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Malding and Seething edition.
the incredibly skewed proportion between female inflation content creators, and "guys who want to be girls" inflation content creators
Steph fucked defense smith? I knew it
Not this shit again, go back to /pol/.
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>bhm board deletes male Pokémon characters threads cuz they're "too problematic"
>female Pokémon characters are posted on the other boards with nobody batting an eye despite arguably being just as "problematic"
What is this fucking hypocrisy?
I find it just as problematic. But I also don't go on those threads. Like it's clear this site has a problem. For Pete's sake we have a loli thread why? Idk man but it's weird
I hope you realize that I'm not on your side.
It's ok because woman but if it's dudes or furries then that's a big no no
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Depends on the character ash is 10 year old should be 25 but like sonic is perpetually a vampire of "child entry point" blame that bullshit on executives as to why half of shonen characters are sus. My boy kazuma from konasuba isn't 16 HES 25! They deaged him from the web novel for two reasons. One is spoiler he ends up with the loli in endgame megumin who is also deaged to 14 in the anime (17 in web novel yes she's technically still a loli in web but much older)

Point is they did it as A. To not look as weird that a 25 yr old is dating a 17 year old so to fix this executives said make her 14 him 16 (the correct answer should have been make her 18 then no one would be sus)

But that brings us into second reason the dreaded child entry point! Ever wonder why more mature shows like infinity train get cancelled it's called the child entry point rule it's something executives force. Why because they figure only way people could relate to characters IS IF THE CHARACTERS ARE CHILDREN! So their must be a child entry point for things to get greenlight and this problem is huge in shonen jump. Which is literally made for teens so must include teenagers as protagonist. But hell it's either that or you get pushed to shonen monthly or other magazines which is more mature but jump specifically is weekly chapters while others operate under longer time releases meaning you're probably getting a single chapter every month dragon ball and boruto are technically under this category and that's why you don't see too many manga chapters all at once anymore.

Dumb right? I mean regular show 100% disproves this without a doubt but yeah the more you know!

But back to Pokemon

Cynthia is a adult so is flanerly and Sonia from sword and shield and although nessas age have never been confirmed we do know in lore they went to school together (her and Sonia) at same age and are childhood friends so with logic in mind nessa should be minimal 19 to 20 as well
To be fair I'm not a big pokemon fan but I do believe they don't run off jump and release stuff under in house umbrella which gives them better freedoms but still child entry point and the belief kids cant follow any protagonist over 18 is a dumb rule that's existed for years is multiple medias again if you wonder why ash and sonic don't age at the minimum to 18+ child entry point is probably the reason. It's to be able to milk profits to the widest net you can't catch! If my series is for 10+ vs 18+ more will see it and more money I'll make.
When did I ask for whatever the fuck you just said?

We all know people have different standards when it comes to women, because to them, anything with women is a-one okey doke by them.

>bhm board deletes male Pokémon characters threads cuz they're "too problematic" aka kids
>female Pokémon characters are posted on the other boards with nobody batting an eye despite arguably being just as "problematic" aka kids
What is this fucking hypocrisy?

I mean the child entry point trivia no nothing just fun trivia I think I may have blew my load too quickly with this one my bad I forgot to end the point of topic.

The point is to remember with pokemon both male or female characters their are adult ones and suspicious not of age characters so just keep that in mind on the side you can't ban all male characters or all female pokemon characters and call it pedo bait because technically their are characters that are of complete legal age

Ash < Leon sword and shield
Cynthia > misty

So more or less a guideline to remember their are adult waifus of both genders in Pokemon that are adults. And if someone says something is problematic without looking up a damn fact guide or wiki tell them to eat dick as they don't even know what they're talking about

I swear nothing irks me more than somebody saying a character is pedo bait when they are 100% canon adults! Kazuma is a prime example he's canon 25 by author the anime forced him to change that against his wishes it doesn't change the fact he's still technically 25 in some version of media and there's really no difference in design between web novel and anime so have fun fapping i guess he's perfectly legal!
I hope that fixes some confusion.
I don't participate in any of the threads, they were reported as underage and a quick scroll confirmed it. They got nuked. I am not going to search every thread for something that looks underage, but I will deal with it through reports
Also which fuckin retard reported this thread for being transphobic. Stop being a faggot

So much anger you’re like a little kid and for what? To be pissed at someone for some stupid reason.
If that's your mindset, than why don't you be consistent and ban anything related to lolis and Pokémon, hmm?
I would love to cleanse loli from the site, but was specifically told not to. Unless it is outside the specified threads. As for Pokémon, I'm not going to seek it out. Report stuff properly and I will clean it up
Also I'm quite calm. If my language hurts your feelings, a chan is not for you
>but was specifically told not to
Aw man. There goes my dream for a pure, loli-less BBWchan.
If you see it outside the loli thread report it, I'll kill it. Cause fuck that shit
May I ask about the circumstances of you being told not to treat that shit with ban-on-sight?
Asked about it when I started, was told to leave the specific threads, kill the rest.
Thank you for your answer. What a pitiable situation we're in.
If you need more answers or see something that needs to die fast, I'm pretty damn easy to find in the disco
lmao did someone really? what a fucking freak
why'd you shut up little guy?
Yeah it always happens with the rant thread. Just this time I decided to call him out for it

For the record it was just a 1 minute ban for the red text lol.
It's actually a lot simpler than that:
- If the artist is in my ingroup, then it's fine. I ignore it. Oh I'm sure he aged them up. Whatever.
- If the artist is in my outgroup, then it's "literally sexualizing children, he draws porn of MINORS!". Not immediately though, that'd be too obvious. I only strike with the "this you?" if the artist I dislike gets into some sort of controversy.

Also, if you ever catch this and call me out for it, I will gish-gallop and go "wellll it's different because ummm context y'know".
are u me?
this is exactly my behavior.
>>116447 (OP)
the absolute retards that go into random threads, look at a woman, and go "hurrr that's a guy" like they're so utterly brainrotted that anything other than an anime woman doesn't register as female to their retarded brain.
is loli against the rules?
and.. I Just checked. nope. loli's not against any listed rules.
Nothing you say or do will make whoever owns this site change their mind. Cry harder.
Maybe recent legislation will.
They are drawn to have child like features. Fuckin pedo
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The reason Barclay gave years ago was that anime makes it too hard to police loli (take pics related, can you tell who's the adult). The rule against loli is that generals are condemned to /bbwalt/ while pictures can still be posted in the other boards; hence Pokemon, My Hero Academia, Evangelion, Idolshit, and Gachashit, are allowed.
shouldn't be any rules against it in the first place, same for furry. if it's inflation, it should go here.
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I know that this is to be expected for furry artists but holy shit why are some of the most talented artists some of the most insufferable ones too? I hate it when I find an artist's work that I really, REALLY like only to find out they're some standard ACAB retard. It's no shit that people who draw furry inflation porn are gonna have left-leaning views of course, but some of these fuckers will block you even if you're a centrist.
When I come to inflation and it’s all this bullshit instead of Will Wonka blueberry inflation like the people want.
>>116447 (OP)
How do you find good inflation artists to commission? I was interested in doing it but it feels like a total crapshoot right now.
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Hot take technical lolis like tatsumaki age 28 and frieren age 100 physically 20/30 don't count I don't care whatever the hell you say. Their adults fap as you please. Also please do your research before you call a anime character a child I get sick of seeing misinformation spread 60% of the time
there's very few furry artists I consider "good" both in art style and political slobber
the only one I can name off the top of my head that is both is fugubarakun

moralfags on a message board, lord help us
if you don't like loli you close the thread and go on with your fucking day, it's so easy
you aren't helping the drawings by getting mad on the internet
If you don't like loli, fuck off.
hey op, 3rd time is the charm? or 4th? lets see how this one is going

oh goodness gracious it is all pedo shit
We should act like it's a rule and report everything in hopes a mod cleans up.
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To add on, it fucking sucks when someone who does happen to have conservative viewpoints like RidiculousCake (with the whole historical statue shit) is a pedo. The fucker sexualizes real kids and has a beyond-autistic hyperfixation on the 1971 Wonka Blueberry scene.
idk if they're conservative, but chipchell also has a beyond-autistic hyperfixation on either factory scene, it's disgusting how they just trace over some of the shots
Sound smart. With community college education. Sit down lol
seriously, how do they draw that same exact scene over and over again? It's ridiculous
oh yeah, and she's friends with zoidberg656, another 05 obsessed nutjob.
A berryfag is a pedo? You don't say!
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I firmly believe fetish spaces should be apolitical. I'm tired of seeing blatant inflation fetish accounts on Twitter sperging on and on about their personal politics. It's all so tiring.

t. lib
I agree unless you're blowing up a politician like aocs inflatable fat balloon cheeks then politics are boring blow up someone like a balloon if you dislike them and move on outside of much nobody cares. Let politicians drone on about shit like what difference do you think you'll honestly make lol.

>Hi I draw balloons
> Wanna know what I think about economic inflation too?
Although a inflation game would be cool like honestly I really want something like rainbow six or call of duty where when you shoot someone with dart bullets they bubblize and expand when they pop it's 1 kill and you could do interesting things with the balloons as skills like use them as shields or if their filled with water or juice drink a strength potion and throw them at you enemy like a grenade for infectious damage! Causing all enemies hit to slowly bloat up to bursting doom

Only way you can stop it is pray you can shoot down the muscle lady till she's fat and immobile otherwise you and your team explodes!

Capture the flag and berry bomb disposal and all types of other fun modes!

But getting off topic yeah would be a fun game but not as Roblox lol Roblox inflation is insane how can you get hard from a cylinder headed creature screaming oof as it explodes all over your face?
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>"aocs inflatable fat balloon cheeks"
what in the goddamn fuck are you smoking
That would be hilarious and worth creating.
Helium and my own ass fumes
Even his detractors conceded and retracted the allegation. Are you living under a rock? Nobody believes that anymore since Reddit got blown the fuck out.
Girls, especially trans-men, are like that.
Pyscololgy major public speaking professor how astounding lol measures needed to spot you.
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The fucker organized an ENTIRE animation collab of that one 1971 blueberry scene and uploaded it on YouTube for all eyes to see. He designed his "Violet" character as practically a 1-to-1 to the original actor, and it's even more disgusting when that whole collab was meant to be a "tribute" to the actor when it's just to fulfill his pedophilic tendencies. So much for BTFO'd, you don't have to be a redditard to know that RidiculousCake is a nonce, at face value too, mind you.

pic is some RidiculousCake fanart!! :D
not only that, but chipchell has only been getting worse. he started actively trying to make the characters look younger, added braces to one of them
wouldn't doubt it, chip's a freak
the fact ridiculouscake still has any fans is crazy to me
This why they made block button.why is bothering you.makes no sense
Fetish spaces should be apolitical and you're a moron for being unable to enjoy people's content unless they're conservative.
All brainwashed low iq tribe of non union folks.get real
leddit gold has been deposited in your account for upholding the drawings honor m'sir

totally normal pic to make
also Epstein memes suggest not taking actual pedophilia and sexual harassment seriously

the problem is less their political beliefs and more it being their entire personality
like artists who never draw/post art and only talk about serious bullshit on their art account
>the fact ridiculouscake still has any fans is crazy to me
People are so cumbrained that they're willing to forgive the most heinous of crimes just because you draw round women well
>also Epstein memes suggest not taking actual pedophilia and sexual harassment seriously
FINALLY somebody says it!

Didn't bother you when it was FreakinWeirdo stalking a random stranger when she was on vacation and drawing her dying a violent death and opining what her parents would think if they saw her inflated. In fact you all praised him. Why the double standards?
Dude(tte)s this is legit starting to look like Inflatechan.
Who the fuck is FreakinWeirdo
The world of limitburster. I hate the idea that women are just there temporarily and men can’t get a long meaningful relationship.
Anyone else have problems with limitburster?
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Politics are not the problem, preachy hamfisted diatribes that nobody asked for are the problem. One of the worst things that happened to the scene are artists deleting their DAs so that no one can follow their work without watching them fearmonger over AI, lie about Israel, and simp for crossdressers.

Absolutely hilarious that people still cry about drawn characters being underage while beating their dicks raw to My Hero Academia and every pokemon trainer under the sun.
>"Politics are not the problem"
>Proceeds to list a bunch of political things he disagrees with immediately afterwards
Mind trying that one again, champ?
This isn't the dunk you think it is.
Never seen delivery truck sit for hours for no reason in front of peoples homes. Exposed
See now this guy knows what's up.
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While we're pointing out inappropriate shit, someone should mention the inflation (specifically a lot of butt inflation) that someone was sneaking into Nickelodeon programming. I don't think it was the infamous Schneider but someone was doing it.
Of course the subject of the clip I'm including here isn't a kid but some of the scenes produced were. It was pretty gross.
you do realize that non-autistics will just find that shit funny, right?
Missed my point entirely, RC draws fetish art of the REAL KIDS that played Violet in the Willy Wonka movies. It's fucking sick.
Well as long as the fan service in question is with a adult actress I say who cares if someone inserts their fetishes especially inflation which is pretty tame if not a wide reaching cartoon gag as it it

AS LONG AS ITS WITH A ADULT I have no problem with that shit. Honestly dan would be weird but not nearly as much of a creep if he only did foot fetish shit with the moms and left the kids out of it. But dan had more than foot fetish allegations under his belt it's RUMORED he got some kids pregnant and forced abortions! Yeah that man is depraved!

But again if it's adult I have no complaints honestly inflation scenes are so far in between. I take what I can get as long as it isn't some edp shit! Even with some anime I'll find a amazing inflation scene only to find out some teenagers involved

>I'm a simple person, I wouldn't judge your age by weight height how much of a baby face you are like have of these internet idiots with their height of consent weight of consent bullcrap but I was raised to believe age is just a number and that number should be 18 regardless of the shape or face!
Hell even us inflation idiots find that shit funny.

>not everyone into inflation gets instantly hard from every balloon women we see!

But we can get uncomfortable if let's say Jessica rabbit is seductively trying to force fetish fuel on us in front of our tvs.
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Well if he's drawing the adult actors example Anna Sophia robb 05 violet is 30 years old birth date 1993. I mean she's low-key a baddie in 2024 and people sleep on her alot. Even original violet if you look up photos of her in her 20s was kinda bad. Sorry for the thumbnail image on the white dress but goggle was shit no other images exist but here's some examples of badass outfits she wore som maybe people will draw her in something other than that yee yee ass bowl haircut and tracksuit for once. These outfits would berry up quite lovely don't you agree?

So Yeah nobody says you can't fantasize about the adults as berry blimps who cares.

BUT IF ITS THE KID Forms call Hanson! Stat!
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mfw the moralfags take over bbwchan
That new b.a. on wheel of fortune wtF LOL
It won't be inflatechan until we have a mod that openly and constantly shit talks paypigs and bans schizo posters on sight

Don't say that, you'll piss off the Media Literacy spergs!
I'm starting to wish it was inflatechan. schizoposters were shot on site, and the anti-CP bot was working more often than not before it died. (and we had a few good threads with more than 6 posts daily across the entire place)
They're desperately afraid that if anything gets tagged as CP then the credit card processors will cut them off. IOW, DA probably doesn't give a shit about lolis but the moralfags running Visa and Mastercard do
It's unlikely this will be enforced at all, and if it is there's absolutely 0 chance that this will be enforced evenly across the board.

If people can't draw topless Sailor Moon then DeviantArt is cooked.
If you see blueberry content and immediately start thinking of a child actor that's 100% on you.
Or it might be 100% on the fact the fetish originates from a real life child.
Well honestly it's worse than you even can imagine visa and MasterCard are completely against anything NSFW or remotely related to fetish ever wonder why have these websites are making restrictions against NSFW art of any kind ill point at you in the right direction it's the card processors.

Supposedly it's a combination of oh that's sexist and the dumbest yet most reasonable reason they don't like that honest civilians can make more than a decent wage off of drawing cartoon porn and they have this hierarchy belief that degenerate stuff of the sort shouldn't be a business.

That's the belief of the higher-ups at these sort of companies and it always has been for years and it will continue to be. Loli is least of your problems they absolutely hate anything sex
How come no one here has tried to make another Inflatechan? ...That's actually a chan and not a forum.
We have a habit of fighting.
that isn't new and their moderation team often forgets that's even in their ruleset

now this is some real bullshit and the canary in the coal mine when it comes to free artistic expression in porn and sexual spaces (not just loli stuff, it's whatever the credit card companies think is evil and offensive)
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I don't think it's because credit card companies are morally opposed to NSFW content. I think it's because of chargebacks.

For whatever reason: NSFW services get more chargebacks than any other online commodity. They're a huge pain in the ass for everyone involved: including payment providers.

I think this is part of why sites like OnlyFans and Clips4Sale don't even take PayPal.
I mean that may be true for things like porn video sites but that doesn't explain patreon and pixv these are sites that particularly cater to the fanart community and most if not a majority of artists handle things and batches that's not to overwhelm everyone. And there's no reason for fanart communities to be specifically affected by this outside of the simple factor that they just don't like it.

Again it's a good explanation for things like clips for sale and video provider websites but look at it this way to be honest I'm sure that they get just as many chargebacks as they do from something like Amazon and other high-end companies on a daily. And to be fair most of those chargebacks are declined or worst case scenario if a person loses their video or something the company would just rather give them another upload link or something like that rather than give them the money back.

Point is the only people trying to do something like that would most likely be trying to scam the company out of money because they just don't want to pay for porn. So it doesn't really explain the factor that fanart communities ones that are particularly related to NSFW content particularly have their patreons and other such sites targeted there's no reason that fits that description outside of again something else what could it be my thought is still at least going to remain on a personal bias I mean come on think about it you're a big guy in a corporate ladder you worked hard to get to the top and this guy is just making cartoon porn and climbing ladders higher than you could at their age.

Yeah that's bound to push some egos in some way. Again there could be multiple reasons but this is just one of the main theories going around out there because not much can explain the reason why I said communities are targeted so much? Again you make a fair point but it doesn't necessarily bring to the point of fanart communities or patreons as those probably aren't affected by chargebacks that much
DA's had that rule for basically forever, they're just bad at enforcing it.
I and other artists have been bapped for that, in my case it was aged-up May from Pokemon, they deleted all copies of the commissions I did with her. This was... four years ago, I think?
My guess as to why the rule's getting brought up again recently is that I think some of it was reworded a bit to be more clear, like I don't remember that stuff about regional differences or them clarifying about ages in different points of a show.

That, plus:
1. There's been a few times where various bank/credit/money-type higher-ups have been quoted stating they've got moral/religious issues with porn. I'm too lazy to grab the quotes though.
2. More and more actual countries (and even whole-ass US states) have been cracking down on (or just restricting behind ID checks) porn under the excuse of keeping minors away from adult spaces, which makes a bunch of companies liable if minors slip through. (and we all know they slip through.)
3. Something about how fighting against porn fights against human trafficking and/or CP, though I don't really see how that would work, it's not like they go "SENSUAL CHILD - ALIVE - FAST DELIVERY - $200" in their invoices, I assume.

Still, it's not just PayPal. A not-insignificant amount of banks, credit card companies, and payment processors have talked about this or have actively pushed to block NSFW, PayPal's just one of the loudest and most pushy about it.
Boomer moralfag lawyers and CEOs saying "BUT THINK OF THE CHILDREN!!!"

Then they go home and fap to the most degenerate shit imaginable

or pay for human trafficking

This is why we can't have nice things.
I mean yeah? Because predators literally lurk.

>Then they go home and fap to the most degenerate shit imaginable
NTA I mean yeah. But it still doesn't take away from building those walls. If you get what I mean
If they seriously believe this all will stop some teen in their basement from jacking off they don't know anything about kids. Nothing with stop a horny hit if they want access to anything the ONLY thing that will stop a horny hit is one thing JUST ONE the parents. For each kid that exists there can be upwards to 1 or 2 parental guardian figures outnumbering kids by a long haul! If each one of them slapped some sense consensually into little Timmy they they wouldn't have access to porn.

It's that simple the Internet is a Pandora's box so big and vase and unstoppable nothing can prevent someone who really wants to see something from seeing or sharing it the only hope you have on crackdowns like that is the adults.

They outnumber their own kids!

This is why whenever someone says
>Think of the children
People roll their damn eyes and say
What are you selling!
Because we know damn better that they know as well that if there was a method we would have had it years ago. The only method outside of parental supervision is deleting or permanently disabling the Internet and no one's that dumb! Or morally high!

Point be yeah someone who says think of the children is either insane and doesn't know the scope of the Internet and what their trying to police or has alternative motives. Honestly I don't want kids anywhere near our platforms yet I can stop them.
It's Thanos
>It's inevitable.

Just scream

and walk away. That simple or however you parent and parents are our only hope because no algorithms stron enough to do this properly!
I agree but theirs smart ways and taking away peoples jobs for rent and bills isn't one of them.

I don't care if little Timmy likes fortnite porn so does my adult age confirmed client keep your ass away from my adult things. Stop getting me in trouble! Point is it's either the stupidest way to police things even or it's a excuse to push a agenda not protect kids at all
That's an ancient inside joke we came up with to protect females from stalkers.
The first image isn't even "little effort"
Male fetish art almost always being more sexual than that of females. Do I look like I want to see massive erections and ejacuating all the time? No the fuck I don't.
>>116447 (OP)
First, what drives a poster to start a thread for something everybody with a brain knows will NOT reach 100 posts?
Second, what drives an artist to start a thread taking requests when there's already a draw thread?
Especially the shit that's just a poorly cropped head pasted onto a circle
my brother in bust, you choose what to browse in the internet
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>Frieren has a character (pic related) who is basically the perfect premise for unwilling inflation
>Swell Reads takes that premise and makes an audio story with it.
>It ends up being weight gain slob shit. (With equally shitty WG slob art to accompany it.)

I'm not even averse to most types of belly expansion kinks, but WG is fucking trash and I'm tired of seeing it overlap with inflation. In fact there's nothing that grates me more than seeing WG crap mixed into the gallery of an artist that usually does inflation or stuffing. It's a retarded, nonsensical kink, even more than inflation/stuffing. At least with those two things there's a basic physics logic of "You put liquid/gas/solids into a stomach, it will get bigger but also thinner and tighter". Eaten food getting instantly converted to fat and making a person billow up into a formless mass of lard is so fucking stupid it makes inflation look logical. I don't understand what the appeal is, how it's comparable to other expansion kinks, or even how WG bursting is supposed to work. (There's nothing under pressure, no tension or strain, it's all just formless fat)

TLDR: It's a huge let-down when an artist you like that usually does your favorite kinks takes a good premise and absolutely wastes it on shit-tier kinks like WG or vore. It's childish but this is the mald and seethe thread so I'll mald and seethe about it.
I thpught this thread was deleted
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Do agree inflation scenario is best but honestly I don't mind weight gain with honestly anything is better than the canon decapitation L that frieren actually gave her seriously if I was that elf I would have done something sexual or fetish like hell make her my personal fuck pet just killing her was dumb or at least if you're gonna do it make it humiliating and fun. Pump her fat and sit on to of her kicking your feet as you poke her cheeks maybe make out with her violently growing as before she blows apart? Honestly I just give swell read the props for lines like feast fit for a queen as greedy as you I just wish we got a better popping as the bursts have been heavy L lately seriously give us a whiny oh no build up as she swells and swells then boom. I was seriously hyped to see a one last bite trope at least where she violently groans moans then squeals for her life before bang. Both that pathetic shit!

Oh well what can you do. Either way I'm glad we're seeing more inflation stuff over all. Meme for fun found on da made by the artist popperfan in case you're curious.
kek Swell Reads hates slob and has been caught multiple times starting shit with slob threads (much like yourself I bet), you are a thin-skinned retard and probably gay
WG is ass sorry but that’s just how it is. And if what you’re saying about Swell hating slob is true then that just expresses my point even further. If you need jerking material so badly go watch My 600-lb Life.
You lot DO realize I'm just gonna bump every slob thread the more you push this little war further and further, don't you? How many times do you need to be taught this lesson?
Good. Slob is literally shit.
You should go empty your life savings on commissioning slob shit to inflation artists, that'd get under my skin more.
>Goes to bbw chan to complain about fat people fetish

are you the stupider?
What a shame how behind you are. I've been comming slob for nearly a decade specifically out of spite.
That people can exist with the most vanilla sexual preferences "Oh, I find this moderately attractive average person incredibly sexy. All I need is normal sex"

No. Go back to your childhood and find some trauma to work with. That's like saying your favorite meal is unbuttered toast and a glass of water.

I think the only reason this pisses me off so much is that it really puts in perspective how sexually fucked I am.
Circle tool or not, if it gets you hard, it is a pass.
The lack of actual porn within inflation porn.

I don't wanna dig for hours to find only some little penetration, I would at least like to see a few dozen comics or animations seeing a chick getting fucked while she inflates and she is enjoying it endlessly.
does chipchell read these threads? first it was the obsession with the wonka blueberry then it was making their characters look to young with the braces and now the problem they are having is adding to much detail to their faces where their characters look 80 years old while blowing up like a blueberry, Chip if you are reading this can you chill the fuck out? you dont have anything to prove you have a lot of skill as an artist just lay off the wonka bullshit, get rid of the braces and stop overly detailing your faces
>No art of black people just fury stuff
Snoot is goated even though honestly who cares like both but shit posts and meme just hit harder for me to be honest having the protagonist be anonymous with no face but in a 4chan style is honestly a smart move and giving characters edge like snoot does goes way harder than volcano did. Can they push a joke that's a little too dank fair. But overall I think it does just more with its story and tone than volcano did.

Plus you got to give props. Volcano was made by a team with funding for original PlayStation release by a official developer! Took years to even come out! And it came out mid and some single developer in his basement showed you what you can do with just your own hands and a strong story regardless of team and bam! A gem.

Point is how do you think a story like the original star wars succeeds where today's versions fail. Genuine love made by a team of friends and not a corporate product.

Oh no it's maybe I'm just talking out my ass? Still it's ok to love both even if one gets dogged on more like what you will that's the interesting thing about creativity parody and freedom of speech.

I can call you a skinhead
You can call me a pinhead
I can call you a tin man.
You can call me a frying pan.

The point is different intriguing ideas can come from any media and the point is to enjoy and have fun with them. Not stick air compressor hoses up each other's asses popping each other like pimples over arguing things to death like mindless blimps
To me it sounds like "Waaa! I started first! That means I should get first place!" Newsflash kid, you lose the race if you keep taking detours. Also, making character's who's only trait is being an LGBTQIA+&Knuckles is as one dimensional as the things you look down as "sexist". People who make characters like that are basically just serving spices as a full meal. I rather have a fully baked (as in personality) white cis male character than a character that's only there to check off some sort of "representation" checkbox.
Kisame here. Blacks will never make expansion art cause they don't want to be sexualized and there's still other black people mad that people don't like Tyler Perry movies, or black culture. Bad Boys 4 is the outlier cause it's fun.
I don't know. I made Mona, Lola, and Daria black mostly out of sheer boredom. I also made Li Li Chinese cause I was bored. Expansion art is a hobby, not this life changing event like the Brat Pack, the British Invasion, or all those other dumb events.
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We all know most twitter artists are whiny, deranged or simply fucked in the head. But are there any artists you "like" outside of their art?. Or someone who is not an autistic tear factory?
Just curious.
It's Twitter's fault for giving them Tumblr+.
At this point any guy that has "black" on their bios are probably white or attention whores.
nah chip can't be reading the threads, have you seen the recent posts on twitter/DA? literal 1-to-1 traces of the 05 factory scene, he's crazy
If you look for a bit you will find someone, specially smaller or beginner artists who are just starting, that orrr veteran artists who ain't complaining about anything and just minding their business in art, but it's hard to find honestly
the traces themselves aren't even that bad it's just the fact that chip is so fucking insistent on using the ugliest furry OCs when they clearly have the capability to draw human characters somewhat decently, jfc give it a rest already
It IS bad given the fact that Chip could be using ACTUAL KIDS as reference points for fetish art that people are going to whack off to. Even if Chip's drawing OCs and not the kids, Chip makes design choices that make the OCs look younger (braces, short hair like Violet 05, etc.) It's fucking disgusting.
Are you really gonna pretend like this legit bothers you? Too little too late for berryfags to beat those pedo allegations now.
with chips its different, everyone else just draws a blueberry of their character but chip just copies the scenes 1-to-1 down to the pose the angle and clothes
It's a 2010's meme that originates from the Brady Bunch. Where Marsha doesn't believe her sibling (maybe step sibling) Jan, has a boyfriend
You bring up a very great point you know I've said for years someone needs to completely remake blueberry body templates for these scenes in blender or something so we could avoid the originals at all cost as it do feel kind of gross question is who
I mean it bothers us all we just kind of live with it. Again making blender templates will probably be the only good actual suggestion to stop this if it's good enough and accurate then there's no need to use these creepy images anymore right? Logically. To be fair blueberry is pretty basic is just a blue tracksuit with a red belt

Also I don't think all berrytards are pedos Chief it's the other way around 99% pedos just so happening to like blueberry. There are some genuine berry enjoyers who only one big milfs with floppy titties as fat fuck blimps! Juliette Michelle for example. By calling berrytards pedos your calling half the tmc thread pedos too
Why did you post this a second time?

Are you obsessed?
You have spent this entire thread spamming your incoherent, desperate rambling damage control for berryfuckers being pedophiles and have convinced literally nobody.
FW is not sending his best.
so why do you guys get upset when people who enjoy blueberry call out other berry creators like chip for making shit like that?
is it because "berryfags" live rent-free in your head?
how much more are you going to cope and seethe?
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Cooly suggested the scenario and I told him "if you write I'll dub it". A promise is a promise and I do a lot of inflation + popping stories as-is anyway.
Always the same braindead babbling rhetoric.
What berryfags do when one of their own gets caught in bad behavior is circle the wagons and try to memoryhole it as hard as possible. Last I checked guys like Songbird/Diamondback aka PigsofDoom was still being fucking shielded despite trying to get Pokemon Go players killed and discussing his fetish with a 17 year old boy.
>Last I checked guys like Songbird/Diamondback aka PigsofDoom was still being fucking shielded despite trying to get Pokemon Go players killed and discussing his fetish with a 17 year old boy.
The hell?
Y'all need to stop this berry Pedi bullshit it's getting old
Ok fair if a creator is actually doing sus shit trying to deplorably and deliberately hunt for cupcakes on that edp445 shit go report it to the FBI or something. Nobody is arguing that shit isn't bad NOT A DAMN SOUL!

But you can't be on some twit blue bird x shit and be calling everyone who loves blueberries a pedo! YOUR WATERING DOWN THE MEANING OF SOMETHING DEAD SERIOUS! A word like that is given to the deplorable the ones hunting and hurting children not someone who butthurt you on the internet all I'm against is when it's used as a quirky catchy buzzword. ITS NOT INTERNET LINGO it's a fucking crime. Stop trying to make it ligma sigma balls L rizzler bullshit!

Pedos nazis and fucking clan members are evil vile and the worst inhuman monsters in society.

So yeah understand that when I'm pissed at how these terms are used it's not coming from a place of defending monsters but the generalizing of the term used on everyday people.

Not everyone with a blueberry fetish is a pedo. Accept that or keep coping. As far as chipchell goes and these specific individuals they may well be on some suspicious behavior but I don't know or don't have a personal fuck to give whether or not to say if that's true.

It probably is who cares drop you info and move on but I swear almost every time we catch a mother fucker with a case on the internet and God forbid blueberry kink is involved 50 of your brain dead asses climb out your holes to say

WELL WELL WELL once a berryfag always a pedotard!

And I'm fucking sick of that your gonna get normies thinking all of us inflation fetishists are degenerate pedos so FUCKING STOP!


grow a pair! Literally I hope you wake up with pears as testicles testicles fruit transformation is what I wish on you that and peach asses
Fw,chip,and everyone else can suck my cunt I don't stand for them and their pedo crap I stand for the blimps the ones that peg my ass
I mean, I'm not too deeply involved in this convo across the internet and I barely read any of the argument within this thread, but really there is a point when things get a little too close for comfort, like when artists/writers quote the movie word-for-word, or go out of their way to argue which movie did the scene hotter (they both star actual unambiguously young kids both in and out of the canon).
I don't mind so much when people like the fetish (though I only like blueberries a little) but the closer people attribute their lewd scene directly to what's in the movie, the more I give them a side-eye for it.

Yeah not gonna lie that stuff does actually bother me whenever someone hits me up like how hots this scene or has a suspicious conversation like that I either block or walk away it's creepy as hell and I'm not saying that's not I'm say is people are generalizing if you like blueberry fetish your a pedo and that's the most Twitter if you like Harry Potter your a racist bullshit ive ever seen people actually use that excuse all the tine to win all kinds of arguments.

If you like insert pretty normal thing her you are very horrible thing here. And I'm just getting sick of that especially when we're talking about serious crimes stuff. That's some heavy stuff to throw accusations towards us all I'm saying yet I'm not gonna like some people in the berry community do be that weirdo crazy I'm not trying to sugar coat that and throw it off that their isn't sick individuals out there. There's no excuse especially when you can literally make artwork of the adult actresses and no one will complain or bat a eye as that's 100% ok. But children is not. It's just wrong
I'm sorry for ranting again I think I'm actually just gonna let this topic die I just hope if someone does say something dumb and stupid like this again you call out the bullshit from the facts.

Someone else can be the white knight around here as I'm tired of loosing my mind doing so I got my own life things to do to live ain't nobody got time for all this shit. So let me leave off and say I hope once a week we all go outside take a breather and touch grass for five minutes to calm the hell down.

I find it mildly annoying when pissboard moderators ask for a literal state issued ID to join their server. Mind you, I tell them to get fucked, it's just the gall that people have to think I'm going to give that up just talk to other faggots with this fetish.
>>116447 (OP)
STICKIED THREADS (other than public notices)
twitter wasn't great in the first place
but tumblr banning porn made it a hundred times worse

that's gay as hell, plus anyone motivated enough can shoop up a fake ID in no time

I'm just gonna copy and paste what I said before the last thread died
you're forgetting the best part:
>KO_OP delayed GVH to rewrite the ENTIRE game because the original lead writer was cancelled for writing a kotaku article glorifying Harry Potter fan porn
and then one anon and his autism defeated a semi-major studio backed by motherfucking sony

anyone stanning GVH is a seething furfag
Restricting the creation of new threads to one a day would've solved the problem.
You don't care about any of this shit, dude. For over a decade inflation was simply about how much artists/ writers could get away with. There's no use in moral grandstanding now acting like you're such an upstanding citizen.
The "see >>" brigaders. Some of you might mean well pointing out other areas of interest, in which case, thank you for your service. But god damn some of you are mildly annoying to say the least. Yeah, we know there is a thread that loosely fits the same definition. We know there is an issue with CP spam. Thank you for kindly pointing it out. But also this is a fucking chan board. Content loss? Most of this shit can be found on the artist's page. Otherwise use one of the lost media threads or create a gallery somewhere or something. Keep your favorite threads active and they won't fall off the board. Threads come and go. Le circle of fuckin life. Big whoop.
that literally goes against the TOS, so, feel free to report them with evidence and get them nuked.
Not their fault there are minors wanting to cancel them the moment they turn 18 because "THEY GROOMED ME!!!!1111"
Aren't you the guy who defended SquishySofty when she got outed as a pedowhore?
We need to drastically reduce the number of very important threads and leave the rest of the catalog to random shit.
One thread for all artists with less than 400 posts of content,
one thread for all real life inflatees with the same problem,
one thread for all video games,
one thread for all anime and manga,
one thread for all cartoons and comics,
what else am I missing?
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>>116447 (OP)
>This URL has been excluded from the Wayback Machine.
Thats screams rich ppl behavior so weird lol
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This recent arc of FW attempting to pass himself off as human has been legitimately fascinating. This is the uncanny valley principle taken to it's purest, most undiluted definition. He knows he isn't people, but what's disturbing is that other people either dumb or immoral enough to give him money do.
Retards tagging things like vore as "inflation" on sites so that shit gets mixed in with searches
Some great sequence or animation suddenly being ruined by fart or scat near the end
Schizos who dedicate their entire life to tracking and seething about some imaginary slight and spend all day trying to get all their stuff removed from the internet
>tracking and seething about some imaginary slight and spend all day trying to get all their stuff removed from the internet

I'm sure you're completely non-biased and neutral about this.
Going to be honest, people who are super anal about a fiction character's age are as bad as those who just plow on ahead with no limits. The mental Olympics used by people saying that you can't do anything with a character who is 17 years and 364 Days old are the same methods used by the whole "5000 year old loli" crowd.

If ACAB, why the fuck are you playing the moral police?
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>Some great sequence or animation suddenly being ruined by fart or scat near the end
Oh my god this, moreso scart than fart, I once found a real nice animation of Pearl from SU inflating herself with a hose and I was diggin' it AND THEN SHE SHAT HERSELF
Yeah I'm not a fan of some artist I like the work of wipes out everything they've ever done then disappears because some autist decides they need to dox and stalk them
Yeah farts aren't bad it's just green clouds worse case just picture it as joker has or something but scat there's nothing a bigger turn off then someone the size of a planet deflating by defecating a planet
I mean to be fair always expect artists to be temporary because when IRL gets in the way exceptionally when someone threatens your life style fir whatever reason balloon drawings don't matter as much as getting stalked by weirdo normies with their own self righteous opinions.

Life's too short! Still that doesn't mean the artists don't love or care for this community when they go it's just hey nothing personal but someone got weird so I'm gone.
Keep in mind their is some extreme weirdos in this community I've seen first hand some strange requests asked if artists
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Honestly I don't care if a character is timeless or 1,000 years old yes some times sadly a physical age comes into play that you have to look at and be like yeah that's kinda sus but most fantasy settings have elf's that live to be hundreds of years old! It's just fact to be honest even the youngest elf I've ever seen is like 50 years old. Honestly the only 1,000 year old characters you should ever question is vampires probably because their age is stunted when they die most usually still there could be in universe rules like they have to age to adulthood before they stunt growth or something that could come into play? But otherwise if it's ancient it's probably ancient and what you think is a child is just short lol so stop worrying.

Honestly lifes too Short calm down your 1,000 year old waifu is probably actually a adult not some pre pubescent kindergartner like Twitter trys to kink shame all into believing and honestly what matters moat is the reason you're attacking to it is some sort of shortstack kink not its childlike features.

Honestly your a mortal being that only lives what up to 100 if you're lucky? So why are you questioning a 1,000 year elf if they're mentally mature when honestly the one who would probably be thrown away in handcuffs in this scenario is the loli whose 1,000 trying to sleep with a 20/50 year old who there technically crib camping or some crap.

If anything less they should probably be the ones sweating not you lmfao!

Point is pencil lines as long as the artist says it's a adult no question or says it's physical age is 20 something who the fuck cares
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I'm not usually one to kink shame, but I DRAW the line at scat and/or watersports. That's even MORE unhealthy than actual BBW/BBM IRL. I tell people like that to fuck off to thew actual sewers if they love shit that much.
I imagine someone told Mike from dirty jobs that when they found out he had a scat kink and they took it literal
Loli shit is weird AF and defo sus. But I'm not paid enough to care about hypothetical fictional characters that could pass as an adult under any other set of circumstances. Especially when real fucked up shit happens to actual victims IRL and can't get attention because every Twitter and incel brained politician has to call everyone they don't like a fucking pedo groomer like they've never heard the term "libel."
People who hate on berry artists because the fetish “originated from a child actress.” That point, while being a completely understandable reason to be turned off from such porn, lacks any rationality. I mean, we all had school crushes when we were kids, right? But we grew out of them as we aged. We didn’t stay attracted to third graders. It’s the same with berry shit. Do I still get a boner from watching willy wonka? No?? And these berry haters also are into general inflation themselves, and guess what? Regular inflation fetishes start from kids cartoons.
Obviously there are conscienseless, depraved fuckers who haven’t grown out of that third grade mental age, but to drastically inflate (…) the minority and project your own distastes unto others and frame it as fact is sociopathic and narcissistic. The world does not revolve around you or me. Just let people jack off to fruit, you don’t have to critique the world like you’re better than anyone else.
Rant over.
Go get your back operated on again FW you mother-whoring berryfag nigger. This 'NOT ALL BERRYFAGS' cope got old after the 100th time your ilk got outed for creeping on minors. I can only assume the reason berryfuckers are utterly obsessed with waging war on other fetishes is some sort of deflection, but nobody is falling for it. You are stuck and bleeding and I pray I will be there to see your fall.
Actual schizoid. Can't go a millisecond without thinking about Freakinweirdo and his back issues. Crazy.
>Thoughts and prayers!
guess it’s pointless to argue with someone so obviously unwilling to be civilized. but, i can’t blame you either. the nature of anonymity allows you to say these things without consequence. also, “creeping on minors” is a long shot. all kid fuckers deserve the death penalty, and being compared in any aspect to “people” like that is extremely insulting.
again, fully aware that this reply WILL be met with some brainwashed, schizoaffective, barely intelligible nonsense. so, this will be my last reply here. i really do hope you and others similar to you eventually get whatever help you need. not trying to sound condescending or belittling, i don’t see myself as better than you. i was being genuine. find someone to talk to. OR stay suffering in a world that doesn’t exist. that you made up. the only person who can make that choice is you. i wish you the best.
>brainwashed, schizoaffective, barely intelligible nonsense.
Pot, meet kettle.
huh? in what way am i being hypocritical? does having an opinion and participating in a discussion make me schizophrenic? i used perhaps the most understandable, constructive, civil language possible in response to a hateful paragraph with little discernible meaning and terrible grammar, not to mention plenty of empty insults. do you just see a block of text, not read it and assume the person who wrote it is an idiot? or are you just “trolling” (another word for “lying for fun”).
>terrible grammar
>can't be assed to capitalize

Berryfuckers always project onto their enemies what they themselves are guilty of.
part of me wants to try and weasel into some of these dickcords and get some juicy gossip bullshit but I have a 9 to 5 and I end up just not caring enough afterwards

the peak schizoidness is thinking freakinweirdo would go onto a relatively niche fetish board to defend himself
dude barely makes any art anymore as is
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He not only used to post here, he used to come here to drum up a personal army to raid 4chan for not sucking his dick like the scum on DA do.
This is legitimately the only place I've ever heard of this "controversy"against very artists and I'm assuming it's just a one man war betting waged from behind a VPN.
The schizo also spammed the 4chan threads and kept having meltdowns every time a berry thread was posted there
Fair point but the community gets hate because of the obvious bad actors and weirdos who are actually into some suspicious stuff that fill said communities.

Honestly my opinion is 50/50 not all berry fuckers are pedos but pedos do lurk around our communities and no I'm not talking about the individuals into 1,000 year old ripe berries im talking about the actual depraved people praying on actual children those edp fuckers that deserve a spike yet still that's true for most communities to be honest suspect shit just kind of happens
You act like every fetish community doesn't have those types

LMFAO, LOTS of VPNS, holy shit. Literally every community on the internet is going to have its fair share of pedophiles. Welcome to the fucking internet, spaz. Where anyone can talk to and pretend to be anyone else. You just seem to just have a hate boner for one obscure group on the internet for some stupid fucking reason.
>would somebody PLEASE think of the poor pedophiles!

Berryfucker moment.
literally when did he say that
how many more times are you going to switch your vpn to try and argue
Retarded sperg forgets to read correctly.
Convenient you ignore the objective fact that berry threads shitposted several other threads simply because they didn't like them and retards like Undertaker and Seiga encourage their sycophants to start shit with bad icky fetishes they dislike. There's a reason the mods made berry threads banned on sight and relegated them to /aco/. You can't spin it to all be brapfags or slobfags fault for what you did.
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Are you describing a gang war between a bunch of autistic people?
Riddlercorps kind of skeeves me out, his vice interview really bothers me. Like, why do some people with this kink want to bring it into the mainstream so much? It's weird.
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Yes, Brolyposter. Blimpfairies.
>Skim through cringe Vice article about blueberrification after reading it years ago
>Scroll down
>See Faridae morph
>Stop reading and close tab
>Like, why do some people with this kink want to bring it into the mainstream so much?
>schizobabble about some artist secretly leading raids against boards
faggot, slob and scatfags STILL spam their garbage in any inflation/berry/weight gain thread and completely ignore the dedicated containment threads they have
What a totally unbiased and reasonable response.
Ok, I know this is a chanboard and all, but the fact that you just unironically said "brapfags" and "slobfags" legitimately repulses me. I advise you try getting real problems before making your repressed fantasies other people's problem. Perhaps start by seeking out therapy or something.
So glad I told them to fuck off when they contacted me for that article.
Imagine throwing a hissy fig just because some random guy draws fictional characters as Nazis
So0bek, or songauregarde, or whatever the fuck he goes by. I don't care for the reasons people have to hate on him like being a heckin unwholesome trxnsphxbe, But for making shitty content everytime he worms his way back into the 'inflation community'. First it was 'interviews' and AI generated songs with his songauregarde profile, then it was juicywriter, making AI generated short stories (he was charging for this), AND THEN it was inflationfan2005 where he was charging for ai generated images of scarlet and violet on what I believe was a free programme, And now he's going by JuicingroomAI (if I'm correct) making even more shitty AI slop. What's his infatuation with making it painfully obvious that he's active again under new names? He'd probably say some spergy shit about how he enjoys being caught out.
>AI generative shit
I feel like that alone is a good reason to hate him
'el paso TX'

xes a very inflated latinx
The Violet scenes are mid and cringe and the only reason people are obsessed with them is content starvation
If that was the case, everything they put out wouldn't 99.8% of the time be writing stories and making comics of the scene, note for note for any and every character they can get their hands on; all they gotta do is picture whoever in Violets shoes and play it through their head.
>don’t know how to keep it in the bedroom
Literally the problem with society today. >>118924
He’s talking about content starvation circa 2005. Nowadays we have lots of animators 2D and 3D who can fill the gap of animated inflation content that just didn’t really exist back then.
I miss the time we unanimously decided to use medically retarded names like extra chromosome or mabo.
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>He’s talking about content starvation circa 2005
>Nowadays we have lots of animators 2D and 3D who can fill the gap of animated inflation content
Please tell me nobody was talking about animated inflation when they were talking about early 00s starvation.
this fucking uy called Lasmejorespanzas
Piece of shit Lasmejorespanzas/stufferchallenge/Orifood is the reason why stuffers the likes of LMBB, vegan Ava, kebabqueen and many other gems had to retire.
Its because of this fucking latino tard creeper that we are always in dry spells of content.
If he didn't exist, half the IRL stuff in the Lost Media Threads would still be around.
We should frame him with the cartel
That's why we call women men.
Fuck it gonna rant here, I am tired of seeing the same shit everytime I wanna jerk off, the same characters from the same series (Example: MHA) same few scenarios, same body shapes, most of them are literally just flat spheres with limbs sticking out. Its probably just me but every wank materials I see whether it be inflation, blueberry or weight gain feels the same. Going through the same things everytime I am horny, made me feel Numb. Starting to not be turned on by anything. I am not entitled to jackshit, artists can draw whatever the fuck they want, but I am just starved for something to turn me on.

Also I am tired of schizos fucking arguing for the most pointless shit possible in threads Get off your high horse man we all jack to balloons for fucks sake.
I mean what would be creative for you?
Dynamics between inflator inflatee? Other types of shapes?
Specific part of the body? Or methods?
I am not saying the artists aren't creative, but yeah probably more dynamic shapes. Just an example off the top of my head, Absolon/Flumpo's shapes is pretty good. Maybe its also there's so little content going on this year.
Show examples
>Lack of content
That's probably because of artists just circlejerking among them, you don't see the art, only for their VIP group of friends, but ironically they care for numbers of their audience.
Minecraft inflation pics. Like first of all, CIRCLES ARE NOT POSSIBLE IN FUCKING MINECRAFT. It also clashes horribly with the cubed nature of the game.
Things that particularly piss me off
>Schizo posting making threads going off rails
>Shitty requesters on draw threads asking for the worst and most cringe art request you can possibly imagine
>Copy-paste about berryfags (even though I don't blame them)
>Hyper specific threads being revived even though their threads ain't worth of looking
>Mini-jannies doing the "see >>[thread here]" or "post this somewhere else there rules" You ain't in discock, stfu
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We're talking about people being inflated like balloons, to an extent that our skin and organs would NEVER allow in real life, and you wanna get your panties in a twist over logic and realism?
What's up with kemono anyway? We use to get updates at least every two-three weeks apart.
>>119363 (Cross-thread)
Some guy named savvy was spamming nonsense in the male inf thread, mostly about the justice league
They're busy importing literally every D-site server ever
True although I've have seen people trying. Usually ends in you skeleton either ripping apart or being bend in a position that allows the inflation with no broken bones but your organs just sorta float like guitar strings in the inflating abyss. Me this is why I like the concept of born balloons or half balloon people. Technically living rubber with hollow insides. Although I guess that brings to question how are they alive?

I don't tend to think of it too much but I always liked playing with the idea their organs are inside there skin like some weird lizard thing when they pop and reform maybe it's some kind of prehistoric defense mechanism and maybe balloon people are ancestors to ancient blowfish?

Best not to dwell on it too much but keep in mind latex is technically a natural substance so natural rubber balloon people is always go to. Or you can go the Luffy Mr fantastic approach with the skeleton and organs are stretchy too? Either way pick your poison and enjoy it it all goes down smooth and sends us to the abyss in the end where God or the devil will probably kink shame us for busting it to inflated condoms
Dude, do not overthink about it, you will look like those trannies that are afraid of popping/permapop.
Is this the part where you attempt to deny the rupturing organs, detaching bones and overall gore isn't a large part of what you enjoy about inflation?
No, simply finding logic about drawings getting inflated is stupid, I mean it's cartoon logic, so no.
(Unless u do irl inflation)
What are you on about I pop femboys for breakfast trans people too no one cuties is outside of my blow up range as long as you're old enough for the ride. In which you must be 19+ or older to enter the pump dungeon
And they're still doing it. The worst part is that he's talking and replying to himself. They make some people on DeviantArt look smart.
We're clean 50/50 you're just understandably sensitive about one 50%.
Can we PLEASE have an admin IP ban him?
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Berry cock heads and eat my ass with their sick twisted fantasies

Jessie, what the fuck are you talking about?
NTA and yeah he’s a bit mindbroken for bringing them up apropos of nothing, but you’ve reminded me of something worth bitching about.

What grinds my gears isn’t the dude who jumps at trannies when they aren’t there, but rather the trannies and queers who do exist and have been trying to add the inflation fetish to the alphabet soup flags and acronyms. Balloonsexual and inflationsexual are not fucking genders you colossal brain dead bundles of sticks. Fuck off and leave my fetish alone, it’s already embarrassing enough without you trying to wave flags about it in public.
Guess this is the rant thread after all so, y’know, get it all out there, but I’ve personally never even heard of or seen whatever the hell you’re talking about. From my experience, taking 10-20 minute walks outside every once in a while tends to decelerate the malding process.
Much like most current year brainrot, it can usually be found on Twitter and report my post. I’m in a few for artists and every time I poke my head into general chat I have to hold my tongue in fear of being booted and losing access to content.
then don't go in the rant thread, retard
Does that work with excluded links?
>Fuck off and leave my fetish alone, it’s already embarrassing enough without you trying to wave flags about it in public.
yeah, I try to be tolerant to the ones out there Actually Going Through It but just like the current trans accessory obsession it's just coming off like an annoying trend for under-18s to feel like they belong somewhere

lmao, the genshit spastics tried to launch a boycott over mihoyo not putting in any dark skinned characters in both genshin and the new zenless zone zero game, they were promptly laughed out of the room
does that nerd do anything besides racebait all the fucking time?
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I'm not sure if it's just inflation but I feel like fetish hangouts are becoming hugbox echochambers. I have no problems with people embracing their fetishes and enjoying themselves, but it feels like a lot of people are forgetting that inflation is, indeed, a fetish. This in turn is leading to lots of fetish spaces starting to fill up with basically everything else.
A few reminders for folks who are lost in the sauce:
>It's fucking weird when kink accounts start talking about their day-to-day lives and hobbies on their kink accounts and/or in fetish spaces.
>It's fucking weird when kink servers/communities have some sort of general chat where people just "hang out".
>It's fucking weird to use a shared fetish as the basis for a non-sexual relationship.
>It's fucking weird to pretend a relationship based on a shared fetish is anything other than sexually motivated.
>It's fucking weird for your primary SOCIAL space to be a FETISH space.
Finally, most importantly:
>Inflation is a fucking weird fetish
Don't get me wrong: inflation is great and don't stop enjoying it, but also check yourself.
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I don't want to call you new but it's literally only us inflationfags who do this. Two decades ago we started a turf war with the fatfags and for some fucking reason we thought it was a great idea to meet in real life. Unlike the fatfaggots (who're ironically morbidly underweight) we actually did and until the HWMNBN incident we had a single website to meet up, organize a con, and more.
If this was 2001, I'd agree with you. But times changed and people really calmed down and stopped giving a fuck. Just because you're scared doesn't mean everyone else is.

For example: furry communities for the longest time dont give a flying fuck and wear shit on their sleeves, then proceed to go do their tech job or fly a plane. I know a lot of em and they are pretty chill. This doesnt apply to everyone however.

If you dont like that shit, well, dont hang out in those spaces. Im on several Disc--d. servers and I just mute the rooms I dont like and hang out with the people I do like.
you had a point until the greentexts.

people can do whatever the fuck with fetish with other adults.
Okay this is a specific... Still I'm gonna let some steam out.
Protecting users just because they lean into a political wing/belong to minorities.
Let me elaborate, it's no secret that the inflation community is dominated by certain political views, mostly leaning towards the left/liberal side, and hey it's okay I honestly don't care about your political beliefs because im too busy dealing with my life, so it's a secondary thing with me.
But I saw the whole RC outrage, and later on the destroyed his reputation, and him not supporting BLM made things worse, but, here's the thing.
You see RC being mentioned in every way in a dixcorf server or share art of him and you got a massive crowd telling that you are a pedo supporter or call you out liking his art.
But you see Vikingskirts who groomed a kid and you see her in Fate's animations, you see SquishySofty being defended by simps just because she is a woman, among others.
They basically forget or forgive anyone who's a minority like Vikingskirts who's a trans woman and even protecting them , meanwhile they still shitting on RC just because he doesn't support BLM is a thing that pisses me off, RC is a fucking deranged idiot, but people like Vikingskirts still out there without anyone talking about it or doing something.

Yes trans people are human, but, like every other human being, they are capable of evil, just like the rest, no exceptions, its fucking stupid when twitter users think that ain't capable of any bad actions.
NFSW artists trying to clean up their image by drawing SFW art.
They should make our willy hard and wet.
nature's hoses

well of course
the same people who ignored or denounced the epstein shit as conspiracy theories for years immediately did a hard 180 once le drumpf was supposedly named
it's retarded culture war brainrot all the way down, the difference is who has actual beliefs and sticks to them

fatfags will remember jeetdoh's whole arc in trying to go mainstream/SFW only to go back to drawing fatty fetish art
you gotta be a REAL good artist to make the switch and not have to rely on the fetish market anymore
I still find it strange that people only brought up the halloween kid tumblr post *after* RC posted his BLM takes, prior to that I never heard of it
We're a group. If you're so new don't bother.
Inflation artists having mental breakdown, thinking that big round chicks are the only things they can draw.
Coming from a balloon maker it can be hard to constantly find passion in horny sometimes you don't want to be horny sometimes you just wish to be happy
It's obvious why, people who get butthurted by not having the same beliefs/political opinions will always search for something that makes you look bad in comparison to them.

Which is what happened to RC and he hasn't recovered since then
Alternatively, people are perfectly willing to forgive all of your transgressions so long as you remain on their side of aisle. Airing dirty laundry is something reserved for enemies and people who out themselves as such.
There's a difference to owning up and not doing it again vs RC who wears being a creepy shithead on his sleeve.
it's always funny seeing those retards cope about us on twitter, very ironic kinda
i remember some number of months ago, that ugly bitch 'yote' sperged out about seeing herself on here or whatever
I disagree the environment here is based yet chill nowhere near 4chan levels although there are those who wish it was im sure! Although I will say as this is the rant section and all can we chill with the slurs? It's just uncool overall there's much more based redpilled humour we can use that isn't insert joke about watermelon here. It's not just offensive it's boring too get more creative we don't need to give people like this ammo any day they're in the wrong is a day you're in the right. If you want to clown on dickheads there's better ways people. Unless you all prefer to be stereotypical wojacks instead of gigachads?
Dawg stfu...

I fucking hate 4cuck but this place is also fucking ass. The only thing making it decent is gossip, that once in awhile interesting thread and maybe one or two good drawings. The rest is fucking gooners ass garbage of people making desperate attempts to get their shitty requests done.
I' always wonder... Why do they search themselves on bbwchan, and then cry about when they see a rant here?
And what's most important: why do they claim not visiting the site again, and yet they come back to see it?
I don't know but if you ask me they enjoy it at some degree or just laugh at it.
4chan inflation threads at least in /d/ are a pile of shit, always the same nagging, nothing different.
But I agree with Anon, some places here are relatively nice, and honestly, I prefer to be here, rather than Twitter or a server, in those two if you don't really have any chance of expressing without some asshole telling you that you are in the wrong because some artists have a 1k followers has a different opinion that yours, and because here we can speak in a more honest way than what Twitter of dixcord do.
Again I'm not saying not to gossip and shitpost I'm just saying can we not find anything better that the fat inflated n bomb word to say like something more clever and less haha funny because boring racist shit. Leave that crap for tomorrows teachings they do it infinitely more funny than you ever will!

All I'm asking is alternatives so these individuals in question can't say racist this or homophobic that. If you don't give them ammo by using n and f slurs which are basic and childish then they got shit to attack you for outside of your opinion and actually based funny jokes! For fucking hell what are we in a 2011 cod lobby or something we're better than that we may be edgy but we're not fucking idiot's and for fuck sakes throw a inflation meme with it too something preferably fuckable! If you can't provide a fat inflated wojack with your opinion it's fucking mid!
It's funny because I'm black, actual African black not one of these American wussies, and I do most of the hard R crimer.
they return to the site after saying how much they hate it because they're retards
just searched up 'bbwchan' on twitter and holy cope
they probably use it themselves to at least lurk, but never admit it because then their twitter 'friends' wouldn't think they're cool lmao
cool bro nice deflection

you have way too high expectations for this cesspool but i agree

Of course people gonna lurk here, doesnt change the fact people are likely gonna take slander for granted
>don't act like a faggot, you won't be called a faggot

>imageboard based entirely around fetishes
>gooners ass garbage
no shit sherlock
also gooner is gay zoomer babble that's been driven into the dirt

there's a good amount of fat artists that lurk the fat boards and won't acknowledge it on twitter because they know certain spergs will absolutely lose their shit in response

Hey all I'm saying is the less ammo you give them the more blanks you'll make them shoot out and the dumber they'll look! If you focus on legit commentary with intellectual based statements attached I believe they call these jokes? You'll be the bigger blimp. I know it seems like it's too much to ask for a place like this you're probably right but hey it's the most solid advice I can offer don't be Daffy duck swinging slurs, be bugs bunny cleverly turning the gun back in Elmers face and watching as he blows his own dick off its much more entertaining. Again we don't have to be a 2011 cod lobby we can use shit like fatherless behavior instead of constantly flipping around the fag cigarette word or n bomb every two fucking minutes like Neanderthals.

But that's all I got to say on the subject matter I won't be bringing it up anymore fun advice take it or don't it's up to you if you just want to keep slamming your dick into the car door over and over again
You guys keep forgetting we were collectively diagnosed with undiagnosed anger management problems. Inflation threads on /d/ were regularly banned because we couldn't stop fighting.
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No balls your mom gay your dad gives lap dancing lessons to your grandma on Tuesday and I bet you don't even own a copy of GTA 6 let alone GTA 7! But hey I bet you'd look cute in stockings so why don't you take your ass to the femboy store and buy some with a can of monster energy, a call of duty mobile shirt, and a box of condoms tic tac sized should do? Although do you prefer extra small?
(287 KB, 840x840, android_18_self_destruction_by_diarrea123_dauie0h.jpg)
I mean fair point it's a little hard to be calm in a room full of self inflating idiots that burst with rage ever two minutes but you'd think that would just make it hotter being surrounded by big fat Blimps boy or girls bursting on your tip every two minutes? I don't know anger management for you maybe but something I can bust my nuts to!
>twittertards get wind of the thread
>immediately a bunch of anons typing in “haha chill out” stoner dudebro voice
>telling everyone to cool it with the racism
>telling everyone that they’re just as bad as the fucktard on Twitter
>on a fucking Chan board

Yep it’s a raid alright. Seems like our superiority caused some controversy. Don’t you retards have some they/thems on report my post to fellate? Get the fuck of of my website.
Did an AI just have a fucking stroke or is this supposed to be an insult?

Kek, well memed
The point I'm making is fetishes absolutely have a psychological origin and it so happens we get angry quickly and easily.
mods deleting established threads that haven’t been bump locked I.E the breast expansion thread
Actually wrong I'm just one idiot with a opinion that we can do more harm if we make things personal insults like shit hairline your js are fake etc. nothing deep and conspiratorial. But think whatever you like if rainbow popcorn turns the frogs into gay sex blimps so be it! Let's watch as they fuck themselves into ecstasy!
Part stroke and part I'm probably insane and off my meds next question preferably how much helium can I take until my twink dick explodes! And the answer is approximately 5 weather balloons full!
>actual African black not one of these American wussies, and I do most of the hard R crimer.
Still a nigga dog. Save the diaspora nonsense for twitter
One time in a confession thread, I made a comment about how I'm not convinced that Slimejaystudio and someone else are two different people..later on they deadassed made an announcement that there not the same person and that they just have similar art style. Like damn didn't know you were going to see this.
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This one goes out to the fuckheads from this site and the ones who only saw me as a horny printing machine.
Get bent you fucking leeches, I'm so glad this site is about to go down.
that's all you'll ever be
In their defense, you are horny.
Yeah I got to agree with >>121301. If I had to assume you're probably one of the artists from the drawings threads out there? If so I'm sorry you felt pushed but at the end of the day I mean kind of what do you expect from a place like this people are going to be thirsty bitches and if you're one of the good artists here of course people are going to be more demanding. The simple question or answer here is just either ignore it or draw for you or draw what interest you or make you horny. If people are truly praising your works then I'm sure they'll be happy with basically whatever you pop out! But this just comes as a left field L take that is getting respectfully ratioed simply because the fix is right in front of your face. If you're getting too many requests don't do the request do something else something that you like post that instead you can post anything really! Instead you choose to complain woah me boo hoo people keep nagging me for balloons!

I really don't get this place sometimes those types of threads drive me nuts the most! It's like people do need to understand that it's artists choice on what they want to do but at the same time it's also up to the artists in these threads to at least keep stuff interesting. If you don't want to draw with other people are asking you to draw draw something you like! Anything is better than nothing.

Hell give preferences to what you like? Maybe if you diversify people in question will stop feeding you stupid slop? An issue like this is all mental perspective. Seriously you could have chose a smarter path and just popped out something for fun instead you had to complain about it woah me like everyone else wants to do!

Either draw something fun and keep these threads alive and entertaining or shut the hell up! Seriously people I'm not trying to be mean but don't think just because people are nagging you that they don't respect everything that you artists do for these threads! they're at least have been two of you I'll give praise that have been doing some amazing things around these parts trying to at least keep something entertaining and alive in this dead desert!

But again to reiterate what people have said before if people want this to be more active like inflate chan we have to come together as a community and stop bitching like idiots.

Draw! Make something fun! I don't care if it's memes and shitposts! Either do something entertaining or move on don't fucking whine and complain like a bitch pussy.
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Creams in your dad and futas your mom. Also I'm making sure Santa sends you a femboy elf twink named cherry and a beefcake named Randy to give you glorious backshots this Christmas season!
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these losers in another report my post coping about the site again
triple-f is probably one of the shittiest morphers out their in addition to being incredibly annoying

been seeing an increase on twitter, some 'roxi is round' guy and his "girlfriend" (literally just a fat dude with long hair)
take it to the publisher bro
Why are users of Disharmony so faggoted?
Drawing round thicc women is the only thing that financially keeps you out of red line.
>it is a raid if im being called out!!!

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This is for both inflation and ssbbw shit, why in gods name do so many artist love to give men legit boobs, like they'll be so big there is no decernable genitals. It wouldnt be such a problem if they didnt tag the art with ssbhm or maleinflation so then im flooded with full on gay shit in my feed.
Blame the side kink busty boys for this one probably it's a whole sub genre and people really get hard for it honestly it gives me massive tomboy vibes something about busty boys kink is fun but I get it if let's say you are looking for female only and it's untagged or let's say it's not your thing it can cause complications.

Solution: always tag busty boy bbw and a recommendation to all artists always look into making alternate parts for your drawings! If you have a subsection of people into both make one with female boobs and a alt with more realistic male shape.

Problem solved!. Hopefully info helps. Rather than just arguing here I prefer to try and offer intellectual solutions to quell the raging inflation machine
when I'm super horny I like to envision my entire body inflating, including my pecs
that's just me though, with twitter it's sometimes probably just an excuse to push more trans spam
>an increase in troons
The real crime would be not to finish what Hitler started.
>triple-f is probably one of the shittiest morphers out their
I like his stuff, but it never dawned on me that alot of his edits are close ups
Where do I need to go to fulfill wishes of the guy who keeps asking for triple-f edits.

That's right, blow your fucking brains out just like your precious leader
hearing artists shit and cry, trying to guilt people into subscribing to them and constantly needing "emergency commissions" is so fucking annoying.

get a real stable job
shut the fuck up you sperglord these dudes cramping their asses to make this fetish and you have the limp balls to say this
Well I'd have no problem in watching or following a artist but if I'm not correct only one or two of the artists here ever properly advertised themselves plus it didn't seem fair my horny ass following them as they mostly did non inflation stuff this was something fun they did on the side or so it seemed. Again can people here be greedy YES but that's only because this place is content starved.

Again draw whatever fun things you like or share your favorite balloons and kinks or drawing goofy ahha meme just don't complain about something that seems out of your control.

If you don't like a request explain why and move on? No need to fucking rage quit drawing all together that seams petty and dumb!
Also seriously can we fucking not limp dicks? Grow a pair! Hitler was a pussy. Don't get why morons worship a guy that I guarantee would have you executed on the spot! You wanna know what type of world said sick freak wanted? One where all degenerates die and if you weren't 100% pure blooded German you were on his shit list. He was beyond racist! A fucking puritan and no matter what you think you'd probably face his gun down your throat so stop worshipping probably the biggest sperg wojack on this planets history outside of idubbs getting pegged by his wife!
We need a final solution to the Hungry Lurker problem.
what has that retard done now
(305 KB, 600x412, imagen_2024-08-08_170731409.png)
>Berryfags are sociopaths
>Didn't heard me berryfags are bad people!
>Look look! berryfags doing stuff!
>Berryfag are-

The ‘inflation memes’ thread is pissing me off. There is a single retard with the lowest effort and IQ spamming his shitty edits of “mfw I” format normalnigger tier derivative trash instead of actually finding or making creative jokes. Considering the formats and contemporary characters used I wouldn’t be surprised if he was underage. Just let the fucking thing die already and clear room for a better thread. It’s shit.
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Funnily enough this cunt was called out by having a child-like behavior towards his friends, it's hilarious how this guy threated others while he was afraid of 2D drawings exploding

Link of the document here:
>Suicide baiting
The chungus has fallen,
the anti-berry schizo will never stop in his autistic crusade against generic inflation art but with a blue paint tool
It would probably help Lurker stopped instigating people deliberately out of sheer autistic spite that they don't worship him
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>threatens to commit suicide because of an inflation fetish tournament
>Threatens to commit suicide again
>Blames fortnite for driving the attention from him

Can you be more pathetic than this?
>Don't make berries your entire personality
You know it's a red flag when someone's username has Beauregarde in some shape of form
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>At least cared about me
Lmaaaaaooooooooooo for real cringe edgyness at it's top, the guy keeps shooting himself in the foot.

Some dumbass edgelord that is stupid as fuck, who has hilarious excuses for his outbursts like his friends playing Fortnite, I thought it would piss me off, but it's just laughable.
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forgot to say but im also the maker of the original doc
gonna make another one because this leech STILL wont leave us the fuck alone but i find it funny how he made all these posts after getting caught
This thread in general. Fuck's sake, so many of you are just here to bitch about the lgbt or blueberry inflation. Some of you have points but the vast fucking majority is "I hate minorities" or "I hate blueberry." And to those people I say get your own personality.
Congratulations y'all
We've reached inflatechan-levels of flaming each other
Well done
retard schizos in here trying to turn this into their own personal kiwi farms.

No one cares about your literally whos. get help
I am flat out too medicated to be Kisame17 with my manic freak outs and OCDs. I am currently contemplating leaving the internet
That's what the thread is for.
>goes in thread titled "things that piss you off"
>spergs out when people talk about things that piss them off
>>122530 it's one thing to be pissed off at something that actually can piss you off, it's another to just use this thread as a means of spreading unwarranted hate.
Nunu this is literally the schizo containment thread. Your issue shouldn't be when the schizoids are here. Your issue should be when they are elsewhere.
fuck this thread legit third or fourth time and it just doesnt stick
Finally someone fucking says it.
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Stufferchallenge is a fucking pest. This shitlet is the sole reason we've been years without any promising female stuffers staying for long.

Much preferred when he'd stick to recording hooker's stomachs from his dominican shit house.
I hate how Bendy Brooke charges absurd prices for her videos but she puts ZER0 effort into Audio!

I hate how it's in no way sexy having to ride the volume button because of the insane loudness of the hoover like pump she uses. She doesn't reduce the volume or use compression to flatten the waveform. She doesn't speak that much and is quiet as a mouse when she does, she doesn't over-dub any creaks, groans, squeaks, inflation hisses, etc.

Also, I get that she is trying to look at the user/audience or what ever. But it's just that many people don't find breaking the 4th wall sexy. It's sometimes hotter to pretend that a girl has found inflation to be erotic in the privacy of her own company. But it's impossible to indulge when she clearly exposes the remote, the noise of the pump blares through your headphones, & there are no edits, narrative, script, different cam angles, etc. Just the same tripod, start, stop, start stop, fin - pay me. Rinse and repeat.

It seems that many content creators believe that new ideas rely solely on new props, characters or clothes & never think about how to impact the audience in other ways that plays to the strengths of the kinks themselves. This is why Imbapovi, TMC, & Brooke all seem stale after just a handful of videos. Even picture artists phone it in on patreon just to get their monthly fees rather than trying new ideas. In many ways, patreon has killed creativity, innovation & experimentation in a wide spectrum of art. It's all just products now.

I know I'll get shot down for this, but I just thought I'd voice my concern encase anyone else had noticed this trend of "pay me for the same shit" every time. lol
That fucking bitch mutantchico or whatever her name is. Just a tranny who thinks she's a man. I see her try to masquerade as a faggot, but believe me. She's one of the most annoying berryfags out there. Plus, I see her being all buddy-buddy with Epsteinlites like Wales and all of that crowd.
She's also an ass-kisser for that ChellChip bitch.
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Like bitch, what are you talking about? You do NOT have a dick! You’ll never be a real man.
Same, legit the ONLY case where I feel sorry for the woman doing it
Fair point in price art though I'm not sure what you mean imbapovi does do the occasional good blimps and stuff and such yes I see some repetitive patterns but there's more of a problem of lack of content if anything less there another one character a week and don't take on commissions. I get they can be overwhelming but do it in a interesting way with maybe a minimum 4 or 5 slots thing to minimize it. Somethings better than nothing.

On the other side hell resident is a joke started off good opening commissions on the side again but they milk patron content DRY! Like I'm not sure if it's still going on as it's been awhile since I checked in on them but they break there sequences into crumbs and fee it to there non subscriber's in pieces instead of full uploads of were talking really old content! Granted they offer patron only for 5 dollars but still maybe if they sprinkled commissions in between with a limited patron pre release I wouldn't be as critical

Do I need to even mention it's only a matter of time before there content is dead giving das crackdown on celebrity morphs now again public figures morphed as balloons are not the same as deep fakes designed to destroy careers! If anything less the proper policy should be all morph content should be advertised as a fictional product and have a dmca system or something NO STRIKE SYSTEM God forbid YouTubes biggest mistakes! Just a simple if it gets a request takedown with proper sources [so not just anyone can claim ownership] it can be removed particularly this would be used for e celebrities like twitch Instagram or onlyfans models.

But no we could implement proper decency ways but let's face it when people get scared it's nuke city on everything to save their own high over someone's moral high ground bullshit instead of being humanly reasonable to a art community that's built you entire platform! Looking at you deviant art. So why bother morphing anymore to begin with honestly it's probably a matter of time before fetish art entirely gets banned from the platform and on that day it will be fun to watch them sink into obscurity like tumbler did when they decided to be a sfw platform. Hell onlyfans tried the same shit during covid And were hemorrhaging over night! Goes to show some people only cum in the sink and if you don't respect it you'll sink in the cum!

But back to topic yeah hell resident is bound to purge and ghost for good at some point so who the fuck cares. But my argument brings into judgement it's hard to see fetish art as a passion anymore when companies like da just start to ban shit considering it beneath them or immoral.

If it isn't companies like this bringing a corporate feel to things it's artists loosing passion it's a battle of wills.

Although I think in this case the aggress are what we should put our anger at over the passionless only one who can bring passion back into hell resident is them realizing that themselves and doing their fanbase well.

Bendy though is just chasing a paycheck which I don't blame her get your bag but at least get more creative or offer a sound edit version with a vacuum noises version so that way you shut up both parties as keep in mind there's probably fans of those noises too as much as there is opposed.

Either way combined efforts are the only way communities can keep themselves glued together and those that don't easily fall apart. Maybe things are a bit soul less nowadays? Yeah but the only one who's going to put soul back into it are the people who stand up and try.
So the question at the end of the day is which will win obscurity slop or creative flow? It's a uphill downhill battle and the best thing you can do as fans have said content is voice your opinion and hope it changes be suggestive rather than negative I know it can be hard but that's the best you can do and worst case comes to worse you can always take your money and support content elsewhere that is going to actually be beneficial than sloppy crap.
Christ I know this is a chan and everyone has to be ow the edge at all times in order to not have a shred of self-reflection but now even the *men* who post here you're all "lol thats a girl pretending to have a dick"

Why are you like this

Seriously who the fuck cares we're all going to hell anyways and the only people left who care whether or not you're gay are the old fuckers dodging the reaper every day, why are you losing your shit over whether or not someone has a penis you can't even see, what is wrong with you

You're already queer get over yourselves

Maybe if you touched some grass and reflected on yourself and spent five minutes questioning your own gender you'd see what it's like for someone to not have the body they want

You're all here for dumb imaginary fantasies about people blowing up like balloons and you can't for five seconds tolerate someone who wishes they looked different what the fuck

I swear some of yall dont even like women you just want there to be some group of people born inferior to you that you can jack off over like a toy and you find it insulting that anyone would want to cross over that line

Christ these people are putting fetish shit of themselves online and you cant even appreciate it without going uhhhhh do you stand to pee
I mean you don't have to be rude about it but honestly sameish like I do understand if you swing a certain way that should be respected gay or straight it doesn't really matter personal preferences belong to each person and that's all on you how you choose to live your life as long as your not hurting anyone waving around a shotgun like a loon your more that alright but that's the thing just saying random hurtful shit is not helping anyone ok so a person was born with a dick or not who cares unless you're jacking off to them don't need to slut shame anyone for their life choices. If someone wants to be a cute femboy or whatever fits insert scenario A and B it's whatever again unless you personally are fucking or masturbating to said individual what does it matter. And so what let's say you accidentally masturbate to it even though you're straight? Don't mean you have to go down a bottle of pills it's not the end of the world. Doesn't necessarily mean your gay either even though gay Twitter will probably never let you hear the end of it and call you homo erection till the end of days! But in all honesty if anything less it says two things

For one being able to tell born this way or that has been made hell of convincing I remember trans individuals of the Jerry Springer days looking more like crossdressers that modern medicine like so has improved so much to make you look so feminine it's honestly hard to tell the difference anymore thanks to het ( although downside is hrt makes you sterile and honestly it makes me rather wanna be a crossdresser than ever become trans but thats just me personally I like the multiple options to be guy or girl or whatever through makeup instead, dont need no gender surgery. Although I'm not crapping on those who do you do you again preferences being key here)

Point 1 you could probably put a biological born and trans person side by side and sometimes you'll instantly tell and others it's impossible and it all depends on your genetics. If you were born extra feminine you'll probably make a very hot woman just facts!

But point two it doesn't mean you're necessarily gay either if you do like what you see you don't have to automatically become trans and start sucking people's wood! It could be anything from best case just a certain preference you like in both men and women to worst case your bi which no matter how much gay Twitter tells you is a gateway to being full gay it's not! I'm bi and I love tits as much as dicks getting blown up tight. I've accepted that fact long ago and I don't need anyone to tell me what I'm not. Some days I like guys more others girls and my ideal wife material is a polygamous relationship between a short femboy and a hot busty goddess! But sadly I'll probably never taste such a relationship as bi people get bad representation out of all the lgbt and most women don't wanna date guys that will cheat on her with their bros. Which is so closed minded to look at these kinds of things it's 2024 let your boyfriend get it on with you and his femboy crush from the office. Most women will be okay with a 3 way but only if it's girl,girl,guy not guy, femboy, girl. Even though the femboy has a dick they probably want to get railed like a submissive cunt as much as the girl does.

In a perfect world you wish people would have more open doors free of paranoia and stigma and honestly will never live in a equal world until ego and paranoia truly die to some degree regarding said topics and people are less fearful to be free.

Marilyn Monroe sucked off guys and girls! She loved being open to what life could offer her! Why can't we all take a play out her book.

But don't worry having a attraction to a guy doesn't mean you're heterosexual life style is crumbling it may mean at absolute max you're opening doors up for both ways but the rules and exceptions too the way you live what gets you hot are you to decide for me men of my particular flavor are the feminine submissive type I'm not usually into big muscle men with big beards there are acception I guess? If the guy looks extra feminine to a degree while masculine maybe but still thing like beard hair, leg hair, kind of a turn off for me but throw inflation into the mix I may be more open but I like cute guys in feminine clothing that's what gets me rocks! And no that doesn't make me a gay pretender lmfao you're just jealous I can fuck feminine boys yet occasional like me some manly men too! Again it's weird I'm not opposed to much? I kinda just go with the flow of what turns me on. You should too. Go with the flow of what makes you hot fuck everyone elses opinions!
>goes in thread titled "things that piss you off"
>spergs out when people talk about things that piss them off
the mental gymnastic posting is around half the reason people don't like your autistic shit
it usually ain't that deep and you're just being annoying

tourists don't know that you can hide threads on here you don't like
it's such a foreign concept to them
This is late but I completely agree. I always thought the greatest strength of inflation was the versatility of scenarios. You can write literally any reason for a character inflating, albeit you'll need to have fetish goggles on for it. It's the reason it shows up so much in different shows, and is probably the reason most of us have the fetish. Inflation can happen anywhere as long as you can make up a reason for X matter building up inside Y character. So it's confusing to me to see so many people hyper fixate on specific scenes and never innovate. The Willy Wonka scene is probably the biggest example of this, thing literally became it's own subgenre within inflation. I don't even mind blueberries when they're used creatively, but a lot of people just copy the Violet scene down to it basically just being another character put in Violets shoes and clothes. At that point I'm wondering why you don't just open up photoshop and cut/paste the characters head onto Violets.
>At that point I'm wondering why you don't just open up photoshop and cut/paste the characters head onto Violets.

I've seen a lot of this, actually. Not sure how common it is now, but it used to be a lot like the MS Paint circle tool in terms of low quality inflation cliches.
Aww, is baby sad that a Chan board won’t praise him for his mental illness?

Fuck off back to tumblr or your report my post hugbox nigger.
Remember when we were all FtM trannies who insisted everybody must be a man? Good times.
This is a paraphillia you mongoloid. Just because someone likes big bellies filled with air does not make them a fucking queer. We can have our fantasies and be perfectly straight. You’re the one projecting you bullshit. Also, how about you listen to your catholic parents and touch grass yourself you failure.
>At that point I'm wondering why you don't just open up photoshop and cut/paste the characters head onto Violets.
That used to be Bubble-Boop's entire schtick, but he'd edit a big pair of knockers onto the 05 body.
I completely forgot that this was a real thing and probably the second most common type of low quality inflation art next to MS paint circles with limbs. It's not much better when people commission/spend hours drawing high quality versions of these scenarios though. The base concept is just so bland/overdone I can't get behind it.
Why is this in the inflation board?
Wooooow that was soooo edgy, you must be 10 whole years old!
why do inflation artists talk about politics on their timeline? Doesn't piss me off so much as it confuses me because why do you think we care?
It can work with how kira and jingle used bases of existing artwork. but using just the bodies from the both wonka movies is ass
Because they believe they are doing activism, but it's just whining and complaining, and we are here to jerk off at balloons and good quality berries, to hear their nagging.
Inflation as a fetish is repetitive, trying to think about creative ways of inflation (like methods or circumstances where a character should be inflated) is getting more and more harder to do, unless you do stuff like specific parts of the body or think further than just the tank and air pump to inflate a character.
>trying to think about creative ways of inflation (like methods or circumstances where a character should be inflated) is getting more and more harder to do,
Very interesting insight. for me i'm not trying to think of new ways, i'm just edit them inflated
Because that's what people do on social media, and I doubt they particularly care if the type of people who'd post in a thread like this find it weird or annoying or what.
I remember one artist saying something like "you need to know whats going on in the world you can jack off to balloons later". I just find that kind of funny. A person who draws weight gain, vore, and inflation thinks that what goes on in the world takes most priority on their account when their usual content on said account basically feeds a form of escapism (i think im using that right).
>(i think im using that right).
You used it right
Because politics has become insanely mainstream following the rise of social media and everyone has to have a stance on it because we are in a values war. Artists by their nature like to put themselves and their art (opinions) out into the world. Artists thing about 2 things, their artistic fixation and the values that inform them. Something fetishistic like inflation will naturally give birth to a shit ton of activists who get echo chambered by queers because those are the only kinds of people who will accept them out loud. Right wingers who are conservative and traditional by nature will consider this kind of kink to be shameful and won’t talk about it without the cover of anonymity. The result? Tons of lefty artists with a big desire to put themselves out there and nothing interesting to say. Just ignore it and save the pngs.
I mean I kind of agree to a degree. Like if I wanted drama alert I'm probably not gonna get it from a fetish page the most info I've ever gotten irl nuws is when someone dies like the queen or a new trailer for some crap in the works comes out so unless queen Elizabeth is rising from the dead and she's bringing George Romeo to direct his magnum opus I don't really care?
>Inflation as a fetish is repetitive, trying to think about creative ways of inflation (like methods or circumstances where a character should be inflated) is getting more and more harder to do, unless you do stuff like specific parts of the body or think further than just the tank and air pump to inflate a character.
I agree and disagree with this. It's true that inflation at its core is repetitive, but that doesn't mean the context needs to be. If you're taking a character from a show or game, think about their worlds setting or their specific abilities, look at those things like a writer trying to (poorly) disguise their fetish as they make a story. For example take a character from a fantasy setting who is also a witch with the ability to do magic. With that information alone (Fantasy, Witch, Magic) I can think of several avenues to inflate her.
>She miscasts a spell, what was meant to spawn a gust of wind in front of her instead spawns inside her.
>Mages usually rely on producing mana to cast spells, maybe she inflates because of mana backup when she's restricted from releasing the mana building up inside her.
>Captured by a mob and sentenced to a trial via witch swimming, which is rigged in the form of her being inflated beforehand, ensuring she floats and can be proclaimed guilty.
>Another character in the setting is proficient with manipulating gasses/liquids, they use this ability to forcibly inflate the witch.
Does every inflation piece need to have a fully drawn out background, additional characters, and sequential before/after pieces drawn to indicate this context? No definitely not, we're all just here to get horny at human shaped balloons after all. But even doing the bare minimum to show this context (Can be as little as adding text representing the inflatee's thoughts) can massively improve the appeal of an inflation piece compared to "Here's a women in a white void being blown up by a disembodied hose connected to nothing"
I miss inflatechan. Arguments like these were so commonplace fucking normies lurked to watch us go at it. He who must not be named #2 ruined everything.

Webcomic artists liked to hang around because we weren't dicksuckers.
Funny, I miss InflateChan because people were actually nice to each other for the most part and got banned if they started throwing slurs around like this

Yeah if your response to "be nice to creators" is to throw around M and N words then I think you just proved my point

Oh and maybe artists are lefties because cons keep busting nuts over banning porn but I guess you dgaf because you can't wank over anything that doesn't have a rape fantasy in it, no wonder you don't care how unfuckable you are, it makes her resist more
nta but i miss inflatechan becuase of the morphs, shit i miss the morph containment thread on here. but i guess that what everything else is for now.

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