
>>107244 (OP)
Do you really think there's enough content for 400 posts?
There's a video game thread for video games. We have limited catalog space so making a new threads can kill a thread before it can be archived.
My opinion.. maybe? I mean it's 2b, she's got as much of a following as samus sexually. Again if there isn't enough some 9s or do as in the old days of inflatechan. Make you're damn own, bring life yourself into a otherwise useless thread! So if these threads are garbage yes. But some can be salvaged with community involvement.

Like they always say
> Turn one bad apple into a bunch of of floating tree frog ladies
It'd be much easier to bring life to this place if the website was much more normie-friendly like 4chan or 2chan, for Americans and ESL respectively.
Everybody always calling out 4chan lol. And what do you mean by that? Is this fetish too disturbing for normies lol? Honestly I've seen worse! Inflation is tamer that feet! So how is it not normies friendly. But my point wasn't talking about 4chan. I was talking about inflate chan the predecessor of this website. And how the community came together to actually build shit! Instead of whining and complaining about it. Only thread lately that's come close is the male thread (mind you a lot of talk about popping politics like Nazis, fascists etc.) but still the artists are having fun and getting their freak on, keeping it alive and thriving every day before 5!

It's all about the right mindset really. You wanna be more like "4chan(but mildly toned down offensive wise) start drawing crazy shit or posting finds more often. Instead of complaining about shit threads which everyone does BUILD GODDAMN SOMETHING!

4chan works because of teamwork. More or less. Inflate Chan thrived by its many MANY artists making interesting shit everyday MIND YOU FOR FREE! To keep shit alive. Be more interactive than bitchy and the community with thrive people!
Also message for the non active artists lurking. Please get off your asses and help build bbwchan into something fucking beautiful!

And to artists who work there ass off to keep things fresh and juicy. THANK YOU! THANK YOU ALL FROM AT LEAST THE BOTTOM OF THIS ANONS HEART!

do more people. Don't be a berry bitch crybaby whiney about how shits just dumb. DUMBNESS US EVERYWHERE! Maybe try some good shitpostish behavior and you'll get some balloony bitches on your dick with that yee yee ass blimpy berry bitch flavoured haircut of yours

>calling out
That's why it's getting more popular with normies and it's a two-edged sword.
>too disturbing for normies
Yes. However many normies like inflation if it's NOT sexual and cute and you can get them to draw.
There are two fates for every image board: die from inactivity or fail to keep the servers running and BBWchan came close to Inflatechan's fate.
>whining and complaining
You'd be surprised how old this tactic is to get normies to participate. Don't snitch.
>mildly toned down
Everybody only knows about the chaos on the safe-for-work blue board. Do you know the meme about 4channers fighting but coming together in a circle when it's about porn? Also I doubt the rabid trolls like what we like so we can invite them and they'll run AWAY from us.
First we need to reduce the bloat. Ironic, I know.
>too disturbing for normies
>Yes. However many normies like inflation if it's NOT sexual and cute and you can get them to draw.

It's still a kink. On a board on a site dedicated to semi-related kinks. There's going to be sexualized content.

Then again, too many people, especially Americans, are prudes in general.
Hey all I'm saying is we can get more traffic if the website looked a lot more like 4chan.

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