
(95 KB, 307x300, kngcrmsn.jpeg)
We've gotta get this thread problem fixed,and we need to discuss it here. We need to figure out what really belongs in this board or instead belongs in /bbwalt/ or /ee/. We can't just keep making threads for specific movie scenes like 'Mrs. Fatbastard 2008 inflation' or specific expansion types like 'Potassium inflation' or shit like that. We have to discuss what really warrants a thread,what really belongs here or on another board,or how to compile multiple threads into a single topic thread (among other things).

I hope we can discuss this in a civil way (Although,let's be honest,there's probably going to be some flame wars fought here anyways) and figure out how to fix this. Although I should probably mention that I may not partake in this thread I have made,since arguing and discussion is not my strong suit. I will leave the discussion to all of you and observe,apologies if it seems like I'm just leaving this thread here for you all to deal with.

Here's to hoping we can figure this out,anons. (Picture unrelated)
The irony of making a garbage thread to complain about garbage threads...
I say this from a place of experience and not out of hostility; stop being autistic about it.

Let the moderators do what they're going to do, let the community exist on the loose rules it's going to exist on, and relax. If it really offends you that much, report the thread and move on. Either the moderators will appreciate your bringing it to their attention and remove it, or they'll eventually get sick of your shit and ban you.

Stressing over it isn't the right choice.

"But people keep making stupid threads and not following the community rules and it's deleting good threads and-"

Eternal September. Look it up. tl;dr yeah, they're going to do that, and it's never going to stop happening unless you make the community so fucking hostile and hard to approach that no one does and it stagnates and dies.

To be honest,I don't care about rules. I just wish to stop this issue so others stop complaining about it. I apologize if creating this thread was the wrong thing to do and I apologize for any further escalations that come from this thread. I'm going to be honest,someone was bound to create this thread at some point regardless. Doesn't justify anything,but I thought I should bring it up.
Its honestly annoying hearing the non-stop whining about threads.

No, unless its straight CP or endless spam, they aren't getting removed. Id rather have dozens of specific threads, then have to search enormous threads for highly specific pictures. If your offended by specificity, ignore all threads and only use the overboard you fucking child.

If a thread is useless, then it sinks to the bottom of the page. Who the fuck cares? Would you rather have the same guy bump an active thread fifty times asking for the same image?

Seriously, is there any reason that new threads are that bad? Other than clueless idiots duplicating existing threads with a reworded premise, why the fuck is it such a problem? "Oh no, this guy made an Elastigirl thread, BUT we already have a Disney thread!!! Am I expected to have to check BOTH for hot Elastiagirl SFM garbage, AND the Disney thread for my Rapunzel fix?!!"
brenda thread got this sperg seething
>>103647 (OP)
Nigga just hates alien pregnancy that’s all
Is it possible to sort threads by the size or popularity, so they wouldn't be erased ?
I agree ,that putting everything in one bucket isn't fun ,but considering the limited number of threads, creating new empty ones just deletes often better and bigger threads and collected content is lost and replaced with scraps, so unless we get more server space ,we have to live it and reduce number of specific topics, to preserve ,what already is on page.
>>103688 dmv, ezpass, fuel, goods, & food. We are all doomed prices are going up and staying up. Not once in historical data has prices fallen. Make more money. All I can honestly say. The world want us to be poor. Make more. Don't save. MAKE MORE.
Second I'd seen it go up I knew somebody was gonna go ape shit. And the fact that it keeps getting bumped has just been even more hilarious.
Precisely. I think at this point they've pretty much recognised 'oh shit, people aren't liking the fact we're polluting the board with shitty threads' so they're now being pseudo intellectuals and talking about how we're at fault.
Potassium inflation sounds like a slow and painful way to a heart attack

Honestly what the heck is that and please tell me it's not a real thing
>>103647 (OP)
Do you know what we need?
Reboot this website and start fresh with less board.
Are you autistic or have you been born after 2000?
How do you convince mods to take up moderating? Make moderating take less time?
higher salaries, free cars, silk bedsheets and discounts on escort services.
if you haven't noticed their work yet: good.
I was thinking about using my work experience to give them advice for free.
>>103647 (OP)
Unrelated but, I was surprised to see King Crimson while I just came here to jack off.
>>103647 (OP)
There are like 7 people on any given post on the board at maximum, the other 20 or so are using the beg thread almost exclusively. It's really not a problem because basically nobody's using this website.
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>basically nobody's using this website
website... interesting statistics.
maybe the >>>/inf/ board is sneaking along. other boards seem to be "slightly" more active, which changes the average of the entire website.
Restricting new threads to one every twenty four hours can only improve our situation.

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