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I always see guys inflate insanely fast with compressors. Has anyone ever seen any women blow up with compressors or anything fast before? I've seen relatively quickish inflations occasionally, but never fast ones like this guy. You can actualy see the inflation, like a real ballon and not gradual. Other than the old oncedeli one everyone has seen.
>>104812 (OP)
Thats cause the guy used a compressor. Women are just chickenshit when it comes to anything remotely risky or squeamish. They wont use compressors, they wont do subcutaneous inflation, they wouldnt dare body mod unless its a breast implant. They drink a soda, inflate with an enema bag, and maybe wear a prosthetic fake ass. If you want anything good, fast, and unique, its all fucking guys.
>>104812 (OP)
For whatever reason male inflators are far more willing to try new methods and push limits. I've seem countless compressor inflations and they're exclusively male, hell some guy used an air hose at a gas station designed to pump up tyres and fully inflates in about 3 seconds. But women? Nothing like that at all.
I think us guys are way more open to higher pressure inflation up the ass because our prostate loves the sensation
Speaking from experience with a big boy helium tank it's a serious rush you do not get from swallowing air or guzzling soda, especially if you take the right steps to minimize cramps and nausea

Oncedeli and inflatingpeanut were the only ladies I know of who did fast actual inflations

>hell some guy used an air hose at a gas station designed to pump up tyres and fully inflates in about 3 seconds
A54 is a bold fucker
Desantis stepping down was the squeeze the country needed.
I still think hes insane for doing that cuz im pretty sure those places have cameras, no way a tire pump is clean enough to put up there, and he ran the risk of getting caught by an employee or just some random.
He be whooping his wife ass lmao all that ass she got idk why probably provoking his deunk ass
I concur.she used to always visit in a g string
>>Quick way to become confetti and meet balloon jesus

>subcutaneous inflation
Who the fuck is retarded enough to do that? Is that a thing?
I don't think intentionally lol. A few accidents for sure though. There was one where a truck driver fell on a compressor needle or something, it penetrated the skin and possibly went deeper cuz his fat and skin separated in some places I think. I can't remember all the details. Anyway, hopefully no one is doing that on purpose, would be an awkward trip to the ER.
its a very common thing, people use a needle to inflate the skin, like their scrotum, dick, belly, ass, and thighs, it gets you alot bigger than anal inflation, and is so much more pleasing

you dont know the joy of jerking off with an inflated dick
One of these fuckers is going to explode and end up in a Whang video
sticking needles in yourself for a kink is kind of concerning
Ive seen much worse. Theres plenty of people who do far more grotesques needle related shenanigans. Piecing dicks, their own nuts. Rerouting their urethra. Id consider this tame, or at the very least the same side of extreme.
being concerned is your problem man.
go gaslight somewhere else.
How the fuck is that gaslighting?
>>105816 (Cross-thread)
I'm surprised it hasn't happened already, at least the second part, I'm sure plenty of dumbass inflatees have already turned themselves into red gooey chunks.
yeah, the ballsack saline and N2O shit requires some actual precision to get it right, one wrong prick and it could actually spell death (gases in your blood WILL stop your heart)

your GI tract is tough and already made to stretch pretty well, just use that

don't be retarded and kill yourself to get your rocks off, anon
you people are real pansies to look at a needle and blindly say people are risking death for this, no dumbass pumps shit into a vein without realizing it
There's no way you can say that injecting gas into your body centimeters away from your bloodstream isn't dangerous. That's pure coomer cope.
Idk if this is the place to ask but whats the best way to inflate that replicates that feeling when your cock gets heavy and sensitive during a erection? Is there a way for that feeling to go into your belly?
Saline inflation, it can make your cock magnitudes more sensitive and heavy too
oh shit I was just browsing and didn't expect one of my videos to make it here. Hi yeah I do N2O inflations pretty frequently and have pushed some limits.

Yes it has risks, but they can easily be mitigated. Even in the off chance that a vein is poked directly, it requires more gas than one would think to stop a heart. Yes, it is to be avoided, but in reality the risk is not too great if you're not a moron.

If any of y'all have questions lmk

I have many questions.

1. Where do you get your n2o?
2. What do you use to inject it?
3. What does it feel like (during and after)?
4. How deep below the skin do you go?
5. What are the long term effects?
6. Does the body absorb it, and do you get any kind of nitrous high?
7. Have you ever done subcutaneous alongside internal inflation and/or chugging?
8. Where did you learn to do that?
this is the kind of thing that should be here, not whinging and gaslighting, karen-ish sounding ignorant nonsense about "dangers" from trolls.

good going, guys.
1: I get it off Amazon, it's the same N2O used for whipped cream making
2: IV equipment hooked up to a whipped cream dispenser, I use 20 gauge needles inserted into the subcutaneous layer
3: During it feels tingly and tight. After as it settles it feels smooth and tight. Makes a soft crackling sound if you move around.
4: Not deep at all, above the muscle and fascia. The gas fills the empty space in the fat tissue.
5: None, as far as I'm aware. The gas absorbs within hours. Worst thing I've have had is a hematoma that went away.
6: Yes, and no
7: I've not. The reason I do subcutaneous inflation is because anal inflation hasn't worked for me for a long time.
8: A friend introduced me to this stuff first by mentioning saline infusion, and then i found more information on the newart forums
>>104812 (OP)
Imagine if a woman did a n02 inflation with her boobs or even better, her butt. Just hundreds of guys doing it. Not that its a bad thing, I'd just love to see a lady do it. I've seen women do saline a bunch before but n02 would be so sexy.
DennaDoll inflated her boobs and butt with saline or something similar. I've been looking for those butt vids for a while but they're kinda hard to come by.
I have those vids. Just lay for her website to acsess. Quite cheap. But it's just saline. I've never seen n02 with a woman before
The link doesn't seem to work for me sadly. I'd love to see n02 boobs. Well done sir. Maybe we'll get a video one day, seeing a woman's boobs inflate like balloons in real time with n02. I doubt it though.
you gotta remove the space between the dot and com
Oh my bad. I didn't notice. Woah that's awesome. I bet you both had a ton of fun. Did they fill up quickly? I'm with those guys, A video would be amazing! My wife does belly inflations for me but I'm not sure she'd do n02. If she does I'll upload here. Thanks for sharing.
What I'd definitely recommend is taking some tylenol before inflating, but there will be some discomfort, it eventually subsides, and the N2O is reabsorbed within roughly 1-2 hours

it may be that you have to inflate in small amounts, slowly working your way up over time, my body used to be a lot more sensitive to N2O, and not in a good way, but I've adjusted to it a lot more over the years so it's much more comfortable
fuck, he just protected his account. anybody got an archive?

re-up? missed the window
Jesus christ dude, save some luck for the rest of us. This is incredible. How did you make this work mechanically?
We'll never see anything like this ever again. And NEVER see a video of it happening... Thanks for sharing
Anyone have Biggest_B's Recent videos on Onlyfans?
THIS. We must somehow stop new posters from making new threads.

I mean if I get another gf and introduce her to this eventually, I'll post pics if she'll let me.

as for how the inflation setup I have works, basically I have a CO2 Charger diffuser/discharger that can also discharge N2O chargers. Threading a 21g needle tube directly into the nozzle of the discharger, allowing the released gas to pass directly through the needle and underneath the skin.
New objective: time to support Anon to get into a relationship with a new balloon.
So thats open marriage she b/g? Send her
I think guys are just way kinkier when it comes to doing anything physical, i.e. like sounding or cbt. I've seen women that can be that way but usually i see them stick with fictional stuff like books, smut, etc
I like to make the pussy go braaaap
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I feel like the self-righteous bull is kind of just getting dumb. Honestly if you go after the threads that barely have anything in it versus going after ones like this that have been active for awhile and have genuine conversations with genuine users that you will otherwise scare off by just deleting entirely.

Seriously as long as people are being active and actually doing something worthwhile than what's the problem as long as it ain't just people yapping and bitching and they're actually doing something useful. Also we need to suggest alternate threads please think hard before you try to merge a thread together I remember some dumbass in vtuber thread suggested we merged it with fucking cartoons versus storytime tubers which would be a much more fitting merger!

Think about it YouTube animators and vtubers bit much better together than vtubers in a thread about cartoon network waifus. It's clearly different enough where you can't just throw it in a anime general because it has a specific enough niche but like I just suggested animators and vtubers are similar enough to be merge together.

And again another reason why it's so dumb as I'm sick of this opinion that anime is just fucking kids cartoons you have to be a special kind of stupid to lump dark r rated horror like berserk WITH GRAPHIC RAPES SCENES with any kind of Naruto and dragon Ball or even cartoon network junk!

Hell those two anime have hell of gore too! Dragon ball has a guy like cell that drains the meat from your skin until your a pancake and majin buu who force-feeds himself deep inside you until your inflatable ass bubble bursts!

And granted they're more palatable for general audiences but THESE ARE NOT PRESCHOOL SHOWS don't be dumb and lump them with such!

And one last point this is the most important of all this is probably the most important thing in the universe.


Okay I'm done all points made.
Also yeah I know cartoon network shows aren't preschool shows it's just a figure of speech. Also lick my cum!
A lot, usually inflating too fast hurts you and makes you cramp, your intestins need time to adjust to the air inside you, thats why inflating slowly is always recomended
anybody bought/seen the content he has for sale?
Has someone inflated so fast that their bellybutton pops out.
It doesn't have to be fast, but yes that can happen, some even leak outta their bellybutton.
you can't leak air out of your bellybutton
If your leaking air out of your bellybutton, then,

A. Your intestines are porous and they are leaking air, shit, and bacteria into the rest of your body

B. Your belly button is incredibly thin, and could probably be accidentally pierced, or is also porous and would be letting in all kinds of shit from the outside world
That's utter rubbish, you can't leak air from your belly button, that only happens in art.
not exactly the same, but iirc A54 leaked saline or something out of his belly button
Because he fucking poked a hole through it!
Speed is irrelevant, so is size, kinda.
The biggest factor for if someone can get their navel to pop out is how the doctor tied their umbilical cord when they were born. My doctor did a shit job and hardly gave it any slack, so I've got about as innie of an innie as possible.
I don't really care for males, but guys will almost exclusively use air compressors and it leads to many conflicting faps for me. There is inflataby on pornhub, and there's this guy I watch that has a lot of loose compressor inflations named Enemamanuk, his largest catalogs are on his gay xhamster. He has more videos that span over a decade, but they're scattered.

I love fast inflations though. If I participated in inflating and not just watching them, I would deffinately go the air compressor route. I assume it takes a lot of time to work up to an actual size, but man, that has to feel good. Stretching your insides so fast HAS to cause you to cum. If only I could find a small and discreet compressor lol, maybe i'd start participating in inflation more than just jacking off to it
you can easily do it with a garden spreyer, they inflate you really fast if you pump them up to the max capacity
It's really not that risky. You're not just going to suddenly pop out of nowhere. You'd have to push past SO much pain in order to get to that point, you literally wouldn't be able to continue. Your survival instict would make you yank the hose out before you got anywhere near close to popping or even injuring yourself. The only stories where people have actually injured themselves while inflating are from people who have ignored the pain on purpose.
i swear, biggest_belly be testing me
there was also inflation station on yt, of all places. he was just plain hot, not even gonna lie
As long as the dude its not super hairy I can fap to their belly lol
Enough of men I want women inflators females sweet Christ on a crack I don’t want to see any more male or trans inflators they are fucking everywhere can we just have more regular women inflators that’s all I ask for.
Better to not go out at all; at least with women's methods you pose little risk at all to "go out".
chill dude if you want woman inflation just look in another thread don’t need to be transphobic
On the one hand, I agree wholeheartedly and only tolerate inflating women. I wish more women got bigger, faster.

On the other hand, this thread was never stated to be women only (the OP's example video is with a dude), and fast inflations are really only common with men since men inflate a lot better than women do and are more willing to do crazier inflation.
I mean, OP WANTS female inflation, but good fuckin' luck.

>>104812 (OP)
Oncedeli wasn't even that great of an inflatee, she was just a good "actress". She was fat, sucked her gut in at the beginning of each video, then let her stomach out as she inflated, then she'd slowly lean closer to the camera to make herself look bigger.
Your best bet for fast female inflation is to find videos of timelapses of their inflation, videos that are sped up, or the most rare, videos sped up but stabilized.
Also it's not transphobic to not want to see trans people in porn. Outside of the best of the best of the best doubling down with masterful surgeries, carefully managed diet&exercise, bone altering surgeries, and well-controlled skincare routines, MtFs just look like shaved dudes with tits, especially naked. Some counteract that with a beauty filter, but that generally just makes them look plasticky and artificial.

It's not a crime to be straight.
Well is and isn't

Isn't it you in preference don't wanna see it in your porn which is fair things should have labels as everyone is attracted to different things.

But is if you specifically don't want them at all in porn just because it exists doesn't mean you have to watch it. I agree you shouldn't be catfished though. That's a fair point. But depends on what you mean
But no it's not a crime to be straight or bi and I argue cis individuals are probably secondary biased over in communities with bi people being the biggest of any minority in the lgbt but straight and bi are included and should equally be respected too just as much as trans or any other individuals. That's true equality and disagreement in this is classic segregation
Trannies always squeal and squeal about how much they want to be accepted, but then go and demonize being normal with normal tastes. Why we haven't outlawed these circus freaks yet is beyond me.
This thread keeps devolving into chimpery. Forget whatever you're all currently talking about, Anyone got any stories about times they filled themselves up quickly to a massive size and were able to watch their body grow before their eyes? What did it feel like to be so big (Mentally and physically) by the end?
Calm the fuck down, Tate. Don't you have a Greta Thunberg to bitch at or somethin?
Don't you have kids to groom or somethin?

Go inspect some 8 year old to make sure they're a girl

Nothing weird about that!
Sounds like tranny behavior. Of course you'd know something about that.
Y'all are pedophile trannies, go fuck yourselves
Because there's so many of them in this fetish and nobody is fucking doing anything about it.
How does that 40% suicide rate taste?
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The problem is some people don't make the connection between gender and body. If a man can't get a boner he's less of a man. If a woman can't get pregnant she's less of a woman.
If you were born unable to get a boner you're not a man. Period.
If you were born unable to get pregnant you're not a woman. Period.

You can believe evolution dissed the alternative or a god has decided it's man+woman and woman+man. Going against both is just plain dumb and ignorant.
We are reaching /pol/ levels of unhinged in this thread.
uh that doesn't say anything about a 40% suicide rate
Ijust wanna see people inflationg fast man...
For god's sake, can we please go back to grilling?

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