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Anything counts.
artists with huge egos, especially when their art isn't even that good. like shut the hell up we can tell you're tracing someone else's shit
>>109532 (OP)
Things that piss you off... Image boards which don't reach the benchmark of 2chan and 4chan. Thematic boards trump specialized boards every time of the decade. It's like 1080p 60fps minimum in vidya nowadays and for a good reason.
(2.1 MB, 2480x2480, january_survey_by_juicyplusteam_dgp6t3c.jpg)
This isn't something that pisses me off, but more so unnerves me. I can't seem to put a finger on why he gives me such off-vibes. Why?
I get major ventriloquist dummy vibes from this picture. Maybe that's why?
Probably because he looks like he's about to eat you're juicy cum and spit it back into your ass?
Whatever I said about that one Guilty Gear character in the previous thread
This very thread pisses me off, please stop making them. The first one isn't even bumplocked.
>>109532 (OP)
Retards who feel the need to insert their political opinions into their art.
You're making fucking inflation porn for fucks sake, nobody wants to hear your opinion on Biden.
>>109532 (OP)
I have a few.
>threads going off rail due to the most retarded drama/rant possible
>artists who delate his account every two seconds due to mental gymnastics
>fetish artists promoting his sfw account that nobody follows
>amazing teasers that are just available on patreon and never reliesed
>dumb people harrassing artists/content creators for not rping
>underage artists
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apparently the guy who runs it is a total fucking dickhead (shocker), there's some twitter thread on it but i have to dig it up
>first one isn't even bumplocked
yeah, you're retarded.
the patreon thing happens more and more, even more annoying when the art they're trying to sell isn't even that good
the continuing trend of hyper-specific threads with about 8 images max.
the tendency for retards to argue instead of actually posting content, or not just letting threads with no content left to post die.
People who chase off mid quality creators and creators who post advertisements that still include expansion.

Like I grew up fapping to a Malabar commercial, I appreciate new content.

People who chase off creators because they don't do their specific expansion fetish. I'm not into belly and have to just live with seeing it a lot.
oh yeah

>anyone arguing on this site

Never seen an argument on here that wasn't retarded
"See" gives such smart-ass vibes. Very punchable sounding people.
I already fucked his wife so idk why all the excitement and shit. We been fucking. 🤡
Your wife ass make my dick spit so hard. Man. How can I not fuck her on the low. But you can keep her.
oh yeah that "see" shit is so annoying, happens in so many threads too
Yeah, people playing moderator here is annoying
Okayokayokoks recent work. I know he's the subject of controversy because of the pedoshit, but when he does inflation stuff, usually its a 10 out of 10. Though I'm yet to see more than 2 good pieces from him from this latest commission season.

Why doesn't the man take some time to create works at his own volition? Literally everything he makes, save from the comics and their respective covers, are commissions. This wouldn't be such an issue if they weren't genuinely awful, as they have been more recently.

I'm getting to spergout levels of typing here but before you tell me I'm an ass for blaming the artist and not the commisioners, I just think he should take a backseat from both the commisisons and the comics and provide us with some shit that comes from his own mind, not what comes from an autist that wants to see a pregnant blueberry cow turning into a grub while regressing in age.
>>109532 (OP)
>Artists on twitter retweeting their art an hour after they posted it as if people are incapable of scrolling down.
> The domino effect of inflation and kink artists that milk a meme to death. The “she wants to order” picture and the picture of the TV mounted high-up in a warehouse with ways Sadako (The Ring) falling out, are two that come to mind. Once one artist gets on a hot trend, the rest follow suit forcing their shit art onto the masses that otherwise won’t see it. And it keeps happening because kink artists are devoid of originality and any new idea is an instant dopamine rush the brain increases its tolerance once again.
>Artists retweeting posts clearly meant for free art and/or engagement—I.e. “Draw me in your style” with the gay finger pointing or “What’s one thing you want to see me draw?”
>Kink “community” chat servers with users who use aggressively innocuous and almost childishly-“cute” onomatopoeias and phrases. Messages like “FWOOMP,” “Boobles,” “Booty,” [smashed keyboard random letters] are commonly found in these places and 90% of the users type like they’re in their mid-teens and off their ADHD meds.
>>109532 (OP)
>Artists on twitter retweeting their art an hour after they posted it as if people are incapable of scrolling down.
>The domino effect of inflation and kink artists that milk a meme to death. The “she wants to order” picture and the picture of the TV mounted high-up in a warehouse with users illustrating ways Sadako (The Ring) can fall, are two that come to mind. Once one artist gets on a hot trend, the rest follow suit forcing their shit art onto the masses that otherwise won’t see it. And it keeps happening because kink artists are devoid of originality and any new idea is an instant dopamine rush and the brain increases its tolerance once again.
>Artists retweeting posts clearly meant for free art and/or engagement—I.e. “Draw me in your style” with the gay finger pointing or “What’s one thing you want to see me draw?”
>Kink “community” chat servers with users who use aggressively innocuous and almost childishly-“cute” onomatopoeias and phrases. Messages like “FWOOMP,” “Boobles,” “Booty,” [smashed keyboard random letters] are commonly found in these places and 90% of the users type like they’re in their mid-teens and off their ADHD meds.

>Kink “community” chat servers with users who use aggressively innocuous and almost childishly-“cute” onomatopoeias and phrases. Messages like “FWOOMP,” “Boobles,” “Booty,” [smashed keyboard random letters] are commonly found in these places and 90% of the users type like they’re in their mid-teens and off their ADHD meds.

I've been in servers like that and it feels like one big act. Like people are trying to be friendly and nice but aren't friendly or nice by nature, so they think immaturity and sounding cutesy makes them seem like it.
at the end of the day when it comes to commissions complaints whatsoever I'll keep it short and simple. Commissions are paid work you are getting paid to do something that somebody wants to see drawn.

In that case a logic like you said if they only drew two fantastic pieces! This year and the rest were crap that all depends on whose commissioning what. If it's a specific style on topic or type of obscure kink like that. None of which that really matters to be honest because there's only one thing that does matter and to make my point clear.

If you want better drawings,
And they take commissions,
Commission them yourself.

Problem solved!

Commissions leave a doorway of leeway open for anyone to get whatever they want made! If you want to see more of something specific take the dollars out your pocket people. That simple. I'm not saying your complaints aren't valued even if you're broke as hell. But people have bills to pay, the food to put on the table. The occasional hobby or two.

If you want something done throw your money at it we live in pure capitalism. It's the name of the game
What you're probably taking about it what they call 'baby talk' which is unironically quite common in kinks of all kinds it's just cutesy woutsy care bar vomit. I understand anon a owo to much can leave you feeling crazy like you want to kick someone in the dick. But it is just a common trope thing.
>because kink artists are devoid of originality
i feel like this segment alone can be agreed upon by many, artists like chipchell bitch and moan about ai art but that dumb bitch ONLY makes art involving the '05 factory scenario

that last thing you said is also incredibly true, so many report my posts where everyone just circlejerks each other. happens a lot more in servers with artists in it too, as soon as someone puts in a berry picture, there's always the same few who either say "omg this is me" or "omg this is @whoever", so fucking cringe

exactly, they're all "nice and friendly" in the server, then in DMs, not so much!
I don't know what servers you've been in but my experience has been meh. Nothing too bad to mention of note. Overall pleasant although there has been a weird topic decision or two I guess. As for dms personally I always find kindness is a virtue and one to be respected. Don't be a dick unless others dick you back even then still remain as civilized as possible as were not cave balloons. We're sophisticated blimps make for public transportation
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I agree with this, but for real, I can't stand faggots who have retarded conversations about certain scenarios being a series thing.

Like in pic related, what is the big deal about that?
People who aren't into popping are some of the most annoying faggots in the world. They act like they just watched some one actually die or piss their pants in the replies like "a-a-are they ok?". What the fuck is the matter with them?
Way I see it regeneration is better to me only for the benefits that perma pop offers one explosion while regeneration means you can burst someone over and over again that's at least a positive reason that keeps my mind opened to it
Yeah hurry up before I finally get up and grab your ass. Heard youre putting on weight. Monster
Huh? Who the fuck are you? And who's a fat monster? Take your meds anon.
To be fair, everyone jerks off at whatever they want, there isn't a rule that tells you what you should be jerking off and what not (except illegal content).

But whining and complaining and even denigrating and calling those who like permapop "degenerates" it's honestly the most retarded thing, there are cases about harassment due to permapopping a character, and it's even more retarded when they permapop a character just to stop using a character, for real normies should really stop taking the kink seriously because it's just 2D drawings that are made to jerk off at.
I have been thinking the exact same thing there’s something seriously off about these people.
Dipshit on here constantly whining about new threads. "Oh no, it's too hard for me to hide and
scroll through all these other threads!" And I bet that if there were more general threads they'd just complain about different shit being posted there. "No, this is round inflation thread, not blueberry! Waaah, she's enjoying it! Didn't post that here!"
I guess I could see constantly having to hide threads you don't like being a legit complaint for people viewing the site in private mode since they'd have to do it every time, but that's really probably the only valid excuse.
I do wish male content was contained in the male board, though. Maybe a male board and a furry male board. Sucks to see all these male threads mixed in across multiple non-male boards on a site called "BBW-chan".
Telling him to check the catalog first helps.
report my post and walled garden chat clients are the cancer killing the Internet.
There's the open internet, then there's the dark net, and there's walled gardens which make it impossible to enter unless prompted, creating a feedback loop commonly known as a circlejerk.
Juicy plus stream is a disgusting human being, I wasn’t following him but I was aware of him and I saw a literal post with a loompa holding a child’s hands looking at a inflated woman, I instantly had to block him instantly, people like him are the reason why I deactivated my deviant art account, which sucks in my opinion cause there a lot of good content on there but when theres multiple people on the site who think it’s ok to fantasize literal children I want no part in it
Elaborate on the part where you decided to deactivate your DA account Anon, what did they do to you?
>berryfag is a pedo

Water is wet
You did all of that and she is protesting sex against you? Wow next time let her carry herself
>>109966 I was just tired of seeing that type of shit, and yea I have a fetish for blueberry inflation so I guess I’m a berry fag but I’m not attracted to a child inflating, I like actresses or ig models inflating, but anyways I don’t like being around or in the same space as people who like children
>>109966 I tried to report as many as I could but it was no use so I cut ties it’s not worth it to be connected to those type of people
>> 109986 if your talking about here yea it is but I haven’t see anything like that in here but if your talking about deviantart it might be but that doesn’t mean it’s ok to have cp in it
if your talking about here yea it is but I haven’t see anything like that in here but if your talking about deviantart it might be but that doesn’t mean it’s ok to have cp in it
You keep surprising me by how little you know about channing.
>>109989 I haven’t been on here that long but from what Ik I haven’t seen anything pedo related besides people complaining about juicy stream so I thought I’d put my 2 cents in
>> 109993 never been friends with those people or into their art, like I said I’m into models and actress or pornstars inflating, but since I’m into blueberry inflation my deviant fyp is gonna be filled with posts from people who are into the link and unfortunately some of those people are creeps who like children, I would report them as much as I could but the way deviantart works sucks and even if the account was to be taken down they’d just make another one
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>>109532 (OP)
Speaking of which, it's crazy how many people just forgave her, and how will still forgiving Chemi despite admitting she wanted to fuck his 2-year-old brother.

This "community" really needs to change their mindset about "forgiving".

But noneless, get recked pedo-tranny.
they're trans so they can get away with it. i wonder how bad the comments of that post are
Aaaand another thinly veiled "I HATE TRANS PEOPLE" thread. We come on here to look at inflation art not here people's redneck ass political rants.
Nobody cares about you. Get over it homo. Fuck I hate this board

> Another thinly veiled... uhhhhh... nigga my neovagina is leaking!
What the fuck are you on about this is how you stop spam if mods don't step up do you use Reddit or something
Im a mod on reddit & report my post. Your field is no different. Just have to deal with bad body odor & personalities in person. No sweat
What the shit are you seriously on Reddit and Disharmony can you become a mod here
Been a mod here for a while now thats why I talk so much shit lol
Why the fuck didn't you say that sooner you need to become a mod here ASAP
Up to all of you. Not me.
I'm not a mod you need to be our hero and become one go apply ASAP
I did. Asshole looked me with cock sucker heads told me to wait.
I was never here. Ttul. " I dont watch porn website comments"
Something about spongebob first.
"wah people are talking about things that piss them off in a thread titled 'things that piss you off'! my axe wound is hurting!"
and then you wonder why people don't like you
where does one apply to be mod on this site
We should make a reverse, a things-that-make-you-happy general.
We have got like the best mod. Only unstickying the three stickies other than the IMPORTANT SITE UPDATE sticky would make him better than best.
Aight, I guess I'll just say what I said last thread and go with morphers. They dont piss me off, as much as I generally dislike them. I cant think of maybe TWO morphers that I've seen that make something even close to good/attractive, those being luvemripe (whos basically retired) and hellresident. Even then, those two are on that EDGE, meanwhile every other morphed is usually complete ass. kagekira, sassyviper, etc., they all reside in a deep, deep spot in the uncanny valley, and are usually complete ass to look at. And then you have people like faridae, someone who did morphs of actual children playing violet in school plays and posted them publicly on DA.
There's a huge number of underreported female pedophiles, but why not give her a second chance if she isn't paid by gov't like LGBT?
Everyone is cut off. Do it now.
>that 10 year old is so hot
yeah that's pretty damning
but what's all this about lying about their age
sounds like catfishing

also the edgy blackmail sounding DMs really don't help
On a off topic yet still on topic kinda thing how do we once and for all end the whole people lying about there ages thing? Outside of carding like a bartender I don't see a solution? Honestly I see so many and I mean so many cases of individuals being texted by minors! Some disingenuous like this but others legit mirror that Inquisitor 3 situation in which the dude wasn't even trying to do something bad and yet some evil individuals did what they did to him. And it cost him his life because he saw no other solution to the matter that wouldn't ruin his life.

Even pyro and other people have had similar issues. And it begs to ask if it's such a big issue when will report my post and other messaging sites start taking some actions to prevent this stuff. If you say your a adult you should prove it in a non doxing way to prevent bullshit like this from even happening in the first place in my opinion!

I know the side tangent is a bit off topic but it really grinds my gears we can just put a stopper from anything like this from being remotely possible to begin with!

But again I see no complete answer that doesn't regard a full facial dox
People honestly act like report my post and messaging sites like it have big minor catfishing problems in which minors are cat fishing as adults and it needs a solution. Honestly I don't even hear about it happening outside of report my post itself!
I'm not censoring shit

The whole report my post thing is getting on my damn nerves!
Honestly, I can’t take either person’s side on this matter.

The “victim” (who was always an adult) tricked Maria into thinking they were a minor in order to catch them saying some creepy shit. That’s entrapment/enticement. You can’t trick someone into acting/being sexual towards somebody and then reveal that they were a minor AFTER the fact. That person would need to be aware that they’re conversing with a minor before saying or doing something explicit.

Now, I’m OBVIOUSLY not taking Maria’s side because at the end of the day: she admitted to not only finding children attractive but also engaging in sexual acts with minors. How do you play off letting a child sit on your face MULTIPLE times and watching them twerk as a joke!? Fucking disgusting!

So I personally believe that neither of them look good in this situation. I’m so tired of seeing people being so gung-ho about catching predators but not wanting to go through the proper procedures to do it right and fuck it up every time. EVERYBODY wants to hunt pedos but NOBODY wants to do it right.
agreed, the twitter/dickcord expansion community has this obsession with moral purity and to pull off entrapment shit via cringe roleplaying is all the proof you need that they never mature beyond 12 years old

SS fucked herself good, but the dude who set it up should honestly get a real job
i honestly want the opinion of this cause, shit hit the fan and makes it seem like everyone is at fault.
tbh i do like to think that squishy doesn't actually meant IRL stuff, cause if so she would have done it a long time ago.
makes me think that it's better to supress and view this kind of stuff into drawings rather than doing it IRL

any opinion in this mindset ? or ya all think i am fucked up ?
nah don't be
SS slipped up and said bad shit in the heat of horniness
the kid who catfished should be lucky SS isn't some hardcore predator who will hunt them down IRL
> B-But Squishy was lied to! The person outing her lied about their age to catch them being sexual with a minor. They’re not a pedo!

They heard the person they were talking to was a child and doubled down on the pedo shit. They kept interacting with the person who said they were 15, and drew a fucking 10 year old the next day! And they were the instigator of that conversation over a violet gif.

Even before the age reveal they asked the person they were talking to about Violet’s age (A child) and if it bothered them. When the other person said no, squishy got chummy and admitted that they thought Violet was cute that way. Completely unprompted, from what I could see.

SquishySofty fucked around and found out. They alone are responsible for their behavior, tricked or not. Being horny is no excuse, a stable person can put their hormones aside and not continue sexually interacting with a minor. They’re a pedo, and deserve to be put on blast for roping someone they believed to be a child.

And no, I completely doubt SquishySofty was being honest about not liking IRL cp. They were talking about children interacting with them IRL in sexual ways and liking it in that cursed d¡scord chat. That sitting thing was likely not something they drew or fantasized up, that was them admitting. Not to mention they were being sexual towards someone they thought to be a 15 year old, for over a day.
>Being horny is no excuse, a stable person can put their hormones aside
Not everyone has damaged sex drives from taking SSRIs my dude. There's far too many stories past and present about people going full retard because of horniness.

But whatever, ranting blogposting won't change anything. They deleted their accounts and my timeline now gets to be poisoned for the next week by Very Annoying motherfuckers blathering on about shit regular people already know.
W for you sir
I want to hear the side of SS, this feels incomplete in my view, yeah the evidence is there but there should be more to it. Either evidence that blames more about SS or the dickhead just set things up to his favor.
Not saying she is in the wrong, she IS for still engaging into the conversation, at the same time however, it's also wrong for the dickhead to be faking its age.
So, in short, I don't think SS is stupid or a pedo, just a lolicon who prefers fantasy over reality
fucking THANK you, someone with actual sense. Regardless of how you feel about the way the evidence was gained, they fucking ADMITTED PROUDLY about being into young kids, and not just 'just fiction' shit, no, actual kids! If you go look at the full post on twitter theres a part where they talk about an irl child and being attracted to them. That's pedo shit, case closed.
i swear to yakub i remember her drawing inflated toddlers
>tricked Maria into thinking they were a minor in order to catch them saying some creepy shit. That’s entrapment/enticement.
idk why there's so many morons getting mad over a pedo getting caught when its the exact same method you see on Dateline NBC or those other youtube channels who catch predators.
thank you for not being retarded unlike the others here who seem to be defending Squishy
yeah you're retarded for defending SS like this
DM's are from their friend who posted about it on twitter (I forget the name but the whole convo was posted not just that part). The report my post source is anonymous Chris Hansen style sting account from what I gather.
wtf when they censor [the name of that one faggy villain from MLP]? what the hell happend?
>minors are pulling their own Chris Hansen
>and that's a GOOD thing
This gal basically showed her interests on their style of drawings, I mean looking back at her drawings, you can tell she has interest into girl that look way younger than either an adult or a teenager, and now this comes out to light and just ruined herself off, honestly I am the only one of does the community really need a change to all of this?
Tbh this is more so retarded
All sides of us are wrong either if we did good ro bad xd
In the end we won't come to a real agreement of who is the "bad guy" (iirc I think I did saw a couple of those pictures somewhere in her DA)
But I still believe she isn't a IRL pedo tbh and more so just a lolicon from the internet (or shotacon, idk)
>Doesn't believe she isn't a pedo irl
Dude, she literally said that she is into children irl lmaooooo
Yeah dont put her in the school. False advertisment. Stay on the fucking road
Thank you.
What's the deal pedo-defender? do you forgive her just because she is a woman? or you are just a simp?
honestly i highly suspect that the 'leaker' likely was also a pedo or atleast into loli-shit, so i wouldnt say that they are innocent, however squishysoft should get stoned wallahi
yes keep defending the pedophile while calling other people retarded
>But I still believe she isn't a IRL pedo tbh
you are actually retarded
Both can be bad you dumb shit.
Why do normies (kill myself for not having a better word) associate inflation and weight gain fetishes with furry porn. Like youtubers when they take jabs at fetish shit.
you know it can be use as a double edge sword right ? it can be both use it for the worse or for the better
yes what SS did is fucked up, but honestly it doesn't make me think she is a IRL pedo and just prefers to repress it bia internet
Did you not see >>110557 where they admitted to being turned on by irl kids? Like having an actual child sit on their face and looking at actual kids twerking? They're a pedo, there no grey area about it they admitted themselves. Stop trying to act like this isnt as fucked as it is jesus christ
Eh to be fair there 25 so so what you want with them I guess. Enjoy your pito pegging boyfriend while girlfriend slaps a donkeys ass with a balloon animal all night long! But yeah I do agree theres a strange amount of predators in that community. But honestly there are both good and bad people in any community
Should we leave the topic to die now and discuss something else or should we keep on pointing swords at each other ?
It's because of Pyrocynical. And I also hate it whe normies do that.
>sees inflation/weight gain fetish outside of the regular circles
It's so fucking bad, total dent head behavior.
The minor was idiotic for not knowing that an adult was taking advantage of him, and even if the minor "faked" his age Squishysofty was taking advantage of someone that was way younger than her, it was a teen, fake or not, Squishysofty was willing to do harm to the teen, and she even tried to hide her tracks by confronting the minor.
If i really have to go for something that pissed me off that is not related to " This artist is this, this artist is that " topic
Then it will be this
People who complain about artist's fetishes side when they secretly check the artist's page by themselve is a massive dumbass.
Those type of people are like that type of shitheads who willing to hurt themselve then act victims and blame the others.
Worst is that they will harras the artist for that too which is another dick move
" YoU DrAw FeTiSh !! I SaW iT ! yOu NoT aLlOw To !!! ( insert harras and slurs) " - Like for fucksake, YOU CLICK ON THOSE BY YOURSELF !!
he's gotta be doing some of it on purpose though lmao, i just saw a tiktok where for like the third time he tabbed out and boom, porn
that fucking loser fell off now he's got a humiliation kink
Does this give you control over your own live ranting on the internet I think not. I feel as if its an insecurity issue you have. Speaking about others make u feel good while nothing in life happens for you. Seems familiar ehh.
Well at least in my line of work a lot of people who do have things for furs or are a fur have a thing for inflation so it could be anything from insert what people have said above me to just coincidence
>(kill myself for not having a better word)
lmao why
it's true
and yeah fuck those spergs, it might have been funny once but not after the millionth time
pyro is probably sick of it deep down as well
Let me guess. You posted furry.
t. retard who can't read thread names
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I fucking hate that chip_chell bitch. I find it extremely concerning how obsessed she is with that scenario by making sure her character is the closest representation of the 2005 Violet Beauregarde without it being her. It's creepy especially if she actually uses the movie as an art reference. I'm not accusing her of anything of course, but I wouldn't be surprised if a thread about her comes up exposing her for grooming or something.
As much as I enjoy her other stuff villarus 'blob' shit is really quite disgusting. It's like WG but it's just strangely made so that the ass doesn't look full or plump or so that the body looks... misshapen. Yeah I get that it's hypocritical to complain about realism but it's just off-putting and downright unattractive.
i mean
cartoon and realistic arent st the same...
It's a fucking art thread, people ask for requests and some of them are taken, I don't see any bad thing into requesting furry art in a drawing thread.
the problem is there is a dedicated furry board, for furries. If you want to request furry art, go to the furry board, it's not that hard.
I hate male inflation being weirder than it needs to be. There's always giant cocks/male breasts, or blueberry lactation/cum involved. It also feels like 50% of it are "femboys" that look exactly like women with a small cup size.

On the other hand, you also have masculine/muscular male inflation.
There isn't any rule that stays that furry inflation should in the furry board, and again, it's just requests from anons towards artists.

Besides, nobody likes mini jannies, why do they try to be a pseudo discock-mod
The fact that they were good friends with
fundezian when he was a minor and he also obsesses over the kids in the funny factory too really would not suprise me if they were both pedos
Can you elaborate on that part? Because that's concerning
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No matter how mad inflationfags can get we can count ourselves happy we aren't fatfags or futafags.
Don't know if based or cringe
They're so debased that the globohomo made them their posterchildren.
I meant, how do you know Chipchell being close friends with a minor?
omg chip_chell is so fucking annoying - like you can't hate AI art and then at the same time only make art around the '05 inventing room, wouldn't surprise if they were a pedo. they definitely use the movie as an art reference
real, the blob/wg/slop shit is fucked
I'm not even against WG but it's about the proportions. I can't imagine anybody wants to see her OCs in the form of gross bumpy blobs or lard, atleast to a wider audience outside of the twittroon crowd.
He made a Journal on fa saying hes 18 and hes back! But before all that hes always been friends with chip as well as drawing fetish content. I also think he long posted on twitter or fa about being sorry to everyone for being a minor and leaving till he turned 18. He may have deleted that if it was a fa journal but the im 18 and im back one is still up.
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UPDATE: Did some research, and this is her claim. Thoughts?

(I still do think it's concerning that she had friends who used to be minors at the time of her drawing fetish material, but she has addressed this and I want to see your guys' opinion on if she's bluffing or not.)
Im sending the loudest hellcat in the area.,

I still think she's weird though
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To elaborate further, my thoughts are that even if she does say she doesn't use any movie references, the fact that they are extremely close to the movie makes me feel very uncomfortable. I'll just continue to ignore her and her art still as always.
I don’t really follow any of her stuff because I’m not personally into furries but literally every single piece of artwork from her that I’ve seen is a blueberry inflation/transformation in a factory setting with some sort of tracksuit or tracksuit adjacent outfit, is that not a reference to the movie? Am I retarded? Is she retarded for saying that she doesn’t reference the movies even though she does?
with all this chipchell talk, I think it's a good time to talk about how much wonkafags suck. Now look, I wanna make a distinction between a berryfag and a wonkafag. A berryfag like blueberry inflation in general, no matter what type really, also long as someone is turning into a blueberry, it's good. That's cool with me, shit, I AM a berryfag. What pisses me off is wonkafags. Wonkafags are those blueberry inflation fans who, for some fuckin reason, can't let the original 71 or 05 movie go in regards to their kink. I'm talkin havin their OCs or in the tracksuit/blue button up thing, quoting lines directly from the movie, a wonka analogue makin comments, a group of people (usually around 4) commenting on how someone should 'sTiCk HeR wItH a PiN' and other shit, juicing room mentions, and worst of all, a fucking oompa loompa song. This last part gets me the most because I have read fics, which i personally like a bit more than images at times, but regardless, that have been absolute gold, only for the writer to insert someone singing 'oompa loompa doompety doo' and completely ruin the vibe. Those 4 words are the most boner killing words in the english language, right next to 'oh no, grandma's dead'. I'm gonna be honest, in a time where I've seen people take blueberry inflation shit, and make creative and still hot scenarios and ideas from it, the people who just say 'fuck it's and ape off of the movies are just creatively bankrupt or stunted. Not to mention, a lot of em are just fucking weird. I mean, chipchell is a furry, that's a given, but then you have people like weeblord, who has written multiple scat stories relating to this shit, and faridae, who is a straight up pedo who morphed actual children playing violet in school plays. they aren't sending their best folks.
basically TL;DR, wonkafags are fucking annoying and need to go and stay go
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Thank fucking god someone finally said it, my thoughts exactly. I think Wonkafags in general are fucking creepy (not just chip) and I can't look at Wonkafag art because it's a toss up if someone actually looks at the Violet child actor while they're drawing their fetish art.

td;lr Berryfags FTW.
I have to say I never warched Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. Not once. When looking up this paraphilia I got annoyed seeing blueberry everywhere.
amazing work of art
lol she's more retarded than i thought, holy fuck. some of her pieces are legit just traces over the movie scenes
no, you're not retarded. she is.
people who do this include chipchell, bluebakaberri, and who else - because there's definitely more they just aren't coming to mind immediately
People on here argueing with about who is cooler at being turned on by inflation fetish shit than the other. The pedo wankafags are just a lower tier of loser than the berryfags. I say this as the latter.
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You know what really grinds my gears? Every fucking time I come to this website and see this thread as the top fucking poster! This world is really filled with whiny bitches with nothing better to do than all people berrycunt this and fathoe that! For fuck sakes although I do understand some of you contribute some decent arguments and to you, this isn't for you. This is for the crybabies that keep whining about today's most trivial topic and to you pray Im not the one to create the next thread as im titling that berrybitching whahbaby or some other dehumanizing title just so i can watch you all cry and moan about it! Go ahead try to defend yourself! Call me whatever name or bird word in the book! It's still not gonna unfuck this thanksgiving turkey I just filled up like my personal cum balloon condom! If you even try to take a bite you getting blooshed with coom!
No, you're just new. We've been like this since the early 2000s on /d/, and from what I understand other language inflation communities are like that, too. Being angry feels invigorating.
its okay, you can say weeb-lord
Then why not pull your adult asses into a chatroom and angrily peg each other in the ass as big fat balloons until you pop? If you gonna be angry and least be horny angry as that shit is hot and puts the anger to use in a not so life destroying self destructive way? Or something shit. I'm mean I guess why vent stupid shit that's over talked about instead create something interesting with it. Like a hot air balloon filled by your rage? Do something productive and not self destructive or harmful to any others with. Again my mind just blanks back to anger sex.


something like that? No? Fun bedroom rolypoly with your boyfriend's and girlfriends?. Ok I'll just see myself out nevermind and carry on. You'll learn noth probably anyways.
I'm not at liberty to tell.
People who draw faces like Tubby Toon. The rest of his artworks are great but the faces ruin it for me.
>tagged inflation
>literally a single panel of a slight belly bulge
god damnit, stop that. almost as bad as
>untag cum inflation to try and stop seeing the above
>shit-tons of incorrectly tagged cum inflation
you type like an autist
I did say weeblord in the post, but even then, they are still a perfect example. I bet if I went to their da gallery and checked how many of their stories is some wonka related shit, itd be over half
tell us you have autism without telling us you have autism
qualtro just announced an animation that seems to take place right in the '71 inventing room
weeblord wrote scat stories in relation to berry inflation? how the fuck does that even work?
am i the onl one found this one is valid so not a random hating artist purpose ?
"Those are accusations. I dont even watch porn. "
I can see why he's done it but okayokayokok has completely axed his patreon, it's gone and now the only place you can see his pay content is subscribe star for which the kemono importer has been broke for the bulk of 2 years now. Its been mentioned in the last 'things that piss you off' thread but I don't think anybody likes his pedoshit, but when he makes actual inflation content its usually 10/10. I hope he realises that switching platforms has only made it slightly harder to leak his shit, and that there'll probably be a thread leaking his stuff sooner or later.
Complaining about berryfags being pedos is like complaining about Sonic artists being furries. Like no shit. It's built into the fetish. And you'll see how fast berryfags move to cover for any of their own who gets in trouble over it.
I don't know about all of you and I'm not even the biggest berry fan but honestly I like berry but I don't like the violet aspect of it as much as the rest of you. Again if it's a OC design of violet that's adult or a factory trope or two with another adult character I'm not really weirded out by that either but the poor face edits of the scene and the almost or blatant level of cp for the child actress itself is bothersome to me as much as it is to all of you! And I'm not the only berry enjoyer that feels this way a ton of people I know have a problem with the simping of the child forms as well simp for the eighteen plus actresses is fine but when you're editing Anna Sophia robb as a child for whatever reason especially when you have this fetish sexually it's disturbing to say the least!

My point always will be that you all generalize it too much as all berry lovers are obsessive and pedos and although I will say I've seen some obsessive factory scene lovers out there a good chunk of berry enjoyers I've met personally enjoy it only with adult individuals. For most mild or big berry fans who aren't in your stereotype view of things we enjoy berry because the blue the sloshy water like expansion noises of the juice the submissive and dominant bdsm roles of you and a partner being blown up and teased and the most unique of these being the virus transfer aspect of this virus like substance coursing through your body filling you up like a helpless balloon! these aspects! These make up the sexual bulk of berry enjoyers or fetish fans.

I'll repeat it again so those in the back can hear well! Not all of us are obsessed with Violet and are pedos! There are those fucked up individuals in this community but most of us just either have heavy nostalgia for the factory scenarios or in my case just like the unique flavors of all these different inflation types mixed into one. Mostly viral infection which I feel has to be the most underrated inflation type I've ever seen and only fruit based inflations ever use!

So call Chris Hanson on those who deserve it that's fine but please don't generalize this pedo shit to the rest of us! This is why you don't see anyone admit to having a berry fetish let alone associate with the community anymore. Because berry obsessed pedos bring underage Violet into shit creeping us out and away from things or people like all of you that generalize that we want any part of what those weird fuckers do in the community! Please be more open minded in future.
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This is why I wished the goddamn Wonka movie would have gave us something like a Sofia Vergara villain that could have blown up into a big blue ball with all her female lackies and finally fucking end this pedo shit once and for all! But no can't ask for that. My prayers will never be answered and will be forever stuck with this pedo accusations over our heads to the end of goddamn time!
So fucking much this. Inflation and cumflation are seperate tags for a reason. So is belly bulge or belly deformation. Tag things properly you fucks I have to sift through millions of futa and vore doujins to find a single actual inflation one.
If the majority of berryfags weren't out and proud pedophiles they wouldn't circle the wagons and run interference the moment any one of their number gets caught being a pedo or a stalker.
Your kids on here watching porn interacting with rapist.
that new qualtro n64 video, what the fuck? yeah lemme pay you to watch some dumbfuck blueberry animation ripped right out of the 1971 movie
also that strawhatyote got even uglier
(44 KB, 686x398, FHeuySxVEAo_B_m.jpg)
honestly lackluster vid from him for the amount of hype, also going on and on about how it's totally NOT violet from OG wonka in the patreon post is just annoying

also congrats to strawhat for going full library lesbian
Never ever in my entire life have I found a half-decent inflation doujin that doesn't have cumflation or some other gross shit in it. Except maybe Air XX or whatever the fuck it's called. Nips sure can draw but good god are they fucked up in the head.
it's really bad lmao. They wrote a series of stories with the girls from k-on (moeblob anime about music clubs and shit) with one growing super fat and one turning into a blueberry and having the fat one eat the blueberry one and shit out blue scat. I am not fucking kidding bro, it's one of their earliest stories and I'm 50% sure it's still on their DA.
>a series of stories with the girls from k-on (moeblob anime about music clubs and shit) with one growing super fat and one turning into a blueberry and having the fat one eat the blueberry one and shit out blue scat
This is the funniest shit I've read in this thread.
I hate how breast expansion videos have solely turned into using breast plates and only breast plates. I liked the ballooney look from early TMC, Akemi, and early Bendy. Don't get me wrong, I still greatly enjoy the plate stuff too and it feels like we're in a golden age right now, but I do still feel nostalgic for that big and buoyant and fake look. Feels like we could be doing both!
Maaan I remember when Bambi Blaze would catch so much heat back in the day. I would kill for that over the top, fake look now.
Is there anything they can draw besides inflation?
she genuinely got better right before she had to quit and I will die on this hill
I think its just accessibility. I think tmc were the only ones who owned bambi blazes tit props that had that buoyant look too em, and the only way amateur models could replicate that was with literal balloons under a shirt. Then here comes roanyer, selling breast plates for like 200 to 500 bucks, which is pretty decent considering, and the ease of access of information about how to blow em up. Shit, roanyer made a tweet a while back asking if people would like them to make inflatable breasts on their own, instead of modding them.

That's what I'm missing though, when it was just literal balloons and a progressively tightening shirt. A good example is the TMC clip Brooklyn Loves Balloons. There was also an Akemi one where the actress is vaping and blows up huge that is like the gold standard for me for that look.

Re: Bambi - I always loved her stuff. I think the only flack she really got was that her upload speed and price point didn't match. Her sites were all monthly subscriptions with no way to buy things individually. Then she split the belly stuff to a separate site that also needed its own subscription, and then the expansion mansion which ALSO needed its own subscription. If any of those sites didn't update that month (which they often didn't), you were just throwing money away. Didn't help that the payment people they used made it difficult to cancel.

Her props at one point were godtier, though. I'm sad AirWolf didn't link up with another studio or decide to sell the props on his own. I wasn't a fan when the areola on the props got kind of a weird texture on the ultra big ones. In Geek Babe 2 they are PERFECT and then you watch some other ones and they just look... a little too much like skin that wasn't meant to stretch. >>111775
"guys its not violet and i totally didn't just rip off the original scene! also i have 5 other projects that are WIP that i won't ever release!"
that is fucking foul

What disturbs me is that Faridae's comics are still being shared on these forums quite often. I can't imagine that a sane human being is actually a fan of his work. His work should be banned from the entire internet if it were possible.

Does anyone actually know what happened to Bambi and why she just fucked off of the internet and left her old site to rot? Rumor had it that she got swatted by a troll who told the feds she was making CP in her studio and that she and her lawyer were taking it to court but we never heard from her again.
What exactly would be the harm in owning up to the inspiration? It's not like that scene spawned the entire sub-fetish or anything.
I'm kind of in the middle as well. It's not super impressive or gonna cause a skynet apocalypse of owo droids trying to suck you to death. It's just meh. Still nothing puts a smile on my face more on a Saturday night then watching two ai bots go at it in a discussion of Vegeta using his big bang attack to blow apart Bulma into scraps accidentally with his cummmhame ha. Good fun times anon good fun times indeed!
(25 KB, 360x360, raf,360x360,075,t,fafafa_ca443f4786.jpg) (255 KB, 894x894, goku_angry_mod_wallpaper_artwork_on_a_graphic_work_by_vnedit_dgmuly5-pre.jpg) (2.8 MB, 1920x1080, b6c110678c58b9fce6558cb331f9f8f6.png) (39 KB, 500x374, main-qimg-0b0e928af7bf18b05cca9fda39894da7-pjlq.jpeg)
I also once did similar dumb shit with chichi and goku having some bedroom sparing only to hear the panicking orgasms and screams of a erratic chichi panicking like a damn Muppet as she overinflated all over the place from Goku's super Saiyan nut until she eventually reached room limits and popped all over him covering him cock and all in her marshmallow cum fluff. It was funny as hell watching the aftermath of the ai taking about Goku having to use the dragon balls to resurrect her from the scraps only for her to get so ungodly pissed she sends him on a upward elevator to me her father! I've never busted my shit laughing so much in my life!
their work when they actually edit adults were fine
Blueberry is a sub-fetish of inflation
Yeah, that's why I said sub-fetish.
so if you scroll up in the thread we actually had an entire discussion about it
literally, there are so many retards who think ai is genuinely going to be the end of the world
i wish i got a screencap of that post he made on people's thoughts if he wrote a blueberry story that focused on slavery or whatever, shit was hilarious, the guy is such a retard

speaking of retards, morphers. there's so many shitty morphers out there who just seem so annoying. take "triple_f" for example, that dude is so fucking annoying. saw him bitching about not wanting to morph pictures of random, unknown people, because of consent or whatever, but apparently it's different when he makes a nonconsensual morph of some celebrity? i can see where he's coming from if the random unknown is underage, but the double standards of that moron are crazy. shit morpher too.

I've seen them briefly on DA and haven't read a single one, because I already know that after 20 FUCKING CHAPTERS it has to be some kind of self insert about some Indian (Street shitter from utter pradesh) getting with an American blondie/blueberry.

And before you say that the Indian Prince was a character in Tim Burtons 2005 wonka remake, I know. But after that amount of work surely it becomes a thing where he's putting himself in these scenarios.
God same. I hate ai shit for the most part, but the anti ai niggas are just as annoying, mostly because if they see ANYTHING ai created, no matter how banal or inoffensive, they freak the fuck out. Also this isn't the first time veryfilthything sperged out like this. Solitaryscribbles made a tweet asking about possibly using ai to generate a bunch of flavor text shit for his characters, which was a minor feature and in his case, would help him because he was one man devving this shit. VFT then goes on to screech at solitary calling him doing that lazy. Even though hes one man devving an entire game. Fuckin spazzes
what a fucking blast from the past, there was a time where I liked his stuff... back in my early high school days when I was discovering the fetish
then I found out there were better artists and writers around

reminds me of the voice actor strike several years back where they were all upset at game devs using temp voices during development, the devs have more important things to work on in the early stages rather than worrying about a VA saying lines that will probably be altered or just outright cut as dev work goes on

as a (kinda sorta)(former) writer myself having AI conjure up some flavor text or character design ideas isn't a bad thing, it can be really hard thinking that stuff up yourself sometimes
plus if you're just using it for inspiration so you can write it out yourself later... then what's the big deal lol
I remember seeing that and he was basically threatening Solitary if I recall. Like "If you do this then I'll tell everyone of our mutuals" or something along those lines. And he brought that up in this discourse saying he'd "convinced another artist to not use Ai". Dude's on such a high horse he might hit terminal velocity if he slipped off of it.
The fact that everytime the word "inflation" its mentioned my fucking brain instantly starts to think about the fetish, i curse my 10 year old me for searching about kitana kiss of death fatality
there's a few people who can pull the ai shit off well, but there's so many who are awful at it, or a bunch of people who all have the same shitty style. hgswells9000 and berryliciousxxx seem to be fine, i've blocked so many others.
difference between me and those retards is i don't constantly scream about how bad ai is and shove it down everyone's throats, just block and move on
who is this "VFT retard
Blocked evasion king.
Italians scream alone. Jewish ppl watch porn
(12 KB, 474x266, th-2197385580.jpg)
>I'm black I'm better!
For me this guy ain't black, sounds very much like this.
>Inb4 finds post and cries on Twitter, and his circlejerk validates him just because all of them are mutuals.
>then I found out there were better artists and writers around
True that.
Retard on a fetish board complains about a couple of retarded tweets made by a Twitter artist.
retards were using woke unironically and pushing their own conspiracy theories lol
they deserve to have their dumbass word dragged through the mud

I mean this is literally the complaint thread so

> speaking as if AAVE is worthy of preservation or being taken seriously

This is clearly some fucking blerd that probably gets rejected by other n1gs because of his niche interests and the fact that he likes fetish shit. I'm not about to say that I don't find it annoying when white youths use shit like 'gyatt' or 'ahh' unironically (though in europe its hardly an occurrence) annoying, but on the contrary I find it pretty hilarious that it gets him as frustrated as this.
You are pissed by a pissed tweet from an artist
There's no fucking differences, so stop being snowflakes
>>109532 (OP)
The sheer amount of what has to be low functioning autism is absolutely astounding. There has to be some kind of actual psychological correlation there, because I don't think the same is really true for people into vore, futa, you name it. Probably even TF. I have seen similar stuff with foot shit, I think, but I'm less confident in that, since I'm only familiar with it kind of at arm's length. Something about inflation specifically, I think, attracts autismos with extreme hyperfixations, low quality art, and tons of shitty drama resulting from no social skills. I think maybe it's something to do with the lack of overt sexualization or sex present in most of the art. Maybe that makes it less appealing to vanilla kink perusers, and restricts it only to fetish-havers? I dunno.
It's not that big of an issue, I've successfully filtered it out pretty well, but it does piss me off a little every time I see it. Admittedly, it is mostly on this board, at this point.
But god damn, some of you are really autistic.
(48 KB, 622x619, FGoqFdrUYAAGglf.jpg)
it happened lol

seems pretty real
but they got the epic toothpaste flag so it makes them immune, sorry thems the rules these days
It's mostly ESL members. Non-Americans behave like absolute autists holy fuck.
t. work
its from 2021, dont jump to the toxic gossip train to fast
anothing is that the account who made that post as no pfp and those are darn screenshots
we all know having screenshots on report my post can be easily edit
I'm complaining on a complain board retard, try reading.
The thing how do we know that those screenshots are edited anon?
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If I had a burger for every time a tranny turned out to be a pedophile, I'd be morbidly obese
(32 KB, 367x366, 20230430_180111.jpg)
If I had a burger for every time a tranny turned out to be a pedophile, I'd be morbidly obese

And yes, it's real. Viking/Skale even admitted it.
Got an image where he admits being a groomer?
just gotta be sure, because for real, if the "community" defends groomers just because they are transgender, then the "community" is paedophile safe space.
(18 KB, 220x220, HOLYSHIT.gif)
Every single time some jackass uploads literally child porn to this website.

Why haven´t they got caught by the FBI?

>>109532 (OP)
All the retards who defend the fucking guy who makes the hyper-specific threads
All the aspies complaining everytime someone makes a new thread.
Loli is allowed. I repeat:
Loli is allowed.
The slippery slope has never been a logical fallacy. Loli must be banned with prejudice.
real, they act like they're doing nothing wrong or whatever
the only aspie is you, going into other threads and trying to mock people lmao
the only person defending him is >>112911 but you have to excuse his behavior, he's autistic
I assume the berryfuckers must be pleased to have so much CP here on average.
Imagine we had less boards so we could hire only one mod and have him sit with all tabs open at all times. This is how we did it back in the day and it still works.
Yeah ppl actually got sent out. Good ole days.
Thats why DOT took back their list? Lol makes sense now. Assholes was fucking up the list
He means real child pornography, not lolicon, you idiot and yes there was a real cp thread on /inf/ fortunately mods nuked it
I mean you seen pretty aspie yourself.
Loli attracts those who post CP.
>I complain about a guy making a thread that posted cp links
>Calls me an aspie because of complaining about a cp thread
You love child pornography don't you?
I mean lolicon are portraits of children, not real children but still children.
Lmao, way to misrepresent someone's statement. I'm calling the guy complaining about new threads a fucking aspie.
Trips of truth, but the point was that allowing loli is the worst possible idea.
just admit you're a pedo, no need to project
yeah now the mods here just sit around and do nothing, pretty sad
You could literally admin the whole website *alone* if you reduced the number of boards to a number you could keep open at all times.
And the same faggot posted more... Dude like why??
Then how can we tell if it's real screenshot?
Mister detective, I do say this is a tricky case
Logged onto deviantart to find that okayokayokoks Wendy wonka epilogue will be split into 3 issues, geg.

I get that he needs to take breaks imbetween making content for the ABDL pedotroons but why not just make one massive issue? I can already imagine that we'll probably be waiting until December (or later, since he has a comm season around that time) for the last issue.
tbh he's probably into that "ABDL pedotroon" shit by now with all the content he makes for it, dude is an actual fucking freak
This has been said on other threads but okayokayokok flips a coin when making content.

Will it be one of the greatest inflation comics/images of all time?

Or will it be something like a half human half cow dressed as a baby and pissing itself.

Speaking of which, why do we have so many fucking troons in this "community" all ova sudden? I mean I get that guys larping as girls is the hip trendy thing for terminally online spergs these days but even still, troons are fucking everywhere in the inflation fetish scene now. Most inflation artists on Twitter have tranny flags and pronouns in their bio now, it's fucking ridiculous. When is this tranny fad going to end?

There's a 46 percent joke in there but I'll let you figure that one out for yourself.
Islamic vs jews. Islams have no say. Jews win
He always story telling lmao babe babe we dont have sex any more
"Your IP was recognized as a known spammer"
jannies are you fucking retarded
actually don't answer that I know the answer already

"Nerd communities devastated by HRT like black neighborhoods and crack in the 80s. Sad to watch."
here's hoping most of them will grow out of the phase like many did with MLP and other terminally online fads (and realize it's too late because that hormone shit fucks you up permanently)

GRT is like the whole "eating bugs to phase out meat" thing: it's a conspiracy if it makes me look bad but a real and good thing if it makes me look morally righteous
I actually have a theory about this. A lot of formative inflation content (catcf, spy kids 2, totally spies) all had said inflation stuff happen to women, right? And theres a good chunk of inflation fans who want to be the one getting inflated, instead of the inflatee. So I believe that somewhere along the line, seeing all these women get inflated, meshed with the idea of being the one inflated, and so some of them thought, 'hey I should be a girl, so I can better live out my inflation fantasies' or something like that. For example, nyanilla, noted trans person into inflation constantly draws/commissions stuff of their sona, that's supposed to represent them, getting inflated all the time. Noitalfin, another trans inflation writer, has many fics depicted their self-insert character getting inflated. I'm just saying, next time you see a trans inflation creator, see if their art has a self insert character getting inflated, I s2g that's what it is
We've always had them but they were always women pretending to be men and transmales. Transwomen are very very new.
Nope. They see a space and think they'll be unique there.
He actually "addressed" the thing, and yesthw screenshots are real
yes the jannies here are very fucking retarded
it'll be years before those morons grow out of their phases
fr, it seems like every month there's a new wave of the freaks that appear and start shitting out the worst content. like that dumb "huskmoder" cunt or whatever his name is. who else are notable trannies?
yeah that's actually legit, definitely self-inserting retards- like blimpixels, who just draws he and his friends as berries over and over again
Is there anything else anyone here want to draw besides inflation?
>calls somebody else retarded
Opinion discarded.
You sat in my apartment for hours every week while I was gone you did nothing. 8 years later why would you change in your own house right? Gaslighting narrasist
>defending pedophiles
oPiNiOn dIsCaRdEd.
Break into the house rape all of them. Hiding the guns in the closet next to teddy lmao
See? This is why nobody likes Reddit.
I sincerely hope you get raped to death by a pack of feral niggers. As you draw your last breath, unable to do so because your cum covered head is not only drowning in AIDS riddled niggercum, but has been fucked clean off your shoulders, I want the last electrical signal being transmitted between your two brain cells to be, "At least I wasn't called 'racist'". Get fucked, stay fucked.
This is why I come here. Pun intended.

Okay, but tell us how you really feel, and don't hold back this time.
This website has gone off the deep end last few days lol
but anon I don't mind being called racist

schizo posters or people pretending to be schizo posters because they just hate this site so much lol
(570 KB, 606x463, b676caba5748e9e27a55bb59673b26956e22d0c0.png)
Every fucking thread lately be rantsing orange man bad about every fucking community under the sun and you know what I feel like people need to realize bad eggs does not mean bad people. Stop being dicks and generalizing shit to entire groups or fuckers instead of the one dumb ass being dumb. Also Be kind bring your neighbor a cup of sugar some lube and a dildo and have a fun time making a cake or something Patrick swayze style.
Yes and no. Every community has had annoying members, but the community is defined by if they tolerate those members or not. Furries are the old scourge but they only ever existed online and they have schismed between the ones who just want to enjoy their paraphilia and the ones who want to shove their shit everywhere it doesn’t belong. Nowadays they have learned to mostly keep their heads down and stick to the spaces that they have created.

Trannies on the other hand always march in lockstep with eachother. We can generalize about they easily because they literally all get their opinions from the same sources that we can track back in psychological literature to the 1950s (or beyond). They never denounce eachother or the ideas behind what they do, just cast out an individual from time to time who actually manages to get caught in pedophilia. But even doing so they still wave their flags and still say nothing about the problems they cause for others. All of them are bad, some of them are worse.
b-b-but berryfuckers bad!

in other news, chipchell has released yet another piece that is just a trace of the '05 factory scene. people still praise that pedo
(194 KB, 1861x1440, EqbV0tSXcAAW0pz.jpeg)
I don't care. Shit doesn't cum radiation about it!
For every bad egg there are 20 good ones honestly trying to find a reason to live on this cesspool planet and don't say or do a lick of shit harm to anyone. Every or any fucker you mention outside of the sick fucks that make the soo and map communitys are mostly judged by the schizophrenic outcryers who wine piss and shit themselves for attention. Leading idiots like all of you to blame or make conspiracy theories entire communities for the makings of said tards actions.

In my opinion
The left is dumb
The right is stupid
And all politicians of ever kind are snobby assholes.

Boo hoo trump scares you
Wah wah Biden twerked on your ice cream.


all I want to do is eat ass, blow bitches up like fat balloons and live my goddamn life.

WOE ME! You say? WOE a whole fist full of my fat Saiyan nuts up your tight buttholes!. Because I go deep and DRY!

Next time you want to argue some bullshit on the internet. I beg you to at least think with one single nut of a braincell who the other person on the end of the conversation is and if they truly are you're enemy or if the edibles are making you see shit again. Hell you know it's bad when somebody like me a Saiyan who's committed multiple war crimes against the multiverse is telling you to chill your shit! Because believe me if you don't I will know I will find you and the first thing I'm doing is twerking my giant cheeks on your dick

Why did mods lift the bann on these asn devices. Jesus christ. You schzios
Our """community""" is so bad we had to gaslight the Internet once who must not be named dropped.
today in this thread, retarded schizo complains about people complaining in a complain thread
Reddit is known for hating complaints and their mods will ban you for correcting them.
ok, this is gonna be a specific one, but threads for artists with public galleries. here's the thing, there are some artists who do make sense to make a thread for. maybe they deleted a bunch of public shit, and they're trying to make an archive or something, maybe they paywall like shit and they dont have a kemono page or anything, something like that. But if most of their work is readily available online in a DA gallery or itaku or some shit, why the fuck are we making an entire thread just to post their work in? at that point just go to their available gallery and look through there, its basically the same. like just looking through the catalogue now, that opik oort comic thread can go, that beltpop thread can probably go, and the thejuicystuff thread can go, all three have easily findable galleries and kemono pages.
It's spammers. Friendly reminder to redirect them to already existing threads. And ask the mod team to reduce the number of new threads to one a day. Once a bad thread gets deleted or one has already been made the spammer(s) can't post a new one.
>all i want to do is eat ass, blow bitches up like fat balloons and live my goddamn life.

Real as fuck. Based.
(118 KB, 750x747, 33f.jpg)
Eat my jolly green butt!

And some corrections while I'm at is
Zoo not soo and shit doesn't cum radiation should be shit piss and cum radiation about it.

That is all lick my cum ¢==3
This one asshole who used to be a friend but then decided to backstab me and call me a pedo even though we are only two years apart in age. Same Motherfucker got another one of my long time friends to backstab me and tried to get people on my ass all because they they themselves were doing art trades and other shit with 16 year olds. Because of that I was banned from three different [Popular Chat Program] servers because the mods blindly believed this asshole and never thought to ask "Hmmm, maybe this guy is full of shit?"

He also tried to cover up his tracks by deleting his messages in one server where he could also cherry-pick my words so he can play the victim, even though we weren't even that close to begin with. God I hope karma fucks them in the ass so hard that they pop IRL.
So u want to fuck him. Not his fault he found your nudes on the internet. Karma is you bending over taking the dick
Sound like he broke your heart.
Welcome to the club hoe sit down
Uhh any hint of who they are?
No. That's not it. Also I am Bi so I don't give a fuck about who I fuck (If I even wanted to fuck)
Via a knife.
Let's just say they "got some sauce"
Bold to assume I'm not already Bisexual.
Via a knife.
Let's just say they "got some sauce"
I find the whole argument on games and ai laughable you know majority of games are ai right? Scripts are ai. Programs Ai and guess what NPCs are basically fucking ai. Hell ai was developed because of years of programming knowledge and it exists because of programming algorithms which we have been developing for years. Yes in some cases an example it can be egregious. But it's a natural byproduct of coding! And has existed in other forms for YEARS so people really need to shut up about it
Posts getting deleted. This isn't 4chan. Deleting posts isn't a good look and can kill an image board.
I mean to be fair sometimes errors are corrected and I can see it justifiable to be able remove posts for that. Or sometimes people just post cringe. Honestly it's not like somebody's going to post a resume of war crimes or something so I don't think there's really nothing that dire to worry about.
Honestly, the war between this board, bbwalt, and bbfurries about to post where. For example, bbwalt hates make content, this board hates helluva boss/hazbin hotel inflation content while the thread on Bbwalt hates inflation. Is there any good place where we get the right content we enjoy?
Hearing male inflatees don’t belong anywhere
Being ignored when you put a new idea/scenario and no one just saying if it’s good or bad while not even exposing why it’s bad or good.
Like my idea about popping based transformation/corruption
I mean to be fair it's up to the individual to cast criticism on something or they just want to say hey cool idea and move on. Not everyone's going to respond to your ideas and complaining about such just makes you look entitled
Just ignore the dumbasses again for those complaining about that thread here should really go towards the other sub threads as at least this is One singular thread for everything while like I've pointed out before bbwfur and other places have one for each individual character if you're talking about things that are holding up boards more it's that. Or the fact that most other boards like to post things in categories of artists not characters. Granted sometimes it's all right and fine but other times it leads to thousands upon thousands of boards.

My point is it doesn't really matter too too much at the end of the day if anything people have a right to complain about the shorter dumber boards I guess that's fine but it's when people go after the bigger stuff that's been around so long that it's kind of become its own thing and I feel like everyone has a problem with it. It's existed nobody's complained about it before why complain about it now. Again I get people wanting to keep things short condensed sweet but you're not going to get that from going off of boards that have been around for months go after the ones that have been around for a day or two but yet again who knows maybe something interesting could be created of those as well? Put it this way if a board is inactive as shit and really absolutely pointless beyond belief then it's fine to say okay this is trash but again I never understood going after bigger boards are saying oh boo hoo furries.

Life is too short for fighting. Live it and find some way to create peace in between things while achieving your dreams
Less boards less problems.
Isn't there >>108240 (Cross-thread)?
You either need to invite anons or you need patience.
Anons who've never used 4chan tend to operate under the assumption that image boards are exactly like report my post.
Ignoring is exactly how we got into this mess.
NGL I love the report my post replacer. Godmods be godmods.
When people/reactors complain about an inflation scene in a CARTOON. Like it’s basic cartoon physics
>>114392 sadithabodi. Booty on this bitch.
You say that yet the boards that are always targeted cause less problems. The one inflation thread for hasbin and helluva boss or vizziepop general thread in inflation is doing less harm and taking up less threads than the 5 to 10 individual character threads in bbwfurries

Loona thread
Millie thread
Stollas thread
Octavia thread
There's at least 4 or 5 separate threads there go hit them up and leave the inflation one alone
The inflation thread is a general all characters male and female thread you don't get more condensed than a general thread
We have the best mod(s). Fatfags be jelly.
Tell them to share one thread. OPs who start threads which are too specific hate it when you tell them to share threads with others.
>>114466 now I know who sending me deep throat cock juggling junk mail to my personal. Any one seen the roast?
Slowly not caring for things in this community is fun. The only thing that did piss me off i'm slowly learning to let go and live life.
Not caring is how we almost lost this website.
When people put their cocks in my soup
elaborate, also for me, in terms of drama , i could care less. Right now i care about making my edits
You belong to me big booty.
(70 KB, 1100x1100, tragedy.jpeg)
i know we're on a site called "bbw chan" but this shit is just tragic
another reason to hate riddlercorps
To be fair I believe candii is also into the same kink I'm all fine with it as long as it's done healthy and with both parties true consent
Well lol is tricky characters like Rebecca from edgerunners age 20 and tatsumaki age 28 are technically lolis as well and are called that by said communities even though they are canon adults and not children and it isn't the only case
Frieren for example is 1,000 in elf years but is roughly in human age the way she acts 20/30 in age. Yet people coin her a granny loli lmfao.

Point is the term loli is so strange in definition to explain more or less it's practically a dumb joke in the anime community designed to rage bait normies. But yes there are suspicious lolis too and although I find it gross as you I don't condone taking it to the police because as Chris Hanson himself even said it's drawings and it takes sex crimes and units time away from trying to catch actual edps and predators from hurting or killing children.

Anyways I'm getting off topic but it's hard to ban this type of stuff because it's a anonymous image board where anyone can post freely and with anonymity you get bullshit idiots like those flooding in abundance.
Not much you can do outside of restriction privacy and start carding at the door but is d I s c o r D has taught me anything you can just as easily be hacked and has someone do same bullshit under someone else's face. It's a damned if you do or don't scenario that takes specific type of actions to fix
(43 KB, 1023x781, chipchellpedo.jpg)
nah chipchell's actually a pedo because what the fuck is this? with the braces too?
It piss me off to see shitty artists like PumpedUp00 or others doing uberinflations by copying the style of Enigma20xx or Daemonking without any shame just because they are too bad to have a least of originality.
Especially since his drawings are worthy of a kindergarten child and created without the slightest effort.
>go on board
>some jackass tries to make a thread for ACTUAL CHILD PORNOGRAPHY
It's like these fuckers are trying to get this place shut down.
It's a bot you retard, not an actual human. Though the berryfags must be happy there's CP on the board again.
My god father told me not to talk to anyone. Lord jesus now I see why. Fuck em
>brings up "berryfags" (lol wut) in irrelevant rant
They're on this board and they are child predators, what's irrelevant about it?
literally, these so called "berryfags" live rent free in these retards heads
(388 KB, 1170x1463, 1638424753258.jpg)
You demons really hate being dragged out into the light and exposed, I see.
The fact you call people "child predators" when you see blueberry inflation says more about you than anything else.
>>paul. Must be true your harddrive filled with child porn. Thats why you deleted all your ig content. I will murder your son and rape your wife
>>glenn cant detail for shit suck a dick.
>recognize known pedophiles as pedophiles
>erm ackshully YOU are the pedo

FreakinWeirdo is not sending his best. He's going to actually haul his crippled ass off the operating table to defend this shit himself instead of sending midwit cronies like yourself.
(34 KB, 566x714, 20230727_031727.jpg)
Did you take your meds, anon?
>"everyone with a blueberry fetish is a pedo cause the fetish started in a movie with kids!"
This is downright the most braindead logic I've heard in a long time. Anyone with a brain would look at you and laugh whilst dismissing your backwards argument.
There's the fact most of them are pedophiles in their own right independent of the actual movie. Or it always a coincidence berryfags more than any other body expansion sub-group is always in trouble with kids?
if that's the logic they wanna use, then whatever part of inflation they're into makes them pedophiles since it likely started with so-called "children's media" too
idk why those who hate berry art have to cope so much, kinda weird how obsessed they are
How much inflation art centers specifically on children to the extent berry does with Violet?
I have to agree with anons it like p balloons there origin is wario and I don't think majority of people out of a few have a warrior inflation fetish. Case in point just because it originated with violet doesn't mean it's anything but just another plain inflation scenario. The only reason I feel people are addicted to it so much is the juice the flavor of the juice the color changing aspect of the fruit expansion genre which mind you violet also spawned yet no watermelon or cherry inflation for example actually exists in canon.

And the virus aspects. The virtual spread of the contagious aspect probably being the broad appeal.

In majority of cases including the factory obsessed individuals it's the scenario that attracts them and a oc or another fictional character or something fills the place of violet usually of the adult variety
I won't disagree that some people for one reason or another are attracted to the fictional characters of the more disturbing variety but you can't generalize that to everyone even if a higher chunk of individuals lets humor you and say are into the fucked up shit at minimum they'll always be one who wont be so with this in mind we can not generalize it at all as berry fucker = pedo only the reverse pedo so happens to be a berry fucker

Hopefully that puts a end to the argument there not pedos because they like berry there fucked up just because
You fat now.
Eh adults have braces too and who knows maybe they have a nerd kink it could be either or.

Controversial hot take them liking asuka doesn't necessarily make them a pedo but them liking and wanting her as a teenager specifically does. Here me out and I'll explain why in vsauce style.

You see everyone has a fictional character waifu or two at least in their lifetimes as well as contributing the multiple factors in that characters like asuka are Japan based. In Japan in current day age of adult is 16 which is fucked up but not as fucked up as it was back when she was created where age of consent was as low as 13! A big yikes there but in resent time as been at least updated to 16 which isn't the best but isn't the worst as outside of USA most countries actually default to that unlike us who I think are the only ones to default it to 18+ or older. And hell some of our states like I believe Alabama? Default age of consent to 21! That's wilder to me but it's only two states.

But to me 18+ was how I was raised so it's always gonna be my standard. I'm getting off topic though but these variables to us that our strange are not in Japan which leads characters like asuka who I believe to be 16 kids to us adults to them but again I'm getting skitzo and off topic my point is there are a lot of fictional characters that are SUSPICIOUS to say the least and artists tend to go a aged up route for there childhood waifu s so that way they are if legal age when drawn.

Point is age is depicted in the eyes of the artists who draw these characters and aus. Now liking a waifu from your childhood doesn't necessarily make you a pedophile BUT specifically liking them as a child or teen and not imagining or depicting them in adult forms mean you specifically like them for being of child age and nothing else.

Therefore THAT that singular aspect makes you a suspicious baka that may be into some Chris Hanson behavior.

Now whether it's based in only fantasy or scary shit is its own case it could be just a fantasy any the person in question May not actually harm a child irl but that said it still doesn't mean the thought of them specifically wanting to fuck a teen even fictionally is none the less still fucked up and they should seek therapy or mental health as something is not firing right in their brains.

Tldr them liking a waifu not pedo it can be aged up. Them liking their waifu as a teen specifically and not aging them up very suspicious
Hear me out* first typo try again.
Dude, the P-Balloon came from Super Mario World, get your facts straight.
The age of consent and the age of adulthood are two different things.
Been to quiet let the trolls begin
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You typed out this rambling wall of dogshit just to do mental gymnastics for a guy boldfaced stating in that image he is attracted to child real life Violet and specifically acknowledging it's the 'fucked-up ness' about it that attracts him.
He is also a real life stalker who fantasized about killing someone and polishing their skull, and an outspoken communist who worships Satan (who he swears is trans) but he's in good company with other berryfags in that regard.
That's my point the fat it's not oh I like a fictional waifu and he's specifically stating he's into teens is the fucked up part again it's a bit of a dumb skitzo ramble but basically what I was pointing out. I'm not defending the guy I'm actually damning them further.

You like a fictional character that's fine not necessarily a pedo YOU SPECIFICALLY LIKE THE AS CHILD is pedo.

Apologies probably some errors there again just pointing out all berry fuckers aren't pedos pedos just so happen to be berry fuckers as hobbies. And yeah that last rant about fictional waifu s was kinda dumb. But I did say it was a hot take expect some dumb.
And like I said above we can all agree at least from how most of us were raised the age of adult is 18. But yeah I'm sorry for the dumb ill see myself out I think I made points clear apologies for the brain root in between
There's a solution for this but sadly the mods think an image boards needs to be run like a report my post channel.
There's a solution for this but sadly the mods think an image board needs to be run like a report my post channel.
there was another cp thread that was posted yesterday that the mods took their sweet fucking time to remove
No we are not doing accounts. Fuck off
Cause we aren't allowed to be away from the site for any amount of time. Right.
I mean, I don’t expect one person to dedicate their entire life to keeping an eye on it but you know, if there is more than one of you you guys should get on some kinda schedule so that someone is at least checking in during a block. You remember how inflatechan got taken down right? I’d rather that not happen here.
hey maybe if you guys did your job things like this wouldn't happen. guess you forgot you can hire more mods too
I will do it myself. Fuck em
I had to back down on the amount of hours I was putting in. Was 16 hours a day for a long time. It's still like 6 or more most days randomly, but that shit was wearing me out. It is super hard to find suitable people who can actually deal with this shit for any amount of time. I'm doing my best. Just sometimes you need to wait till I come back. Or just dm me on disco. That's by far the quickest way
Adults with autism, that’s it
Huh. Well fuck you janny. And keep up the good work.
Dude, read my post again. Disharmony is literally the last thing I'm implying.
No :^)
I'm kidding, godmod. Please stay. Also please unsticky the TMC, beg, and sauce threads. Rolling threads are really hard to archive.
Think fuck their only just roleplaying I thought for a second that someone was making fetish art of missing individuals and that shit I would have just kind of made me sad about humanity
(6.7 MB, 3287x3309, evie_balloon_by_edgeofmind_dee9di9.png) (1.2 MB, 3200x2832, fortnite_evie_blimp_by_edgeofmind_df991au.png) (1.1 MB, 2800x2376, kim_bloatable_by_edgeofmind_df3vbqz.png) (965 KB, 3033x3063, tinkerball_by_edgeofmind_dewuze7.png)
>deletes half his gallery with no explanation,
>most of the deleted pieces that are about on par or better than his recent uploads
>aggressively deleting every comment that points out half his gallery is missing

AI never would've done this.
is it because he kept inflating minors?
Maybe? If that were the case it wouldn't explain why clearly adult characters ended up getting caught in the crossfire.
Actually scratch that, he uploaded another Splatoon picture 3 days ago so stuff involving minors is clearly not the issue.
who cares this guys art looks like shit
You are a worthless bitch-ass nigga. Your life literally is as valuable as a summer ant. I'm just gonna stomp you, you're gonna keep coming back, I'm gonna seal up all my cracks, you're gonna keep coming back why? Because you keep smelling the syrup, you worthless bitch-ass nigga. You're gonna stay on my dick until you die. You serve no purpose in life. Your purpose in life is to be in my stream sucking on my dick daily. Your purpose in life is to be in that chat blowing a dick daily. Your life is nothing. You serve zero purpose. You should kill yourself NOW! And give somebody else a piece of that oxygen and ozone layer that's covered up so that we can breathe inside this blue trap bubble. Because what are you here for, to worship me? Kill yourself. I mean that with a hundred percent, with a thousand percent. I've never seen somebody so worthless in my life, I deadass have not seen such a more worthless nigga in my life. If he has kids, oh my god imagine if a nigga like that has kids. Like imagine. Imagine if somebody like that actually has kids I would feel so sorry for his children because the nigga literally serves no fucking purpose. Imagine a father: now, we got lots of niggas with wives and kids and shit that suck my dick daily on the internet, but imagine if this nigga actually had children. This nigga's devoting the time he could be spending with his kids checking out a black man on stream cucking over him relentlessly! It's crazy! I've never seen somebody so relentless to be seen. Somebody, somebody, somebody's value so worthless that they'll come into a fucking stream and keep coming in this bitch over and over and over and over and over and over again we keep banning you! Nigga let me, let me, let's do you a favor. Let's go to the 99-cent store let's pick out a rope together. I'm gonna give you an assisted suicide. Let's pick out a rope together, right, and we're gonna take all the greatest troll clips, put a tv screen right in front of you. I'm gonna hang that rope on top of the motherfucking garage. We're gonna forcefully, pry your eyes open, I don't even need to do that because you're on my dick daily. We're gonna pry your eyes open, and consistently watch clips over and over and over and over and over again. You're just gonna start going crazy, you're gonna start feeling crazy, just your eyes are gonna bleed, the retinas are gonna just start pouring out, pouring out blood veins and it's getting cracked and the veins and the retinas is just going to start engaging and bulging. Then, I'm going to grab that rope and say "Are you ready?" You're gonna say yes imma take it PULL it. Why you beg me? Beg me? And I mean beg me? To kill you? And choke you, choke the worthless life of your sorry ass until you fucking dead roped with a blue face nigga. Somebody like that needs to die, I guara-like, there's really no reason for him to be alive. Come on, my nigga, like, your life is worthless, just please kill yourself. Go outside, throw some steaks in a fucking alley and hope for that bunch of stray dogs come and just start chewing your fucking dick off, biting pieces off you and shit like that nigga, cause you, you literally just gotta go. Like get this nigga off earth.
Ptsd & superior complex disorder everyone. Judge?
Can we ban this schzio woman. Thanks.
Rest in peace. Vegas in july
Which character some of the idols like pearl and marina are in their 20s as well as a few others
I don't think that's relevant. At this point we're wandering into 1000 year old goddess territory.
>>109532 (OP)
The fact that there are entire cliques in this dumb community and quite a few of them have artists that get propped up by mentally ill tumblr assholes.
For example I commissioned an artist once for a wonka themed wg/inflation art which they were cool with at the time and turned out good but then months later they removed me after I suggested another wonka idea when they posted asking for ideas. Then when asked why they removed me they said it was because one of their friends said I favorited a couple morphs on DA which apparently was enough to make me out as a bad person in their eyes. Genuinely insane mentality.
Mods please let this stay up it's the funniest one yet.
Cops think ppl dont see their bullshit outside of work highest divorce rate for a reason ptsd & superior complexity disorder
Whhy you never leave when I lived alone? Oh scared another woman replace you. Ruined my fucking life
Nah honestly she looks so much better imo now. But I still hate them for coming onto this board years ago and scamming people out of thousands of dollars for a blueberry suit that they never used or filmed anything with while coming up with new excuses constantly. Apparently they can film shit for their patreon all the time but they can't deliver on something that the community literally paid them for?
>because one of their friends said I favorited a couple morphs on DA which apparently was enough to make me out as a bad person in their eyes. Genuinely insane mentality.
If you don't mind me asking what were the morphs
He's not the one deleting them. It's DA's stupud "moderation team" taking them down.
If that were the case then he wouldn't be deleting comments asking about them. He also wouldn't be deleting the pictures of off his twitter.
I honestly cant remember since they didn't even give specific examples. Probably was just popular stuff from people like bubble boop or burstoid or something.
>>109532 (OP)

>Using "Report my post" as a censor as if anybody fucking knows what the hell that means. From an outsider's perspective, it looks like some ESL is just fucking up grammar. Never has such a sensor been more reddit..

>Wonkafags. Nothing more to be said.

>Fat faces on solely body inflation pictures. If I wanted to see disgutingly freakish fat faces, I wouldn't in the first place. It doesn't belong and it's not pleasing to look at.

>Art being labeled as body inflation but clearly weight gain.

>Belly inflation alone is not appealing. Worst offenders are the ones have have stick figure bodies with just a circle tool at their abdomen.

>Helium is under-utilized as a vehicle of inflation. Most works are based around air, heavier-than-air, or liquid. High pitched voices can be hot if they emphasize the focus' predicament. Not a lot of art out there depicts body parts inflating with helium like how an inflated ball in a pool has a bouyant force; I want to see a girl's hips and backside being lifted over her head and shoulders, or even keeping her on her literal toes.

>Need more voluptuous milfs being inflated and expanded.
I see, actually shit lemme rant rq about Bubble Boom. I joined their patreon, and I don't like that I have to join the 20$ tier just to see all of the alternate celebs morphs packs that they've made. I'm already giving you my money to see your edits, why should I pay more to see what you've already made previously. Like am I tripping?
>Has a woman ever actually exploded?
In their defense it's not advocating it's asking.
for real, we were promised a full-length video of her as a blueberry, and so far the closest we have is this
Why the fuck is he just randomly deleting his pre-2020 pics?
Damn your feelings hurt. I can sense it
Thanks for this!! Damn shame we haven't gotten a full vid, she's so hot
Imagine cooming to some loser's wife and not feeling a deep sense of shame
Imagine creaming onto the mirror to get a taste of what self love is
>Art being labeled as body inflation but clearly weight gain.
I mean it's a yes and no thing technically water inflation is weight gain certain other substances like cream also weight gain and certain shapes are round yet give off bbw vibes. Honestly it's hard to describe but you can tell from pointing at an image yeah that's more weight gain that's more inflation and that one can be a combo of both
this but reversed for me, weight gain but they just look like reg full body inflation lol
There are too many milf celebs that need to be morphed
Tell them to see other threads. This makes thier butts hurt very much.

We really need to agree to a limited set of generalized thread and let every other specific thread die unbumped.
>The Hungry Lurker
His post about psychology and fetishism exudes nerd emoji energy, and I imagine he sounds like Whatifalthist.
>The Hungry Lurker
We don't claim that walking nerd emoji.
Andrew shut up before I murder in front of your door step.
>represent them
Just because you desperately want this to be true doesn't mean it is
God I love the Snoot saga.

Long and drawn out, probably a little wrong, rundown for anyone unaware, as I'm burning off time IRL while I wait for something:
>Goodbye Volcano High is announced for the PS5 as a kind of early release game (launch title, I think?) made by an indie company
>it's a VN about anthro dinosaur high schoolers making good use of their time as it's implied the meteor is coming soon
>game stars basically every letter of the LGBT alphabet, which irritates people, but the graphics look nice. Mixed reception
>GVH misses deadline after deadline, constant delays
>devs get fussy about people mistaking their female-looking, boobed main character (non-binary, I think?) as a girl, and deflects all criticism about the delays as being from evil bigots who just hate the LGBT
>Cavemananon is like "bro, VNs are easy, this game is never coming out, I bet I can make GVH better and faster" or something like that, IDK
>he works on Snoot Game, basically a half-parody, half-serious take on what GVH might be
>KO_OP, the devs of GVH throw a pissy fit about Snoot Game, start slinging out "theft" and whatever accusations even though SG is all custom art and GVH doesn't exist yet
>journalists join in on the dumping on Snoot fans, making the tantrums louder and echoing the unfounded -ist and -ism screeches
>at this point, only the "enby uwu" people and "plays anything with the LGBT tag" people are left caring about GVH, not even the Sony fans begging for PS5 to finally have a game
>KO_OP notices people like Cavemananon's take on Fang (the main character from GVH), so they make subtle tweaks to Fang's design and release a teaser GIF of Fang in only a towel, like KO_OP is desperate and needy for attention
>GVH is delayed further. Also KO_OP hires an outside analyst from Sweet Baby Inc at some point around here, which anyone that knows about SBI knows this is a red flag
>Snoot Game continues to be super popular within the "furries that also play VNs" niche, and GVH is 100% dead, social media wise
>SG fully releases, people love it
>[time skip]
>GVH releases to cricket chirps, outside of some complaints that the game is even MORE LGBT+ than it was before, basically 90%+, to the point where there's a theory that someone (probably SBI) had a literal checklist for CO_OP to fill out and implement
>30 dollars for a short VN
>there isn't even a meteor
>GVH is comically short and leans mediocre, but is propped up by reviews praising the LGBT inclusion
>all-time Steam peak of 250 players despite many sales, as low as about -70% off
>only about 1.3k reviews on Steam
>Cavemananon makes a new game, kinda like Snoot Game 2.0 but not making fun of CO_OP
>I Wani Hug That Gator
>15 dollars
>all-time Steam peak of about 750 players
>2k reviews, and has an overall higher rating by about 10%
They're not advocating for it, they're finding sources of people who've had it happen, and possibly seeing recordings of it out of morbid curiosity.
There's a difference between watching crime shows and being invested in it, to actually committing those crimes.

>>109532 (OP)
1. Inflatees dropping inflation to switch to stuffing / WG.
2. Inflatees pushing their limits again and again to dangerous levels, then suddenly disappearing from the internet (maybe dead/injured?) Bonus points if people told them to stop and they didn't.
3. Inflation artists that suddenly get into head inflation or weird shapes for some reason.
4. DMs from idiot roleplayers who only say "hi", and if you interact with them at all they talk your ear off for a week in one long one-sided conversation, then swear up and down that you are their best friend (unironically), and that you should draw their requests.
5. The "teen" tag on porn sites like Pornhub, because it's dirty as fuck for ""18"" year olds to get used and abused so young, and that I find it sus when an 18 year old knows all the ins and outs of porn already.
6. People so violently offended by AI that they go around accusing anyone with any art problems/inconsistencies as AI.
7. Foreign artists who regularly make one typo literally hundreds of times over years, despite people correcting them.
8. Commissioners that comm hundreds of artists to do the same scene with the same characters over and over, sometimes even with the same dialogue and clothes.
>Commissioners that comm hundreds of artists to do the same scene with the same characters over and over, sometimes even with the same dialogue and clothes.

Like fucking Anoninflator jesus
I never understood the appeal of head inflation
>>109532 (OP)
everyone and their mother drawing that stupid purple racoon
(555 KB, 1170x923, truth.jpg)
pov: you're a leftist artist on twitter
Neither I do Anon, but for real, who the fuck finds anything attractive in the head swelling up?
Go back to the supermarket with that attitude bitches
And this is so true lmao!
Especially when it's the eyes that shit is uncomfortable to look at
Aaand the CP is back. Berryfags, please, you need to control yourselves!
fr, "berryfags" live rent free in so many minds
Shouldn't you be at FreakinWeirdo's bedside holding his hand after his back surgery?
I think it's just one guy.
It is just one guy
He used to be in 4chan, got the berry threads banned there several times by going on a spergout and spamming berry porn on every other thread
In case him holding onto a grudge from the fucking Yahoo Groups era wasn't testament enough of his mental illness
Amazing you'd rather indulge in a conspiracy theory it was all a false flag rather than admit the berry threads got banned on their own merits of trolling other threads.
Awful coincidence in all the years the threads were active on /d/, "their trolling" only ever started in the years when the schizo started posting, and they only took place when the schizo was active
But sure, talk to me about conspiracies some more, won't you?
Sexiest agent I have seen in 25 years.
Completely skewed perspective. The 'schizo' started at the same time as the threads becoming regular occurrences and the likes of retards like Undertaker starting their little crusade against slob and brap because an alleged brapfag dared to criticize him. If it were a single troll the mods would have simply banned him alone instead of ALL the threads. There was clearly cause for it.
lol don't bother arguing with these morons, they aren't willing to accept the truth
berryfags on top
>Art being labeled as body inflation but clearly weight gain.
we still be mangapunksai maxxing in the year of our lord 2024

you're forgetting the best part:
>KO_OP delayed GVH to rewrite the ENTIRE game because the original lead writer was cancelled for writing a kotaku article glorifying Harry Potter fan porn
and then one anon and his autism defeated a semi-major studio backed by motherfucking sony

the only GOOD artist who is a loud, dumbass shitlib on twitter is dj bapho
but he never draws anymore so nothing was really lost there

the only time I fuck with a little bit of head inflation is if the person is so fucking inflated that the air has nowhere else to go (the story Uber Beach by zumberge comes to mind)
but artists who go there aren't that subtle, unfortunately, and I generally hate what artists consider "uber" inflation

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