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Saw someone shared a vid of it here so why not have a thread dedicated to it
>>115259 (OP)
Just gonna come in here before anyone starts getting mad and say maybe /bbwalt/ or /ee/ are more fitting boards for a subject like this?
Idk because it is inflation related
probably pregnancy considering thats what this basically is
I don't think filling up your womb like a balloon and pregnancy are the same thing
>womb inflation
>basically pregnancy
Imagine if someone was like "breast inflation? That's basically lactation".

>>115259 (OP)
If you mean the real stuff, it's super rare because it's really risky for the woman's health. Yadda yadda, air up the fallopian tubes, bubbles in the blood, embolism, you know the drill.
The best you get most of the time are some women inflating balloons inside their vaginal canals or that weird fad for like a month where some women stuffed hoses into their pussies and filled their vaginal canals with water.
As for actual IRL inflation of the actual IRL womb, I'm not kidding when I say there's maybe 5 existing videos of that across the entire internet in a fetish context that are confirmed to be real. Maybe. Could be a couple more if you're on some REALLY degenerate porn sites, though IDK.

Nah, this board should be fine, it probably COULD be posted on /ee/, but between there and here, it makes more sense to go here.

Realtalk I'm super cheering for this thread to be full of like 50 videos, but I honestly wouldn't fault the mods for yeeting it since it's one of the least-safe types of inflation.
Womb inflation is never a thing anyone should ever attempt.

This isn't your fucking butthole. Any air you inject can pass right up through your fallopian tubes and directly into your abdomen. Look it up if you don't believe me. Then you've got bacteria and god knows what contaminating your abdominal cavity which is super duper bad.

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