
(36 KB, 474x317, OIP (1).jpg) (839 KB, 1800x1141, 764694.jpg)
Jesus Christ you pedo piece of shit, you do realize that this is a place to post porn right? That means thing you can masturbate too. Strangely enough me and the whole of the civilized world seem to agree that you're posting the equivalent to beheading videos shown by cartels.
Please remember; god hates you, you will die alone, pedo, and when you die you will spend the rest of eternity in a state of pain that the mortal form can't even comprehend. Eternity means forever by the by. I know you can barley read you gooning child-fucker but at this point this dissertation is more of a moral crusade against literal human excrement, like you. And your parents, and your parents parents. All shitty people who deserve to burn in hell.

>Pics related, this is a child suffering thread right? We allow this here. Right? (He asks reporting the thread for the 5th time)
Well said, fuck him fuck them pedos !
Cannot believe i had to see that horrible picture even really small to write a message to that fucking degenerate.
right now i really reduce in windowed mode so i don't see what's directly underscroll.

seeing people arguing for nothing on this forum is annoying, but this is a whole another filth can of dirty worms to encounter horrible shit when you just want to check from time to time on this forum.

Please, just kill yourself.

Or be at least somewhat useful in prison by being bullied and kicked the shit out of you on a daily basis. At least the other inmates will vent their frustration.
>>107894 (OP)
Finally some good stuff. I miss inflatechan when it was more common for CP to be around.

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