
(6.1 MB, 1279x2176, Kaylee.png)
A new thread to post morphs of women turning blue!
do we still have any of the tutorials or tips on how to make edits ourselves? i think it'd help for this thread

First load the image into a photo editing software, Photoshop is best but GIMP works too and it's free. Duplicate the layer.

The way I do it is then I select the subject. I used to manually use the lasso tool or pen tool, because I used GIMP (which is free), but now I have Photoshop and their "select subject" feature works pretty well. Then I adjust the selection to only be the skin, and I make a mask of the selection. If you can't get the selection right, you can still edit the mask later.

Then, I go to image>adjustments>channel mixer, and set the red channel to blue:100%, red 0%, and I set the blue channel to the opposite.

Then in the same adjustments menu I go to curves, and lower it so the blue is a bit darker, almost so it looks too dark. Then I go into shadows/highlights and make it brighter again. Then I go to hue/saturation and set hut to +4 to add some purplish highlights, and I play with the saturation till it looks natural (usually I lower it)

Then I just clean up the edges by fixing the mask and using the blur tool, and it's good to go. If you want to add swelling, the liquify tool is good for that.

For the most part, just experiment with the tools I mentioned and you should be able to make something decent

Feel free to ask any questions and I might post some pics with examples later
For anyone who has photoshop, you can get really good results with the warp transform - behaves in a similar way to the liquify tool but is less prone to the visually obvious stretching that it can cause.
For both GIMP and PS, with the liquify tool, select what you want to expand and move it on to a separate layer. I also tend to copy anything that comes in front of what you're expanding (e.g. an arm) to another separate layer that sits above the expansion layer.
When using liquify, use a HUGE brush size that's slightly soft (effect is stronger at the centre of the brush than the edges) as this will make your changes look more smooth and uniform. Don't forget to use all the tools available to you as well - Push, bloat and pucker can all be used in tandem to get good results. Reconstruct and smooth can be used to reduce the 'warped' effect when you're getting to larger sizes.
Who's the 4th celebrity
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I wanted to give it a shot
Does anyone have any of bullfrog503's stuff saved? What ever happened to him?
Bump :p
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These are great! Did you do them?
Yeah I morphed them from some random girl I found online
Do you take requests? I would love to talk through report my post if you're okay with that.
I don't know what report my post is, I don't usually an account on here so I don't know how it would work. If you post the pic(s) here I'll consider morphing it

Nice job! Whats your process for making these?

Thanks! Which morphs did you make with this method?
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Just some quick nose rashes for now. I might revisit these and do full recolors 🤷‍♂️
how do you make it look so easy lol
i've tried making model's noses blue in pixlr but it never turns out very well, any tips/tutorials that are easy to follow besides the one already posted?
I use the lasso on Photopea and usually set it to 18px. After that, I invert the red and blue color channels in the Channel Mixer. I mess around with the curve next and the levels if I don't think it looks right. I also mess with the Hue/Saturation as well, for the Dafne Keen nose rash I put it at an 8. Recently, I’ve used the Auto Contrast option to top it off.
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New anon here
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the first two pics i did with pixlr, i think the first one works better only because of how far away her face is from the camera. in the second pic, not so much lol. not a terrible start imo, but i definitely wanna improve

>>122237 is incredible

the third and fourth photos i did with your method, i think they came out way better, thanks so much
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Mmmmmmmm.........Blue girls......
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Love when girls with big fat tits end up with big fat blue tits. A sign of more big blue things to come.
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more pictures i've made, pretty fun making them
any suggestions on how to make them better?

I love the third one, it's always fun when there is good attention to detail. I would pay close attention to your edges, like around the fingers. Use a sharper brush there
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yeah i agree, i wanna come back to that photo again at some point to try and improve it, also looking to get a better color
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here's my second attempt, along with the base image if anyone else wants to give it a shot
oh nice, glad someone else took a crack at it! great job on the fingers and tits, how were you able to get the edges there to look so much cleaner?
I just turned the feathering down a bit when doing the selection
It kinda is though? People put in girls they want to see blue fairly often.
It’s not that much effort to make a recolour either.
I’d much rather people just put requests in this thread rather than have an entirely seperate thread for requests which would probably just devolve into the same as this thread.
Made a report my post server.
https://report my post.gg/FtumkuAT
no, because if people start getting the impression that they can just get every photo they request edited, then it will devolve into something much worse
either they can learn to do it themselves or they can fuck off
It’s pretty clear to anyone that looks at this thread that not every request in here is actually fulfilled and there’s no need for you to get such a stick up your ass about it either, having a go at someone isn’t gonna stop new posters from asking for recolours.
Let’s all just move on and stop clogging this thread with meaningless banter, FYI if you see a request there’s no requirement for you to do it unless you actually want to.
TLDR: stop whining FFS
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this is a thread to share pictures, not request. seems like only 2 requests have been made by lurkers who never say anything else.
earlier posts have people who aren't lazy ask how they can do it themselves, so they don't come across like slobbering retards who need other people to do everything for them.
encouraging other people to make requests will only kill this thread further.
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real nice! considering the filename, is it AI? if so, what did you use? i used Bing's a lot, was able to get blue noses like that amazingly

I used Stable Diffusion with Picxreal to generate the woman, then I used Photoshop to make her nose blue
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The guy above me does great stuff!!
Has anyone else lost motivation to do recolors?
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kind of, or at least burnt out for a bit
i have a bunch of pictures saved that i wanna edit at some point, but not the motivation lol
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These are from a deleted video from a dead channel. It's from Ana B. ASMR which hasn't had an upload in 3 years. She made this one video with a bit of blue nose but nothing much else.
The video is nothing much but I did save the whole thing so I'll re-up it here:
Not going to re-up later so get it now…
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kinda a offtopic question but whats your favorite color for blueberry women do you like them dark blue or a more vibrant blue i personally like 189bcc
i like something between a dark and vibrant blue. preferably shifting closer to purple
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I'm not sure who this lady is, but I thought she would look good with a nose rash. 🤷‍♂️
gotta keep it simple with the same dark blue color of a blueberry
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Oh god I'm gonna weeze.
In case you're wondering yes I do hate myself
This is incredible! How do you do stuff like this??

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