b5-444a-4226-bc3b-f79a08b92299.png) (379 KB, 1920x1920, 1691869184.nacionalcreativista_comision_30.jpg) (371 KB, 2283x1614, 1697812338.nacionalcreativista_comision_34.jpg) (630 KB, 2096x1758, 1717521103.nacionalcreativista_aurlette_and_isveth_frotting.jpg) (467 KB, 1766x2086, 1720375654.nacionalcreativista_isveth_and_mistress.jpg) (602 KB, 2144x1719, 1720622706.nacionalcreativista_aurlette_hyper_cock.jpg)
I wanna be blown up into a blueberry bro and given pleasure. Is that too much to ask??
Who the fuck uses ":3" legitimately?
On the one hand, Nacionalcreativista's Velkhari work is hot as fuck. And the other hand, not so keen on the world building.
>ywn be given blueberry pie by your friend's hot mom
>ywn be teased by her as your skin turns blue and you start to swell with juice like a good little blueberry boy.
This universe is cruel.
The last one. That’s what I want. Enjoy the curves before the taunt roundness.
(50 KB, 578x484, GVCrBkPXIAElSw4.jpeg)
>And on the other hand, not so keen on the world building.
This reminded me of a meme I found the other day. Balance is hard to achieve.
Just never could get into reversed gender roles world building. Seems way too silly. But then again what is silly in the face of body inflation? Dunnoe. Hard to pinpoint why exactly.
Maybe I just prefer to be on top sometimes.
>Using :3
May you be permanently normal and deflated.
(47 KB, 1000x1000, GUF84qNX0AAzEli.png) (341 KB, 1024x922, round_rose_by_octoboyda_damnsu2-fullview.png) (741 KB, 1280x1646, comm__lucas__scuba_incident_by_aerilate_dfyz511-fullview.png) (1.2 MB, 2000x2100, dhw12ie-9d6ddbb3-7b3e-4690-88a6-176c29ed3cfd.png) (2.8 MB, 7000x2400, unknown.png) (2.5 MB, 2139x2000, GSDnnnQaUAAt7yy.png)
By the way,in case I'm the one to create the next Male Inflation thread like with this time,which of these images would you guys prefer to be the 'thumbnail' or whatever the BBW-chan equivalent is?
I apologize for my cringe with an obscure male blueberry inflation audio I found on youtube
Enjoy, hopefully

I just feel like that genre of writing can be too mean. Sometimes you just want some more fluff and romance when you're fantasizing about blowing up like a balloon
Yeah, I get it. I suppose if it was more gentle then I could, but otherwise it seems just too...implausible. Or detached. I dunnoe.
Simply put
Hot grill make boy get big big
boy may go boom.
That's what I like.
1, 3, 4, or 6 would be good
I like 1 the best though, that's a nice body shape and the freckles and muscle lines are cute.
I also prefer the more natural/curvy body shapes of 1 and 3 over spheres. It accentuates the bodies natural curves instead of replacing them.
For me, the blueberry one.
Ffffffffu-k man, so damn horny now.why can’t I enjoy being blueberry damn it! And have reversible effects cause 1) life and 2) experience and do it all over again.
Alright,I'm gonna do a wheel spin between images one and five. It will decide what the next thumbnail will be. I'll see you all in the next thread. Take care,you lovely horny boys~
He's Twink of the kingdom for sure 😊
I doubt any girl would like to wear that for a Halloween costume party... Unless there a Sluttier version.
Oh boy, wait until yall find out about what happened with Drakemohkami
oh come on you cant leave me hanging like that, was there some scandal he was involved in or what?

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